Garcia vs. Sandiganbayan Case, 603 SCRA
Garcia vs. Sandiganbayan Case, 603 SCRA
Garcia vs. Sandiganbayan Case, 603 SCRA
Petitioner filed this Petition for certiorari and prohibition under Rule 65 to annul and set aside
public respondent Sandiganbayans Resolution[1] dated 29 October 2004 and Writ of
Preliminary Attachment[2] dated 2 November 2004, and to enjoin public respondents
Sandiganbayan and Office of the Ombudsman from further proceeding with any action relating
to the enforcement of the assailed issuances.
-Major General Carlos F. Garcia was the Deputy Chief of Staff for Comptrollership of the AFP.
-On Sept27, 2004, Atty. Maria Olivia Roxas, Graft Investigation and Prosecution Officer of the
Field Investigation Office of the Office of the Ombudsman, after due investigation, filed a
1. SECTION 8 (IN RE Section 11) of RA 6713(Code of Conduct of Ethical Standards for Public
Officials and Employees)
2. Art 183, RPC
3. Sec52(A)(1), (3) & (20) of the Civil Service Law
-based on this complaint, a case was filed vs. Petitioner
-Wife and 3 sons were impleaded for violation of RA 1379 insofar as they acted as conspirators,
conduits, dummies and fronts of petitioner in receiving, accumulating, using and disposing of
ill-gotten wealth
OF A WRIT OF PRELIMINARY ATTACHMENT was filed by Ombudsman before the SB vs.
Garcia, his wife and 3 sons: Ombudsman, after conducting inquiry (similar to PI) has
determined a prima facie case exists vs. Maj. Gen Garcia since during his incumbency as a
soldier and public officer he acquired huge amounts of money and properties manifestly out of
proportion to his salary as such public officer and his other lawful income SB GRANTED
-Garcia filed MTD then this PETITION (same day):
a.LACK OF JURISDICTION over forfeiture proceedings (CIVIL ACTION) under RA 1379
should be w/ RTC as provided under SEC2(9) of the law
b. Sandiganbayans jurisdiction in Civil Actions pertains only to separate actions for recovery of
unlawfully acquired property vs. Pres. Marcos etc.
c. SB was intended principally as a criminal court
BASIS: Presidential issuances and laws
d. Granting that SB has jurisdiction, petition for forfeiture is fatally defective for failing to
comply with jurisdictional requirements under RA 1379, SEC2:
i. inquiry similar to a PI
ii. Certification to SOLGEN of prima facie case here: no certification
iii. action filed by SOLGEN - here: by Ombudsman
1.Republic vs. SB: there is no issue that jurisdiction over violations of [R.A.] Nos. 3019 and 1379
now rests with the Sandiganbayan.
2. Under Consti and prevailing statutes, SB is vested w/ authority and jurisdiction over the
petition for forfeiture under RA 1379
3. Section4a(1), PD 1606, not Section 2(9), RA 1379 should be made the basis of SBs
a. Violations of Republic Act No. 3019, as amended, otherwise known as the Anti-Graft and
Corrupt Practices Act, Republic Act No. 1379, and Chapter II, Section 2, Title VII, Book II of the
Revised Penal Code, where one or more of the accused are officials occupying the following
positions in the government, whether in a permanent, acting or interim capacity, at the time of
the commission of the offense:
(1) Officials of the executive branch occupying the positions of regional director and higher, otherwise classified as
Grade 27 and higher of the Compensation and Position Classification Act of 1989 (Republic Act No. 6758),
specifically including:
(d) Philippine army and air force colonels, naval captains, and all officers of higher ranks;
4. SBs jurisdiction based on PD 1606 encompasses all cases involving violations of RA 3019
1. Republic vs. SB
2. Grant of jurisdiction over violations of RA 1379 did not change even under the amendments of
RA7975 and RA 8294, though it came to be limited to cases involving high-ranking public
3. It has authority to investigate and initiate forfeiture proceedings vs. petitioner based on
COnsti and RA 6770: The constitutional power of investigation of the Office of the Ombudsman
is plenary and unqualified; its power to investigate any act of a public official or employee which
appears to be illegal, unjust, improper or inefficient covers the unlawful acquisition of wealth
by public officials as defined under R.A. No. 1379
4. Section 15, RA 6770 expressly empowers Ombudsman to investigate and prosecute such cases
of unlawful acquisition of wealth.
