Buch 15 Corrosion Under Pipe Supports

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The document discusses a method for detecting corrosion underneath pipe supports and clamps using ultrasound testing.

Ultrasound testing is used, where a probe sends a sound pulse through the material and another probe receives it to detect any loss of wall thickness indicating corrosion.

Pipes with diameters between 1" and 48" can be investigated when lying on supports, and pipes 2" or larger when in clamps, depending on support dimensions and pipe spacing.

An der Grotte 2

49716 Meppen-Versen
BR Deutschland/Germany
Tel. 49 (0)5931 - 17312
Fax 49 (0)5931 - 14731

Corrosion in pipelines underneath

supports and pipe clamps.

Sparkasse Emsland
Bankleitzahl: 266 500001
Konto nr.: 11004652


This common form of outside corrosion occurs, when pipelines are lying on steal or
concrete, or are hanging in clamps. Because of temperature changes, the pipeline is
moving over the support, which can cause damaging of the coating of the pipeline. In
combination with water, corrosion will occur. The method of lifting and inspection during
process is not acceptable because of the risks which are involved.
Verkade NDT Services has developed a method of investigation to detect in a quantitative way possible corrosion at
supports/pipe clamps, and to measure the depth of the corrosion.

Method of investigation
The investigation is based on ultrasonic testing and the principle is like this: one probe sends a sound pulse through
the material and another probe receives it. Make the signal visible on the screen of a ultrasonic equipment en adjust
it to a certain screen height.

No corrosion/loss of wall thickness


If there is loss of wall thickness, the direction of the sound beam will be changed, less sound will be received and
the signal on the screen will be smaller.

Corrosion/loss of wall thickness

Dispersion/attenuation of the sound beam

When investigating supports, the sound beam is send in the circumferential direction of the pipe. When
investigating pipe clamps the sound beam is send in the longitudinal direction of the pipe.

Pipe clamp
The principle of detecting the corrosion is very simple. The execution of the investigation is much more difficult,
and can be influenced by some factors, like inside corrosion and inclusions. We developed a series of tools, which
make it possible for us to investigate a wide range of supports and pipe clamps.

Amtsgericht Meppen, Handelsregister Abt. B. Nr. 1889

Ust-Id Nr. DE 117339377

Tools and range of investigation

Investigation is possible until a surface temperature of 60 C.
It is possible for us to investigate pipes with diameters between 1 and 48, when they are lying on supports
(depending on the surface condition and permeability of the coating. If there are vertical angle bars welded to the
support (to keep the pipe in position), smallest diameter is 3. The distance between the pipes itself should be at
least 100 mm.

2 pipe

3 pipe with angle bars

24 pipe

Pipes, supported by pipe clamps can be investigated from a diameter of 2 and bigger. The width of the clamp
should have a maximum of 300 mm, and a maximum height of 200 mm above the surface. The distance between the
pipes itself should be at least 100 mm.

3 horizontal pipe

6 vertical pipe

In our procedure it is clearly described how we investigate. Also the factors which can influence the investigation
are described, like the adjustment of the sensitivity, and how to determine the depth of the corrosion. A description
is present over how to determine with absolute clarity if there is really heavy corrosion present, so the customer
can determine from the report if reparation/replacement is necessary.

Reporting will take place with a computerized report, containing information about all actions, investigated
positions, wall thicknesses, corrosion, depth and position of the corrosion. Other irregularities will also be reported.
These reports can be used for follow-up measurements to determine growth of the corrosion.

If you are interested, we can give you a demonstration and/or a quotation.

With kind regards,

J.C. Verkade

Picture 1: X-ray picture of the corroded support 2A.

Picture 2. Corroded support 2A

Picture 3. Loss of wall thickness at support 2A almost 5 mm. Normal wall thickness 6,5 mm.

Picture 4: A 20 inch pipe with locally heavy corrosion, caused by lying on the support.


On the following picture you see our new pipe support

tool for big diameters, for diameters above 20. It can be
adapted to fit any diameter.
The pipe on the pictures has a diameter of 30.

Amtsgericht Meppen, Handelsregister Abt. B. Nr. 1889

Ust-Id Nr. DE 117339377

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