The Kenyon Collegiate - Issue 8.2
The Kenyon Collegiate - Issue 8.2
The Kenyon Collegiate - Issue 8.2
Student Body is
Pretty Hot Body
Newly Renamed
Moms Taxi Wont
Stand For Patriar-
chal B.S.
Frat Pranksters
Break Into Yoga
House, Mis-align
Morose E. Wimberley 19 bids farewell to his family fortune, unwilling or unable to sacrifice his plaids.
Freshman Class
Will Graham . . . . . . . . Irving Mellish
Alana Bloom . . Col. Elton P. Dramadery
Jack Crawford . . Showtime Henderson
Beverly Katz . . . . . . . . Jimmy Crispix
Bedelia du Maurier . . . . . Floyd Culkin
Brian Zeller . . . . . . . . Matches Malone
Margot Verger. . . . .Miguel ngel Kill
My father was a Brooks Brothers man, tax have been set at $5 per plaid item worn
ANSOM HALLCiting budget shouted a protest organizer into a mega- at any one given time, with an additional Mason Verger . . . . . . .[REDACTED]
concerns and fundraising difficul- penalty for clashing patterns. The Great Red Dragon . . . . . . . . .
ties, the Administration of Kenyon
Current rates for the tax
. . . . . . . . Ruth Thundercat Bubis
Critics of the bill have cited concerns
College voted last week to begin taxing the
that the new priciness of plaid may, in fact,
wearing of plaid on campus. The unpre-
cedented legislation has caused an uproar have been set at $5 per lead to it becoming an anti-establishment Sponsors . . . . . . . Lard Lad, Duff Gar-
dens, Krusty Burger, Globex Corpora-
symbol, or even a luxury item. Unconfir-
throughout the student body, as some
believe the financial strain placed on the
plaid item worn at any med reports suggested that a number of tion, The Springfield Nuclear Power
plaid-covered Mercedes Benz sedans may Plant, Oui Monsieur Clothing for Boys,
heaviest plaid-indulgersmembers of the
freshman classmay be too much for them
one given time, with an have been seen parked by the Delt Lodge. Laramie Cigarettes, Legitimate Business-
additional penalty for Provost Joseph Klesner explained in a mens Social Club, The Leftorium, The
to bear.
mass email to the student body that the Frying Dutchman, Barneys Bowlorama,
Its such bullshit, said Shane Matthews
19. I bought my entire wardrobe for clashing patterns. reasoning behind the new tax is to help
raise money during a difficult fiscal year,
Girdles N Such, Luigis, Expensive Bros.
Jewelry, Costingtons, I Cant Believe
college at L.L. Bean, and now this happens.
and to gently remind some of us on campus Its a Law Firm!, Dr. Nick Riviera, Com-
What the hell am I going to wear?
phone, and I have every intent of following to wear more than just J. Crew. pu-Global-Hyper-Mega-Net
Matthews sentiment seems to be echoed
in his footsteps. Kenyon will not infringe Asked if he felt that the new tax unfairly
by his classmates, who took to Peirce Lawn
upon my God-given right to look exactly targeted certain members of the student Founder/Editor Emeritus . . . .
yesterday in a demonstration against the
like everyone else my age! body, Klesner simply replied, Oh, theyll Louis Francis Albert Victor Nicho-
new tax. Waving Gap button-downs affixed
The controversial measure went into learn. n las Collegiate, 1st Earl Collegiate of
to flag poles, the Freshman class marched
effect the following day, as tax collectors Ohio, KG, GCB, GCSI, GCIE, GCVO
with the stated intent of preserving their
Tour Guide
Campus Asshat Diversity Above
for Overly
long been Knox Countys largest
National Average
repository of both Baseball and
by [REDACTED] to the various asshat com- I juss got here a week this campus, Steinbaum Just make sure to be wearing a ball
munities around the country ago, an like, HOLY SHIT, said. Weve produced scores cap and ask to see the dugout.
Discouraged by and throughout the world, Erikkson said. Theres, like, of Obscure Author Asshats, Confirmed Alibi. Weve
stagnant statistics, Hedge added. For example, a whole section in the Peirce hundreds of Literary Snob all been thereTuesday night, a
Sources inside the
the Office of Admis- we tripled the funding to the allergy section jus fer us. Iss Asshats, well over 2,000 casual B n E, and the fuckin cops
Admissions Office
sions implemented a series lacrosse and Ultimate Frisbee Disaffected Chain-Smoker show up. Danny got pinched and
report that newly em-
teams to appeal to the Prep Asshats, and 17 Obtuse But
ployed tour-guide Jeb Rockman of updates to campus life to
encourage Asshat Diversity on School Athlete Asshats, and we We all love Well-Read Asshats in the
youre afraid hes gonna squeal?
has been reprimanded for giving Good news! The Circ-Desk has
excessively personalized tours to campus. added courses in the History
Department to encourage
Jason, said close last year alone. To suggest
anything less is frankly quite
teamed with the Writing Center
Recent surveys have placed
prospective students.
