The Kenyon Collegiate - Issue 7.1

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Philanders Most Splendiferous Source of News and Gossip.

Vol. 7, Issue 1 September 24th, 2014

Roommate Actually from Hell Inside This Issue

by Showtime Henderson
Breaking: Sophomores
McBRIDE - When Matthew Dinkle
18 first received notification of his
roommate, he did not give much
thought as to what he might be in for. Homogenous Friend-
I was taken back when his name group Agrees
was Morbuk, Prince of the Under-
world, but its Kenyon. I was ex-
pecting kids to have unique names,
Dinkle said. Sure, hes got some
interesting habits: he says these
chants in a weird language at night
by candles while kneeling in front
of this star shape on the floor, but I
just thought he was Muslim or some- Morbuk, Prince of the Underworld 18
thing. sexiled him a few times, I guess this Devil Himself 49, were noted to
When asked about the reports of is fair. have thoroughly enjoyed the week-
levitation and recent desecrations of Really, Im counting my bless- end, laughing audibly at CineArts
religious articles, Dinkle declined to ings, Dinkle later added. The guy presentation of Schindlers List.
comment. At press time, Dinkle was not
Everyone is quirky. Im not here Everyone is quirky. Im present. Instead, Morbuk took the po-
Openminded Student to
to judge, he said. not here to judge, [Din- dium and read from a prepared state- Try Out Closed-Minded-
Even at Family Weekend, Dinkle kle] said. ment. #%@^%#@*&!%@#*&^#@ ness
remained open to his roommates (*^@!$%^*%, he said before pro-
lifestyle. His dad seemed pretty down the hall got drunk and pissed on ducing a small calf from his knapsack
cool, but we didnt talk much, Din- his roommates bed! Talk about eter- and messily devouring it.
kle said. Things got a little weird nal damnation. Quam Still in Rehearsal
when I found them bathing together Both Morbuk and his father, The
in a cauldron of rams blood, but Ive