5. ON REQUIREMENTS under RA 1379: inquiry was conducted similar to PI + SOLGENs
participation no longer required since Ombudsman endowed w/ authority to investigate and
6. dismiss petition for forum shopping: MTD was already filed before SB
REPLY by Garcia
1. SBs criminal jurisdiction is separate and distinct from its civil jurisdiction : SBs jurisdiction
over forfeiture cases had been removed w/o subsequent amendments expressly restoring such
civil jurisdiction
2. Petition for forfeiture is not an ancilliary action for the criminal action against him, so not
under jurisdiction of Sandiganbayan
1. WON SB has jurisdiction over petitions for forfeiture under RA 1379
2. WON Ombudsman has authority to investigate, initiate and prosecute such petitions for
3. WON petitioner is guilty of forum shopping
Petition W/O MERIT, dismissed
*Republic vs. Sandiganbayan: Originally, SOLGEN was authorized to initiate forfeiture
proceedings before then CFI of the city or province where the public officer/employee resides or
holds office [RA 1379, SEC2]
Upon the creation of the Sandiganbayan [PD 1486], original and exclusive jurisdiction over
such violations was vested in SB.
PD 1606: repealed 1486 and modified jurisdiction of SB by removing its jurisdiction over civil
actions brought in connection w/ crimes w/n exclusive jurisdiction of SB, including:
> restitution or reparation for damages
>recovery of instruments and effects of the crime
>civil actions under Art32 and 34 of the Civil Code
>and forfeiture proceedings provided under RA 1379
BP 129: abolished concurrent jurisdiction of SB and regular courts, expanded EOJ of SB over
offenses enumerated in SEC4 of PD1606 to embrace all such offenses irrespective of imposable
PD1606 was later amended by PD 1869 and eventually by PD 1861 because of the proliferation
of filing cases w/ penalty not higher than PC or its equivalent and even such cases not serious in
jurisdiction over violations of RA 3019 and 1379 is lodged w/ SB
under RA 8249: SB vested w/ EOJ in all cases involving violations of :
>>RA 3019
>>RA 1379
>>ChapII, Sec2, Title VII, Book II of the RPC
Where 1 or more of the accused are officials occupying the following positions, whether in a
permanent, acting or interim capacity, at the time of the commission of the offense (see above)
-they are actions in rem, therefore, civil in nature BUT FORFEITURE OF AN ILLEGALLY
Forfeiture In Favor of the State Any Property Found to Have Been Unlawfully Acquired By Any
Public Officer or Employee and Providing For the Proceedings Therefor.]: the law provides a
procedure for forfeiture in case a public officer has acquired during his incumbency an amount
of property manifestly out of proportion to his salary as such public officer or employee and to
his lawful income and income from legitimately acquired property. No penalty for the public
officer for unlawful acquisition but the law imposes forfeiture as a penalty for unlawfully
acquired properties
2. YES, as resolved in Republic vs. SB (it was the main issue there)
RA 1379, Sec2: SOLGEN authorized to initiate forfeiture proceedings
PD 1486: vested SB w/ jurisdiction over RA 1379 forfeiture proceedings
Sec12: Chief Special Prosecutor has authority to file and prosecute forfeiture cases, not
SOLGEN, to SB, not CFI (BUT THIS IS JUST AN IMPLIED REPEAL as may be derived from the
repealing clause of PD 1486)
PD 1487: created Ombudsman
PD 1606 repealed expressly PD 1486
PD 1607 provided that Office of the Chief Special Prosecutor has exclusive authority to conduct
preliminary investigation of all cases cognizable by the SB, file info therefore, and direct and
control prosecution of said cases
also removed authority to file actions for forfeiture under RA 1379
the repeal of P.D. No. 1486 by P.D. No. 1606 necessarily revived the authority of the Solicitor
General to file a petition for forfeiture under R.A. No. 1379, but not the jurisdiction of the Courts
of First Instance over the case nor the authority of the Provincial or City Fiscals (now
Prosecutors) to conduct the preliminary investigation therefore, since said powers at that time
remained in the Sandiganbayan and the Chief Special Prosecutor.
PD 1630: expanded the Tanodbayans authority: given exclusive authority to conduct PI of all
cases cognizable by SB, to file info therefore and to direct and control the prosecution of said
**1987 CONSTI enacted
1) Investigate and prosecute on its own or on complaint by any person, any act or omission of
any public officer or employee, office or agency, when such act or omission appears to be illegal,
unjust, improper or inefficient. It has primary jurisdiction over cases cognizable by the
Sandiganbayan and, in the exercise of this primary jurisdiction, may take over, at any stage,
from any investigatory agency of Government, the investigation of such cases;
(11) Investigate and initiate the proper action for the recovery of ill-gotten and/or unexplained
wealth amassed after 25 February 1986 and the prosecution of the parties involved therein.
It is the Ombudsman who should file petition for forfeiture under RA 1379
BUT powers to investigate and initiate proper action for recovery of ill-gotten and/or
unexplained wealth is restricted only to cases for the recovery of ill-gotten and/or unexplained
wealth amassed AFTER FEB 1986
Garcia failed to inform the court that he had filed a MTD in relation to the petition for
forfeiture before the SB.
