Rock Flow Dynamics Brochure
Rock Flow Dynamics Brochure
Rock Flow Dynamics Brochure
Global Case Studies
Bruce Stevens
Reservoir Engineer - 35 years simulation experience
Company ethos
Formed in 2005 the vision was to create a software technology that put the power
back into the hands of technical experts.
For years, companies, decision makers and Rock Flow Dynamics supports todays best
decision providers have had to concede deep engineering and technical practices by creating a
understanding of their asset due to limitations of 21st century technology for today and tomorrow...
inefficient and costly software that does not keep
up with the continuous improvement of modern Better decisions, lower costs,
hardware. continuous improvement.
ol o g
Full integration ic al m o
for big loop
Total Production
on ti
ula Si m
Single integrated
technology platform
Number of cores
SPE 162090 Number of cores
Reservoir simulation
on the cloud
Examples of utilising near All of this can be done from a your laptop For large projects there are huge
unlimited hardware resources or workstation via standard internet benefits from economy of scale to block
connection. The end user can monitor book resources, eliminating the fear of
on the cloud are:
calculations in real time and pause the unexpected project creep.
simulation at any time step. The reservoir
Simulation of small to very large
engineer can add a well, add a tracer, The reservoir engineer can now feel
modify well controls during the paused empowered to put all those wonderful
Assisted history matching projects
simulation and restart at any point...all on ideas into practice!
Prediction cases
the cloud.
Optimization studies
Hundreds / thousands of runs in It takes only 30 minutes to allocate
Costs are simple to monitor and easy to hardware and setup the system
minimum timeframe
ready for simulations!
Computer optimization
of development plans in
presence of uncertainty
Key Objective Parallel to the original plans of The subsurface team built a single
Maximize the value of the asset to the subsurface modeling team, geological model as part of their
the business workflow. In this separate experimental
an independent study was
study, 31 models were created in order
Target the P70 value of the NPV to
carried out in order to maximize to account for uncertainty based on the
avoid potential down-side problems the value of the North Sea gas reference case.
asset to the business.
Thousands of simulations required
to capture various development
scenarios with account for
34,000 simulations with different
model realizations and development
scenarios were run on an HPC cluster
Development plan was optimized
NPV was improved by 5% compared
to the engineering solution
The UK NNS Heather Field has Injection water broke through more Key Objective
been in production for 38 years quickly than expected, indicating Locating and quantifying the
considerable heterogeneity, in common remaining oil pockets, sufficiently
with some 90 wells; producers,
with many other Brent oil fields. large enough to warrant further
water injectors and re-completions.
The development plan called The computer capabilities at the time
for producers, supported conspired against a sophisticated
by (expected) aquifer influx, reservoir model description and this Challenges
however, early decline (left) lead to a [widespread] belief [before Only 26% recovery despite 38 years
2014], that modeling of the Heather Field of water-flood development
dropped parts of the field below
was a venture of such complexity, that
the bubblepoint, leading to the results would always be of limited Recent wells, based on mapping
liberation of gas: some producers use, because the remaining unresolved and material balance could only
were quickly converted to issues target under-developed edges
water injection, but were as
a consequence not always in For EnQuest, the arrival of tNavigator
meant, that Heather could be history
optimum positions. Solution
matched in a multi-layered model with
Use of tNAV to run 100s of
realistic heterogeneity, where water
All producers were gas-lifted, making sensitivities determining the
sweeps very small thiefzones, thus
gas production monitoring difficult. required heterogeneity to match
defining the remaining oil-in-place.
PVT was believed to vary considerably local water- breakthrough timing
Without prohibitive runtimes.
throughout the field. So, production and watercut development
of liberated gas was historically not
Rejuvenation of the field is now a real
considered a major issue. Material
balance became doubtful.
Fully History Matched model
identifies local thief zones with
water breakthrough versus layers
with remaining oil
Key Objective The workflow applied included different models that match the history
Probabilistic production forecast in various uncertainties from different and carry out detailed investigation on
a challenging field with account for conceptual steps: reservoir structure, the prediction scenarios in the field and
uncertainty based on the defined reservoir properties, permeability and optimize the development plan based
development scenario for 25 years relative permeability parameters in the on multiple history matching solutions.
period simulation model and well productivity These models were used as the basis
parameters that represent technological for probabilistic forecasting and
uncertainties. The key objective of the optimization of various development
Challenges project was to locate conceptually scenarios with account for uncertainty.
Huge demand in simulations
Integrated assisted history matching
workflow involving static, dynamic
and technological uncertainties
Massive simulations with
tNavigator and HPC cluster
Drilling plan reviewed with risk The project team has built a unique
management assisted history matching workflow
in tNavigator software package. The
High-speed simulations on the RFD cluster workflow allows for multiple solutions
allowed to run a very unique workflow with of the problem. High-speed reservoir
full specter of the uncertainty parameters simulations allowed to run more than
incorporated. Simulation results from 8000 realizations of the model in 2
8100 cases provided the asset team with
days. As the result of the simulations, 83
detailed information about various possible
realizations of the reservoir. The results different realizations of the model with
made it possible to make comprehensive equally good match quality were found.
probabilistic forecast of the reservoir
performance. 2000 cores, 100 nodes (dual Xeon E5 2680v2)
FDR Infiniband 56 Gb/s, RAM 12.8TB
Integrated uncertainty quantification for
Miroslav Budilin development planning of a large field
Senior Reservoir Engineer. Repsol.
Unique features were implemented
Water cut, fr.
