Atlantis Rising Magazine Issue 25

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The document text provides information about an upcoming UFO conference as well as the contents and advertisements of an issue of Atlantis Rising magazine.

The International UFO Congress is a 7-day conference in Laughlin, Nevada that will have over 25 speakers from around the world discussing UFO-related topics as well as the newest UFO-related films.

The main sections/contents of the magazine include letters, articles on various topics of interest like earth changes and ancient mysteries, and advertisements for related books, videos, and more.


Number 25

The First in a New Series
The Human Face & Sacred Geometry
U.S. $ 95 Canada $5 95

Beverly Jaegers
Did Remote Viewers
Get There First?

IS the BIG
BANG DEAD? Did the Opener of the
Amy Acheson Great Pyramid Find More
Talks to Maverick than We Realized?
Ralph Ellis & Mark Foster
Astronomer Halton Arp with new light on an
enduring mystery


Web Site


or call 800-228-8381 0 74470 88964 9
John Chambers
Bizarre Tales of the Great
Cynthia Logan Talks to Healing Pioneer Julie Motz

MARCH 4 - 10, 2001





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9975 Wadsworth Pkwy #K 2-504 Westminster, CO 80021
Phone (303) 543-9443 Fax (303) 543-8667
Web Site: E-Mail:
ATLANTIS Number 25



The internets best alternative
NEW AGE ADVENTURE science site now in print 19


J. Douglas Kenyon
Paradigm busting researchers
researchers gather
gather in
in Montana
Montana 23
John Chambers Underwater psi explorers make history 24
Preston Dennett
Ralph Ellis
Kathie Garcia
Charles Henry
Beverly Jaegers Demonstration shows amazing connections 26
Frank Joseph
Cynthia Logan
Dr. Joseph Ray
Rob Resetar
Surgical patients get help from an intuitive
Hilly Rose
COVER ART Is a little child leading us to free energy? 32
Tom Miller


published quarterly Underwater discovery made from the sky 34
Write PO Box 441,
Livingston, MT 59047
No part of this Maverick astronomer Halton Arp
publication may be challenges conventional wisdom 39
reproduced without
written permission from
the publisher.
Please call 406-222-0875
What did he really find in the Great Pyramid? 42
or 800-228-8381. Direct all
ad copy to PO Box 441,
Publisher reserves the
right to accept only
Did this renaissance master get cosmic help? 45
advertising deemed
appropriate to the
publication in subject
matter and presentation.
Strange stories from Rainier and Shasta 46
magazine racks,
subscriptions, direct
promotional mailing
and the internet. & MORE
Subscription price is See Our BOOKS 51
$24.95 (6 issues). Catalog
Page 74

began its
saga in November of
1994, our mission was to
cover the news which we felt other
media were neglecting, but we had no
intention of becoming part of the story The Red Pyramid
ourselves. of Dahshur
Well, so much for good intentions.
The cover story in that initial issue featured an interview with John
Anthony West devoted to what we believed was one of the most
important discoveries of our time, namely, that water weathering
evidence proved the Great Sphinx of Egypt was, at the least, several
thousands of years older than has been maintained in the orthodox
historical paradigm. For a magazine entitled Atlantis Rising, few
discoveries could be more important. After all, if it could be shown that
a civilization capable of producing a structure as great as the Sphinx
was built millennia before the supposed dawn of dynastic Egypt, then
the long-sought concrete proof of a prediluvian civilization (and all that
implies) had finally been produced. We believed that West and
geologist Dr. Robert Schoch had succeeded where many had failed.
When Schoch made his presentation to the American Geological
society in 1991, the news hit like a thunderbolt. The subsequent NBC
documentary The Mystery of the Sphinx only fanned the flames of a
fire that burns hotly to this day.
Despite widespread agreement with Schochs thesis among
geologists, Egyptologists have vehemently rejected the idea, arguing
that such an artifact as the Sphinx could not exist in a vacuum. If it did
indeed represent such an ancient civilization, then there should be
other evidence, which, they insisted, has not been found. The point
was, there should be a cultural context for such a thing.
Schoch and West agree and for the last few years have been
gathering the evidence to make their point. Later in November, Schoch
will return once again to meet his peers at the Geological Society of
America and present his latest findings. Attendees at the recent Atlantis
Rising conference Earth Changes 2000 got a preview and you can read
more about it elsewhere in this issue. You will also learn how Atlantis
Rising and this writer have become, however reluctantly, part of the
story. West has designated one of his crucial pieces of evidence
Kenyons Caverna reference to the so-called burial chamber in the
Red Pyramid of Dahshur and a comment made by this writer there in
1999. (For more details, see Atlantis Rising Issue #19.)
To be publicly associated with a discovery of such importance is a
great honor for us, but the greatest satisfaction for those of us at
Atlantis Rising is in the knowledge that another stone has been laid in
reconstructing the lost edifice of ancient wisdom and, perhaps, another
step taken in recovering from the ancient amnesia.



Get them while they last!
Sold O
1 John Anthony West James Redfield Anti- Gravity Advanced
Ancient Technology ..................................................................$70
2 Cold Fusion Richard Hoagland P.M.H. Atwater Prophecies
for Year 2000 ...........................................................................$45
3 Peter Tompkins Ancient ETs Dead Sea Scrolls & New Age Jesus
Magical Journeys ...................................................................$35
4 Graham Hancock Dannion Brinkley Hall of Records
Impossible Inventions ................................................................$30
5 Zecharia Sitchin Robert Bauval Out of Place Artifacts Secret
History ......................................................................................$25
6 Michael Cremo Gordon Michael Scallion Evolution vs. Creation
Cosmic Collisions ...................................................................$22
7 Rand Flem-Ath John Anthony West Crystal Planet
Anti-Gravity & the Third Reich (A FEW NOW AVAILABLE) ........$50
8 Edgar Mitchell Where Was Atlantis The Sphinx Scandal Age
of the Pyramid ..........................................................................$20
9 Colin Wilson Beneath the Martian Rock Moira Timms
Goddess Runes .........................................................................$18
10 Psychic Spooks Crystal Skulls Ancient Aircraft UFO Coverup
Paul Roberts .............................................................................$16
11 Chinese Pyramids Jurrasic Art Pattern from the Other Side
Carbon 14 Problems .................................................................$15
12 John Michell Cataclysm 9500 BC Edgar Cayce on Atlantis
Coral Castle Mystery .................................................................$14
13 Japans Undersea Ruins Secret Tunneling in Great Pyramid
Tesla/Marconi Connection Stan Tenen Alan Alford ...........$13
14 Crop Circles Problems with Darwin Rand Flem-Ath on Atlantis
Richard Noone Ostrander & Schroeder ..............................$12
15 Giza Hall of Records Nan Madol Zecharia Sitchin Psychics and
Science Christiane Northrup Victor Hugo ..........................$10
16 Politics of New Energy Giza Power Plant Art Bell Future
Memory Back Engineering Roswell ..........................................$8
17 Nostradamus Code Clairvoyants on the Case Atlantis in
America Alan Alford Moira Timms ........................................$6
18 The Electric Universe Linda Moulton Howe Joe McMoneagle
Caribbean Stargate Premonitions of Disaster ...........................$6
19 John Anthony West Robert Schoch The Power of Water Cold
Fusion Proven Isaac Newton and the Occult .............................$6
20 Robert Bauval on Alexandria Jean Houston Secrecy and New
Energy Templar Treasure in America? ......................................$6
21 Christopher Dunn Shakespeare Riddle Revisionists of Third Kind
James Redfield on Shambhala Hilly Rose ...............................$6
22 Quick Frozen Mammoths Politics of Anti-Gravity Shape Power
Richard Noone MoiRa Timms Mahabharata ..........................$6
23 Ralph Ellis on Bent Pyramid Robert Schoch Dead Mars, Dying
Earth? Biological Apocalypse? Lynn Grabhorn ..........................$6
24 The Pulsar Mystery (Paul LaViolette) Chris Dunn at the Petrie
Museum The Hydrogen Revolution Houdinis Last Escape .....$6

Atlantis Rising P.O. Box 441 Livingston, Mt 59047

Credit Card Orders Call 800-228-8381
Prices include S/H and based on available supplies
at press time. Subject to change without notice.


The Argument Continues

o get your comments into exciting adventure titled The Maracot leged Atlanto-Athenian War and com-
this space, write: Atlantis Deep. However, most extant literature pute it in Sun cycles, it results in a date
Rising, P.O. Box 441, Living- appears to first presume the existence nearly 10,000 BCE, just at the end of
ston, MT 59047. Writing a of Atlantis, (why would Plato lie?), and the long era of the Pleistocene Ice
brief and clear letter remains then the author begins to dig up, un- Ages. Many major natural disasters did
the best way to get your views to our cover, or conjure up the necessary evi- occur about this time, but its doubtful
readership. dence of Archaic there were other than scattered groups
Cultures that must of rarely sedentary Paleolithic stone-
Pulsar Pioneering be Antediluvian age people in the area and bronze
My family and I and thereby qualify would not be in evidence for another
have just returned as candidates for the five millennia.
from our vacation to Lost Continent. However, if Plato, Solon and the
Auckland, Waiheke Is- Many recent discov- early Egyptian Priests were using the
land, Rangitoto Island, eries are, of course, then quite common Egyptian Lunar Cal-
Devonport, New Zea- genuine Archeolog- endar, the so-called Atlanto-Athenian
land, and what made ical marvels and can War happened only 750 years earlier
the long flight enjoy- be anomalistic ei- (9,000 moons). this puts the story in
able was bringing ther by their ancient Attica in the late pre-literate Bronze
along a few back is- age or the location Age with the earliest Greek Main-
sues of Atlantis Rising of the find, but landers, the Achaeans... and right in
to read! What was a often Platos relative the middle of Homers Trojan War!.!
nice surprise in 9000 year time-line (circa 1350 BCE) Shortly after this
coming back home becomes either con- time, the Achaeans seem to have also
and finding Atlantis torted or ignored disappeared, and apparently localized
Rising #24 on the completely. natural disasters were a contributing
racks at Barnes & It is curious that factor. Plato may have been specific
Noble bookstore. those who decide to with his date but these figures are only
Enjoyed the article write about Atlantis approximations..
The Pulsar Mystery and the theory of do not first address the question of It has also been said that the Pillars
Paul LaViolette. When I first heard who were the very Ancient Athenians, of Hercules was an earlier Ionian
about the pulsars and how they seem the supposed contemporaries of the At- Greek designation for the Bosporous,
like a beacon for our universe, I lantians and at war with them. Few au- the narrow and dangerous passage
thought automatically that perhaps an thors on the subject appear to take the from the Aegean to the Black Sea.
ancient intelligence had somehow con- time to research and factor in the very If Plato had intended to add a final
structed a beacon for extraterrestrial tangible material we have already section to the story to include critical
explorers. Of course, when I told amassed on protohistoric cultures events right up to his own 4th Century
others, they scoffed, especially my around the Ancient Mediterranean and BCE, the next major social event after
own father. Now, Mr. LaViolette is set- Upper Europe. Thanks to the now ex- Atlantis would logically have been
ting the stage for a new way of tensive Carbon 14 dating of prehistoric Homers Trojan War. He would have ig-
thinking, of what these pulsars might artifacts, there is available an astonish- nored any events as ancient as the
be. I commend Mr. LaViolette for his ingly complete record of human occu- Black Sea inundation of about 5500
pioneer spirit and his heroic efforts in pation in this region, including the Old BCE because that was the time of
thinking outside of the box. European Great Goddess Culture, pre Myths, and the story of Deucalion with
Paul Dale Roberts, Indo-European and a long time before his version of the Ark landing on Mt.
Elk Grove, CA Platos Atlantis. This extensive evi- Parnassus would have covered the De-
dence, however, does not support the luge. However, Plato did not continue
Atlantis Agnostic probability of Archaic Maritime Cul- his story, he stopped the narrative, ac-
Your AR Issue No. 24 included an tures much before 5000 BCE, the early tually in mid-sentence. This could
informative article, Plato: The Truth, Megalithic Era. imply that he finally recognized the
by the prolific writer Frank Joseph In his narrative, Frank does not indi- Trojan War parallels himself and conse-
who, like Umberto Eco, never fails to cate if he prefers to apply the Moon quently Critias was left as an unfin-
impress us with his vast store of ec- Calendar or the Sun Calendar to Platos ished rough draft.
lectic knowledge. However, at the risk work. Either way, we now have a great Fortunately, I too will write no
of sounding like a heretic I still dont amount of cultural information avail- more on this long-debated
buy it ... able on both eras, as well as the inter- has all been said before. I thought per-
Ive enjoyed the many stories, from vening 7500 years, during which the fa- haps an alternative point of view might
Le Plongeon and Donnelly, to Cayce bled Great Deluvium occurred ... the just stir the pot.
and Blavatsky and the works of Lewis massive flooding of the Black Sea. Richard Thomas McNuIty
Spence are both creditable convincing. The math is quite simple, taking Grass Valley, CA
Even Sir Arthur Conan Doyle contrib- 9000 years as in Critias, before Solon
uted to the myth with his now rare but (7th century BCE) for the time of the al-
Continued on Page 9

