X-Mouse Button Control User Guide PDF
X-Mouse Button Control User Guide PDF
X-Mouse Button Control User Guide PDF
The Application/Window Profiles list contains all of the profiles you have created and assigned to various applications or windows.
From here you can quickly activate or deactivate profiles using the check box to the left of the profile name, rename profiles, create new
profiles, copy an existing profile, edit the selected profile, import and export profiles or remove an unnecessary profile. Profiles can be
edited, copied or removed via their respective buttons or from the right-click context menu. If a profiles text is RED, then it is the active
profile, in other words it currently has keyboard/mouse focus for sending commands.
The Profile Information box displays how XMBC identifies the selected process or window
The information is identical to what was entered when
creating the profile.
You can use the Window Regions options to restrict the profile to
individual quadrants of the window, for example, when the cursor
is over the top left of a window, check the top left check box and
leave the other three checkboxes unchecked.
For target selection press and hold left the left-click button over
the window finder icon then drag the target cursor to the desired
window and release.
For hover selection mark the radio button then move the cursor
over the desired window. Press caps lock to stop hot-tracking so
the current windows information can be confirmed.
NOTE: Prior to XMBC 2.15, the Scrolling and Options tabs were combined in a single 'Scrolling & Navigation' tab.
Default passes through the original uninterrupted message sent by the mouse driver.
1. Scroll Message Send WM_HSCROLL or WM_VSCROLL directly to the window under the mouse. (works with some windows)
2. Scroll Info Use the Win32 SetScrollInfo API to set the scroll position of a window... (rarely works, but gives great results when it does)
3. Left/Right Keys Sends left & right arrow keys (only applies to horizontal scrolling)
4. Wheel Message Send WM_MOUSEWHEEL or WM_MOUSEHWHEEL message to the window (most recognizable/reliable)
5. WPF Scroll Message Send a special scroll message, for use with newer applications built using the Windows Presentation Foundation.
None (Disable Scroll) blocks the original message and doesnt inject anything other messages, thus disabling the scroll wheel.
NOTE: You can reverse scrolling by choose a negative increment in the Vertical Lines or Horizontal Characters fields.
NOTE: When any of the first three methods fails to register for an application XMBC invokes the Default scrolling method and applies the
vertical lines or horizontal characters scrolling increments, Method 3 will resort to Method 1 for vertical scrolls prior to invoking Default. This
way scrolling will not cease if one of these methods isnt recognized by the window.
When you select Button Chording for a particular button, the Button
Chording window will be displayed. This screen allows you to select
the chord action for each button and also the default (no chord) action
for the original button (for when you dont press any other buttons
before releasing the defined button).
Chose actions that other buttons should apply while the initial chord
button is held down.
For example, you can make the scroll wheel change the volume when
chorded with the right mouse button!
You can choose to block the original button action until a chord is performed or to allow the original button to pass through.
When blocked, the original action will apply once you release the button or after a configurable time period if you use the "Unblock
after" option. Pass through mode is to allow compatibility with some games that dont like injected input.
You can type a single key or a series of keys. You can also make use of
special {FUNCTION TAGS} which are described in the text field at the
bottom of the window.
Selecting 'Block original mouse input' will block the source button press. This is usually the desirable outcome. To pass the original button press
as well as the simulated keystrokes through to the window with input focus, clear this option.
Selecting 'Randomize auto repeat delay by 10%' when using a method that repeats, will vary the delay between repeats by up to 10%. This can
be used to try and prevent detection and blocking of simulated input by some programs.
When using the movement function tags, you can change the position of the mouse cursor, either absolute, relative to the active or XMBC profile
window or relative to the current cursor position. The current cursor position is displayed in the bottom of the simulated keystrokes window to
assist in finding the correct coordinates. You can also use the cursor drag tool to drag the cursor to the required position, at which point the
displayed cursor position will be fixed and copied to the clipboard. Hold CTRL while doing this to pick up the position relative to the active window,
and ALT relative to the XMBC profile window.
When using a method that repeats, you can set a custom repeat interval between the collective keys in the 'Auto repeat delay' field.
NOTE: Setting the value to 0ms passes through the control panels settings for the keyboard repeat rate.
Selecting 'Only send if profiles process is active' will only send keys if the application or window currently has input (keyboard) focus.
NOTE: This setting is on by default and it is not recommended that you change this when sending hotkeys.
* NOTE: As of version 2.10, all simulated keystrokes are sent in a separate thread. Therefore, the 'Threaded Press' and 'Threaded Release'
options are no longer required as they are identical to the 'Pressed' and 'Released' options. They remain in the list for backwards compatibility.
The Movement To Scroll Configuration window is displayed when you select 'Change movement to scroll' for a particular button mapping. It
allows you to configure the various movement to scroll options.
Invert Vertical Axis Invert vertical scrolling. For example, the window scrolls up when
moving the mouse downwards.
Invert Horizonatal Axis Invert horizontal scrolling. For example, the window scrolls left
when moving the mouse to the right.
