Annex I Minimum Equipment and Tools Requirements
Annex I Minimum Equipment and Tools Requirements
Annex I Minimum Equipment and Tools Requirements
Schools for Grades 1 to 3 & Grade 4 to 6, Public Junior High School for Grades 7 to 10 and Public Senior
High Schools for Grades 11 to 12 (Core and Stem)
“Annex I”
B. For the Manufacturing of Steel Cabinet
C. For the Manufacturing of Plastic Parts
Measuring Instruments:
18E Flat File 5 pcs.
19E Knife 5 pcs
20E Extension Cord with 5 gangs
Universal Outlet 4 sets
Measuring /Testing Instruments
20E Vernier Caliper 150 mm 5 pcs
21E Steel tape Roll 3 meters 2 pcs
22E Tri-Square 5 pcs
23E Analog Multi-Tester 5 pcs
24E Halogen Bulb with Socket and 50 watts, 12 volts 20 pcs
wire and banana plug
25E Dial-Type Thermometer 10 pcs.
26E Digital C-clamp Meter 2 units