Hardness Testers - Qualitest

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Hardness Testing Technologies

Micro / Vickers / Knoop / Case Depth
Special Scale Hardness Testers
Durometers/IRHD Hardness Testers for Polymers
About Qualitest
QUALITEST, together with the WorldofTest.com network, is a global supplier of testing technologies that help customers improve
their design, development and manufacturing processes. Our mission is to help our customers design, develop and produce their
products faster, with higher quality and at a lower cost. A leader in offering the widest range of precision hardness measurement
tools on the market, Qualitest leverages extensive industry experience to provide products that determine accurate hardness
of metallic and non-metallic materials, and products. These solutions include portable and low cost hardness testers as well as
bench-top and sophisticated systems to meet your highest demands. Qualitest also delivers leading-edge in-line hardness testing
systems for higher volume and automated testing processes.

With rapidly growing presence in North America and worldwide, Qualitest maintains offices in USA, Canada, UAE and Asia with a
wide network of sales and service partners. This global presence ensures that Qualitest customers have fast and efficient access
to Qualitest service, support and consulting services to realize optimal return on their testing solution investments.

Qualitest offers after sales service/calibration support directly or through our authorized and nationwide A2LA accredited and ISO
17025 certified service centers.

Table of Contents

3-4 Rockwell Benchtop

5-7 Rockwell Portable

8 Brinell Benchtop

9 Brinell Portable

10-11 Micro / Vickers / Knoop / Case Depth

11 Vickers / Case Depth

12 Universal

13 Special Scale

14 Accessories

15 Durometers / IRHD

Rockwell Hardness Testers
Benchtop Models

HardRocker 150A Rocky-Series

- Basic Analog Rockwell Regular (HRC, - Rocky Series digital Rockwell hardness
HRB, HRA) Hardness Tester. Low Cost and tester (Regular, and TWIN Model).
very popular. Advanced & highly accurate.
www.WorldofTest.com/hardrocker.htm www.WorldofTest.com/rocky.htm

QualiRock R & RS HardRocker QR-600 Series

- Digital Rockwell Hardness Tester (Regular, - QR-600 series Digital Rockwell hardness
and TWIN Model). Advanced & highly testers measure Standard and / or
accurate. Superficial Rockwell hardness values,
www.WorldofTest.com/qualirock.htm Superior GR & R results, Simultaneous
conversion to HV, HB and other HR scales,
Rugged fine casted frame allowing large
dimension work pieces, ASTM, ISO, JIS
compliant and ...

Rockwell Hardness Testers
Benchtop Models

- Highly advanced Load-cell type Digital Rockwell Hardness
Tester. Rockwell Regular, Superficial, Brinell, Vickers

MTR EsaTest
- Accurate patented hardness tester, for hard to access
areas. Small or large specimens, irregular sample shapes,
gears, bearings, engine blocks, cylinders & other automotive
components. Special applications also include galvanizing,
coatings (hard chrome, anodizing, cylinders) & other applica-
tions in heat treatment department as well as case depth up
to 1/10mm.

In-Line Rockwell Testers

- Efficient, Fast and accurate, for High volume production

Rockwell Hardness Testers
Portable Models

Ames Regular & Superficial H-1000 TH-130 TH-170

- Low cost Analog Portable Rockwell - Basic and low cost single scale - Entry-level Rebound-type - Rebound-type tester with many
Testers. Regular & Superficial in 11 HRC rebound-type hardness tester. Hardness Tester. Low Cost. advanced and convenient features
different models. www.WorldofTest.com/h1000.htm www.WorldofTest.com/thseries.htm such as:
www.WorldofTest.com/ames.htm USB Interface
Replaceable Batteries
Extended Memory

QualiTip HT-100 Hartip-3000 HT-200

- Very popular and best-selling - Standard Rebound-type Hardness - Intermediate Rebound- - Top-of-the-line rebound type
rebound-type portable hardness Tester with seperate impact type Hardness Tester with hardness tester, capable of
tester. Complete and universal devices. interchangeable Impact Devices for measuring the hardness of a broad
model offered at a compact and www.WorldofTest.com/ht100.htm other applications variety of metals on flat and round
attractive package. www.WorldofTest.com/hartip3000. surfaces.
www.WorldofTest.com/qualitip.htm htm www.WorldofTest.com/ht200.htm

