KOM 2 Marks - Edition 2
KOM 2 Marks - Edition 2
KOM 2 Marks - Edition 2
Question Bank
Part A
5. List out the inversions of a double slider crank chain.
Inversions of Double Slider Mechanism
First Inversion Scotch Yoke mechanism
Second Inversion Oldhams Coupling
Third Inversion Elliptical trammel
Fourth Inversion Hand Pump
6. Define Degree of Freedom and give the DOF for a shaft in a circular hole.
The number of independent input parameters which must be controlled independently so
that a mechanism fulfills its useful engineering purpose.
9. Define kinematic pair and illustrate any two types of constrained pair
When two kinematic links are connected in such a way that their motion is either
completely or successfully constrained, these two links are said to form a kinematic pair.
E.g foot step bearing, circular shaft in the circular slot
When a number of links connected in space make relative motion of any point on a link
with respect to any other point on the other link follow a definite law it is known as
kinematic chain.
M = 3(N-1) 2 f1 f2
M = -1 Statically indeterminate structure
Kinematic pairs in which there is a point or line contact between the contacting elements
are called as higher pair. Meshing gear teeth, cam and follower pair, wheel rolling on a
surface, a ball and roller bearings and pawl and ratchet are of higher pair.
When the two element of a pair have a line or point contact when the relative motion
takes place and the motion between the two elements is partly turning and partly sliding,
then the pair is known as higher pair
24. What are the methods for determining the velocity of a point on a link?
Instantaneous centre method,
Relative velocity method
10. What are the expression for radial and tangential component of acceleration?
Radial component
Tangential component
Where, OB=Angular velocity of link OB
OB=Angular acceleration of link OB
OB=Length of link OB.
6. What is prime circle of a cam? What is the radial distance between the prime circle
and base circle for a cam with knife edge follower?
Prime circle is the smallest circle drawn to the pitch curve from the centre of rotation of
7. Define Cam
A cam may be defined as a machine element having a curved outline or a curved groove,
which, by its oscillation or rotation motion, gives a predetermined specified motion to
another element called the follower . The cam has a very important function in the
operation of many classes of machines, especially those of the automatic type, such as
printing presses, shoe machinery, textile machinery, gear-cutting machines, and screw
1. Define (a) Module (b) Diametral Pitch of gears.
Module (m): is the ratio of pitch diameter to the number of teeth on the gear. m = D/T,
where D- pitch circle diameter, T no of teeth
Diametrical Pitch : It is the number of teeth per unit pitch circle. = T/D
12. What are the conditions to be satisfied for interchangeability of all gears.
For interchangeability of all gears, the set must have the same circular pitch, module,
diameter pitch, pressure, angle, addendum and dedendum and tooth thickness must be
one half of the circular pitch.
16. List out the function of differential gear used in the rear drive of an automobile.
a) To transmit motion from the engine shaft to the rear driving wheels.
b ) To rotate the rear wheel of different speeds while the automobile is taking a turn.
22. Define pressure angle and explain the effect of different pressure angle.
The pressure angle is the angle which the common normal to the contacting tooth
profiles, at the point of contact, makes with the common tangent to the two pitch circles
at the pitch point.
24. Describe the advantages and applications of helical, bevel and worm gears
Helical gear :
Applications : These are highly used in transmission because they are quieter even at
higher speed and are durable. The other possible applications of helical gears are in
textile industry, blowers, feeders, rubber and plastic industry, sugar industry, rolling
mills, food industry, elevators, conveyors, cutters, clay working machinery, compressors
and in oil industry.
32. What are advantages of toothed gears over other type of transmission system?
a) Positive drives No slip, no variation in velocity ratio
b) Suitable for short distances
c) High power transmission
d) Change of speed is easy
34. What are the advantage of Helical gears over Spur Gears
a) Noise less operation
b) High power transmission
c) Fully engaged
d) High speed operation
35. What are the two important failure modes in Gears
Tooth Breakage, Pitting of Tooth Surface, Abrasive Wear, Seizing of teeth.
1. Distinguish between sliding and rolling friction.
Sliding Friction When two dry surfaces have a sliding motion relative to each other,
then it is called as sliding friction e.g friction between nut and bolt.
Rolling friction When two dry surfaces have a rolling motion relative to each other,
then it is called as rolling friction E.g friction in ball and roller bearings.
3. What is bearing?
A bearing is a machine element which supports another moving machine element known
as journal. It permits a relative motion between the contact surfaces of the member while
carrying the load.
4. What are the factors to be considered when designing a disc or plate clutch?
When there is a uniform pressure
When there is a uniform axial wear.
6. What is clutch?
A clutch is a machine member used to connect a driving shaft to a driven shaft so
that the driven shaft may be stared or stopped at with or with out stopping the driving
shaft. It is used in automobile.
8. What are the factors that have to be considered for the selection of a belt drive?
Speed of the driving and driven shafts.
Speed reduction ratio
Power to be transmitted
Shaft lay out
Space available
If > , the torque required to lower the load will be positive i.e some of torque is
required to lower the load such a screw is know as self locking screw
19. When is the intensity of pressure acting brake shoe is assumed to be uniform ?
The intensity of pressure is assumed to be constant when the break shoe has small angle
of contact. For large angle of contact, it is assumed that the rate of wear of the shoe remains
21. Why lubrication reduces friction?
In practical all the manting surfaces are having roughness with it. It causes friction. If the
surfaces are smooth then friction is very less. Lubrication smoothens the manting surface by
introducing oil film bet_een it. The fluids are having high smoothness than solids and thus
lubrication reduces friction.
27. What are the disadvantage of V-belt drive over flat belt?
1.V- belt cannot be used in large distance. .
2. It is not as durable as flat belt.
3. Since the V belt subjected to certain amount of creep therefore it is not suitable for
constant speed applications such as synchronous machines, and timing devices.
4. It is a costlier system.