About Huachuma
About Huachuma
About Huachuma
ceremony began take on certain characteristics of the Catholic ceremony including the
appearance of pictures and carvings of saints, Jesus Christ, and the Virgin Mary, as well as
the Christian cross.
These icons of Catholicism served two purposes The first was to legitimize the pagan
ceremony by dressing it in more acceptable religious attire to the prevailing Spanish
governance. But there was also another reason. The powerful metaphor of the shamanic
mind and heart was not blind to the true meaning of the Christian message. When seen
through the eyes of the shaman, Jesus Christ is the metaphor for all humanity and the
quintessential shaman Santa Maria is the metaphor for Pachamama, Mother Earth. And
the Holy Spirit is, of course, the Sacred Spirit that is in all things. The essence of eternal
life. The Holy Spirit is One.
Maestro huachumeros claim that much of the knowledge and insightsthey possess comes
directly from the plants themselves. Maestro huachumeros are pure animists in believing
that all aspects of creation, from the elements to mountains and stones, as well as plants and
animals are all living conscious entities, each at their magnitude of existence from infinity
to infinity.
The effects of Huachuma are considered by many to be more pleasant than those of peyote.
If properly prepared, it tastes very bitter. Properly prepared Huachuma medicine is dark
brown in color, similar to coca cola. Its effects are felt within 1-2 hours of ingestion and can
last up to 15 hours. When the experience fully takes hold it may seem overwhelming or
tranquil depending on the energy of the setting and the skill of the presiding maestro. A
dreaming state is felt accompanied by lethargy. Then a slight dizziness is experienced,
followed by a clearing of all the faculties. A light numbness is felt in the body and
afterward a tranquillity. And then comes detachment, a type of visual force, including all
the senses as well as the sixth sense, the telepathic sense of transmitting oneself across time
and matter, a kind of removal of ones thought to a distant dimension. Other potential
effects include intense sensitivity to light, for instance being able to see and feel every ray
of light. People and things may also be seen to radiate. Long lost memories may come
back, being able to hear and see far off sounds and voices. Emotions may also be
experienced such as laughing, crying, screaming, pleasure, fear, and love in all its forms.
About The Chavn Mesas dedicated to holistic healing and universal consciousness.
Mesa of the Serpent. Amazonian Culture. The Water Mesa of the Shamanic Lower World
the womb of the soul. Where Chavn Consciousness begins. Powerful healing energy of
the Divine Feminine uniting with ancient grandfather wisdom of the Andesa amidst the
verdant organic splendor of the Amazon. Primary elemental energy is water.
Mesa of the Puma. Inca Civilization. The Mesa of the Shamanic Middle World.
Realizing the spiritual world in which we live NOW. Understanding and reconciling our
human nature and gaining knowledge of our trajectory. Primary elemental energies arre
earth and fire.
Mesa of the Condor. Inka Civilization. The Mesa of the Shamanic Upper World.
Realizing ascending communion with the Spirit of Nature and Cosmos. Primary elemental
energies are earth, air, fire and water.
Mesa of Death. Lambayeque Culture. A Fire Mesa at the 1,000 year-old Lambayeque city
of pyramids at Tcume, near Chiclayo, a center of contemporary San Pedro mesa
Understanding Death what it is and what it isnt. The conquest of fear. Primary elemental
energy is fire.
Mesa of Power and Sorcery. Moche (Mochica) Civilization.The electrifying Moche Mesa
of Power and Sorcery near ancient 1,600 year-old Moche ceremonial mesa pyramids,
one a site of human sacrifice to propitiate the awesome power of the El Nio on the
northern coast of Per done with honor, courage, and love for the good of all a
challenging but necessary test in the quest for knowledge and understanding of the human
experience. Contemplating the nature of Power Must it always corrupt? What are the
benefits and risks? Can you stand the test? Primary elemental energies are wind and sea.
Mesa of Healing and Transformation. Chavn Civilization. Up the ascending stairway to the
gallery of the Lanzn, the immortal Axis Mundi of the ancient Chavin world, at the most
sacred shamanic shrine in the Americas the Grandmother and the Mother of all Peruvian
mesas the ancient 3,200 year-old wachuma temple of universal consciousness at Chavn
de Huntar.
The Chavn Mesa initiation is the supreme experience for the devoted follower of the
shamanic path. It is an opportunity for dynamic positive and lasting change in ones life
If not here, where? If not now, when? Primary elemental energies are earth, air, fire, water,
and Consciousness converging in perfect harmony.
Mesa of Creativity. Witnessing Natural Creative Forces in the Andes. Realizing dynamic
union of the Spirits of Nature and Cosmos within and all around us in the 6,000,000
year-old Cordillera Blanca of the central Andes, the highest tropical peaks in the world
Realizing our spiritual immortality and collective Oneness with all Creation. Earth and
Cosmos. Everything all at once. We ARE One.
In our ceremonies, the Mesa becomes an Axis Mundi, a world center, a place where heaven
and earth unite, the spiritual metaphoric portal of universal healing energy and immortal
The Huachuma Mesa Pilgrimage From Time
Join us on the supreme shamanic pilgrimage instructed by the grand maestro Huachuma
and maestros of the original Chavn mesa along the space-time continuum of northern Per
exploring the land, mind, and shamanic cosmology of the incredible Sicn-Lambayeque,
Moche and Chavn civilizations of Peruvian antiquity from the great Sicn ceremonial
pyramid complexes at Tcume and Batn Grande
to the powerful and mysterious Moche ceremonial pyramids on the northern coast and
climaxing at the ancient Temple of Universal Consciousness at Chavn de Huntar, the Axis
Mundi of the Andes.