A scrutiny of the Motion to Dismiss reveals that petitioner raised substantially the same issues
and prayed for the same reliefs therein as it has in the instant petition. In fact, the Arguments
and Discussion[89] in the Petition of petitioners thesis that the Sandiganbayan has no
jurisdiction over separate civil actions for forfeiture of unlawfully acquired properties appears to
be wholly lifted from the Motion to Dismiss. The only difference between the two is that in the
Petition, petitioner raises the ground of failure of the petition for forfeiture to comply with the
procedural requirements of R.A. No. 1379, and petitioner prays for the annulment of the
Sandiganbayans Resolution dated 29 October 2004 and Writ of Preliminary Attachment dated
2 November 2004. Nevertheless, these differences are only superficial. Both Petition and
Motion to Dismiss have the same intent of dismissing the case for forfeiture filed against
petitioner, his wife and their sons. It is undeniable that petitioner had failed to fulfill his
undertaking. This is incontestably forum-shopping which is reason enough to dismiss the
petition outright, without prejudice to the taking of appropriate action against the counsel and
party concerned.
Respondents. GARCIA, JJ.
June 22, 2005
x ------------------------------------------------------------------ x
Petitioner Major General Carlos F. Garcia was the Deputy Chief of
Staff for Comptrollership, J6, of the Armed Forces of the
Philippines. Petitioner filed this Petition for certiorari and
prohibition under Rule 65 to annul and set aside public respondent
Sandiganbayans Resolution[1] dated 29 October 2004 and Writ of
Preliminary Attachment[2] dated 2 November 2004, and to enjoin
public respondents Sandiganbayan and Office of the Ombudsman
from further proceeding with any action relating to the enforcement
of the assailed issuances.
his salary as such public officer and his other lawful income, if any.
Violations of Republic Act No. 3019, as amended,
otherwise known as the Anti-Graft and Corrupt Practices Act,
Republic Act No. 1379, and Chapter II, Section 2, Title VII, Book II
of the Revised Penal Code, where one or more of the accused are
officials occupying the following positions in the government,
whether in a permanent, acting or interim capacity, at the time of
the commission of the offense:
Nos. 3019 and 1379, the only jurisdiction that can supposedly be
implied is criminal jurisdiction, not civil jurisdiction, thereby
highlighting respondent Sandiganbayans lack of jurisdiction over
the civil case for forfeiture of ill-gotten wealth. Of course, petitioner
does not rule out cases where the crime carries with it the
corresponding civil liability such that when the criminal action is
instituted, the civil action for enforcement of the civil liability is
impliedly instituted with it, and the court having jurisdiction over
the criminal action also acquires jurisdiction over the ancillary civil
action. However, petitioner argues that the action for forfeiture
subject of this case is not the ancillary civil action impliedly
instituted with the criminal action. Rather, the petition for forfeiture
is an independent civil action over which the Sandiganbayan has no
jurisdiction. Petitioner points to P.D. No. 1606, as amended, which
treats of independent civil actions only in the last paragraph of Sec.
4 thereof:
Any provisions of law or Rules of Court to the contrary
notwithstanding, the criminal action and the corresponding civil
action for the recovery of civil liability shall at all times be
simultaneously instituted with, and jointly determined in, the
same proceeding by the Sandiganbayan or the appropriate courts,
the filing of the criminal action being deemed to necessarily carry
with it the filing of the civil action, and no right to reserve the filing
of such civil action separately from the criminal action shall be
recognized: Provided, however, That where the civil action had
heretofore been filed separately but judgment therein has not yet
been rendered, and the criminal case is hereafter filed with the
Sandiganbayan or the appropriate court, said civil action shall be
transferred to the Sandiganbayan or the appropriate court, as the
case may be, for consolidation and joint determination with the
criminal action, otherwise the separate civil action shall be deemed
Petitioner however did not raise any argument to refute the charge
of forum-shopping.
The issues for resolution are: (a) whether the Sandiganbayan has
jurisdiction over petitions for forfeiture under R.A. No. 1379; (b)
whether the Office of the Ombudsman has the authority to
investigate, initiate and prosecute such petitions for forfeiture; and
(c) whether petitioner is guilty of forum-shopping.
The petition is patently without merit. It should be dismissed.
The seminal decision of Republic v. Sandiganbayan[33] squarely rules
on the issues raised by petitioner concerning the jurisdiction of the
Sandiganbayan and the authority of the Office of the Ombudsman.
After reviewing the legislative history of the Sandiganbayan and the
Office of the Ombudsman, the Court therein resolved the question
of jurisdiction by the Sandiganbayan over violations of R.A. No.
3019 and R.A. No. 1379. Originally, it was the Solicitor General who
was authorized to initiate forfeiture proceedings before the then
Court of First Instance of the city or province where the public
officer or employee resides or holds office, pursuant to Sec. 2 of R.A.
No. 1379. Upon the creation of the Sandiganbayan pursuant to P.D.
