Books, Prizes and More This Summer: Salisbury-Rowan Reads Offers Free

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July 2010

Salisbury-Rowan Reads Offers Free

Books, Prizes and More This Summer
Children and parents in Rowan  August 4—South Rowan Regional
County have plenty of opportunities Library, China Grove
for fun reading activities this summer!  August 11—Cleveland Elementary
This is the second summer the City School, Cleveland
of Salisbury and Rowan County
Parents are invited to bring
are partnering to encourage
their children, preschool
parents to read to their children.
through grade 12, to these
They are promoting reading
locations to register for a free
through your local library for
library card (or bring the
five Wednesdays this summer,
child’s current library card)
from July 14—August 11, from
and receive a free book for
5:00 p.m.—7:00 p.m. The
each child. Children can also
location changes each week.
register to win a free
 July 14—Rowan Public Library Nintendo Wii System. One will be
Headquarters, Salisbury given away each week.
 July 21—East Branch, Rockwell
 July 28—Spencer Library Park,
(Continued on page 2)

Frankenstein Film Part of Summer

Reading Challenge
Mark your calendars! Tuesday, July
27 at 7:00 p.m., Rowan Public Library
will present the movie Frankenstein in
the Stanback Auditorium. This classic
production, directed by James Whale
and starring Boris Karloff as the
‘monster’, has fascinated audiences for
decades. This is an auxiliary event to
the Summer Reading Challenge, and
all are welcome to join us.
This motion picture, released in 1816 when she was only nineteen.
1931, is based on the novel by Mary Refreshments will be served. No
Wollstonecraft Shelley. Inspired by admission charged. Children under 13
philosophical discussions with Lord should be accompanied by an adult.
Byron and Percy Bysshe Shelley about
science, galvanism, and the origins of
life, Mary finished this modern
creation myth and classic horror tale in

Sponsored by the Friends of Rowan Public Library

Salisbury-Rowan Children Dive in To Summer Reading
Reads (Cont.)
The recent Summer Reading at Headquarters in Salisbury,
Kickoff was lots of fun for Tuesdays at 10:30 a.m. at South
Each evening there will be hundreds of Rowan County Rowan Regional in China Grove,
story-time sessions every 5-10 children. Now RPL’s Summer and Wednesdays at 10:30 a.m. at
minutes with stories read by Reading Program, Make a Splash the East branch in Rockwell.
government and school officials. @ Your Library, for children who Upcoming programs include Ro
There will also be free are toddlers through 5th grade, is in and Lo: Dazed and Confused –
refreshments, door prizes, games, full swing! Once More on July 6-7, Rags 2
and info booths with giveaways. Children can keep track of Riches – Frog Prince on July 13-
Storyteller Obakunle Akinlana will books they read this summer in 14, Amazing Al – Magic Show on
be performing. their “Water Logs,” plus take part July 20-21, and Ron Jones –
in weekly prize drawings. Stories and music on July 27-28.
Rising 1st – 5th graders will Pick up a brochure at your local
enjoy the weekly professional library to see the full summer
programs held at all three RPL schedules for children and teens.
branches: Wednesdays at 2:00 p.m.

Historic High School Photos on Exhibit through August

Take a look at historic photos
next time you are in the lobby of
RPL in Salisbury.
“Cherishing the Black and Red”
is an exhibit of photos used in the
successful nomination of
Salisbury’s J. C. Price High School
onto the National Register of
Historic Places in April. Older
photos are from the scrapbooks of
alumni historian Virginia Pharr
Wilson. Newer ones are from the
nearly 300 taken by historian
Reginald Brown to document the
building today.
One of the photos shows L: Raemi Lancaster (now Mrs. Fred Evans) is Miss Price 1956-57 (source: The
Pricean 1957)
Elizabeth Duncan with other
members of the 1934 state girls R: 1948 J. C. Price Band (source: Virginia Pharr Wilson scrapbook)
basketball champs—many years
before Elizabeth Duncan Koontz
Elementary School was named after The former school building, on first principal, L. H. Hall.
her. West Bank Street in Salisbury, is For more information, contact
now city-owned, and parts of the Betty Dan Spencer, who set up the
The school, which operated
building are still in use by commu- exhibit; Reginald Brown, who took
from 1932-1969, is a significant
part of Salisbury's black history, nity organizations. Its name honors many of the photos; or Gretchen
with its contributions to education, Joseph Charles Price, early Living- Witt, RPL’s History and Genealogy
architecture, ethnic heritage, and stone College president. Its gym Librarian (704-216-8232).
social history. carries the name of the school’s

Page 2 News, etc

A Gift That Keeps on Giving @ RPL

The Rowan Public Library We gratefully acknowledge these recent gifts:

