MACINTYRE-2007-The Modern Language Journal PDF
MACINTYRE-2007-The Modern Language Journal PDF
MACINTYRE-2007-The Modern Language Journal PDF
Peter D. MacIntyre
approach the concept from two more familiar
points of departure, research on language anxiety and on motivation. In briefly reviewing each
concept, I will both anchor the conceptualization
of WTC and extract kernels of wisdom for use
in conceptualizing the processes underlying communication.
Language anxiety captures the worry and usually negative emotional reaction aroused when
learning or using an L2. After a period of some
conceptual difficulties and ambiguous empirical
results (see reviews by MacIntyre, 1999; Scovel,
1978; Young, 1991), it would appear that SLA researchers have settled on the idea that language
anxiety is an emotional experience uniquely provoked by L2 situations (Horwitz, Horwitz, & Cope,
1986). A key to the conceptual clarification in
this area lies in the distinctions among trait,
situation-specific, and state levels of conceptualization, each of which provides a valuable, but
somewhat different perspective on the processes
under study. At the trait level, the concern is for
concepts that endure over long periods of time
and across situations; at the trait level the concern
is for finding and establishing broad, typical patterns of behaviour. At the situation-specific level
of conceptualization, the concern is for concepts
that are defined over time within a situation; at
the situation-specific level, the concern is for establishing specific, typical patterns of behaviour.
At the state level, the concern is for experiences
rooted in a specific moment in time without much
concern for how frequently those experiences occurred in the past or whether they might occur
again in the future. We might know a neurotic
person who seems anxious at all times, or a person bothered by speaking in the L2 but not in
the L1, or a person feeling nervous right now.
Respectively, these are examples of trait, situationspecific, and state anxiety. All three levels of conceptualization appear in the literature, and each
has an important role to play in understanding
the language learning process.
Early research appeared to show an inconsistent relationship between anxiety and language
learning (Scovel, 1978). The problem appears to
have been the level of conceptualization of anxiety. Several studies have been conducted with
trait, state, and situation-specific measures of anxiety. It is clear that, on the one hand, measures
of trait-level anxiety (for example, Spielbergers,
1983, Trait Anxiety Scale) and measures of anxiety that are not specifically related to language
physiological approach, Ushiodas (2001) qualitative approach to learner autonomy and Yashima,
Zenuk-Nishide, and Shimizus (2004) concept of
international posture. We should not, however,
lose sight of the socioeducational model because
there are is still much to be learned from it.
The socioeducational model captures a set
of 11 interrelated concepts (Gardner, 2001).
Figure 1 shows the basic model. Integrativeness
refers to a complex set of attitudes that reflect a
genuine desire to meet, communicate with, and
possibly identify emotionally with another group
(Gardner & Lambert, 1972). Attitudes toward the
learning situation reflect the attitudes that language students have toward their teacher and the
course. Finally, motivation is the engine that drives
the system, reflecting the notion that a truly motivated student shows a desire to learn the language, expends effort in learning, and enjoys the
task (Gardner, 1985). Therefore, integrative motivation is a complex set of attitudes, goal-directed
behaviours, and motivations. The focus on establishing a relationship with members of another
language group, that is, creating real bonds of
communication with another people (Gardner,
2001) is what separates the integrative motive
from other motivational processes that also have
an impact on language learning.
In the original article leading to the socioeducational model, Gardner and Lambert (1959)
hypothesized that a strong motivation to learn
a second language follows from a desire to
be accepted as a member of the new linguistic community (p. 272). After almost 50
years of research, and over 75 studies published by Gardner and associates, it is clear
that the intergroup features of language provide
significant support for the motivation to learn
(Masgoret & Gardner, 2003). Intergroup attraction, in some form, develops in diverse language
learning contexts and has been captured by concepts such as international posture (Yashima,
2002), xenophilic and sociocultural orientations
(Clement, Dornyei, & Noels, 1994), acculturation processes (Schumann, 1986), and interest in
the target language and people (Ushioda, 2001).
The importance of the target language group in
SLA has been repeatedly confirmed (Allard &
Landry, 1994; Clement, 1986; Giles & Byrne, 1982;
Noels, 2001; Spada, 1986). Given findings consistent with prior research that show strong student
interest in the communicative and instrumental
aspects of language learning, Alalou (2001) reported an overwhelming demand for communication skills (p. 465) among students in Spanish,
French, and German language programs at a large
U.S. university.
In highlighting the motivational supports that
are relatively unique to the language learning process, we may extract a second kernel of wisdom:
The major motivation to learn another language is to
develop a communicative relationship with people from
another cultural group.
