IoT of Civil Infrastructures

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International Journal of Research in Advanced Technology - IJORAT

Vol. 1, Issue 6, JUNE 2016

IoT of Civil Infrastructures

Asst. Prof., Civil Engineering Department, VCET, Madurai, India
Abstract An attempt has been made to implement IoT to monitor deflection of Bridge decks using Piezoelectric sensors. In
the first phase, as an initial step, a "Piezomat" which is an Assembly of Piezosensors is designed and developed to monitor
deflection parameters in a 0.01x0.01x0.75m beam by connecting it to a Raspberry Pi 2. Data collected will be analyzed and the
system will be trained to behave as a "smart structure". A Bridge deck slab will be designed and analyzed by FEM for dynamic
wheel loading and co-related with Piezomat and its deflection reading. By smart working principles, the strength &
serviceability could be extrapolated. In the second phase, Alternate Energy Conversion Methods will be explored and the method
that gives best efficiency will be adopted for IoT. This process could make the whole system "self-sufficient for energy generation
& utilisation". The findings of our project could pave a positive way of approach for the successful practical implementation of
IoT to monitor bridges and also make it "self-sufficient" by adopting to an Alternate Energy Conversion system.

Keywords: Piezomat, FEM, Raspberry Pi 2, IoT, Alternate Energy Systems

Internet of Things (IoT) is the hot-topic on research. While
IoT is in its peak with Communication and Information
Technology departments, it is still in its infancy with
applications to Civil Engineering structures. There is a great
need to bring Bridge monitoring by IoT into practical
use[1].There is also a great need to devise Alternate Energy
Conversion Systems, for self-sufficiency in electrical power
generation for consumption. Movement of vehicles have
great impacts on Bridges, and through a suitable system, we
need to transfer this impact energy into electrical energy.
Innovative Research leading to Engineered Solution could
best resolve this challenge.

Controller and through it to other Smart Systems is possible

through IoT.
B. IoT and Civil Infrastructure

Internet of Things (IoT) has triggered a new

communication pattern that all the objects in our life and
work could be possibly communicated in both a sensory and
an intelligent manner[2]. Two typical information exchange
modes, i.e. human to thing (H2T) talk and thing to thing
(T2T) talk, are thereby available anytime at anywhere to
facilitate dissemination of information in a smart way2.
Smart Appliances make way for a smart home and thereby
also to a smart city, where all the Civil Infrastructures could
be efficiently operated and other Public Service facilities
could also be effectively administered. Just the way Money
transactions are performed on the Internet, so too, Product
Internet Applications on computers and mobile devices have Monitoring ( Bridges, Buildings ) and Project Management (
revolutionised both our lifestyle and work culture. As a Traffic Regulation, Water Supply, Sanitary disposal,
further advancement, Internet of Things ( IoT) has brought Pollution control) could be done SMARTLY using IoT.
to us a Smart Lifestyle & Smart Work culture.
A. Human Brain Analogy for Smart Structure
A. Piezosensors
Considering our human body, the Brain controls the
functioning of every part of the body through the nervous
system. A computing device can be programmed to make
decisions and depending on reliabile inputs fed to it, and
thereby made "Smart Controllers" in analogous to our
human brain. Household appliances, Civil Infrastructures
(that serve people daily including bridges, buildings, roads,
pipelines, etc) and Public Service facilities services (like
Transport facilities, Health care facilities, Safety & Security
measures, Traffic Management, Pollution Control) when
incorporated with sensors become "Smart Systems"
analogous to our human body sensory organs. A Smart
Controller on the Internet connected to other Smart Systems
could perform exactly in analogous to our human body. This
accessibility, made possible through Internet is named
Internet of Things ( IoT). Human access to the Smart

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A piezoelectric sensor is a small disc that generates

electric charges (milli-volts) when pressed. (The
prefix "piezo" - is the Greek Terminology for 'press' or
'squeeze'). Many devices use this piezoelectric effect to
in pressure, acceleration,
temperature, strain, or force by converting them to
an electrical charge and are called as piezoelectric devices.
Pierre Curie discovered the piezoelectric effect in 1880.
They have been successfully used in various applications,
such as in medical, aerospace & nuclear instrumentation.
Even though piezoelectric sensors are electromechanical
systems that react to compression, and the sensing elements
show almost zero deflection. This gives piezoelectric sensors
ruggedness, an extremely high natural frequency and an
wide amplitude range.