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P.O. Box 441 Livingston, MT 59047
See what youve been missing in our on-line archives
the opinion molders, and yes, even
LETTERS some of the clergy.
Christians have few restrictions
Continued from page 6 when it comes to food. Jews, Muslims,
Hindus, and Buddhists have many.
Emotional Support for Scientists When the religious freedom of one
I have had private conversations group is compromised, all are in
with many scientists over the years danger. Unregulated production and
about transcendent experiences, expe- sale of genetic modified food without
riences which have often been very labeling is a violation of the religious
meaningful to them but which they rights of the consumer. Jews and Mus-
have not shared with colleagues be- lims are prohibited by their religious
cause of fear of being thought odd. To laws from eating pork. Other religious
provide a safe space to share such ex- restrictions pertaining to food also are
periences, as well as collect research in force. Genetic engineering spliced
data about them, I have started The Ar- animal genes into plants. One may
chives of Scientists Transcendent Ex- think he is eating a vegetable, and he is
periences (TASTE), on online journal, actually eating a combination of a plant
( and an animal. What plants and what
taste/ or where sci- animals are involved the producers of
entists may share such experiences genetic foods are not required to tells
(anonymously, if they wish) and all us. They have the blessing of the FDA
may read about them. If you are inter- who appears to be more concerned
ested in or have had transcendent ex- with the well being of mega corpora-
periences, please visit the web site. tions than they are in protecting the
Charles T. Tart, Ph.D. public. Both Jew and Islam have stan-
Editor Professor Emeritus, Psychology, dards of ritualistic purity contained on
University of California, Davis labels of food. This does not apply to
Institute of Transpersonal Psychology genetic foods. Such standards of ritua-
Palo Alto, CA listic purity are protected by civil law.
Nothing on genetic foods.
Religious Persecution Buddhist and Hindu sects are strict
When one religious group is dis- vegetarians as well as some other
criminated against and oppressed, it is groups. They eat no meat, and some do
easy to say, Well they are leaving us not even eat dairy products. Their
alone. Yet an infringement upon relig- rights fly out the window with genetic
ious freedom of one group has an im- foods. You may say, I am not a Hindu
pact on all religious groups. We will or Buddhist. One may say, I am neither
see how this plays out in terms of gov- Muslim or Jew. I am not affected. I re-
ernmental forces and their associates in peat, when religious oppression is di-
the mass media and molders of rected against one group, all groups
opinion. The very visible and well- are in danger. It is time to speak out
known members of the clergy instead and let our political and other leaders
of protecting religious freedom are part know how we feel. Election day will
of the vast army of oppressors that are be too late!!!
in the process of repression of religious James D. McIntyre
freedom. A war is going on, and a vast Avenel, N.J.
number of people are not even aware
of it. Political candidates evoke the Rising to the Occasion
name of God, but are part of the con- When I first began my subscription
spiracy to repress religious freedom. to Atlantis Rising in 1996, I was utterly
Our children and our selves are certain that quite soon I would be
being brainwashed into believing that seeing a change in the title of the maga-
to have feelings of disgust when the zine to Atlantis Risen. I still have this
homosexual lifestyle is involved is as fervent hope. But now, the events of
bad as discrimination against a group the past few years have given me
because of race or national origin. Yet reason to wonder whether that was all
the Scripture of many faiths including not just a bit premature. Am I the only
Christian states that this is an abomina- student of Atlantis and the New Egyp-
tion. The same is true of abortion. We tology (for lack of a better expression )
are told of a womans right to choose. to have noticed the ominous silence
Yet abortion, especially so-called par- that seems to have settled over the
tial birth abortion, is murder by any
standard. Did we ever hear the admoni-
Giza Plateau? And this has been accom-
panied with a heightened level of de- 877-277-2877
tion, Thou shalt not kill? So called nials, lies, obfuscations, charges,
Christians and Jews running for public counter-charges, rumors and postpone-
office need a refresher course in the ment of events; a classic disinformation
principles of their religion. If one is to campaign having but one goal in mind:
be vocal in the defense of faith, one is to stun and to confuse the observer.
to subject himself to ridicule and One had to some extent gotten used to
slander at the hands of government, this sort of thing with Hawass and
Company in the past. But since the so-
called Peace Pact between Hawass
on one hand, and Bauval, Hancock &

A ISING Tom Miller

West on the other, there is no longer
the hammering noise of protest in the
background. And worst of all, there is
no dissent. It takes relative outsiders
such as Lynn Picknett and Clive Prince,

R the authors of The Stargate Conspiracy

(which still does not have an American
edition) to reveal that, using tried and
true method of baksheesh, applied to
the proper palms. Why yes; look at
this; there really is secret digging going
on at Giza Hawass categorical and
somewhat amusing denials to the con-
trary (page 83 of their book).
We do not know what is going on at
Giza for the very simple reason that we
are being lied to. And if Picknett and
Prince have correctly analyzed the
problem, the question as to why the re-
cent Fox TV special did not contain the
segment bringing us an appearance by
The Hourglass Asteroid Dr. Joseph Schor, or a report on his re-
cent searches for the Chamber of Se-
crets, is simply because those who can
Antarctica just lie and obfuscate whenever they
see it convenient for them to do so,
and the public be damned. The silence
on the Internet is also eerie and fright-
ening. No major web site, from The
Daily Grail to those run by Bauval,
Hancock and West, care to comment
on the silence or even to utter a
murmur of protest. Why? Something
large and ominous is going on behind
the scenes, and we can but guess what
it might be. In yet another place in
their fabulous book, Picknett and
Stonehenge Prince tell of a conversation with a
The Templar
well-connected Egyptian journalist,
Gorgeous reproductions suitable who vouchsafed thathang on to your
Diving Lemurian Waters for framing. Signed by the artist. hatsthe Chamber of Secrets has al-
ready been opened!! I have seen none
11"x17" $3000 each. $15000 for the complete set Add $4 for S&H of this on the Internet, and nothing is
confirmed or denied, this time, by
FREE with each set of 6,Tom Millers haunting orchestral tribute to those who are clearly in the know.
ANCIENT WORLDS on stereo cassette! A $9.98 value So, Mr. Kenyon, where is Atlantis
Rising in all this? And why will you
Send check or money order to believe it all when (you) see it; your
Tom Miller P.O. Box 441 Livingston, MT 59047 PH 406-222-6733 rather weak reaction to the postpone-
ment of the Fox TV Statement on the
Chamber of Secrets? (see the last issue,
# 24) Dont you also prefer to see At-
lantis Rising suddenly become At-
MICROHYDRIN lantis Risen?? I thought that perhaps in-
deed you would like to.
Author, scientist, child prodigy Patrick Flanagans greatest invention.
Nobel Prize Submitted technology has now made a miraculous natural For the sake of credibility we at At-
lantis Rising confine our reporting to
way to slow down the aging process giving you more energy and alert- that which we believe can be objec-
ness than ever before. One capsule is equal to 10,000 glasses of freshly tively substantiated, preferring to
squeezed organic orange juice. keep speculation based on suspicion
to a minimum. However, for those in-
CALL TOLL FREE FOR A FREE TAPE OR MORE INFORMATION terested, we have included excerpts
888-313-6170 from The Daily Grails interview with the authors of The Stargate Conspiracy
(see page 19). EDITOR

D uring the week of November 9-18,
Boston University professor of Ge-
ology Dr. Robert Schoch will return to
what Egyptologists might describe as
the scene of the crime, the place
where in 1991 he introduced his geo-
logical evidence redating the Sphinx.

Jessica Phillips
The setting will be Summit 2000, the
annual meeting and exposition of the
Geological Society of America at the
Reno/Sparks Convention center in
Reno, Nevada. In a presentation au-
Dr. Robert Schoch (left) and John Anthony West at Earth Changes 2000 in September
thored by Schoch and John Anthony
West called Further Evidence Sup- clusion of his paper, despite the con- been led to believe. Now the pair has
porting a Pre-2500 B.C. Date for the troversy, as a vindication of his work. collected a great deal of additional evi-
Great Sphinx of Giza, Egypt life will GSA abstracts are very widely read and dence to answer the demands of de-
once again be made difficult for or- quoted. tractors for archaeological context.
thodox Egyptologists. It was at the 1991 GSA event that Attendees at Atlantis Risings re-
A highly prestigious affair among ge- Schoch, following up on a line of re- cently concluded Earth Changes
ologists, the GSA event will be at- search proposed by West stood the ar- 2000 conference in Montana were
tended by thousands, with hundreds of chaeological world on its head with his given a preview by both Schoch and
talks to be given, many presented si- demonstration that water weathering West of material to be mentioned at
multaneously. All presentations are proved the Sphinx was at the very least the GSA meeting. For more on the con-
peer reviewed and Schoch sees the in- thousands of years older than we have ference see the story on page 23.


O ld soldiers may not die, but they
can apparently get moldy.
Chinas illustrious terra cotta army is a
found near the city of Xian in the tomb
of Chinas first emperor, Qin Shihuang,
are threatened by more than 40 types
case in point. of mold.
Outside experts brought in from The terra cotta army was buried
Belgium, hopefully, can solve the around the tomb around 220 B.C. to
problem though. The late word from protect the emperor in the afterlife.
Beijing is that 1,400 of the 8,000 life- Mold in the hereafter was, apparently,
Terra Cotta Warriors threatened by mold sized statues of soldiers and statues not anticipated.


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If you like unusual projects and have an open mind

then this adventure is for you.

The science-fiction of beaming objects from place to place is now a reality at
least for particles of light. Scientific American April 2000 (page 50.)
This project consists of several phases (3).
1. Creating your double
I f youve got a piece of the crashed
saucer from Roswell, NM stashed in
your attic, your moment to cash in may
2. Bring your broken dreams we will give them new wings. Transformation. Bring have finally come.
your resonance to New Earth experience and anchor yourself with it. Synchronization The International UFO Museum and
of resonance. Research center in Roswell is willing to
3. Teleportation pay up to a million dollars to exhibit
Now we are announcing the first phase (second and third will only be available to ones the first scientifically verified piece of
who passed first phase): debris from the 1947 incident.
First Phase - creating your double, which is going to be The museum has announced that it
will pay 50 percent of all net revenues
teleported. earned by exhibiting the artifact, until
In the book Mass dreams of the Future by Chet B. Snow and Helen Wambach which features the original owner earns a total of one
hypnotic future-life progressions they described 4 available futures to the humankind. I could not million dollars.
find my New Earth there and only in the end of this book I found what I was looking for: .I The catch is, the artifact must be au-
heard the words Novaya Zemlya pronounced distinctly in my ear in a strange accent. That was thenticated by a laboratory selected by
where Mark (Chet B. Snow) would live. and until that day at the end of 1984, Novaya Zemlya the museum. No one employed by IU-
meant nothing to my (Chet B. Snow) conscious awareness. As for its ultimate meaning in my next FOMRC is eligible.
Earth incarnation, that is up to the future to reveal. Page 297 If youve got something, contact
Now future reveals: Novaya Zemlya means New Earth in Russian language. I am a Russian Mark Wolf, IUFOMRC Director of Fund
physicist who invites everyone who loves freedom and wants to experience the power and joy of Raising & Promotion, Atlanta, GA. Tele-
creativity and love to come to our New Earth. It took me 20 years of dedicated study and work to phone 770 565 2003, or e-mail: Senor-
create this concept and now it is available as a unique experience. New Earth is closer to our
reality than ever before. Time has come to act upon your knowledge, which you accumulated
during many life times and especially this one. If you postpone for one day you postpone
This project is not for everyone, but only for those who decide to become responsible adults DECLASSIFIED
and can be committed to new adventure. Material is very intense and complex. Energy screening
before admittance (over the phone). We reserve the right to refuse the class if your energy is not
compatible. Please, understand us.
Call for class schedule at (775) 351-2782 (seats are limited 10-12 people in a group):
2 classes each consist of 2 days of intensive study. (Saturday, Sunday). The first class will
teach you how and during the second class you will create your unique double. The course
requires homework between classes.
U FO researchers can now dig for
information directly
on the web site of the
Cost: each class costs $290.00 National Security
agency and, according
Why Sparks, Nevada? In order to complete my project successful I needed to create a to all reports, they are
harmonic standing wave where a changing variable oscillates in place. Why standing wave? doing just that.
Because a standing wave separates the time and space dependence. So much for hopes
Having limited amount of money and belonging only to myself (I do not work for any person,
government or organization) I decide that I am going to use the cheapest way to create this wave at the agency that a
nature. major document dump two years ago
Wavelength is determined by boundary condition. Waves that reach boundaries between might counter suspicions of a govern-
different media reflect back into the medium upon which they were incident and refract into the ment coverup. The NSA site is pulling
medium on the far side of the boundary. If the reflecting end is free (as in my case), the reflected thousands of hits a day on its UFO
pulse will remain upright. What does this all mean? That in such special location it is possible to page. Most of the declassified docu-
create a high amplitude standing wave and as you know Energy is proportional to amplitude ments made available have been re-
squared. leased in response to requests under
We have 2 lakes (Lake Tahoe and Lake Pyramid) in the area that work as optical switches. the freedom of information act. Re-
They are exactly 1 degree apart in latitude and Sparks is exactly half way between them.
I still have 2 problems to solve: First I need to create critical mass where all participants ports have it that filling demand for
have similar bandwidth of frequency level (thats why I do energy screening). Second problem I UFO related documents is slowing
cannot disclose because it will ruin the purity of my experiment, but what I can say only is that this down everything else at the agency,
problem will be resolved by March 2001. As soon as missing piece will manifest in March I will but if you want to check the site for
close phase 1 and will start with phase 2 and 3. At this time I will not take any more participants. yourself the URL is:



T he case for Noahs flood has
gotten stronger.
Archaeologists say they
have now found the remains of
human habitation about 12 miles
off the coast of Turkey at the
Cave painting in the Hall of the Bulls at Lascaux, France. Do circled dots represent the Pleiades? bottom of the Black Sea, 300 feet

I n 1996 at the Return ered on the walls of the below the surface. For University
to the Source confer- famous painted caves at of Pennsylvania archaeologist
ence at the University of Lascaux in central Fredrik Hiebert, the new dis-
Delaware, American re- France. The story goes covery represents the first con-
searcher Frank Edge re- on describe the map crete evidence that people once
ported that he had iden- thought to date back lived where the Black Sea is
tified certain celestial 16,500 years. Credited now.
formations incorporated with making the dis- About 7000 years ago the
into cave drawings at covery is Dr. Michael area was on the shore of a fresh-
Lascaux, France. Edges Rappenglueck, a water lake before, it is theorized,
evidence including his German professor from floodwaters from the Mediterra-
identification of the the University of Mu- nean brought on by the melting
Patricia Kenyon

Pleiades and other stars nich, who says the map of European glaciers turned the
in a series of black dots shows the three bright location into a saltwater sea.
placed over the most stars known as the The site contains saltwater
prominent Bull in the summer triangle as well shells dating from 6500 years
Frank Edge as the Pleiades. Another
famed hall of the bulls ago and freshwater shells from
was described by radio host Laura Lee pattern of stars has been shown on a 7000 years and older.
in an article for Atlantis Rising #10 in cave painting in Spain. The maps, say To date, nothing has been re-
February of 1997. Now we can report their discoverer show that our ances- moved from the spot, as diving
that the BBC has also taken notice of tors were more sophisticated than archaeologists map it and look
Lascauxs design, albeit without cred- many believe, revealing that consider- for other structures. The Na-
iting the original discoverer of the ma- able scientific knowledge accompanied tional Geographic Society is
terial. their legendary painting skill. sponsoring the expedition and
In a recent announcement, BBC Now if their modern day descen- will eventually show their find-
News Online science editor Dr. David dants could learn to give credit where ings on a television special.
Whitehouse wrote that a prehistoric it is due, some might feel that progress
map of the night sky has been discov- had been made.
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tember conference on Earth
Changes, demonstrating what
he described as extensive
weathering to a structure
which, nevertheless, showed
clear evidence of artificiality.
Another of those now
making the case for the face
is astronomer Tom Van Flan- Negative image from MGS April, 1998.
dern. Known for alternative
theories of space science,
Van Flandern has now pre-
sented on his web site, Meta-, a new image
credited to graphic artist
Mark Kelly. Van Flandern says
the new image was an effort
A New Computer to use objective computer
techniques by image pro-
cessing experts to restore the
Analysis Renews image to what it would have
looked like if it had been
Old Questions of viewed from overhead and
with proper lighting. Lo, the
Artificial Origins Face is back.
Researchers are not in
Original 1976 Viking image that started all the fuss. complete agreement over Lighting source switched from SE to NW
what techniques can or

T wo years after the Mars global sur-

veyor transmitted images which,
we were given to believe, put to rest
cannot legitimately be used to enhance
the Mars Global Surveyor image. Many
Face supporters, however, have sug-
the notion that there was a giant artifi- gested that the 1998 NASA image was
cial face staring up from the surface of filtered in such a way as to remove the
Mars, some scientists are having suggestion of a face, thereby ridding
second thoughts. Even though the NASA of the controversy.
1998 image, generally referred to as Mark Carlotto, another image ex-
the Catbox, appeared not to beas pert, thinks the Face is artificial but
earlier images had suggesteda face, that Van Flandern has gone too far. If
closer examination and some recent the enigmatic formation on the Cy-
computer enhancements are pointing donia plain is indeed only artificial,
toward other conclusions. however, NASA still has a lot of ex-
Among those calling for a closer plaining to do.
look is NASA scientist John Branden- To view full animation by Mark
burg, who showed detailed pictures to Kelly, visit his web site at
conferees at Atlantis Risings Sep-
Viewing angle from overhead.