No. 1486,[34] original and exclusive jurisdiction over such violations
was vested in the said court. [35] P.D. No. 1606[36] was later issued
expressly repealing P.D. No. 1486, as well as modifying the
jurisdiction of the Sandiganbayan by removing its jurisdiction over
civil actions brought in connection with crimes within the exclusive
jurisdiction of said court.[37] Such civil actions removed from the
jurisdiction of the Sandigabayan include those for restitution or
reparation of damages, recovery of instruments and effects of the
crime, civil actions under Articles 32 and 34 of the Civil Code, and
forfeiture proceedings provided for under R.A. No. 1379. [38]
Subsequently, Batas Pambansa Blg. 129[39] abolished the
concurrent jurisdiction of the Sandiganbayan and the regular
courts and expanded the exclusive original jurisdiction of the
occupying the position of consul and higher; (d) Philippine army and
air force colonels, naval captains, and all officers of higher rank; (e)
Officers of the Philippine National Police while occupying the
position of provincial director and those holding the rank of senior
superintended or higher; (f) City and provincial prosecutors and
their assistants, and officials and prosecutors in the Office of the
Ombudsman and special prosecutor; (g) Presidents, directors or
trustees, or managers of government-owned or controlled
corporations, state universities or educational institutions or
foundations; (2) Members of Congress and officials thereof classified
as Grade '27' and up under the Compensation and Position
Classification Act of 1989; (3) Members of the judiciary without
prejudice to the provisions of the Constitution; (4) Chairmen and
members of Constitutional Commission, without prejudice to the
provisions of the Constitution; and (5) All other national and local
officials classified as Grade '27' and higher under the Compensation
and Position Classification Act of 1989.[45]
In the face of the prevailing jurisprudence and the present state of
statutory law on the jurisdiction of the Sandiganbayan, petitioners
argumentthat the Sandiganbayan has no jurisdiction over the
petition for forfeiture it being civil in nature and the Sandiganbayan
allegedly having no jurisdiction over civil actionscollapses
The civil nature of an action for forfeiture was first recognized
in Republic v. Sandiganbayan, thus: [T]he rule is settled that
forfeiture proceedings are actions in rem and, therefore, civil in
nature.[46] Then, Almeda, Sr.
v. Perez,[47] followed, holding that the proceedings under R.A. No.
1379 do not terminate in the imposition of a penalty but merely in
the forfeiture of the properties illegally acquired in favor of the
State. It noted that the
reading of R.A. No. 1379 establishes that it does not enumerate any
prohibited acts the commission of which would necessitate the
imposition of a penalty. Instead, it provides the procedure for
forfeiture to be followed in case a public officer or employee has
acquired during his incumbency an amount of property manifestly
out of proportion to his salary as such public officer or employee
and to his lawful income and income from legitimately acquired
property.[55] Section 12[56] of the law provides a penalty but it is only
imposed upon the public officer or employee who transfers or
conveys the unlawfully acquired property; it does not penalize the
officer or employee for making the unlawful acquisition. In effect, as
observed in Almeda, Sr. v. Perez, it imposes the penalty of forfeiture
of the properties unlawfully acquired upon the respondent public
officer or employee.[57]
It is logically congruent, therefore, that violations of R.A. No. 1379
are placed under the jurisdiction of the Sandiganbayan, even
though the proceeding is civil in nature, since the forfeiture of the
illegally acquired property amounts to a penalty. The soundness of
this reasoning becomes even more obvious when we consider that
the respondent in such forfeiture proceedings is a public officer or
employee and the violation of R.A. No. 1379 was committed during
the respondent officer or employees incumbency and in relation to
his office. This is in line with the purpose behind the creation of the
Sandiganbayan as an anti-graft courtto address the urgent problem
of dishonesty in public service.[58]
Following the same analysis, petitioner should therefore abandon
his erroneous belief that the Sandiganbayan has jurisdiction only
over petitions for forfeiture filed against President Marcos, his family
and cronies.
We come then to the question of authority of the Office of the
Ombudsman to investigate, file and
prosecute petitions for forfeiture under R.A. No. 1379. This was the
main issue resolved in Republic v. Sandiganbayan.[59]
Under Sec. 2 of R.A. No. 1379, it was the Solicitor General who
was authorized to initiate forfeiture proceedings before the then
Courts of First Instance. P.D. No. Decree No. 1486 was later issued
on 11 June 1978 vesting the Sandiganbayan with jurisdiction over
R.A. No. 1379 forfeiture proceedings. Sec. 12 of P.D. No. 1486 gave
the Chief Special Prosecutor the authority to file and prosecute
forfeiture cases. This may be taken as an implied repeal by P.D. No.
1486 of the jurisdiction of the former Courts of First Instance and
the authority of the Solicitor General to file a petition for forfeiture
under Sec. 2 of R.A. No. 1379 by transferring said jurisdiction and
authority to the Sandiganbayan and the Chief Special Prosecutor,
respectively.[60] An implied repeal is one which takes place when a
new law contains some provisions which are contrary to, but do not
expressly repeal those of a former law. [61] As a rule, repeals by
implication are not favored and will not be so declared unless it be
manifest that the legislature so intended. Before such repeal is
deemed to exist, it must be shown that the statutes or statutory
provisions deal with the same subject matter and that the latter be
inconsistent with the former. The language used in the latter statute
must be such as to render it irreconcilable with what had been
formerly enacted. An inconsistency that falls short of that standard
does not suffice. What is needed is a manifest indication of the
legislative purpose to repeal.[62]
P.D. No. 1486 contains a repealing clause which provides that
[A]ny provision of law, order, rule or regulation inconsistent with the
provisions of this Decree is hereby repealed or modified accordingly.