Caples Elevator Repainted to Reflect General Kenyon Whiteness Outdoor Kid Now Indoor Kid
by Kat Schrodinger um, hair. by Anna Feldspar of the campus, hitting up the Cove on
They told us we werent allowed Tuesdays, throwing down at division
Sources report that the once-psy- to paint over the elevator buttons, HANNA HALL - Jerry Gizmo Dan- three nights a week. But at the end of
chedelic murals adorning the Caples though, said Highley. Which is fine. gerfield 16, former chill guy and out- the day, Matt and I made a decision:
elevator have been repainted as part of With those and the overhead light un- door kid, is reportedly in the midst of a Gizmos an indoor kid now.
a studio art exhibition, one which aims painted, exactly 82% of the elevator rocky transition to NARPdom. The transition has been anything
to reflect certain aspects of Kenyon cul- consists of these remarkably diverse Over the last two years, Gizmo has but smooth. Hes acting out a lot, re-
ture that involve the color white. The shades, from bone white to off-white to cultivated a reputation founded on his ported Westchester. Blaring Skrillex
projects collaborators, Highley White alabaster. athletic prowess, commitment to being in the wee hours of the morning, yowl-
16 and Moore White 17, agreed to an We also installed a sound compo- the loudest person at VI trivia, dedica- ing at passers-by from the window,
nent, Moore added. Iggy Azaleas tion to his fraternity, and willingness
[T]he elevators over- Fancy now plays inside the elevator to turn up at a moments notice. Hicks punctuated tense
whelming whiteness sort of 82% of the day. It all panned out per- That all changed earlier this Septem- moments with startling,
takes me aback sometimes... fectly. ber, when Gizmo got in his third fight carefully-crafted quips.
Some students, however, expressed in six weeks. Afterward, roommates
exclusive interview with the Collegiate unease with the installation. Its not a Matthew Westchester 15 and Daniel scratching up the furniture, peeing all
about the installation. huge deal or whatever, its just, the el- MacNamara 16 attempted to restrict over the place.
I think the piece speaks for itself, evators overwhelming whiteness sort Gizmos range to the extent of their Gizmos roommates hope schedul-
said Moore. Whiteness, you know? of takes me aback sometimes, said Hanna triple. ing a few weekly playdates with other
Because look at the, uh, the white Zhang Lan 18. Like, when I visited It wasnt easy, stated MacNa- South-campus indoor kids will pro-
doves above Peirce atrium. The white it for the very first time the elevator mara. Battleship and Magic: the vide the former Lords starting quar-
accents on Old Kenyons iconic tow- doors closed, and I was just like, holy Gathering are pretty poor substitutes terback with a much-needed outlet. In
ers. The historic portraits on our walls, for breaking forties behind New Apts.
so many of whose subjects have white, Continued on page 2. And Gizmo loved having free-range Continued on page 2.
th e k e n yon collegiate 1
New High Reaching Kenyon Campus: Riding in Cars Whiteness, from page 1.
shit, I sorta stand out, huh?
by Phil Tippett
A student movement, spearheaded
by Andres Rivas 15, has risen to advo-
WIGGIN ST. Kenyon is being
cate for the installation to be repainted
hit with an alarming new pseudo-
bit by bit. I know they cant change it
drug craze popular with athletes and
overnight, even if the administrations
other upperclassmen: riding in cars.
on our side, said Rivas. But I just feel
Concerned about the implications of
like ... wheres the lime green, you feel
intoxication while driving, Kenyon
me? Can we get some fucking cobalt up
professors have been researching
in here?
the trend.
The siblings expressed confusion
The head of research, Professor
over other students qualms. I dont
of Neurochemistry Thelmus Wing-
get what the problem is, Moore said.
leton, reported, Theres no medical
Everybody still gets the same elevator-
basis I can think of for this bizarre
riding experience.
phenomenon, but science suggests
Do you think people are mad be-
that cars do go faster than walking
cause they think its a like, a race
students. Perhaps the brain is over- An exuberant driver displays some side effects of driving.
String, co-head of research. I get it. thing? Highley added in a hushed
loaded with sense experience its
Professors have also conducted The research group is also work- voice. That doesnt make sense --
forgotten due to students limited
interviews with those partaking in ing to inform and question those were not even white. Were 25% Ger-
exposure to cars on this walkable
the phenomenon to understand the who have not tried the new trend. man, 50% Anglo-Welsh-Scots-Irish,
experience. Says Lance Boton 16, Maya Wan 15 admits, You just see and like, I think theres some Native
Researchers have been unable
Yo, my boys and I have to walk all them riding, windows down, and American in there?
to experiment directly with this
new legal high, as equipment for the way to South lot, but man, its you know theyve got something
observing the brain is not readily worth it for how alive you feel once you dont. Blasting that music, they Audience, from page 1.
transportable in cars, but they have youre in the car. Like, the winds seem so truly happy, on another the meantime, they remain optimistic
observed the brains of participants on my face, everything speeds up, plane of existence completely, the that Gizmo will find peace of mind.
pre- and post-drives. Professors and I just dont have a care in the idea of time falling away into crys- Sometimes we can distract him with
say that theyve seen significant world, ya know? Its like nothing talline spirals. That must be what a laser pointer, MacNamara said.
increase in areas associated with else Ive ever done, man. And Ive pure bliss feels like. Thats promising, right?
pleasure, but have no explanation done some shit. The Town Sheriff is concerned
yet. When asked if he could think of about this new phenomenon, but
Students partaking in this phe- any reasons why driving might admits he can take no legal action GOSSIP SQUIRREL
nomenon seem to have a propensity give one a high, Boton said, I until it is confirmed that driving
for whooping loudly, blasting mu- dont know, man, but it makes me causes impaired driving. Theyre
sic, and singing along exuberantly happy and time-efficient in a way just too happy. I dont understand it,
without caring if they are off-key, that walking just doesnt do for me. but I will get to the root of it, god-
behavior often observed in intoxi- I finally get what people mean when damn it!
cated individuals, said Professor they say theyre rolling. Dayum, do