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By A. True Oft, C.N.
n the 1930s, a brilliant researcher named Dr. Royal known as electroporation. Electroporation is a phe-
I Rife created and successfully tested a device which
utilized a variable frequency pulsed radio transmitter
nomenon by which anaerobic cells when exposed to
an intense electrical field that is quickly pulsed will
to produce a vibrating resonance within the various open pores on the surface of the cell wall. These pores
cells of the physical body. Dr. Rife observed that this weaken the cell wall, and it either breaks apart, or
vibrating resonance shattered every anaerobic or shatters completely creating a flow of debris that is
harmful pathogen that he testedincluding all vi- often detected by either discolored or highly odorous
ruses, bacteria, fungi, and even parasites such as Para- urine, or a marked difference in the color and smell of
mecium and certain worms, while not harming the ones stool. Some researchers believe that this de-
human host cell base. Imagine his utter amazement bris may also act as a stimulant to the bodys im- TESTIMONIALS
and wonder when he found that this vibrating reso- mune systemas it may well act as an antigen We were introduced to the Photon Sound
nance also shattered anaerobic, mutated cancer cells causing the body to produce antibodies. In effect, a Beam about four years ago, and were so
as welland once again, did no visible damage to form of natural immunization against the disease may impressed, that we purchased one and have
healthy cells. This vibrating tonal resonance was well occur.
Another positive effect of the photon sound beam been avid users since.
found to shatter the harmful pathogen in much the
same manner that a certain pitch of a musical is called Voltage Dependent Gating, or Dr. George Friebott of Priest River, Idaho
note can shatter glass. This vibrating res- VDG. Like electroporation, VDG occurs demonstrated the machines effect on blood
onance is created when a small, con- in the cells by means of a pulsed elec- cells. I asked if he would check my blood. He
trolled, periodic stimulus (in this case trical field, and simply causes a agreed, took a sample and showed it on his
a pulsed energy wave) matching the charge differential to occur on the video screen. There was a lot of clumping of
same natural vibration period of a wall of an invading cell. This the cells, and although I didnt understand
cell, tissue, or molecule is used to voltage differential produces a what that meant, the DRs twelve year old
produce a much larger amplitude gradient flow of ions, (primarily
vibration. In turn, this resonation calcium, potassium, and sodium) daughter said quietly, thats not good. Then
vibration then shatters the invading across the cell wall. This ion turn the Dr. pointed out the characteristics. He put
pathogen, and the resulting debris results in an imbalanced osmotic the Photon Sound Beam probe on the sample
is then flushed from the body pressure that causes the pathogen and the cells began to separate. Someone in
through the lymph system, kidneys, to slowly swell and eventually the audience said, why dont you put Phyllis
and liver. After several years of in- burst like an overfilled balloon. on the machine. He did, then took a second
tense study and investigation, Dr. The device operates on 60 hertz, sample of blood. This sample responded just as
Rifes invention was deemed worthy to 110 Volts and is very similar to muscle it did when he just put the probe on the
test on humans. stimulators employed by most chiropractors
The first clinical trial of Dr. Rifes device was to relieve pain, remove muscle spasms and edema, sample he previously showed on the slide.
performed in 1934 at the Scripps Ranch in Southern tonify weak muscles, and generally assist the bodys As I mentioned, we purchased a machine
California. A select committee of Medical Physicians healing process. The Plasma Wave, consisting of the and have used it for various ailments, including
associated with the University of Southern California three gasses provide additional and impressive swelling, easing and even eliminating colds,
treated 16 cancer patients (most were classified as healing properties to the formula. Argon gas is vital- ect.
terminal). The documented results of this research izing, cooling, sedating, and stimulating to healthy tis- We take it with us on vacations and use it
experiment were that 14 out of the 16 people in the sues as well as providing pain relief and analgesic to help eliminate problems we may have picked
test were pronounced cured of their cancer in 60 benefits while devitalizing and even destroying in- up along the way (especially in airplanes with
days. The remaining two people were pronounced vading infectious micro-organisms. Gasses stimulate
cured within the next 60 days. This was all reported bone, cartilage, and tissue cells to heal and repair hours of recirculating air).
in the San Diego daily newspaper under a banner more rapidly when damage or injury occurs. Anec- Now its a dont leave home without it
headlineCANCER CURED! The resulting inter- dotal reports show almost miraculous recoveries from item. Were happy and healthy with our Photo
vention and silencing methods employed by the severe bone breaks, as well as cartilage and deep Sound Beam.
FDA and the AMA were at best questionable and at tissue tears. These gasses also help the cells recover Phyllis and Mike Stene
worst scandalous. The physicians and technicians in- much quicker from deep bruising and muscle damage. Clark Fork, Idaho
volved in the testing were either threatened with loss There have consistently been very encouraging
of their licensing or were immediately sanctioned. anecdotal reports of the photon sound beams effects FREDRICK W. PIRK, D. D. S., M.S., INC.
Dr. Rife was arrested on the charge of producing an on the symptoms of people suffering with fibro-
unlicensed radio frequency against FCC regula- myalgia, as well as both osteo and rheumatoid ar- I find the photon sound beam
tions, and ended up dying a disillusioned and broken thritis. While the device does not claim to reverse the indispensable in the management of
man. But today, his technology has been further destructive effects of these diseases, it does consis- periodontal surgical procedures involving the
studied and perfected. The photon sound beam is the tently relieve the pain inflammation, stiffness, and long term use of membranes. Ridge
result. lack of mobility associated with damaged joints. Ef- augmentation therapy can present numerous
HOW DOES THE PHOTON SOUND BEAM fects from a single treatment can last from several problems with regard to inflection and long
OPERATE, AND IS IT SAFE? hours to a few weeks. From technicians reports, fre- term use of antimicrobials.
The photon sound beam gas tube instrument uti- quent treatments have a cumulative effect and con- Patients who pulsed the surgical sites on a
lizes an inert, or Noble gas called Argon, A high tribute significantly to the afflicteds quality of life.
The photon sound beam gas tube device should weekly basis for 30-40 minutes appear to
voltage blast of electrical energy then ionizes these exhibit minimal side effects, reduce their
gases into a Plasma state, which in turn overcomes not be used:
the insulation of the glass handles and immediately 1. On any individual equipped with a heart pace- dependence on medications, and have a
enters the skin of the person using the equipment. maker or artificial organ that operates on an electrical superior osseous healing response.
The high voltage energy is produced by an electronic frequency. Fredrick W. Pirk, D.D.S., M.S.
circuit that utilizes an audible signal in the audible en- 2. Within one hour of taking any prescription FACD
ergy spectrum (like a musical note). This musical medication, pain medication, or other drug. (The in- FICD
sound (frequency) has been studied over a long pe- creased opening of the cell wall and the plasma wave Director Dental Research, WNHO
riod of time and has proven to be highly beneficial to may triple the efficiency of the medication causing
human as well as animal bodies by stimulating the harm.)
cells of the body through rapid oxygenation thereby 3. By pregnant or lactating women unless ap- Contact:
greatly increasing and magnifying their natural proved by their attending physician. SUNSHINE CO. ELECTRONICS
healing abilities while at the same time destroying
harmful anaerobic (oxygen robbing) pathogens. (Registered and Certified Operator of the
This oxygenating effect produces a gas called ozone WAVE HAS NOT BEEN APPROVED NOR
within the body which also is deadly to anaerobic
EVALUATED BY THE FOOD AND DRUG AD- Photon Sound Beam Machine by the
MINISTRATION, AND IS AVAILABLE ONLY American Naturopathic Association)
pathogens, thus creating a very effective one-two AS AN EXPERIMENTAL DEVICE. HOW-
punch in treating illness and certain chronic dis- EVER IT HAS BEEN APPROVED BY THE 223 WEST 3325 NORTH
One of the primary methods in which the device WITH A REGISTRY NUMBER OF 41751.
produces its healing effects is through a process
Ph. (801) 782-5552
Fax (801) 787-0151
continually upgraded. The AEC justified its actions with the
COMMENT Yanomami by saying this would equate with events if large
numbers of communities were wiped out by nuclear war.
[The allegations concerning the Yanomami are in a book
called Darkness in El Dorado. The American Anthropology
Association will hotly argue these allegations at their No-
vember 2000 meeting.]

Hilly Rose Currently, the remaining Yanomami are being wiped out
by malaria because pools of stagnant water from mining op-
erations have become breeding grounds for malaria-carrying

OFF MIKE mosquitoes. Their fishing grounds have been polluted by

mercury from mining operations.
By what moral authority does our government perpetrate
these mass and deadly tests? Is the world really a better place
because of these studies? We prey on the weakest and most
BIG BROTHER VS. BROTHERLY LOVE vulnerable of peoples.
The U.S. War Department dealt with what white Ameri-
A few weeks ago we learned of the death of
Richard Dunn. His job was to monitor the safety
of the Anthrax vaccine for his employer who manu-
cans considered the Indian Problem years ago. Then
the jurisdiction was turned over to the Department of
the Interior. The current head of the Bureau of Indian
factured it. He took eleven doses over a number of Affairs, Kevin Gover, a Pawnee tribe member, ac-
years to prove it was safe. It wasnt. According to the au- cuses the department of ethnic cleansing and de-
topsy, he died partly because of an inflammatory re- stroying all things Native American.
sponse. The courts have ordered Kennewick Man re-
The U.S. Department of Defense and the U.S. military turned to the Indians for reburial. A group of scien-
insisted that there was no causative effect from Agent tists, mainly from the Smithsonian, has filed suit
Orange, no causative effect from the Gulf War Syn- asking for a ruling that would allow them to do
drome. In the face of mass refusals to take the stuff further tests on Kennewick Man and, in the
and now a direct link to death, they are saying process, cut up the corpsea further insult to
there is no problem with the Anthrax vac- the Indians who claim him as their own.
cine. Nearly half a million people have re- Many museums are getting a con-
ceived two million doses. This
map is a science about all this and are begin-
What is there in the thinking of American ning to return sacred tribal artifacts to
representation of
scientists and government, that they are above herbicide spray missions in the tribes. Unfortunately, these arti-
the law of decency and are so willing to exper- Vietnam. The dark areas facts have been preserved with mer-
iment with human life? This has been espe- represent concentrated spraying cury, DDT and arsenic to keep away
cially true with the American Indian and primi- areas. This map only represents insects and decay. In other words,
tive societies. We condemn the Nazi scientist fixed-wing aircraft spraying, and does they are poisonous. I suppose the
Josef Mengele for his experiments on hapless not include helicopter spraying of glimmer of hope is that we are devel-
Jewish prisoners, but our sorry American perimeters or other spray methods.The
III Corps area received the heaviest oping some understanding about the
record is at least his equal. rights of these native peoples.
concentrations of spraying, followed
We are familiar with the work of the CIA in It is time to call a halt to our inter-
by I Corps, II Corps and IV Corps.
administering LSD to unknowing American cit- fering with the indigenous peoples of
izens to better study its effects. (They probably the world. Our so-called benevolence has killed hundreds of
would have done better enrolling an agent at UC Berkeley in thousands. Yet they have survived better over thousands of
the 60s.) Now comes the story of the U.S. Atomic Energy years than we have. We may think some of their practices
Commission funding a study to find out what might happen are barbaric, but we have only to look at the warring fac-
to communities when large numbers are wiped out by nu- tions in Sierra Leone where they are cutting off the hands
clear war. The study was headed by famed geneticist James and feet of their enemies. We can look to Somalia where we
Neel. He chose to work with the very remote, primitive tribe sent troops to stop the cruelty of the war lordswe failed
of Yanomami who live in the jungles of Venezuela and and they are still in power.
Brazil. These people have long depended on the forest for all There are actions closer to home that we find abhorrent
their needs. To this day, their ancient ways reject modern to our morality. Recent scientific findings by Nature Maga-
devices and medicines. They have lived in harmony with the zine say the ancient Anasazi of our American Southwest
forest for thousands of years. were cannibals when they had to be to survive. The Hopis
Despite their remoteness, the Yanomami are inundated say the same artifacts only prove their Anasazi ancestors may
with gold miners, loggers, cattle ranchers and government have executed witches. Either option offends us, yet it is
programs all trying to change their way of life for the benefit documented that there were witches in Salem who were put
of others. Pharmaceutical companies exploit their medical to death...
knowledge (gained from the plants they grow) and ancient The ancients have been here for at least six thousand
tribal wisdom. years. A case can be made for human habitation going back
The study took advantage of an outbreak of measles 250 thousand years, perhaps established by life forms from
amongst the Yanomami in 1968. Anthropologist Neel other planets. It is time for us to learn from the ancients and
brought vaccines (Edmonson B) that effectively spread the to leave their descendants alone in their native ways. They
measles widely throughout the group. He and the Atomic En- are not fodder for experimentation, intrusion or gain. They
ergy Commission (the same folks who brought us the nu- are our hope for the future when our rush to technology in-
clear bombs and secretly carried out human experiments in- evitably breaks down. Natural selection will occur without
jecting people with plutonium) wanted to test Neels studies from Washington and without scientists who play
theories concerning natural selection. Put simply, if the God.
weak are weeded out, the human genetic stock would be
Hilly Rose Is a Nationally Syndicated Radio Talk Show Host Specializing in the Paranormal
D uring a late summer weekend during the first year of
the millennium some of todays most provocative
scientists, writers and researchers gathered in splendid
natural surroundings on the banks of the Yellowstone river
to consider the evidence for and against impending Earth
Changesfrom pole shifts to eco-disasters, from cosmic
collisions to interplanetary magnetic storms. During the
conference, the gathered experts weighed carefully
whether such events may have interrupted human history
in the past and whether our ancient forebears, indeed,
attempted to warn us of what we might have to fear if we
are not able to learn from prior experience. The weekend
also made news on Egypt and other fronts. If you were
unable to attend, dont despair, because you can now own
the tapes.