Whereas the literature on the role of the intergroup context in SLA is well developed (see
Clement & Gardner, 2001; Masgoret & Gardner,
2003), the literature on other L2 motivational perspectives is newer and more sporadic in its empirical support. Space does not permit a review of
these developments here (but see Dornyei, 2005),
though it is clear that motivation is being examined from a number of exciting, and at times incompatible, perspectives. In examining the issues
Gardners Socioeducational Model
Integrative Motivation:
Attitudes toward
the learning
Language Aptitude
Peter D. MacIntyre
raised in the debate on reopening the research
agenda for motivation, and subsequent lessons
learned, Dornyei (2003) commented:
I have now come to believe that many of the controversies and disagreements in L2 motivation research go
back to an insufficient temporal awareness . . . that different or even contradictory theories do not exclude
one another, but may simply be related to different
phases of the motivated behavioral process. (p. 18)
The Pyramid Model of Willingness to Communicate
Layer I
L2 Use
Layer II
Behavioural Intention
Willingness to
3 4
Layer III
Desire to
with a specific
Layer IV
Layer V
Situated Antecedents
11 12
Intergroup Climate
Motivational Propensities
Affective-Cognitive Context
Note. From Conceptualizing Willingness to Communicate in a L2: A Situational Model of L2 Confidence and
Affiliation, by P. D. MacIntyre, R. Clement, Z. Dornyei, and K. Noels, 1998, Modern Language Journal, 82,
p. 547. Reprinted with permission.
Peter D. MacIntyre
the present moment. Its immediate influences are
a state of self-confidence (defined by low anxiety
and a perception of L2 competence) and a desire to communicate with a specific person. This
conceptualization suggests that the initiation of
communication is a matter of choice, a decision
to be made at a particular moment. Choosing to
communicate in the L2 is an act of volition.
The great American psychologist and philosopher James (1890) had a brilliant passage on volition in which he wrote:
We know what it is to get out of bed on a freezing
morning in a room without a fire, and how the very
vital principle within us protests against the ordeal.
Probably most persons have lain on certain mornings
for an hour at a time unable to brace themselves to
the resolve. We think how late we shall be, how the
duties of the day will suffer; we say, I must get up, this
is ignominious, etc; but still the warm couch feels too
delicious, the cold outside too cruel, and resolution
faints away and postpones itself again and again just
as it seemed on the verge of bursting the resistance
and passing over into the decisive act . . . .
Now how do we ever get up under such circumstances? If I may generalize from my own experience,
we more often than not get up without any struggle
at all. We suddenly find that we have got up. A fortunate lapse of consciousness occurs; we forget both
the warmth and the cold; we fall into some revery
connected with the days life, in the course of which
the idea flashes across us, Hollo, I must lie here no
longeran idea which at that lucky instant awakens
no contradictory or paralyzing suggestions, and consequently produces immediately its appropriate motor
effects . . . .
It was our acute consciousness of both the warmth
and the cold during the period of struggle, which paralyzed our activity then and kept our idea of rising in
the condition of wish and not will. The moment these
inhibitory ideas ceased, the original idea exerted its
This case seems to me to contain in miniature form
the data for an entire psychology of volition. (pp. 524
the very beginning of the discipline. However, the
concept was all but abandoned as motivation research moved in the direction of what seemed
to be more philosophically solid concepts such
as drives and instincts because volition, free will,
and similar concepts have been extraordinarily
elusive. Such concepts beg difficult questions, including Where does free will come from? This
sort of question can lead into an intellectual quagmire that might be better left undisturbed for
this article in favor of extracting the theoretical
value contained in the idea of volitional action.
Jamess (1890) passage just quoted eloquently describes the convergence of past and future influences on the present moment. The concept of
volition has the potential to organize multiple,
competing motivational, cognitive, and affective
influences on specific observable actions by the
Models of motivation in psychology, and models of L2 learning motives, often employ concepts rooted in the learners past (e.g., attained
proficiency, prior intergroup conflict, and existing personality traits) or in the learners future
(e.g., plans and goals, possible selves, and language learning orientations). Yet, to understand
how motivational processes have an effect on actions such as communicative behaviour, one must
study the moment in which they are applied. The
process of exercising volition provides a way to
specify how motivational tendencies are enacted
in the moment-to-moment choices we make, such
as choosing to speak up or to remain quiet.
Whereas most research on WTC has taken the
trait perspective, a few studies have examined the
choice to speak. Four such studies will be highlighted, including experimental and qualitative
methodologies, as well as a combination of L1
and L2 communication.
