Info ALP 201101 GB Full

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An der Grotte 1

49716 Meppen-Versen
BR Deutschland/Germany
Tel. 49 (0)5931 - 17312
Fax 49 (0)5931 14731

Meppen, January 2011


Ladies and gentlemen,

we would like to give you information about further developments about our
method to determine corrosion at the supports of pipes.
In March 2009 (last information) we did have experience in testing wall
thicknesses up to 15 mm and diameters up to 48". At this moment we have
expanded the range up to 40 mm wall thickness and up to diameters of 64" or
even higher. In case of an urgent emergency we can offer 10 teams for testing
pipe supports. In this way we are able to test approximately 3000-3500 pipe
supports in 1 week (7 days). This is equal to 20-25 kilometer of pipe line.

In 2010, we have been asked the following questions.

A) Is it possible to determine corrosion in positions which can't be reached with our standard
tools. For example in pipes going through walls, floors/ceilings or in drums lying in saddles.
We have developed a single-probe-system for this and we are able to say if there is corrosion
present, and whether this corrosion is light, medium or heavy. Determining the remaining
wall thickness is not possible with this system (see appendix 1).
B) The single probe system can also be used to determine the extend of the corrosion in
circumferential direction. We have developed special tools (for testing in longitudinal
direction to determine the exact wall thickness.

We are able to determine the size of a field with corrosion, and to locate the deepest spot.
C) Is it possible to test pipe supports when there are welds present? We have some situations
simulated to show that even with welds it is possible to determine corrosion.
Appendix 2: Corrosion in a trunnion support and the search for it. It is also possible to
examine bends with a welded pipe on it.
Appendix 3: a situation with welded double plates. The difference between the area without
and with corrosion is clearly visible.


Appendix 4: a situation with a support in 6 hour position, in this case with 1 plate. Even with
2 plates the result is the same. One can clearly see the difference between the healthy
material and the spot with corrosion.
Appendix 5: in pipes is erosion present in 6 hour position. At the support a construction is
welded to the pipe. Will it be possible to determine the remaining wall thickness at this
construction? With pictures we show you that this is possible.
As you can see by our examples we are able to detect corrosion in pipes at different types of
supports, clamps and through walls. In case a situation is new to us, we will try to find a fitting
The situations in appendix 1 through 5 we have shown you are part of our revised procedure of
November 2010.
In 2010 questions have been asked about detecting corrosion in coated pipes. We have experience
with bitume coating since 1998. We inspect isolation couplings and when the pipes do have higher
diameters we have to pass a band of up to 500 mm of bitume coating to examine the coupling.

Isolation coupling with bitume

We show you with a 10" coated pipe that it is possible to determine the corrosion. We did also a test
with a new coating, named Stopaq. In both cases it is possible to inspect the material over some
distance, see appendix 6.
We hope that with these developments from our side it is possible to solve questions from your side.
Together with these developments we would like to attend you on our other specific kinds of UTtesting, see appendix 7. On the last 2 pages you'll find our reference list
Kind regards,
J.C. Verkade


Short information about our test method

A common form of outside corrosion occurs, when pipelines are lying on steal or concrete, or are
hanging in clamps. Because of temperature changes, the pipeline is moving over the support, which
can cause damaging of the coating of the pipeline. In combination with water, corrosion will occur.
The method of lifting and inspection during process is not acceptable because of the risks which are
In 1997 we received the question if it was possible to detect corrosion in piping lying on supports.
In 2002 our procedure was operational and we could offer this service to our clients. Nowadays we
test on a yearly base worldwide 30.000 supporting points.

Method of investigation
Verkade NDT Services has developed a method of investigation to detect in a quantitative way
possible corrosion at supports/pipe clamps, and to measure the depth of the corrosion.
The investigation is based on ultrasonic testing and the principle is like this: one probe sends a
sound pulse through the material and another probe receives it. Make the signal visible on the
screen of a ultrasonic equipment en adjust it to a certain screen height.

No corrosion or loss of wall


If there is loss of wall thickness, the direction of the sound beam will be changed, less sound will be
received and the signal on the screen will be smaller.
Corrosion/loss of wall thickness, causes dispersion/attenuation of the sound beam.


When investigating supports, the sound beam is send in the circumferential direction of the pipe.
When investigating pipe clamps the sound beam is send in the longitudinal direction of the pipe.
Pipe clamp
The principle of detecting the corrosion is very simple. The execution of the investigation is much
more difficult, and can be influenced by some factors, like inside corrosion and inclusions. We
developed a series of tools, which make it possible for us to investigate a wide range of supports
and pipe clamps.

Tools and range of investigation

Investigation is possible until a surface temperature of 60 C.
If there are vertical angle bars welded to the support (to keep the pipe in position), the smallest
diameter is 3. The distance between the pipes itself should be at least 100 mm.
Pipes, supported by pipe clamps can be investigated from a diameter of 2 and bigger. The width of
the clamp should have a maximum of 600 mm, and a maximum height of 200 mm above the
surface. The distance between the pipes itself should be at least 100 mm.