Now Available on
Tape 1 Keynote address by Atlantis Rising Editor and publisher J. Tape 6 John Anthony West noted Egyptologist
Douglas Kenyon. Researcher Michael Mandeville, The Return of and author ("Serpent in the Sky), offers his unique
the Phoenix Trilogy reexamines the prophecies of Edgar Cayce in insight into the hopeful meaning of ancient myths
Light of modern research. of death and resurrection as expressed in the sym-
Audio $10.95 Video $22.95 bolist school of egyptology. West also takes on the
Tape 2 Rocket Scientist John Brandenburg and science writer establishment on his case for a much more ancient
Monica Rix Paxson, Dead Mars Dying Earth, present evidence for Egyptian order.
the catastrophic destruction of an ancient Martian civilization and the Audio $10.95 Video $22.95
posibility that Earth might experience a similar fate. Tape 7 Frank Joseph editor of The Ancient American and author of
Audio $10.95 Video $22.95 several books ("The Pyramids of Rock Lake), provides dramatic new
Tape 3 Comparative mythologist Dave Talbott, The Saturn Myth, evidence for the catastrophic destruction of forgotten civilizations in
and physicist Wallace Thornhill The Electric Universe use computer the Pacific.
animation to argue that the ancients witnessed the catastrophic colli- Audio $10.95 Video $22.95
sion of planetary bodies including Earth and left the record in myths Tape 8 Moira Timms author ("Beyond Prophecies and Predictions)
and legends. and expert on the wisdom teachings of the ancient Egyptians and the
Audio $10.95 Video $22.95 Mayans, offers a new approach to ancient prophecy.
Tape 4 Dr. Paul LaViolette scientist and author Audio $10.95 Video $22.95
("Earth Under Fire, Beyond the Big Bang) Tape 9 Panel Discussion Part 1. Michael Mandeville, Monica Rix
presents evidence from astronomy, geology, and Paxson, Frank Joseph, Dr. Paul LaViolette, Dr. Robert Schoch,
ancient starlore pointing to a Galactic cosmic ray / John Anthony West, David Talbott, Wallace Thornhill, and Moira
solar flare catastrophe behind legends of a global Timms.
deluge. Audio $10.95 Video $22.95
Audio $10.95 Video $22.95 Tape 10 Panel Discussion Part 2. Michael Mandeville, Monica Rix
Tape 5 Dr. Robert Schoch geologist, tenured pro- Paxson, Frank Joseph, Dr. Paul LaViolette, Dr. Robert Schoch,
fessor at Boston University and author ("Voices of John Anthony West, David Talbott, Wallace Thornhill, and Moira
the Rocks), presents evidence in support of the Timms.
newly reconsidered theories of catastrophism Audio $10.95 Video $22.95
and previews arguments prepared for the Geolog-
ical Society of America supporting the great age of ENTIRE TEN-TAPE SET Audio $95 Video $199
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News and
from worth following from

the most authoritative

site on the web for
alternative science

click through to The Daily Grail from Atlantis

The Stargate Conspiracy (the book)

Paranoia takes a surprising, if not incredible, new direction in the latest book from the
authors of The Turin Shroud and The Templar Revelation. THE DAILY GRAIL
recently interviewed iconoclastic authors Lynn Picknett and Clive Prince. Here are excerpts:

DG: Could you shed some light on how you
ended up following the line of research in The
Stargate Conspiracy?
Some rather amazing
P&P: In a strange roundabout kind of way, it images of the Sun taken
grew out of our previous book, The Templar by the Transition Region
Revelation. We ended that book by arguing that and Coronal Explorer.
Christianity originated in Egyptand that the great
heretical secret of certain groups such as the POD/TRACEpodarchive5.html
Knights Templar was that the 'true Christ' was in fact
John the Baptist and not Jesus. Our intention was to Little Cassini has given
take the story back beyond first century Egypt in
order to trace the roots of the Gnostic/Hermetic us this picture of Jupiter.
philosophy, which we believe underpinned the
missions of John the Baptist, Mary Magdalene and /cassinijupiter/
Jesus. We actually traced back an unbroken
tradition from first century Alexandria to the religion Seems like China is
of Heliopolis in the Pyramid Age. heading for the moon.
Naturally this led us to examine the Alternative Egyptology scenario, and
we soon got so fascinated by all the to-ings and fro-ings that we ended up sections/science/DailyNews/
putting our original idea to one side (although we hope to resurrect it). We'd chinaspace001004.html
been avid followers of the likes of Graham Hancock and Robert Bauval: like
all those millions of others we were excited by everything they had to say. It Hmm, the God Particle
was only when we began to double-check their research that we rapidly is here...
became disillusioned because so many of their claimsespecially their much
vaunted 'magic' date of 10,500 BCEsimply don't add up. In our view the
controversial BBC Horizon program just about got it right. In fact, the program ~jupiter/pub/sciinfo/higgs.html
made pretty much the same criticisms as we did in The Stargate Conspiracy.
Looking beyond Hancock and Bauval, we began to consider the way in
which ideas about lost civilizations and ancient wisdom can be exploited
and twisted to create new and only too potent 'messages'. The more we
looked at this, the more we came to realise that something profoundly
disturbing is going onbut it isn't primarily about Egypt, ancient or modern. To
us, by far the most sinister part of The Stargate Conspiracy is the cult of the
Council of Nine, based on channelling of alleged entities from Sirius, who
claim to be the nine major gods of ancient Egypt. The influence of these
invisibleand very probably even non-existentbeings is quite incredible
and utterly terrifying. Al Gore, for example, is known to be open to their ideas.
What terrifies us the most about the Nine is their insidious racism. They
preach that all mankind was 'seeded' from them, the Siriansexcept the
'indigenous people' of the Earth. The black races. Of course they cover Eech, Smart Slime that
themselves with blather about not singling them out because of this, but the can navigate through a
implication is quite clear. They are not semi-gods like the rest of us. The Nine maze.
are also very strongly anti-Muslim. Very nasty stuff, and the New Age has
fallen for it almost en masse. /sci/tech/newsid_944000/944790.
Our research has revealed that the US intelligence agenciesthe usual stm
suspects, in facthave a major role in promulgating this stuff. Perhaps they
Continued on Page 20 Continued on Page 20
even invented it, for dirty little reasons
iNEWS of their own. Certainly we traced the
origins of the Nine to a
parapsychological lab funded by the
The crop circle debate Pentagon in the 1950s. Yes, the Nine
lives on. have been goingand gaining strengthfor that long!
28news22.html TDG: To tell the truth, I found the
'promotion blurb' for the book to be a bit off-puttingand from my discussions
Jewish heritage with others this seems to have been a common problem. On reading the
untouched in China. book, I was pleasantly surprised at the level of research, and with the
conclusions you make. Do you think that perhaps it would have been better to highlight the more 'down-to-Earth' investigations outlined in the book?
000,00.html P&P: The Stargate Conspiracy is, as you realize, a very complicated book,
and precising all its subtleties for the jacket blurb should no doubt be part of
Native American tribes Oxford University's entrance exam! Maybe it could have hit a different note (It
to get Kennewick Man. has changed for the paperback edition). We admit we see the book's subtitle
http://abcnews.go as somewhat ironic: 'Revealing the truth behind extraterrestrial contact,
.com/sections/ military intelligence and the mysteries of ancient Egypt'. Actually, it's no more
science/Daily than the literal truth about what's in the book, but not in the way most readers
News/ might expect!
decision00092 TDG: In The Stargate Conspiracy, you mention the often quoted 'fact' that
6.html Dr. Hawass gained his scholarship through Hugh Lynn Cayce and the ARE.
Have you reviewed this in light of the research of recent books such as Giza:
Update: the Truth, which would seem to throw doubt on this assumption?
FBI probes
theft of KM's P&P: We saw ARE's and Dr Hawass's denials in both Ian and Chris's book
and Robert Bauval's Secret Chamber. The claim was originally made in an
bones. official biography of Hugh Lynn Cayce, so there seemed no reason to doubt
http://seattle it, but of course we'll take the new statements on board. For the paperback
times.nwsource. edition of Stargate, which is due out later this year, we've added an update
com/cgi-bin/WebObjects/Seat section including new material and corrections such as this.
tleTimes.woa/wa/gotoArticle? Although it seems that ARE didn't sponsor Hawass's Egyptological
zsection_id=268448406&text_ education, there's no denying that he has a
only=0&slug=bone01m& very close relationship with that
document_id=134236257 organisation. For example, he frequently
appears at their conferences. It seems odd
Dutch scientists probe to us that such an orthodox Egyptologist
the capabilities of would be so keen to associate himself with
fetuses, with some them.
What people haven't picked up on is
surprising results. the fact that Hawass also has close ties with AMORC. We confirmed this with AMORC's
ws/briefs/20000929/hu_reu_fetu California Headquarters. We don't know
s.html about you, but we find that even more
interesting than the ARE connection... Dr. Zahi Hawass
Have Chinese
archaeologists found the TDG: I take it that you are referring to his role of consultant to the Museum
tomb of Genghis Khan? of Egyptology at AMORC's headquarters in San Jose? Surely both this and the ARE association could purely be due to the fact that they are well-funded
.cn/200009/14/eng20000914_50 organizations with an interest in Giza? Although I agree that he has to blame
481.html himself when suspicions are raised. Are you looking into this further, or moving
on to new work?

P&P: It is still strange that although Zahi Hawass is scathing about

'pyramidiots', he, as someone who sets himself up as a defender of
Egyptological orthodoxy, should maintain such close ties with AMORC and
While of course we'll keep an eagle eye on what's going on at Giza, we
have moved on to a very different subject for our next book.

A collapsed apartment building in '94 TDG: In light of your detailed investigation into the connections between
psychics/channellers and the U.S Military, did you find anything of note
Menacing undersea regarding the famous Jeanne Dixon? I mention this because of a news story
faults threaten Los featured a few months ago on TDG (see:
Angeles. /media/gfiles/dixon/index.html).

Continued on Facing Page P&P: Some aspects of her career did raise our suspicions, but we hadn't
seen the story you mention until you pointed it outthanks, it is very
interesting. It demonstrates the extent to which the New Age is used and iNEWS
directed by the powers-that-be through psychics and gurus.
Although in The Stargate Conspiracy we focus on the Council of Nine as Scientists have discovered two
the supreme example of this kind of control, we think that there are many hidden faults off the coast of
groups, cults and movements within the New Age that would not stand up to Southern California. Both faults
close and objective scrutiny. Think about all the potential power such have the potential to unleash a
gullibility offers, and think too about how keen certain agencies are to fully deadly magnitude 7.6 quake on
exploit such power. Los Angeles, Orange and San
Diego counties. A 6.7-magnitude
TDG: You mention the shadowy organisation, the 'Priory of Sion', quite Northridge quake in 1994 killed
extensively in The Templar Revelationeven admitting that you have no 72 people and caused an esti-
doubt as to the Priory's modern existence, and that it includes some members mated $35 billion in damage in
in quite high positions. I'd be interested to hear your current opinion of the Los Angeles.
Priory, and whether you are still interested in researching this organization
further. news/briefs/20001002/ea_ap_
P&P: Our position on the Priory of
Sion has modified slightly since writing Zeus' temple holds
The Templar Revelation. It's now clear insights into the ancient
to us that the 'Priory of Sion' as such is
a relatively recent invention, but that Games.
it is a front for a network of other,
interrelated orders with a clearly /2000/09/09262000/zeus_3070.
defined agenda. These include the asp
Martinist Order, the Rectified Scottish
Rite and the Rite of Memphis-Misraim. Gordon Cooper's
All of these can be traced back to claims about Area 51 put
the Strict Templar Observance of the under the microscope
18th century and, more (or spy camera, if you
controversially, to the medieval
Templars themselves. will).
What most other researchers
seem to ignore is the fact that the sciencefiction/phenomena/
common thread that unites all these cooper_questioned_000929.
groups is their underlying html
Johannitismthe Priory of Sion, for
example, explicitly declares itself as
St. John the Baptist, Agnolo Bronzino Johannite. It's astonishing to us that
the tired old chestnut of the bloodline
of Jesus is still trotted out as a major part of the Priory of Sion story. Why would
an organization that believes John the Baptist to be the 'true Christ' wish to
protect the bloodline of the man they believe to have (at the very least)
usurped him?
Our interest in, and research into, the Priory of Sion has shifted more onto
the groups that it fronts...