Rockwell Hardness Testers
Portable Models

CompuTest SC DynaTest
- State-of-the-art Digital Rockwell Hardness - Heavy Load Digital Hardness Tester, most
Tester with many advanced features suitable for Cast Iron (Oil Pipes or similar
suitable for aluminum, steel and much Turbine Blades, etc.) and Forged Steel.
more. www.WorldofTest.com/dynatest.htm

Handy EsaTest
- Accurate patented hardness tester, for hard to access areas. Small or large specimens,
irregular sample shapes, gears, etc.

Rockwell Hardness Testers
Portable Models

Bore Hardness Tester Webster Testers

- For hardness measurement inside the bores, holes, - 3 different models for Aluminum, Mild Steel-Brass,
pipes, cutting dies, heyweys, etc. and Copper with conversions to HRE and HRB.
www.WorldofTest.com/borehardness.htm www.WorldofTest.com/webster.htm

Gear Tooth Flank Hardness Tester Gear Teeth Hardness Tester

- The tester consists of test unit N1E 000 (S80), - The Tester consists of test unit N1E 000 (complete
complete with dial gauge, dial gauge cover, spring with dial gauge, dial gauge cover and spring set)
sleeve and measuring head with lever for applying load application lever, measuring head (comprising
test loads. It also incorporates a spring link to two, hardened steel plates) with built-in spring link
transmit the test loads to indenter and device for to transmit test load to indentor, including diamond
clamping instrument to gear tooth flanks. indentor, with device of light metal to clamp tester to
www.WorldofTest.com/gearteethht.htm gear tooth flanks by means of load limiting clutch.

Brinell Hardness Testers
Benchtop Models

Used-Rebuilt Models

- We also carry Rebuilt and used Brinell Testers. These units

have all new electricals, new load valve block, new pump,

new hydraulic lines and fittings, newer o-ring style bottom

cylinder cover, an additional pressure safety valve, external

oil filter system, repainted.) Please contact us for the

current list of our rebuilt Brinell Testers.


HardBrineller HBE-3000A BRE-AUT Motorized

- Load Cell type Brinell Hardness Tester - Rugged & Top
for loads up to 3,000 kgf. Economical quality Floor Model Brinell Hardness
and suitable for low to medium volume Testers, Suitable for Production
testing. Environments and High Volume Testing.
www.WorldofTest.com/hbe-3000a.htm www.WorldofTest.com/brinelltester.htm

M5C-Series Universal Brinell

- State-of-the-art Brinell Testing, in addition
to having the capability of Rockwell (Regular/
Superficial) and Vickers testing. Advanced
Integrated LCD Monitor and Automatic Image

In-Line Brinell Testers

- Hardness testing machine with test point preparation by milling for Brinell and
Rockwell with features like Fully automatic test cycle for an uninfluenced image
analysis according to standards, Complex data management with efficient import
and export functions, Rotatable vertical column for the improvement of work
piece feeding (swivelling area -90 0 +90), Laser pointer for the determination of
milling/testing points and much more...

Brinell Hardness Testers
Portable Models

DynaTest TeleBrineller King Brinell

- Heavy Load Digital Hardness Tester, most - Low cost Portable Telebrineller System - The most popular Brinell Hardness Tester
suitable for Cast Iron (Oil Pipes or similar permits the accurate and convenient on the market. Accurate, versatile,
Turbine Blades, etc.) and Forged Steel determination of the Brinell Hardness of affordable.
www.WorldofTest.com/dynatest.htm metals and metal products, independent of www.WorldofTest.com/brinell.htm
their dimensions, shape, and location.

