Threat Assessment
Threat Assessment
Threat Assessment
Terrorism Threat Assessment
About Us
Shortly after the tragic events of September 11, 2001, New Jerseys legislature and Governor
passed and signed the Domestic Security Preparedness Act, which created the Domestic Se-
curity Preparedness Task Force within the Office of the Attorney General. In 2002, the Gov-
ernor created the Office of Counterterrorism (OCT) by Executive Order, which remained
under the Attorney General. OCT provided New Jersey with a single agency to lead and
coordinate New Jerseys counterterrorism efforts with state, local, and federal authorities and
with the private sector.
OCT remained in place until 2006, when it was reorganizedagain by Executive Orderinto
the New Jersey Office of Homeland Security and Preparedness (NJOHSP), bolstering New
Jerseys resources for counterterrorism, critical infrastructure protection, emergency prepared-
ness, training, and federal grants management. NJOHSP was tasked with coordinating coun-
terterrorism and emergency response efforts across all levels of government, law enforce-
ment, emergency management, nonprofit organizations, and the private sector.
NJOHSP leads and coordinates New Jerseys counterterrorism, cybersecurity, and emergency
preparedness efforts while building resiliency throughout the State.
Core Values
SERVICE. We put our State and its citizens first, and we put Mission before self. We take
pride in being timely, agile, and relevant.
TEAMWORK. We stand with and behind each other. We recognize that partnerships, both
internal and external, are critical to achieving success. We cannot fulfill our Mission alone.
EXCELLENCE. We take great pride in the quality of our work. We do every task, every
project, every initiative, to the best of our ability.
But out of the terror came hope. From the members of the public who
led Linden police to Ahmad Rahimis location as well as the site of other
planted bombs, to the heroes who ultimately detained Rahimi at great per-
sonal risk, to the collaboration and mission focus that characterized the subsequent federal, state, and
local investigation, we in New Jerseyonce againshowed how resilient we are in the face of great
This event, combined with the horrific shooting in Orlando and other brutal attacks abroad in 2016,
reminded us that the greatest terror threat we face is from homegrown violent extremism. This is
largely because the violence some individuals are committed to carrying out is so difficult for home-
land security and law enforcement to detect and deter. Add to this the dramatic rise in domestic
terrorism across our country from race-based, single-issue, anti-government, and religious-based ex-
tremists, particularly against law enforcement and first responders, and it is clear our threat landscape
has expanded dramatically in the last year.
These circumstances dictate that the New Jersey Office of Homeland Security and Preparedness
(NJOHSP) redouble its efforts to produce finished intelligence that informs local action, invests more
personnel and resources in strategic partnerships at the federal, state, and local levels, and directly
engages the public in awareness campaigns that push the See Something, Say Something message.
In the next year and beyond, we are committed to these actionsand as a result, the dedicated profes-
sionals at NJOHSP make this pledge to you: We will do everything we can to ensure that you and your families
are safe and secure.
But we cannot fulfill this pledge alone. We need your support and partnership. We are all responsible
for keeping our communities safe, so please rememberif you see something, say something
by reaching out to us at 1-866-4-SAFE-NJ (866-472-3365) or e-mail
Section Title #
Assessed Threat Level
High Homegrown Violent Extremists
Al-Qaida in the Arabian Peninsula
Anarchist Extremists
Black Separatist Extremists
Moderate Islamic State of Iraq and Syria
Militia Extremists
Sovereign Citizen Extremists
White Supremacist Extremists
Al-Qaida in the Indian Subcontinent
Al-Qaida in the Islamic Maghreb
Animal Rights Extremists
Anti-Abortion Extremists
Low Boko Haram
Environmental Extremists
Nusrah Front
Tehrik-e-Taliban Pakistan
Anti-Abortion Extremists
In 2016, NJOHSP began assessing anti-abortion extremists because of a nationwide increase in threats
against abortion facilities in 2015, when an extremist killed three and wounded six at a Planned Parent-
hood clinic in Colorado.
embers of the public reported suspi- Four hours after the alerts were issued, a bar owner
cious behavior that led authorities to in Linden (Union County) notified police after ob-
Ahmad Rahimis location and the site serving a man later identified as Rahimi sleeping in
of other bombs, underscoring that citizen-out- the doorway of his establishment. Linden police re-
reach efforts aimed at raising terrorism aware- sponded and, following a gunfight, took Rahimi into
ness can yield impactful results. On September 19, custody. The previous day, two men found a backpack
law enforcement in New Jersey and New York issued containing five pipe bombs near the Elizabeth train
news media, social media, and cellular alerts to the station. They notified local police, which detonated
public with photos of Rahimi. the device.