TDG: Now, the question 'nobody should touch with a 10-foot pole but I'm
gonna have to'. The whole blow-up with Robert Bauval and Graham
Hancock concerning their inclusion in The Stargate Conspiracyyou've Cleopatra's signature
posted a few times to TDG concerning this topicbut a quick summary of discovered? Autograph
your present thoughts on the matter? hunters must be a
perennial phenomenon...
P&P: The whole row we see as terrible shame for several reasons. Not only A Dutch scholar says a Greek
has it taken up far too much of everybody's time, but it has served to focus on papyrus thought to be from a
just one part of The Stargate Conspiracy i.e., our criticisms of the Alternative transaction between an Egyptian
Egypt scenewhereas the more important part for us is the whole question of villager and a Mr. X, is actually a
the Council of Nine and intelligence agencies' battle for control of the New royal document containing the
Age. We'd much rather be arguing about that. original signature of the Egyptian
We regret never having had the opportunity to engage Graham queen Cleopatra.
Hancock or Robert Bauval in debate on the issues we raised (as opposed to
getting bogged down endlessly in peripheral matters), but quite frankly we
want to put it all behind us now and move on to the next thing.
Before we leave this topic more or less forever, however, let us take this
opportunity to make it clear once and for all that, despite what Bauval and
Hancock seem to think, we never claimed that they or any of the other Can gorillas and
researchers and writers we discussedmost specifically Robert Temple, John dolphins communicate?
Anthony West, Richard Hoagland and Whitley Strieberwere or are knowingly
part of the stargate conspiracy. We did say that their ideas have been URE/10/02/dolphins.gorillas.ap/i
cynically exploited and used by those with a more sinister agenda. ndex.html

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Wayne May
Wellspring Center
before Emigrant
September 9 panel discussion. (Left to Right) Michael Mandeville,
Monica Rix Paxson, Frank Joseph, Dr. Paul LaViolette, John Anthony West,
Dr. Robert Schoch, David Talbott, Wallace Thornhill & Moira Timms.

Fires of the Mind

Tom Miller
Follow Season
of Smoke
Jessica Phillips

Jessica Phillips
Atlantis Rising Conference Makes
Dr. John Brandenburg
News on Egypt and Other Fronts J. Douglas Kenyon
only ones.

espite a considerable chal- and the sky was sunny. Moreover, a Also included in the varied
lenge from Mother Nature few night-time showers succeeded in weekend fare was an update on the
herself Earth Changes providing, for the first time in months, work of John Anthony West and Dr.
2000 (September 8 -10) a spectacular snowy cap for nearby Em- Robert Schoch in their redating of the
the inaugural conference igrant peak. Great Sphinx of Egypt and, by exten-
of Atlantis Rising magazine came and Whether such ideal conditions may sion, the very origins of civilization.
went without actual cataclysm. In fact, have existed at crucial points in the an- On other fronts, there was a lively ex-
consensus opinion among the 100 plus cient past and indeed can continue in- change over the validity of the so-
attendees from throughout the U.S. definitely into the future were among called underwater ruins off the coast of
and several foreign countries at South- the questions conferees had gathered Japan, and new analysis of the latest
western Montanas brand new Well- on the banks of the Yellowstone River NASA photographs of the Cydonia re-
spring Conference center was that the to consider, and the busy program pro- gion of Mars.
event was one of the best of its kind, vided them plenty of food for thought. After brief opening remarks from
ever. It is the view of the editors of Atlantis Atlantis Rising editor Doug Kenyon on
Earlier in the summer conference Rising Magazine and its co-sponsor the significance of worldwide amnesia
organizers had reason to fear worse as Ancient American Magazine that as a factor in modern cultural blind-
smoke from vast forest fires, though human history has been interrupted ness, Michael Mandeville, author of
often hundreds of miles away, fre- many times by catastrophic events and The Return of the Phoenix -Trilogy,
quently filled the big sky with haze, that such episodes have become a led off with a report on his exhaustive
even as record heat and the worst source for the many accounts of world- analysis of the prophecies of Edgar
drought in many years had taken water wide deluge which have come down to Cayce. After spending several years
levels to dangerously low levels. For a us through scriptures and through carefully comparing Cayces predic-
while it seemed that the environment myths and legends in every culture. tions with well-documented historical
itself might be using the occasion to The causes in nature of such events, and scientific data, Mandeville has
complain about its unhappy state, but the role they have played in shaping come to the conclusion that the
all such concerns proved groundless. our society, and the possibilities that sleeping prophet was right at least 85%
By Saturday morning the smoke had such episodes might reoccur were the
disappeared, the air was clear and cool principal topics, but, by no means, the Continued on Page 59
lexandriafabled City of Al- lowed between any of the teams
ANCIENT MYSTERIES exander and home to Cleo- remote viewers, geologists, historians
patraHer lost secrets re- or underwater sonar experts. Even the
vealed themselves to an remote viewers themselves would not
American Remote Viewing be encouraged to interact, but only to
Team more than twenty years before do their own best work. Geology and
the French divers rediscovered them... psi-functioning would perform their
A Mobius strip is a famous geo- separate jobs and the results, if any,
metric anomaly usually first encoun- would be recorded permanently on
tered in High Schoola thin strip of film and audio recording. The idea was
paper with one end reversed and reat- novelto combine the intellect along
tached to the other end. In formal geo- with the intuitive.
metric terms it cannot exist as it has no Alexander of Macedon had con-
measurements, surface, beginning nor quered the known world of his era, and
ends. was reliably reported to have been en-
In 1979 Stephan Schwartz followed tombed in Egypt at death. Thus the
a career as advisor and special assistant quest would have a result of major im-
to CNO (Chief of Naval Operations) to portance to history if it did succeed.
follow other interests which had led Legendary Alexandria, a city still fabled
copyright 2000 by The Mobius Group

him to becoming a fellow of the Royal for its mythology and intrigue, was the
Geographic Society and a member of logical place to begin the quest.
the Explorers Club. Having become fas- Once the jewel of the Mediterra-
cinated with the idea of using Remote nean, home to such icons as Cleopatra
Viewing, under study at Stanford then herself, Antony, Euclid, and the mar-
at SRI, as a tool to be used for dis- tyred St. Mark, not to mention its still
covery, he and other scientists formed legendary Library and the fallen remains
The Mobius Group, devoted to such re- of the ancient Pharos lighthouse, had
search. He had thus committed himself suffered partial immersion by seawater,
Psi Explorer Stephan A.Swartz of the Mobius to exploration of a human skill almost concealing many of its once-famed land-
Group confers with archaeologist divers in as mysterious as the Mobius strip itself. marks.
Alexandria harbor in 1979 Mobius, the first partnership be- Schwartzs concept had already
tween scientists of varying disciplines proven that deep submergence would
and remote viewers, first took on an not be a problem in such a venture, as

Remote underwater project, that of discovering
a previously unknown shipwreck. This
venture, known as Operation Deep
Quest, was so successful that he deter-
far as the psi team was concerned, for
his success with discovery of an un-
known wreck off Santa Catalina had
shown that to be no problem. (Another

mined to broaden its scope. In es-
sence, he would pit the new concept
against an even larger mystery, the dis-
covery of lost treasures, such as the
tomb of Alexander the Great, in the
trial, not involving his work, had
shown its value in locating a small
missing boat that sank off Gibraltar.)
Depth of water would not be the
problembut maps of even the modern

TAKE THE harbor of his own City in Egypt.

Nothing of this nature had been
done before. Though single re-
searchers had sought the knowledge of
harbor were notoriously sketchy.
The remote viewing team would be
selected from some of those associated
with the SRI program with Russell Targ

Credit FOR
for the past, such as the work at Glaston-
bury or that of Emerson in Canada, no
formal team of science specialists and
tried remote viewers had been pitted
against such a target as this long-lost
and Dr. Hal Puthoff. A map, which had
been reworked to essentially disguise
the exact location, would be sent to po-
tential psi operatives, along with a list
of questions about what might be

Alexandria tomb site.
The Mobius concept was unique, in
that little or no contact would be al-
found in the area.
Mobiuss founder understood psi
functioning perhaps better than any re-
searcher has before or since. His idea
Discoveries was that the human mind could operate
copyright 2000 by The Mobius Group
copyright 2000 by The Mobius Group

Years Before French

Divers Located the
Famous Ruins, Psi
Explorers Had
Blazed the Trail The Kait Bey Fort seen from the Seaward side. Pharos site discoveries are beneath the water
clustered around the base of the promotory.
viewing to designate the abilities of his
better as a remote sensing biocom- returned to Schwartz. The teams in-
working team.
puter, capable of operations far beyond cluded a physicist, a grocery clerk, an
Because of its unique approach and
the pedestrian and boring card auto parts store manager, a photogra-
lack of affiliation with any University,
guessing of earlier times. His thought pher, a professional fund raiser and an
Mobius had a continuing problem with
was that psi skills could be better stim- Italian Count. All were essentially
funding, which would limit its initial
ulated through a search for some tan- normal men and women who wanted
search to only one season in Egypt.
gible unknowns, concealed by time or to participate but preferred to keep
Working under tight restrictionthe
landscape. their identities secret.
team had to produce or to fail. It did
Another controversial but ground Schwartz knew that psi was a
not failthough much of the validation
breaking technique was the use of a normal human talent, yet not all who
had to wait for well-funded diving
team of reliable remote viewers, rather were exercising it could work with a
teams to show the value of the early
than a single psi operative. A third was project of this type. Medical intuitives,
work through their own re-discoveries
the open use in his 1983 book The for instance, usually prefer working on
in the 1990s.
Alexandria Project of the term remote physical problems rather than histor-
ical unknowns, or with maps. The
Reality vs
team was asked initially to begin with
simple, unambiguous questions such
A team of spe-
as the location of the tomb of Alex-
cialists was thus
ander and an additional site known in
assembled to
the ancient world as the Hall of Many
carve away legend
Passages. The location of Cleopatras
and myth to un-
palace or any monuments of her own
cover what real
era were a secondary target.
facts about Alex-
Several of the psi team who re-

copyright 2000 by The Mobius Group

anders City, his
ceived the map and questions returned
tomb and his
their maps showing sites which were
monuments could
known to be under Alexandrias
be located.
harbor. Enough of their circled target
The maps and
zones were within millimeters of one
questions had
another to form a clear and exciting
been sent, and a
zone for on-site exploration. They
selection of po-
were outlining a city which was no
tential targets
longer visible.
A map of Alexandrias Eastern harbor shows discoveries made both had been outlined
expeditions on the maps and Continued on Page 60

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Editors Note: Atlantis Rising frequently receives first-

person reports and essays from readers which describe
original research and discoveries which they have made.
Until now it has been our policy not to publish such mate-
rial. The reasons have to do with limited space and the in-
tention to maintain our own credibility by sticking with
third-party objective reporting of material which is making
news. Also, it is important to remember that this is not a
professional journal devoted to pure research and we
cannot become overly technical. However, much of the ma-
terial we receive, despite the subjective bias of the writers,
is of very high quality and we feel that at least some of it
should be passed on to our readers. For that reason, we
have decided that, beginning with this issue, we will devote
regular space to the original research of our readers. We
will try to include one discovery per issue. Let us know how
you like it.

The Human
Face of Sacred
Figure 1

Figure 2. Sculptor Charles Henry has used

principles of sacred geometry to generate a
convincing human form above.
I saw what looked to me like an-
thropomorphic images that could be
modified by changing the position and
color of the light sources that were ar-
ranged around the outside of the glass
pyramid. With Bill Robinson and Steve
Roberts, I formed a corporation that
produced many photographs similar to
Figure 3
the above image. The images in these
photographs showed some face-like

n the early 1970s, I first became structures but they were not con-
interested in the Great Pyramid vincing due to the course texture
while reading Peter Tompkins created by the stacking arrangement
Secrets of the Great Pyramid and the positions of the lights. The im-
and Patrick Flannagans Pyramid ages did provoke many discussions re-
Power. But what struck me was the garding the images of the gods of antiq-
derivation of the angle of the sides to uity. We produced a movie that
the base (about 52 degrees) as a mani- demonstrated the changing images in
festation of the Vesica Pisces (figure 1) response to the moving lights. But we
based on a drawing in John Michells Figure 4 did not discover any convincing
View Over Atlantis. That great monu- human forms as we had hoped. The
ment was the result of the offset of a Thinking in terms of spheres and
pyramids, I began to experiment with corporation soon dissolved and I con-
unit circle by its radius and then com- tinued the search for the face in the
bined with itself enlarged three times. stacking reflective spheres (Christmas
tree balls) in glass pyramids and photo- spheres in many configurations with
The sculptor in me saw this as four many different lighting arrangements.
intersecting spheres (figure 3). graphing the multiple reflection pat-
terns that naturally occurred on the
BY CHARLES R. HENRY inner surfaces. (Figure 4) Continued on Page 28
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really surprised both me and my ImmortalityDevices about five days
family! Thank you for bringing my ago. Within two days, I no longer
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Im a 65-year-old man whos been did. Im 42. (Male) M.U.
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Continued from Page 26
Then on January 1, 1977, I discov-
ered one arrangement that convinced
me that I was on the right track in my
pursuit of the human form in this sa-
cred geometry. This structure shown
below was formed by two pyramids of
spheres which were set base-to-base
and rotated with respect to each other
on the center axis to fit bump-to-cusp.
This structure was lit from below and it
had a mirrored glass pyramid on top.
(Figure 5.)

