RTA-C3-C-MS-060 ReadyMix Concrete (Batch Plant & Mix Design)

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45 National Guard Family Compound - Central Spine |" Hk 24757246 JI Contract No.6600037267 MAT FARR EW ‘SINGHYDRO BI-34-00025 TERT A 1 DOCUMENT PROCESSING MEMO (3) 754 Woorineg. & Normal [2] / iE Important [] / #Rite Secret C] / @ Urgent DocNo) 4 ——_[NGHPOIPHLeS-T-151/16 | ater ris | 2010-07-18 Given No./ Fi —_|RTA-C3.C-MS-060 ee pee Title | i |ReadyMix Concrete ( Batch Plant & Mix Design) 42544 (The document is issued by): Hi:fEmoloyer TWivEnginer OQ eeAHO «oO sFeR(uProject O usm rvauthorty C) #uitvsubs Suppliers JetOthers eA 4} 38 LARK A ((Intended for): HA Teoh, Bi Commercial HT. Const. fF Admin. Ct Purchase iQ Equip D1 see SEO] 3EE OthersC] tRevéApp. W/Comment saix0nfo. iti/Rep O birders us ze i : 4 Haare .2100'8 Ap 7 pit ses mon Pac ee — (Ce: Muktar, Adil A ; Samut, Leodigario T ; ‘samutlt@outlook.com' (samutit@outlook.com! -; ‘tonyzcruz61@gmail.com’ ‘Subject: FW: SRM Documents for Endorsement to BP&CTU Greetings; KAUST Project Inspection would like to seeks your kind process on One Time base approval of Saudi Ready Mix Batch Plant located in Thuwal for SINOHYDRO Corporation Company Ltd. contractor for National Guard Family Compound ~Central ‘Spine package under BI/JO 25-00034-0004; CN- 66000337267. A letter from SAPMT, Contractor's QC Initial Survey (Appendix A1) and other related documents were attached for your review and approval, HSE manual and Quality manual were verified and checked but were not included in the scanned to minimize attachment, Should you have any queries, please feel liberty to contact the undersigned. Planks aud Regards, a ’ » ner M. Aeitngoos = a EW nn sm Emm npn 5|Page Saudi Aramco: Confidential ATTACHMENT 5 OF 9 PAGES TO BP&CTU-L-287.2016 Request from SAPMT (25-00034) to C&WRPID/KAUPIS ‘SPECIAL KINGDOM PROJECTS DEPARTMENT National Guard Projects Diviston Rm. 1, Prec Sie fice, Thoval Tek a (012) 422-510-0500 une 28, 2016 sxponapor.tcuig CONCRETE BATCHING aoe FC Central Spine Package ‘Contract No, 0500037267 SALEH A. TUNIS!, Sr. Supwr Pro Insp, Inspection Depariment / KAUST Proje! inspection Section KAUST Piet! Ske Office, Thaval ‘SAPMT is hereby requesting SAPID to conduct an inspection of the concrete batching plant of Saud Ready Mix ‘cated in National Guard Famiy (NGFC) Site in Touwal ‘The plant is curently supplying approved designed mx conerote for Resident, Inastucture and tndustial eae package of these packages (B1-25-00034, Cortract No, 6600033424) and (B-25-0004, Gonivact No, 66600036333) respectively. The sumo approved designed mx concretais proposed lobe used on Central Spe ‘package ofthis project (8425-00034, Contrect No. 6800037267). SAPIAT is requesting acionsl approval of tis Belching plant for use on Cental Spine package. This wit ensure thatthe same quality of ready mix concrete continied to be supplied W ik NGFC project aa whole. Ths plant is loceted next to the project ste and hes proved to be a reliable and qualty source of ready mix concrete, Should you have any questions or noed further dleicetion, please contact Abdulaziz G. ALOlsibt on +966 851199454 (e-mett: abdul loti 20@aremnon comm) ai 6; Project Fle 6|Page ‘Saudi Aramco: Confidential pafyloly ATTACHMENT 6 OF 9 PAGES TO BP&CTU-L-287.2016 CONTRACTOR COMPLIANCE WITH SAEP 1150, CLAUSE 9.13.2 BATCH/PRECAST PLANTS AND CIVIL TESTING LABORATORIES INSPECTION COVERAGE “Annzaslicat = ‘SAEP 11505.17-2-0%, REVISION, JULY 25,2011 OOCUMENY RESPONSIEILIFY:10/HP BLT Concrete Supplon's Nene: Sam Rely Mi Conroe Go. Survey Dunes Madune- 2086 Location: r LIZOPRMEO. Pane Phone No: n Caantenotor Meee ‘nan feohmat Fox Nostimatl: Adnan retrmasiie: | 7 [fo becomsucteu my tha construction contractor's npnrovsd OC persanndh) Froposud ferstume of SAPATT: Saleh O. AL-Ghnull Nese oF POM: Ababa SAbdaas BIIONe: — _21.35-00034-0003 Project rile: Nathonal Guu Hamily Compound ( Location: Thaweat KSA GRE EAL INFORMATION om [a reat or NE pe Gee een aig LS em SD REt is tho spproxtinate tiuvel rss Gs RARE i tesa nlxet for dhe proporas Basch plant to tho jobsite? 1 the buts plant central ming or dey bate Te ake haich plant equipped Wik saris uly Sawa Ianoestory? as ‘Approximais Complction dtu af OS PIL, xv. 1 St UNIFORMITY TEST RESULT PER ASTM C-93 (Required if Proposed Hateh Plan ‘Austh Hore wepuibte tuck anieesInelaliny dhe Unt farmy. tes 93 far each “sce Miner, sek Sacre sstlhou asepaable Un Yenny Test reml sll the alowed deliver concrete > Atami see vial hatch and Uniformity Tests (for Dry teh Planes) wienessed by: AV///1 o a (Sof Avea Project Taspection Unit Tnapectar 2 XVI. CONTRACTOR'S RESPONSIBILTY: > = Hased an our actual plant suryey, we confirmed thax che subject batch plant meets the requirements of U9-SAMSS-097, 09-SAMSS.083, In addition, we will perform the required QC rests in the batch plant during concrete production and supplies on-site during placeme: Prepared aad verified by: Qe 4 Mr. ADNAN REI Prine Name and Signature (Comtruction Contractor's QC Representative) 7|Page Saudi Aramco: Confidential ATTACHMENT 7 OF 9 PAGES TO BP&CTU-L-287.2016 CONTRACTOR COMPLIANCE WITH SAEP 1150, CLAUSE 9.13.2 CONTRACTOR (25-00034) INVENTORY OF CONCRETE TRUCK MIXERS (ASTM C94) CONTRACTOR: SINOHYDRO CORP. Co. LTD CONCRETE SUPPLIER: — SRMC BP # 1, Thuwal ee TRANSIT MIXER INVENTORY LIST THUWAL FACTORY- RM60 2016 — see Sear gee ine | [= ma 2 | amsee | sar rw [sw Tunhprompaes = + Notes: 4 1. Additional concrete truck mixer if needed, shall be evaluated and approved by APIU e (25-00034) Inspection representative and update ISSD.BP & CTU. 2. Contractor truck mixers shall be evaluated by Manufacturer and submit to APIU (25-00034) for Approval and update ISSD.BP & CTU. 8|Page ‘Saudi Aramco: Confidential ATTACHMENT 8 OF 9 PAGES TO BP&CTU-L-287.2016 CONTRACTOR COMPLIANCE WITH SAEP 1150-2014, CLAUSE 9.13.2 INVENTORY OF INTERNAL QC LABORATORY-IMTE TO ASTM C1077 BI-25-00034 CONTRACTOR: SINOHYDRO CORP. Co. LTD CONCRETE SUPPLIER: — SRMC BP # 1, Thuwal LABORATORY EGUIPIENT INVENTORY LIST THUWAL FACTORY-RMBO fam BP a en i om eet] i als ‘a sete fefer Pepe] py Ek LABORATORY EQUIPMENT INVENTORY LIST THUWAL PACTORY-RM6O gor hos iad ; & ae 1. New internal testing apparatus shall be calibrated and submitted to ID/ISSD/BP&CTU for update of records. 2. The inventory shall be updated every 6 months. 9|Page Saudi Aramco: Confidential ATTACHMENT 9 OF 9 PAGES TO BP&CTU-L-287.2016 CONTRACTOR COMPLIANCE WITH SAEP 1150, CLAUSE 9.13.2 CONTRACTOR (25-00034) PROPOSED QC ORGANIZATION CHART Sraiaten or Tava fn neni eam cr ent “i a pe “RATA GIMRD AY a A ae 605 coma teatime | i sane Teer) Neha in ites us ee amie | tone | | sa — r Tree | (RE ae a 1 ae Se = a saves | | seroma roercow | | uss Pn my =I ee see = dees Batra) rte ee. a 7 a tt, sree co 7 E fe a sue, sua oi wa ‘may Aeieiosoene cea ‘ener eons Notes: S 1. New Internal QC personnel, shall be evaluated and approved by ISSD.BP & CTU. S 2. Changes on the organization chart shall be reported to ISSD.BP & CTU to update the x batch plant records. 3. Absence of Quality personnel at the batch plant due to vacation or emergency leave shall be informed in writing by Batch Plant Manager to APIU(25-00034) atleast 30 days or 24 hours respectively ahead of the actual leave. Update ISSD.BP & CTU 10|Page Saudi Aramco: Confidential 6 Remarks: Document Responsibility: Project Quality Standards Committee SAEP-1152 Issue Date: 25 May 2014 Next Planned Update:25 May 2019 Approved Procedure for Ready-Mixed Conerete Mix Design Appendix A — Request For Approval (RFA) Concrete Mix Design REQUEST FOR APPROVAL (RFA) ‘CONCRETE MIX DESIGN {A Separate Request Is Required For Bach Mix Design) : TO BE COMPLETED BY SAPMT/ MAINTENANCE ORGANIZATIONS AND APPROVED BY INSPECTION DEPARTMENT OR OPERATIONS INSPECTION UNIT ONLY. DATE: 19 June, 2016 BI/JO, NO: __25-00034~0004 Contractor: SINOHYDRO Project Title: National Guard Family Compound(Central Spine)__ Locatio: ‘THUWAL, TO: _Mr. ADIL A. MUKHTAR Area Supervisor Project Inspection Unit/Operation Inspection Unit pm Orr Clase Ory sep Address: _ BLDG. 102, KAUST PROJECT SITE OFFICE, THUWAL From: _Mr, WAELL M.AL-AKKAS Job Title: _ Sr. P Address:__ SAPMT S.K.P.D NATIONAL GUARD PROJECTS DIVISK Tel/F 012-5100535/0550512645 _ Signature: E-mail Address: __waell.alkas@aramco.com : It is requested that the attached mix design data sheet (Appendix-B) be reviewed & appiyved for the subject project. Saudi Aramco Project Management has reviewed the mix design criteria and found to be in\gompliance with the project requirements. Others: C1 New Mix Design Bi establish Mix Design Mix Design 1D No: Supplier name: _ SAUDI READY MIX CONCRETE Co, Location: ‘THUWAL, KSA | BP Serial No, _AP #1 (81120) CiPrecast / Pre-Stressed Concrete Bl cast-in-Place Concrete OO Structural B® Non-Structural | esign Compressive Strength: B392000 psi [) 4000 psi L) others: ma Cl With Sitica Fume [1 Without Silica Fume [2 Cement Type: 0 ‘Type of Exposure (SAES-Q-001, Table-1) di On Om OW &v Remarks on Type Exposure: (A separate request is required for each exposure type) FOR INSPECTION DEPARTMENT OR OPERATIONS INSPECTION UNIT USE ONLY ] [Approved Oi Reiected Ci Resubmitted Name: ADIL 7 Muees Job Title: UNIT. Tel. No: Ol2— F22— Signature & Date: ‘Original: PMT/Maintenance Engineer ce: Project File/Mix Designs File ID/BP & CTU Docume Resort. hnyeston Engimenag Sundaes Comings SAPPAis2 Insac Dac, 34a 2014 Sea Pinel Ups 28 May 209 Approat Pro 1 fr Ready Mad Conerte Mi Day Appendix B - Concrote Mix Design Data Sheet = COMPLETED WW THTE SUPPLIER & APPROVED BY INSPECTION DEFARTMEST CUPRECAST CONCRETE CASTAN PLACE CONCRETE Osta erveat BF NosstwvereRAL PLANTNAME: smuce ars (26 MIX DESIGN ty NONSOMACROTEED LOCATION: mwa TYPE OF CEMENT: Qhovira Caray DATE: ‘October 25.2014 Byars Dita + vierastsad POSURE TYPES (PEI SAES.Q.001, Table Ds Mey ibe pesicn | Trial. BATCH WEIGITTS / CURIC MEE CRITERIA | RESULTS | NINTERLA REMARK Coop: Seen Bans | 2000 psi | MOOpsi_| Comedy “Ariba Cenc Fa nieuws Cama Contes) SO Max. | 250 [tierosiuesiigh Fem Alarnen Missin MF Anreasy FO [8s were ‘woman, 060 [3 awresce) "30 [sein Stowe) 200 Max. | 10 | Son [98s “| Stsow werent [oiséux | 0139 oewaertnny | 147 stays Rate Teo tases cmeaesen | 39, fee G6 iea Mmecrsrtoemeat saree || Adzinmetieg [1S As de oe | Admin ens "8.0. Aaah TBsneupnatetrestenes eae Sa aaa Ee dctia al TRlptlmhaterasiereet'Saee Pesan Agee Rab tal MTA Rai Pabedan scree cae Tin rans Wad Ou ~ Mab Ros ekiieint ABOVE MIX DESIGN IS VALID UNTIL OCTOBER 15, 2017. REQUIRED ATTACHMENTS (A) Aggregates Latest Tesing Report hy a Saud Aramis Appeeved Lndependeat Labucalory Type at Text a0 (8) Water Anabsts Report (©) Cement MU Fest Ceri (D) Anisures Teetiel Data (2) Apneneiee (F) Atgreqates ending Sheet Tet Report, Mier aca Test Report WSC i ener (Uy Test Report, ASST ia canerte Tiny Campa Ws Parle Graditon & Nena Fier On 300 Se Tey Angeles Abrsina [esis Gain & Abo ‘Code Coniem (C7. | Sule Cute (Say ayn Sule Sonne ‘i | : “| He Fp iia Da hy ILA. ae SAUDI READ¥MIx CONCRETE SE en c.,aoa001a5 A, arent aetna omg ee nt tio hf a a ‘Scpiaisvaresre Tthipy memdiiaaincRhean sews ASIC Hopes aS at Tae Ae ‘Appondlix € ~ Roady Mix Concrete Tefal Hateh Report O01 COMET GIT 6 CLAOTIETE RY 4S Am ATCA QPEL ND aa tse Ab nye ux . L + Mn Roigh Foner: Cat = El. Hil ‘Serbo 3) 0570 LRWOHOD canna Wei } Real Soc me 4 Supa coaik Wisk Tate Shae sibs K EC Wes Arharatel i Diwan ts nce hel SS ihe samen © suust omen Sh mt e tear si trnearer " i rie Hee air “7 ae one WA SIF ALL IETS gat ete matrarimss [state yaaa Puert | m or OS Eee Tuncan mass, , : = ” gs oraea Shusiittea fo tty Ta Te aba = f im ssuwncitne@y 24 o a fa LreBgae Fee SOLOS HSE UK AIDAYS 11ST outs UGRO SUILUMEL dea Hock oe tie OES fy AD arsed ea cest Teg SAEP-1152 Document Responsibili Issue Date: 25 May 2014 Next Planned Update:25 May 2019 Approved Procedure for Ready-Mixed Conerete Mix Design roject Quality Standards Committee Appendix A - Request For Approval (RFA) Concrete Mix Design REQUEST FOR APPROVAL (RFA) ‘CONCRETE MIX DESIGN [A Separate Request Is Required For Each Mix Design) ‘TO BE COMPLETED BY SAPMT/ MAINTENANCE ORGANIZATIONS AND APPROVED BY INSPECTION DEPARTMENT OR OPERATIONS INSPECTION UNIT ONLY DATE: 19 June, 2016 BI/JO. NO: _25-00034~ 9004 Contractor: SINOHYDRO Project Title: National Guard Family CompoundiCentral Spine) Locatio1 THUWAL, TO: _Mr. ADIL A. MUKHTAR ‘Area Supervisor | Project Inspection Unit /Operation Inspection Unit Opa Orr Oase Ory sep Address: _ BLDG. 102, KAUST PROJECT SITE OFFICE, THUWAL From: _M: AL-AKKAS Job Title: _Sr. PROJECT ENGINEER Address:__ SAPMT S.K.P.D NATIONAL GUARD PROJECTS DIVISIO) THUWAL Tel/Fax: 012-5100535/0550512045 _ Signature: E-mail Address: __waell.akkas@aramco.com It is requested that the attached mix design data sheet (Appendix-B) be reviewed & app! Saudi Aramco Project Management has reviewed the mix design criteria and found to be i D1 New Mix Design Wi Establish Mix Design ve Design 1D No SEMDSTHOWIAEOD ed for the subject project. compliance with the ‘Supplier name: __SAUDI READY MIX CONCRETE Co. Location: ‘THUWAL, KSA BP Serial No. _BP #1 (81120) LDiPrecast / Pre-Stressed Concrete D2 Cast-n-Place Concrete CO Structural © Non-Structural esign Compressive Strength: GJ) 2000 psi F) 4000 psi L others: psi ( with Sitica Fume % Without Silica Fume [% Gement Type: ‘Type of Exposure (SAES-Q-001,Table-1): O11 On Om Ow &v Remarks on Type Exposure: (A separate request is required for each exposure type) C FOR INSPECTION DEPARTMENT OR OPERATIONS INSPECTION UNIT USE ONLY DApproved CO Rejected CT Resubmitted Remarks: Name: MUKETA: Job Title: ANT rs eae Signature & Dat Original: PMT/Maintenance Engineer 7 ce: Project File/Mix Designs File ID/BP & CTU Doconent Responsibly Project Quality Standards Committee IanueDete: 28 May 2018 Next Parad Update 25 My 201 Approval Pace fo Rey Mies Ci Appondix 8 - Concrate Mix Design Uata Sheet [ FORE COMPETED WYTHE SUPPER E «PROVED BY INSPECTION DEPARTMENT) PRECAST CONCRETE EAST IN PLACE CONCRETE COOsTRvcrcraL @ Non-srRUCTURAL PLANTNAME: ENCE i tin=saue__ MIX DESIGN 1D: SST LOCATION; _THtWaL TYPE OF CEMENT: Ohm rary) Ovia@un GRAY + Mer ses EXPOSURE TYPES (PER SAES-Q-001, Table 1): 1 DATE: September 15,2014 FAR D we pes | ram, [anteumnons cameuenn = CRITERIA | RESULTS |" MATERIALS [QUANTITY | REMARKS Comp. Surengih @ 28 éays | 2000psi | 3010 psi -{ Cerca: (hy) 250 | Arabus Cement Face tententy |. ae | fate t] ‘ieee lest [7 fee | at (aaa | as owns Te fee Tested Bvi | To) sed) 98S Ye WECIC ws Consele Bo 7 ty NA NA Free Water (iter) M7 Tabaliya ~ KAEC ee Sexigerese (“preety [sae = aientgee |e tee Beeman ee nn [carmaereen | a MTA Rh Rae (ee ee ABOVE MIX DESIGNS IS VALID UNTIL SEPTEMBER 01, 2017 PMT GD REQUIRED ATTACHMENTS: bes ty Agra Lat Tsing Reper apart #e ecto (2) Waser Antes Report ace. Ty Caspian Paice (© Cement min Ter Ceranete BS ‘Gradanea & Matevals Finer dat #200 Sieve (@) Admistures Teehsieal Date = = Tos aaeis Aae 18) Arpenanec 5 3 Ane ending Shee 5 (6) Teekay, Mere tes Ch Fo meprs SCH coer Tet epee AST in coer - ing et a ‘hen |SAUDIREADYINR COM FE Gu. c.R.apzeeners a + getter tre ra Si mean tt ye nt oe pr, ‘tw hans ey seg oer iene sm ae ery Sa et emp uae nd SSS DS heel Santer emg OTE Ten tk Document Responsibility: Presta SABP-L1S2 fanve Date: 28 May 2014 Apronl Pome Nea Planned Update: 25 May 2019 Realy Mio Cone Dg, ‘Appendix C ~ Ready Mix Concrete Trial Batch Report “10 Be COWAT Te & CHRTIRED HY A CANAMCO APPROVED INDEPENDENT LABORATORY PEANTAQME =: _SRMCCBPO1(G1I20 RYO LOCATION: Thewal Dare TAagust § 214 VENOORS WOK _LINAIS TRLERNO em GLAS OF MEN 00 pa (OPC A. _MONTURE CONTENT ABIUSTMEST Tooawmy| coro | wosruxr | awonrnay | | aS | Sean | Sega | me | ; searmials Taw Comcat test 08 co ont CONTENT GOAL DATTA Gy steel ATER SOL CLE CLORIDE HONS CONTIN (Ch 26 DAVS TEST by wf Comeat 0. $8Mensn) | _Syed Moinuadia, a i Document Responsibility: Project Quality Standards Committee ( SAEP-1152 Issue Date: 25 May 2014 Next Planned Update:25 May 2019 Approved Procedure for Ready-Mixed Concrete Mix Design ne Appendix A — Request For Approval (RFA) Concrete Mix Design REQUEST FOR APPROVAL (RFA) ‘CONCRETE MIX DESIGN (A Separate Request Is Required For Each Mix Design) ‘TO BE COMPLETED BY SAPMT/ MAINTENANCE ORGANIZATIONS AND APPROVED BY INSPECTION DEPARTMENT OR OPERATIONS INSPECTION UNIT ONLY DATE: 19 June, 2016 BI/JO. NO: 25-00034 = 0004 Contractor: SINOHYDRO Project Title: National Guard Family Compound(Central Spine)_ Location: __THUWAL. TO: _Mr. ADIL A. MUKHTAR Area Supervisor Project Inspection Unit/Operation Inspection Unit Oow Ort (ase Dry (J JED [] Others: Address; _ BLDG. 102, KAUST PROJECT SITE OFFICE, THUWAL From: _Mr. WAELL M.AL-AKKAS Job Title: _ Sr. PROJKCT ENGINEER Address:__SAPMT S.K.P.D NATIONAL GUARD PROJECTS DIVISION \RO\ ‘Tel/Fax: 012-5100535/0550512645__ Signature: E-mail Address: __waell.akkas@aramco.com It is requested that the attached mix design data sheet (Appendix-B) be reviewed & approved for the subject project. Saudi Aramco Project Management has reviewed the mix design criteria and found to be in dbmpliance with the project requirements. CO New Mix Design ® Establish Mix Mix Design ID No: Supplier name: __SAUDI READY MIX CONCRETE Co, Location: “THUWAL, KSA BP Serial No, BP #1 (81120) Coprecast / Pre-Stressed Concrete Bi Cast-in-Place Concrete B Structural 1 Non-Structural “esign Compressive Strength: [] 2000 psi (Q¥}4000 psi [] others: psi O With Sitica Fume [%] Without Silica Fume [Xj Cement Type: QV. ‘Type of Exposure (SAES-Q-001, Table-1): I Ou Om OW &v Remarks on Type Exposure: (A separate request is required for each exposure type) EE FOR INSPECTION DEPARTMENT OR OPERATIONS INSPECTION UNIT USE ONLY Whoproved Ci Rejected Ci Resubmitrea Remarks: : Original: PMT/Maintenance Engineer cc: Project File/Mix Designs File 1D/BP & CTU epee Ql ais Crnitn Up 25Nay 2008 it sama ‘Argon Pron fr andy Md Cone Mi Dong Appendix B ~ Generate Mix Deslgn Data Shoot COPRECAST CONCRETE, GQCASTAN PLACE CONCRETE. Bsravcromat Cl worsraucruraL PLANTNAME: smcenr ating ___ MEXDESIGNID NO! LOCATION: _smuwaL. _. AWREOFCEMENT: Drqwate)Cit(aeay) DATE: Hasenber 30x Brean Chara +0 sy ‘EXPOSURE TYPES, 403, Tables LAY 2 PER SAES-Q Has Siete heeitvoneat ore Mak ken 7 ads Qo ae = panpe | ‘ABOVE MIXDESIGNS IS VALID UNTIL SEPTEMBER OM, 2017. 