This is not an express repealing clause because it fails to identify
or designate the statutes that are intended to be repealed. Rather, it
The conflict between P.D. No. 1486 and R.A. No. 1379 refers to
the jurisdiction over the forfeiture proceeding and the authority to
file the petition for forfeiture. As P.D. No. 1486 grants exclusive
jurisdiction and authority to the Sandiganbayan and the Chief
Special Prosecutor, the then Courts of First Instance and Solicitor
General cannot exercise concurrent jurisdiction or authority over
such cases. Hence, P.D. No. 1486 and Sec. 2, R.A. No. 1379 are
inconsistent with each other and the former should be deemed to
have repealed the latter.
On 11 June 1978, the same day that P.D. No. 1486 was enacted,
P.D. No. 1487[65] creating the Office of the Ombudsman (then known
as the Tanodbayan) was passed. The Tanodbayan initially had no
authority to prosecute cases falling within the jurisdiction of the
Sandiganbayan as provided in Sec. 4 of P.D. No. 1486, such
jurisdiction being vested in the Chief Special Prosecutor as earlier
On 10 December 1978, P.D. No. 1606 was enacted expressly
repealing P.D. No. 1486. Issued on the same date was P.D. No.
1607[66] which amended the powers of the Tanodbayan to investigate
administrative complaints[67] and created the Office of the Chief
Special Prosecutor.[68] P.D. No. 1607 provided said Office of the Chief
Special Prosecutor with exclusive authority to conduct preliminary
investigation of all cases cognizable by the Sandiganbayan, file
informations therefor, and direct and control the prosecution of said
cases.[69] P.D. No. 1607 also removed from the Chief Special
Prosecutor the authority to file actions for forfeiture under R.A. No.
The rule is that when a law which expressly repeals a prior law
is itself repealed, the law first repealed shall not be thereby revived
unless expressly so provided. From this it may fairly be inferred
that the old rule continues in force where a law which repeals a
prior law, not expressly but by implication, is itself repealed; and
that in such cases the repeal of the repealing law revives the prior
law, unless the language of the repealing statute provides otherwise.
Hence, the repeal of P.D. No. 1486 by P.D. No. 1606 necessarily
revived the authority of the Solicitor General to file a petition for
forfeiture under R.A. No. 1379, but not the jurisdiction of the
Courts of First Instance over the case nor the authority of the
Provincial or City Fiscals (now Prosecutors) to conduct the
preliminary investigation therefore, since said powers at that time
remained in the Sandiganbayan and the Chief Special Prosecutor. [72]
The Tanodbayans authority was further expanded by P.D. No.
1630[73] issued on 18 July 1990. Among other things, the
Tanodbayan was given the exclusive authority to conduct
preliminary investigation of all cases cognizable by the
Sandiganbayan, to file informations therefore and to direct and
control the prosecution of said cases. [74] The power to conduct the
necessary investigation and to file and prosecute the corresponding
criminal and administrative cases before the Sandiganbayan or the
proper court or administrative agency against any public personnel
who has acted in a manner warranting criminal and disciplinary
action or proceedings was also transferred from the Chief Special
Prosecutor to the Tanodbayan.[75]
Thereafter, P.D. No. 1606 was amended by P.D. Nos. 1860 and
1861[76] which granted the Tanodbayan the same authority. The
present Constitution was subsequently ratified and then the
Tanodbayan became known as the Office of the Special Prosecutor
which continued to exercise its powers except those conferred on
the Office of the Ombudsman created under the Constitution. [77]The
Associate Justice
Associate Justice
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Associate Justice
Associate Justice
Associate Justice
Associate Justice
Associate Justice
Associate Justice
Associate Justice
Associate Justice
Associate Justice
Pursuant to Article VIII, Section 13 of the Constitution, it is hereby
certified that the conclusions in the above decision were reached in
consultation before the case was assigned to the writer of the
opinion of the Court.
Code of Conduct of Ethical Standards for Public Officials and Employees; 20 February
An Act Declaring Forfeiture In Favor of the State Any Property Found to Have Been
Unlawfully Acquired By Any Public Officer or Employee and Providing for the Proceedings
Therefor; 18 June 1955.
