Human Resource Development - Updated
Human Resource Development - Updated
Human Resource Development - Updated
Q.2. Role of the learning curve. Learning Transfer to the work ambience............................4
Q.3. Evaluation of the contribution of learning styles and theories for the learning events.. 5
Q.4. Comparing the training need for the staff in various levels of the organization............6
Q.5. Evaluate the merits and demerits of the training methods used in the organization......7
Q.6. Show the Usage of a systematic approach in planning training and development for
different training events.........................................................................................................8
Q.11. Impact of the development of competency movement on public & private section.. 11
There are different learning theories and learning styles suggested by many scholars. By
developing the learning curve, the outcome of the learning can be seen as a function of time.
There are different training methods. Some are related with the job some are off the job
training (Carter, n.d.). These training methods have their own advantages and disadvantages.
After the execution of a training event, the event should be evaluated. The layout of Tiered
Five-Level Training Evaluation Model is a popular model in evaluating training event. The
Government of UK are also undertaking several steps to develop the human power. Here
learning theories and learning styles is described. How training program helps to develop
performance is described.
As there are several styles of learning, people will prefer the styles according to their tastes.
We can classify people into different groups based on their learning styles. Some of these
styles of learning are connected with the precise circumstances. For this reason to realise the
related concepts different personalities need different learning techniques.
As people are different from each other and they have different tastes of learning styles.
These styles are inclined with the instinctive factors and behaviour. The very interesting part
of human nature is that they can handle the ways they behave with others. Although there are
different learning styles suggested by different scholars. According to (Carter, n.d.). Honey
and Mumford developed a variation on Kolb system. The cycles are similar to Kolb system.
According to them, there are four stages of learning
Figure: Learning style
Activist: The people who are interested in experiencing new things are followed this learning
style. As they want to learn new things they face problems but dont feel boring.
Reflector: Primary and secondary data is collected by this types of people as he is cautious
about consequences. Data is analyzed by him and produce ideas (Oecd Publishing., 2014).
Theorist: Depending on experiment this types of people produce theories and there is logical
Pragmatics: Pragmatist applies theories and ideas in real world and very much conscious
about problems.
The chosen company can use pragmatist and activist types of people as they are wanted to
know new things and they are determined to solve problems.
Kolb Theory
This cycle have very similarity with Kolb system. And its given below-
Activist Accommodating
Reflector Diverging
Theorists Assimilating
Pragmatists Converging
Q.2. Role of the learning curve. Learning Transfer to the work ambience.
The Learning curves are the graphical picture of the percentage of the improvement of a task.
When someone performs a tasks several time, s/he becomes more efficient in doing that task.
The more the experience s/he gathers, the less the time s/he needs. It can quantity an
employees capability to undertaking a certain task. The learning curve is shown below.
Learning Transfer
Transferring learning means its the capability of a person how s\he uses a technique for a
certain task requirement in a task. During the training periods techniques are modified
according to the situation. Employers estimate transfer while the worker transfers learnings
through an actual task.
Learning transfer is a central part of the work ambience. Its vital due to the real-world
features. These real-world features are needed to be studied at the work ambience. For the
actual learning transfer, its necessary to add skills and techniques in a work ambience. These
techniques makes it easier. A worker can experienced learning transfer from the experience of
schools. These experience will benefit the people in office work. Additionally we can say that
the beginner may understand the importance of the learning process. The managers of the
Green & Company confirms the importance of the subject matter to the employees.
Q.3. Evaluation of the contribution of learning styles and theories for the
learning events.
Training in a work ambience benefits the employees to work so that they can outstand in their
respective work ambience. In that sense learning theories are the conceptual framework that
develops the human skills. Different organizations apply different learning theory depends on
the characteristics of that organization (Hunsaker and Hunsaker, 2009). Learning styles also
differs according to the requirements, capabilities of the employees. So before selecting a
learning style its recommended that the acquisition of the styles should be analysed
according to the desire. Before selecting and designing any event one has be careful. One has
to keep the event relevant. In Green & company the employees will be benefited by training.