Brinell Microscope (Manual), and Stage KingScan Automatic Microscope with Qualiscope
Micrometer CCD Camera and advanced features - Available in two economical and
- This Brinell microscope is the most - Brinell impression reading is faster and advanced versions, offers convenient and
rugged, versatile and optically reliable on easier than ever before with the KingScan accurate meaurement of Brinell hardness,
the market today. computerized microscope. via CCD camera and advanced software.
www.WorldofTest.com/brinellmicroscope. www.WorldofTest.com/kingscan.htm www.WorldofTest.com/qualiscope.htm

Micro / Vickers / Knoop Hardness Testers

M1C QV-1000 Series QV-CCD Filar Systems

- Top-of-the-Line Low Load Hardness Tester - QV-1000 Series Micro Vickers hardness Unique, user friendly system combines the
for Vickers, Knoop, & Brinell testers are low-cost and precise testing power, speed and flexibility of a personal
www.WorldofTest.com/ systems suitable for hardness analysis computer with the precision of our Vickers
microhardnesstester.htm of metallic specimens in metallography / Micro-Vickers hardness testers series,
laboratories or production environments to accommodate a full spectrum of micro
www.WorldofTest.com/ hardness testing requirements.
microhardnesstester.htm www.WorldofTest.com/qv-ccd.htm

QV-430 / QV450AAT Vickers Hardness QV-430 / QV-450DAT Vickers Hardness M4C

Tester Tester - State-of-the-art Vickers testing with fully
- Analogue measurement micrometer - With digital measurement microscope, automatic image analysis. Capable of doing
reading and easy-to-use integrated large LCD display featuring statistics, limits all Vickers scales 1kg and up as well as all
hardness calculator checking and scale conversions Rockwell and most Brinell scales.
www.WorldofTest.com/ www.WorldofTest.com/ www.WorldofTest.com/m4c.htm
vickershardnesstester.htm.htm vickershardnesstester.htm

CMT Retrofit Package for Existing Micro Hardness Testers

- The solution of choice for laboratories that require a low cost modernization package. Using your own
computer, install easy-to-use CMT software, an acquisition board and a high resolution camera.
Supported testers include: Buehler, Clark, Future-Tech, Leco, Leica/Leitz, Mitutoyo, Shimadzu and Zwick.

Vickers / Case Depth Hardness Testers


- The most advanced Case Depth hardness tester - Accurate patented hardness tester, for hard to
on the market, which within 30 seconds can access areas. Small or large specimens, irregular
accurately determine the case depth hardness of sample shapes, gears, bearings, engine blocks,
metals without the need of cross-sectioning the test cylinders & other automotive components. Special
piece. This instrument is a true innovation, offering applications also include galvanizing, coatings (hard
remarkable advantages in determining the case chrome, anodizing, cylinders) & other applications in
depth of various surface hardened layers. Traditional heat treatment department as well as case depth up
methods can only indicate a hardness value at a to 1/10mm.
restricted depth, very close to the surface. This new www.WorldofTest.com/esatest.htm
system can indicate hardness over an extended
range up to 1.6 mm depth.

Handy EsaTest
- Advanced & Accurate Portable Model. The most
simple and accurate patented hardness tester, for
hard to access areas. Small or large specimens,
irregular sample shapes, gears, etc.

Universal Hardness Testers

QV-700 M4C Universal Hardness Tester

- Analogue, manual universal hardness tester for - Combined Rockwell (Regular / Superficial) /
reliable Rockwell, Brinell and Vickers testing Brinell / Vickers / Knoop hardness tester, with
www.WorldofTest.com/qv-700.htm innovative design and direct indication of the
indentation on the integrated LCD Monitor.

M5C Universal Brinell V4 / V5 Universal Brinell Hardness Tester

- State-of-the-art Brinell Testing, in addition to - Ideal for large and heavy components. Brinell
having the capability of Rockwell (Regular/ ranges up to 3000kg, Rockwell and Superficial
Superficial) Testing as well as Vickers. Advanced Rockwell, Vickers HV20-100. Fully automatic
Integrated LCD Monitor and Automatic Image image analysis
Analysis. www.WorldofTest.com/v4-5.htm

Special Scale Hardness Testers

Webster Testers
- 3 different models for Aluminum, Mild
Steel-Brass, and Copper with conversions
to HRE and HRB.