Student Using Practice Rooms Solely to Fart

by Laslo Mandelcorn

STORER HALL - An atmosphere

of relief permeated the basement
of Storer this afternoon when Greg
Lyon 16 entered his reserved prac- Wakey wakey, Kenyon Lords and
tice room only to find Danny Stein- Ladies!
berg 17 sitting on the piano bench,
letting one rip. Steinberg reportedly Fresh yearlings have come to
blamed it on the bench, citing the Gambier, but beware: not all are as
audible nature of cheap leather. He lost in the woods as they seem. Quite
was, however, unable to reproduce a few have been seen in heat and
the sound, leading Lyon to believe making mischief on burrows and hol-
the adage, Whoever denied it, sup- The home of strangely musical flatulent emissions. lows all across campus. Theyre act-
plied it. Prior to this experience, Lyon do you think ECO wont shut up ing like little pups and kits, if you ask
Although Steinbergs identity states he was ignorant of any flatu- about Greenhouse Gases? this rodent, but time will tell if these
has just been discovered, Lyon says lent schemes occurring in the prac- I will miss this place, he says critters can last the frost or if theyll
he caught wind of an abuse of the tice spaces, as Steinbergs emis- wistfully, allowing one last SBD shed all their fur too soon . . .
practice room system last week. sions were strangely musical. I to pass through his cargo shorts. But all you ally cats on the prowl
As I was packing up this baby, thought it was just Phil [Anderson, You cant beat itthe privacy, the for fresh carrion after the weekend
says Lyon, gesturing to his alto 14] working on his euphonium soundproofing. The way the hot, better keep on prancing by, these lit-
saxophone, I saw someone leave solo, said Lyon. I thought Phil stuffy, still air preserves your work; tle woodchucks still need to hibernate
that practice room really fast. Right was so dedicated! its essentially like a fart museum. before you rustle their leaves. I dont
after that, my buddy Mike nearly Now that his cover has been Steinbergs eyes glaze over as the have to tell you what happens when
wiped out, staggering back onto his blown, Steinberg admits he must fart cloud rises. He stares off into you eat a still-green acorn . . .
cello case after only cracking the seek a new bomb shelter. A popu- the distance and says to the empty
door a little bit. Thats when I knew lar spot to toot your own hornif music stand, I guess I could always You know you love me,
something really wrong was hap- you know what Im sayingis the take up euphonium. XOXO
pening. Biology Greenhouse. I mean, why Gossip Squirrel

2 p l e a se r ec yc le is s ue befo r e o r a fter r ea d i n g  2
News in Brief Peirce Banana Becomes Lice Bucket Challenge to
Freshman Boy Explodes! Self-Aware Raise New Apt Awareness
by Dallas Hernandez by Kat Schrodinger
by Dallas Hernandez dude, he just couldnt get his mind off
poontang. PEIRCE HALL Sources report an NEW APTS - With a broken water
PEIRCE HALL - A corner of Dulles mild roommate, Matt unprecedented occurrence amidst the system, the ever-insurmountable New
Peirce Atrium has been cordoned Berger, talked of dorm life with fruit racks of the servery: a single Apt Hill, and - especially - the usual
off, and maintenance staff have been Mitch. I remember him coming into banana has transcended the void to a swarm of insects, the students living
working overtime in the aftermath of the room and saying, So Claire just state of consciousness. The discovery
an event bystanders have described liked my profile picture, do you think in the New Apartments have endured
was first made by Sophomore Jonah
as horrific, yet impressive. Details shes trying to fuck? Then she started Fitzgerald while he perused Peirce a difficult fall. In a video campaign
are still coming to light, but sources following him on Instagram. When for a healthy, potassium-rich snack. that has quickly gone viral, New Apt
report that freshperson Mitch Dulles So there I was, staring at the fruit F-Block residents Charlie Carter 16
was observed undulating rhythmi- GRAAA ... UNhH ... tray, when I saw a banana wiggle. At and Angelina Sachs 15 seek to raise
cally shortly before an apparent first I was sure I was being Punkd, awareness about the struggle of life
structural failure in his person. MOUTH! [sic] so I did a quick scan for the Kutch, in the far North.
Vague acquaintances of Dulles reported MTV enthusiast Fitzgerald. Okay, okay, is it on? starts
were dismayed yet unsurprised to that happened, he started whispering Nowhere in sight. I put my hand on Sachs video. She comes into view
hear of his combustion. The guy was about how bad she wanted his tes- the banana, and I swore it whimpered. wearing a yellow striped bathing suit,
headed towards a burst of some sort, ticles in her hair, said a shrugging It was wack wack to the max.
reported a solemn Dan Mathson Berger. giggling with Carter, who holds a
Shortly after Fitzgeralds inter-
18. Mitch had been acting weirder Both Mathson and Berger agree: action, two more students reported large red bucket. All right, Sachs
and weirder ever since I met him 16 it was the day before his combustion chance encounters with the peculiar says, addressing the camera. Im
days ago. Im not sure exactly what that Mitchs condition really came to banana. Im not sure what exactly I Angelina Sachs, and this is my Lice
caused it, but I think it was probably a head. saw. The banana was bruised, maybe Bucket Challenge. Ill be donating
related to how horny he was. We were in the AD bullseye, and crying? said Elena Goren 17. All ten dollars toward a fund for an exter-
Sources report that upon arriving Mitch was in the corner grinding on a I know is that this was way outside minator, and Im tagging my friends
at Kenyon, Dulles was eager to act lamp. I asked him how he was doing, of expected banana behavior. Super Charlie, Andrew, and -- AH!
upon an immense mental catalogue and all he could say was, GRAAA weird to see, especially before my Carter upends the bucket over her.
of teenage fantasies. UNhH MOUTH, explained Sad Marginalized Lives seminar, A swarm of lice spills over Sachs
Yeah, he was ready for it all. Mathson. which is totally shifting my perspec-
Mitch was all about imagining him- Professor of Physics Tom Cool- hair. Oh my God, oh my God, she
tive on everything and making me
self knocking boots, said a wist- bern was in close proximity to Mitch feel, feel so much. laughs, the very picture of philan-
ful Mathson. Whenever we played at the moment of rupture. When Musa bablisiana, commonly re- thropic joy, as the lice trickle down
Gamecube, Mitch would go on and asked about what he witnessed that ferred to as a banana in the vernac- her face and neck over her bathing
on about how badly he wanted Sa- morning, he gave the Collegiate a ular, is a tropical berry originating in suit. So fucking gross. Wait, Jesus
mus to sit on his face and make it brief statement: A kablooie of sig- Central America. It would appear this Christ, ah, fuck, get them off me,
look like a glazed donut. Not a bad nificant size. is the first instance of a berry of the aaaah help.
Musa genus achieving sentience.

