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515 N Beaumont Rd

Prairie Catholic 608-326-8624

Weekly Newsletter
February 2, 2017

From the Principal Mark Your Calendars

The Talent Show last night was a great success and the school would like to February 5th - Swiss Steak,
congratulate the students on their great performances. We truly have a tal- St. Gabriels, 10:45am
ented bunch of kids in our school! February 6th - Farm to
We had a great turn out last night at the open house. Many families came to School, Elementary, P.M.
tour the new addition. We also had a great number of community members February 7th - West Re-
that came to eat and see the gymnasium. The school would like to thank the ginal Spelling Bee, Ithaca,
Mens Club and all their volunteers for the meal last night. Again it was a 1:00pm
great meal. February 7th - First Rec-
Tomorrow, Friday February 3rd is the annual Ski Trip to Mt. La Crosse for onciliation, St. Gabriels
the 5th 8th grades. They will leave at 8:00am and will return at 4:00pm. Church
The elementary will have a movie in the afternoon. February 8th - Education
Commission, 5:30pm
February 9th - Large Wis-
Around Prairie Catholic consin Map in gym
The school would like to thank all the staff members for their work to make February 13th - Kindergar-
Catholic Schools Week a special time for the students. The Student Council ten-2nd Grade to Viterbo
has also lead many events and the school is very happy to see these kids for Play
take leadership roles. February 14th - Mid Term
The Scholastic Book Fair is still open on Friday, February 3rd until noon. So February 16th - Progress
if you have not been in, make time to stop. Reports go home
February 17th - No School
Nick Mara and Thomas Mara will represent Prairie Catholic School at the February 22nd - School
West Regional Spelling Bee held in Ithaca on February 7th. Good Luck boys! Forensics Competition,
classrooms, P.M.
Please pray for our second graders as they are making their First Reconcilia- February 22nd - Golden
tion on Tuesday, February 7th.
Ruler Luncheon, City Hall,
Mr. Huser has secured a large traveling map of Wisconsin and will have it in
the gym for our students to experience on Thursday, February 9th. February 28th - Mardi
Gras and Grandparents
The Kindergarten through second grade will travel to Viterbo for a play on Day, Cafeteria, P.M.
Monday, February 13th.

The school Free Throw competition was a lot of fun. Middle school and
Grand Champion Honors went to Ella Hager, intermediate Champion was
Logan Kiesau and Primary Champion was Landon Smith.
Page 2 Prairie Catholic Weekly Newsletter

Around Prairie Catholic

Mid-Term 3 is Tuesday, February 14th.
Prayer: Lord Jesus,
There will be an Education Commission meeting on Wednesday, February 8th at
your power to do 5:30pm in the school cafeteria.
good is awesome.
May we always I was made aware of another opportunity for Prairie Catholic to receive funds
remember your from another company. If you are a frequent user of Amazon there is feature: that will give back a portion to the organization
mighty works and to that you choose. Prairie Catholic School is an option for that kick back. If you
thank you for the use Amazon please try Amazon Smile.
energy of the Holy
Spirit who is such a The school Forensics competition will be held on Wednesday, February 22nd.
positive force in our
Congratulations to the Knights of Columbus Knowledge Contest winners -
lives. We ask this in 5th Grade Math - Josie Kramer, 5th Grade Spelling - Lindsey Nolan, 6th Grade
your name. Amen. Math - Tommy Mara, 7th Grade Math - Matthias Gerhards and 7th Grade
Spelling - Nick Mara.

The Golden Ruler luncheon has been rescheduled for Wednesday, February

Grandparents Day and Mardi Gras are right about the corner. Tuesday February
28th we will welcome any family members for lunch to celebrate grandparents.
We will then have Mardi Gras in the cafeteria.

The school would also like to utilize online SCRIP. Online orders have many
benefits including more vendors options and denominations. You can register at Just follow the instructions for registration and
you can order from home. The school code is: 315114L45414. See the flyer in
Well Done! The the bulletin enclosed in your brown envelope today. Also, for your convenience
is a scrip order form.
schools Iowa Tests
are back and the re- Sports Calendar
sults were very posi- February 3rd - Wrestling @ PdC, 4:00pm
tive. The 8th Grades February 6th - Wrestling @ Lancaster, 4:00pm
English-Language February 7th - Wrestling @ North Crawford,
Arts national per- February 13th - Wrestling @ Bluff View, 4:30pm
centile rank was in February 21st - Wrestling @ Iowa Grant, 4:00pm
the 80th percentile.
Great job students!

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