Based on the same Complaint, Case No. OMB-P-A-04-093501 for Dishonesty, Grave
Misconduct and Conduct Prejudicial to the Best Interest of the Service was also filed against
petitioner. Petitioner further avers that on 21 October 2004, Atty. Roxas filed another complaint
against him with the same respondent Office of the Ombudsman, charging dishonesty, conduct
unbecoming of a public officer under E.O. No. 292, perjury under Art. 183 of the Revised Penal
Code and violation of R.A. No. 3019. Based on this complaint, Case No. OMB-P-C-04-1230-J
for Violation of Art. 183 of the Revised Penal Code and Violation of R.A. No. 3019 was filed
against petitioner, his wife, and three sons. Case No. OMB-P-A-04-1030-J was filed against
petitioner alone for Dishonesty, Grave Misconduct, and Conduct Unbecoming of a Public Officer
under E.O. 292. In addition, four Informations for perjury were also filed with public
respondent Sandiganbayan against petitioner. Rollo, pp. 9-12.
Id. at 59-87.
Id. at 61.
Sec. 2. Filing of petition.Whenever any public officer or employee has acquired during
his incumbency an amount of property which is manifestly out of proportion to his salary as
such public officer or employee and to his other lawful income and the income from legitimately
acquired property, said property shall be presumed prima facie to have been unlawfully
acquired. The Solicitor General, upon complaint by any taxpayer to the city or provincial fiscal
who shall conduct a previous inquiry similar to preliminary investigations in criminal cases
and shall certify to the Solicitor General that there is reasonable ground to believe that there
has been committed a violation of this Act and the respondent is probably guilty thereof, shall
file, in the name and on behalf of the Republic of the Philippines, in the Court of First Instance
of the city or province where said public officer or employee resides or holds office, a petition for
a writ commanding said officer or employee to show cause why the property aforesaid, or any
part thereof, should not be declared property of the State: Provided, That no such petition shall
be filed within one year before any general election or within three months before any special
Defining the Jurisdiction Over Cases Involving the Ill-gotten Wealth of Former
President Ferdinand E. Marcos, Mrs. Imelda R. Marcos, Members of the Immediate Family,
Close Relatives, Subordinates, Close and/or Business Associates, Dummies, Agents and
Nominees; 7 May 1986.
Rollo, p. 29.
Art. XI, Sec. 4: The present anti-graft court known as the Sandiganbayan shall
continue to function and exercise its jurisdiction as now or hereafter may be provided by law.
The 1973 Constitution, Art. XIII, Sec. 5, provided for the creation of a special court
known as the Sandiganbayan and defined the jurisdiction thereof. It states: The National
Assembly shall create a special court, to be known as Sandiganbayan, which shall have
jurisdiction over criminal and civil cases involving graft and corrupt practices and such other
offenses committed by public officers and employees, including those in government-owned or
controlled corporations, in relation to their office as may be determined by law."
.c. Civil and Criminal cases filed pursuant to and in connection with Executive
Orders Nos. 1, 2, 14, and 14-A, issued in 1986.
Rollo, p. 1493, citing Almeda, Sr. v. Perez, 5 SCRA 970 (1962); Cabal v. Kapunan, 6
SCRA 1059 (1962); Republic v. Agoncillo, 40 SCRA 579 (1971); and Republic v.
Sandiganbayan, supra.
Id. at 564-584.
Sec. 15. Powers, Functions and Duties.The Office of the Ombudsman shall have the
following powers, functions and duties: (11) Investigate and initiate the proper action for the
recovery of ill-gotten wealth and/or unexplained wealth amassed after February 25, 1986 and
the prosecution of the parties involved therein.
Id. at 1511-1518.
office; Provided, that, in case private individuals are accused as principals, accomplices
or accessories in the commission of the crimes hereinabove mentioned, they shall be
tried jointly with the public officers or employees concerned.
Where the accused is charged of an offense in relation to his office and the evidence
is insufficient to establish the offense so charged, he may nevertheless be convicted and
sentenced for the offense included in that which is charged.
(d) Civil suits brought in connection with the aforementioned crimes for restitution
or reparation of damages, recovery of the instruments and effects of the crimes, or
forfeiture proceedings provided for under Republic Act No. 1379;
(e) Civil actions brought under Articles 32 and 34 of the Civil Code.
Exception from the foregoing provisions during the period of material law are
criminal cases against officers and members of the Armed Forces of the Philippines,
and all others who fall under the exclusive jurisdiction of the military tribunals.
See note 10.
consolidation and joint determination with the criminal action, otherwise, the criminal
action may no longer be filed with the Sandiganbayan, its exclusive jurisdiction over the
same notwithstanding, but may be filed and prosecuted only in the regular courts of
competent jurisdiction; Provided, further, that, in cases within the concurrent
jurisdiction of the Sandiganbayan and the regular courts, where either the criminal or
civil action is first filed with the regular courts, the corresponding civil or criminal
action, as the case may be, shall only be filed with the regular courts of competent
Excepted from the foregoing provisions, during martial law, are criminal cases
against officers and members of the armed forces in the active service.
Id. See also Republic v. Sandiganabayan, supra note 17 at 675.