International Journal of Research in Advanced Technology - IJORAT

Vol. 1, Issue 6, JUNE 2016

Additionally, piezoelectric technology is insensitive

to electromagnetic
fields and radiation,
measurements under harsh conditions. Some materials used
(especially gallium phosphate or tourmaline) are extremely
stable at high temperatures, enabling sensors to have a
working range of up to 1000 C.

The methodology adopted includes

Structural Design Components

Experimental Setup
FEM Analysis
IoT Components

A. Phase I
1) Structural Design Components
Fig. 1 A Piezo-electric sensor
B. Piezogenerators
Recently, energy harvesting using piezoelectric energy
generation has become the focus of much research. The
Israel Institute of Techology, Technion[2], in collaboration
with Innowattech, used piezoelectric generators on a 1 km
stretch of a 4 lane busy highway and generated 200 kWh of
electricity. The setup consists of a ten-meter strip of asphalt,
with generators lying underneath, and batteries in the roads
proximity. The generated electric charges were accumulated
and used to light up lanes during night. On extending this set
up to a 4 lane highway, electric energy sufficient to handle
2500 house hold consumptions could well be generated.[3]
C. Piezogenerators & IoT
Our concept of IoT using Piezosensors is by connecting a
Piezosensor to a Raspberry Pi2. Under Impact load, the
Piezosensor will generate electric current, which should be
converted into analog signals for processing with the
Raspberry Pi2. The output from a single piezosensor is
inadequate to use it for callibration. So there is a need to
design a Piezomat Assembly by connecting a set of
Piezosensors in series on two layers. When the Piezomat
Assembly is callibrated for Impact load applied and data
received on Raspberry Pi2, we can use it as a Smart Sensor
on Bridge Deck slabs.[4]-[6].


Design of Piezomat which is the Assembly of

Piezoelectric sensors.
Calibration of Piezomat to give deflection
Design of Beams for Piezomat installation.
Beam Loading and corresponding Output deflection
values connected to Raspberry Pi 2.
Remote Monitoring of the performance of beam.
Bridge Deck design and analysis using FEM.

2) Experimental Setup
A proper model for the Piezomat to be placed inside the
concrete beam has to be designed. The Piezomat has to be
embedded between two shock absorbing elastic layers that
can enable it to undergo deformation to generate electrical
output. A resistant elastic covering layer needs to be
provided on top. A standard mix design will be adopted all
through the project. Casting of beams with embedded
piezomat will be done with outlet probes properly positioned
to take readings.
3) FEM Analysis
Wheel movement on beams need to be simulated to relate to
Dynamic testing. Piezosensors give electrical output only on
impact and not on static loads. Concrete cylinders will be
rolled over the beams and the output from Piezomat will be
collected on a Raspberry Pi 2. The piezomat and its
sensitivity to Impact load needs to verified and validated.
The Test Beam is designed on FEM and loaded with similar
loading. Analysis and results are obtained. Bridge deck slabs
are designed and Tested for dynamic wheel loading using
FEM . The co-related Test Beam with Piezomat on FEM
needs to be extrapolated for Analysis of Bridge Decks using

Fig. 2. A Piezo-electric sensor connected to a

Raspberry Pi2

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International Journal of Research in Advanced Technology - IJORAT

Vol. 1, Issue 6, JUNE 2016

Try diff. models of


Explore methods to
calibrate Piezosensor

Design of PiezoMat
( Done by ECE Team )

Mix design

Method of embedding Piezomat

Test Beam casting

with Piezomat

Method of testing Piezomat

Design of Test Beam

Data Collection

Analysis for imposed load

Data Analysis
(Load Volts)
( Load




Data hosted on web

IoT of Beam
Fig. 3. Flow Diagram for IoT of Bridge Deck
4) IoT Components

sufficient" for energy generation and to monitor it by

IoT. Statistical study on various types of Bridges and the
possibility of IoT Monitoring, along with an efficient
Alternate Energy Conversion System, is the possible
outcome of this research proposal.