In our procedure it is clearly described how we investigate. Also the factors which can influence the
investigation are described, like the adjustment of the sensitivity, and how to determine the depth of
the corrosion. An additional work instruction describes how to determine the remaining wall
thickness when it's below 2,0 mm. A description is present over how to determine with absolute
clarity if there is really heavy corrosion present, so the customer can determine from the report if
reparation/replacement is necessary.

Reporting will take place with a computerized report, containing information about all actions,
investigated positions, wall thicknesses, corrosion, depth and position of the corrosion. Other
irregularities will also be reported. These reports can be used for follow-up measurements to
determine growth of the corrosion.


Determine corrosion with a 1-probe-system.
Apart from determining corrosion we can also locate it. In practice we don't have any edges to
calibrate on. A visible weld will give the same signal though. This signal can be used to possible
length of material which can be examined, in the example below (image 1) up to 1200 mm.

Image 2: projected distance is 300 mm sound path.

Image 3: start of corrosion, the echo of the edge of the pipe is still visible.


Image 4: heavy corrosion, the echo from the edge of the pipe has disappeared.

Image 5: 6" pipe without corrosion, no echoes visible before the echo of the edge of the pipe.

Image 6: 6" pipe with light corrosion till 1.5 mm, many small echoes visible before the echo of the
edge of the pipe.


Image 7: light corrosion, 1-1,5 mm.

Some more examples of what is possible with the 1-probe system.

- Pipes going through walls, floors or ceilings.

- Pipes going through support rings from vessels and towers.

- Pipes in saddles and with clamps on top.


6 inch

In 2009 we received a question about the possibility of testing for
corrosion inside trunnion supports. During and after fabrication the
surface of the pipe inside the trunnion doesn't get coated. Due to different
conditions outside corrosion can start in the invisible area.

3 inch

max 5,0 mm.

The thought of the client was that the weld connection of the
trunnion with the pipe would change the signal in such a way
that it is not possible to do a correct testing. From our experience
we know that welds in longitudinal direction have only a minor
influence on the sound signal.
In this case there are 2 areas where the signal will be attenuated,
in position A and B. The 3 trunnion welded to the 6 inch pipe
will give a loss of 4-6 dB. The other areas of the weld do not
give a clear attenuation.
We have made a test pipe with 2 trunnions, one trunnion with
corrosion inside, and one without corrosion. See image 1,2 and
Image 1

Image 2: Trunnion without corrosion.

Image 3: Trunnion with (artificial) corrosion


6,8-7,0 mm

Image 4
Tool on the pipe, without corrosion. The sound beam is passing
through the pipe, the signal is at 100 %

Image 5
The sound beam is passing through the weld of the
trunnion without corrosion. The signal is lower, but
still visible.

Image 6
The sound beam is passing through the material
inside the trunnion without corrosion. The signal is
back at 100 %.

Image 7
The sound beam is passing through the weld of the
trunnion with corrosion. The signal is lower, but
still visible.


Image 8
The sound beam is passing through the material
inside the trunnion, next to the area with corrosion.
The signal is back at 100 %.

Image 9
The sound beam is passing through the material
inside the trunnion, through the area with
corrosion. The signal dropped to 20 % screen

Image 10
After increasing the signal according to the
procedure, the echo height is now at 60% screen
height. According to the procedure the remaining
wall thickness is 1,5-2,0 mm.

Image 11
The sound beam is past the trunnion and is back at
100 % screen height.


Image 12

Image 13
Tool for testing when trunnions are at both sides of
a pipe.

Image 14
Trunnion welded to an elbow



Double plates
Welds in longitudinal direction do (almost) not interfere when examining in circumferential
direction. Welds in circumferential direction give a clear decrease of the signal when examining in
circumferential direction, but when doing the testing, the reason for this decrease is clear.
Image 1
2 areas, 1 with artificial corrosion.

Image 2
After welding 2 plates on the pipe. The left plate,
marked with '*', is the spot with corrosion.

Image 3
Signal 100 % without welds.


Image 4
Signal 100 % passing the 2
longitudinal welds. The
sensitivity has been raised
by 4 dB.

Image 5
Signal drops to 20% screen
height, caused by the
(longer sound path through


Image 6
Signal back to 100%,
between weld and corrosion
is sound material present
(see image 1).

Image 7
Signal drops to 25% screen
height, caused by corrosion.
Remaining wall thickness
according to our procedure
lies between 2.0 and 2.5


Plates welded to pipe with welds in longitudinal direction.
Welds in longitudinal direction do (almost) not interfere when examining in circumferential
Image 1
Pipe with 2 plates, one with
artificial corrosion next to
the weld.

Image 2
Signal 100% screen height.


Image 3
Signal passing the welds is
100% screen height by
raising the sensitivity 4 dB.

Image 4
The signal drops, caused by
the (artificial) corrosion.
thickness is 2,0-2,2 mm,
according to our procedure.


Erosion in a pipe in 6 hour position at a welded construction
Image 1
The construction welded to the pipe.

Image 2A and 2B
Signal 100% screen height, no corrosion present.