Foundation was established in 1991
In Memory of Francis Luther given by John and Nancy Luther to the
for the purpose of developing an
Francis M. Luther endowment
endowment fund to support the
improvement and expansion of
public library resources and
services for the benefit of the
citizens of Rowan County. The
Foundation encourages community
investment through individual and
corporate giving.
Currently, the Foundation’s
primary focus is to enhance the
library’s collection of books and
other resources for public use.
There are now 137 named
endowments, ranging from a
minimum of $1,000 to over
$100,000, which provide ongoing
support for collection development.
Endowments may be established
in the name of the donor or in
memory or in honor of someone. Eleanor Ramsey Williamson Morton S. Lerner
Please consider making a long term Rainbow Fish Discovers The Soccer Book: the Sport, the
investment in your public library by the Deep Sea by Marcus Pfister Teams, the Tactics, the Cups by
establishing a named endowment David Goldblatt
through the Foundation. For
information about setting up an
endowment, please call Pam Nance
at 704-216-8231. The Foundation
is a tax-exempt public 501(c)(3)
foundation and all contributions are
fully tax deductible to the extent
allowed by law.
The Foundation gratefully
acknowledges the many individuals
and organizations that have already
established endowments.
Following are some of the items
acquired by Rowan Public Library
with funds provided by the
Foundation’s endowments.

Phillip K. Barton United States Constitution Laura Hays Frazier

Foundation Executive Director Bicentennial Paul and Me: 53 Years of
The Pacific by Hugh Ambrose Adventures and Misadventures with
My Pal, Paul Newman
by A. E. Hotchner

Page 3
July 2010
A Gift That Keeps on Giving @ RPL

Winford L. Fink Glenn and Dorothy Barton Elizabeth (Betsy) Rich

Mice by Leia Tait A World History of Architecture Requiem by Fire: a Novel by
by Michael Fazio Wayne Caldwell

Richard D. Messinger Allan and Mary Rouzer Grace M. Waddell

Public Produce by Darrin Nordahl The Firefly Five Language Caught by Harlan Coben
Visual Dictionary

Page 4 News, etc

July 2010 Computer Classes

RPL Headquarters East Rowan Library

Salisbury, 704-216-8229 Rockwell, 704-216-7841
Beginners Microsoft Word No classes in July or August. Classes will resume in
Tuesday, July 6 1:30 p.m. — 3:00 p.m. September.
Absolute Beginners
Monday, July 12 7:00 p.m. — 8:30 p.m.
South Rowan Regional Library
Uploading Photos and Email Attatchments China Grove, 704-216-7737
Monday, July 26 7:00 p.m. — 8:30 p.m.
No classes in July. Classes will resume in August.
(No classes in August. Classes will resume in September.)

All classes are free and open to the public.

Dates and times correct at time of printing.

Rowan Public Library appreciates your gifts and

will purchase materials for the library that can be
enjoyed by our community for years to come.

MOMS Club of Salisbury
Rowan Doll Society
John Whitfield
Margaret Woodson Foundation
The Friends of RPL visit Montpelier--home of James
Memorials and Honorariums Madison, fourth U.S. president--in Orange, VA.
In Memory of Robert L. Baughman given by
Melody Moxley
In Memory of Sylvia Zahalsky given by Join the Friends of RPL on a trip to New Bern and
Melody Moxley NC's Crystal Coast October 8-10, 2010. You will explore
Tryon Palace (during their Mum Festival), visit the
charming village of Beaufort, experience the Maritime
Museum and the NC Aquarium at Pine Knoll Shores
(Atlantic Beach), and see Bath, North Carolina's first
Great food, good company, and comfortable accom-
Memorials and Honorariums modations and travel are all included. Pick up a brochure
In Honor of Evelyn Marie Beiderbecke at any library location and register soon.
given by Bruce Beiderbecke

Page 5
july 2010
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201 W. Fisher St.
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on the web!
920 Kimball Rd.
China Grove, NC 28023

Your very best

place to start!

Did Did
You Know?
You can see an exhibit
related to The Art of Being
Human, the theme of the
2010 Summer Reading
Now is the time of
year to renew
A display case at your
Fisher Street entrance aof
membership as
Friend of Rowan
RPL in Salisbury
Public Library
lists this
books. or to
It also Summer
the first
a Friendand fora Reading
number of time. Fill outto
books related
the application
this theme. on this Fun!
page, then take or mail
it to any RPL branch.

Top: Steve Somers ,the Amazing

Visit RPL on the Web! Teacher, entertains summer reading participants with the help of Tara
Smith (left) and A.J. Troutman
Email us:
Left: Summer Reading kicks off at
the East Branch in Rockwell

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