Lock Scroll Axis After the scroll direction is determined, XMBC will lock onto that axis. So
when scrolling up/down, it will lock and prevent scrolling left and right.
Sticky (until next click) Click once to enable scrolling by movement and click again to stop.
Block original mouse input When enabled, the original button press is not passed through
to the window under the cursor. If you untick this, the window will also respond in the
normal fashion to the mouse button assigned to Change movement to scroll.
The Run Application window is displayed when you select 'Run Application' for a
particular button mapping. It allows you to run any Windows application or command
on the press of a mouse button.
Simply type the full path to the application to run, or use the browse button to browse
to the application
The 'Browse For Folder' window is displayed when you select 'Open Explorer as specified
folder' for a particular button mapping. It allows you to open any folder in Windows
Explorer on the click of a mouse button.
Please note that language packs are provided by other users and
community members and are not validated by the author of XMBC.
You can check the website for new and updated language packs.
Check for new version every X days A version check will be
performed. If a new version of XMBC is available, you will be asked
if you want to download and install it. Automatic updates are
smaller than the full XMBC install so it saves bandwidth for you and
the XMBC servers when using this method of updating XMBC.
Check for beta versions Allows for notification of new beta (test)
versions of XMBC when performing the version check.
Log File Folder allows you to configure the location in which XMBC
saves the log file. Leave this option blank to use the default location:
%AppData%\Roaming\Highresolution Enterprises\XMouseButtonControl
You can open the log file by pressing the 'Open log file' button or by
from the context menu on the XMBC icons in the system tray.
NOTE: Debug logging is very resource intensive and may hinder mouse responsiveness, as such the setting is not persistent and will be disabled on any
subsequent launches).
Global Hotkeys
In some cases, the hotkeys will toggle their relevant setting; such as
the first press will enable the setting and the second press, disable it
There are two sub-tabs, the first allowing you to define hotkeys that
manipulate the active layer in XMBC and the second contains all other
XMBC hotkey options such as enabling XMBC and toggling debug
Dont forget, when configuring hotkeys, you must also enable global
hotkeys by ticking the Enable global hotkeys checkbox.
NOTE: Global Hotkeys are only active when the X-Mouse Button Control settings window is not open.
Modifier Keys
Modifier keys work as instant toggles.
Their assigned actions are only applied while the modifier key is held
down. They are system-wide, so make sure there are no conflicts.
Bear in mind that any key will still be sent to the rest of the system, so,
for example, if you choose to use the control (CTRL) key, when you
press a mouse button, the control key may cause the active application
to behave differently!
There are two sub-tabs, the first allowing you to define modifier keys
that manipulate the active layer in XMBC and the second contains all
other XMBC modifier key options, such as mouse axis locking.
Dont forget, when configuring modifier keys, you must also enable
modifier keys by ticking the Enable modifier keys checkbox.
Further Configurations
Using Layered Button Mapping
There are up to 10 fully customizable layers that may be put to use in XMBC. Several methods are available for activating layers.
Global Hotkeys
Assign hotkeys to the desired layers. Sending this hotkey will perform a rigid layer switch, not reverting back to your previous layer or
switching to any other layers until another command to switch layers is received.
Modifier Keys
Assign a modifier key for activating the desired layer. Pressing and holding this hotkey will temporarily activate the layer, reverting to
the previously active layer once the hotkey is released.
Button Assignment
Every layer supports mapping buttons to layers other than itself. Button layer assignments work just like modifier keys, activating a layer
only while held. Once a button has been mapped to an alternate layer the button on the subsequent layer will be marked as layer revert
and cannot perform any other functions on that layer.
Context Menu
Layers can also be manually chosen from the context menu by right-clicking the icon in the notification area.
NOTE: Be careful when chaining layer switching through use of the modifier keys or button assignments. Activating a layer by holding a button or
modifier key followed by using yet another button on the resulting layer may lead to confusion in certain circumstances.
Locking Axes
In order to lock either the mouse cursor X or Y axis it is first necessary to setup the corresponding hotkey or modifier key and enable axis locking
on a per profile basis.
Global Hotkeys
Go to the Scrolling & Navigation tab and mark Enable axis locking modifier keys on the desired profile, then use the assigned global
hotkey to enable/disable axis locking for the specified axis.
Modifier Keys
Choose the Scrolling & Navigation tab and mark Enable axis locking modifier keys for the desired profile, now pressing and holding the
relevant modifier key will toggle axis locking.
NOTE: Axis Locking works by preventing any mouse movement on the chosen axis. So locking the X-Axis will PREVENT the cursor from moving
along the X-Axis, not restrict cursor movement to only along the X-Axis.
Layer1.ico (the default icon), Layer2.ico, Layer3.ico, Layer4.ico, Layer5.ico, Layer6.ico, Layer7.ico, Layer8.ico, Layer9.ico, Layer10.ico and
X-Mouse Button Control Author: Phillip Gibbons X-Mouse Button Control User Guide: MainTrane & Phillip Gibbons