Poli-Sci Zealot Exposed as Heretic Cartel to the current situation in tion, including his vote in the last
Crimea. presidential election.
I was totally on board with him I voted Romney because Nate
until he pulled that one out, said convinced me that Obama was go-
Robin Masters 14. He started say- ing to give Texas to Mexico, and
ing that the Crimea owed Putin her- that I would need a passport to visit
oin money and I was lost. Masters my grandma in El Paso, Levitt
noted that upon further inspection it said, dejectedly crumpling a news-
became clear that OReilly was un- paper. But now that I think of it,
aware that the Crimea is, in fact, a his history course was covering the
peninsula, not a band of criminals. Texas Revolution at the time, and he
Kelly Sheeran 16 counts this kept referring to the election as the
revelation as a major setback. new Alamo, so who knows.
I just cant wrap my head around OReilly was last spotted running
this, said a shaken Sheeran. I sat from Horwitz House wearing the
with Nate every day at breakfast and front page of the New York Times
hed give his view on all the articles as a hat and waving his graded drug
A room of shaken students who hardly know what to believe. in the Times. He sounded so sure of cartel paper in front of him. When
by Irving Mellish OReilly, 15, have been bullshit himself, I just took his word for it. asked about the allegations against
this entire time. Sheeran declined further com- him, he yelled, As make me an
NEW SIDE Kenyons politically Sources report overhearing ment, saying she didnt know what expert, before bursting into tears
opinionated population received OReilly, who had just completed to believe and that she just really and declining further comment.
a heavy blow on Monday when it a research project on the history of needed some alone time right now.
was revealed that the ubiquitous South American drug cartels, com- Anderson Levitt, 15, claimed
opinions of Poli-Sci major Nate paring Colombias Norte del Valle to have based all of his political
opinions on OReillys informa-

c o lle g i ate@kenyon.ed u 3
Special Interest: My Dad Became a Juggalo
by Jimmy Crispix birthday party, he said, and Dad
was being very normal. Except for,
GAMBIER Mark Markus 16 has you know, the chains, long hair, and
had an eventful summer after find- binge Faygo consumption.
ing out that his father has become Other party guests reported noth-
a juggalo. After an eight-hour drive ing unusual about Walters appear-
home from Kenyon, he walked ance or behavior. Youre telling
into his house to find his father, a me they didnt see anything weird
48-year-old insurance salesman, about a middle aged man covered
covered in face paint and nailing an in black and white facepaint? Wal-
Insane Clown Posse poster into the lace said when informed of others
wall. Woop woop, we family, he reactions. He gave her a copy of
said over the blaring sound of ICPs Big Money Hustlas for her seventh
Boogie Woogie Wu, as Markus birthday, he added.
walked inside. The Collegiate reached out to
It was all downhill from there, Walter Wallace for comment, but
said Markus, reflecting on the was only able to reach an answer-
Fourth of July celebration that Dad ing machine with a message in no
arranged. He had all the local jug- discernible language.
galos over, Markus said. Charlie
Sheen was supposed to make an ap-
pearance, but cancelled at the last
minute for god knows what.
When asked about the rumored
eccentricities of juggalos, Mark was
quick to respond. I had never even Walter Wallace displays newfound enthusiasm for the music and style of band Insane Clown Posse.
heard of Faygo a few weeks ago, grape soda does not mix well with Wallace said, when he became lost
he said, and now Dads making corn flakes. in the surrealism of it all. We were
me drink it with everything. Shitty It was midway through July, going to my cousin Lisas seventh

