Electrician: Total Units
Electrician: Total Units
Electrician: Total Units
08 1
Sl. Name of the tools Equipment & Machinery as per Number Total Number of Total Indicate Cost of the Name, Address, Tel. No.
No. syllabus required for Tools and number shortage Tool, Email. Vat/TIN No. of
Instructor equipments actually if any Equipment the Supplier of General
&Trainees for required for the available & Machineries
one unit as per total units for all the Machinery
NCVT norms/ affiliated and units
syllabus sought affiliation
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
1 Rule wooden 4 fold 60 mm. 16
2 Plier insulated 150mm. 16
3 Plier side cutting 150 mm 16
4 Screw Driver 100mm. 16
5 Screw Driver 150mm. 16
6 Electrician connector, screw- driver 100mm. insulated 16
handle thin stem.
7 Heavy duty screw driver 200mm. 16
8 Electrician driver 250mm thin stem insulated handle 16
9 Punch centre 150 mm x 9 mm. 16
10 Knife double bladed Electrician. 16
11 Neon Tester 16
12 Rule steel 300mm. 16
13 Saw tennon 250mm. 16
14 Hammer, cross peen 115 grams with handle 16
15 Hammer ball peen 0.75 kg. with handle. 16
16 Firmer chisel wood 12mm. 16
17 Gimlet 6mm. 16
18 Bradawl 16
19 Scriber 150 mm x 4mm (Knurled centre position) 16
20 Pincer 150mm. 16
Tool list Electrician Revised w.e.f. Feb. 08 2
74 Potential transformer 02
75 Growler 01
76 Tong tester/Clamp meter 0-100 Amp. AC 01
77 Megger 500 volts. 01
78 Wheat stone bridge complete with galvanometer and 01
79 Relays-Over current, under voltage, etc. 3 volt, 100 02 each
80 Contactor 3 phase, 440 volt, 16 amp. 2 NO & 2NC 02
auxiliary contacts.
81 Contactor 3 phase, 440 volt, 32 amp. 2 NO & 2NC 02
auxiliary contacts.
82 Limit Switch 02
83 Rotary Switch 16A. 02
84 Load bank 5 KW (Lamp/heater type) 02
85 Brake test arrangement with two spring balance of 0 to 02 set
25 kg. rating.
86 Knife switch DPDT fitted with fuse terminals 16 amp. 12
87 Knife switch TPDT fitted with fuse terminals 16 amp. 12
88 DC power supply 0 100 volt, 5 amp. 02
89 Inverter 1 KVA Input 12 volt DC, Output 220 volt AC 01
with 12 battery.
90 Voltage stabilizer Input 150-230 volt AC, Output 220 01
volt AC
91 Rheostat 0 1 Ohm, 5 Amp., 0 10 Ohm, 02 each
5 Amp, 0 25 Ohm, 1 Amp., 0 300 Ohm,
1 Amp.
92 Domestic appliances: -
(a) Electric hot plate 1500 Watt. 220V. with temperature 02
(b) Electric kettle, 1000 Watts 230V. 02
(c) Electric iron 1200 watts, 220V. with temperature 02
(d) Immersion heater 750/1000/1500 W., 230V. 02
(e) Geyser 25 litre 240 V. (Storage type). 01
93 Flux meter 02
94 Laboratory type induction coil 6 volt to 800-10,000 volt. 01
Tool list Electrician Revised w.e.f. Feb. 08 5
1. For each unit a trainee tool kit fromSl.No.1 to 19 of Tool Kit and locker is required.
2. If two units are working simultaneously in any shift, additional shops General Outfit, item from Sl. No. 1 to 98 of Shop Tools Instruments & Machinery is required for
second unit.
3. For each two units in a shift, one set of Machinery& Equipment form Sl. No. 99 to Sl. 140 are required.