Figure 5

Missed an important
Figure 7
article in
Atlantis Rsing? Although the face image was im-
proved by the 10 within 10 structure,
Dont despair. it was still incomplete with distortions
and unresolved surface anomalies. The
Check the Archives limitations of photography became ob-
on our web site. vious. I found that I needed yet another
set of spheres. These spheres would
have to be 59.7" in diameter and they would cost $1500 each. Not only was

this price prohibitive but the control of
the light source color and positioning
as well as the control of the camera po-
sition was too restrictive for the range
With a telephoto lens, I was able to of options that I wanted to study. So, in
photograph the inner surface of one 1992, I decided to purchase a com-
sphere which had a pretty convincing puter and software to simulate these
image of a human face with teeth, structures accurately and conveniently.
eyes, nose, and upper torso as shown It took me a while to learn the simula-
below. tion software Real 3D by Realsoft but
the program gave me the opportunity
to study many structures without
having to build them in the real world.
With it, I was able to position the
camera and lights and make animations
by recording the changing camera posi-
tion and lighting conditions. This led to
many discoveries about the conditions
necessary to create the image of the
human face and torso. I soon realized
that it takes at least 40 spheres (4 shells
of 10 spheres each) to enclose the
Figure 6 structure sufficiently to make the sur-
faces in the face image continuous. I
I built many configurations of the also found that the lights were most ef-
10-sphere cluster enclosed in mirrored fective when they were placed at the
The face images in those photo-
graphs were still incomplete and dis-
torted by the reflections in the flat mir-
rors that made the enclosures. I
realized that the way that nature would
enclose a 10-sphere cluster is with an-
other 10-sphere cluster. I found that
for 10 spheres to enclose 10 spheres
the smaller cluster must be enlarged by
a factor of Pi and rotated 45 degrees
about the central axis; then they will
close-pack as shown in figure 7 (with Figure 8
one sphere removed). Continued on page 62
Human Form from Sacred Geometry
Prints and CD with animation are available.
Information at:

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Energy Medicine in
the Operating Room
A New Age Pioneer Takes Her Intuition
Where Few Have Dared to Go

nprocessed trauma cessing her own childhood trauma, she
and withheld ang- participated in Fusion Groups
er, says energy (Encounters popular during the 70s).
healer Julie Motz, She credits the work of Mike and Sonja
is responsible for Gilligan as pioneering and inspiring:
99.9% of all serious illness and disease. Sonja Gilligans unique contribution
Speaking with clarity, confidence and was to realize that there are four and
the quick pace of a native New Yorker, only four basic feelings, says Motz. Gil-
she continues: Anger is misunder- ligan correlated them with the four Julie Motz
stood; its not recognized as being the forces in matter (electromagnetism,
energy that can move us forward. gravity, nuclear force and weak force); ...Anger isnt something
Author of the extremely well- later, Motz postulated that these emo-
written book, Hands of Life (This is a tional forces are carried in specific sys-
you want to get rid of; its
must read for any open-minded person tems, tissues and fluids in the body. something you want to
suffering from an illness. Julie Motz has Fear corresponds to electromagne- appreciate and use...
captured the essence of mind-body tism and is the same as excitement; it is
medicine at the cellular level, says Ste- the feeling state of perception and
phen Sinatra, M.D.), Motz has received should be carried in the cerebrospinal messages, she helps patients to harness
widespread recognition for her ground- fluid and the nervous system, she
breaking and often controversial work the bodys own energy, intelligence
states. Anger is the emotion of action, and memory. Such a combination has
as the first non-traditional healer al- corresponding to gravity. If your fear
lowed to work side by side with sur- proven effective for even the riskiest
tells you that what you have perceived operations, including heart transplants,
geons in operating rooms at such pre- is safe, your anger carries you forward
stigious hospitals as Columbia head trauma, and breast cancer sur-
to get what you desire. If your fear tells gery.
Presbyterian Medical Center in New you it is dangerous, your anger gives
York and Stanford University Hospital Motz, who can feel a patients emo-
you the energy to fight or flee. Motz tions in her own body, believes that
in California. says that anger should be carried in the
Her energy-healing techniques help her ability to identify and interpret
blood and in the muscles. physical/emotional signals is some-
surgery patients need less anesthesia According to Gilligan and Motz,
and recover faster and more com- thing almost anyone can learn. She
pain corresponds to the nuclear force, likens the process to learning how to
pletely. She has lectured at Stanford with its power to pull in toward the
and Dartmouth medical schools, has track with an Indian guide. At first,
center. Pain, in the emotional sense, is you are amazed that he can tell that a
presented her work at national and in- self-knowledge, says Motz. It puts
ternational conferences and has been deer stood next to this particular tree,
you in touch with the core of your or that a fox came through the under-
profiled on Dateline, CNN, The New being, and should be carried in the lym-
York Times Magazine, New Age brush at just this point. Then the guide
phatic fluid and the bones. shows you the place where the buds
Journal, USA Today and Ladies Home Love, the fourth emotional force,
Journal. have been stripped from a branch or
corresponds to the weak force, and some dry leaves displaced along the
According to Motz, many of the should be carried in the synovial fluid path. Its not that you didnt see these
techniques employed for processing of the joints and in the bone marrow.
anger (such as hitting a bed with a things; they passed across your visual
The weak force is released deep inside field, just as they did across his. But
baseball bat or throwing pillows) are stars like the sun, where they create you didnt notice them, because you
not effective. Hitting is abusive to the energy that keeps us alive. Ac-
your own body and it throws the en- had not trained yourself to consider
cording to Motz, it is this mysterious such signs as bearers of important in-
ergy out of the body; what you need to weak force of love which is, in fact, formation.
do is move it through the body, so you the healing force. Though it may be something all of
can access its strength. Anger isnt Holding a Masters Degree in Public us are capable of, Motz ability to sense
something you want to get rid of; its Health, Motz blends Eastern holistic emotion within bodily structures is
something you want to appreciate and concepts with Western medicine; she clearly head and shoulders above most
use and have at your disposal. employs a number of modalities, none of us. Sometimes compared to medical
Motz knows first-hand what its like of which she has formally studied for intuitive Carolyn Myss, whom she ad-
to experience the power of anger more than five days. Using her intui- mires for popularizing the whole con-
moving through the body. In pro- tion, touch therapies and acupressure cept of energetic healing, Motz points
meridians, as well as verbal and psychic out that she is much less metaphysical
than Myss. Im much more interested urally. She is used to vigorous discus- be healed only by having someone saw
in the physics, she states. Having sion, reads voraciously ("literally any- open their chest and physically touch
studied the work of French physicist thing thats well-written), writes their heart, as they themselves could
Louis de Broglie (who posited that all poetry, and lists thinking about never do, she says. Many other
matter emits waves which travel faster things as one of her leisure pastimes. people, like the surgeons I work with,
than the speed of light), she finds it en- Though she considers angels and rein- enjoy cutting open chests and moving
tirely possible that matter as highly or- carnation to be things the frontal things around inside. These two
ganized as human tissue would not cortex creates to soothe us when groups of people are likely to be
only give off distinctive and identifiable trauma starts pushing, she also admits coming together for a long time. So
wave patterns, but also be able to re- having had at least two interesting long as they do, there is a place for an
ceive and identify them. This is what I energetic experiences about which she energy healer.
believe is going on when I feel another withholds judgment. I believe the uni- She further speculates that the high
persons emotions in my body, she verse is evolving towards order and drama and ritual of surgery has deep
says. love, but theres no Deity separate meaning both for the rescued and the
Motz theorizes that there are two from us, which is actually an Eastern rescuers in our society, and points
possible ways that enable energy concept. that just by coming into the OR, the
healing to work: It may be that when I Her experiences with the Fusion patient is expressing his love toward
touch a patient, the energy of their Groups and subsequent work with pa- the surgeon. Allowing the surgeon to
body begins to align itself vibrationally tients has led her to the wisdom of the open and enter his body, while he, the
with mine, and the meridian I am heart. I returned from the world of patient, is utterly out of control, is an
touching shifts. The other possible ex- the intellect to the world of emotions, even greater act of love. She envisions
planation is that when I touch with a which bridges the brain to the body, an operating room where everyone in
loving or a healing intent, that point of she says. I reconnected thought and attendance thanks the patient for being
contact becomes a magnet for ambient feeling and admitted that the love I had there and for bringing his love and
energy in the room, which enters the taken in was what had made me trust into the room to create a healing
persons body through my hand or smart. space for all. Without him, there would
finger at that point. In this theory I am That love has paid off: her services be no focus for our love and our
actually attracting a flood of neutrinos are $250 per hour out of surgery and knowledge. Each of us would commit
that interact with other subatomic par- $175 in the hospital. Well aware of her to putting into the space of nonjudg-
ticles inside the body to alter the en- worth, she has had to prove it within ment, in which the surgery would
ergy flow. the politics of the medical establish- occur whatever it was we needed to
The daughter of a Theoretical ment, and is passionate about both her have healed at that time.
Physics Professor and a Director of work and the concept of energy Motz believes that brain tumors may
New York City School Libraries, Motz healing within a larger, social context.
comes by her intellectual prowess nat- Thousands of people believe they can Continued on Page 63

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The Attractions of Magnetism

Could a Little Child Be Leading Us to a Free Energy Future?

he search for oscillating, optical-
new energy electronics, and hopes
technology that even structural
takes us to metals can eventually
northern be treated with it to re-
Idaho to meet a ten- duce stress defects. Is
year-old girl who won a this negative entropy
science fair with a bat- self-ordering in the
tery-charging motor. physical world?
She describes it as an Bearden adds that
advanced design that most really new things
extends the life of bat- are invented not by aca-
teries for an amazing demic teams or corpo-
length of time. The rate scientists but by
motor was designed by the lone independent,
John Bedini and built fiercely creative
by her. We meet him people.
first. I meet Bedini at his
More widely known business, surrounded
as an audio-amplifiers by electronics equip-
expert, Bedinis name 10-year-old Shawnee Baughman with her award-winning science ment. The back room
is intertwined with looks like a museum of
free energy history. small prototypes of un-
Witnesses saw his ma- usual motor/
chines running suc- generators. Some are
cessfully, but later pictured on websites
others were unable to http://
build devices ac-
cording to his pub- John1 or http:/
lished instructions. His
circuitry was men- john1/tesla.html.
tioned favorably at a He says his knowl-
conference in Switzer- edge is on the internet,
land recently. and now its up to
Aware of the con- others to build the de-
troversies, with mixed vices. He says they
feelings I drove into have to experiment
the Idaho panhandle, themselves, and it re-
past a warehouse for minds me that he
survivalists supplies. taught a little girl how
My hope is that he will to make a motor which
give clues so others drove science teachers
can duplicate his suc- nutsto see a little
cesses. Inventor John Bedini tweaks a working model of his magnet motor motor made of plastic
Explaining his theory about such de- music. After a six-year struggle, Bedini with no return paths for the magnetics.
vices, new-energy theorist Thomas was granted US Patent 5,487,057 for a The funny thing was that her father
Bearden is writing prolifically this year. mechanism for reducing electronic dis- bent a coat hanger and put a coil above
Retired from electronic warfare studies tortion in digital and analog recording the motor and used it as a generator.
and aerospace work, Bearden is the and playback. Bearden (writing in Ex- The motor ran much longer under the
leading advocate of scalar potential plore Magazine Vol. 7, No. 4, pp 53- load than they had expected.
electromagnetics, and he explains how 63) says the patent examiner couldnt John Bedini was roaming the free
the sea of energy we live inan ener- understand the mechanism, because energy scene in California in the
getic flux of virtual particlescould be Bedinis nonlinear optics process was 1970s and early 1980s, collecting
engineered to do work in the physical not found in audio-, or classical electro- knowledge about medical as well as en-
world. magnetics textbooks. Meanwhile, John ergy devices. He had an electronics
Bearden also has a theory about an- and his brother Gary were already business in Sylmar, and at home he ex-
other of Bedinis scalar inventions selling the stress-defect-relieving de- perimented with windmills and other
one which can increase enjoyment of vices. The process even works for systems. The utility company ob-
media such as color film. Bearden ex- jectedhe was hooked up to their
plains Bedinis process as self-
BY JEANE MANNING Continued on Page 64


THE THREE ESSENTIALS Dana Liddell had purchased her ioniser
being. Asthma, allergies blood pressure, in-
An ounce of prevention is worth a in an effort to overcome combination of
somnia, sex drive and wound healing are
pound of cure goes the old saying, and stress, migraine headache and unpleasant
just a few of the conditions aided by ioniza-
who wouldnt prefer to maintain good menopausal symptoms. Dana states: I
health rather than begin a desperate search cant use estrogen replacement therapy, but
for remedies once illness has taken hold? Note: lonisers used in the above experi-
mentation utilized a radioactive source since receiving the Elanra less than a week
With hospital charges and medical insu- ago, the hot flashes have stopped and Im
rance premiums skyrocketing, (tritium) to produce small negative ions.
less stressed.
more people are relying on Georgina is an asthmatic
preventative and alternative who has been severely af-
health care than ever before. fected by recent bad weather
Barring accident or injury, and smoke from neighbors
there are basically three re- wood fires. She found that
quirements for optimum the Elanra provided an im-
health and well-being, and in mense improvement. Theres
the western world at least, no more of that suffocating
they are readily available... breathlessness during the
good food, good water and night, she said, And I can
good air. breathe easily in the morning.
The most important neces- My energy level is increasing
sity for life is good air all the time, so now Im able
quality, a fact thats too easy to maintain a fairly active
to overlook. Pollution is an day..
obvious hazard, but what we cant see can THE WORLDS
also pose a serious threat to well-being. ONLY THERAPEUTIC LONISER
Not many people are aware that the elec- Now however, after years of pains-
Theres one interesting side-effect... all
trical charge of the air we breathe taking research, Australian Joshua Shaw
of these people spoke of enjoying deep
positive or negative has a cruel effect on has invented and patented the worlds only
restful sleep, some even mentioning they
health and well being. therapeutic ioniser, named the Elanra. It is
now remembered their dreams (invariably
safe to use, stunningly effective and regis-
pleasant ones) quite clearly in the morning.
EXPLAINING NEGATIVE IONS tered by the Australian government as a
The Elanra can be programmed to 144
Negative air ions are short-lived, elec- therapeutic device.
different configurations to help relieve a
trically charged particles that are found in This machine has proven its worth to
wide range of ailments, from headaches
abundance in natural settings like the sea- thousands of individuals in Australia and
and respiratory problems to depression,
side, near waterfalls and in pine forests, but overseas. It has been examined, tested and
mood swings and insomnia. Theres no
are seriously depleted in urban environ- highly praised by international experts in
mystery to it. Nature intended us to breathe
ments and inside the average home. The the field of electromedicine.
in small negative ions of oxygen. Without
smallest of these oxygen particles can be Joshua Shaws Australian research
them living organisms cannot survive at all
breathed in and enter the bloodstream clearly demonstrated that small negative
and unfortunately, the technology-rich en-
through the lungs, improving bodily effi- ions of oxygen, when inhaled, increase the
vironment we have created destroys the ion
ciency and helping to stave off allergies bodys production of Immunoglobin A, an
balance of the air we breathe. We cant
and physical and emotional illness. important immune factor. Its also known,
turn back the clock, but we can use tech-
Before you say Rubbish! consider that elevated levels of the neurotransmitter
nology to help restore that balanceand
this: serotonin can cause a range of unpleasant
the inner balance of our own complex bi-
As long ago as the 1930s science had effects from allergies to depression, and
proven that small negative ions of oxygen that exposure to small negative ions will
were of benefit to all living organisms. bring serotonin back into balance, relieving
In the 1950s separate research pro-
grams in the USA, Israel and the former
For example, Violet Kennedy is in her
Soviet Union demonstrated that, in an at-
mosphere depleted of small negative ions,
late sixties and has suffered from asthma
and sinus problems for years. She had been
bacteria flourished, laboratory animals be- using her Elanra for less than a month FOR INFORMATION CALL
came lethargic and developed illnesses, and when she reported the changes in her con-
humans became irritable, argumentative dition as a miracle. She no longer uses TOLL FREE
and depressed. her nebuliser or asthma drugs and said, l
Further research demonstrated that an feel a renewed sense of energy. I wake up 888-811-0056
abundance of small neg-ions, mechanically feeling great. Id been coughing non-stop
generated and breathed in by subjects, re- for six weeks, and the first night I put the Elanra USA, Inc.
versed these effects and resulted in im- ioniser beside my bed I slept right through
proved levels of performance and well till morning.