Health Center Collaborating with Special Collections to Contain Bu- Collegiate Staff

bonic Plague Outbreak Avatar Aang . . . . . . Jack B. Thimbledon

Katara . . . . . . . . Laslo Mandelcorn
Sokka . . . . . . Col. Elton P. Dramadery
by Anna Feldspar Toph Bei Fong . . . . . . . Kat Schrodinger
Prince Zuko . . . . . . . . . . . Lady Lamplight
HEALTH CENTER Many are Princess Azula . . . . . Showtime Henderson
Fire Lord Ozai . . . . . . . . Matches Malone
calling it the colleges worst epi- The Cabbage Man . . . Jimmy Crispix
demic since the mono scare of Fall Appa . . . . . . . . . . . Spark Dickman
14, but Mark Shelly of Greenslade Uncle Iroh . . . . . . . . . . . . Ezra Post
Special Collections and Donna Momo . . . . . . . . . . . Anna Feldspar
Ty Lee . . . . . . . . . . . . Phil Tippett
Schwartzman of the Health Center Avatar Roku . . . . . . . Dallas Hernandez
think they have finally hit upon a Avatar Kyoshi . . . . . . . Irving Mellish
way to halt the spread of the Black Guru Pathik . . . . Ruth Thundercat Bubis
Sponsors . . . . . . . Lard Lad, Duff Gardens,
As public health experts, we Krusty Burger, Globex Corporation, The
thought we knew all there was to Springfield Nuclear Power Plant, Oui Mon-
know about keeping college stu- sieur Clothing for Boys, Laramie Cigarettes,
dents healthy, stated Schwartzman. Legitimate Businessmens Social Club, Mal-
ibu Stacy, The Try n Save, The Quickee
Its pretty straightforward, re- Mart, Kodos, Kang, Canyonero, Moes Tav-
ally: exhibiting symptoms of strep? ern, The Leftorium, The Frying Dutchman,
Heres a pamphlet. Kruds got you Clearly, thou needst at least a few pamphlets! Barneys Bowlorama, Girdles N Such, Lu-
down? Pamphlet. Painful genital lier this month as reports of plague- said Shelly, and sure enough, just igis, Expensive Bros. Jewelry, Costingtons,
like symptoms emerged across cam- across from the first edition Nabo- I Cant Believe Its a Law Firm!, Dr. Nick
discharge? Well, weve got a pam- Riviera, Compu-Global-Hyper-Mega-Net
phlet for that too. pus. There hasnt been an outbreak kovs were some original 14thcentu-
According to Schwartzman, the of this severity since the 1679 Great ry Italian fliers distributed by Pope Founder/Editor Emeritus . . . . Louis
staffs confidence originated from Plague of Vienna, reported the Clement IVs medicos della peste. Francis Albert Victor Nicholas Col-
CDC. As it became apparent that Of course I had them sent up right legiate, 1st Earl Collegiate of Ohio,
the fact that few students return to KG, GCB, GCSI, GCIE, GCVO
the Health Center after their first their current stock of throat lozeng- away.
visit. After they prescribed Ibu- es and glossy 3 x 8 trifold brochures With its new arsenal of late-me-
profen and lots of fluids for my could do nothing to stem the tide of dieval parchment, the Health Cen-
vivid auditory hallucinations, I kind the Black Death, the Center shifted ter is ready to renew its campaign
of said screw this, Ill stick to Web- its focus to providing hospice care. of aggressive pamphleteering and
MD from now on, reported Glen Once I heard how bad things had expects to have the outbreak fully
Lawrence 15. gotten at the Center, I knew Spe- contained in time for midterms.
That confidence was shaken ear- cial Collections had to help out,

p l e a se r ec yc le is s ue befo r e o r a fter r ea d i n g  4

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