Kenyon in the 99th percentile Revisionist Asshats to realize friend Hannah offensive. to provide you with an alibi that is
both compelling and plausible.
See that bench? Thats whe- their full potential. Steinbaum said that she
re I got my first M-Path handy,
of Asshat Diversity as a result
of these changes, Admissions George Stephensen, 17, Banamahn 17, and others within the English Hermit Crab Shell. While
Anthropology Major
Rockman bellowed to the pa-
rents and adolescents reluc-
Dread fills Spitz. It is too late. How could he not have seen it before?
representatives said. president of Amnesty For
Almost Everyone, said he is
and we really Department plan to petition
President Decatur to imple-
some of us may be shy to discuss
it, its a historical truth that deca-
Weve done a lot of re-
tantly trailing behind him. Her evaluating in the past year or thrilled by these develop- tried to warn him. ment similar accommodations pods have a harder time finding
technique wasnt great, but man, ments. for English Major Asshats as homes than almost any other
so, said Admissions represen- But now.
Spitz himself, many friends and close asso- on the teat of higher education! Youre all you know is in need, the Circ-Desk
passed a corner of the Gund Asshats had a strong repre- sions started up, Im sure Ill Not everyone is enamo- All Kenyon Collegian
ciates say that they saw this coming from a part of a power dialect! find all kinds of like-minded red of the changes, however. Sensationalist Asshats were has a truly diverse selection of
Gallery he fondly remembers ALME HOUSEAfter stepping sentation on the campus, with
while away. We all love Jason, said close individuals. English Department Head unavailable for comment, but calcium-based homes.
urinating on last March. It was out of his Thursday seminar on small contingents of Oblivious
right under the Capitalism insta- sneaker culture, anthropology friend Hannah Banamahn 17, and we We all love Jason, said Asshats and Unhygienic As- Self-Identifying Sad Stacy Steinbaum referred to requested that all campus ru- Pesticide Handler Licen-
really tried to warn him. But now. Drunken Mess Asshat Kendra the Admission Departments mors be reported to kenyon- se. Hey, we get it, the hand tools
llation piece! Nothing more em- major Jason Spitz 17 finally woke
up to the blaring warning signs all around Indicators that it was too late can be close friend Hannah shats also present.
We did our best to iden- Erikkson 19 said she has been efforts as an outrage. n just arent enough to take care
powering than actually getting
the chance to pee on our broken him. Predicted to have been a long time traced back as far as the end of Spitzs fres-
hman year, when he registered a change of
Banamahn 17, and we tify places in which we could especially impressed with the
accommodations made for her
For 187 years now, the
English Department has been
of that pokeberry creeping up to
coming, the realization nevertheless came your NCA. You want to use the
political system. Rockman
went on to discuss how Kenyon too late for Spitz. advisors from Professor Baumann of the really tried to warn him. good stuff, but you want to do it
Political Science department to Professor
It just came to me, Spitz told the Co-
But now. the right way, and the Circ-Desk
that it was still too late. Spitz was then seen if they have enough to share with ever- everyone talking about how fun the bir- enter class late. Just behind the
with Rockman for a comment abandoning the Fusion line and opting for to be something. When asked to please to Kenyon as a senior and have all the time yone. Kenyon policy also states, Smith thday party had been on Monday did not Circ-Desk, there is a small square
on the scandal this past Tues- be respectful of others, the anthropology in the world. n EAVER COTTAGE
a pizza muffin instead. added, that students are not allowed to improve the situation. of visible hardwood. Look a little
major laughed maniacally, saying, Oh just Wednesday night quickly
day, Im, just like, not that bring invitations to Birthday parties into Phi Tau brother Brandon Holli 16 closer, and theres a small latch,
devolved into chaos this
involved on campus, you know? classrooms unless everyone is invited. sent out an all-student email the next underneath that latch, is a limited
week when it soon became
8 Things You
So when they said Show off of stylish jimmy jams for your nocturnal If you are trying to have a private party, day, apologizing for the lack of cupcakes. edition embroidered noseeme
by DALLAS HERNANDEZ apparent to the brothers of Phi Kappa
what Kenyon means to you in please remember to mail your invita- Holli cited confusion over whose mom cloak. While the latch has been
needs. Colors include baby blue, chartreu-
Tau that there simply werent enough
the meeting, I was like, Imma tions, or have your parents call your was bringing the second box as the lea- locked for years, rumor has it that
se, Big Red, and chamomile. cupcakes for everyone at the event.
