BIM Materials Guide

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The document provides an overview of Building Information Modeling (BIM) training materials for Autodesk software that are available to students.

The document aims to provide guidance on the structure of BIM learning and how to get started with the provided training materials for Autodesk Revit and Navisworks software.

The training materials created by White Frog Publishing can be accessed from the university's online learning platform and downloaded as zip files to extract and organize on the student drive.

Northumbria University

BIM Materials Guide

KB7034 Building Information Modelling Management, Theory and Practice
Document title: BIM Materials

Version: 2.0

Date: 15/08/16

Produced by: Barry J. Gledson of Northumbria University, Engineering and Environment

Copyright 2016 Northumbria University


In the few instances that include step by step computer instructions within this document, the following
conventions are used:

Bold font is used where a command is used in the text. For example File is used to indicate
that the learner should select the file option from the menu.
Bold font is also used to indicate named keys on the keyboard, for example Esc and Enter
Italicized text will be used either to emphasise or draw attention to available options.
Italicized text will also be used for items such as filenames which you are required to open.

Where two keys are separated by a forward slash (as in Ctrl/N, for example) press and hold down
the first key (Ctrl), Tap the second key (N) and then release the first key.


To help you get started with BIM software packages, you will be provided with some
comprehensive training material relating to Autodesk Software, these includes Revit
Architecture, Revit Structures, Revit MEP and Navisworks Manage software. This material will
be available to you to access electronically direct from the ELP (blackboard). The link(s) can
be found in a similar location to the example shown in the below screenshot.

Throughout the module you may also be directed toward further online material available
and academic material such as journal articles and books about the subject.

Read through this guide fully first in order to understand the structure of the learning
approach, then have a look at the quick start materials that have been designed to get you
up and running with BIM.

Autodesk Content
In this module you provided with comprehensive BIM learning materials that have been
created by White Frog Publishing (Note: Northumbria University pay White Frog Publishing an
annual licence fee to be able to use and adapt these materials to suit their teaching requirements).
These include electronic copies of the White Frog Training Courseware for Autodesk Revit
Architecture, Structure and MEP packages and for Autodesk Navisworks Manage. Large
documentation PDF manuals have been provided to enable deeper understanding and
mastery of the packages, as well as Electronic how to videos (with audio), BIM exercise files
(aka datasets) and automated PowerPoint slideshow files (no audio).


Accessing the electronic White Frog Training Materials.

1. All of these electronic White Frog Training Materials can be accessed from the ELP
(blackboard), by going to your module and following similar links to the one shown on
the above screenshot.

2. The below image shows the White Frog Training Material contained within the Content
Collection. For example the Revit Architecture Content Collection is a series of twenty
modules (M00, M01 up to M19), whereas the Navisworks Manage Content Collection

contains a series of twelve modules (M00, M01 up to M11). To download the materials
contained within each folder, be sure to check the tick box and select the Download
Package option which will download the folder in a compressed zip file format.
3. Locate this zip file from within your download folder and extract these files (i.e.
Unzip them) into a suitably named new master BIM folder that you have created on
the shared space on your student drive.
4. Be careful to sure to create separate folders for each module and keep the structure
as shown above for each module (M01 etc) otherwise you will end up with hundreds of
files which you will find difficult to keep track of.

Each folder contains various materials on each topic such as automated PowerPoint slide shows
that may give some background explanation about that particular topic in question, or more
usually for the many practical modules, a step by step how to video that can be combined
with the step-by-step instructions in the hardcopy exercise book. The datasets necessary to
complete the exercise have also been provided in electronic format.

We recommend working through these modules in order, although there may be particular
modules that you wish to focus on - in any case make sure that you fully understand the content
from the introductory modules (usually 00, 01 and 02) before moving on to other modules.

Each White Frog exercise will take approximately 1 hour to complete (although it is likely that
some exercises will take longer and some shorter). To make up any shortfall in computer lab
time you should use the time allocated for your independent learning in this module to make
up the rest of the time (NOTE: we particularly advise viewing the PowerPoint slideshows and
reading the explanatory content within the full electronic version of the training courseware book
for each module outside of in order to maximise any time you have working on the practical
exercises within IT labs - there is little benefit in spending half of each session reading the
preparatory material).

We appreciate that students work at different speeds when it comes to learning computer
software so you can progress through these units as rapidly or as slowly as you would like.
We would also recommend that in order to learn this software, which will be extremely
beneficial to you in the construction project management jobs market, you should attend each
session and progress with this material in a diligent manner.


Quick start exercises: Modules 00 s
Start by watching and listening to the instructions in the how to video contained within Module
00 of each package, then:

1. Following the above instructions, zip download, then extract all files from the Module
00 folders
2. Open the relevant BIM application i.e. a Revit package or the Navisworks Manage

3. Click on the application button, such as or in the top left-hand corner and
navigate down to and click on the open option
4. Follow the in video instructions to get an overview of the package.

After completing Module 00 exercises you can proceed to the next exercise in the book
(usually) Module 02, but make sure you fill the gap by familiarising yourself with the
theoretical content sections of Modules 01 and 02. You should approach your BIM studies in
this manner, as to skip the explanatory content would mean that there is a gap in your BIM


Remember that Students who join the Autodesk Education Community can get free Autodesk
software to download for up to 36 months, via this link:

In addition, there is usually Autodesk education material available which are well worth
working through. The URL for the overall Autodesk BIM courses is:

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