MacIntyre, Babin, and Clement (1999) studied
the WTC of people as they were communicating
in their L1s, but the basic psychological processes
apply to L2 communication as well. The study
was based on research by Zakahi and McCroskey
(1989), who found that 92% of the respondents
who scored high on the WTC scale were willing to
participate in a communication laboratory study,
but only 24% of those who scored low on the
scale were willing to participate. In this case, the
dependent variable was simply whether or not the
participant showed up, no speaking was required.
MacIntyre et al. (1999) replicated and extended
Zakahi and McCroskeys study by pretesting a
group of participants during a regularly scheduled psychology class, with the invitation to everyone who was willing to come to a communication
laboratory for the second part of the study. Once
the research participants were in the lab, they
were asked to decide whether or not to engage
in specific oral and written communication tasks
(similar to the well-known Can Do tasks, see Clark,
1981) that were either easy or difficult. The results showed that the participants who attended
the laboratory portion of the study had significantly higher WTC than those who chose not to attend. Among those who visited the laboratory, the
WTC scores predicted the initiation of both oral
and written communication tasks; neither anxiety nor perceived competence was related to the
initiation of oral communication. This finding is
evidence for the conceptual differentiations
among the concepts, as well as strong empirical
support for the key defining characteristic of
WTC, choosing to initiate communication when
there is a choice.
A more recent study (MacIntyre, Clement, &
Noels, 2007) was conducted among L2 learners
at the high school level. The research examined
the role of personality traits, specifically extraversion, in vocabulary learning and in the decision to
initiate communication using the new vocabulary
words. Approximately half of the learners studied
the new vocabulary items alone, and the other half
studied in small groups. The situation in which
students were studying had a significant impact,
but it was not as straightforward as might be anticipated. It is known from prior research that introverts learn better in familiar situations than
extraverts (Wilson & Lynn, 1990) because, generally, introverts seem to prefer routine (Eysenck
& Zuckerman, 1978; Wilson, 1978). The reverse
is true for novel situationsextraverts like a little change (Ahmed, 1990). When the data were
reexamined using the familiarity of the study situation, an interesting pattern of results was found.
As expected, the extraverts showed higher WTC
than the introverts when studying new L2 vocabulary words in a moderately unfamiliar situation.
However, the pattern was reversed when the study
conditions were highly familiar. Under that condition, the introverts actually showed higher WTC
than the extraverts did. Results such as these attest to the complexity of studying the volitional
choices of the moment.
Two studies based on qualitative data, one published and one unpublished, in which the focused essay technique (MacIntyre & Gardner,
1991) was employed, have given insight into the
thought process behind initiating L2 communication. For a focused essay, a respondent is asked to
write a few lines about a specific event in some detail. In this case, the respondents were asked for a
Peter D. MacIntyre
Our data showed that the Anglophones were
most willing to use French in situations where the
only other choice was to refuse to speak at all.
The most frequently cited situation was when a
Francophone person requested assistance (more
than one in four responses fit this category), yet
the person seeking help was expected to speak
English if possible. The Anglophones also mentioned error correction quite often (about 20% of
the responses), both as something that increased
and as something that decreased their WTC, depending on whether it was expected and how it
was offered.
Id be most willing if I had friends around me. I always
felt comfortable in a classroom giving a speech. When
you are out of the classroom I feel like people are
analyzing me. I dont mind when a teacher does it,
but not an acquaintance. (p. 10)
These four studies implicate many of the concepts noted in the introductory pages of this article. The results indicate that the influences of
psychological, pedagogical, situational, linguistic,
sociopolitical, and other considerations wax and
wane in their impact at the specific moment when
one decides to communicate or not.
These points lead to a fourth kernel of wisdom:
Studying volitional choices demonstrates that opposing
processes (e.g., approach and avoidance) converge to
affect L2 communication.
To help us better understand the processes, we
turn to the classic social psychology/Gestalt psychology theory of Lewin (1951) who specifically
addressed the issue of converging forces on social
interaction. Lewins field theory describes the energy and direction that may lead to action. In the
Gestalt tradition, action is based on the totality of
co-existing, mutually interdependent facts. Lewin
divided influences into the general life situation
(experiences, disposition) and the momentary situation, in a manner that we also used in our pyramid model (MacIntyre et al., 1998). Lewin also
commented that the momentary influences have
much greater significance for behaviour than the
general life situation, which serves as background,
and we also have adopted that perspective within
the pyramid model of WTC. For example, any
one of the elements of the pyramid that become
salient at a particular moment may have an impact on behaviour. We see this impact in the
qualitative data from Ottawa (MacDonald et al.,
2003), for example, where social roles were foregrounded for some (e.g., error correction from
teachers vs. acquaintances), and long-term goals
were emphasized for others (repeat customers
provide economic security for a small family business), whereas issues of self-confidence were most
salient for a number of persons (knowing terminology before speaking).