3b Ae i ‘REQUIRED ATTACOMENTS ri 2) Wate Anite Riprt $ {6 Comet it rt oatente TE (0) fata Tete Din 1) Aopen 1) Negrete tetog ec {Gy Tea taper ere ee j (09 Te Rapre Wee inverts A) Test ese Ash esr MY ot a, | eabinedoe coworevec0..78 | — SD ech i a ACER JC, IMODOUTE Hatt Peat see sg esera weep gee meaty saeeseepenaiatee SSS Pra SEarata taser : F ngmetpeeseenereer meentetntmnmcatenment came ‘ SAEP-1152 Document Responsibility: Project Quality Standards Committee Issue Date: 25 May 2014 L Next Planned Update:25 May 2019 Approved Procedure for Ready-Mixed Conerete Mix D Appendix A — Request For Approval (RFA) Concrete Mix Design REQUEST FOR APPROVAL (RFA) ‘CONCRETE MIX DESIGN {A Separate Request Is Required For Each Mix Design) [TOBE COMPLETED BY SAPMT/ MAINTENANCE ORGANIZATIONS AND APPROVED BY INSPECTION L DEPARTMENT OR OPERATIONS INSPECTION UNIT ONLY DATE: 19 June, 2016 BI/JO.NO:___25.00034~ 9004 Contractor: SINOHYDRO Project Title: National Guard Family Compound(Central Spine) Lecation:__THUWAL. TO: _Mr. ADIL A. MUKHTAR Area Supervisor Project Inspection Unit Operation Inspection Unit Qa Orr (jase Ory QW vED [] Others: Address: _ BLDG.102, KAUST PROJECT SITE OFFICE, THUWAL From: _Mr. WAELL M.AL-AKKAS Job Title: _ Sr. PROYECT ENGINEER -P.D NATIONAL GUARD PROJECTS DIVISIO! 012-5100535/0550512645__ Signature: waell.akkas@aramco.com, Itis requested that the attached mix design data sheet (Appendix-B) be reviewed & apphoved for the subject project. Saudi Aramco Project Management has reviewed the mix design criteria and found to be i compliance with the project requirements. New Mix Design & Establis Mix Design ID No: Supplier name: __SAUDI READY MIX CONCRETE Co, Location: ‘THUWAL, KSA BP Serial No, _BP #1 (81120) OPrecast / Pre-Stressed Concrete ® Cast-In-Place Concrete & structural O._Non-Structural esign Compressive Strength: [) 2000 pst Bl} 4000 psi CJothers:__pst Ci With Sitica Fume [i Without Silica Fume [x] Cement Type: ‘Type of Exposure (SAES-Q-001, Table): Ol On Om Ow Biv Remarks on Type Exposure: (A separate request is required for each exposure type) FOR INSPECTION DEPARTMENT OR OPERATIONS INSPECTION UNIT USE ONLY (Approved ORejectea Cl Resubmitted Remarks: Name: Job Title: Tel. No. 3 716 720] Original: PAT / Maintenance Engines ce: Project File/Mix Designs File 1D/BP & CTU Eger “Fs sacranse SB SR oie Nest Phoned pes 25 May 2019 Appa! Poste fa Ready hed Coneete Mia Design Appendix B ~ Conerete Mix Design Data Sheet —_—_ oO ETON ————} PRECAST CONCRETE EICASTIN PLACE CONCRETE snwerve C]soxsravcTeRAL PLANT NAME: sraice ura 1 (nn MIX DESIGN 1 NO: EERSTE LocaTion: —_ryewat TYPE OF CEMENT: ClewnirO Zena) DaTe: Grier atcaray + atresia EXPOSURE TYPES (PER SAES-Q-001, Table 1}: _18V. faa | ata aren wrens cup chara | yastts [siatenuats TovaTiTy Bays | A0HO pS | S320 psi_| Comet) ¥ 0 “Trine Aa" Anrepsietky Were awa _| Soa) 300 Max. "115 SET —T eS) SAAR EMMA | 39% Gaara 7 . Mizuntare2 (ers) VRuantemigieaitc atte Core Ameen) “ Listettegesoelonsnonnney Avera | Gare Aegean | Rabi stl MTA Robi ‘Chin apaoe ten eitn eae cnet Bin (CRrseAraraaes | Wedi Qudjad Madina Rcd ABOVE MIX DESIGN IS VALID UNTIL OCTOBER 15, 2017. REQUIRED ATTACHMENTS sh aes ees ©) Atwewes wesmsoee BB Bsmimercmme LUN) Feet Report, WSCH In enerste et nt mu a at eyo fe ie ‘Enna Taig rom WAM AN meg siFunconi brea Appouelins Ready tiie Gonerein Vitel Boloh Report Hoon COMET TE Da CHEERY 2 = VPs are NDE PLE ST eu HS Ae See rE EM Rhee ars stu rt Sigtamtey is Ed ehvemename CV Ania ime. Sot TSCM BE ges Masel My So acre sayiaNt a ssa an ascire P earasrary ueastr ne am OY | wn sian v0 _ [BARD Mak 2 ps 2 Wat Hoban Shon Rise ame) tak ate | tata nas Skane fam feesy PF Twat tee ecm cee taree ts Ga [mes iss tne SE meitaaten | Ted sh, RNIN TE 9 un wun sry son esi GHt eran seuss Lesteaeucanen Wea er roacaitene jiNiemaurstinn Vi seta FUGRO-S IrsiNjEA TD, Shi Asa angel tas PYM set Document Responsibility: Project Quality Standards Committee ( SAEP-1 152 Issue Date: 25 May 2014 f Next Planned Update:25 May 2019 Approved Procedure for Ready-Mixed Conerete Mix Design Appendix A — Request For Approval (RFA) Concrete Mix Design REQUEST FOR APPROVAL (RFA) ‘CONCRETE MIX DESIGN (A Separate Request Is Required For ach Mix Design) TO BE COMPLETED BY SAPMT/ MAINTENANCE ORGANIZATIONS AND APPROVED BY INSPECTION DEPARTMENT OR OPERATIONS INSPECTION UNIT ONLY fs DATE: 19 June, 2016 BI/JO.NO: __25-00034- 0094 Contractor: INOHYDRO Project Title: National Guard Family Compound(Central Spine) Loeation:_THUWAL. TO: _Mr. ADIL A. MUKHTAR ‘Area Supervisor Project Inspection Unit/Operation Inspection Unit Opa Orr Clase Ory & yep Ql Others: Address: _BLDG.102, KAUST PROJECT SITE OFFICE, THUWAL From: _Mr, WABLL M.AL-AKKAS Job Title: _Sr. PROJECT ENGINEER Address:___SAPMT S.K.P.D NATIONAL GUARD PROJECTS DIVISI Tel/Fax: 012-5100535/0550512645__ Signature: E-mail Address: waell.akkas@aramco.com, Itis requested that the attached mix design data sheet (Appendix-B) be reviewed & approded for the subject project. Saudi Aramco Project Management has reviewed the mix design criteria and found to be in compliance with the project requirements, new tix Design Bl establish i Mix Design 1D No: ‘Supplier name: __ SAUDI READY MIX CONCRETE Co, Location: ‘THUWAL, KSA BP Serial No, _BP #1 (81120) OPrecast / Pre-Stressed Concrete Cast-In-Place Concrete Structural 1 Non-structural Design Compressive Strength: [] 2000 psi (94000 psi [1 others: psi Ci With Silica Fume 2 Without Silica Fume [2] Cement Type: 00. type of Exposure (SAES-Q-001, Table-1) a1 On om Ow &v Remarks on Type Exposure: (A separate request is required for each exposure type) FOR INSPECTION DEPARTMENT OR OPERATIONS INSPECTION UNIT USE ONLY Loe (Approved Ci Rejected OC Resubmitted Remarks: Name: Job Title: Ui Tel. So 2-452 ysTeR — Signature & Date: {11 AG/ZI6 Original: PMT/ Maintenance Engineer cc: Project Pile/Mix Designs File ID/BP & CTU Doxemant Rares Ure Date. 2 Ny Next Ponaed pte May 2018 list Qualtw Standards Committes sarpaise Approval Poveda fe Realy Nive Conerte Mtv Down Appondix B - Concrete Mix Design Data Sheet CG PRECAST CoNCR Bsrmcererat, PLANT NAME: sence np 1 (61120) LOCATION: bate: mwa, ctober 25,2014 EXPOSURE TYPES (PER SAES-Q-001, Table 1 ‘SUPFLIEW APPROVED BY INSPECTION DEPARTMENT nat QCAST-AN PLACE CONCRETE NONSTRUCTURAL _ NINDESG SORTA TYPE OF CEMENT: Duownirey Sicrwi Cy icrayy Ohcinay ley pesiey | reat | paTchwarcanrsrcume wane 1 | . LORITERIA, RESULTS | MATERIALS QUANTITY REMARKS Camp. Semgh 28dgs | 400Dpst —_F0RIpsi [Comments 370 anim cae rut Cemenconens) | 30] 310 [wisi] ‘Mice silica (hg os srt 34" Appreginie thy: 770, Sew Retow WC Rate 0.40 Max. | G40 38" Aperupae thy) 330, See Helow eee 0.15 Max | eos Water (hee) 44 Aahahya - RAEC Sees 33% [Ramsmetviena_ [35 aa ai ‘Netw ‘Adnan 2 Une) 60 “Arkaz « Jeddaly Tins cigtct ert cy 16 eo Scie end [ie ee 2 Actin Tessie all scien ABTS APNE 5 Tunagpreen actetaoteaevtt oe corse stings (Coane Aggregates Rabigh Jabal - MUA Rubyg [ Fine Aperegans | Wad Qidbad=S tf Type ot Fest Ti] Clap Lampe nahi Paitoe {ayes Late Tn pr Sera grea neon Lateran rea Tein ep sar me 2. ‘Seu o (©) Cemeat Mu Test Ceruineate -Gradation Matrals Finer an SEU DNS ‘Tos Angeles Abrasion. rc Aggregates Blanding Shee Speate Gavi & Also Cini Cane TL Tet Report Micr ica Sullates Comene S0.1-[- 1 A) Test Report, WSCT in canerete anew Sule Sodan ave - eggtagth Tes Pe) audi pexbres WEtHSD HPDSTO hint wu rVoald fed am serait) SUN SSecee basta yan Jc R. a8u200 1675 a REOuuEEE, EVALUAT®D By: (1) Hest Report SSI in eanerce uy 5 SONCRETE CO. Li ia Supariirannt Periive a gl] lngaslion Spore Findon Dion Liab ‘td i si ug Bet vs ids and nee ! Decoment Reger: Poet Qality Sandarts Commits Sar wine Date 8 ty tisk ReSSiatsoatne Any aliens: Appenulix C — Ready Wx Concrete Teial Batch Report Lom CONT ADRCTTITRY ( & wine a. mn SLIME NUNC EMH LaAE aan September 18,2011 Taso. ™ 8 (HOPE SMOSH C0818 xO MemuMas ub yynity remo, vain vison eis apn stan ines: | Tinga ae ee es a * aeteabst RELIC MME oe way SGUKG AM HH RE RES AE | stems SG NTA an ge Vieicerad int Gel | fea ig | ances tin “Teeny Rae | ad ‘Ur AUECOVTLNE TER VARIOL STINE INE MU ALS, TMNT FRA 7 us ig NI AgMM THRIFT z > caiparssins cima SereyF SFI tts sem EOE BA | varsiiipas | + USAMA eR TEP cm testes cox Tieng Swostorn Prov. Cab, 27) TH AUHHeScEtMLY C2) HUH) LUN COSTENTICD. te BANEATOL Herp mt He eels 0M! | we he ioe Shee (0 SIO AINE, stem anstfsor rn Ge c = zs “weih Wamtetn 84 warns an Rap Bite Pcmsechin Totag tt pi Document Responsibility: Project Quality Standards Committee &) SAEP-1152 Issue Date: 25 May 2014 ‘Next Planned Update:25 May 2019 Approved Procedure for Ready-Mixed Conerete Mix Design Appendix A — Request For Approval (RFA) Concrete Mix Design REQUEST FOR APPROVAL (RFA) ‘CONCRETE MIX DESIGN (A Separate Request Is Required For Bach Mix Design) ‘TO BE COMPLETED BY SAPMT/ MAINTENANCE ORGANIZATIONS AND APPROVED BY INSPECTION | "DEPARTMENT OR OPERATIONS INSPECTION UNIT ONLY DATE: 19 June, 2016 BI/JO. NO: __25-00034 = 0004 Contractor: SINOHYDRO National Guard Family Compound(Central Spine) Location:__ THUWAL, TO: _Mr. ADIL A. MUKHTAR Area Supervisor Project Inspection Unit/Operation Inspection Unit Opn Orr (ase [ry JED [1] Other: Address: _ BLDG. 102, KAUST PROJECT SITE OFFICE, THUWAL From: _Mr. WAELL M.AL-AKKAS Job Title: Address:__SAPMT S.K.P.D NATIONAL GUARD PROJECTS DIVISION R ‘Tel/Fax: 012-5100535/0550512645__ Signature: E-mail Address: __waell.alekas@aramco.com It is requested that the attached mix design data sheet (Appendix-B) be reviewed & appr’ Saudi Aramco Project Management has reviewed the mix design criteria and found to be in cs CO New Mix Design @& Establish Mix Ds ie Design 10 No: ~ SR tO WSSTSEEOR for the subject project. ympliance with the Supplier name: _SAUDI READY MIX CONCRETE Co, Location: ‘THUWAL, KSA BP Serial No. _BP #1 (81120) Precast / Pre-Stressed Concrete Bi cast-In-Place Concrete & structural 2 Non-Structural esign Compressive Strength: [] 2000 psi [] 4000 psi [1] others: SO0BD pst ith Silica Fume [] Without Silica Fume [J Cement Type: ‘Type of Exposure (SAES-Q-001, Table): O1 On Wu Ow Ov Remarks on Type Exposure: (A separate request is required for each exposure type) [ FOR INSPECTION DEPARTMENT OR OPERATIONS INSPECTION UNIT USE ONLY Le ([ARpproved Ci Rejected Oi Resubmitted Remarks: Name: _AD Lf METAR — A Job Title: Tel. No.: OJ2—: fe TAR — Signature & Date: Original: PMT/Maintenance Engineer cc: Project File/Mix Designs File 1D/BP & CTU Docume! Respssiiliy: Project Quality Standards Comm SABP.1182 lusue Date: 28 Vay 2016 Next Massed Update: 25 May 2019 Approval Procedure for Rendy Mixed Concrete Mix Design ‘Appendix B ~ Concrete Mix Design Data Sheet "FORE COMPLETED BY THE SURTLER & APrOVED By INSPECTION DEFARTENT OOPRECAST CONCRETE BBCAST-AN PLACE CONCRETE Bistaucrenat Cl sowsraverurat PLANT NAME: SAMCC HP 16120)-RM60 ___ MEX DESIGN 1p Xo; SAMTAARESSISESR LOCATION: taywan TYPE OF CEMENT: Btwn Diiccravy DATE: September 15,2014 Cv ray) [BU CGRAY + Mic sea) EXPOSURE TYPES (PER SAES-Q-001, Table 1): 1 PARQ fee tt ae) a THATCH WEIGHTS/CURICHETER —_ | CRITERIA RESULTS | MATERIALS | QUANTITY REMARKS Coup. Sueasth@28 dam | SOO0psi_| 6340 psi_| Ceoew tx) 410 _-| Anan Gener Fac. == 3 | 441 7 Nore ata) Toshi inode Tato _| 70 | rape WiC Ratio 0.40 Max. 0.39 ~ | 88" Agzsegate (ke) Stump (ira) 200 Max. 120 | Sund (kg) | See Relow wecemcencer OW PotsMax [0.080 hice waeraheen | Tabaliya -RAFC Steerer | 3 Laat as" aaa = Tras) tase cana aeciitonine tie: heroes [Sala ufo 2} Achietiogennntcnientey wertanier [Comte Acoastr | RabighJabal-MTA Rabith 3 Tage erttseeeseseme cee Fixe Angrezatss | Wadi Qidyad ~ Madinah Road a ABOVE MIX DESIGNS IS VALID UNTIL SEPTEMBER 01, 2017. ov FAR > REQUIRED ATTACUMENTS E ¢ (A) Ag Latest Tes bby a Saudi Aranico Approved Independent Laborxtory & efTat 1a [Se Sand | (8) Water Anayse Report 4 [caytapra rinse ts ——— (©) Cesment Mill Test Certificate > [Gait Mac er ETS] (©) AdnstsracesTehaleal Data iss Abrasion (©) Appendia C g cific Gravity & Absorption ©) Aggregates Blentling Sheet B lorides Content (G) Test Report, Micro silica a es Cee (So Test Report, WSC i concrete penus Stes Saat fh TetRepary aSstinconeree Gl a rm rei Tipe EAB. Fé | SAUD! READYMIx CONCRE F 1S8D- Batch Plants & Civil Testing Unit RADIGH ARERWAWAGER |p genznpie7s —rtetene¥o ia ko + dreamer pina el ee dete ete ml ee eh we ny ei SES ames a a a ae a Document itty: Project Quality Standards Committee SAEP-I1S2 Tamu Date: 25 May 2018 Appr eae ‘Next Panaed Update: 25 May 2019 Rexty Sted Caer Dein ‘Appendix C - Ready Mix Concrete Trial Batch Report [fom coRETTTRD A UraTIMFOBYA 5 AaAMCO ASFROWED NN FiswEs LAWOESTOR — puaxt sane | _SRMCC BPH (81120) MEO _ LOCATION ‘Thur . parr Rost 5 2014 Yrsoors nxn. EDWE1}49% TRucKSO | + MB GLASS OF MIN” 500 pHi(OEC-VST AL MOISTEREGONTINTADILSTATENT _ went mateuars | ovasrmy | conmmos | MorsTTt — ABSOREHON oo weer ag my ec MASLTACTUNPRECRLSGEN'S AME ‘Ribigh Concent Fast - Rabie Tt Ferro Africa South Aiea aners wares oe (Temvoe mt Ngotie ng WS ire cree |r Tap niece at SR eer Conte 50, Jabal “Wace irting Gn Aabigt 1 ae a set Ts | a> Mai : toi ites | Pour | 16s Tegyee tea Varo Was “AES } ee ea | Wacet | 28 [Warde amas et x ee | Umawe P80 _[Daacen 186 Ae = waroenibee | Oo nem 3 )_aveade [ements Tee fun reeset ania a a UME as TERT HAAR 359 “INE, Bs D._ COMPRESSIVE STRUNG LIS ESTETS Oa dice meres Gaeinh laden vane | coma | eo ae ee | erat net | —smnaineg set a me | ait 8 MicALTISEOSEONCREY qiaenienet Peoumcunraes Tai 04) a4 BAVETTNT, (bp wt of Come 1 WaruicsortHrFCHLORIDL IOS CONTINT (Cl, DAYS LEST (SH nt of Cm auc Plt ep newt Sipatsee —_Syed Molondain 7) ceed By: UGRO-SURAIMLLTD, re a j vomnepaadegn & eb BateePieunaed chi Tees Ue cera lsat rand lWPh THELEN, oe LOHNER N ee \, te tape tment }) Document Responsibility: Project Quality Standards Committee 4 SAEP-1152 Issue Date: 25 May 2014 Next Planned Update:25 May 2019 Approved Procedure for Ready-Mixed Conerete Mix Design Appendix A — Request For Approval (RFA) Concrete Mix Design REQUEST FOR APPROVAL (RFA) ‘CONCRETE MIX DESIGN (A Separate Request Is Required For Each Mix Design) : [ TO BE COMPLETED BY SAPMT/ MAINTENANCE ORGANIZATIONS AND APPROVED BY INSPECTION ] DEPARTMENT OR OPERATIONS INSPECTION UNIT ONLY DATE: 19 June, 2016 BI/JO. NO: _25-00034 - 0004 Contractor: INOHYDRO Project Title: National Guard Family Compound(Central Spine|_ Location:_THUWAL. TO: _Mr. ADIL A. MUKHTAR Area Supervisor Project Inspection Unit/Operation Inspection Unit Ova Orr (Jase (jRy yep () Others: Address: _ BLDG. 102, KAUST PROJECT SITE OFFICE, THUWAL From: _Mr. WAELL M.AL-AKKAS Job Title: _ Sr. PRQJECT ENGINEER Address:__ SAPMT S.K.P.D NATIONAL GUARD PROJECTS DIVISI THUWAL, | Tel/Fax: 012-5100535/0550512645 Signature: E-mail Address: __waell.akkas@aramco.com Itis requested that the attached mix design data sheet (Appendix-B) be reviewed & applved for the subject project. Saudi Aramco Project Management has reviewed the mix design criteria and found to be if’ compliance with the project requirements. Cnew ix Design Establish Mix Design Mixc Design ID No: ‘Supplier name: SAUDI READY MIX CONCRETE Co, Location: ‘THUWAL, KSA BP Serial No. _BP #1 (81120) CoPrecast / Pre-Stressed Concrete 1 cast-In-Place Concrete 1 Structural Bi Non-Structural Design Compressive Strength: [] 2000 psi [] 4000 psi [) others: 50068 psi O With Silica Fume Without Silica Fume [] Cement Type: 0). fype of Exposure (SAES-Q-001,Table-1): Or On Om Ow &v Remarks on Type Exposure: (A separate request is required for each exposure type) [ FOR INSPECTION DEPARTMENT OR OPERATIONS INSPECTION UNIT USE ONLY Z| [FKpproved Rejected Ci Resubmitted For Remarks: Original: PMT/ Maintenance Engineer cc: Project File/Mix Designs File ID/BP & CTU Pe (or (MEAN J EZG 72016 ocuazen Responslity: Prajeet Quality Standards Committse SAEMIS2 sue Date: 25 May 2014 ‘Nex Plane Updte: 25 May 2019, ‘Approval Procedure for Resdy Mined Concrete Mix Design Appendix B - Concrete Mix Design Data Sheet CUPRECAST CONCRETE. PACAST-IN PLACE CONC) Ostrccrerar 6 NONSTRUCTURAL. PLANTNAME: Sefccur#iain)-avie MIX DESIGN 1D NO: $3THERESSIGY LOCATION: THUWAL TYPE OF CEMENT: = (JLQWHITE) Br (GRAY) DATE: September Dv (Gray) CONGRAY + Micro silica) EXPOSURE TVPES (PERSAES-Q4001, Table), _1eY : MAR Torso, | iaual|___ aan omeana cues ee CRITERIA | RESULTS | MATERIALS _ | QUANTITY REMARKS Comp, Suength G28 days | 5000psi | 6270 psi {Cement [440 J anitian Cement Feet Coen Content) 370Min | 4407] sw Sta i ‘bro silica (ka) - I - 34" Aperegate (kg TIO} See liclow aa Cao | 0ad [awrAgeanetg |) [steer Sec pooh | ns [eal 71a [eee eee | 0.15 Max, 9.075 | Free Water (ners) 165 «| Tebaliyy -KAEC Sheveitwersaeuee | 26 | aaieci gen [as —paeeam abet Gat ia = ; 7 Cove Aereges [Ra aa Pie persica kellie os ‘3. Thin approval oot rad to be wied whet cares consee | Pe Aggregates | Wadi Qidyad aa FART REQUIRED ATTACHMENTS (A) Aggregates Latest Testing Report bya Saud Aram Hfadependent Laborstory Type of Test a ‘Sana ] (B) Water Auatsts Report age re Pcs t 1 Grater | Grafation& Materials Fer tan 00 Sieve (D) Adatures Techaeal Date Tos Angeles Abason () Appendix Bw [Spc Gera Abt () Anarepates Blending Sheet & [etiam —— (G Test Repor, Miro sien A ‘Sulftes Cosa ($0), (G) est Repor, WSC Is conerate ‘Magoesom Sul Tet Report. ASST le eonerete > Tit oa Mi __C~ HAS ALSHERATA READYMK CONDRETE co, L1O.] io Toatng Un aaa iden [ee yenin CONCRETE CO.YO | Bich Pans & Civ Teng Ct eee ' of ee i el a at ema el ras, pay) wy nn etre yng trae 880, SPST Ty ot Mfr wa reget ASTM C17 ana veel by SAT Document