Didnt Know
give it everything I got. And LIN LIBRARYWhile weve all
Latts. I bet you didnt know that Circ- Campus Safety quickly responded to the friends parents and make arrangements ding factor of Wednesday nights fiasco. the code will be apparent to one
what I got happens to be a lot of heard that Circulation services
Desk has a Delonghi Magnifica behind the outcry by shutting down the Summer that way. This policy has been put in We hope that no one felt excluded with a solid mastery of the Dewey
routine debauchery. encompasses the borrowing and place to make sure no ones feelings are because of our mix-up, and we encoura-
You Could
counter. Well, they do, and their joe is no Birthday Bash party. Decimal system.
When asked about if he felt lending of items of Kenyon, Consort, Ohio- hurt. ge everyone to attend the next Weaver
joke! The Collegiate recommends zshooing Tacci Smith, Associate Dean of Stu- Flintstone Gummies. Ton-
he deserved being demoted to link, and SearchOhio (Circ-desk mission Students have taken the schools Wednesday, this Wednesday: Whats
statement), few of us fully understand what up your drink with the complimentary dents, released a statement the next day: gue and cheek aside, youve got
the Saturday 8 A.M. Tour Slot, side on the issue, clearly still affected by Up Scott? We will be watching Looney
Get at the
nutmeg. We had no choice but to close to try these. Seriously, no fakes,
Rockman was unflappable. exactly these items include. Fortunately for last years scandal when everyone was Tunes all night, and our own Scott Gil
Rare Baseball Cards. Upset that down Summer Birthday Bash after lear- Circ-Desk always has Flinstone
Nah, its okay. Ill have some our esteemed readership, The Collegiate invited to Stacey Milkins 18s late-April Jacobson will be performing free back
your collection aint up to snuff? Youre in ning that Phi Kappa Tau hadnt brought Gummies on hand. n
great Friday night material. n has taken the time to find out. birthday party except Betty Jopland rubs for whomever wants one. n
enough cupcakes for everyone. Let me
Pajamas. Feeling sleepy? The Circ- 18. While Milkins insists that Joplands
Desk has got you! They offer a wide variety CONTINUE ON PAGE 3 reiterate that Kenyon policy clearly states
SOURCED, but new insider informa- Pictured: THE FACE OF PURE EVIL
quiet hours of contemplation of the self-portrait. even carelessly, across the board. Although there is
EWIS HALLSources report that the Alienation, he muttered, at hour six. Self-ha- a certain vulgarity to the work, a jarring suddenness
penis of a human male has left a self-portrait tred, he added at hour eleven, and Enlightenment, that arrests the viewer, it cannot be described in vul-
on the whiteboard of CA Johnson Richardson at hour seventeen. When asked about his experience, gar terms. There is something sensitive to this peniss
18, who lives in lower Lewis hall. he shook his head solemnly. Description fails me, self-portrait, something that suggests an asking rather
Richardson said that he awoke Wednesday to find but suffice it to say: the profundity of my experience than an answer.
the drawing scrawled across his whiteboard, and im- cannot be overstated. This is art. Naythis is life. The penis could not be reached for comment, due
mediately burst into tears of joy. How do I describe The piece itself has been described by prestigious to the tragic fact that it has not yet been named. No
its beauty? he said. When I saw that portrait drawn publications including the New Yorker, the Los dick has declared this its own; no cock has claimed
across the hours of my availability and a note from my Angeles Times, and the Onion. An attempt must be it. Some suggest that this is simply another part of
third-best friend, Mitchell, something stirred in this made here, too, however rudimentary, to describe its the puzzle. A critique of the anonymity of genitalia,
hollow husk of a heart I call my own. beauty to unfamiliar readers. Drawn in a palette of the unidentifiability of that most personal of regions?
Richardsons residentsthe young men of lower red erasable markerundoubtedly a commentary on Certainly. The finest piece of this generation? Argua-
Lewiswere similarly struck. Michael Dhaboz 17, the simultaneous rage and fragility of toxic masculini- bly. n
tythe penis stretches up from the bottom-left corner