Amending the Pertinent Provisions of Presidential Decree No. 1606 and Batas
Pambansa Blg. 129 Relative to the Jurisdiction of the Sandiganbayan and for Other Purposes;
14 January 1983. Sec. 1 thereof reads:
SECTION 1. Section 4 of Presidential Decree No. 1606 is hereby amended to read as
"Sec. 4. Jurisdiction. The Sandiganbayan shall have jurisdiction over:
"(a) Violations of Republic Act No. 3019, as amended, otherwise known as the AntiGraft and Corrupt Practices Act, and Republic Act No. 1379;
"(b) Crimes committed by public officers and employees, including those employed in
government-owned or controlled corporations, embraced in Title VII of the Revised Penal
Code, whether simple or complexed with other crimes; and
"(c) Other crimes or offenses committed by public officers or employees, including
those employed in government-owned or controlled corporations, in relation to their
"The jurisdiction herein conferred shall be original and exclusive if the offense
charged is punishable by a penalty higher than prision correccional or its equivalent. In
all other offenses, original and exclusive jurisdiction shall vest in the appropriate court
in accordance with the provisions of Batas Pambansa Blg. 129.
"In case private individuals are charged as co-principals, accomplices or accessories
together with the public officers or employees, including those employed in governmentowned or controlled corporations, they shall be tried jointly with said public officers and
"Where an accused is tried of any of the above offenses and the evidence is
insufficient to establish the offense charged, he may nevertheless be convicted of and
sentenced for the offense proved, included in that which is charged.
"Any provision of law or the Rules of Court to the contrary notwithstanding, the
criminal action and the corresponding civil action for the recovery of civil liability
arising from the offense charged shall at all times be simultaneously instituted with,
and jointly determined in the same proceeding by, the Sandiganbayan or the
appropriate court. The filing of the criminal action shall be deemed to necessarily carry
with it the filing of the civil action, and no right to reserve the filing of such civil action
separately from the criminal action shall be recognized; PROVIDED, however, That, in
cases within the exclusive original jurisdiction of the Sandiganbayan, where the civil
action had been filed separately with a regular court but judgment therein has not been
rendered and the criminal case is hereafter filed with the Sandiganbayan, said civil
action shall be transferred to the Sandiganbayan for consolidation and joint
determination with the criminal action, otherwise, the criminal action may no longer be
filed with the Sandiganbayan, its exclusive jurisdiction over the same notwithstanding,
but may be filed and prosecuted only in the regular courts of competent jurisdiction."
Amending the Pertinent Provisions of Presidential Decree No. 1606 and Batas
Pambansa Blg. 129 Relative to the Jurisdiction of the Sandiganbayan and for Other Purposes;
23 March 1983. Section 1 thereof states:
SECTION 1. Section 4 of Presidential Decree No. 1606 is hereby amended to read as
"Sec. 4. Jurisdiction. The Sandiganbayan shall exercise:
"(a) Exclusive original jurisdiction in all cases involving:
(1) Violations of Republic Act No. 3019, as amended, otherwise known as the
Anti-Graft and Corrupt Practices Act, Republic Act No. 1379, and Chapter II,
Section 2, Title VII of the Revised Penal Code;
(2) Other offenses or felonies committed by public officers and employees in
relation to their office, including those employed in government-owned or controlled
corporations, whether simple or complexed with other crimes, where the penalty
prescribed by law is higher than prision correccional or imprisonment for six (6)
years, or a fine of P6,000.00: PROVIDED, HOWEVER, that offenses or felonies
mentioned in this paragraph where the penalty prescribed by law does not exceed
prision correccional or imprisonment for six (6) years or a fine of P6,000.00 shall be
tried by the proper Regional Trial Court, Metropolitan Trial Court, Municipal Trial
Court and Municipal Circuit Trial Court.
"(b) Exclusive appellate jurisdiction:
(1) On appeal, from the final judgments, resolutions or orders of the Regional
Trial Courts in cases originally decided by them in their respective territorial
(2) By petition for review, from the final judgments, resolutions or orders of the
Regional Trial Courts in the exercise of their appellate jurisdiction over cases
originally decided by the Metropolitan Trial Courts, Municipal Trial Courts and
Municipal Circuit Trial Courts, in their respective jurisdiction.
"The procedure prescribed in Batas Pambansa Blg. 129, as well as the implementing
rules the Supreme Court has promulgated and may hereinafter promulgate, relative to
appeals/petitions for review to the Intermediate Appellate Court shall apply to appeals
and petitions for review filed with the Sandiganbayan. In all cases elevated to the
Sandiganbayan, the Office of the Tanodbayan shall represent the People of the
116 Phil. 120 (1962), cited in Republic v. Sandiganbayan, Ferdinand E. Marcos, et. al.,
G.R. No. 152154, 18 November 2003, 416 SCRA 133, 142.
Id. at 1369.
SECTION 12. Penalties.Any public officer or employee who shall, after the effective
date of this Act, transfer or convey any unlawfully acquired property shall be repressed with
imprisonment for a term not exceeding five years, or a fine not exceeding ten thousand pesos,
or both such imprisonment and fine. The same repression shall be imposed upon any person
who shall knowingly accept such transfer or conveyance.
