Frequently Asked Questions About The MPM Program
Frequently Asked Questions About The MPM Program
Frequently Asked Questions About The MPM Program
CIIT will admit a maximum of 30 students per semester into the MPM.
How much does the MPM program cost?
The total cost of MPM program is Rs. 130,000. Following is detail:
Admission Fee (non-refundable)
Graduation Fee (non-refundable)
Caution Money (refundable)
Per Semester Charges
Registration Fee
Tuition Fee
Examination Fee
Library Fee
Laboratory Fee / Computer Lab
Sports Fee
Student Club
Total semester fee
Fee for first semester
Fee for second semester
Total fee of the program
Fee Structure
circumstances" under which a NTS-GAT test score which is only up to one year old is
acceptable. Please check with the Program In charge in case of doubt.
What is this NTS-GAT test? Where can I get information on it?
This is a basic test for admission into master degree programs at CIIT. You can find
information on the NTS-GAT test at both the websites of NTS ( and CIIT
( If you visit second-hand bookshops, you may be able to find NTS-GAT
study guides.
What is this "Letter of Endorsement" from my employers which is required to be
submitted with my application?
Our MPM is a very demanding program. Every week you are required to attend 15 hours of
classes. Besides this, you are also expected to work for your degree outside the class times.
This will put a lot of strain on working professionals. Therefore, it is essential that your
employer recognizes this and expresses willingness to facilitate you any way it can. For
example, if a class is being held on Monday evening from 6 PM to 9 PM, then your employer
should not expect you to stay on in your office and put in overtime on that day (or days).
After all, with your MPM you will be adding value to your organization. As it will also
benefit, then it be supportive to the maximum possible extent.
Will I be required to attend an interview as a precondition for admission?
The interview will, as indicated above, be conducted at the time you come to get your
application form. Therefore, it is necessary that come in person.
Where will the classes be held?
Before commencement of Fall 2009 semester, our department will be shifted to CIITs new
campus in Chak Shehzad therefore classes will be held in our new building where state of the
art facilities for faculty and students are made available.
Who will be my course instructors?
Only our highest qualified instructors will teach course modules in the MPM. All our main
resource persons have either a foreign doctoral degree and/or a foreign masters degree in an
engineering, management or administrative field in addition to several years of high-level
professional work experience. For further details, please see the course instructors weblink.
What facilities will CIIT offer the students of the MPM program?
CIIT offers all its students good facilities. Our lecture halls are equipped with multimedia and
whiteboards. All text books used in our MPM course modules will be available in our library.
We also offer high-speed internet access for those with laptops. However, we do not offer
any transportation facility. Students must make their own arrangement in this regard.
I live outside Islamabad. Can CIIT arrange hostel accommodation for me if I'm
admitted to the MPM?
CIIT has hostel facilities but these are usually overbooked. Moreover, as mostly our
undergraduate students are residing in these hostels we do not think that their environment
would be appropriate for working professionals. There are a number of hostels in
Islamabad/Rawalpindi and the MPM organizers can try to be supportive by locating such
hostels and providing contact details to the MPM applicants who must indicate their need for
accommodation in their applications. NOTE: The MPM Organizers are not responsible for
any loss, damage or personal injury incurred by MPM applicants in these hostels. All
arrangements must be made, and the cost of hostel accommodation incurred, by the MPM
applicants themselves.
What examination system is the MPM program following?
In each of the ten MPM courses there will be three components of evaluation. First
component comprises quizzes, assignments, presentation etc. carrying 25 marks. Second
component consists of two sessional examinations carrying 25 marks in total. (sessional-I =
10 and sessional-II = 15). Final component is terminal examination of 50 marks. In addition,
all students will be required to undertake a Project Assignment, which is to be submitted
within a given time frame.
What teaching methodology will be applied in the MPM program?
We will be following an approach which emphasizes both holistic and methodological
elements. In other words, our students are expected to not only see the broader picture in
which projects are initiated, planned and implemented, but also they are required to
understand all the main processes, tools and techniques which find application in larger
What role does business and industry have in the MPM program?
We firmly believe that the input of business and industry is crucial for the acceptance and
credibility of our MPM program. CIIT will strive to include maximum participation by
businesses and industries in the Islamabad-Rawalpindi region. We have already received
offers of support and we are working hard to forge close relationships with partners.
Is attendance in the MPM classes mandatory?
Yes, it is. If students do not attend classes they will miss out details that are not only crucial
for gaining an in-depth understanding of project management but which may be exam
relevant. If due to other professional or family or other commitments students think or can
foresee that they may or will have difficulty in regularly attending classes and/or in meeting
our demanding program requirements, they should NOT apply for admission into our MPM
Can I be expelled from the MPM program?
Yes, you can! Instances of misbehavior apart, students will be expelled from our MPM
program if they fail to attend classes or fail to clear their examinations. No fees will be
refunded in this case. As we are targeting professionals we feel, though, that the likelihood of
this occurring is quite remote.
overseas, we want to have a long-lasting bond with our students so that we can mutually
support and grow.
To whom can I apply for admission into the MPM program?
You can apply directly to:
Dr. Muhammad Zahid Iqbal
In charge MPM program
Department of Management Sciences
COMSATS Institute of Information Technology
Plot 30, Sector H/8-1, Islamabad
Tel.: (051) 9258481-3 (ext. 251 & 252)