Image 3A and 3 B
Signal has dropped, because of the circumferential

Image 4A and 4B
Signal dropped with 4 dB because of the
longitudinal weld.


Image 5A
The inside of the test piece with no erosion.

Image 5B
The inside of the test piece with erosion.

Image 6A and 6B
The start of the erosion.


Image 7A and 7B
The deepest erosion.
Remaining wall thickness according to our
procedure is 2,0-2,5 mm.


Corrosion in bitume coated pipes
Image 1 and 2
Signal has passed through 600 mm of material with
coating. The end of the pipe is clearly visible.

Image 3 and 4
When the back wall echo is visible, and there are
echoes before the back wall echo, it means


Artificial corrosion in a Stopaq-coated pipe

Image 5
Signal from heavy corrosion in 500 mm distance.

Image 6
Light corrosion in 700 mm.

Note: for each object that has to be tested, a test has to be done on this object to determine the total
length available for testing.


Additional forms of testing

Since 1991 we carry out examinations for

Hydrogen Induced Cracking (HIC) for 50

Since 2001 we carry out examinations for

corrosion in insulation couplings in pipe

Since 2002 we carry out examinations on

bolts for corrosion.

Since 2002 we perform UT-testing for HTHA in low carbon steel and 1/2 Molly steel. We
also have experience in testing austenitic welds (also as pre-testing for X-ray pictures).


Since 2003 we do testing for:

cracks in flanges. The image shows the type of cracks, the picture the calibration block
we prepared for this testing.


cracks in ring-joint flanges. The image shows the type of cracks, the picture the
calibration block we prepared for this testing.


Since 2010 we test the welds in foundations of wind turbines.

Position of possible corrosion


An der Grotte 1
49716 Meppen-Versen
BR Deutschland/Germany
Tel. 49 (0)5931 - 17312
Fax 49 (0)5931 14731

Meppen, January, 2011

Reference list of companies where Verkade NDT Services carries out

ultrasonic testing of pipe supports for the presence of corrosion.

Contact person

Raffinerie Heide, Heide/Holstein, Germany

Karsten Laskowski

Shell Deutschland Oil GmbH, Tanklager Ludwigshafen, Germany

Thorsten Heins

Shell Deutschland Oil GmbH, Tanklager Essen, Germany

Thomas Kropp

Shell Deutschland Oil GmbH, Tanklager Dortmund, Germany

Thomas Kropp

Shell Deutschland Oil GmbH, Tanklager Duisburg, Germany

Thomas Kropp

Holborn Europa Refinery, Hamburg, Germany

Peter Krull

Shell Globus, Amsterdam, Netherlands

Sieger Terpstra

Shell Refinery Fredericia, Denmark

Lars Jung

Shell Refinery Gothenburg, Sweden

Henrik Janson

Shell Europoort, Netherlands

Jan van Leeuwen

Shell Refinery Pernis, Netherlands

Jan van Leeuwen

Shell Chemical, Moerdijk, Netherlands

Rien Neggers

Shell Tanklager Linz, Austria

Karl Riener

Shell Tanklager Vienna, Austria

Matthias Schffert

Shell Bacton, Great Brittain

Mark Bailey

BP Refinery Rotterdam, Europoort, Netherlands

Peter Tieleman

Kuwait Petroleum, Europoort, Netherlands

Ed Jansen

Total Refinery, Antwerpen, Belgium

Paul Certeyn

NAM BV, Assen, Netherlands

Jan Geerling

ADMA-OPCO, Abu Dhabi, United Arabic Emirates

Hassan Kamel

Petroplus, Ingolstadt, Germany

Markus Schneider

Petro Plus, Antwerpen, Belgium

Joris Verlent

VM Refinery Schwechat, Austria

Franz Hirtl

Conoco Phillips, Wilhelmshaven, Germany

Hans Tjaden

Polimeri, Priolo Sicily, Italy

A. Bogari

Total Refinery, Immingham, Great Britain

Garry Metcalf

Eurotank, Amsterdam, Netherlands

Marcel Beemsterboer

Conoco Phillips Gas Terminal, Theddlethorpe, Great Britain

Andrew Menmuir

ABB-Centrica, Hull, Great Britain

Andy Minos

Esso Refinery, Rotterdam, Netherlands

Carlus Reiniers

Total Refinery, Vlissingen, Netherlands

G. v/d Knijff

DOW Chemical, Terneuzen, Netherlands

A. Mangnus

Maasvlakte Oil Terminal, Europoort, Netherlands

Louis Tjeerde

Shell Deutschland Oil Hamburg, Germany

Michael Steuck

Shell Refinery Stanlow, Great Britain

Mike Smith

Sapref, Durban, South Africa

Nicholas Dowling

Lionell Bassell, Wesseling, Germany

Reinhard Gnther

BRC/Petroplus, Antwerpen, Belgium

Filip Itussospe

ISAB, Priolo, Italy

Mr. Lombardo

Gasco Emden, Germany

Ingo Bruns

DSM, Geleen, Netherlands

Marcel Douven


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