The model was tuned to match the
0.3 lab results
Tuned model was used for field
development planning
6.1.2008 2.26.2011 11.22.2013 8.18.2016 5.15.2019
With the introduction of the Behind the displacement front, as The results of study showed
desalination factor in the numerical it was shown above, the active salt significant influence of the
model, it became possible to produce a dissolution and development of low desalinization process on oil water
more accurate calculation of the water filtration resistance zones takes place. displacement
front movement across the reservoir Subsequent injected water propagates
and the dynamics of water-cut in the faster through the zones freed from salt, Better understanding of the reservoir
wells of the sector. An increase in the with the rheological properties of the was achieved
viscosity and density of the injected injected water not changed or changed
fresh water due to salt dissolution, slightly. This results in more rapid Field development plan was
decreases the rate of the displacement increase in water cut in comparison optimized with account of all critical
front propagation, resulting in the with the results of model simulation effects
later breakthrough in comparison without desalinization.
with a model, where the factor of
water interaction with formation salt is
SPE-162091. SPE-176630.
Numerical modeling of salty reservoir Laboratory and numerical study of
waterflooding with fresh water the dissolution process of salinization
clastic reservoirs
Monster model
Key Objective The main goals in modeling of Samotlor full-field model by taking advantage of
Optimize model grid resolution for field is putting together a self- all the inputs obtained from simulations
Samatlor - huge field in Western consistent system for sector and full- of local sectors. In the course of the
Siberia field modeling based on a single high entire lifetime of the field, global
resolution hydrodynamic model with monitoring of fluids and gas cap
Evaluate the hardware requirements no upscaling. This allowed addressing migration will be done simultaneously
for the project global and local issues within the with continuous field development
framework of one unified model. This planning activities performed at the
approach will help to improve a great level of local production units.
Challenges deal of the predictive qualities of the
Extreme simulation time
High-performance computing is
required to run models with multi- Acceleration
million grids 100
Scalable tNavigator solver
combined with HPC cluster 1
1 10 100 1000
demonstrate reasonable
Number of cores
simulation time
Accurate modeling of
fractured wells in full
field simulations
A new approach for modeling
of fractured wells with virtual
perforations was implemented in
Accurate description of fractured
The main benefits of such an approach Multiple realizations of fractures and wells dynamic for full field model
include a more realistic description of reservoir properties can be applied for scale was obtained
fracture physics featuring more direct uncertainty quantification of the reservoir.
coupling of the well and the parts of History matching cycles were
the reservoir connected through the This approach provides the most dramatically reduced
fracture. This approach offers a simple realistic calculation of fluid inflow to
way to define various complex fracture the well. This new technology was Schedule for fracture jobs was
properties as a function of time, and a successfully tested on large full-filled optimized based on more accurate
high degree of flexibility in the definition models of giant Western Siberia prediction models
and re-configuration of fracture network. reservoirs with a large number of
The orientation and shape of fractures hydraulic fractures. This technology
can be easily changed by modification of of fracture modeling can be easily
the few keywords in the model stack file. extended from single to multiple
All model input parameters have clear fractures per well. The approach is
physical meaning, which makes them found to be very efficient for simulation SPE-138071. A new approach in
easy to use in combination with data of unconventional reservoirs with modeling hydraulic fractures and auto
of different scale. The project revealed multistage fractured wells. fractures at injectors in full-field models
great usability of the model for history
matching and prediction purposes. SPE-147021. A new approach to
numerical simulation of fluid flow in
fractured shale gas reservoirs
known issue in reservoir simulation other hand, the analysis based on the Reservoir 21.01
well productions cant give enough EK16 74.14
information of the pattern efficiency. EK29
EK209 9.34
EK237 1.64
Solution Reservoir 14.82
tNavigator introduces a easy
tNavigator was used to solve this EK233 26.83
and efficient approach to get the
problem EK238 16.83
producing-injecting well pairs. Users EK234 EK303 17.36
can focus on the history match to tune EK304 12.96
The producing-injection pairs are
the model and the information for the Reservoir 26.02
calculated automatically during the
injection efficiency will be calculated Output the partition coefficients accurate for
within the simulation. the injection well
Reduce the time used for injection the wells which penetrate the low
optimization by 80%
simulation used in the field plan Thats well-known issue in the reservoir
Reservoir simulation with fine Based on such a high efficient Key Objective
geological model is a better simulation technique, more uncertainty Finish geological model screening
parameters can be used in the within a reasonable time frame
way to enhance accuracy of
uncertainty analysis when using the
simulation research. When computer assisted history matching. Using fine geological model in
using a fine geological model, More information is provided and reservoir simulation research
there will be no grid upscaling it largely reduced the risk when
to change the geometrical improving the geological model. If
structures and effect the results. there is a lack of sufficient data, it could Challenges
cause too much estimations and lead to Hundreds of models will be
an over match. simulated during screening, will take
a very long time.
After the history match, new wells
required to be designed in the More parameters used in the CAHM
prediction plan. Based on the oil will also cause large number of cases
distribution and formation properties which need to be simulated
the user can extract well locations using
GUI tools. Not only for vertical wells but
also for horizontal and deviated wells.
More than 17 times faster to complete the history
matching simulation compared with other simulators
tNavigator deployed on a cluster
to use more computing resources
Saudi Arabia
Gulf Technology Compass LLC (GTC)
6157 Al Yarmok Mada Tower
Unit No 802 Al-Khobar 34423-4187
Eastern Province, Saudi Arabia
T: +966 13 8999883