Learning theories will help them to increasing human skills such as leadership skills,
management skills, interpersonal skills and other personal development. If situation is arrived
when important planning or problem is arrived then the employees can produce ideas to solve
problems as they have adopted Honey and Mumford learning styles (Baeck, 2010). All of
them will produce ideas by playing role of activist or pragmatist.
Q.4. Comparing the training need for the staff in various levels of the
One of the vital issue is to find the training requirements. One can identify the knowledge and
behaviours of the employees from the training evaluation. The results then tells company
what kind of output it expects from its employees. As a representative of this financial
institutions, the training needs for employees are given below-
Technological training: As the financial institutions are becoming more technology oriented.
All the staffs including lower and upper level need to be trained about Information
Technology (Wynne, 2010).
Financial training: All the employee should be trained in finance and accounting.
Management training: All the managers should be trained according to their respective
The other assessment which should be included are-
Assess training needs- Analysis of training needs has be conducted. The conducting process
is called evaluation. Employees are instructed to involve in the training that has been selected
for them.
Criterion of training specifications- Failure of the training requirements are handled in this
section. It will be a example for the other factor. One can use this criterion during the training
period by using some tools. (Wynne, 2010).
Determining training style- For different learning style, individual learning styles get
influenced by the training type. Its necessary to find the stress-free and a relevant model of
understanding. The team or group of an organization should be careful while working in this
Plan assessment and exercise- Proper measures are needed to be taken according the
evaluation. We also have to identify a way that will make us understand what sort of
techniques are needed. We can go to the online to get the more information.
Methods, design materials & training delivery- presentation is vital in the organization to
delivery and meaningful communication is vital as well. We can take help from the patterns
for training. It can be adopted from services and providers as well.
People R us has met many limitations to find initiative development, assurance. The
other factors like ability to resolve conflict among its employees. This is the reason they have
taken decision that they need employees who are independent, creative and smart.. As a
result, the employees who works in the strategic levels, has increased the attractiveness and
productivity of the People R Us. Now the employee efforts are promoting high results,
exactly what People R us is aiming at.
Q.5. Evaluate the merits and demerits of the training methods used in the
Q.6. Show the Usage of a systematic approach in planning training and
development for different training events.
I will take a problem solving technique first. Then I will train my workers. It might
necessitate a well-executed decision making process. This process will include, some real life
problem. The workers will be asked to provide relevant answers according to the question.
Groups will be showed an appraisal. The workers and managers of the organization will need
to be studied the solutions (Barcham, 2011). As its process that never ends. The training
movement should be programmed in a manner that will motivate workers. So they will
contribute in the decision making process. As a result there will be increase probability by
taking this program.
Using a systematic approach in the case of designing a training event is needed to design a
complete training process. Systematic approach matches the planned training to the required
one. The approach is illustrated below.
Analysis: Analysis supplies the necessary things to the training that the employee needs to
get the job done.
Design: To create the training materials and the methods of training its necessary to design
the training.
Development: It refers to the development of design, valuation tools, training materials etc.
It will make the evaluation easy while the training will be conducted in the workplace
(Barcham, 2011).
Implement: The training is implemented by the team leaders, upper level managers to
implement the planning and scheduling the training and the actual delivery of the training.
Evaluation: The evaluation is conducted before, during and after the training. Its an ongoing
Q.7. Formulate an evaluation of a training event for the organization.
For assessing the output of training, various ways are used in the organization by the
managers. So the managers can observe the effectiveness and efficiency of the organizations
action. Five Tiered Approach, the model has five stages. These stages differs the expected
outcome and the real outcome of an organization. The stages are shown in this five level
Program illumination: This step exposes the evaluation. This evaluation depends on the
several need stages that define the potentiality.
Need assessment: It basically answers the questions related to the different limitations.
Progress: By progress the judgement and the identification of the progression of the
Program control: In this step, The previous judgement effects using the trial conditions.