Impressor - Barcol Hardness Tester HPE - Digital Barcol Hardness Tester

Barcol Impressor Hardness Tester

- Analog and Digital models, for accurate hardness measurement on glass-reinforced plastics, duro plastics, hard thermo plastics,
semifinished and finished products, and aluminum according to Barcol

Hardness Testing Accessories

Rockwell Test Blocks

Comes with full certification.
Rockwell Regular Hardness Test Blocks: HRA, HRB, HRC,
HRD, HRE, HRF, HRG, HRH, HRK, HRL, HRM, HRP, HRR, Rockwell Testing Accessories
HRS, HRV. Diamond Penetrators
Rockwell Superficial Hardness Test Blocks: HR15N, Ball Penetrators
HR30N, HR45N, HR15T, HR30T, HR45T, HR15W, HR30W, Anvils
HR45W, HR15X, HR30X, HR45X, HR15Y, HR30Y, HR45Y Other
www.WorldofTest.com/hardnessblocks.htm www.WorldofTest.com/hardnessblocks.htm

Brinell Test Blocks Micro (Vickers / Knoop) Test Blocks and Indentors
Comes with full certification. Comes with full certification.
3000Kg, 2000Kg, 1500Kg, 1000Kg, 500Kg, 250Kg, Our range of micro hardness test blocks exceed industry
187.5Kg & Telebrineller Bars standards. All of our micro test blocks are mirror-polished
Brinell Accessories: and mounted to provide the best possible test surface.
Steel Balls We offer Vickers and Knoop Diamond Indenters that are
Carbide Balls suitable for different hardness tester makes.
www.WorldofTest.com/hardnessblocks.htm http://www.WorldofTest.com/microindentor.htm

Durometers / IRHD Hardness Tester Range
For Rubber, Plastics and Other Elastomers

Portable Models

HP-Series Analog Durometer HPE-II Digital Durometers P&J Plastometer

- Low-cost Hand-held Dial Type Durometers for - Digital Hand-held Durometers for all Shore - Popular Digital Durometer for the Printing
all Shore scales. Highest quality and accuracy scales. Highest quality and accuracy and the and rubber roll manufacturing industry. Pusey
and the most durable on the market. Can be most durable model on the market. RS-232 & Jones scale, and also known as P&J
used as bench-top units with the optional test interface for data transfer to PC is available. Plastometer.
stand. Can be used as bench-top units with the www.WorldofTest.com/puseyandjones.htm
www.WorldofTest.com/durometer.htm optional test stand.

Benchtop Models

DigiTest Automatic Motorized IRHD Compact Hardness Tester O-Ring Automat

- The most versatile and accurate automatic - Standard durometer for thin elastomers, - Automatic high volume testing of
Durometer on the market with easy expansion O-rings, gaskets and seals O-Rings
and upgradability as well as possibility to test www.WorldofTest.com/irhdmicrocompact.htm www.WorldofTest.com/oringautomat.htm
various Shore or IRHD scales with the push
of a button, totally eliminating operators
influence on test results.

Also offered by Qualitest:

Universal Tensile / Compression Testing Machines

Pendulum Impact Tester

Resonant Fatigue Testers

Grips & Fixtures for Tensile, Compression, Flexure, etc. Tests

Sheet Metal Formability Testing Machine

Drop Weight Tear Impact Tester

Automatic Strain Measurement & FLC Analysis

Spectroscopy Products ( UV / VIS, FT-IR, AAS )

Physical Sample Preparation Equipment ( Tensile/Impact, etc. )

Metallography Equipment / Metallurgical Microscopes

Surface Roughness Testers

Thickness Gauges

Profile Projectors

Extensive Range of Plastics & Rubber Testing Equipment

Contact Information:

Toll free 1.877.884.8378

Fax: 954.697.8211

email: info@qualitest-inc.com


Qualitest Locations:

USA: Plantation, Florida

Buffalo, New York

Canada: Richmond Hill, Ontario

UAE: Dubai
Asia: Hong Kong

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