Rock Lake Unveils Its Secret

Fly-Over Makes
New Underwater

he twin-bladed wooden pro-
peller of our vintage airplane
suddenly became a shim-
mering disk, as its 115-horse
engine roared into life, de-
spite its 51 years. Pilot Brad Peterson
jammed the throttle forward. His 1949
Piper Clipper thrilled with power, hur-
tled down the Fort Atkinson runway,
then bounded up through the pristine-
blue, late morning skies of Wisconsin. I
sat at Brads right, although on this
sortie I was more navigator than co-
Behind us was Scotland-born Steven
Dempsey, award-winning photo-
journalist whose work appears in the
Chicago Sun-Times. Draped with cam- Enigmatic triangle at the bottom of Wisconsins Rock Lake.
eras and bags of extra film, he tightly the century was aimed at obtaining black circles was side-by-side near its
fastened his seat-belts, while looking photographic evidence for any archae- apex. Vandre and Wollin estimated the
uncertainly at the aircrafts open side. ological remains that might be other- length of each side of the deltas equal
It had been removed to allow broad, wise lost to view in the turbid waters. sides at 300 feet.
unobstructed views of the Earth below. But ours was by no means the first Dempsey and I repeated their aerial
I directed Brad on a northwesterly aerial reconnaissance of its kind. As discovery 47 years later, when we char-
heading, as we rose a thousand feet long ago as 1936 (April 11), Dr. Fayette tered a private plane out of nearby Wa-
above the broad squares of fertile farm- Morgan, a town dentist and early ci- tertown. We, too, saw the sunken tri-
land spread out like green carpeting be- vilian pilot in Wisconsin, was the first angle, a sight that sparked our own
neath the Clippers 29-foot wing span. person to see Rock Lake from the van- quest for the lost civilization of Rock
Just ten minutes after take-off, the tage-point of altitude. From the open Lake. Since then, the delta has been in-
windscreen began to fill with the ob- cockpit of his spindly bi-plane circling frequently seen and rarely photo-
ject of our quest. At hardly more than a at 500 feet, he spied the black forms of graphed (with poor results), because
mile wide and two miles long from two rectangular buildings on the conditions must be almost perfect for it
north to south, pear-shaped Rock Lake bottom of the lake near its center. He to appear. Even a light wind ruffles the
appeared not unlike the states hun- executed several passes, and saw lake surface with waves which distorts
dreds of other bodies of fresh water. clearly their uniform dimensions and or conceals the target. Too much sun
What made it unique, however, was prodigious size, which he estimated at produces glare, while not enough
not its surface, but what allegedly lay more than 100 feet each. Landing to re- merges all underwater images into in-
beneath. Since the early 1830s, when fuel, Dr. Morgan dashed home for his distinct shadows.
the first pioneers arrived in this camera, then took off at once to cap- Winter hides the triangle under an
southern part of Wisconsin between ture the sunken objects on film. By the ice-cap, and an impenetrable curtain of
what is now Milwaukee and the capital time he returned over the lake, its un- verdant algae-bloom veils it just after
at Madison, the native Winnebago or derwater monuments had vanished in the vernal equinox through autumn.
Ho Chunk residents told of a sunken the late afternoon light. The occasional windows of opportu-
village of rock tepees under the lake. Subsequent and repeated flights to nity when the delta makes its appear-
Their tradition was dismissed as mere photograph or even rediscover them ance are in early spring (immediately
Indian fable until two duck hunters from the air failed until 1940, when a following the ice-melt) or, less often, in
peered over the side of their boat local pilot, Armand Vandre, and his late fall, after the algae-bloom has
during a water-clarifying drought at the rear cockpit observer, Elmer Wollin, mostly or somewhat died off, just be-
turn of the 20th century. They beheld a spotted them again. But as their single- fore the onset of icing. Our early May
huge pyramidal building sitting dark engine airplane banked over the south fly-over last spring would ordinarily
and massively in the depths of Rock end of the lake at less than a thousand have been ill-timed, but lingering cold-
Lake. Since then, declining sub-surface feet, they were awestruck by an en- dry conditions had retarded the spread
visibility, abetted by pollution, has tirely new sight. Below them, under of organic growth, and the combina-
veiled the sunken structure in contro- less than twenty feet of water, lay a ti- tion of light winds with thin cloud
versy. Our fly-over at another turn-of- tanic, perfectly centered triangular for- cover boded well for aerial photog-
mation pointing due north. A pair of
BY FRANK JOSEPH Continued on Page 36
bottom on which it stood.
ROCK LAKE But from that higher perspective we
were surprised to observe other fea-
raphy. tures not otherwise seen at lower alti-
So far, even the best photographs of tudes. Northeast of the triangle was the
the triangle had been inadequate. We configuration of a small, narrow
hoped to take the best ever made, be- sunken island, perhaps 1,500 feet long
cause the huge object is among the and 400 feet across. More surprising
most persuasive pieces of evidence on was a straight line that led from the
behalf of man-made structures in Rock southeastern shore under water toward
Lake, and we hoped to capture it on the apex of the sunken delta. Was it an
film with indisputable clarity. So far, ancient road, constructed before the
conventional scholars, including Wis- water levels rose, or a modern irriga-
consins state archaeologist, dismissed tion work? We later learned from the
the stone structures described by Lake Mills chamber of commerce
scuba divers in Rock Lake as drumlins (Lake Mills is the town bordering Rock
and kames, the natural remnants of Lake) that no known drainage project
the last Ice Age. But no retreating gla- was historically undertaken in that area
cier could have carved out a perfect tri- of the lake.
When the
sighting was dis-
cussed with Lloyd
Hornbostel, a local
geologist, he sug-
gested the line was
the remains of an ex-
tensive stone canal
that connected Rock
Lake with Aztalan,
three miles away. Az-
talan is today a 21-
acre archaeological
park featuring a
stockaded wall par-
tially enclosing two
earthen temple-
Pilot Brad Peterson (left), with author and Piper Cub mounds known as
the Pyramids of the
angle; only human beings could have Sun and Moon. During its florescence
done that, and a very long time ago, in the late 13th century, the ceremo-
for it to have been engulfed by the wa- nial center was twice as large. Then it
ters of Rock Lake. That is why Steven comprised three concentric walls
Dempsey was on board. If his photo- abutted with watch-towers sur-
graphs could unequivocally document rounding a trio of pyramidal earth-
its existence, they would comprise sig- works surmounted by wooden shrines.
nificant proof of a prehistoric culture In its final stage, beginning around
in Wisconsin. 1100 A.D., Aztalan belonged to the
Our reconnaissance sortie was Upper Mississippian Culture that flour-
unique, in that we took the first infra- ished throughout the American Mid-
red photographs of the lake. Infra-red west, into the South, although carbon-
aerial photography has been used in re- dating tests revealed its earliest known
cent years to locate the remains of an- origins in the 3rd century B.C. Its popu-
cient structures not visible to the unas- lation maxed out at an estimated
sisted human eye. 20,000 residents, who lived on both
At about 1,800 feet and climbing, sides of the walls. They were led by as-
Brads Piper Clipper provided us with tronomer-priests, who precisely
the most spectacular panorama of oriented their pyramids for the compu-
Rock Lake. Never before had its huge tation of numerous celestial phe-
delta stood out with such unmistakable nomena, including the winter solstice,
definition, its 900-foot-long sides (yes, phases of the moon, and positions of
three times greater than Vandre and Venus. Around A.D. 1320, the Azta-
Wollin estimated sixty years before) laners inexplicably set fire to their city,
clearly rising from the lake bottom. abandoning its flame-engulfed walls.
The shutters of Dempseys cameras According to surviving Winnebago oral
clicked in rapid fire, capturing the tradition, they fled far to the south. In-
Rock Lake delta during this once-in-a- terestingly, their migration coincided
lifetime opportunity. I asked Brad to in- with the sudden rise of the Aztec state
crease our altitude to photograph the in the Valley of Mexico.
triangle in relation to the shore. At The first scientific investigator of Az-
3,300 feet, the great delta stood out in talan was Increase Lapham, who pro-
sharp relief against the darker lake Continued on Page 65
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Is the Big Bang Dead?
A Maverick Astronomer Challenges Reigning
Theory on the Origins of the Universe

n the 1960s, astronomer Halton
Arp discovered that galaxies are
born and grow into family
groups. In some cases, he could
trace their genealogy through as
many as four generations. This is the
kind of discovery that every astron-
omer dreams of making. It promises to M106 (also called NGC 4258) is a spec-
improve our understanding of the uni- tacular Seyfert. A pair of quasars flank both
verse as much as Galileos discoveries sides of its active nucleus, but the beautiful
improved our understanding of the picture taken by Kitt Peak National Obser-
solar system. Arps observations should vatory is cropped just short of them. Arps
have been celebrated and promoted. discovery is systematically ignored by ob-
Instead, as with Galileo, his work has servers who believe that these quasars are
been rejected and ridiculed by the as- nothing but annoying background objects.
tronomical establishment.
In his review of Arps book, Qua-
sars, Redshifts and Controversies. as-
tronomer Geoffrey Burbidge described
what happened to Arp after this dis-
covery: Arps ranking in the Associa-
tion of Astronomy Professionals Astronomer Halton Arp
plunged from within the first 20 to
Second, the what: Arp discovered a
below 200. As he continued to claim
major flaw in one of the tools of
that not all galaxy redshifts were due
modern cosmology. This tool, the red-
to the expansion of the universe, his
shift, is believed to be a Doppler shift M82 is a fascinating galaxy. It is fea-
ranking dropped further.
a measure of velocity and nothing else. tured often in news releases. In nearly
[In the mid 1980s] came the final
Arp has proven that a large component every case, it has been cropped. The
blow: his whole field of research was
of the redshift is intrinsic (a property of Chandra photo zeroed in on the x-ray knots
deemed unacceptable by the tele- at its core. The Subaru photo included only
the galaxy or quasar itself), not due to
scope-allocation committee in Pasa- the galaxy and its spectacular disruptions.
velocity. In order to understand why an
dena. Both directors (of Mount Wilson The Hubble telescope measured its mag-
intrinsic redshift is such a threat to
and Las Campanas, and Palomar obser- netic aura. Recently a simulation was re-
mainstream astronomers, we need to
vatories) endorsed the censure. Since leased of M82's medium sized black hole.
review the currently accepted theories None of these photos show any sign of the
Arp refused to work in a more conven-
of cosmology. straight line-up of four nearby quasars in
tional field, he was given no more tele-
scope time. After abortive appeals all Arps photo. Even in wide-angle shots of
A Chain of Cosmological Theories M82 with M81, the exposure is light and
the way up to the trustees of the
From the viewpoint of modern cos- the faint line of quasars is missing.
Carnegie Institution, he took early re-
mology, there was only one event.
tirement and moved to West Ger-
Twelve or fifteen billion years ago, the
granddaddy of all black holes ex-
What makes this discovery so im-
ploded, creating the universe. Every-
portant? Why was Halton Arp willing
thing that has happened since is fallout,
to sacrifice a promising career in as-
aftershocks and shrapnel. The universe
tronomy in defense of it?
was given one initial burst of energy,
First, the why: Arp is one of those
and it has been winding down ever
pioneers whose motivation is discov-
since. But the Big Bang isnt something
ering how the universe works. He
we can see through a telescope. The
wants to follow the trail of this mystery
Big Bang is a theory.
until it is solved. This is more impor-
In fact, the Big Bang is part of a
tant to him than his reputation as an as-
chain of theories. Each theory is linked
tronomer. Is it worth the sacrifice?
to the theory next in line. The Big Bang
Arps wife, also an astronomer, put it The Chandra x-ray telescope focused in
was invented to explain how the Ex-
this way: If you are wrong, it doesnt on a blueshifted cloud at the center of
panding Universe started expanding.
make any difference; if you are right, it NGC 5548. It completely ignores the
The Expanding Universe was invented nearby high-redshift galaxy cluster, even
is enormously important.
to answer the question, Why are the though the cluster is connected to the
galaxy by a bridge of x-ray material.
BY AMY ACHESON Continued on Page 41
J. Douglas Kenyon
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saving invention of the ancient world,
John Anthony West
the wheel, society crossed a major di-
vide and headed inexorably toward
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and set the stage for the great achieve-
ments which were to follow.
Such is the conventional scenario
for the dawn of civilization on Earth.
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dented. If there had been an earlier
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Zecharia Sitchin
Continued from Page 39 MAILING POLICIES
galaxies all moving away from each A regular subscriber to Atlantis Rising (for
either 6 or 12 issues) is mailed each new issue
other? The movement of galaxies is an directly from the printer at the time of publication.
outgrowth of the Doppler interpreta- Address labels go directly on the cover, with no
tion of redshift, which assumes red- additional packaging. Such mailings are sent 4th
shift is due to movement of the light class to the U.S. postal system only.
In the past when customers have expressed
source away from the observer. Red- interest in foreign subscriptions, or in receiving
shift is a measurement of how much their U.S. subscription by first class mail in an
the lines in the spectrum of a distant envelope, we have been unable to comply.
light source are shifted toward the red Unfortunately, the handling requirements for such
services were beyond our means to deliver.
end of the spectrum. The observation However, we are happy to report, that situation
anchoring this chain is the correlation has changed. We can now offer FOREIGN and
of increasing redshift with decreasing FIRST CLASS U.S. SUBSCRIPTIONS (to be
luminosity. Therefore, the fainter (and airmailed in envelopes within a few days of
CentaurusA (CenA) in optical light with jet in publication). These subscriptions will be charged
presumably farther away) a galaxy is, x-ray. (X-Ray image: NASA/ CXC/ SAO Optical the additional regional flat rate for postage
the faster it is moving away. Thus the image: AURA/ NOAO/ NSF) required, plus a service charge to cover the
chain of theories is based on the as- to be so bright at such great distances. envelope and office expenses which we incur in
sumption that redshift is a measure of order to provide these services on a relatively small
Energies are often equivalent to thou- scale. Should we experience sufficient demand, we
velocity and only a measure of ve- sands of supernovas per year. There may at some time be able to reduce the service
locity. was no known mechanism for pro- charge.
For astronomers, redshift is a ducing that much energy. Subscription additional service Total
measure of velocity was a handy as- It would be easier to move the qua- Category postage charge Subs
sumption. Combined with the correla- sars closer. But the redshift yardstick is per iss. per iss. Charge
tion with decreasing luminosity, it inflexible, so the quasars were assumed Regular U.S. (4th class, no envelope)
created a yardstick they could use to to be at the distance dictated by the 6-issues 0 0 $ 24.95
determine distance. High redshift chain of theories. 12-issue 0 0 40.00
means far away; low redshift means First Class U.S.
At the time, Arp was working on a
nearby. This is useful because most of 6-issues $ 1.50 $ 1.50 $ 42.95
project for which he would become fa- 12-issues 1.50 1.50 76.00
the millions of galaxies are too far mous. It was a photographic catalog of
away to measure their distance by any Existing regular U.S. subscribers wishing to
peculiar galaxies, those cosmic odd- convert to first class, may do so by sending us an
other means. The second half of the as- balls which dont look like the majority amount equal to $3 for each of their remaining
sumption, and only a measure of ve- of galaxies. He organized them into cat- issues. To determine the proper amount call our
locity, was ignored. egoriesgalaxies with missing or extra toll free number at 800-228-8381 during business
Most of the cosmology of the twen- hours (mountain time) Monday through Friday.
arms, multiple interacting galaxies, gal-
tieth century is based on this chain of axies with extra-bright nuclei, dis- Canada (airmail only)
theories. If any link in the chain is rupted galaxies, and so on. No wonder 6-issues $ 1.85 $ 1.50 $ 45.05
wrong, the entire chain collapses and 12-issues 1.85 1.50 80.20
he was the first to notice that many of
we need to start over. Thousands upon the newly discovered high redshift qua- Mexico (airmail only)
thousands of professional astronomical sars seemed to be surprisingly close to 6-issues $ 3.00 $ 1.50 $ 51.95
articles, textbooks, popular magazines, 12-issue 3.00 1.50 94.00
the galaxies numbered 100 through
doctoral theses, internet WebPages, 163 in his catalog. These galaxies are Western Hemisphere (Except Can. & Mex.)
and press releases can become obso- the Seyfert galaxies (also called active (airmail only)
lete overnight. This is the threat that galaxies) and the starburst galaxies. 6-issue $ 2.75 $ 1.50 $ 50.45
keeps most astronomers from looking 12-issue 2.75 1.50 91.00
Arp found that many of the quasars
for a flaw in the chain. occur in pairs and lines and arcs, with a Europe (airmail only)
Halton Arp has found the flaw. low-redshift Seyfert galaxy sitting 6-issue $ 3.60 $ 1.50 $ 55.55
12-issue 3.60 $1.50 101.20
nearby. Often the Seyfert galaxy is posi-
The Chain Is Broken tioned so that its family of quasars Asia & Africa (airmail only)
In the 1960s, quasars were discov- seems to have been ejected from both 6-issue $ 4.25 $ 1.50 $ 59.45
ered. Several quasars were already 12-issue $ 4.25 $ 1.50 109.00
ends of the Seyferts spin axis. X-ray
known but not recognized as anything jets and radio lobes of the galaxy point Pacific Rim (airmail only)
special. They were thought to be stars directly at the line of quasars, often en- 6-issue $ 4.65 $ 1.50 $ 61.55
in our Milky Way with a few odd char- 12-issue $ 4.65 $ 1.50 113.80
veloping them. How could this be if
acteristics, such as their blue-violet the quasars are half a universe away In some areas those interested in
color and their association with strong from the Seyfert? lower prices and willing to accept later
radio sources. Then their redshift was delivery can contact these distributors:
One or two or even a dozen quasars For Europe and the British Isles:
measured. It was much higher than positioned near ordinary galaxies might Frontier Science Foundation
that of the farthest known galaxies. be coincidence. But Seyferts are rare P.O. Box 372, the Netherlands
What a shock! The redshift yard- and spectacularly different from ordi- E-mail:
stick demands that these objects are nary galaxies. They have enormous For all other locations:
far beyond the galaxies. If thats true, bright nuclei. Often they are bracketed Adventures Unlimited
how bright must they be? Astronomer by twin giant lobes of radio and x-ray P.O. Box 74, Kempton, IL 60946
Tom Van Flandern describes the material pouring out in the same direc- E-mail:
problem facing astronomers, There tions as their families of quasars. Some, Foreign orders for other products which we sell will have the
appropriate postage added to the bill with no additional service
must exist an unknown energy mecha- like M82, are disrupted, exploding, charge (our overhead costs have already been included in our
nism to produce such intrinsically torn apart. Others, like M87 and Cen-
shipping and handling charges). In the case of back issues, foreign
orders will be charged an additional 50 per issue plus the
high-luminosity objects, enabling them appropriate postage.
Continued on Page 66