Q.8. Carrying out the evaluation for a training event.
The accomplishment of all the training program depends on the workers quickness. Its the
motivation that a worker gets during the training program. Customer service is the first
resembled activity that is related the training activity. The group that is related to the program
suggests the solutions that is appropriate. For a sensible conclusion both participants and the
supervisor takes part in the discussion movement. (Evaluation Sources, 2015). The
employees are advantage of the whole activity who revealed the way customer service can be
improved. Training event develops the skills and attributes of employees. Interpersonal skills
and team management skills can be understood by training event. If the performance of the
employees increases after giving training than before condition, it will be said that
development has been happened. If the performance is not developed, further training is
needed on the basis of identified needs in specific areas.
There are various evaluation methods that are used in the organizations. Five Tiered
appraisals are used in this case. It was favourable in the successful valuation. It can be used
for current work settings in a pre-planned movement. The layout basically judges the
predictable and concrete benefits. This layout is able to manage and explain the topics that
were present in the training program (Duffy, 2013). Vital activities usually provides while
judging the process of workers. And this process effects the development of the process. The
success criteria of evaluation method are given below:
Q.10. Government role in the training, development & lifelong learning.
Human resource is the main source for all the countries around the world. In The macro level,
production depends on the level of performance of the employees. The government usually
facilitates different seminars and trainings to the employee. So the objective is to take the
skills up to a standard level (Shohet, 2011). The government also facilitates education and
extra training for aged people.
Some firm lacks in training their employees, so government involvement in human resource
development helps to improve the employees.
There is always rivalry in the market. All the organizations are employing to reduce their
performance differences. To fill up the performance private institutions are investing more
and more. Just like the private sectors, the public institutions are also increasing their
investment in training and development. For this reason the impact of competency movement
on the economy is positive. The production has been increased and the firms whether its
public or private became aware about the competency of (Shohet, 2011). For increasing
productivity and development many learning patterns have been brought frontward.
Proficiency increases the performance and competition in public and private sector. Sun
Court Ltd can be impacted by this as they will compete with other similar business and if
they can create favourable place in terms of business strategy and resources they can have
Q.12. Assessment of the present-day training initiatives introduced by UK
government that contributed to the human resources development.
The UK management has adopted present-day training methods. These methods are the
source of small and average institutions along the development activity. Government of UK
has occupied several related preparation to encourage the economic growth and stability.
These training sessions are completed vocationally. These are designed for the diverse
business aspects (Shohet, 2011).
Besides strategies to improve lifelong learning, the UK government also has taken several
steps that contribute to Human resource development for an organization. Some of the key
policies are given below. Such as-
The Connexions Service
Financial support
ICT based learning.
As we know learning and training improves the quality and skills the employees. The trained
employees become more competent and in return production increases. The government also
has taken several initiatives to promote human development and lifelong learning. The
competency movement around the world has made the organizations think about their
employee competency. As a result, both the public and private sector firms are investing more
in human development.
Barcham, L. (2011). Personal development for learning disability workers. 1st ed. Exeter:
Learning Matters.
Duffy, V. (2013). Digital human modeling and applications in health, safety, ergonomics, and
risk management. 1st ed. Berlin: Springer.
Hackeling, G. (2014). Mastering Machine Learning with scikit-learn. 1st ed. Birmingham:
Packt Publishing.
Hunsaker, P. and Hunsaker, J. (2009). Managing people. 1st ed. London: DK Pub.
Oecd Publishing., (2014). Ageing and employment policies. 1st ed. [Place of publication not
identified]: Oecd Publishing.
Smoking cessation in the workplace. (2007). 1st ed. [Ottawa]: Health Canada.
Sparrow, P. (2006). International recruitment, selection, and assessment. 1st ed. London:
Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development.
Westin, D. (2012). Exit interview. 1st ed. New York: Sarah Crichton Books.
Wynne, S. (2010). Praxis principles of learning and teaching (K-6) 0522. 1st ed. Boston:
XAMonline Inc.