Responsibilty: Project Quality Standards Committee SAEP-1152, Fete Date: 25 May 2014 Aes cn Next lance Update: 28 May 2019 Randy tel conciee Day. Appendix C ~ Ready Mix Conerote Trial Batch Report Chom PID €CERTULEDEVA s. ARANICO APPROVED NDEPENDENTTANORAIOINY 1 PANT NAME: SRMICCEPHL(QLI2O)-RMGO_ LOCATION + Thuwal DATE “Aogust 2074 vesnoR'ssuci: LCWHT7009 FRUCKNO MELD GLASS OH MIX’ _$t00 gal OPC] ae A MOISTURE COvTaNT aDSUSTSSENT [sareauss onasiny cosmuon | mostaa | assournos sonst | (Ro teeny | omen * Ps of Wiaaed wet sehen 7 wea coum ses a Ton wricrer PER Com METER {warns | | gvavrery SUACTIREREHISU HSI) aan ore uy | ag Ce Pa i Citeeste — rere Fra fnew nba — dios Tia Co” Rake —_ 330-7 Rabigh Jabal” Moder Trading Co. -Ratigh 11)_27 Wat dyed Matind toad " MGS Taga = uta ear ne Wat ks KAT 25 Want tetas Todtih 4 ke MOC EMPRRATURE _SLUII 30) 200 TT unre Banas |g err ee Sem i PBs) Cuniutiragen | 30 © Si) cmaucat-tast on cosene, : 22} ao I (5 z Losec | sans it gf Du Pint ep cea Spent “Syed Moloudain ey Yet ~—-hef A ’ j 5388 | om mame 7 | oy ou, lag Lay San rn seg ea eee seni “I CEB Wercaed ty fa : SE aD Bi tat ata loan renin Re int eoereainomenonrs as prvomegr ran ibis Rs alton SS, rave telomere 7 es “IC < Document Responsibility: Project Quality Standards Committee Issue Date: 25 May 2014 : Next Planned Update:25 May 2019 Approved Procedure for Ready-Mixed Concrete Mix Design Appendix A — Request For Approval (RFA) Concrete Mix Design REQUEST FOR APPROVAL (RFA) ‘CONCRETE MIX DESIGN (A Separate Request Is Required For Bach Mix Design) | TOBE COMPLETED BY SAPMT/ MAINTENANCE ORGANIZATIONS AND APPROVED BY INSPECTION DEPARTMENT OR OPERATIONS INSPECTION UNIT ONLY. DATE: 19 June, 2016 BI/JO.NO: ___25-00034=go04 Contractor: SINOHYDRO Project Title: National Guard Family Compound(Central Spine) Location: ___THUWAL. TO: _Mr. ADIL A. MUKETAR ‘Area Supervisor Project Inspection Unit/Operation Inspection Unit Cpa Orr Clase Ory vep () Others: Address: _ BLDG. 102, KAUST PROJECT SITE OFFICE, THUWAL \ From: _Mr. WAELL MAL-AKKAS Job Title: _ Sr. PROJECT ENGINEER Address:___ SAPMT S.K.P.D NATIONAL GUARD PROJECTS DIVISI 6, THUWAL Tel/Fax: 012-5100535/05505 1264: Signature: E-mail Address: __wacll.akkas@aramco.com It is requested that the attached mix design data sheet (Appendix-B) be reviewed & appived for the subject project, Saudi Aramco Project Management has reviewed the mix design criteria and found to be in compliance with the project requirements, Di New Mix Design Bi Establish Mix Design Mix Design ID No: ‘Supplier name: __SAUDI READY MIX CONCRETE Co, Location: ‘THUWAL, KS) BP Serial No. _BP #1 (81120) CiPrecast / Pre-Stressed Concrete 2 cast-In-Place Concrete ®& Structural O Non-Structural “esign Compressive Strength: [J 2000 psi £] 4000 psi LJ others: psi O With Silica Fume J Without Silica Fume Cement Type: V9 ‘Type of Exposure (SAES-Q-001, Table-1} Lr Ov Om OW &v Remarks on Type Exposure: (A separate request is required for each exposure type) [ FOR INSPECTION DEPARTMENT OR OPERATIONS INSPECTION UNIT USE ONLY J [Approved CO rejected CO Resubmitted -Remarks: Name: ADIL Ay MURATA Job Tie: UN Tel. No.i OlZ—422, Signature & Date: Original: PMT/Maintenance Engineer J R ce: Project File/ Mix Designs File 1D/BP & CTU ‘Document Responsibility Project Qualiey Standards Committee SAEP.1152 Ine Date: 25 May 2014 ‘Next Planned Update: 28 My 2019 Approal Procedure for Reedy Mixed Conrste Min Desgs Appendix ® -Concrote Mix Design Data Sheet (__ OPRECAST CONCRETE ‘SQ sTRUcTURAL (NONSTRUCTURAL PLANT NAME: seuceuP #112 -nvGo __-MIX DESIGN 1D No: SEAGTHON ELSES LOCATION: TOUWAL TYPE OF CEMENT: [1 QWHITE) D1 (GRAY) DATE: September 15.2016 Bary COMGRAY + Mise) EXPOSURE TYPES (PER SAES.Q.001, Table}: _U& , ‘bbaron |. aan MATCH WEIGHTS /CUBIC METER TEMS _| CRITERIA | RESULTS [MATERIALS | QUANTITY | REMARKS Comp Sweex @ 28 eye | S0O0psi | 6590pai [Cement ee “440_—| Arian Coment Fase Cees Cont) 370 | 440 | Mis siesta) Mises (a) =| = fai descents [770 | See Below Weise | OAU Man. [0.39 130° Anwepne(i) | 330” ~| See Below ‘Stamp (mre) 200Max.| 105 7 | Suodike) ae enero. OAS Max, | 0.075 _“Y Free water iter) 16S +} Pabaliya KAR Siete Rnetraopess Faw ee | 35% -P Aaniniwed dies) | 23] Ave Tena ‘rine Adwlatare 2 (liters) 8.0 -| Arkan- Jeddah TS sc ach ivbrmtn pion Coane Ai Ratigh al - MTA Raigh 7 3 Tinted iron Clebwdvanvontessaren Fae Agarepnes | Wadi Qudyed~ Madinah Roud 7 Sisoiat ABOVE MIX DESIGNS IS VALID UNTIL SEPTEMBER 01, 2017, PREGA ‘REQUIRED ATTACHMENTS ts a) rt by a Saud Arameo Approved Independent Laboratory < a | 38" | Sand | (8) Water Araya Report a; Gi a (© Ceoeat hi Tet Cetente BY Matera Far ia 00S @ Aisinea Tease Las les mo ©) Appendix C E peiie vay & Aba © Adsrertes Blending Stet [ Chiendes Contont (Ci) (G) Test Report, Micro silica 8 [Suites Coss Gof 1 {ih est Repos, WSCt in cenerete EB juan Sulfa ness, \) UD Test Report, ASST in concrete Bw as Dijaig) Gaya 7 EAB AnsmbRara —|eadoigeaorun Covenete co cmy| iD RABIGH AHANINAGER [OM ran ne es a af parm dn al is py Cah DDecument Responsibly: Project Qual sanp.t1s2 lusse Dats: 25 May 20.4 Aayonlrtr ie Next Planned Update: 25 May 2019 onty Med Gare Dein ‘Appendix C - Ready Mix Concrete Trial Batch Report Ti, COM HTD CORTIAEDBYN © ARANCO APPROVT D INDEPENDENT LAROIATORY — MANTNANT =: _SAMCCBP#1(61120-RMGO —LOKKTION + Taawal pare + TAugost 2014 YVESbOR'S wpe; —LCK77009, = HNLCKNO Mn ERSSOF MEN S000 pLAAREY AL MOISTURE COWEN ADILSTHENT, eee connirion — woisicer | ansonrsi0% SANT Ginngiag Cowra | Sa aren } ae i ueny eee | f Tor [We Pee Ht Er Aw) | B__sATCuWHuGrT PER CUMIC WeTER Menu Na coc RACTTRERCRAMERS ANE meee eg : Tigh Goat Fat Pah ‘Sena ; 4 Hae | — Lor aeert 20 | ‘see a sya fev Ee Po “Tale Tha oe Werks ARC fue tay Wea | 23! wwwb=auedean Adair? jy Dawe eee ae as ‘Warrceret Ren 7 i © _ Sta ane CONTE THOM @ VAUOES THM IvTERVALS [Tan iotrner 7] | tsi eed _siaiir erTRATRE Th tJ : mine rae STRING Up tah are LUNTFWFIGHT (ye) x |< CEMICAL TEST ON CONCRETE ACD ROI DT STIFATE IONE CONTWNEROL DATS SeLEeH SO1 WEF CHU.DRUDE LORE CONTEST IC) td Pat Hep (amewrd Spon) —_Sye ey rete cette ed By sRO-SUHAIMELTD, ‘Navara Aare Aral Lasertny — 15d Winey. sons] ‘Pi bia Puen agi 007°09 44249609 KWAGEEE IONS | re a apa epee be name rth TAD me \ {ron pet nya oan pyre <& SINGHYDRO BRANCH OF SINOHYDRO CORPORATION COMPANY LTD. PROJECT TITLE: NATIONAL GUARD FANILY COMPOUND(CENTRAL SPINE] THUWAL CONTRACT NO. 6800037287 INO. 25.00034 gal S04! ‘Saudi Aramco. TABLE OF CONTENTS. No. Description 1_| Project Specification 2_|_ IFC Drawings 3 Applicable SA Standards 4 | QC initial Survey Report 5 6 7 Material Technical Data & Catalogue <& SINGHYDRO BRANCH OF SINOHYDRO CORPORATION COMPANY LTD. <& SINGHYDRO BRANCH OF SINOHYDRO CORPORATION COMPANY LTD. @pgnul! gSol! PROJECT TITLE: NATIONAL GUARD FAMILY COMPOUND(CENTRAL SPINE) THUWAL Saudi Aramco CONTRACT NO. secc037a87 BINO. 25-0038 Project Specification Reree HaOe caer 4 SINGHYDRO BRANCH OF SINOHYDRO CORPORATION COMPANY LTD. ua Armen 2515-ENS (0399) z SAUDI ARABIAN OIL COMPANY z 4.03 COORDINATION 5 A ‘Coordinate work under provisions of Contract Documents. a 8 Coordinate the placement of joint devices with erection of concrete formwork and placement of form accessories PART 2- PRODUCTS el |e 7 2.01. CONCRETE MATERIALS 3) [8 | /B]s A For all concrete above and under grade, Portland cement, ASTM 8) 18/2 C150, Type V (sulfate-resistant type) shall be used, except for water 8! 1212 retaining structures where Portland cement, ASTM C150, Type Il : (moderate sulfate-resistant type), shall be used with silica fume complying with ASTM C1240. All bagged cement shall be cleariy marked with name of manufacturer. Any bag varying more than 3% shall be rejected. a LEE B. Aggregates: Conform to SASO standards and the following st lz Ata 1. Fine: ASTM C39. Sand shall be clean, hard, durable, uncoated 2} [8]8 grains, free from deleterious substances. cae [a [u 2. Coarse: ASTM C33. Aggregate shall be crushed stone, gravel er or other aproved inert material having clean, hard, durable, Soren uncoated particles. Maximum nominal size of aggregate shall a be20mm. Bian Cc. Water: Potable and it shall comply with the requirement of ASTM C jem 94/C 94M. LcEcO rT 2.02 ADMIXTURES ==. A Calcium Chloride or Admixtures containing chloride salts shall not be used, — B. Administering of the Admixtures shall be by means of automatic ae ‘weighing at batching plants only. = C. Quantity, preparation and mixing shall comply with the manufacturer's a6 directions for use at temperatures when concrete will be placed. Fi i 2.03 EMBEDDED STEEL ELEMENTS care A. All steel elements to be embedded in concrete or cast-in shall be hot Z¢ dip galvanized in accordance with ASTM A 123 and ASTM A153. All egos embedded items should be properly identified, positioned, and 3 i i E secured, Eegie Hae 2] | 2 [construction specirications owosnes [rowine | wee osavone | wine. [ evra Zaiié $2: [suport racumes packace BOG -000803-8.vou004 | 278 fo) [avast scum eros were] q prams] 2 Bes 82 dlenuwa SAUDIARABIA | 70 evasaneae 1081 | oud Aric 2615-ENG (0195) z SAUDI ARABIAN OIL COMPANY é 2.04 ACCESSORIES & A Epoxy Bonding Agent: For bonding new concrete to existing concrete 3 use Sika's Skadur Hi-Mod; Adhesive Engineering Company's i Coneresive 1001-LPL or 1170; Master Builders Brutem 17, or Saudi Aramco approved equal B. Vapor Barrier: ASTM D4397,,A minimum thickness of 0.15mm (6 Mils) polyethylene sheet with maximum permeance rating of 0.13, gle perm (7.5 ng/Pa x s x sq, m) a) [El8 ©. __Dry-pack Mortar: Dry pack mortar shall be composed of one part By. /8]s Portland Cement, two parts sand with sufficient water that a mass of a) (lg mortar tightly squeezed in the hand will retain its shape but will al2 crumble when distributed. D. Inserts: As shown in Contract Drawings and shall be hot dipped galvanized £. _. Dovetail Anchors Slots: Self securing 20 gauge galvanized metal a El Packed with readily removable material ay |e te oto F, Protection of concrete below grade: Comply with the requirements of a]. [Ea section 07160, 3] Eh Eal<[=]e 2.05 JOINT DEVICES AND FILLER MATERIALS Beneee A Refer to Section 03100 2.06 CONCRETE MIX el A All structural concrete shall have a minimum cylinder compressive pe sr strength as indicated on drawings. sen 208 8. Lean Concrete beneath foundation, where specified on Contract Drawings, shall have a minimum compressive strength of 14 MPa at sone 28 days. — C. Non shrink grout, shall have a minimum compressive strength of 35 rae MPa at 28 days, unless otherwise indicated on drawings. oe D. Mix and deliver concrete of the required strength & workability at the iE site, Addition of water to the concrete at site will not be allowed. g | Fi ig E, The maximum water cement ratio shall be 0.4. Be F. For cyclopean concrete, the minimum cement content shall be Eats 150Kg/ms, : ii i i G. All Concrete is to be of normal weight of 2500Kg/m?. Be | ip | | [Gonotmucrion sreoreanows wernre [rowiwe|woex] erawnana | owns] Aono 124] /[supportracumes packace Doc . voto | 276 313) ] 2 .NATIONAL GUARD FaNILY COMPOUND INES [aE evel oF’ |B Best: Yrwuway ‘SAUDIARABIA | 79150 BL26.00004 1081 ‘oust Arames 2646-£NG (03/99) 2] SAUDI ARABIAN OIL COMPANY z H Air Entrainment: Determine air content in accordance with ACI 301, = I Consolidation: Comply with ACI 309. 2 J. Joints: Comply with ACI 301 and ACI 224.3R, PART 3 - EXECUTION ee 3.01 EXAMINATION 5 . a A. Verify site condition under provisions of Contract Documents. al /alg B. Verify requirements for concrete cover over reinforcement. alg a ©. Verify that anchors, seats, pletes, reinforcement and other items to be cast into concrete are accurately placed, positioned securely, and will not cause hardship in placing concrete. Use wooden templates for accurately positioning anchor bolts, if required. a i z 3.02 PREPARATION S| Ete A Thoroughly compact the sub-grade in accordance with Section 02211 ey Ela allele 3.03 PLACING CONCRETE eae l=1° A. Place conerete in accordance with ACI 301 and 304, Sas 8. Place vapor barrier as noted on Contract Drawing. Repair vapor barrier damaged during placement of reinforcement. Repair with vapor barrier material. Lap over damaged areas minimum 150 mm and seal watertight, Wet the surface of mud slab beneath foundations se $208 just prior to concrete placement where lean concrete is specified on neta Contract Drawings. a ©. Install joint devices in accordance with manufacturer's instructions D. Place concrete continuously between predetermined expansion, — control, and construction joints. SHERATON ans E. Consolidate concrete in accordance with ACI-301 and 309. aoe F. Place floor slabs in saw cut pattern. Monolithic pours shall not exceed Le |3 110 sq. meters and shall be as nearly square as feasible. Be Construction joints shall be located accordingly. iE ia 6 At construction joints, roughen concrete surface in accordence with = ¢ ACI 318 and 301 Elite 3 eee H Provide vertical V-notch type contraction joints on the outside face of Bees | felaining walls spaced no more than 9 moters (30 ft) apart Bisae a5 ; if {| [construction seeciricaTions ecto |pcoroa [amas] cleuwmanet rel arses Tai 2222 [support racimes packace Dos: =e a7 323 | 2 S[WATIONAL GUARD FAMILY COMPOUND NGS [AL [| OF | iB eis ts El tauwar ‘SAUDIARABIA | 1" Bras00008 1064 <& SINGHYDRO dygouwl gSolyl BRANCH OF SINOHYDRO CORPORATION COMPANY LTD. u PROJECT TITLE: NATIONAL GUARD FAMILY COMPOUND(CENTRAL SPINE) THUWAL Saudi Aramco CONTRACT NO. 6600037267 BINO. 25.00034 IFC Drawings OGG &% SINGHYDRO BRANCH OF SINOHYDRO CORPORATION COMPANY LTD. eso. SCALE: Ns. REVISION VALIDATION "378.0005 a ‘SAUDI ARABIAN OIL COMPANY NATIONAL GUARD FAMILY COMPOUND PROJECT NGFC | a] vaescoot | cor | A LACECO international September 2015, www.Laceco.net <> SINGHYDRO 'BRANGH OF SINOHYDRO CORPORATION COMPANY LTD. apgaut gSoh PROJECT TITLE: NATIONAL GUARD FANILY COMPOUND(CENTRAL SPINE) THUWAL Saudi Aramco Conteacr no. 8800087267 SIO. 25-00084 Applicable SA Standards 4% SINGHYDRO BRANCH OF SINOHYDRO CORPORATION COMPANY LTD. dipgoul gSout ‘Saudi Aramco Materials System Specification 09-SAMSS-097 19 December 2010 Ready-Mixed Portland Cement Concrete Document Responsibility: Civil Standards Committee Saudi Aramco DeskTop Standards Table of Contents ‘Scope. Conflicts and Deviations, Ill References. . IV_ Modifications to ASTM C94 - 09. AMD N Previous (ssue: 24 March 2009 Nest Planned Update Revised paragraphs are marked in the right margin Page lof | Primary contact: Mehthel, Mohammed Heshan on 966-3-8760154 0-SAM Document Responsibility: Civil Standards Committee s-097 Issue Date: 19 December 2010 Next Planned Update: 24 March 2014 Ready-Mixed Portland Cement Con, ! Scope This Specification covers ready-mixed structural and non-structural eonerete manufactured and delivered to Purchaser in a freshly mixed and unhardened state from Saudi Arameo approved suppliers, Requirements for quality of concrete shall be either as hereinafter specified or as specified in the Purchase Order. This Specification does not cover the placement, consolidation, curing or protection of the concrete afier delivery to the Purchaser. ll Conflicts and Deviations A. Any conflicts between this specification and other applicable Saudi Aramco Materials System Specifications (SAMSSs), Engineering Standards (SAESs), Standard Drawings (SASDs), or industry standards, codes, and forms shall be resolved in writing by the Company or Buyer Representative through the Manager, Consulting Services Department of Saudi Aramco, Dhahran B. Direct all requests to deviate from this specification in writing to the Company or Buyer Representative, who shall follow internal company procedure SAEP-302 and forward such requests to the Manager, Consulting Services Department of Saudi Aramco, Dhahran lll References The selection of material and equipment, and the design, construction, maintenance, and repair of equipment and facilities covered by this specification shall comply with the latest edition of the references listed below, unless otherwise noted, A. Saudi Arameo References Saudi Arameo Engineering Procedures SAEP. Instructions for Obtaining a Waiver of a Mandatory Saudi Aramco Engineering Requirement Approval Procedure for Ready-Mixed Conerete Mix Design Saudi Aramco Materials System Specification 09-S4.MSS-088 Aggregates for Concrete — Page 2 of 2 Document Responsibility: Civil Standards Committee 09-SAMSS-097 Issue Date: 19 December 2010 Next Planned Update: 24 March 2014 Ready-Mixed Portland Cement Concrete B. Industry Codes and Standards American Conerete Institute 1C1207.3R Practices for Evaluation of Concrete in existing Massive Structures for Service Conditions {CL2UL1 Standard Practice for Selecting Proportions for Normal, Heavy weight, and Mass Concrete ICI 3ISM Building Code Requirements for Structural Conerete and Commentary American Society for Testing and Materials STMC39 Standard Test Method for Compressive Strength of Cylindrical Conerete Specimens ASTMC94- 09 Standard Specification for Ready-Mixed Concrete ASTM C150 Standard Specification for Portland Cement ASTM C494 Standard Specification for Chemical Admixtures ‘for Concrete ASTM C618 Standard Specification for Coal Fly Ash and Raw or Caleined Natural Pozzolan for Use in Concrete STM CHS. Standard Test Method for Acid-Soluble Chloride in Mortar and Concrete ASTM.C1240 Standard Specification for Silica Fume Used in Cementitious Mixtures ASTM C1218 Standard Test Method Water-Soluble Chloride in Mortar and Concrete ASTM C618 Specification for Coal Fly Ash and Raw or Caleined Natural Pozzolan for Use in Concrete British Standard Methods for Analysis of Hardened Conerete Fly Ash for Concrete C. Saudi Arabian Standards Organization SASO SSA 143 Portland Cement, Ordinary and Rapid-Hardening syst Page 3 of 3 Document Responsibility: Civil Standards Committee 09-SAMSS-097 Issue Date: 19 December 2010 Next Planned Update: 24 March 2014 Ready-Mixed Portland Cement Coneret _——$$ vO ii_C.UUU v Modifications to ASTM C94 - 09 The following paragraph numbers refer to ASTM C94 - 09, which is part of this specification. The text in each paragraph below is an addition, exception, modification, or deletion to ASTM C94 - 09 as noted. Paragraph numbers not appearing in ASTM C94 - 09 are new paragraphs to be inserted in numerical order. 