Safe Work Method Procedure AC Installation

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Workplace: _________________________ Page: 1 of 6
Overall Risk 4 Acute 3 High
TASK / OPERATION: Air Conditioner Installation Rating After
Controls 2 Moderate 1 Low
Personal Protective Equipment Fill = Green 204

Foot Hearing High Head Hand Protective Breathing

Protection Protection Visibility Protection Protection Clothing Protection

Day Operations Normal Requirements:

Safety footwear (non-slip boots), hearing protection, high visibility shirt or vest, hard hat and sun protection if required hand protection
(gloves), overalls/breathing protection (if required).

Safety Notes Fill = Green 204

This SWMS covers risks associated with general installation of air conditioning systems. Ensure the manufacturers installation
manual/guide is available for specific information on all installation works.
Main risks:
- falls from height
- electrocution/electric shock
exposure to harmful atmospheres (asbestos, silica, refrigerant gases etc)

Authorised by Mel Milutin North West Airconditioning Service Page 1- Version 5.0
Procedure Possible Hazards or RB Safety Controls RA Responsible
(in steps): Risks of Each Step Officer
NOTE: RB = Risk Rating before controls implemented - RA = Risk Rating after controls are implemented.

1. Planning Personal Injury: 3H Ensure system designed by suitably qualified persons. 1L

- falls
- electric shock Assess installation site. Check:
- hit by moving - Anchor points (suitable work load and position)
vehicle - Proximity to power lines
- hazardous - Type of roof (pitched, tile, sky lights etc)
atmosphere - Condition of roof (fragile, brittle etc)
- Presence of hazardous materials such as asbestos,
lead, silica etc)
- Load bearing capacity of support walls, ceiling, roof
- Height of work area
- Access for equipment and materials
- Number of persons expected on roof/ceiling space
- Power supply
- Location of existing services (heating, water, pipes,
electrical leads)
- Traffic Management requirements

Develop a site and task specific SWMS to control risks.

Authorised by Mel Milutin North West Airconditioning Service Page 2- Version 5.0
Procedure Possible Hazards or RB Safety Controls RA Responsible
(in steps): Risks of Each Step Officer
NOTE: RB = Risk Rating before controls implemented - RA = Risk Rating after controls are implemented.

2. Preparation Personal Injury: 3H Ensure suitable equipment for job. Examples: 2M

- falls - Work at heights:
- manual o Ensure scissor lift or step platforms are used.
handling If ladders are only option, ensure they are
- electric shock industrial, good condition, set-up correctly and
- laceration secured both top and bottom.
- hazardous o Where a roof pitch exceeds 35 degrees, do
atmosphere not stand on the roof. Work from a cherry
picker, scaffold or travel restraint system.
o If using travel restraint or fall arrestors, ensure
harness and clips are compatible, anchor
points have been assessed by qualified
persons, training undertaken and emergency
plan in place for rescue.

Authorised by Mel Milutin North West Airconditioning Service Page 3- Version 5.0
Procedure Possible Hazards or RB Safety Controls RA Responsible
(in steps): Risks of Each Step Officer
NOTE: RB = Risk Rating before controls implemented - RA = Risk Rating after controls are implemented.

2. Preparation - Personal Injury: 3H - Manual handling 2M

continued - falls o Use hand trucks, cable trolleys to move
- manual materials
handling o Use mechanical aids to lift and hold pipes in
- electric shock position (such as duct lifters)
- laceration o Ensure duct lifters have safety gears capable
- hazardous of holding the load in the event of a failure of
atmosphere hoisting rope)
o Lifting equipment has suitable SWL.
o Use smaller sized cable drums
- Power Tools:
o Guards in place
o Electrical leads in good condition and
tested/tagged, RCDs in use
o Correct for job/used for purpose
- Hazardous Materials
o If cutting/drilling into structures, determine
material type. Provide suitable personal
protective equipment for short term works
o Non-Friable Asbestos: Protective clothing, P1
or P2 half face (can be either disposable or
o Silica: P1 or 2 half face with particle cartridge

Authorised by Mel Milutin North West Airconditioning Service Page 4- Version 5.0
Procedure Possible Hazards or RB Safety Controls RA Responsible
(in steps): Risks of Each Step Officer
NOTE: RB = Risk Rating before controls implemented - RA = Risk Rating after controls are implemented.

3. Pre-operational Personal Injury: 3H Ensure: 2M

Inspection - falls - Traffic management in place where required
- electric shock - Sufficient Lighting
- hit by moving - Suitable weather conditions
vehicle - Installation manual available and read by all installers
- hazardous - Equipment operational and in good condition
atmosphere - Materials available as required
- Electrical leads are not placed in areas where they
will pose a tripping hazard or get run over.

Authorised by Mel Milutin North West Airconditioning Service Page 5- Version 5.0
Procedure Possible Hazards or RB Safety Controls RA Responsible
(in steps): Risks of Each Step Officer
NOTE: RB = Risk Rating before controls implemented - RA = Risk Rating after controls are implemented.

