Individual Sheets: Information

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Individual Sheets


1. Location
2. Architect
3. Selection of case study purpose, nature, scale
4. Intake, target group, approving authority & governing authority,

City level

1. Land use, city position

Site level

1. Site, area, approach, linkages, transport & nearby, road width, surroundings, Parking& number
2. Zoning & circulation (Plantation buffers, Open-Built mass relationship, Ground coverage,
Hierarchy of open spaces, Private-Semi Private Spaces, Height analysis, Relation of height with
3. Plantation type, Topography
4. Services Parking

Building level

1. Architectural philosophy.
2. Plans Area requirement, Zoning of spaces & Circulation (Private-Semi Private Spaces, Linkage
with other activities, Vertical zoning)
3. Services (Lift, Staircase, M.E.P.), Provision of Handicapped, Toilet capacity
4. Construction technology & Materials
5. Section


1. Site Plantation,
2. Building Orientation, Daylight, Ventilation
3. Climate responsive architecture in terms of faade treatment, roofing pattern & selection of

Combined Sheets

Bye-Laws Comparison

1. Development authority
2. N.B.C. (Acoustics, fire exit, auditoriums, Library)

ComparativeAnalysis & Conclusion

Site Plan

Position of building, Approach, Building orientation, Open built relation, Height analysis, Parking

Building Plan
Circulation, Zoning of internal spaces (Horizontal & Vertical), Axis, Symmetry, Visual connectivity,
Daylight, Ventilation

Section analysis

Material & Structural systems


3.Climate responsive architecture in terms of faade treatment, roofing pattern & selection of material

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