The rubric outlines 4 criteria for evaluating student projects:
1. Project scope and suitability, which examines the project's relevance, objectives, and requirements.
2. Review of literature, which assesses the sources and summary of research used.
3. Problem statement and methodology, focusing on clarity, appropriateness of methods, and application of knowledge.
4. Teamwork and progress, covering collaboration, contributions, planning, and resource management. Performance is scored as excellent, good, satisfactory or poor for each criterion on a 100 point scale.
The rubric outlines 4 criteria for evaluating student projects:
1. Project scope and suitability, which examines the project's relevance, objectives, and requirements.
2. Review of literature, which assesses the sources and summary of research used.
3. Problem statement and methodology, focusing on clarity, appropriateness of methods, and application of knowledge.
4. Teamwork and progress, covering collaboration, contributions, planning, and resource management. Performance is scored as excellent, good, satisfactory or poor for each criterion on a 100 point scale.
The rubric outlines 4 criteria for evaluating student projects:
1. Project scope and suitability, which examines the project's relevance, objectives, and requirements.
2. Review of literature, which assesses the sources and summary of research used.
3. Problem statement and methodology, focusing on clarity, appropriateness of methods, and application of knowledge.
4. Teamwork and progress, covering collaboration, contributions, planning, and resource management. Performance is scored as excellent, good, satisfactory or poor for each criterion on a 100 point scale.
The rubric outlines 4 criteria for evaluating student projects:
1. Project scope and suitability, which examines the project's relevance, objectives, and requirements.
2. Review of literature, which assesses the sources and summary of research used.
3. Problem statement and methodology, focusing on clarity, appropriateness of methods, and application of knowledge.
4. Teamwork and progress, covering collaboration, contributions, planning, and resource management. Performance is scored as excellent, good, satisfactory or poor for each criterion on a 100 point scale.
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(Total marks-100)
Criteria Level of Excellent Good Satisfactory Poor
Performa (100%) (75%) (50%) (25%) nce 1. Project scope and Relevant to the Relevant to Relevant to the Neither suitability branch of study the branch of branch of relevant to (10 marks) and suitable for study and study and the branch bachelor degree suitable for suitable for of study nor Objectives are bachelor bachelor suitable for clearly defined degree degree bachelor All requirements degree are identified to Objectives are Most of the achieve the clearly objectives are objectives. defined clearly defined The objectives Socially relevant Majority of the are not requirements Some matched Potential for are identified requirements with the further to achieve the are identified project goal research/product objectives. to achieve the development/busi objectives ness merit. Socially relevant Limited potential for Potential for further further research research/prod /product uct development/ development/ business merit. business merit. 2. Review of Literature: Literature review Literature Information is Information (Source/Reference: Peer provide review gathered from is gathered reviewed journals, books, background and provide a limited from a conference proceedings, context to the background number of single videos, etc.) project and context to the project sources. source. Information is Information is Summarized Summary of gathered from multiple, gathered from the relevant the (15Marks) research-based literature literature is multiple sources. inadequate. sources. Summarized the Summarized relevant literature in order to explain the relevant the history, literature to development and formulate the current state of problem. the chosen field and leads to problem formulation. The problem The problem The problem No clarity in 3. Problem statement & statement, scope statement, statement, problem Methodology : and objectives are scope and scope and statement specified with objectives are objectives are clarity specified with specified with Fails to clarity Able to choose clarity identify or Able to (20 Marks) choose a Identifies a explain a the most methodology method; method appropriate which is Not able to method. and relevant to Able to apply apply justify the problem relevant relevant Able to apply knowledge of knowledge relevant the curriculum of the Able to apply knowledge of the content curriculum relevant curriculum content knowledge of content along the curriculum with research content but The method effort limited relies on an research existing Novelty in concept or effort implementation- technology. The method relies The method on an existing relies on an concept or existing technology with concept or students technology contribution 4. Team work and progress Excellent team The team Involvement of Team did work worked well the team in not Each member most of the activity/project collaborate (10 Marks) contributed in a time. implementatio or valuable Each member n is communicat way to the contributed satisfactory. e well. project. to the project. . some Planning and Limited members Exhibits resource planning or worked management forethought. independent professionalism in have Project hastily ly. planning and resource enhanced the completed for management overall quality deadline No evidence project of planning.
5. Project Presentation/ Team is able to Team Team presents The team is
Demonstration. justify and presents all all the above not able to articulate all the the above criteria, but justify and (Presentation and slides: Content above criteria in criteria and is with room for articulate outline, the presentation; able to justify improvement most of the The slides and articulate in justification above Literature review, presented are in most of Slides are criteria; the correct them; mostly in Slides problem identification, format and The slides correct format presented logical order; presented are and logical are not in problem statement, scope, Presentation is in correct order; logical clear and is aided format and order; with properly logical order; Presentation is Presentation methodology, results and formatted Presentation clear and is is discussion, figures/charts etc. is clear and is aided with ambiguous; aided with properly no references, with slide number) Finishes on time properly formatted satisfactory with a proper formatted figures/charts response to conclusion and figures/charts etc most of the questions, excellent etc. time No proper (20 Marks) response to Finishes on demonstrati questions. time with a Finishes with a on Demonstration(If proper proper any) conclusion conclusion and of the developed and good a satisfactory system with response to response to clarity along with questions questions typical Demonstratio Demonstration examples/cases n of the of the developed developed system with system with clarity limited clarity
6. Project Report Well Properly Organized and Lacked
organized and organized clarity is overall clearly and clearly maintained for organization written. The written most of the . Most of the Format of report underlying . parts . time failed logic is clearly Text written in in (Introduction, Literature review, articulated correct format conveying and easy to follow. with all Text written in the idea. Problem definition, sections correct format Text written in mentioned for most of the Format is correct format Text written in parts not as per with contents in correct format Format for standards Methodology, Design and logical order and with all most of the References all sections sections figures and are mostly implementation/Experiment/Sim properly divided properly tables . is absent ulation Results and discussion, and numbered divided and strictly References Conclusion, References) Format for tables, numbered followed are not figures, charts, References are cited in the etc. is strictly Format for , listed cite followed with tables, Clear (15 Marks) labeling and figures, Most of the evidences of properly referred charts, etc. is references are plagiarism in the text) strictly properly cited List of references followed in the text is in the standard List of format references is References are in the properly cited in standard the text following format a references consistent style are properly cited in the No evidences of text plagiarism No evidence of plagiarism
7. Quality of the project Students Project and Project No evidence
demonstrate a project demonstrates of genuine superior level of experience genuine learning knowledge and clearly learning for skills acquired Little (10 Marks) through the stretched expanding student knowledge and concern for project work Project quality knowledge skills project approaches and skills Project quality or professional level Project completed but incomplete Maintained high demonstrates demonstrates project level of ethics good quality moderate The work can be Maintained quality Not tried to published in peer ethical Maintained maintain reviewed journals ethical aspects ethical aspects Multidisciplinary aspects May lead to a Limited scope involvement High level of data publication for publication interpretation, integration, Multidisciplina analysis ry discussion, and involvement results. to some extent