5. Installation Personal Injury: 3H Place units/ducting/pipes as specified in design plan. Follow 2M

- falls installation instructions for specific model.
- electric shock
- hit by moving If changes to design plan are required (eg: changing location
vehicle of units for ease of maintenance) seek permission from
- hazardous qualified persons.
- manual Ensure task/site specific SWMS is followed.
- slips, trips Ensure (indoors):
- laceration - no heating or steam sources nearby
- explosion - good air circulation
- not too near doorways
- positioned where vents will not be blocked.
Legislation breach:
- Unlicensed Ensure (outdoors):
operators - avoid placing unit in direct sun or under drains etc (if
- leave sufficient space between front, rear and sides
(as specified by manufacturer)
- Keep away from hazardous atmospheres or ignition
- Ensure base and supporting frame is secure and
capable of holding unit
- Located in area where there is fresh air.

Take care not to kink copper pipes.

Ensure work areas are cleared of off-cuts/ tripping hazards


Use pipe cutters and cable strippers rather than hacksaws

and knives.

Authorised by Mel Milutin North West Airconditioning Service Page 6- Version 5.0
Procedure Possible Hazards or RB Safety Controls RA Responsible
(in steps): Risks of Each Step Officer
NOTE: RB = Risk Rating before controls implemented - RA = Risk Rating after controls are implemented.

5. Installation - Personal Injury: 3H Avoid putting face too close to work. Stand to side when 2M
continued - falls tightening with pipe wrenches, strip cable away from body.
- electric shock
- hit by moving Cover sharp edges of duct. Ensure protective caps are
vehicle placed into end of thread droppers.
- hazardous
atmosphere When working in ceiling spaces:
- manual - avoid entering ceiling space work from solid
handling platform. If required, to enter, ensure joists/purlons
- slips, trips are capable of holding weight of person and
- laceration equipment and tested for Load capacity
- explosion - Dont stand on fragile areas such as plasterboard
- Walk along planks and crawl if required.

Legislation breach: Avoid working in static or awkward postures (such as

- Unlicensed bending or working with arms raised above head height) for
operators more than 30 minutes at a time and/or 2 hours over entire

Ensure regular rest breaks taken.

Refrigerant Gases:
- Ensure restrained adequately on transport vehicle.
- Avoid storing inside cabin of vehicles
- Keep minimum quantities
- Ensure Material Safety Data Sheet available (within 5
year issue date)
- Inspect cylinders regularly to ensure no damage or
- Ensure adequate ventilation

Authorised by Mel Milutin North West Airconditioning Service Page 7- Version 5.0
Procedure Possible Hazards or RB Safety Controls RA Responsible
(in steps): Risks of Each Step Officer
NOTE: RB = Risk Rating before controls implemented - RA = Risk Rating after controls are implemented.

7. Installation - Personal Injury: 3H Expel air from system as required by manufacturer. 2M

continued - falls
- electric shock Check for refrigerant leakage from pipe connectors. Use
- hit by moving appropriate gas detector, or soapy water in a spray bottle. If
vehicle bubbles form, tighten all fittings and recheck.
- hazardous
atmosphere Only undertake work allowed under specific license.
- manual Example:
handling - Electrician License required for electrical installations
- slips, trips Refrigerant Mechanic with Restricted License cannot
- laceration perform electrical installation work BUT they can disconnect
- explosion and connect electrical equipment and replace with like
Legislation breach: components of the a/c and refrigerant equipment.
- Unlicensed
8. Emergency Personal Injury: 3H Develop and implement an emergency 2M
Procedures - falls response plan for the site. Include
- electric shock - assembly points
- hit by moving - communication
vehicle - responsible persons
- hazardous - emergency contacts (including nearest medical
atmosphere facility)
- emergency rescue plan (if required)

References: OHS Legislation in all States

WorkCover SA Safer Industries Industry Guide Safe work at heights Evaporative Air Conditioner Systems 2003
NSW WorkCover Compliance Lessons Learned Compressed Refrigerant Gas Explosion 2008
WorkSafe Victoria Prevention of falls Working on roofs 2005
WorkSafe Victoria Construction Industry Program Incident Wire Duct lifter without safety gear 2002

Authorised by Mel Milutin North West Airconditioning Service Page 8- Version 5.0
To be read and signed by all employees on site:

Workplace: ____________________________________
Name: .......................................................................... Date: ................................................. Signature: .................................................

Name: .......................................................................... Date: ................................................. Signature: .................................................

Name: .......................................................................... Date: ................................................. Signature: .................................................

Name: .......................................................................... Date: ................................................. Signature: .................................................

Name: .......................................................................... Date: ................................................. Signature: .................................................

Name: .......................................................................... Date: ................................................. Signature: .................................................

Name: .......................................................................... Date: ................................................. Signature: .................................................

Authorised by Mel Milutin North West Airconditioning Service Page 9- Version 5.0

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