3 (Addition) Purchaser reserves the right to obtain samples of the delivered product and its constituent components, which Purchaser deems necessary to verify full compliance with the quality requirements stated in this Specification, 1, (Deletion) Delete these paragraphs in its entirety 5.2.28 5.23 5.2.1 (Addition) The type of cement used shall be specified in the Purchase Order and shall be a Purchaser-approved brand. Ordinary Portland Cement (Type 1) shall be in accordance with SSA 143 and the optional chemical requirements of ASTM C150, Table 2. ‘Type V sulfate resistant Portland cement shall be in accordance with ASTM C150, including the optional chemical requirements of Table 2 and the optional physical requirements of Table 4. Silica fume shall be in accordance with ASTM C1240, Silica fume, when used as a mineral additive, it shall not be less than 7% by weight of cement as replacement and it shall not exceed 10% by weight of cement. Natural Pozzolans can be used as partial replacement of cement. The amount of the Natural Pozzolan (ASTM C618) used as cement replacement shall be established based on the compressive strength requirements but shall not exceed 50% replacement for the cement. Mill test certificates shall be provided for each shipment of cement. Under no circumstances shall the source of cement be changed without prior written approval of Purchaser. 33 (Deletion) Delete this paragraph in its entirety. 53 (Addition) Aggregate shall conform to 09-SAMSS-088 “Aggregates for Conerete.” 54 (Deletion) Delete this paragraph in its entirety. =. Page 4of4 Document Responsibility: Civil Standards Committee 09-SAMSS-097 Issue Date: 19 December 2010 Next Planned Update: 24 March 2014 Ready-Mixed Portland Cement Concrete sw er eDs:tiélrueé_] Sa 61 6.14 64 (Addition) Mixing water shall be free from oils, acids, organic matter or other deleterious substances and shall satisfy the requirements listed in Table B of this standard, No changes in water source shall be permitted without prior approval by Purchaser. Table B — Acceptance Criteria for Mixing Water Test__| Frequency of Test_| Max. Min. TOS Weekly 500 ppm |N/A pH Weekly 80 60 (Addition) High range water reducers (Superplasticizers) type F or G only, conforming to ASTM C494, can be used, when necessary to achieve and maintain the desired workability. Calcium chloride or admixtures containing chloride salts are not permitted and shall not be used. Admixture manufacturers technical data sheet, including dosage range for slump/temperature range, and storage requirements shall be submitted to the Purchaser with proposed mix designs. (Addition) The maximum water soluble chloride ions in conerete shall not exceed 0,15% for reinforced concrete and 0.06% for prestressed concrete by weight of cement, The maximum Sulfate ions as SO; shall not exceed 4%, Tests shall be in accordance with ASTM C1218, BS 1881 ~ 124 or equivalent, (Exception) Option C shall be used as a basis for determining the proportions of the conerete to produce the required quality. (Addition) The proportions of ingredients shall be selected in accordance with provisions of ACI 2LL.1. The cement content and the water cement ratio (W/C) for structural & non-structural conerete shall be as indicated in Table A of this standard. ss Page 5 of s Document Responsibility: Civil Standards Committee 09-SAMSS-097 Issue Date: 19 December 2010 Next Planned Update: 24 March 2014 Ready-Mixed Portland Cement Concrete ———S—$} — — —Oiorev'_'_— vee Table A — Cement Content and W/C Ratio for Conerete tem Stractural Concrete | Non structural Gonerete Tament Content Max] Min Wax Win KiogramGubic Meter | '370 350 ; 250 gi?) WIC Ratio 04 - 06 : Zi-Days Des ~ [aoa par] 200 pa Compressive Strength (28 MPA) (14 MPA) ast C32) Precast & Pressed Concrete & Water Retaining Stuctres Cement Content Ne Max] Min KiogramiCube Meter 370 [kai WEG Ratio oa ; 28-Days Design = [S000 pst Compressive Strength (35 MPs) (ASTM_C39) Silica Fume shall be tested prior ta use and on monthly basis or whan changing the source of the materials to confirm its complance to ASTM C1240. Uta fine tly ash type S in aczordance with 85 EN 450 - 1) ean be used in lieu of Silica Fume provided that +The minimum cement replacement is 10% and the maximum is 18% (in leu of 7 and 10% for silica fume) +The maximum water /oament ratio is 0.35 in eu of 0.4 + Amount retained when wet-sievad on sieve no. 325 (0.045 micron meter) is less than 3.5% Maximum particle size is less than 5 microns ‘+ Uttra fine fly ash shall be tested prior to use and on monthly basis or when changing he source ofthe materials to confirm its complance to BS EN 450 #1 | Commentary Note This table covers cast in place and prestrassed/precast concrete. However, ‘or water retaining structure, precastprestressed concrete, cement content ‘more than 370 Kg/M" of concrete can be used in the mix, and the minimum 28-Days Design Compressive Strength shall be 5000 psi (35 MPa) 64.2 (Addition) Complete concrete mix design data shall be submitted to the Purchaser for approval at least 30 days prior to proposed use. Concrete mix design shall be reviewed and approved by each project Inspection Section as per the procedures specified in SAEP-1 Ss Page 6 of 6 Document Responsibility: Civil Standards Committee 09-SAMSS-097 Issue Date: 19 December 2010 Next Planned Update: 24 March 2014 Ready-Mixed Portland Cement Conerete al 93 103 112 12 (Addition) Concrete slump shall be based on project specifications. Tolerances in slump stated in ASTM C94 - 09 are based on normal mixes, without superplasticizing admixture. Concrete shall have a maximum slump ‘of 200 mm at the point of delivery after the admixture is added unless otherwise specified. The slump variation within the 90 minutes after introduction of the mixing water to the cement shall be within $0 mm from the slump measured for the full-scale plant trial result of the specified concrete mix design. (Addition) When conerete pumps are used, the slump shall be determined at the discharge point of the concrete placement hose. (Exception) Volume batching shall not be allowed. (Exception) Wash water shall not be used as mixing water. (Addition) Plant scales shall be calibrated no less than three times a year and shall be certified as conforming to ASTM C94 - 09 by Saudi Aramco approved calibration agency. (Addition) Concrete delivered in trucks not having operable revolution counters shall be rejected. (Addition) No aluminum parts shall be placed in contact with concrete during mixing or delivery. (Addition) In remote areas, where, itis proven and verified by SAPMT and Inspection Department the absence of a baich plant that is in full compliance with this standard, existing batch plant will be allowed with the following conditions ) The final product shall satisfy the requirements of this standard, b) Quality control shall be maintained at the batch plant and the construction site, Saudi Aramco Approved Independent laboratory shall be utilized to perform the required tests when there are no laboratory facilities at the batch plant. ©) The batch plant shall be in full Compliance with section 9 of this standard. (Exception) Addition of water or admixtures (re-tempering) shall not be allowed (Deletion) Delete this paragraph in its entirety. SS Page 7 0f7 Document Responsibility: Civil Standards Committee 09-SAMSS.097 Issue Date: 19 December 2010 Next Planned Uplate: 24 March 2014 Ready-Mixed Portland Cement Concrete 124 (Deletion) Delete this paragraph in its entirety 12.5 (Addition) Truck-Mixing with operable revolution counters will be allowed for dry batching (where cement and aggregates are pre batched ina batch plant, water and liquid admixtures shall be added at site). 12.3.2 Truck mixing is allowed if the discharge of the concrete cannot be achieved within 90 minutes after introduction of the mixing water to the cement and aggregates or before the drum of the truck has revolved 300 revolutions, provided that a) The discharge of the concrete shall be completed within three hours or before the drum of the truck has revolved 600 revolutions, whichever comes first after introduction of the cement to the aggregates. b) Each truck delivering concrete shall have an operable water system with an accurate water measuring device of one of the following types: * Automatic cut off siphon type ‘+ Water meter of the automatic shut off type. + Sight gage ©) The final concrete shall satisfy the requirements of this standard. d) Consistency and uniformity tests are performed as per the requirements of ASTM C94 - 09. Tests shall be witnessed by representative from Inspection Department. ©) Quality control is maintained at both batch plant and at project site. 1) Inspection Department shall approve mixing procedure to ensure compliance with Saudi Aramco applicable standard. 12.9 (Deletion) Delete this paragraph in its entirety. 12.9 (Addition) Conerete delivered at a temperature in excess of 32°C or that fails to maintain a temperature of 32°C until used, shall be rejected and replaced at the expense of the Manufacturer. Commentary Note: ‘Non-structural concrete with compressive strangth of 2000 psi is exempted from the above requirement. The reason for this exemption is cue to the fact that non-siructural concrete is unreinforced and thus cracking is not cntica. 14 (Addition) a) Location of Batch Plant ae Page 8 of 8 Document Responsibility: Civil Standards Committee 09-SAMSS-097 Issue Date: 19 December 2010 Next Planned Update: 24 March 2014 Ready-Mixed Portland Cement Concrete ——— reer b) Job Order (JO) Number for Project ©) Time Leaving Batch Plant 14.110 (Deletion) Delete this paragraph in its entirety. 18.2 (Addition) The minimum required number of concrete test cylinders for strength tests shall be: Age (Days) No. of Cylinders 3 1 7 1 28 2 18.3 (Addition) The test report shall include the following data for each test sample of concrete taken at the placement site: + Name of Project and Job Order (JO) for the Project + Slump in millimeters + Ambient air temperature in °C ‘+ Concrete temperature in °C + % Air, when air entrainment is used 19,1 (Exception) Delete this paragraph in its entirety 19.1 (Exception) In the event that conerete fails to meet the strength requirements of this Specification, in-place testing for conerete strength will be conducted by Purchaser. In-place testing will be conducted in accordance with ACL 318M, Chapter 5 and ACI 207.3R, Chapter 3, or ACL 318M, Chapter 20 atthe sole option of the Purchaser. Concrete in the area represented by the in-place tests shall be considered structurally adequate provided such results conform to the provisions of ACL 318M. The results ofall in-place testing, as described above, conducted by Purchaser and observed by the Manufacturer, shall be considered binding and final upon the Manufacturer. Tests for Saudi Aramco acceptance purposes shall be performed by a Saudi Aramco-approved independent laboratory. Conerete judged structurally inadequate after in-place testing described above, shall be removed and replaced at the expense of the Manufacturer. =) Page 9 0f 9 Document Responsibiliy: Civil Standards Committee 09-SAMSS.097 Issue Date: 19 December 2010 ‘Next Planned Update: 24 March 2014 Ready-Mixed Portland Cement Conorete Rovision Summary 24 March 2008 Major revision, 18 December 2010 Minor revision Page 10 oF 10 Mr. ADNAN REHMAT Print Name and Signature (Construction Contractor's QC Representative) 2013 ‘Next Planned Update: August “> SINGHYDRO BRANCH OF SINOHYDRO CORPORATION COMPANY LTD. Gpgoul gSoly! PROJECT TITLE: NATIONAL GUARD FAMILY COMPOUND(CENTRAL SPINE) THUWAL Saudi Aramco CONTRACT NO. 6500037267, INO. 25.0004 Material Technical Data & Catalogues 4 SINGHYDRO BRANCH OF SINOHYDRO CORPORATION COMPANY LTD. Ca —_ ee 4a i Sere met saudireadymix TECHNICAL PACKAGE CUSTOMER : SINOHYDRO CORPORATION LTD. JEDDAH SAUDI ARABIA PROJECT : NATIONAL GUARD FAMILTY COMPOUND CENTRAL SPINE WORK THUWAL DATE : 12-06-2016 TECHNICAT. IIT D tm mm Iv) v) vil Vu Ix XIL XML XIV CONTENTS PROPOSED MIX DESIGN MATERIAL TEST REPORT PLANT CALIBRATION CERTIFICATES LAB EQUIPMENT CALIBRATION REPORTS TRANSIT MIXER LIST ADMIXTUER DATA SHEET CEMENT CERTIFICATES QUALITY MANUAL SAFETY MANUAL. ZAKAT CERTIFICATE & ISO CERTIFICATE BATCH PLANT OTHER FACILITIES ORGANIZATION CHART LIST OF FIRE EXTINGUISHER&EVACUATIONPLAN LAB PERSONAL RESUME, I) PROPOSED MIXDESIGN Document Responsibility: Project Quality Standards Committee SAEP-1152 Issue Date: 25 May 2014 Next Planned Update:25 May 2019 Approved Procedure for Ready-Mixed Concrete Mix Design ESTAS sh REE ASSETS Appendix A — Request For Approval (RFA) Concrete Mix Design REQUEST FOR APPROVAL (RFA) ‘CONCRETE MIX DESIGN (A Separate Request Is Required For Bach Mix Design) ‘TO BE COMPLETED BY SAPMT/ MAINTENANCE ORGANIZATIONS AND APPROVED BY INSPECTION ‘DEPARTMENT OR OPERATIONS INSPECTION UNIT ONLY DATE: 19 June, 2016 BI/JO. NO: _25-00034~ po04 Contractor: SINOHYDRO Project Title: National Guard Family Compound(Central Spine) Locatio: THUWAL, TO: _Mr. ADIL A. MUKHTAR ‘Area Supervisor Project Inspection Unit/Operation Inspection Unit Ops Orr Casa Cry & sep ( Others: Address: _BLDG. 102, KAUST PROJECT SITE OFFICE, THUWAL From: _Mr. WAELL M.AL-AKKAS. Job Title: _Sr. PROVECT ENGINEER Address:__SAPMT'S.K.P.D NATIONAL GUARD PROJECTS DIVISION ‘THUWAL ‘Tel/Fax: 012-5100535/0550512645 Signature: E-mail Address: __wacll.akkas@aramco.com Itis requested that the attached mix design data sheet (Appendix-B) be reviewed & appN\ved for the subject project. Saudi Arameo Project Management has reviewed the mix design criteria and found to be is\compliance with the Cl New Mix Design & Establish Mix Design Mic Design 1D No: SRMIMETHUWEIT 0) ‘Supplier name: __SAUDI READY MIX CONCRETE Co, Location: ‘THUWAL, KSA BP Serial No. _BP #1 (81120) project requirements. CiPrecast / Pre-Stressed Concrete Bd Cast-in-Piace Concrete CO Structural © Non-Structural “esign Compressive Strength: {6M} 2000 psi [1] 4000 psi [] others: psi CO With Silica Fume & Without Silica Fume [J Cement Type: MD. ‘Type of Exposure (SAES-Q-001, Table-1): [1 On Om OW &v Remarks on Type Exposure: __ sSEESESSSSSEES (A separate request is required for each exposure type) [ FOR INSPECTION DEPARTMENT OR OPERATIONS INSPECTION UNIT USE ONLY Cl Approved Ci Rejected Ci Resubmitted Remarks; Name: Job Title: Tel, Now Signature & Date Original: PMT/Maintenance Engineer cc: Project File/ Mix Designs File ID/BP é& CTU | EST RECS Ac ETS DecamentRemontbity: Project Quabite St few ete 20 May 14 Nex Parocd Update 25 May 2019 Appendix & - Concrete Mix D RoR COMnTETED TTS sPeROVEDaY SACTION DERE PRECAST CONCRETE DCASTAN PLACE CONCRETE Dstreereaat @ sovstmucreaa, PLANT NAME: src LOCATION: anew bare: September 15,2010 4 g112H— RE MIX DESIGN 1D NO: OSURE TYPES (PERSAES-Q.001, Table 1): 14 Aperceal Proce feta Cyaan ards Comtssita sagen TE OF CEMENT: Crom Eran CRAY + Mer lcs) besicy ean | 20005) Tera ANICH WEIGUTS / CURIC METER [CRITERIA RESULTS [MATERIALS QUANTITY | REMARAS Toltpd feemey |G asics moa Dao Max [350 T 200 Max. | ioe he t se Anrep feb t Toa sepepietg 0 Ternaos Sand ( snes See Belew poser REQUIRED ATTACHMENTS cus ‘ina ead 40 war tan [Coane angrgucs | Aatigh bal MTA Rabigh ee pendent Ladoraory (B) Water Analysis Report (©) Cement vi Tes Certeate Speake Gray 8 ANEpIS Cian Comey, Seis Comer Se) 1 (G) Test Repor: Micro ie (G0) Test Repore, SCT in concrete = AN i Momesespasses Docuinea Responsible Pye SABP-IIS2 Iseue Date: 25 May 2014 sop Pacer or Newt Plansed Update: 28 May ely Mivd ne ee Appendix C ~ Ready Mix Concrete Trial Batch Report 1086 CONT ivy & CORTADA SA 3S ANAMC 0 APFROV EDINDEFENDENT CANORATORY, PUNTA: _SRMCCRP YT BL12N_ RUE ore ‘August 2014 TRUCKS “semua A. _Mossruee conte aosustMest sersuus | oreymry | coyornon (Ra | tare | Rabigh Jabal -Vioders Trang Coote Bazi abd = Maas Tang Ox Ranga ‘Qaral Mat Rou | gs STMENGTE (ad (oy seman {[3 BEL oscar rscop concasn $5 F Gcmanettenrse i ca nsraog amar cee 23k Bo] nearaite. dimen tgnm) Syed Meinaddia et 28 ceuaae __rucnosupana nest “Farathnc ace Ape i | SE enh LZ eetoy8 SLTS cde sami JW ota {treo aged edo ecearsae igen Document Responsibility: Project Quality Standards Committee ‘SAEP-1152 Issue Date: 25 May 2014 ‘Next Planned Update:25 May 2019 Approved Procedure for Ready-Mixed Concrete Mix Design | Sern ser SRE SEIT HEAR) Appendix A — Request For Approval (RFA) Concrete Mix Design REQUEST FOR APPROVAL (RFA) ‘CONCRETE MIX DESIGN (A Separate Request Is Required For Each Mix Design) ‘TO BE COMPLETED BY SAPMT/ MAINTENANCE ORGANIZATIONS AND APPROVED BY INSPECTION DEPARTMENT OR OPERATIONS INSPECTION UNIT ONLY DATE: 19 June, 2016 SINOHYDRO ‘THUWAL, BI/JO. NO: _25-00034- 9094 Contractor: Project Title: National Guard Family Compound(Central Spine|__Locatios TO: _Mr, ADIL A. MUKHTAR Area Supervisor Project Inspection Unit/Operation Inspection Unit Opn Orr (Jase [ry (d JED [| Others: Address: _BLDG.102, KAUST PROJECT SITE OFFICE, THUWAL ‘From: _Mr. WAELL M.AL-AKKAS Job Title: _ Sr. PR Address: SAPMT S.K.P.D NATIONAL GUARD PROJECTS DIVISI Tel/Fax: 012-5100535/0550512645 _ Signature: E-mail Address: __waell.akkas@aramco.com, Itis requested that the attached mix design data sheet (Appendix-B) be reviewed & approYed for the subject project. Saudi Aramco Project Management has reviewed the mix design criteria and found to be in Compliance with the project requirements. C1 New Mix Design Establish Mix Design ID No: SAUDI READY MIX CONCRETE Co. Location: HUWAL, KSA Supplier nam BP Serial No. _BP #1 (81120) LiPrecast / Pre-Stressed Concrete Cast-In-Place Concrete & structural 1D Non-Structural Design Compressive Strength: [] 2000 psi §™J§4000 psi [7] others: psi O With Silica Fume [% Without Silica Fume [J Cement Type: Gi). ype of Exposure (SABS-Q-001, Table-1): Or Ou Om Ow fv Remarks on Type Exposure: (A separate request is required for each exposure type) FOR INSPECTION DEPARTMENT OR OPERATIONS INSPECTION UNIT USE ONLY CD Approved C1 Rejected Ci Resubmitiea Remarks: : Name: —_ Job Title: Tel. Now Signature & Date: S Original: PMT/Maintenance Engineer ce: Project File/Mix Designs File 1D/BP & CTU me Ss RS a SESE poral Procter Realy Nivel Conerte Mis Oss Appendix B - Concrete Mix Design Data Sheet “TORE COMPLETED BY Tie: tPF TER TATPROVED DY NGPECTIO DEPARTMENT —— Cerrecast concrete GCASTAN PLACE CONCRETE Asraverenan TC vonsracenear, PLANT NAME: sruicenpsigiiny MIN DESIGN 1D NO: SAW) 28L 08 LOCATION: rane. TYPE OF CEMENT: Qh iwite oR DATE: Oetobee Cy icaany may atic saver EXPOSURE TYPES (PER SAES-QU01, Table I): L&Y pests | reat _ RATCHWE [CRITERIA RESULTS [MIMTERIAIS QUANTITY REMARKS 3 aUU0 pat S020pat | Camu a ae 7 13 ere ~ [= | agrees 970” | sw ow ‘0.40 Max, 0.40 [38 -Agsrermeryy | 350 | Seefolew oe [Simotam "7 [a0nven | 95 “pean | Sere ] ‘aan O1sMax | 0097 | reewaercneny | lataiya Rage SS Te Risnwet ist | 33 ay eh Nini [Akar ea Coane Aggreai Tine apeegnee 1 W DESIGN IS VALID UNTIL OCTOBER 15, 2017, REQUIRED ATTACHMENTS (9) Aguregates Lavest Vetng Kapirt by a Sau Aramco Approved Independent Laboratory Tepeor Fest xa" TS" 7 Saad] (B). Water Anas Report Taping Haake rater ere i (6) Cencar StH Tet Cecttcate oe Crabbier © Matral Tver thoy USS] (0) darstuees Teena Da i a ae Ts Angles Abin 1 2 (2) Apperate. C gs pea ng € ATE At { Apureyates enog Steet 3} GhividesCemeafen ay 17 I |G) Tet Reporn ere ies a Sues Coen Su) [1 comm) |) Tet Report SCH inconcrte Magan Slides SRA ET] ten teps asst a BS [oy Tigre ae oa Bal ER. s6u2061a7S —Uvet He a gl] peon Seppe Appenulix ~ Ready ki Concrete Trial Batch Rep ATS MAME O ARON LOSI NDE SDE AmH EY Tease 8 MOREL ME Ee MSE SE apEes tomes SIUM UE yyHITYreNntion purscvzoer ‘QL "00 34340009 MINA Ha | Leaya =e tet TUES Wace ahte-testar 9 Dre ti Atsare est aS ee EMME | SYED MONE DDIN, femietie EERO Simi sititap, ny, , L muWadol = soe (NS : Project Quality Standards Committee SAEP-1152 Document Responsil Issue Date: 25 May 2014 Next Planned Update:25 May 2019 Approved Procedure for Ready-Mixed Concrete Mix Design Appendix A~ Request For Approval (RFA) Concrete Mix Design REQUEST FOR APPROVAL (RFA) ‘CONCRETE MIX DESIGN (A Separate Request Is Required For Bach Mix Design) ‘TO BE COMPLETED BY SAPMT/ MAINTENANCE ORGANIZATIONS AND APPROVED BY INSPECTION DEPARTMENT OR OPERATIONS INSPECTION UNIT ONLY DATE: 19 June, 2016 BI/JO, NO: __25-00034~ 0904 Contractor: SINOHYDRO Project Title: National Guard Family Compound|Central Spine|_ Location: THUWAL. TO: _Mr. ADIL A. MUKHTAR ‘Area Supervisor Project Inspection Unit/Operation Inspection Unit Cpe Ort (ase [ry (JED [1] Others: Address: _ BLDG. 102, KAUST PROJECT SITE OFFICE, THUWAL From: _Mr. WAELL M,AL-AKKAS. Job Title: _ Sr. PROYECT ENGINEER Address:__SAPMT-8:K.P.D NATIONAL GUARD PROJECTS DIVISIO 6, THUWAL ‘Tel/Fax: 012-5100535/0550512645 _ Signature: E-mail Address: __waell.alckas@aramco.com, 4 It is requested that the attached mix design data sheet (Appendix-B) be reviewed & apphoved for the subject project. Saudi Aramco Project Management has reviewed the mix design criteria and found to be i compliance with the project requirements. Hi new Mix Design Establish Mix Design ID No! Supplier name: __SAUDI READY MIX CONCRETE.Co, Location: BP Serial No, _ BP #1 (81120) Crecast / Pre-Stressed Concrete Bi cast-In-Place Concrete ®& Structural CO] Non-Structural esign Compressive Strength: [] 2000 psi{§MJJ4000 psi LJ others: psi C1 With sitica Fume 2 Without Silica Fume [ij Cement Type: Type of Exposure (SAES-Q-001, Table-): O1 On Om Ow bav Remarks on Type Exposure: (A separate request is required for each exposure type) : FOR INSPECTION DEPARTMENT OR OPERATIONS INSPECTION UNIT USE ONLY D Approved CH Rejected OC Resubmittea Remarks: a _ Name: Job Title: Tel. No. Signature & Date: Original: PMT/Maintenance Engineer co: Project File/Mix Designs File ID/BP & CTU SAEPais? pont Procdue fr Reah-Bst Comecte ia Design ‘Appendix B - Concrete Mix Design Data Sheet ECOG AY THE SORTER NDEFARTS 1 PRECAST CONCRETE GICASTAN PLACE CONCRETE Gsieeesreat J sox-sreverve PLANT NAMES sRMCC UP? 1/8120) ___ MIX DESIGN tp No: S2MdD-THUWO)25E09 5c LOCATION: auewan TYPE OF CEMENT: Chownuro Sitar DATE: Ouober25 2044 Cran TroRav» ateresiten EXPOSURE TYPES (PER SAES-Q.001, Table 1): {8 : DESIGN | TRIAL irens CRITERIA | RESULTS | MATERIALS [SOD RE S320psi_| Comet 320370.” [stan Stevia AS" Agonerae ke ONS. 040 [a Amame ae)” Stamp (a5) 200 Maes [Set peer 1 IS Mas 0.089 | rae Wine te) tas Staelin erie | I aeametmeny 1 RE te ‘Tht suigie rs mbit Cots "debit Fenn et naan Uy AOS BADE 1 Te pea rata 9ureaetiermen aoe shat ‘Adu tien) “é REQUIRED ATTACHMENTS ae -fALASgrgae Lanes Feng Report ya Sul Aromce Apgroved Indepencettabeestors q ri F (2) Water Asus Ropes 8 (6) Cement tm TeeGetene ES {D) Admlstuces Teehakeal Date BES Lx Ane Abron (8) Appetieee gat Seale any AST ©) Aggregate Beubastee ‘hls eet ONT {G) Test per, Sera sen o Suter tise S77] {ay Tearepores WSC inceaerete Tipster Suite Soar BI] ty torkeperwassticcenccie ri . 7 —-ingatifem— [pie btnchotees ta aie Tag alse Caan i a | = tat Mae E.R. AaE200075 | rstestrs Gi yl Expeos Sr Sarees Besa toed + Apel nga foi ln pate eth ge my aaah Hansa, ey Te ae aaeeat rang ste tailed > ot fl er els ae apes sare ad By Se Aas spe canted ete ‘epi ersory Tan evn wld thas oped TMC Fear ences be eAsP NS Desiweu Reveceait reject Qual Staniacds Crrmite Appondin's Ready sibs Concran Thal Balelt Report OME Ee CL REET Bey 4S YPANICE SPPRCNF END SE OBESE ACHE TERE Ea NE | SAMECREE LESH Rabie at aris stn tn men iS aaacenia tte EVAN Ine 4 SUSE She grates Svea A sisscrr strstr stair LEAL Matootoa oe A ielae Secale feinate at Piigh vnc rresiser is | SM i be rede ADE bo esnuen Soertera sepsis rat I on Srnteease 5p ISNB MUN san, avin arian tr we ay MEL ane ass mee aon acta Y Document Responsibility: Project Quality Standards Committee SAEP-1152 Issue Date: 25 May 2014 Next Planned Update:25 May 2019 Approved Procedure for Ready-Mixed Conerete Mix Design SE EEDEIEEEEEE Appendix A — Request For Approval (RFA) Concrete Mix Design REQUEST FOR APPROVAL (RFA) CONCRETE MIX DESIGN (A Separate Request Is Required For Each Mix Design) ‘TO BE COMPLETED BY SAPMT/ MAINTENANCE ORGANIZATIONS AND APPROVED BY INSPECTION DEPARTMENT OR OPERATIONS INSPECTION UNIT ONLY DATE: 19 June, 2016 BI/JO. NO: __25-00034 ~ 9004 Contractor: SINOHYDRO Project Title: National Guard Family Compound(Central Spine) Location: _THUWAI TO: _Mr. ADIL A. MUKHTAR Area Supervisor Project Inspection Unit/Operation Inspection Unit Opn Orr (jase (ry vep (2) other: Address: _ BLDG.102, KAUST PROJECT SITE OFFICE, THUWAL From: _Mr, WALL M.AL-AKKAS Job Title: _ Sr. PRQJECT ENGINEER Address;__SAPMTT'S.K.P.D NATIONAL GUARD PROJECTS DIVISI THUWAL, Tel/Fax: 012-5100535/0550512645 _Signatus E-mail Address: __waell.akkas@aramco.com Itis requested that the attached mix design data shect (Appendix-B) be reviewed & app\yved for the subject project. ‘Saudi Arameo Project Management has reviewed the mix design criteria and found to be i compliance with the project requirements, 0 New Mix Design &] Establish Mix Design Mix Design 1D No: Supplier name: _SAUDI READY MIX CONCRETE Co, Location: THUWAL, KSA BP Serial No._BP#1 (81120) OPrecast / Pre-Stressed Concrete & Cast-In-Place Concrete CO Structural & _Non-Structural Design Compressive Strength: [] 2000 psi [] 4000 psi [1 others: (50000 psi C] With Sitica Fume [J Without Silica Fume [] Cement Type: 0. ype of Exposure (SAES-Q-001, Table-): Cr On Om Ow fv Remarks on Type Exposure: i: (A separate request is required for cach exposure type) FOR INSPECTION DEPARTMENT OR OPERATIONS INSPECTION UNIT USE ONLY Cl Approved Ci rejected Cl Resubmitied Remarks: =e fa Name: Job Title: = ‘Tel, No Signature & Date Original: PMT/Maintenance Engineer cc: Project File/Mix Designs File ID/BP & CTU ‘Docu Responsiliny Prajact Quality Standards Committee SAEPALSD Issue Dae 25 May 2014 Nex Plansed Updo: 25 Ms Appendix 8 - Concrote Mix Design Data Sh hay 2019 Approval Procedure for Ready Miced Coa Max Design t jOlne COMPETED THE SUNPLIER & arrRON EDEN OTHON DEPART OPRECAST CONCRETE EACAST-AN PLACE CONCRETE Ostaceterar B NoN-STRUCTURAL PLANT NAME: sencezr aww Septesiver g1y ven TYPE OF CEMENT: Crowe) Bir(aray) Overayy Cat oRAY + Mor iiss) rev EXPOSURE TYPES (PER SAES-Q-001, Table PARQ oe ca ae UATCH WRIGHTS ;CUBIG METER oe CRITERIA | RESULTS | MATERIALS = | QUANTITY REMARKS: Gap teas Ooo | 5000p | ent | 4 [animes | GeevGarwda) | sT0¥Mint Ven est] [eae ‘Micro stca (ka) Pear 4 Aggrpate THO Seeficlow wins CaM | ON fawrawewetiy | aD Seta | imp tu 200¥sx. | 160 [Stn Tio” seBeew | Mecremeres) | as Max [0075 Tce weercie 165+) Tabula -KAEC ester Anes Teaneet Fas sex | 33% | adoiuce Glen) 25 ‘Ailaz— leddah io Ais 225) | Tart Couns Agpeaven | Rah sal TA Rangh Tis Razeguce | Wadi Qa Madina Road ABOVE MIX DESIGNS IS VALID UNTIL SEPTEMBER 01, 2017. REQUIRED ATTACHMENTS (A) Aggregate Latest Tox Report by 4 Sand Acre Approved fadepeadent Laborstary Type ste Clay Langa rab Pail ‘Goadation & Matevals cr as 0200 Save Sv" | Sand |B) Water Analysts Report Ta (© Cement Mil Test Certificate (@) Adaiatures Techaleal Data Toe Angler Absnon 8 Appentn-c Specie Granty & Abas ) Asarenates Blending Sheet Chords Conte (C1) (©) Test Report, Mice len Sulla Content (S04) 7 (Test Repors, WSCI In conerere Maptetiias Suter Sadie Bere crea FURURIZO by Tea Reoort ASST le concrete i VO__C~ + Aero is ant msdn dat ng se re ue a a edie or, pay) Te lyf bape ein sah red ay ey to i pd ed yl enc ey ad Py or nwa fens w ued ASTM C7 aa ned SATE ‘MIX DESIGN ID NO: SRM (1)-THUW(2)-351-04 Docucnent Respansiliy: Project Quality Standards Committee SAEP- 1152, Issue Date: 25 May 2014 Argel Pedr fr Next Planted Update: 25 May 2019 Fenty Meet wnciee Dens. Appendix C - Roady Mix Concrote Trial Satch Report Thonn comm rv & CERTETEDBVA 8 ARANCO APPROVED INDEPANDENTT Anon tdi MLANTSANE ¢_SAMCCBPSEGHIO)-RVG_— LOCATION ‘Thaw pate + “Aogust’§, 20 yesnoxs aio LCWE7700 miteaso Ame CIASSONMIN + 0m OPE] A MoSTURE cOMTENTanLSTENT iz | sarearars onayins counttos | moist | aasournios aastursy | Wo Gang om a eos —] 8 1 WRIGHT PER CURIC MELE avm_| uvantey SORTA FACTIRERYHI SUIS | Genet rei | T 4307 RRR aseal Pac, Mah al cr ; : rm TE Aerie cat | Cresta "779 Rabi nal — Neer Tieding Co” Rak Ae t 330 ad igo ja | as Fees hans | fash | es) | Weak a We a sue, at conten EME VARIOCSTIET EXTERVALS, “Tha Trav ea wutmernastina | 272. SLUM car 20 WBE umasnw ~~ ast] a7 one 1535 1435 b,_CeREPRESSEV STRENGTH TTST RESCTS Oh eve ware mas, ory Kate ariag ry) Lauer [asa Lense | seme | oem mien Sawtincroroays | a vee Been oe [ose 0” Oe Sr) “sitemap | den 7 3tm Su si 8 5 Peco suteasns 1D, i Tasasna kta, neta ae pee cep Co, Ree jos aunwseonse se sunt JIMIMTYALDABA Bu Riemescni Tate A@e Sorgen: "AES No ndtipare Gouisene (ann pihianinenge wg tap percng lbh 2 aN, YEN "5, be meat ped ue wage wart apa Document Responsibility: Project Quality Standards Committee SAEP-1152 Issue Date: 25 May 2014 Next Planned Update:25 May 2019 Approved Procedure for Ready-Mixed Concrete Mix Design _ Appendix A Request For Approval (RFA) Concrete Mix Design REQUEST FOR APPROVAL (RFA) ‘CONCRETE MIX DESIGN (A Separate Request Is Required For Each Mix Design] ‘TO BE COMPLETED BY SAPMT/ MAINTENANCE ORGANIZATIONS AND APPROVED BY INSPECTION DEPARTMENT OR OPERATIONS INSPECTION UNIT ONLY DATE: 19 June, 2016 BI/JO. NO: __25-00034- 9094 Contractor: ‘SINOHYDRO Project Title: National Guard Family Compound(Central Spine) Location:__THUWAL TO: _Mr, ADIL A. MUKHTAR Area Supervisor Project Inspection Unit /Operation Inspection Unit Ops Orr (asg Ory & vep (1) Other: Address: _ BLDG. 102, KAUST PROJECT SITE OFFICE, THUWAL From: _Mr. WAELL M.AL-AKKAS. Addre: SAPMT S.K.P.D NATIONAL GUARD PROJECTS DIVISION Rt Tel/Fax: 012-5100535/0550512645__ Signature: E-mail Address: __waell.akkas@aramco.com cis requested that the attached mix design data sheet (Appendix-B) be reviewed & app Saudi Aramco Project Management has reviewed the mix design criteria and found to be in CO New Mix Design & Establish Mix Des vx Design 1D No: - SMT HOWE Ooprecast / Pre-Stressed Concrete & Cast-In-Place Concrete & Structural OO Non-Structural esign Compressive Strength: [] 2000 psi C] 4000 psi [J others: S008 psi th Silica Fume [] Without Silica Fume J Cement ‘Type: 0 ‘Type of Exposure (SAES-Q-001, Table-1) on On am Ow Ov Remarks on Type Exposure THUWAL for the subject project. smpliance with the (A separate request is required for each exposure type) [ FOR INSPECTION DEPARTMENT OR OPERATIONS INSPECTION UNIT USE ONLY D Approved Ci Rejected CO) Resubmitted Remarks: Name: Job Title: Litel. Now Signature & Date: Original: PMT/Maintenance Engineer cc: Project File/Mix Designs File 1D/BP & CTU Decucat Rasnstilty Project Quality Standards Committee SAEE-NI2 lane Date: 28 May 2014 Newt lensed Update 28 Nay 2019 Approal Procedure fr Ready-Mned Consrete Mix Desiza Appendix B - Goncrete Mix Design Data Shect Terioven By NSEC Sn SER COPRECAST CONCRETE CAST-IN PLACE CONCRETE @stevcrerat (1 NON-SERUCTURAL PLANT NAME: SRYCC ep #1 (81120) - RSD MIX DESIGN ID NO: SPM(2}THUW(2)-351SF-06 LOCATION: rauwat TYPE OF CEMENT: Citqwurre) Chi (oRay) DATE: _Sepember 15,2014 Overy 1 (GRAY + Miso silica) EXPOSURE TYPES (PER SAES-Q.001, Table 1): _TIl TAR page DESIGN TRIAL [___BATCH weiGaTrs /CURIC METER ; [CRTERA RESULTS [MATERIATS [QUANTITY | REMARKS Temp Suis @2emr | _5000psi 640 pal_| Comets a0 Coven Cone) 370 Maw Sta ‘Macro alien 0) 710% | BA Arsregute Cig | + | See Below Wie tae 090 Max Br Ammeeentte | “| seative Slay (on) 200 Max [swt t [seen wea cscraera | 0.15 Max. re Water (ie) 165 -ftamaiya-xarc ‘ecoenty Test of Cental mixer covaries AST. A + Saoe Doesar err ann Sant nae rene eae dni ion) | 257 fe [sdnivon 2Gie7) | 80 [ana -Jau bigh Jabal ~ MTA Ral di Qidjad Madinah Road ears Azgregates ine Aparepas ABOVE MIX DESIGNS IS VALID UNTIL SEPTEMBER 01, 2017, Pane ok REQUIRED ATTACHMENTS >) (AY Aura Lato Teng Report bya San Acai Agpoed TaeeneatLaboratry CRY “TypetTet Bi" [3a | Sand] CB) Water Anayste Report g Gay amiga Fae Paroles TZ] ©) Cement Mit Test Certitente > Grain & Materials Fer tea OD STE rE ©) Admisese Tebow Thos Angeles Abrasion ie (©) Appendix a 8 Specs Gravy & Aboon eo © AeregutcyDleadiagstect = Chores Comeut Ci (G) Test Report, ero stea gi Sules Comet (So). 1 | i GG) TestReport, WSCUlacaaerte YS “Magnesium Sulfates Shuniiaess t m ‘Test Report, ASSI in concrete a Us. Cr Fo Tipe oe UI AUDI REAOY2 CONCRETE 1S8D Batch Plants & Chal Testing Unit E.R agazogie7y nvetonvo + spore pe tn lag on a i a eg ‘nan ered yay epee eo rata ore Sat AD SEUSS Sees Tage mcs ie are aed Wy ABM 107 eee y SAT? TE inom, et) Te aly af espe ei print matt od sd OT Deng bocument Responsibility: Projest Quality Standards Comnittse SAEP-IL52 Ieoe Date: 25 May 2014 Ne Placatd Update: 25.Msy 2019 Appendix C — Ready Mix Concrete Trial Batch Report (io ae cORETT TB HaTME EW Ama ce gHROTED PENDANT LAVORO mrasrsue —_SRMLC BRYA (Osta ROMO _ LOCATION bowl barr Srna 2014 Misoonsnxio TEDWE 149K Wnexso + MPH TEOE nN = S00 pi(OHC MIT A. MOSTEREGONTANT ADILSEMENT __ omer fern] comenoy agemne Aogrios AMOR sum | sans SR | oy tae ‘a BATcaCWesaTT Pm CURIC MEIER Sere he _wamnats Pe sae SOLNCRANEFAPTINN CORSE Tem 8 OL " pabigh Cement Fax Rah i Masts ng HS Ferg Ate South ABE oc ir hemgics cCevd Tah he -Szera Traci C3. Rabies Gate Tough ene Vode tne Gn. Sabet Wad! Oidyad = Madooh Rend Son | bose Be Guarana COW ENE A TEME.G WAMIOLS TIME NTRAALS “sypreretanyar “AL jee | [Ts mere Sitwecm avoir “owas ive STRENGUM TST RESITTS (Mt dvs more tas “amare wee ioe | em tT iinworaes | 3 Fx jsimscted cea | EP) ier wee) [PAE 1_qquestsc aL THSTON CONCRET ee ea ENE eae Tow consi G0), 2, DAVETINT, Qs) ot Cement = Tons CUNT STACI, ASDAYS SUSE (iby st ofComenr_| 15s) warn se tmLr CLO ‘aoa cle. Saeeld Sguiaer —_ Syed Mofnaddin_” HUGRO-SCHAIMELTD, Apgreediaty Velde | ed hers ohare na i Repro New and Sipe ce epsilon Oo aban mtseget inmate tr ety A Document Responsibility: Project Quality Standards Committee SAEP-1152 Issue Date: 25 May 2014 Next Planned Update:25 May 2019 Approved Procedure for Ready-Mixed Concrete Mix Design re Appendix A - Request For Approval (RFA) Concrete Mix Design REQUEST FOR APPROVAL (RFA) ‘CONCRETE MIX DESIGN (A Separate Request Is Required For Each Mix Design) ‘TO BE COMPLETED BY SAPMT/ MAINTENANCE ORGANIZATIONS AND APPROVED BY INSPECTION DEPARTMENT OR OPERATIONS INSPECTION UNIT ONLY DATE: 19 June, 2016 BI/JO. Nt 25-0034 0004 Contractor: SINOHYDRO. Project Title: National Guard Family Compound(Central Spine) Loeatior THUWAL TO: _Mr. ADIL A. MUKHTAR ‘Area Supervisor Project Inspection Unit/ Operation Inspection Unit Ope Orr Dase Dry sep (] Others: Address: _ BLDG, 102, KAUST PROJECT SITE OFFICE, THUWAL From: _Mr. WAELL M.AL-AKKAS. Job Title: _ Sr. Pi Address: SAPMT $,K.P.D NATIONAL GUARD PROJECTS DIVISI 6, THUWAL ‘Tel/Fax: 012-5100535/0550512645 __ Signature: E-mail Address: __waell_akkas@aramco.com, Itis requested that the attached mix design data sheet (Appendix-B) be reviewed & appiyyed for the subject project. Saudi Aramco Project Management has reviewed the mix design criteria and found to be in\gompliance with the project requirements. New Mix Design & Establish ‘Mix Design ID Ni Supplier name: __SAUDI READY MIX CONCRETE Co. Location: BP Serial No._BP #1 (81120) Corecast / Pre-Stressed Concrete ® Cast-In-Place Concrete C1 Structural 6 Non-Structural esign Compressive Strength: (692000 psi (] 4000 psi L) others: O With si psi ‘a Fume [& Without Silica Fume [XJ Cement Type: SVD. ‘Type of Exposure (SAES-Q-001, Table-1) or On Om On wv Remarks on Type Exposure: (A separate request is required for each exposure type) FOR INSPECTION DEPARTMENT OR OPERATIONS INSPECTION UNIT USE ONLY approved Rejected Ci Resubmitted Remarks im Name: E Job Title: ‘al. No, Signature & Datei_____ Original: PMT/ Maintenance Engineer ce: Project File/Mix Designs File ID/BP & CTU Docume Respeasiis. tmyestonEngincnag Sadat vem sarpaisy NEP Pamed Udit 8 May 2009 Aol Prvcdire fe Rood Mined Comte Ms Boy Apper CONPLEI ev Ge TIESTRRLIERE APRON ix B - Conerote Mix Design Data Sheet BY INSPECTION DEP ARININT Cprecasr concrete E)CASTAN PLACE CONCRETE Dstmeeren FH yos.stewcreRAL, PLANT NAME: sevicenr #1 1120, MIX DESIGN 10 NO: SPMU} LOCATION TYPEOF CEMENT: Chowne Dhexary Date: Gveinays CHUAN ersten EXPOSURE TYPES (PER SAES.Q.001, Table Ds 18 T pesigs | vers, |___oaren CRITERIN | RESULTS | MATERIAL HC METER. REMARKS, evs. Cony Seen eas [BONO pa | _Opat_| Censwehy Aan Co [Come conten) Max. | 250 [um stent ere Aine Missa Te) [were "woo sax. 080 io [Stamp cam) 200 Max. {110 [Son etg) 955 mre {Se | : as. se Warhen) toby KAEC eid aaa sewer | 3 | siemens] ETE see | Adnisae 2h) 2.0 | Aika ee ne Augen Rabigh Johal - MA Ra Wadi Qidyad~ Sdina Road Tine Negron ABOVE MIX DESIGN IS VALID UNTIL OCTOBER 15, 2017, REQUIRED ATTACHMENTS. (90 Aggrepates Lact Vesing Report hy a Suudi Acamice Approved tndepeadent Labucatary Typeor Fat — [ser 38" [saad | (8) Water Anat Report Cag Camps rate Paid AC) Cement Sub Test Certifies ‘Geils Nara finer a 300 SRE (D) Admire Feetotest ats Top Angles Abr (0) Apnendiv: ¢ Specie Gunin & ADIN () Aggregates Mensing Set ‘Chsles Cate (CT (6) Lest Report, Micro ies Suri Cute Sy lat) Test Report AWSCT in comsrte Noes Su (1) ese Report ASST iy 1 s sisiecanume ane MASON CR AGOQMOTS — tietentrs coef MEA AL Omalt Surarinpndent fe ingestion Sapper eriee Divion a IB NW. OonBeHAE, EIA LWUAT@ wy. Pp diva Biel Mp ores Del = Rah Ine Hane Be ae nih Fa Min Wifes ALE oj vents casa PuGko SALAM L I ifecrtanttay Document Responsibility: Project Quality Standards Committee SAEP-1152 Issue Date: 25 May 2014 Next Planned Update:25 May 2019 Approved Procedure for Ready-Mixed Concrete Mix Design Appendix A — Request For Approval (RFA) Concrete Mix Design REQUEST FOR APPROVAL (RFA) ‘CONCRETE MIX DESIGN (A Separate Request Is Required For Each Mix Design) ‘TO BE COMPLETED BY SAPMT/ MAINTENANCE ORGANIZATIONS AND APPROVED BY INSPECTION DEPARTMENT OR OPERATIONS INSPECTION UNIT ONLY DATE: 19 June, 2016 BI/JO. NO: _25-00034 - 0004 Contractor: SINOHYDRO. Project Title: National Guard Family Compound(Central Spine) Locatio: THUWAL, TO: _Mr. ADIL A. MUKHTAR ‘Area Supervisor Project Inspection Unit/Operation Inspection Unit Opx Orr Case Ory sep [] Others: Address: _ BLDG. 102, KAUST PROJECT SITE OFFICE, THUWAL From: _Mr, WAELL M.AL-AKKAS Job Title: _Sr. PROJMCT ENGINEER Address:___SAPMT S.K.P.D NATIONAL GUARD PROJECTS DIVISION \Ro! Tel/Fax: 012-5100535/0550512645__ Signature: E-mail Address: __waell.akkas@aramco.com It is requested that the attached mix design data sheet (Appendix-B) be reviewed & approlgd for the subject project. ‘Saudi Aramco Project Management has reviewed the mix design criteria and found to be in &mpliance with the project requirements, (C1 New Mix Design & Establish Mix De: Mix Design ID No: Supplier name: __SAUDI READY MIX CONCRETE Co, Location: ‘THUWAL, KSA BP Serial No. _BP #1 (81120) Orecast / Pre-Stressed Concrete Cast-In-Place Concrete & Structural G1 Non-Structural Mesign Compressive Strength: [] 2000 psi \B¥l}4000 psi [] others: psi (Cl With Silica Fume & Without Silica Fume [XJ Cement Type: SAAD. ‘Type of Exposure (SAES-Q-001, Table): Or On Om OW &v ‘Remarks on Type Exposure: SESHEESESSSEEES (A separate request is required for each exposure type} FOR INSPECTION DEPARTMENT OR OPERATIONS INSPECTION UNIT USE ONLY Cl Approvea Ci Rejected Ci Resubmitied Remarks: a =a a ahh Name Job Title: Tel. Now: oo Signature & Date: Original: PMT/ Maintenance Engineer cc: Project File/Mix Designs File ID/BP & CTU Pest egret: Poet Quay Stars Comaline saps (eee: 28g 2014 NetPinad Upne 28 May 2019 Argo Poet fr Bandy Mad Conta Ma Dg ‘Aypendix 8 Concrete Mix Design Data Shoot (TOE Coker wr SY FRRTALTLER A TROVE RT GPECTONDEMMMEE | (OPRECAST CONCRETE ICASTANFLACE CONCRETE srmvcrmat Di vorssraucrura, PLANT NAME: siccprat im -niup __ MIXDESIGNID NO: SRM (1)-THU LOCATION; _quWAL. ‘TTVPE OF CEMENT: Crowurey Chaar) DATE: entender 138 Bran Dana +o et) ny; Bay EXPOSURE TYPES (PERSARS-Q.401, PARED pata pesix | Tua, | __narcnwmcets/cuicuerza | correna| gesouts | yerténnus [quanmmy| nematic Cag foe Gio | 4000p | S0nA | Cemmtd 310 | kina Conca ak cose oe 370_[ 310 —Juesua = [eer en ia) == [ar Aree | 770 | Soren Weise Baa | 040 [Sree sd | 390 | Sera epee “ooMes | 105 5 [aman 10 eae] id ee 0.15 Max. | 0.089 | Fee Waker fer) 144+ | tata ~ KAEC Siaesiner seus | 29% [aero saat ‘Adena 23) 1 Minseauptnieteestenics Wes, Coun Agree hil Liastategnmtittamciayy incaranc | CmGeASIroi | Rabigh bal “MTA Rabo 2 Tea ha ena FeavAeregses | Wadi Qupad Madina Rand ABOVE MIX DESIGNS IS VALID UNTIL SEPTEMBER 01, 2017. ? rasan i REQUIRED ATTACHMENTS Appts Laer T Ti a Sut Armes i if ial vr Sa OTS ha ipenina re, |Adbigeaorx covcaereco TED Baich Pats & Ch Test Ua ASR TO RABE Ht = 1 RABI + tse ogee Seo opamp pn Sgriseaenre eeu mn aerate aon) Ba oe ieee Drsamcat peli Pro[et QellyStndarls Comaitee saris toc shay Argos ‘Ne Pld pds 25 Bay 2019 aly tel eocrdg ‘Appendix — Ready Wx Cancrets Tal Baten Report Pa cae \ (Western Pick. Lat. 27) Conifict 3 FUGRO-SUIAIME eae. emer 2uLsus &.0ohu a - Had bes Pea ChriTaey tel Tio omen eeredsee se eeontgenenntnatnyi naigagpteeecteng es aN ME x toy) Document Responsibility: Project Quality Standards Committee SABP-1152 Issue Date: 25 May 2014 Next Planned Update:25 May 2019 Approved Procedure for Ready-Mixed Concrete Mix Design aa Appendix A ~ Request For Approval (RFA) Concrete Mix Design REQUEST FOR APPROVAL (RFA) ‘CONCRETE MIX DESIGN {A Separate Request Is Required For Each Mix Design) ‘TO BE COMPLETED BY SAPMT/ MAINTENANCE ORGANIZATIONS AND APPROVED BY INSPECTION DEPARTMENT OR OPERATIONS INSPECTION UNIT ONLY DATE; 19 June, 2016 BI/JO. NO: __25-00034- goog Contractor: _ SINOHYDRO. Project Title: National Guard Family Compound(Central Spine) Leeation:___THUWAL. TO: _Mr. ADIL A. MUKHTAR ‘Area Supervisor Project Inspection Unit/Operation Inspection Unit, Cpa Orr Oase Ory J vep LF] Others: Address: _BLDG.102, KAUST PROJECT SITE OFFICE, THUWAL From: _Mr. WAELL M.AL-AKKAS Job Title: _ Sr, PRQJECT ENGINEER ‘Address:_ SAPMT 8.K.P.D NATIONAL GUARD PROJECTS DIVISI Tel/Fax: 012-5100535/05505 12645, Signature: E-mail Address: _wacll.akkas@aramco.com Iti requested that the attached mix design data sheet (Appendix-B) be reviewed & app)wved forthe subject project. Sauai Aramco Project Management has reviewed the mix design criteria and found to be in compliance with the Project requirements. New Mix Design Establish Mix Desi Mix Design ID No: Supplier name: __SAUDI READY MIX CONCRETE Co. Location: ‘THUWAL, KSA. BP Serial No, __BP #1 (81120) LiPrecast / Pre-Stressed Concrete Bal cast-In-Place Concrete & Structural O Non-Structural “esign Compressive Strength: [] 2000 psi [] 4000 psi [J others: (50009 psi O With Silica Fume [ Without Silica Fume [J Cement Type: §9 ‘Type of Exposure (SAES-Q-001, Table-1): OI On Om OW @&v Remarks on Type Exposure: (A separate request is required for each exposure type) [ FOR INSPECTION DEPARTMENT OR OPERATIONS INSPECTION UNIT USE ONLY [Approved Ci Rejected Cl Resubmitted Remarks: é Name: fae Job Title: Ef ae Tel, No, Signature & Date: z Original: PMT/Maintenance Engineer cc: Project File/Mix Designs File 1D/BP & CTU eerste se ET EST Document Responsibility Praject Qualisy Standards Committee SABP.1182 Ine Date: 25 May 2014 [Next Planned Upate: 25%May 2019 Approsal Proce fr Reacy: Med Canerte Mix Design Appendix B - Concrate Mix Design Data Sheet m= iE SUPPLTER & APPROVED BY NSPACTION DEFARTENT CUPRECAST CONCRETE EICAST-IN PLACE CONCRETE, Rsraveremar CD sonsrructunas PLANT NAME: sesice ne #181120) RVG MIX DESIGN 1 NO: SRM(2)-THUW(2)-35¥-05 LOCATION: _amuwat, TYPE OF CEMENT: QrowenTs) Dr (oRay) DATE: “September G20 very Citcaray rises) EXPOSURE TYPES (PER SAES-Q-001, Table): _U&V : ARSED a DESIGN | TRIAL BATCH WEIGHTS / CUBIC METER a CRITERIA | RESULTS [MATERIALS | QUANTITY | __RENARKS Comp Sich @ 285s | S000 pal [6550 psi Poeoenta) | _440_—"| Antica a | Ceset Contest) 370 | 400 “|e sie Micros (5) : =| Agate Gu [770] See Bcow F WR DAG Max | 039 [39° Aaweasetigy | 330 | seoBelow Stamp (oe) 200 Max. | Send (hp) [310 A] seetetow Wea to 5 OS Ma, Fece Wate its) | +} tabula KARE may Tot osc Sg ac - =a = Sine a eee ‘Rice asd ‘ie Tass] dais? (i) > Aree eet fs ris eatin fesse Coane Agsreraten _| eb —074 Rai ? sal i ee ey ABOVE MIX DESIGNS IS VALID UNTIL SEPTEMBER 01, 2017 e PARLE, yk REQUIRED ATTACHMENTS L (A) Aggregates Lest Testing Report bya Studi Arames Approved Indepeadent Laboratory Type of Fst Ta | ie" [Sand | (8) Water Ansys Report Ciay Lampe Fable Parsee (©) Ceraeat Mil Tet Certideate ‘Gradion & Materials Finer tins #260 Seve (D) Admistares Techaie Di Les Anges Abrasion ‘Specific Gravy & Absorpoa ©) Appenitx-c (P) Aggregates Blending Shect ‘Chigndes Content (C), ‘Salas Couet 6) [1 ‘Magnes Sul Shes © (G) Test Report, Mero sea (X) Test Report, WSCT In concrete pM Test Report, ASSTin concrete BRRMEREES S 59D Batch Pants & Civ Testing Ut f : ati 48 BAUD) READ YUN CONCRETE Co FCA. se0¢n0r805 ss eyes RABIGH SAGER 1 Aap ef pci sn i a ag rv mai et mses, yp ey Te vii de apy es ety ores he mid qty grep of be av cnr at sp ot med So Rae pp seed ad (oop tae arserv Thalys Walder seat eyed ASTM C 1) ls ed by SATE TE Docustent Responsibility: Project Quality Standards Conmaities Ise Data: 25 May 20.4 Arps Peni or ‘Next Plame Update: 25 May 2019 Roxy Mod Camere Doig SAEP.U182 Appendix C - Ready Mix Concrete Trial Batch Report Tm. co PANTSAMT :_SRMCCBP#1@ILIN-RAIGD LOCATION Thowal Dare 8.2014 yespows ux LCK677000 tnceKs0 wie GSS MINSoad pas, Ae MOISTURE COVENT ADJUSTMENT. sateniats | araxmmy | conmrion —worsieer | ssournoy | __abaLyt est Go| Groggy Cowen | ey " Loe (tery hee aL et tha foe Pat sa Corin Abe is a an Tar MATMIATS. FEL QLANIETY | ___SOURCEALANG#\CTERERCALSIRS NAME [Bent ofac ta)” AA)" abigh Conard Fact _Rasigh 70 _| Rahips inbal — ny Trading Ca. “Rabie ~~ 316) votiem Testing Co, xu TO, Wats Quya Maa Road TF ivhitvan ea COMPUSSIVL STRENGIIETESTAUSLLETS (4 ds ain) Bane |— Soe po ay nls Toots fe aH #2 1g es scrvoneese '9| “QUT09 4134909 MUMAGEY OOS aeuiretemmnnieret «¢ = cena By oat TED Bu — WinewetBy: fe: JULIUS amd ceecsrin [ee SIWEFROF DATE 3 tl SrRiNGtt (oD taBewes | WRT] 5a URTTWEIGHT Age) | 7997 | 50; _cumMneat Test ox coNeneTE s isl Melanie 9) Moiauddin oe EUGRO-SUMAIMELTD. ahr ‘APM Anat = ‘Nase me Sate ais TE ATOR SOLU CHLORINE ONSEONTH (Ch 38 BOYS FEST ah Pa Hep (Namen Signa) Eye of Cea Sau aee e S¥RD ARS(TADLLL, Ibdepentat shore ‘Area Pes Ray FS tas ad Senate oe ap Dr lft amg ig LE, Ya ID 2 Tunbeonat tpt attanye aero pen MIX DESIGN SUBMITTAL ~ sjalbeo saud| Il) MATERIAL TEST REPORT Date: 20® June, 2016 Report No.: JO-16-06-012. ALHOTY - STANGER SAUDI READYMIX CONCRETE CO. LTD. COARSE AGGREGATE TEST REPORT TEST METHOD : ASTM / BS Page Toe ‘SAMPLE DESCRIPTION + Coarse Aggregate (2/4) SOURCE / LOCATION + RM#60/Thuwal DATESAMPLERECEIVED =: 01" une, 2016 ‘SAMPLED BY i AlHoty Stanger Ltd Co ‘TEST RESULTS: [SAUBIARANEO) ScECO“E" 08-SAMSS-008 | Iswo, TEST DESCRIPTION Fea es MAK. [SPECIFICATION ¢ TOTES. | Ch Revd [av wr.or aca, 1. SIEVE ANALYSIS, ASTING 198-08 Pagezas] = = Wk 2, MATERIAL FINER THAN 75 MICRON (PASSING # 200 SIEVE) ASTM C 117 —13 MATERIAL FINER THAN 75 MICRON 04% | o5semax 50 Max 1% 3. LOS ANGELES ABRASION, ASTM C 131— 14 ‘% LOSS @ 500 REVOLUTIONS 14% | 35% Max 40 wa 4. CLAY LUMPS & FRIABLE PARTICLES ASTM ¢ 142—10 CLAY LUMPS & FRIABLE PARTICLES 04% | 1omMax 50 Max 1% 5, SPECIFIC GRAVITY & ABSORPTION, ASTIMC 127—12 [Re-approved 2001) BULK SPECIFIC GRAVITY 280 7 - wa ‘SSD SPECIFIC GRAVITY 283 = = Na APPARENT SPECIFIC GRAVITY 24 = = NA WATER ABSORPTION % 08% | 15% Mex 23 NA 6. MAGNESIUM SULPHATE SOUNDNESS, ASTIAC 68-13 WEIGHTED % LOSS AFTER 5 CYCLES USING FRESH SOLUTION OF MAGNESIUM s% | towne | 250 NA 7, UNIT WEIGHT RODDED kg/m? {ASTM G29/C 29M 08) 1540 = = 8. FLAKINESS & ELONGATION INDEX, BS #12 FLAKINESS INDEX (85 812: 89, Part 105) 1% | 25max - Max 15% ELONGATION INDEX. (BS 812: 90, Part 105) 2% | 30Max : NA 9. ACID SOLUBLE CHLORIDE, (Ci) ASTM C 114~ 09 (1%) one | o0s%Mex | a0 Na 40, ACID SOLUBLE SULPHATE, SO, 8S 81200, PART i1B(%) | 0.13% | o4Max 0.40 Na ‘Andy Nace Lab Supervisor C & S Dept. ‘ALHOTY STANGER LTD.CO, INDEPENDENT LABORATORIES & MATERIALS TESTING PO.BOX 1122 ALKHOBAR 31069 -TEL: (013) 8891000 (11 LINES 8880958 / 842529 Fax (013) 0901405 Mt its et 1 85-21-02 de 2 2-472 5A Da Te SZ TOZ-bT ELAY AL HOTY - STANGER SAUD! READYMIX CONCRETE CO. LTD. SIEVE ANALYSIS Coarse Aggregate - 3/4" RM # 60 / Thuwal Al Hoty Stanger Ltd, Co, 41-Jun-2016 Ly 10 Sieve Sizes -mm % retained ao. % Passing 100 45; 355 26.3 83) Ex 08 04) 04 “Andy Naoe Lab Supervisor C & S Dept. For AL HOTY STANGER LTD. CO, FS. ‘AL HOTY STANGERLTD.CO, INDEPENDENT LABORATIORIES & MATERIALS TESTING OOK 122 ALHOBAR 1652~TEL: 09) 469-1080 -€08-7517 FAX: bat PO Oo A- Te 0) 94-6704 Fax) 4-042 Hah PO, Box 732 Te] 86-200 Fat 1) 87-120 ~ Rc 0, Boe 7259-1) 7-452 Fe) 47-288, "oh PO Ge 120 Tok 012650104 Fs 0216854149 Oi YD Nd 0748 PT | Date: 20%.June, 2016 | Report No.: JD-16-0-012.2| ALHOTY-STANGER | — saupi READYMIX CONCRETE CO. LTD. COARSE AGGREGATE TEST REPORT TEST METHOD : ASTM/ BS Page 1 of 8 ‘SAMPLE DESCRIPTION zi Goarse Aggregate (316°) SOURCE/ LOCATION RM #60 Thuwal DATE SAMPLE RECEIVED Of June. 2016 ‘SAMPLED BY ‘AlHoty Stanger Lid Co. ‘TEST RESULT! ¢ SCECO"E" Nor SPEC. Limits, | [sPEciFIcATION iS No. TEST DESCRIPTION acruat [Serie neue REVO 7. SIEVE ANALYSIS, ASTIN 136-08 Pagezofe] = WR 2. MATERIAL FINER THAN 75 MICRON (PASSING # 200 SIEVE) ASTM C 117 —13, MATERIAL FINER THAN 75 MICRON 07% | 05% Max 50 Max 1 % 3. LOS ANGELES ABRASION, ASTM C 131-08, % LOSS @ 500 REVOLUTIONS 17% =| 35% Max 40 WA 4. CLAY LUMPS & FRIABLE PARTICLES ASTM 142~10 CLAY LUMPS & FRIABLE PARTICLES, 06% | 1.0% Mex 50 Max 1% 5. SPECIFIC GRAVITY & ABSORPTION, ASTM C 127 = 12 [Re-approved 2001] BULK SPECIFIC GRAVITY 280 - - NA ‘SSD SPECIFIC GRAVITY 282 = = Na APPARENT SPECIFIC GRAVITY 287 a = NA WATER ABSORPTION % 09% | 1.5% Max 25 NA 6, MAGNESIUM SULPHATE SOUNDNESS, ASTMC 88-13 WEIGHTED % LOSS AFTER 5 CYCLES USING FRESH. ‘SOLUTION OF MAGNESIUM 5% | 180% Max 250 NA 7. UNIT WEIGHT RODDED kgin® (ASTM C29 /C 291 — 08) 1534 - - 8, FLAKINESS & ELONGATION INDEX, BS B12 FLAKINESS INDEX (BS 812: 89, Part 105) 17% 25 Max Z Max 15 % ELONGATION INDEX (8S 612: 90, Part 105) 2% 30 tax - NA 9. ACID SOLUBLE CHLORIDE, (cl) ASTM C 114-09 (%) 0.131% | 0.03% Max 003 NA ACID SOLUBLE SULPHATE, SO) BS 612:88, PART 118 (4) ‘Andy Naoe Lab Supervisor C & S Dept. For AL HOTY STANGER LTD CO. ‘AL HOTY STANGER LTD.CO. INDEPENDENT LABORATORIES & MATERIALS TESTING PO BOX 1122 ALKHOBAR 31952. TEL: (O13) 8881000 (11 LINES) /€980958 / 642539 Fax: (019) 8981406 aly Pay Tt) 282-02) Ga TSH De Te (SIM Dat TAIZ» hela) SY ALHOTY-STANGER | SAUDI READYMIX CONCRETE CO. LTD. aR SSID IGODIDET| SIEVE ANALYSIS Method - ASTM C 117 - 13 /¢ 138 - 06 Page 2 of 9 Sample Description Coarse Aggregate - 3/8" Source / Location RM # 60 / Thuwal ‘Sampled By Al Hoty Stanger Ltd. Co, Sampled Received 1-Jun-2016 INDIVIDUAL GRADING CURVE (3/8 aga) ‘Andy Naoe Lab Supervisor C & $ Dept. For AL HOTY STANGER LTD. CO. For AL HOTY STANGER LTD, CO., JEDDAH ‘:vggregains 2016.une 2016 AggSRUC JUNE 2016/16.06.072-SRUG (RH 60 Thowa)- (CAB FA- Aga) sts" EDT aa with writen approval TAS 1 "AL HOTY STANGER LTD.CO. INDEPENDENT LABORATORIES & MATERIALS TESTING. PO BOX 1122 AL-KHOBAR 31852 TEL: (013) 8891000 (11 LINES) 8880056/ 542520 Fax: (012) 2081466 iT Bea 1 8421-6 A Te 14222505 Dis S01 TON AAT SY Date: June 20, 2016 Report No.: JD- ALHOTY- STANGER | saupI READYMIX CONCRETE Co. LTD. SIEVE ANALYSIS Method - ASTM C 117 - 13/.C 136 -06 Page 1 of 4 ‘Sample Description ‘Combined Coarse Aggregate (3/4"- 70% + 3/8" - 30 %) Source / Location 2 RM #60/Thuwal Sampled By 2 AlHoty Stanger Ltd. Co, ‘Sampled Received : ddun-2016 Combined Goarse aggregate Grading Curve (3/4" -70°% + 3/8" -30 %) ( [Steve size Passing (%) ‘Combined Project Limits] v (mm) : Ec 70% 38" W% Grading Min. _ Max. Ay 25.0 100 70 100 30. 400 400° 100 19.0 % 67 700 30 oT 90 100 125. 34 6 700. 