Extended Wordlist: Unit 8
Extended Wordlist: Unit 8
Extended Wordlist: Unit 8
Unit 8
Abbreviations: n/np = noun / noun phrase; v/vp = verb / verb phrase; adj/adjp = adjective / adjective phrase;
adv/advp = adverb / adverb phrase; T/I = transitive/intransitive; C/U = countable/uncountable
The numbers indicate the page in the unit on which the word or phrase first appears. RS indicates that the word
or phrase appears in the recording script (a student version of the recording scripts can be found at
acceptable adj (79) allowed or approved of democratic process adj+n [C] (RS) a process in which
everyone is equally involved and everyone helps to make
affect sb/sth v [T] (79) to influence someone or
something, or cause them to change
depressing adj (RS) making you feel unhappy and
argue against sth v [T] (83) to say that something is
without any hope for the future
wrong and give reasons why it is wrong
directive n [C] (79) an official instruction
banish sb v [T] (79) to send someone away from a place,
often as a punishment fad n [C] (79) something that is fashionable for a short
period of time
be honest with sb adjp (80) to tell someone the truth
feel pride at sth vp (RS) to feel very pleased about
be intrigued by sth vp (79) to be very interested in
something you have done, something you own or
something and want to know more about it
someone you know
be standard policy to do sth np (78) to be the usual way
go through a phase vp (RS) to be in a period of your life
that a company, government, etc. deals with a particular
when you do a particular thing
gunfire n [U] (RS) when guns are fired, or the noise that
blog n [C] (81) a record of your thoughts that you put on
this makes
the Internet for other people to read
have (serious) consequences for sb vp (79) to cause
blogger n [C] (82) a person who writes a blog
something bad to happen to someone
breaking news n [C] (77) important news that is just
have an influence on sb vp (84) to affect how someone
becoming public
thinks or behaves
broadcast sth v [T] (79) to send out a programme on
have regrets about sth vp (RS) to feel sorry or sad about
television or radio
a situation, wishing that it was different
call for sth v [T] (83) to demand that something happens
heighten sth v [I or T] (79) to increase or make
candid adj (79) honest, especially about something that something increase
is unpleasant or embarrassing
in its infancy pp (RS) something that is in its infancy
compatible adj (78) if people are compatible, they like has only just begun to develop
each other and are happy to spend time together
in the long run pp (RS) at a time that is far away in the
continuum n [C] (79) something that changes in future
character in very slight stages, without any clear
in the (media) spotlight pp (77) when someone
dividing points
gets public attention by being on television, in the
cooperative adj (79) willing to help or do what people newspapers, etc.
inflation rate n [C] (77) the speed at which prices
cope with sth v [T] (78) to deal successfully with a increase
difficult situation
Complete CAE by Guy Brook-Hart and Simon Haines © Cambridge University Press 2009 PHOTOCOPIABLE
influential adj (RS) having a lot of influence short-term effects np (77) effects that last a short time
(influence = the power to affect someone or something)
side effect n [C] (77) another effect that a drug has on
informative adj (85) containing a lot of useful facts your body in addition to the main effect for which the
doctor has given you the drug
jargon n [U] (79) words and phrases used by particular
groups of people that are difficult for other people to sign up for sth v [T] (RS) to agree to do something or to
understand join something
joint owner n [C] (82) one of two or more people who snowball v [I] (79) if a problem, idea or situation
together own something snowballs, it quickly grows bigger or more important
lap sth up v [T] (80) to enjoy something very much social networking website n [C] (RS) a website where
you can make new friends, send messages to them and
keep sb up to date with sth vp (81) to make sure
play games with them
you always have the most recent information about
something the tabloids n [C] (RS) in the UK, the smaller
newspapers with more pictures and shorter, simpler
leave sth to sb’s discretion vp (79) to allow someone to
make their own judgement or decision about something
trustworthy adj (81) able to be trusted
malaise n [C or U] (83) formal a situation in which a
problem affects all parts of something TV network n [C] (78) a large television company that
broadcasts programmes in many areas
mention sb/sth v [T] (80) to briefly speak or write about
someone or something unethical adj (78) morally bad
news bulletin n [C] (77) a short news programme on update
television or radio 1 v [T] (RS) to add new information
2 n [C] (RS) new information
overreact v [I] (82) to react in a way that is too extreme
up-market adj (80) expensive and used by people who
perspective n [C or U] (85) the way you think about
are from a high social class
veteran adj [C] (RS) having done a job or activity for a
personnel n [U] (79) the people who work for an
long time
volatile adj (79) likely to change suddenly or suddenly
plumes of smoke np (RS) tall, thin lines of smoke rising
become angry or violent
into the air
vote sb off v [T] (79) if a person in a television show is
pros and cons of sth np (85) the advantages and
voted off, the people watching the programme vote in
disadvantages of something
order to make that person leave the show
reality TV show np (77) a television programme about
well-being n [U] (79) when someone is healthy, happy,
ordinary people who are filmed in real situations
and comfortable
representative adj (79) the same as other people or
things in a particular group
search engine n [C] (RS) a computer program which
finds information on the Internet by looking for words
which you have typed in
Complete CAE by Guy Brook-Hart and Simon Haines © Cambridge University Press 2009 PHOTOCOPIABLE