Elizabeth, Cell phone video depicts County Queens
New Jersey Hudson Manhattan
Rahimi testing an County
September 15,
6:30 p.m. improvised device.
1 Union
Pedestrians discover
Elizabeth, five devices inside a
New Jersey
backpack. A detonation
September 18,
8:40 p.m. occurs, resulting in no
injuries. 5
Mateen . . . Artan . . .
Conducted surveillance at Pulse prior to the at-
Attended classes at Ohio State University.
Legally purchased a semiautomatic rifle and a Used his vehicle and a knife purchased the morn-
handgun two weeks prior to the shooting. ing of the attack.
Ohio State University attacker Artan (left) Orlando shooter Mateen reportedly viewed Aulaqi
and Aulaqi (right). lectures and videos.
of all domestic terrorist attacks in the United States in 2016
were attributed to race-based groups such as black separatist
and white supremacist extremists, with the primary targets
being law enforcement and minority groups.
6 13
12 10
5 5
4 4 4
0 0
2015 2016 2015 2016
Attacks Plots Deaths Injuries
L ast year, there were seven documented at- 4) Charles Butler, Robert Paschalis, Toledo, Ohio
tacks attributed to white supremacists, an On May 18, authorities arrested Butler and Paschalis
increase from five in 2015. They were:
1) Dana Ericson, Nashville, Indiana
for assaulting a black man with a broom outside his
residence, leaving him with a damaged eye socket. Pri-
or to his arrest, Butler posted online that he was acting
On February 18, Ericson, a in the name of the white race.
self-proclaimed white suprema-
cist, slashed a foreign exchange 5) Russell Courtier, Colleen Hunt, Gresham, Oregon
student with a hatchet while the On August 10, Courtier and Hunt attacked an Afri-
student was on a class field trip. can-American teenager outside a convenience store.
He claimed this act was ethnic After the teen tried to flee, Courtier and Hunt ran
cleansing and that he hates over him with their car, killing him. Courtier was a
people of color. long-time member of a white supremacist prison gang
known as European Kindred.
2) Oliver Stewart-Vukicevic, Harlem, New York
On February 24, Stewart-Vukicevic, who was suspect- 6) Daniel Rowe, Olympia, Washington
ed of a hate crime involving anti-Semitic letters left On August 16, Rowe, a self-proclaimed white suprem-
throughout his apartment building, charged at detec- acist, stabbed an interracial couple with a knife after
tives with a knife after they came to investigate. The he saw them kissing outside a restaurant. While under
detectives found swastikas and other hate-filled litera- arrest, he continued espousing racist rhetoric, focused
ture in his residence. specifically on the Black Lives Matter movement.
3) Ian Justine Plankey, Richard Lawrence Daulton, 7) Aaryn Snyder, Fort Wayne, Indiana
Kevin Matthew Stewart, Lake Los Angeles, California On August 21, Snyder, a self-proclaimed white su-
On February 28, Plankey, Daulton, and Stewart began premacist, stabbed his African-American neighbor
using racial slurs and harassing a group of Hispanic to death for being in his yard. Snyder admitted to the
individuals playing soccer and speaking Spanish. The stabbing and was also arrested for failing to register as
harassment escalated, and the three attacked the group a sex offender.
with knives.
3 4
5 6
From 2007-12, the number of self-proclaimed militia groups in the United States rose nearly 650
percent, according to the Southern Poverty Law Center.
Anarchist extremists protest against white supremacists in Sacramento, California in June 2016.
$1 million
Property damage caused by anarchist extremists
in Portland, Oregon in the four days following the
US presidential election. Additionally, the Portland
Police incurred roughly $500,000 in overtime costs
during the riots.
Section Title #
Security Starts With YOU
N JOHSPs Hometown Security Initiative is designed to train and educate Main Street owners
and operators of facilities like restaurants, nightclubs, cafes, theaters, stores, and entertain-
ment venues. Using the Connect-Prepare-Train-Report model, this initiative is intended to inform
the public on global intelligence awareness, likely threat scenarios, protective security, and suspicious activity
reporting. The program is being implemented statewide to increase community resilience, readiness, and overall
@NJOHSP Podcast search Intelligence. Unclassified. on iTunes
IG: @njhomelandsecurity LinkedIn search NJOHSP
to keep employees and customers safe
Contact about:
Continuity of Operations Planning Community Resilience Assessments
Business Impact Assessments Facility Self-Assessments
Facility Evacuation Planning Target Hardening
Emergency Employee Notification Procedures Cybersecurity Best Practices, Information
Sharing andResources
Section Title #
Notable Deliverables
his data includes the combined efforts of NJOHSPs four DivisionsIntel-
ligence, Policy and Planning, Cybersecurity, and Administrationfrom July
2015 to June 2016.