30 36 | 95 | _08 1 a1 27 28 20, 55 475 04 0 76 2 3 0 410 2.36 0.0 oO O7 02 02 oO 5 118 | 00 0 00 0.0 ot 0 1 “Andy Nace Lab Supervisor C & S Dept. For AL HOTY STANGER LTD. Ci ‘AL HOTY STANGER LT0.00. INDEPENDENT LABORATORIES & MATERIALS TESTING. PO BOK 1122 AL-KHOBAR 31952. TEL (013) 8891000 (11 LINES) 898Ca5q 3542580 Fax: (013) 8081465 bt) 1-H Te S20 Rh T1122 - eB 02D 2- Va e255 Te -DabTe720 -teaTe SY ALHOTY - STANGER SAUDI READYMIX CONCRETE CO. LTD. FINE AGGREGATE TEST REPORT ‘TEST METHOD : ASTM / BS Page 1 of 8 ‘SAMPLE DESCRIPTION : Fine Aggregate (Natural Sand) SOURCE / LOCATION : RM # 60/ Thuwal DATE SAMPLE RECEIVED 01" June, 2016 SAMPLED BY Al Holy Stanger Ltd Co. ERT ARS J scEco-e nor c ‘OD-SAMSS-088 © bo esr bescRIPTION acum, |S, uns 352% lerscicanon owns % nev loviwt-orace| 7 SIEVE ANALYSIS, AST 19608 or a . wm 2 FINENESS MODULUS, ASTI C 138-05 a3 [ - | 2s-a1 9. MATERIAL FER THAN 75 mcRON (PASSING 200 SIEVE) ASTMLG 13 ATER FER THAN TE MORON zoe | 2omm | so | mean 4. CLAY Lumps a FRINBLE PARTICLES ASTH.G142— 10 GIAY LUMPS & PRASLE PARTICLES tam | aonme | 30 | wat 5. SPEGIFIC GRAVITY & ABSORPTION, ASTI 128-12 Buucsreoric ora 204 S - NA Seo speci oRavtry aes : : NA ‘Apparent Src GRAVITY ito : : wh (WATER ABSORPTION fo% | rome | = NA 6. maGNesim SULPHATE SOUNDNESS, STIG 98-13 WEIGHTED ‘eLose arren SCYOLES USN FRESt SOLUTION oF uaenesins om | ts0%me | aso wa 7. uuweistr RODDED ign asTacze ce amm—06) | secs | ¥s Na SAND EQUIVALENT % ASTID 210-08 mm | 75mm : win 75% sowsotustecitonbe,cnastmer-o0(m) | o0aer | oosvatex | 00s a 10 _scwso.uere sueHare,so.essizse parrtieri | ooex | osm | 04 wa Andy Nace Lab Supervisor C & S Dept. For AL HOTY STANGER LTD CO. ‘AL HOTY STANGER LTD.cO. INDEPENDENT LABORATORIES & MATERIALS TESTING. POBOX 1122 AL-HOBAR 31852 TEL (013) 8831000 (11 LINES)/ 698095 / 854250 Fax (013) 8061455 i 1171» a 620-7 07 DV 02 085 ha SD a OYE = ba Te SY Date: Jane 70,2076 ALHOTY-STANGER | SAUDI READYMIX CONCRETE CO.LTD. | rneroasarmes— SIEVE ANALYSIS. Method - ASTM G 117 - 43 /¢ 136 - 08 Sample Description Fine Aggregate (Natural Sand) Source / Location RM # 60 / Thuwal ‘Sampled By Al Hoty Stanger Ltd. Co, ‘Sampled Received : Ldun-2016 Fine Aggregate Grading Curve L4 010 Sleve Sizas-mm 1.00 FINENESS MODULUS, ASTMC 136-08 = 3.3 ‘Andy Naoe Lab Supervisor C & S Dept. inaget, WR For AL HOTY STANGER LTD. CO. For AL HOTY STANGER LTD. CO., JEDDAH 216i 2018 AgASNC UNE ZO 16 6012 - SAC ME 8 TavtD-(CA REA Ag) snd Cee sa au By a ma ed ond Sal ny Bo oneal ia vd wpa ISL Rtg BRS ———] TALHOTY STANGER LTD.00. INDEPENDENT LABORATORIES & MATERIALS TESTING PO BOX 1122 ALKHOBAR 31952. TEL: (013) 2891000 (11 LINES) 6900959 0542598 Fax: (018) 6861486 018-1 1 2-FyaO)aR- dh O2 D- Y e H 22 585-n kk a ) HM-Det e! T-eblT H ALHOTY- STANGER | — saupi READYMIX CONCRETE Co. LTD, | -Paie-20"~une-20%6— JEDDAH, KSA WATER ANALYSIS Page 1 of 4 EPORT OF CHEMICAL ANALYSIS ON WATER SAMPLE” ‘Sample Identification : Water Sample Source/Location i RM #60/Thuwal Sampled by z Al Holy Stanger Ltd. Co. {Date SampleReceived =: Ot" June. 2016 Required Test : PH Value, TDS, Sulphate & Chloride Test Method : Standard Methods for the Examination of Water & Wastewater, 21* Edition (2005) published by AWWA, APHA, WEF, Washington, D.C., U.S. A. RESULTS ‘TEST PARAMETERS: RESULTS ‘SCECO LIMITS ‘SAUDI ARAMGO uiMaTs pH Value = 74 65-80 6-8 Total Dissolved Solids, mgfit = 139 1000 ppm - Max. '500 ppm - Max Sulphate (S0.), mg/l Chloride (Ci), mgrit = 9 {500 ppm - Max az 500 ppm - Max IARKS: ‘The above test results indicates that the submitted water sample complies with the chemical requirement of BS: 3148, 1980, suitability of water for making concrete. Andy Nave Lab Supervisor C & S Dept. For AL HOTY STANGER LTD CO. i ‘AL HOTY STANGER LTD.CO. INDEPENDENT LABORATORIES & MATERIALS TESTING PO BOX 1122 AL-KHOBAR 31882. TEL: (013) 8891000 (11 LINES) 6500958 642539 Fax: (013) 8981466 eter) 281-08 ttl 18-20 yd Te O82 164-22 5H5- A DT (SHCA Ca Tt T-TREE MIX DESIGN - SUBMITTAL an anc saudireadyrnix ill) PLANT CALIBRATION CERTIFICATES MIX DESIGN SUBMITTAL jpsiadtsce al Ill) PLANT CALIBRATION CERTIFICATES aro - Suna FUGRO-SUHAIMILTO, Lnt# 012, Bloz« 03, P.0. Box 31720 aia atahan, Sharah Nahawand Royal Gommlsaion.Matdnat Yann AL Sinahyan, KSA Ba") 3216989 Tol. (018) 9982173 Certificates Transmittal T cutent; | Saudi Ready Mix Conerete Co. Ltd. (SRMCC) | PROJECT No. | SA 15-9065 | Concrete Batching Piant # 1 (BP-81120) RM60 ADDRESS | Thuwal, Saudi Arabia — DATE: 10 April 2016 Description Calibration of Aggregate Weighing Scale SA15-9085-13425 Calibration of Cement Weighing Seale Calibration of Water Flow Measuring Meter Calibration of lee Weighing Scale | SA15.9065-13428 SA15-9065-13429 low Measuring Meter to SA15-9065-13432 5 | Calibration of Admixturs Signature Date: [1opni 2018 Received the above certificates: Received by Name Signature Iasue No.1 Reva vous One 3060983 TL IO USED CERTIFICATE No.: $A15-9085-13425, CALIBRATION CERTIFICATE OF CONCRETE BATCH PLANT CLIENT: Saudi Ready Mix Concrete Co, Lid. (SRMCC) PROJECT No.: SA 15-9065 Concrete Batching Plant # 1 (BP-81120) RM6O Thuwal, Saudi Arabia Pee een This is to cerify that the equipment described below has been calibrated by Fugro-Suhaimi Limited, ADDRESS: This certificate applies only to the equipment specified in this certificate. Details of Dovice under Calibration (DUC) {Information supplied by the client) Description AGGREGATE WEIGHING SCALE Manufacturer: COMMAND ALKON Modal Type Spectrum Vi Serial / Identification No. (CB 127431 / RM 60-AGG-001 Capacity / Range 12,000 Kg / 200 ~ 5.000 Kg Resolution / Accuracy: 5 Ko Specification Limit ~__ [£04 % of net applied load Remarks: 5 Calibration Details: Calibration Date: 07 April 2016 Naxt Calibration Due Date: 07 August 2018 Location of Calibration: SRMCG, Thuwal Remarks: | Reviewed By Approved By a ‘Syed’Athar Ali ‘Senior Supervisor Calibration Laboratory, Yanbu 10 April 2016 Date yall gpd gun pe afuses- Suman Calbratln Division (Wastuen Prov. Lab. 27¢ 150 17025:2005 ACCREDITED LABORATORY The copytght ole documents out by Fagin Subaimi Lid B may othe epiaduced xc wth at ‘CAL 7 0r0”0/01 Ap 2072 ‘Atmember al the Fuga group wih olces wou co FUGRO-SUHAIMI LTD, fuze - Sena JA PT CERTIFICATE No: SA15-9065-13425 Page 20f2 RESULTS OF CALIBRATION OF CONCRETE BATCH PLANT Calibration Procedure: Calibration Procedure FSLOPFO1 Reference Standard: / Specification J ASTAIC 04-2014 Calibration Data: Applied Load A pee Device under Calibration (Kg) | ETON of, Weight (Ka) 200.0 200 00 500.0 500 0.0 7,000.0, 71000 00 7,500.0 1,500 00 2,000.0 2,005 a3 2,500.0 2,505 02 3,000.0 3,010 03 3,500.0 3.510 03 4,000.0 4,010 03 4,500.0 4,505 on 5,000.0 5.015 03 Test Conditions: ‘Ambient Temperature: [26°c Details of Reference Device: Reference Davies (Descnpton) Standard Weight Set/ Cat ron Weights Serial dentication Number FSL ID # 66-15%(1-5), 65-149 (1-60) Next Galoration Due 22 October 2017 /17 January 2017 ‘Traceable to Intemational Slandards: Cailicale Now Calitration Traceatity 12287051-56 | SA15.G000Y-10767 Romarks Ni Calibration Technician Taal a gee a ra7s ~ Suranrea jeeeecBouee Calibration Division Western Prov. Lab, 276 180,17025:2006 ACCREDITED LABORATORY Se eae ais deca owned by Fug Suhail Lid itmay nate repeduce excel who wien approval tm tho company (CAL 7.00 ov 0/01 Apa 2072 ‘Amamber of in Fuge group wih ofees wordide FUGRO-SUHAINI LTD. 7 gute ‘deter pasa No, 8BNINA35 Coote Page 1 of 2 CALIBRATION CERTIFICATE OF CONCRETE BATCH PLANT CLIENT: Saudi Ready Mix Concrete Co. Ltd. (SRMCC) CERTIFICATE No.: $A15-9055-13426 PROJECT No.: SA 18-9065, , Concrete Batching Plant # 4 (BP-81120) RM6O ADDRESS: Thuwal, Sauci Arabia This is to certify that the equipment described below has been calibrated by Fugro-Suhaimi Limited DaTt }0 April 2016 This certificate applies only to the equipment specified in this certificate Details of Device under Calibration (DUC) (laformation supplied by the cent) Description: CEMENT WEIGHING SCALE Manufacturer COMMAND ALKON ‘Model / Type Spectrum Vi Serial / Identification No, Capacity / Range CB 127431 / RM 60-CMT-001 3,500 Kg / 200 ~ 2,500 Kg Resolution / Accuracy, Kg ‘Specification Limit: £0.4 % of net applied load Remarks: Calibration Details: Calibration Date: 07 April 2016 Next Calibration Due Date: O7 August 2016 Location of Calibration: SRMCC, Thuwal Remarks a Reviewed By Approved By Calibration Technician 10 April 2016 Date GALT Oovev'9/0" Ay 2012 ration Division wasiom Prov, Lab. 276 athe Syed Athar Aly Senior Supervisor Calibration Laboratory, Yenbu a coppigitof ha document oantty FugiaSutan Au. inay nab tsoroducad assert hes ‘Amamber of ho Fuge group wit ffces wridnde tea aupeoval om we = fuse ~ Suna FuGRo-SuHami LTD. JAS STI CERTIFICATE Ni RESULTS OF CALIBRATION OF CONCRETE BATCH PLANT Page 20f2 Calibration Procedui Calibration Procedure: FSLCPF-01 Raference Standard: / Specification: ASTM C 94-2014 Calibration Data; Applied Load . Error, , Deve under alraion kg) | ERO, tof Weight (kg) 200.0 200 0.0 500.0 501 0.2 7,000.0 r 7,002 02 1,500.0 1,502 Of 2,000.0 1,998 04 2,500.0 2,497 O41 Test Conditions: Ambient Temperature: 26°C Details of Reference Device: Reference Device (Descpton) Standard Weight Sel/ Gastron Weighs Serial/ Identification Number SLID # 66-151(1-6) 65-149 (1-50) ‘Next Calibration Oue 22 October 2017 /47 January 2017 : Traceable 9 Inernaiona Standards! CenTeaTe NOS Catiration Traceabitty 12267051-55 / SA15-9000Y-10787 Remarks Ni or Calibration Technician: &@s Sagal pad. perl WSs fies Suman aaa Calibration Division Western Prov. Lab, 276 150.17026:2005 acoREDITED LABORATORY re aman 25s cecamen 8 owned by Fugro Suna Lid Imay nl be repreduced excep vi por won approval em the company ALT 00raV 0/01 Aon! 2012 ‘Amremiber ofthe Fuga goup wih offers woreda FUGRO-SUHAIMILTO, —— leenorn necro pete a0 ren —Sunamy oa = US SIN = conor soireas CEMBED ya 3 AT al CERTIFICATE No.: SA15-9065-13427 CALIBRATION CERTIFICATE OF CONCRETE BATCH PLANT Saudi Ready Mix Concrete Co. Ltd, (SRMCC) Concrete Batching Plant # 1 (BP-81120) RM6O Thuwal, Saudi Arabia ‘This (s to certify that the equipment described below has been calibrated by Fugro-Suhaimi Limited, Page 1 of2 PROJECT No.: CLIENT: 3A 15-9065 ADDRESS: DATE: 10 April 2016 ‘This certificate applizs only to the equipment specified in this certificate. Details of Device under Calibration (DUC) {Information supplied by the client) Descriation _| WATER FLOW MEASURING METER Manufacturer: COMMAND ALKON Model / Type : ‘Spectrum Vi CB 127431 / RM 60-WTR-001 NIA 7 100 ~ 500 Ltrs Sarial / Identification No.: Capacity / Range: Resolution / Accuracy: Sirs Specification Limit: + 1.0.% of net measured volume Remarks: 7 Calibration Details: Calibration Date: 07 April 2016 Next Calibration Due Date: 07 August 2076 Location of Calibration: SRMCC, Thuwal Remarks Reviewed By Approved By Calibration Technician Syed Athar Ait Senior Supervisor Calibration Laboratory, Yanbu 10 April 2016 Date en -Sunawn Caliration Division (vvestem Prov ta. 27C ) sa cuca gS id Kena atte eoscucedzcal wate apt koma A yt ‘cat 7 orev 0/01 cl 2012 ‘Armambe of te Fuga gaup with fees worwige, FUGRO-SUHAINI LTD. taro - Sunaimn saiammatan gta adidas cots no i Pan (ta) 3210303 Tel. (91) 388 3 CERTIFICATE No.: $415-9065-13427 Page 2 of 2 RESULTS OF CALIBRATION OF CONCRETE BATCH PLANT Calibration Procedure: Calibration Procedure FSLCPFO1 Reference standard: / Specifcalion [ASTM 042014 Calibration Data: DUG (Setting) extract Volume seasiragVoume ur) | yp EE SE (Ltrs) 100 1000 00 200, 200.0 00 300) 301.0 03 +400 403.0 08 500 502.0 04 Test Conditions: Ambient Temperature: [esc Details of Reference Device: Reference Device (Description) | Bench Seale Model Manufacturer Matier Serial! Identification Number | 6521967200) FSLID #66211 Next Calibration Due: 27 December 2016 Calibration Traceabity Traceable to International Standards Reports No, 2015016473 Note: "The flow meter set to the known volume and the quantity of water retrieved in the volumetrie Drum which is subsequently measured by weighing on the platform balance and the volume is corrected to the temperature variation. Calibration Technician: Fagiall gph geared sfesee Sumas Calibration Division ‘Western Prov. Lab. 276 180 17025:2005 ACCREDITED LABORATORY 17 eee bin documentis owned by Fugr-Sutalry Lid Kay et be rprodueed except wth por wien approval om te company (CAL? 00 ov 0/08 ape 2042 ‘Amembve ft Fuga grou wt ces wor Garde FUGRO-SUHAIM! LTD, [csatyocautenno poe 320 Ware ~ Suna eer == = inEEICn ORE RRSSADIES NESTON ¢ 2A STI! CERTIFICATE Now SA1S-9085.13420 Paget of2 CALIBRATION CERTIFICATE OF CONCRETE BATCH PLANT CLIENT: ‘Saudi Ready Mix Conerete Co. Ltd, (SRMCC) PROJECT No.: SA 15-9065 Concrete Batching Plant # 1 (BP-81120) RMBO ADDRESS: Thuwal, Saudi Arabia This is to certify that the equipment described below has been calibrated by Fugro-Guhaimi Limited DATE: 10 April 2016 This certificate applies only to the equipment specified in this certificate. Details of Device under Calibration (DUC) (lniormation supplied by the cent) Description: ICE WEIGHING SCALE. Manufacturer: COMMAND ALKON, ‘Model / Type Spectrum Vi Serial / Identification No, CB 127431 / RM 60-ICE-001 Capacity / Range’ 500 Ko / 20 ~ 300 Kg Resolution / Accuracy: kg ‘Specification Limit: Remarks: Calibration Detail Calibration Date: 07 April 2016 Next Calibration Due Date: 07 August 2016 Location of Calibration: ‘SRMCC, Thuwal Remarks: 5 Reviewed By Approved By SX & Calibration Technician ‘Syed Athar All Senior Supervisor Calibration Laboratory, Yanbu 40 April 2016 Date Calibration Division Western Prov. Lab. 276 180 170252005 ACCREDITED LABORATORY @ g ~ pits seh obtha ocaet i ace 8 EiaeSunain: Lit i. not be aipenducad excep ath oe wait acpi tm BERS ae ‘GAL 00ra¥0701 Apn 2012 ‘Amembe of tha Funo group wih ctteas werdde Fusro-sunaimitro “fezee-Sunains ot 12. lst #9),Ro- Bou 1729 Sept nmr etn on DAL ATI CERTIFICATE No.: SA15-9068-19428, Page 2 of 2 RESULTS OF CALIBRATION OF CONCRETE BATCH PLANT Calibration Procedure: Calibration Procedure FSLOPF-O1 Reference Standard: | Speciication. _| ASTM C 94-2014 Calibration Data: Applied Load ee Device under Calibration (Kg) Earn ot Applied Load Weight (Kg) 20.0 20 00) 400 40 0.0 800 80 00) 120.0 120 00) 200.0 200 0) 3000 300 00 Test Conditions: ‘Ambient Temperature, 26°C Details of Reference Device: Reference Device (Description) Standard Weight Set/ Gastron Weights Serial! Identification Number. FSL ID # 66-161(1-6), §6-149 (1-60) ‘Next Calibration Due: 22 October 2017 117 January 2017 Traceable fo Infamaional Stangards: Cerificate Nos Callration Trocacbiy 42287051-55 | SA15-2000¥-10787 Remarks Ni Calibration Technician: Re Tagsa Rb guna 7 — Surana Callbration Division Western Prov. Lab. 27 4180 17025:2005 ACCREDITED LABORATORY The copyeght of ths documents onned by Fugre-Sunain Lid ita not be rprecuoad except vith prix wien approval frm ne cummeany (CAL 7 00 ev 0/01 Ao 2012 ‘A amber fhe Fuge playp th ofiees wer ald FUGRO-SUHAINILTD, foto aoe. #0).9- 600 3ia0 i ee Aaya ASA Fons (01) 3200383 T7019 SIE qa Cee 8 A14-9085-19429 “Page 1 of 2 CALIBRATION CERTIFICATE OF CONCRETE BATCH PLANT CLIENT: Gonerete Batching Plant # 1 (BP-81120) RIED ADDRESS! Thuwal, Saudi Arabia ‘This is to certify that the equipment described below has been calibrated by Fugro-Suhaimi Limited. Saudi Ready Mix Concrete Co. Ltd, (SRMCC) PROJECT No.: SA 15-9085 DATE: 10 April 2016 This certificate applies only to the equipment specified in this certificate. Details of Device under Calibration (DUC) (information supplied by the client) Description’ ADMIXTURE FLOW MEASURING METER Manufacturer: COMMAND ALKON / ALIVA Model / Type ‘Spectrum Vi Serial / Identification No. Capacity / Range (CB 127431 / RM 60-ADN-01 NIA 1 1,000 ~ 10,000 mi Resolution / Accuracy: 100 mi Specification Limit Remarks: 3.0 % of nel measured volume Calibration Details: Calibration Date: 07 April 2016 Next Calibration Due Data: 07 August 2016 Location of Calibration: SRMCC, Thuwat Remarks: Reviewed By Calibration Technician 10 April 2016 Date Catoration Division | western Prov. Lab, 276 180 17025:2005 ACCREDITED LABORATORY The copyégh aa documaat by Futon ia Wma cota tpdaced exc : Approved By Syed Athar Ali Senior Supervisor Calibration Laboratory, Yanbu (GALT O0vev0707 a 2012 ‘A member of te Puyo group wt olices warwae fusno.suyaitr Eocamee antes ae qPesra Sena siaiyah KSA JAA PTI CERTIFICATE No. S44-9065-19429 Page 2 of 2 RESULTS OF CALIBRATION OF CONCRETE BATCH PLANT Calibration Procedure: Calibration Procedure: FSLCPF-01 Reference Standard: / Specification: ASTM C 94-2014 Calibration Data: DUG (Setting) Error, % of Extracted Volume Measured Volume (ml) Measured Volume (ml) 1,000 4,000.0 90 2.000 2,000.0 0.0 _| 4,000 4,000.0 0.0 %,000 5,970.0 0.5 3000 7,910.0 14 10,000 9,830.0 a Test Conditions: ‘Ambient Temperature: < [26°C Details of Reference Device: Reference Device (Description) Graduated Cylinder Serial Identification Number FSLID# §6-118 i Next Calibration Dua: 05 November 2016 Calibration Traceability Traceable to International Standards Gerilficata Nos. 2016014194 Remarks Nil Calibration Technician’ S aisge 525 - Susawat ofa S cent Calibration Division western Prov. Lab. 27¢ 180 17025:2005 ACCREDITED LABORATORY Tha copyright of is docurent is owned by Fugre Sunaimi Lid may net be reproduce (CAL 7.00.r0¥ 0707 Apt 2012 ‘A mambe: otha Fugre gross vath ees we with or writen approval om Use company FUGRO-SUHAINILTD: a YS, eeneDireo) cee ___artineate No, BBN1835 ne 2 CERTIFICATE No.: SA14.9065-19430 Page 1 of2 CALIBRATION CERTIFICATE OF CONCRETE BATCH PLANT CLIENT: Saudi Ready Mix Conerete Co. Ltd, (GRMCC) PROJECT No: SA 15-9065 , Concrete Balching Plant #1 (BP-81120) RMBO ADDRESS: Thuwal, Saudi Arabia ‘his is to certify that the equipment described below has bean calibrated by Fugro-Suhaimi Limited. DATE: 10 April 2016 This certificate applies only to the equipment specified in this certificate, Details of Device under Calibration (DUC) (information supplied by the cient) Description: ADMIXTURE FLOW MEASURING METER i Manufacturer: COMMAND ALKON / ALIVA Model / Type ‘Spectrum VI Serial / Identification No.: (C8 127431 / RM 60-ADM-02 Capacity / Range: NIA7 1,000 ~ 10,000 mi Resolution / Accuracy: 4100 mi asians ‘Specification Limit: £30 % of net measured volume Remarks: - Calibration Detail Calibration Date: 07 April 2016 ‘Next Calibration Oue Date: 07 August 2016 Location of Calibration: ‘SRMCC, Thuwal Remarks: 7 Reviewed By Approved By Calibration Technician Syed Athar Ai Senior Supervisor Calibration Laboratory, Yanbu 10 April 2016 Date BERAAE Calibration Division Western Prov. Lab. 27C) {80 17025:2005 ACCREDITED LABORATORY © g ——thacsop ay Fun Sac Li may at cece Gat wh on wnt poor Ken eda eee CAL To0ror0/Ot Het 20 ‘Amante a te Fur grup aces words FUGRO-SUHAIMI LTO, otou, glee 493,20, 900.31720 sn aaah (oe ig ae aes Toko Ea CERTIFICATE No.: $A14.9085-13430, guage -Svnara JADA PTI Page 20f2 RESULTS OF CALIBRATION OF CONCRETE BATCH PLANT c; ration Procedure: Calibration Procedure: FSLOPF-01 Reference Standard. / Specification: ASTM C 94-2014 Calibration Data: DUG (Setting) Extracted Volume ‘Measured Volume (ml) Error, % of Measured Volume (ml) 7,000 7,000.0 0.0 2,000 2,020.0 1.0 4,000 4,010.0 03 6,000 6,030.0 05 8,000 8,030.0 