CompleteCAE WLM ExtendedUnit04 PDF
CompleteCAE WLM ExtendedUnit04 PDF
CompleteCAE WLM ExtendedUnit04 PDF
Unit 4
Abbreviations: n/np = noun / noun phrase; v/vp = verb / verb phrase; adj/adjp = adjective / adjective phrase;
adv/advp = adverb / adverb phrase; T/I = transitive/intransitive; C/U = countable/uncountable
The numbers indicate the page in the unit on which the word or phrase first appears. RS indicates that the word
or phrase appears in the recording script (a student version of the recording scripts can be found at
Complete CAE by Guy Brook-Hart and Simon Haines Cambridge University Press 2009 PHOTOCOPIABLE
a hotbed of sth np (39) a place where there is a lot of a retain sth v [T] (40) to continue to keep something
particular activity
rethink sth v [I or T] (39) to change what you think
idea-swapping n [U] (39) telling other people about your about something or what you plan to do
ideas and listening to other peoples ideas
right across the board pp (RS) affecting everyone or
in all fields pp (RS) in all areas of study or activity every part of something
in demand pp (RS) wanted or needed in large numbers shortage n [C] (40) when there is not enough of
job-sharing n [U] (42) when two people do one job
between them, sharing the duties and the pay and shrink v [I] (RS) to become smaller, or to make
working at different times of the day or week something smaller
kill a few birds with one stone (usually to kill two birds sparkle v [I] (39) to shine brightly because of reflected
with one stone) vp (39) to achieve several things at once light
labyrinthine adj (38) having a lot of passages and parts spartan adj (39) very simple and not comfortable or
so that it is easy to get lost in luxurious
layout n [U] (38) the way that something is arranged stifling adj (39) extremely hot and therefore unpleasant
or difficult to breathe
light and airy adjp (39) having a lot of light and space
tenet n [C] (RS) formal a principle or belief of a theory or
made up of vp (RS) to consist of or be formed from two
or more things
threadbare adj (39)
mundanity n [U] (39) when something is very ordinary
1 material or clothes are very thin because they have
and not interesting
been used too much
open-plan office n [C] (37) an office with few or no 2 poorly or cheaply furnished
walls inside, so it is not divided into smaller rooms
utilitarian adj (39) designed to be useful and not
outline sth v [T] (44) to describe the most important beautiful
ideas or facts about something
vast knowledge adj+n (40) great knowledge
perk n [C] (40) something you are given because of your
warehouse n [C] (37) a large building for storing goods
job, such as a car, which is not your salary
that are going to be sold
price yourself out of the market vp (RS) to charge such
workload n [U] (43) the amount of work that you have
a lot of money for the things you are selling that people
to do
stop buying them
workstation n [C] (37) a computer and the area around it
prioritise sth v [T] (33) to decide which of a group of
where you work in an office
things are the most important so that you can deal with
them first
quality of life np (37) the level of enjoyment, comfort and
health in someones life
Complete CAE by Guy Brook-Hart and Simon Haines Cambridge University Press 2009 PHOTOCOPIABLE