N/A - This metric was not tracked systematically.
N/I - New NJOHSP initiative.
NJLearn is an NJOHSP-managed Learning Management System that develops and presents
critical online training for sworn law enforcement and first responders in New Jersey.
Section Title #
Al-Qaida HAMAS
Al-Qaida is an Islamic extremist organization founded in 1988 HAMAS, an acronym for Harakat al-Muqwama al-Islmiyya,
by Usama Bin Ladin and other Arab foreign fighters who fought or the Islamic Resistance Movement, was founded in 1987 by
against the Soviet Union in Afghanistan in the 1980s. deceased Sheikh Ahmed Yassin as an offshoot of the Palestinian
Muslim Brotherhood.
Al-Qaida in the Arabian Peninsula (AQAP)
AQAP is an Islamic extremist organization based in Yemen. It is Hizballah
al-Qaidas most active global affiliate. Hizballah is an Islamic militant group based in Lebanon and al-
lied with Iran.
Al-Qaida in the Indian Subcontinent (AQIS)
AQIS is an Islamist extremist group that aims to fight the gov- Homegrown Violent Extremists (HVEs)
ernments of Pakistan, India, Myanmar, Bangladesh, and Sri Lan- HVEs are individuals inspired by foreign terrorist organizations
ka to establish an Islamic State. and radicalized in the countries in which they are born, raised,
or reside.
Al-Qaida in the Islamic Maghreb (AQIM)
AQIM became al-Qaidas North Africa affiliate in 2006. AQIM Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS)
was formerly known as the Salafist Group for Preaching and ISIS, also referred to as the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant,
Combat, a splinter group of the Armed Islamic Group, both of the Islamic State, or Daesh, split from al-Qaida in 2014 and es-
which fought against Algerias secular government. tablished its self-proclaimed caliphate, claiming authority over
all Muslims.
Al-Shabaab is an Islamic extremist organization seeking to es- Lashkar-e-Tayyiba (LeT)
tablish an austere version of Islam in Somalia. In addition to LeT is an Islamic extremist organization focused on attacking
Somalia, the group operates in Kenya, Ethiopia, and Tanzania. and expelling Indians from Kashmir, a northern state in India
that borders Pakistan and is home to a Muslim-majority popu-
Anarchist Extremists lation.
Anarchist extremists advocate violence in furtherance of sub-
movements such as anti-racism, anti-capitalism, anti-globalism, Militia Extremists
and environmental extremism. Militia extremists view the federal government as an existential
threat to the rights and freedoms of Americans. They judge
Animal Rights Extremists armed resistance to be necessary to preserve these rights.
The goal of animal rights extremists is to inflict economic dam-
age on individuals or groups that believe all animalshuman Nusrah Front
and non-humanhave equal rights of life and liberty. Animal The Nusrah Frontal Qaidas affiliate in Syria, which is some-
rights extremists are willing to conduct criminal activity to ad- times referred to as Levant Conquest Front or Jabhat Fateh
vance this ideology. al-Shamis focused on overthrowing Syrian President Bashar
Anti-Abortion Extremists
Anti-abortion extremists are individuals or groups who believe Race-Based Extremists
abortion is unethical and that violence is justified against people Race-based extremists seek to establish the superiority of one
and establishments providing abortion services. racial or ethnic group over others. This includes white suprema-
cist and black separatist extremists.
Anti-Government Extremists
Anti-government extremists believe the US political system is Single-Issue Extremists
illegitimate and force is justified to bring about change. This in- Single-issue extremists participate in a form of violent extrem-
cludes militia extremists and sovereign citizen extremists. ism which has its source in domestic political or economic issues.
This includes animal rights extremists, environmental extremists,
Black Separatist Extremists anti-abortion extremists, and anarchist extremists.
Black separatist extremists are individuals or groups that seek to
establish an independent nation for people of African descent. Sovereign Citizen Extremists
Sovereign citizens throughout the United States view federal,
Boko Haram state, and local governments as illegitimate.
Boko Haram is an Islamic extremist organization based in north-
eastern Nigeria, which pledged allegiance to the Islamic State of Tehrik-e-Taliban Pakistan (TTP)
Iraq and Syria in March 2015. TTP is an Islamic extremist organization seeking to overthrow
Pakistans government and expel US forces from Afghanistan.
Environmental Extremists
Environmental extremists view manmade threats to the environ- White Supremacist Extremists
ment as so severe that violence and property damage are justified White supremacist extremists believe in the inherent superiority
to prevent further destruction. of the white race. They seek to establish dominance over non-
whites through violence.