4 10,000) 9,800.0 20 Test Conditions: Ambient Temperature: 26°C Details of Reference Device: Reference Device (Description) Graduated Cylinder Serial Identification Number FSU ID # 56.118 Next Calibration Ouer (05 November 2016 Calibration Traceability Traceable to Intemational Standards Certificate Nos. 2015014194 Remarks Nil Calibration Technician: g 2) 10 17025:2008 ACCREDITED LABORATORY jaa gpd = gal Sy amo - SMAI Calibration Division western Prov. Lab. 276 ‘The canytght ol te dooumont enrol by Fugro Suhail Lid may no be repraducnd except wih pir wrstenaporoval rm he company CAL? 00 rv 0/04 Apel 2012 ‘Rmemberet the Fugr group wth liews wotduide ar, ve Ge reann43s, sucRo sunAMLTS ST nays CERTIFICATE No.: $A14-9085-13431 aro ~ Sunsurn JAS ST Page 1of2 CALIBRATION CERTIFICATE OF CONCRETE BATCH PLANT Saudi Ready Mix Concrete Co. Ltd. (SRMCC) Concrete Batching Plant # 1 (BP-81120) RM6O ‘Thuwal, Saudi Arabia CLIENT: PROJECT ADDRESS: DATE: 10 No.: SA 18-9065 April 2016 This is to certify that the equipment described below has been calibrated by Fugro-Suhaimi Limited. This cerfficate applies only to the equipment specified in this certificate. Details of Device under Calibration (DUC) (Information supplied by the client) Description: ADMIXTURE FLOW MEASURING METER Manufacturer: COMMAND ALKON / ALIVA Modal / Type ‘Spectrum Vi Serial / Identification No CB 127431 / RM 60-ADM-03 Capacity / Range NIA/ 1,000 ~ 10,000 mi Resolution / Accuracy: 100 mi Specification Limit £30 % of net measured volume Remark : Calibration Details: Calibration Date 07 Apa 2016 August 2018 Remarks. - Reviewed By de Approved By Calibration Technician Syed Athar Al ‘Senior Supervisor Calibration 10 April 2016 Date Calibration Division Western Prov. Lab. 27 150 17025-2005 ACCREDITED LABORATORY ribic tuaioc wt ‘Armember of te Fuga group wih olfeas wordwica, Tha copyet (aL 7 0900 0/08 Apa 2012 Laboratory, Yanbu ova tom aera FUGRO-SUHAIMI LTD, {et 012, clock 23, .0 ox 34720 earn Renney Royal Gorman, Maia Yanks AD-SInan SA, eee Foes (00 30 9853 FEAT JAR PTS! CERTIFICATE No.: SA14.9065-13431 Page 20f2 RESULTS OF CALIBRATION OF CONCRETE BATCH PLANT Calibration Procedure: Calibration Procedure: FSLCPF-01 Reference Standard: ! Specification: ASTM C 94-2014 Calibration Data: DUC (Setting) z extracted Volume Measured Volume tnt) — | gg EOE (ml) 1,000 1,000.0 0.0 2,000 2,000.0 0.0 4,000 3,980.0 05 6,000 5,930.0 4.2 8,000 7,890.0 14 70,000 306.0 ‘a Test Conditions: “Ambient Temperature: [26sec Details of Reference Device: Reference Device (Description) Graduated Cylinder ‘Serial / identification Number FSL ID # 56-118 ‘Next Calioration Dua [05 November 2016 Calibration Traceability Traceable to International Standards Gerilicate Nos, 2015014194 Remarks, Nil Calibration Technician: 180 17025:2005 ACCREDITED LABORATORY ‘Tha copytght ofthis documentis owned by Futo-Suhaim Lid may not be reproduced except with pir writen spproval fram te company (CAL? 00ev 0/01 Ap 2072 ‘Amembp ote Fugr group nh ffeas weruwida FUGRO-SUHATHTLTD: ans {ot sra, lee 4 03,0, 00 39729 : ey € (accnebire9) sans ahno W498 _ Cena CERTIFICATE No.: SA14-9065-13432 Page 1 of 2 CALIBRATION CERTIFICATE OF CONCRETE BATCH PLANT CLIENT: Saudi Ready Mix Concrete Co. Ltd. (SRMCC) PROJECT No.: SA 15-9065 . Concrete Batching Plant # 1 (BP-81120) RM6O " ADDRESS: Tr Goud Arcbia DATE: 10 April 2016 This is to certify that the equipment described below has been calibrated by Fugro-Suhaimi Limited. This certificate applies only to the equipment specified in this certificate. Details of Device under Calibration (DUC) (information suppied by the cent) Description’ ADMIXTURE FLOW MEASURING METER Manufacturer: COMMAND ALKON / ALIVA Model / Type Spectrum Vi Serial / Identification No. CB 127431 / RM 60-ADM.04 Capacity /Range: N/A/1,000 ~ 10,000 mt Resolution / Accuracy: 400 ml Specification Limit: £3. % of nel measured volume Remarks: * Calibration Details: Calibration Date jext Calibration 07 April 2018 [07 August 2016 Date! fF _| SRMCC, Thuwe Sara Remarks: : Reviewed By Approved By Calibration Technician Syed Athar Ali Senior Supervisor Calibration Laboratory, Yanbu 40 Apsl 2018 - — Date Taga gia grand! fireree - Sumas ~ Call (Western Prov. Lab. 27C) 180 47026:2005 ACCREDITED LABORATORY © a ui cs pane by Fuga Suburi may eck ne beeuced exes wih ci wlan appl rom MER Fa (CAL 7 00'067 08 Apel 2012 ‘Rrmamber ofthe Fura group wih often morduide rugro.sunaniexo detent marae CERTIFICATE No.: SA14.9085-13432 RESULTS OF CALIBRATION OF CONCRETE BATCH PLANT Calibration Procedure: Pusee- Sevan JA BTS Page 2 0f 2 Calibration Procedure: Reference Standard: / Specification: FSLOPF-01 ASTM C 94-2014 Calibration Data: DUG (Setting) Extracted Volume Measured Volume (ml) Westen vonine (ml) 4,000 7,000.0 oo 2,000 2,000.0 0.0 4,000 3,970.0 OB 6,000 5,910.0 15 8,000 7,950.0 0.6 10,000 9,850.0 15. Test Conditions: Ambient Temperature: Details of Reference Device: Reference Device (Description) Graduated Gyinder Serial Identification Number ‘Next Calibration Oue FSLID # 56-118 05 November 2016 Calibration Traceability: ‘Traceable to Inlerational Standards Certificate Nos 2015014194 Remarks Nil Calibration Technician: _ Fagaall gph gerd! 1S sip -Sunamt Callbrat Woatern Prov. Lab. 276 {80 17028:2005 ACCREDITED LAGORATORY Tha euntignt of ms documert owned by Fuga Suha mL i may not be reproduced except vith prio wlan opproval rom the company (CAL 00 av 0/01 Aon! 2012 ‘Amami he Fug grup wih alfees wordu de MIX DESIGN SUBMITTAL IV) LAB EQUIPMENT CALIBRATION REPORTS iene tuauysedog jeopuqoey ven 0 2s pone 080 owe, eaaimig V TRUS RGIUEL hg pevedang saudieadyinn: As ) resect aa | sammy 9 | ta soma eect uo stots |_9°0 flaraconey ene eos “| resetoney + | eooeznoc um ves anise | —D io Aa ee eee OSWE-ANOLOVA TWMNHL LSI AMOLNSANI LNGWdINDa AMOLVUORYT saudireadymix 7 frp weeunaedag jeanne = Date ra wy} mens tng | ase-soeo romot | aenuct a issu [Bate | o1asia [rev.nio.| 0 i | | | { i it a i | I | | ae | i | | ry] i i i x q somes] eres ins Jaroenozo| oinc-rnea] — § ovor | socttm | tammaoais | euy 3 ora Sea | fevarbans oeinaou cr Seane | vonsntes | oan pon O9WY-AYOLOVA TWMNHL LST AMOLNAANI LNAWdINDS AMOLVUORYT MIX DESIGN SUBMITTAL V) TRANSIT MIXER LIST ayapaat Spano saudireadymix SIUEN poiud J0KO aumcubig ane ~~ haeyai0as /seenuie| :Ag pesedsig a A A A ooo: A ooo N A 6S9L-VVS | OL68rN 9 a a A A A ooo: A ooo: N A za S6LE-VNS | ZL6CLIN v A_[ 4 [# [e008 [a | e008 fw | aa poerewne Pecan ToT ee czaswan] ossan [> ony wit | ena) se tna ng | maz | | Ro] co. | coer | om | mm | 9102/ O9WHY -ANOLOV4 IWMNHL LSM ANO LNAANI YSXIW LISNVEL MIX DESIGN - SUBMITTAL paginas saudi Vi) ADMIXTURE DATA SHEET WRDA°8S Concrete Plasticiser WRDA 8 iss high performance liquid concrete plasiiset for water reducing agent used o improve the workability of conereie mixtures of to pent affective reductions in free Tecan be used especially in hot weather conditions, where a elayed set will allow suficient delivery and placement sims, WRDAT 8 is extremely versatile in application and is fective over a wide range of mix designs from low through ‘o high cement contents and by vitue of ts water reducing properties can also be used 10 reduce the permeability of |WRDA" 8 is formulated from a blend of both synthetic and naturally derived raw materials and is manufactared under conttolled conditions producing a consistent product. 1 complies wit the requirements of ASTM C-494 ‘Type A &D. pical Properties Appearance: Dark Brow Liquid ‘Specife Gravity: 1.13 320°C Air Entrainment: 1% approx Chloride Content: Nil Freezing Point: °C Method Of Use LWRDA® 8 is supplied ready for use and should be added to ‘he concrete mixes during the mixing cycle a the same time asthe mixing water I should not be added directly to the cement, Extension of normal mixing time is not usually necessary. ERT Advantages * Can be used to extend workabilty thus allowing ‘concrete to be placed and compacted adequately * Strength increases at all ages, can be oblained by Ltlization ofthe effective water reduction capabiites. * Improved permeability and reduced shrinkage hardened concrete. * Improves firish and compaction. ‘ Allows the concrete to be more cohesive providing less segregation and bleeding effects WRDA® 8 can be used with all types of Portland cement including sulphate resisting cements. It can also be used in concrete mix designs containing pulverised fly ash and Blast fumace slag. atibility with other Admix WRDA? 8 should not be premixed under any cicumstances ‘with other admixtures. While some admixtures ean be usefully combined within the same mix the performance of this product ‘may well be affected by the presence of other chemicals and ‘we recommend that Grace be contacted for advice in all such Range: 400 ml - 1000 mi per 100 kg cement 0.4%-1.0% (vim) by weight of cement ‘The performance of WRDA® 8 is best assessed after preliminary tess on site using the actual conerete under consideration to determine the optimum dosage end effect on properties such as compressive stength (early and ultimate) Shrinkage, air content, setting times etc, when these ae of consequence. WRDA® 8 isa versile high performance product that is of benefit to 2 wide variety of applications, As with most products of this type, the level of effect of WRDA 8 is ‘governed within limits by the quantity of product used andthe Specific nature ofthe concrete mixture. As a guide to tisls, addition rates of 0.4% by weight of ‘cement shouldbe intially evaluated, Higher dosages should be used for concrete subjected to high, ambient temperatures, Serious overdosing of WRDA® 8 will generally produce 2 concrete with increased workability levels and in This, particularly, in cold weather will be accompanied by retardation ofthe initial and final set characteristics of te conereie In such cases however, provided. the concrete is proper'y cured the ultimate stength will generally be slightly higher than that of normal concrete, ‘The effects of overdosing will also be exaggerated when sulphate resisting cement is used to produce concrete leis preferable that igud admintures for consrete should be introduced into a mixer by means of automatic dispensing equipment, details of which are available upon request. For further information see WRDA® § Material Safty Data Sheet r consult Grace Consrasion Products enuneon i au cn oft frg soe eng nooner rd enace wan a es WRDA® 8 is supplied in nominal 210 line, non-returnable Altematively, 1000 live IBCs or bulk deliveries can be ranged, erage WRDA? § should be stored in orginal containers or suitable closed tanks, preferably out of direct sunlight and protected ‘fom extremes of temperature, Storage Life in Manufacturer's Drums: 12 mons fom date of manufacture Storage Life in Bulk Storage: 12 months from date of delivery chic: ‘The Technical Service Deparment of Grace Construction Products is available to assist you inthe correct and best use of| our products. These resources and advice are at your disposal entirely without obligation. Please contact: Grave Saudi Arabla Company Lid. Dammam 2 Industri Area, Road 135 P.O. Box 2572, Khobar 31982 Kingdom of Saudi Arabia Ted: +966 (3) 8126543 Fax: +966 (3) 8126541 ‘Ema: gi Ssai@grace com ‘aie rad ys ee wnas vou rng aly gna my ah Sabngegioe Besta Tas pss mayb cones pump ee Ca 201. Pron Kg of Sa Aa saya Sai © DARACEM® 156 Concrete Superplasticiser DARACEM? 156 is liquid coneree speplastier that ds been developed ro allow concrete to ata pariculy high performance in bth the paste and hardened states. It 's pariculary useful for imparing extreme workability 0 concrete mixes so tat arg o dificult pours canbe made, ‘Alternatively, DARACEN®. 156 can be ured to fest lange water reductions to achieve high ery and subsequent srengt DARACEM® 156 i an exremely powerful deloccusting agent aad performs by dpersing cement ito i prim panicles dfamaticallyineessing flow ehaacterisic of te cement paste, Main appliatioal seas se "High quality eoerete fr durable sci, + Remforeed and prestvesied presi element, Bridge desks an stuural lerents, + Precastorinsitusrucures, DARACEM® 156 conforms to the requirements of ASTM (C484 Type A and F and BS EN 9342, roperties “Appearance: Dak Brows Liquid ‘Specific Gravity: 119.8 20°C ‘Air Entestament: Ni Chloride Content: Nit DARACEM® 156 is supplied retdy for wse, and should be ued to concreze muna eter dring the mixing oye ott the same time asthe water, or altemaively i ehould be ‘Med ints supplied form to normal concrete mi afew minutes before he por s made, Inthe later case futher mixing should be provided 0 ensue eamplete dispersion. SEERA SEES Advantages ‘+ High compressive strength concrete especially at carly ages. + Low watericement ratio, excellent duraiiy. + Good suriace finish, providing highty sesthetc concrete appearance. 1 Plastic concrete exhibs high cohesion, fusty and Aowabily. * Savings in energy consumption when steam curing Is employos DARACEM? 156 i compatible with all Portland, Pozzslnic tnd bint furnace cement [ti also compile with onesie Containing fly sh and or sen fe, Compatibility with other Admixtures DARACEM? 156. should not be premixed under any ‘ireumstances with oer admires. Wale some admixtaret fan be usefly combined within the same mix the performance of this product msy well be afered by the presence of exes chemicals and we recommend that Grace be ntact fo aioe ial suc eeumeances. Range: 0.5%. volume by weight of cement The optimum dosige is assessed after preliminary tls pending upon the scat mix constituents and speificatons requed. ‘Audion cates ouside ofthe recommended dosage rnge may be used fee special concrete appiaticas, In sich iroumstances its imporn: fo conduct preliminary Was on the actual ax coasieas to ante the effect on the ‘roperis ofthe conerete atthe dosage level specified, ts of Overdosing Serioue overdoing of DARACEM? 156 will geneily produce 1 canstete mix of even greater workability, set ecrdation and sight inceste in ir entsiament may be noticed In SRC mines and in eocler wetter, st seiardstion Wil Be further isreate, If intentional oracidetalinxeses hove the recommended addition rate are encountered, ate Imus taken to allow forth effet on the sipping tne cf Tarmwork.Tn sich ease, however, provided the cates is properly cured tho ultimate stvength ‘ll generally be high ‘han for somal concrete, Tes preferable tha liquid admierure for conrete shouldbe ‘intoduced ito 2 miner by means of aulomase dispensing equipment, deta af which ca be soplid upon rust. Health and Safety or fares infomation see the DARACEM® 156 Mater Safety Data Shee or consult Grae Constrvton Procucis Packaging DARACEM® 156 i supplied in 210 live son-onunsble comin, Alteratively, 1000 Lite IBCs or bulk deliveries can be ranged DARACEM 156 shoul be stored in oigitlcomainers or suitable closed tanks, preferably out of det sulighe tnd peste fom entemes of temperate, Storage Life n Manufacturer's Droms: 12 mont fom date of manfictre ‘Storage Life in Bulk St r 12 moat from date of delivery “The Tesinical Service Deparment of Grace Consiicton Prous avilable to assist you m the comes and beste of cour prods. These resoures and advice sre your epost ‘ently without ebligation. Pleas contact: Grace Saud} Arabia Company Le Darumam 2 Industrial Area, Road 135 P.O. Bax 2572, Khabar 31952 Kingdom of Sau Arabia “Tet 4966 9) 126583, Fax: #956(3) 8126561 mal ‘Sheth cnn as ‘Stim rcp aoe han et ty wre nd sae! sh Spy goat magne Ne Men, Meee Speen Crnceramie wer aaa og sn aaa ay a beg co Thespohcrmaymcoentyplate etary Cini 2 Geer Poh ke i i Cement MIX DESIGN = : ‘SUBMITTAL eS Vil) CEMENT CERTIFICATES Arabian Cement Rua! cian Rabigh Cement Plant « Quality Control Dept Quality Assurance Suysel! Coinuul Sagal! asls ‘Arabian Cement Cement Type: t ge gy OY Eg Cement Testing Report According to ASTM Standards C150/C150M-11 Date: 26/08/1437 H 04103/2016 G Despatching period: 27/02/2016 to 03/03/2016 1- CHEMICAL CHARACTERISTICS. [Analysis ‘Standard Requirements (max, % SiO» 19.61 CA 7.43 |insolubie Residue 07s % 0; 5.16 CAF 11.25 |Totalas SO, 300 % 20s 3.70 LsF 0.98 |Mgo 6.00% cao 62.32 Eq Alkalies' 083 [LOU 300 % lwgo 251 Eq. Alkalies" 060% SOs, 281 KO. 0.17 a0 0.42 Lon 269 LR. 0.58 2. PHYSICAL AND MECHANICAL TESTS ‘Standard Requirements 2-1 Specific Surface (Blaine) cm'/g 3384 Min 2800 2-2 Setting Time (Vicat) mins 2-2-4 itis! 184 Jain, 45 2-2-2 Final 222 [Max 375 2-3 Soundness (Autoclave) % 2-3-1 Expansion 0.08 |Max. o8 12-4 Compressive Strength MPa (psi) 2-4-1 3-Days 19.5 (2840) [min 12.0 (1740) 2-4-2 7. Days 26.1 (3762) |rain, 19.0 (2760) 2-4-3 28 Days 35.2 (5073) |ntin, 28.0 (4060)" iMPa= aa ops Tao * Optional c oa Forme REMA‘ ae The cement conforms to ASTM C1S0/C150M-11 for Type | Arabian Cement Ayyall cial Rabigh Cement Plant day cael Quality Control Dept. Sagal AShye 54 Quality Assurance uu soll Culowust Sayall a8 ‘rablan Cement ‘Cement Type V ASU age LY! Eg Cement Testing Report According to ASTM Standards C150/C150M-11 Date: 26/06/1437 H 04/03/2018 G Despatching period: 27/02/2016 to 03/03/2016 1- CHEMICAL CHARACTERISTICS fAnalysis: Slandard Requirements Imax % t 2085 cA 365 insoluble Residue 075% Jai.0, 420 Car 1340. fTotalas So, 230% Feo, 4a usF 093 |igo 600 % lcao 2.83 2CxaecAF 2073 [LOL 300% IMgO 2.82 Eq Alkalies* 043 a 5.00 % ISO, 2.10 2C,A+C AF 2500 % Ko 0.03 Eq Alkaties* 060% Nao 041 Lor 224 ie os PHYSICAL AND MECHANICAL TESTS ‘Standard Requirements + Specific Surface (Biaine)cm’ig 3325 Min. 72800 12-2 Setting Time (Vicat) mins 2-2-4 ital 143° Iatin 45 J2-2-2 Final 220 [Max 375 J2-3 Soundness (Autociave) % 2-3-1 Expansion 003 fatax. 08 2-4 Compressive Strength MPa (psi) 2-4-1 3-Days 177 (2551) |hain 8.0(1160) 2-4-2 7-Days 237 (3416) |min. 15.0 (2180) 2-4-3 28- Days 320 (4642) Min 21.0 (3050) iMPas 148 ps Fae O98 REVS “Optional € ro Fae REMARKS: I The cement conforms fo ©150/0150M-11 for Type V Lop. Ma ality Control

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