Supra note 47 at 126.
5, supra note
19. See
also Nuez
School District No. 45 v. Board of Country Comira, 141 Kan. 108, cited in R. MARTIN,
Iloilo Palay and Corn Planters Assoc., Inc. v. Feliciano, 121 Phil. 358 (1965).
Revising Presidential Decree No. 1487 Creating The Office Of The Ombudsman, To Be
Known As Tanodbayan.
Sec. 10. Powers. The Tanodbayan shall have the following powers:
(a) He may investigate, on complaint by any person or on his own motion or initiative,
any administrative act whether amounting to any criminal offense or not of any administrative
agency including any government-owned or controlled corporation;
(b) He shall prescribe the methods by which complaints are to be made, received, and
acted upon; he may determine the scope and manner of investigations to be made; and, subject
to the requirements of this Decree, he may determine the form, frequency, and distribution of
his conclusions and recommendations;
(c) He may request and shall be given by each administrative agency the assistance and
information he deems necessary to the discharge of his responsibilities; he may examine the
records and documents of all administrative agencies; and he may enter and inspect premises
within any administrative agency's control, provided, however, that where the President in
writing certifies that such information, examination or inspection might prejudice the national
interest, the Tanodbayan shall desist. All information so obtained shall be confidential, unless
the President, in the interest of public service, decides otherwise;
(d) He may issue a subpoena to compel any person to appear, give sworn to testimony,
or produce documentary or other evidence the Tanodbayan deems relevant to a matter under
his inquiry;
(e) He may undertake, participate in, cooperate with general studies or inquiries,
whether or not related to any particular administrative agency or any particular administrative
act; if he believes that they may enhance knowledge about or lead to improvements in the
functioning of administrative agencies.
Sec. 17. Office of the Chief Special Prosecutor. There is hereby created in the Office of
the Tanodbayan an Office of the Chief Special Prosecutor composed of a Chief Special
Prosecutor, an Assistant Chief Special Prosecutor, and nine (9) Special Prosecutors, who shall
have the same qualifications as provincial and city fiscals and who shall be appointed by the
President; .
The Chief Special Prosecutor, the Assistant Chief Special Prosecutor, and the Special
Prosecutors shall have the exclusive authority to conduct preliminary investigation of all cases
cognizable by the Sandiganbayan; to file informations thereof and to direct and control the
prosecution of said cases therein; .
The Chief Special Prosecutor, Assistant State Prosecutor, Special Prosecutor and those
designated to assist them as herein provided for shall be under the control and supervision of
the Tanodbayan and their resolutions and actions shall not be subject to review by any
administrative agency.
Sec. 19. Prosecution of Public Personnel or Other person.If the Tanodbayan has reason
to believe that any public official, employee, or other person has acted in a manner warranting
criminal or disciplinary action or proceedings, he shall cause him to be investigated by the
Office of the Chief Special Prosecutor who shall file and prosecute the corresponding criminal
or administrative case before the Sandiganbayan or the proper court or before the proper
administrative agency. In case of failure of justice, the Sandiganbayan shall make the
appropriate recommendations to the administrative agency concerned.
Id. On the premise that a forfeiture proceeding under R.A. No. 1379 is a civil action in
(1917), cited
in Republic
Further Revising Presidential Decree No. 1487, As Revised By Presidential Decree No.
1607, Creating The Office Of The Tanodbayan.
P.D. No. 1630, Sec. 17: Sec. 17. Investigation and Prosecution of Cases. The Office of
the Tanodbayan shall have the exclusive authority to conduct preliminary investigation of all
cases cognizable by the Sandiganbayan; to file information therefor and to direct and control
the prosecution of said cases. The Tanodbayan may utilize the personnel of his office and/or
with the approval of the President, designate or deputize any fiscal, state prosecutor or lawyer
in the government service to act as special investigator or prosecutor to assist him in the
investigation and prosecution of said cases. Those designated or deputized to assist him as
herein provided shall be under his supervision and control.
Sec. 18. Prosecution of Public Personnel or Other Person.If the Tanodbayan has
reason to believe that any public official, employee, or other person has acted in a manner
warranting criminal or disciplinary action or proceedings, he shall conduct the necessary
investigation and shall file and prosecute the corresponding criminal or administrative case
before the Sandiganbayan or the proper court or before the proper administrative agency.
See notes 38 and 39.
17 November 1989.
Sto. Tomas University Hospital v. Surla, 355 Phil. 804, 813 (1998).
Progressive Development Corporation, Inc. v. Court of Appeals, 361 Phil. 566, 584
Rule 7, Sec. 5, Revised Rules of Civil Procedure; Top Rate Construction and General
Services, Inc. v. Paxton Development Corporation, G.R. No. 151081, 11 September 2003, 410
SCRA 604, 620-621.
Rollo, p. 32.
See note 8.