In outlining motivational issues in Field Theory, Lewin (1951) proposed two types of forces:
(a) driving forces (energy that is in the direction
of the intended goal); and (b) restraining forces
(energy that impedes the achievement of a goal
by working in the opposite direction towards a
different goal). Over 50 years ago, Lewin made
the valuable observation that it is easier to modify a persons actions by reducing the restraining
forces than it is by increasing the driving forces,
an observation supported by Agazarian and Gantt
(2003). This observation helps to explain why
the Anglophone speakers in Ottawa (MacDonald
et al., 2003) seemed to hold back from speaking French unless there was no other choice. The
Francophones tended to have had more contact
with Anglophones and higher competence in English, and therefore seemed to perceive fewer restraining forces.
Lewins (1951) observations, along with the
pyramid model for L2 communication, emphasize the moment-to-moment dynamics underlying
WTC, and help us to understand the nature of
the restraints placed on action in situ. At any moment a learner might feel both motivated to learn
and inhibited by anxiety because of the culmination of converging, conflicting processes. Such
processes lead to both approach and avoidance
tendencies, operating simultaneously, waxing and
waning in salience from moment to moment.
These moments of ambivalence, in essence, capture the difficulty that learners face in crossing their individual Rubicon described previously.
Much of the current SLA literature on language
anxiety and motivation reflects trait-level processes where generalizations are the goal, and exceptions to the rule are considered error variance
or noise (Allen & Herron, 2003). The literature
on the psychology of L2 communication would
benefit a great deal from studying specific, conflicted moments in time.
As an example of how such moments might
be captured, Wen and Clement (2003) recently
have extended the pyramid model to include explicitly this notion of situated restraints in a Chinese context. They argued that, after an individual
forms a WTC, Chinese culture demands an additional set of restraining forces based on the sense
of responsibility to the collectivity and on deference to authority. The strength of the restraining forces on the moment of communication
helps to explain the well-known Chinese reluctance to speak, and the value placed on thoughtful silence. People in other cultures, for example, in the United States, on average appear to
be far more willing to speak (Sallinen-Kuparinen,
McCroskey, & Richmond, 1991). Therefore, differences in intercultural communication lie partially in the culturally conditioned restraining
forces on communication. Such intergroup differences can become prominent features of social interaction when members from different cultures
communicate with each other.
Yashima (2002) studied WTC in such a situation with her work on Japanese student sojourners visiting the United States, although her work
Peter D. MacIntyre
Maxwell, 2005) and the difficulties of biases in reporting memories (Loftus, 1980), especially from
autobiographical memory. These difficulties are
likely to become more acute as time elapses between the occurrence of an event and describing
that event to a researcher. Of particular relevance
to the present discussion is the fading affect bias
whereby negative emotions associated with events
fade from memory faster than positive emotions
associated with the same events (Ritchie et al.,
We need a methodology that is focused on
dynamic changes in the processes that underlie
communication at a particular moment. There
is obvious difficulty in asking communicators to
judge their anxiety, motivation, competence, and
so on, since they are deciding whether to initiate
communication. A solution to this methodological issue likely will require methods wherein the
measurements are taken immediately after the
communication event. One possibility is recording L2 conversations followed by a form of stimulated recall (Gass & Mackey, 2000) in which
the participants review the conversation and
report on the salient internal emotional and cognitive processes they experienced. This methodology could take advantage of the opportunities
to use either the computer, or audio- and videorecording equipment, all commonly found in
language laboratories to study conversations of
various types. For example, spontaneous conversations between peers, between more experienced
and less experienced learners, or between L1 and
L2 speakers in a language learning classroom
could be recorded and reviewed with the participants. As a second example, the procedure
might be applied to studying the process of cooperating in computer-mediated communication,
such as Internet chat conversations, where the
written record could be reviewed and the participants queried about their choices of when they
decided to write a comment. Finally, experimental
methodologies also could be developed to manipulate conditions systematically where the focus is
on the moments leading to the initiation of communication. A body of research developed in this
broadly defined area holds the potential to provide a more satisfactory answer to the question
of why some L2 learners choose not to speak. A
significant, added advantage of the volitional approach advocated in this article is the potential to
integrate more fully physiological and, in particular, neurobiological (see Porges, 2003; Porges,
2007; Schumann et al., 2004) processes into theories of L2 communication (see also Beatty &
This research was supported by a grant from the
Social Science and Humanities Research Council of
Canada. This manuscript is based on a presentation
given at EURO SLA 2005, Dubrovnik, Croatia. I extend
my sincere appreciation to Sean MacKinnon and R. C.
Gardner, as well as the MLJ editor and anonymous reviewers, for their comments on this manuscript.
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