Data output by Piezoelectric sensors collected on

Raspberry Pi 2 will be analyzed.
The system will be trained to behave as a Smart
Structure design for communication with Raspberry
A. Anticipated Challenges
Pi 2 and IoT.
Extrapolation for strength and serviceability will be
Theoretical possibility will be questioned by
IoT implementation will be made available as a
practicing Civil Engineers.
software for the piezoelectric sensors utilized, for all
Possibility of Alternate Energy Conversions may
subsequent implementations.
be questioned.

B. II Phase
Alternate Energy Conversion Systems will be studied
and explored and the maximum efficient system will be
adopted.The main aim is to make the whole system "self-

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Cost incurred may be questioned.

International Journal of Research in Advanced Technology - IJORAT

Vol. 1, Issue 6, JUNE 2016

B. Mitigation Plan

Live demonstration on piezomat assembly

responding to load and remote monitoring of data
by IoT.
Live demonstration of lamp glowing by Energy
conversion. Impact Energy from wheel load on
Bridges being converted to Electrical energy to
make the CFL lamp glow.
Financial benefits clearly outlined.


Yan Yu, Hang Liu,Dongsheng Li , Xingquan Mao , Jinping

Ou, 2013, Bridge Deflection Measurement Using Wireless
Mems Inclination Sensor Systems, International Journal On
Smart Sensing And Intelligent Systems, Vol. 6, No. 1,
February 2013.
Piezo-Smart Roads, International Journal of Enhanced
Research in Science Technology & Engineering, ISSN: 23197463,Vol. 2 Issue 6, June-2013, pp: (65-70), Available online

C. Opportunities for Knowledge Transfer

The success of IoT of Bridges could trigger the

use of IoT to other Building Infrastructure.
Remote monitoring needs to be included in the
planning phase of projects requiring huge
The monitoring could be made availabe as an
Andriod Application. ( Doctors can monitor their
patients (in-absentia) on their post-operative
recovery through Mobile Apps. Similarly, Civil
Engineers can also monitor and Manage their
projects remotely using Mobile Apps).

IoT for Civil Infrastructures is introduced in this paper. An
inter-disciplinary approach of Project specific Piezomat
Assembly Design, innovative Sensor embedding method,
FEM Analysis and IoT integration is presented. Research
on Alternate Energy Conversion system and a very
successful model for practical implementation will have
great significance. This could contribute to better livelihood
in remote areas in India where there is great demand for
electrical energy for better living. The findings will
significantly contribute to research and development and
when put to practical use, will enable practicing Civil
Engineers to monitor and manage projects through IoT .





Prof. Bernhard Elsener, Internet of Things for Civil Engg

Structures, ETH Zurich,
Institute for Buidings Materials,
Planning and Development NEWs,
Youyuan Lu, Hongyan Ma, Zongjin Li , 2014, Civil
Infrastructures Connected internet of Things by Researchgate
publications: CACE Volume 2, Issue 1 Jan. 2014 PP. 16-19 @ American V-King Scientific Publishing
Ovidiu Sandru, Israel Highway Equipped With Piezoelectric
Generator System, October 6, 2009 Piezoelectric, The green
B. F. Spencer, Jr. Nathan M. and Anne M. Newmark ,
Structural Health Monitoring of Civil Infrastructure: from
Research to Engineering Practice, Smart Structures
Technology Laboratory (SSTL)
minarProfBill Spencerpresentation.pdf

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