I. Objective
BIM will be used for design visualization, construction documentation, 3D coordination, and digital
V. BIM Uses
BIM technology will be used for the following uses on this project:
a. Visualization
b. Design Authoring
c. 3D Coordination (clash detection)
i. A process in which Clash Detection software is used during the coordination process to
determine field conflicts by comparing 3D models of building systems. The goal of clash
detection is to eliminate the major system conflicts prior to installation.
d. Digital Fabrication
i. A process that utilizes machine technology to prefabricate objects directly from a 3D Model.
The 3D model is spooled into appropriate sections and inputted into fabrication equipment
for production of system assemblies.
Project phase
All performed scope of work shall be in 3D format except as noted in the trade specific description.
a. All models should include separate 3D representations of required clearances and/or access
requirements for equipment access, light clearances, overhead cable tray access, etc. These
clearance/access models should be in a separate layer(s) for each trade clearly labeled as such.
b. Modeled insulation should be in a separate layer from other model elements and labeled as such.
c. All 3D model files submitted for clash detection must be “clean” meaning that any extraneous 2D
references and/or 3D elements stripped are stripped from the models.
HVAC Duct:
HVAC equipment, concrete pads, bases, ductwork, plenums, terminal boxes, fire and smoke
dampers, grilles, access panels, hangers (including seismic).
HVAC Piping:
Piping types with insulation, piping materials, access panels, valves, equipment, concrete
pads, bases, flanges/coupling, hangers (including seismic), racking. Piping less than 1” will not
be coordinated and is shown for intent only.
Plumbing Drawings:
Piping types, insulation, pipe material, access panels, valves, equipment, concrete pads,
bases, flanges/couplings, hangers (including seismic), racking steel, gravity fed piping (sloped
per code), in-wall plumbing systems being prefabricated. Piping less than 1” will not be
coordinated and is shown for intent only.
Architectural Drawings:
Ceilings (hard and lay-in), soffits with framing, shaft and wall chase locations, wall thickness
and heights, exterior walls, windows.
Structural Drawings:
Footings, grade beams, elevator pits and walls, shear wall locations, precast concrete
locations, columns, beams, bracing (especially x-bracing), slabs, curbs, ramps.
VIII. Software
Mechanical Fabrication
Any changes in software or version upgrades must be communicated to the BIM team prior to the
change or upgrade.
Multiple updates may be made in a given week using the same file name. The final update for the
week will be considered the final submittal for the week.
X. Coordination Milestones
Milestone Date
Preliminary Coordination Meeting 04/01/18
First Coordination Meeting 06/05/18
First Floor FAB Model Completion 10/15/18
Second Floor FAB Model Completion 12/31/18
b. The general contractor will hold a preliminary BIM coordination meeting. Each Contractor must
be represented by the individual that is directly responsible for the coordination of the project.
c. The preliminary coordination meeting will establish parameters that cannot be changed during
the process such as “(0,0,0)” for all the trades to use for their drawings insertion point. Once this
is agreed upon it cannot be moved.
d. The frequency of coordination meetings will be determined by the progress of coordination and
as required to maintain the project schedule. At a minimum, coordination meetings will be held
at least once per week until coordination is complete.
e. When one or more parties are not local to the project, an online web-based meeting will be set
up for coordination meetings. An email invitation will be sent prior to the meeting with links and
f. The General Contractor will build the federated model and generate the clash reports using
Autodesk Navisworks 2017. Each contractor revises their models based upon resolution decided
during coordination meetings, to be completed prior to the next coordination meetings.
g. File sharing software and frequency of upload will be discussed at this meeting. The General
Contractor will set up a collaboration site (http://the General
h. All files uploaded to Collaboration shall be in NWC or DWG format. Each trade shall be
coordinated with architectural and structural prior to upload. Revit files may be uploaded in
native format, but a corresponding NWC or DWG file must be provided.
i. Weekly submittals must include a short description of changes since previous submittal
submitted via email to the entire coordination team.
j. Coordination Meetings are NOT to be used as clash detection meetings. The clash report shall be
issued in advance of the meeting or directly after the meeting.
k. Every contractor shall be represented at each meeting. The Architect and Engineers are
encouraged to attend as well.
m. The Architect may be required to update the Architectural design model to reflect necessary
changes that are surfaced during the coordination process.
b. The Signed-off NWD will be uploaded to Collaboration for the use of each trade. It is the
responsibility of each trade to ensure that items that are not shown in the model are field
coordinated around all other trades.