The Enigma of
Mamuns Tunnel
Did the Discoverer of the Ascending Passage
Find More than We Realized?

he classical story of the dis- and precious of
covery of the upper cham- cupboards was
bers inside the Khufu pyr- absolutely bare.
amid at Giza is well known. There were not
In the ninth century an Arab only no burial ar-
governor of Cairo, known as the Ca- tifacts, but no bu-
liph al Mamun, decided to see for him- rial and no inscriptions either! The first happy to challenge a whole raft of clas-
self what lay inside the Great Pyramid thought to cross the mind of the Caliph sical myths; and so it was one day that
(Khufu pyramid) and began to exca- must have been that the tomb had a short e-mail arrived in Ralph Ellis in-
vate a tunnel bodily through the casing been robbed, but how? Even if the se- box from a like-minded colleague,
and core blocks with hammers and cret Well Shaft deep inside the pyr- Mark Foster. Mark had an idea that had
chisels. Fortuitously for the Caliph, amid had been found at this stage, it is been bothering him for some time and
their busy tunneling shook the struc- hardly a suitable tunnel through which he wanted to throw it around a bit. A
ture so much that the capstone fell off to strip a wealthy burial chamber to- quick read convinced Ralph that it was
the end of the ascending passage. tally bare. So where was all the loot? a highly original idea and definitely
The resonating crash was heard by The Caliph and his excavators must worth some further thought. After a
the workers, who dug in that direction have not only been very exasperated, few debates here and there, the fol-
and found not only the descending pas- after all their work, but mystified too. lowing alternative scenario to the clas-
sage, but also the ascending passage sical story developed, which is quite at-
and all the upper chambers in the pyr- Fable? tractive in many respects. The new
amid. After thousands of years lying un- Are we so sure that this is what explanation not only answers some irri-
disturbed deep inside the Khufu pyr- really happened, just over a millennia tating puzzles, but it also poses some
amid, the Kings and Queens ago? Are we simply complacent be- interesting and fundamental questions
chambers were opened at last and cause this is what has been taught to us in return.
their treasure would soon belong to by respected authorities for centuries? The basic problem with the classical
the Caliph. Perhaps it is merely easier to agree explanation was that Mamuns tunnel
But, as the story goes, there was no with the established consensus of is rather too accurate for comfort; it
booty; apparently this most ancient opinion rather than thinking positively tracks into the pyramid in a direct line
and laterally about the problem. for the all-important junction between
BY RALPH ELLIS & Fortunately there are a few individ- the descending and ascending passage-
uals out there, who are more than ways. It is often cited that Mamun had
to turn the tunnel sharp left to discover There is also the problem of why ders would have to be erected against
the original passageways, a fact that Mamun was tunneling inside the pyr- the pyramid to reach the door. Presum-
Ralph and Mark had in the back of amid in the first place. Not only was ably the entry stone must have had a
their minds when they first indepen- the presence of the true entrance to handle of some sort on which to pull,
dently visited the Khufu pyramid. But the pyramid well known in classical and it would then need a prop of some
as Ralph and Mark ambled down the times, but people were also aware of nature to keep it open, while the new
forced tunnel, they were both equally the descending passage and the subter- initiate scrambled into the thin hole
rather mystified, because the left turn ranean cavern at the very bottom of and down the descending passage. A
could not be found! Having back- the pyramid. Strabo says of the original knotted rope would also have to be fed
tracked the tunnel and tried again, that entrance to the Khufu pyramid: The slowly down the length of the passage,
left turn seemed to be no more than a Great pyramid, a little way up on one to allow for an easy exit from the dark
slight widening of the tunnel at this side, has a stone that may be taken out, and foreboding depths of the sacred
point. In actual fact, the diggings were which, being raised up, there is a pyramid.
almost right on their target. So how did sloping passage to the foundations. Undoubtedly, all of this frenetic ac-
this happen? Was Mamun just lucky Strabo seems to be describing a tivity would have scratched and pitted
and happened to pick the right spot? door made of stone that is movable in the entrance to the pyramid over the
Did he have an idea of where to go to? some way; it can be moved upwards millennia in a very obvious fashion.
and outwards at the same time. This Yet, it is generally accepted that the
sounds like a hinged flap arrangement, casing blocks must have been intact
with the hinge at the top of the stone. during the rule of Mamun, as the
Strabo was clearly familiar with the in- casing blocks appear to have been
ternal layout of the lower portions of used by Sultan Hasan for the construc-
the pyramid; he calls the rough hewn tion of his mosque in 1356.
hole there the foundations rather than The question is, therefore, why
the more obvious term of chamber could Mamun not see these tell-tale
and he is also familiar with the form marks and the original entrance to the
that the entrance stone took. pyramid that lay only a few meters
Sir Flinders Petrie backed this quota- above him? Why could he not see the
tion up with a detailed study of the en- handle on the door, or the scuff-marks
trances to the Vega (Bent) pyramid, the on the smooth exterior? The knowl-
only pyramid that still has the door- edge of the true entrance must still
ways around the entrance intact. He have been known, so why could none
found that on either side of the en- of the locals be persuaded to point it
trance, there were holes cut opposite out? This apparent invisibility of the
each other, about 9 cm in diameter by original entrance could not have been
The trial or guide passage at Giza 14 cm deep. These holes were just in- because it was covered by sand, for in-
side the entrance and only 15 cm from stance, because Mamuns tunnel lies
the top of the passage. Petrie, not un- below the level of the real entrance. So
reasonably, interpreted these as being what was the problem? Why so was
the hinge sockets to swing the stone much effort expended in digging a
door from. new tunnel, when an easy entrance lay
Behind these sockets, the pas- just above?
sageway contained more door sockets. Two very important questions have
These were smaller vertical sockets, for just been posedwhy could Mamun
a very lightweight door, perhaps made not see the real entrance, when it was
of wood and presumably to keep out so well known? And why was his alter-
the wind-blown sand. native tunnel so accurate, if he did not
The diagrams above were devel- know where the real entrance was? Bit
oped by Petrie and based on his anal- of a catch-22, really.
ysis of the Vega (Bent) pyramid en-
trance. The hinged stone door is Guide passage
clearly marked as the large shaded Mark Foster had an idea that
stone. It needs to be this shape, with a Mamun already knew of the original
Upper entrance to the Bent pyramid long top extending backwards, in entrance and the descending passage,
order to counterbalance the weight of and had used the new forced entry
Door to the Great the stone. The amount of counterbal- tunnel for another reasonperhaps to
Pyramid as it ance at the top would have been judi- get around the granite plug-blocks in
probably worked. ciously arranged by the architect, so the ascending passage, perhaps to get
that the force required to open the the necessary equipment into the right
stone was within normal human limita- position to dig around those blocks.
tions, say about 25 kg of force. But if Mamun did not discover the as-
cending passage while he was creating
Invisible his new forced tunnel, how did he
Here then, we have clear evidence know it was there? The ascending pas-
that a movable entrance stone was sage was, after all, completely secret
fitted to the Khufu pyramid, and that and unexplored at this time, so how
the descending passage had been vis- was it discovered?
ited, perhaps many times, throughout Mark and Ralph both came to the
recorded history. same conclusions on this topic. The
To gain entry to the pyramid, how- key to discovering the ascending pas-
ever, was still not easy. A series of lad-
Continued on Page 68
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of Benvenuto
Did Cosmic Forces Rescue
the Great Renaissance

n a gloomy day in mid- end it all. But, in
May, 1539, Benvenuto Cel- this starkly empty
lini, Italys greatest gold- cubicle, it was
smith and destined one hard to figure out
day to be the author of his Benvenuto Cellini (Giorgio Vasari)
how. He looked
immortal Autobiography, lay on a around; then, as he later wrote in his An incredible dream that night
dank pallet in a dungeon in the Castle Autobiography: seemed to support his conclusion. He
of Sant Angelo in Rome and decided to I took and propped a wooden pole encountered a marvelous being in the
commit suicide. I found there, in position like a trap. I form of a most lovely youth, who
He had already escaped once, low- meant to make it topple over on my cried, as though he wanted to reprove
ering himself down the castle wall on a head, and it would certainly have me: Knowest thou who lent thee that
rope made of strips of bed-sheets and dashed my brains out; but when I had body, which thou wouldst have
breaking his leg at the bottom. Hed arranged the whole machine, and was spoiled before its time? Cellini replied
managed to crawl to the house of an approaching to put it in motion, just at that he recognized all things per-
eminent friend, but almost immediately the moment of my setting my hand to taining to me as gifts from the God of
been betrayed and hustled back into it, I was seized by an invisible power nature. The beautiful youth rejoined,
prison. and flung four cubits [six feet] from the Thou hast contempt for His handi-
This time hed been flung into a spot, in such a terror that I lay half work, through this thy will to spoil it?
dungeon far worse than the last, so dead. Like that I remained from dawn Commit thyself unto His guidance, and
deep and dark that his mattress was al- until the nineteenth hour, when they lose not hope in His great goodness!
ready soaked through with seeping brought my food. There was much more, Cellini tells us,
water and the sunlight filtered down When he awoke, priests were in words of marvelous efficacy, the
from the slit of a window for only an standing over him; he had been taken thousandth part of which I cannot now
hour-and-a-half a day. Big spiders and for dead. The prison warden, or cas- remember.
venomous worms were everywhere. tellan, taking pity on Cellini, sent him a This dream encounter galvanized
Because of his broken leg, he had to new mattress. He tells us that, lying on Cellini into a frenzy of creative activity.
crawl on all fours to the side of the cell the mattress that night, when I He mixed crumbled stone with his
where he relieved himself. searched my memory to find what urine to make ink. He chewed a
For a man of Cellinis active, exu- could have diverted me from that de- splinter off the cell door to make a
berant, even volcanic temperament, sign of suicide, I came to the conclu- pen. He wrote a long poem in the mar-
this was a living hell. He decided to sion that it must have been power di- gins of his Bible, describing his body
BY JOHN CHAMBERS vine and my good guardian angel. Continued on Page 70
Mount Rainier
THE NEXT DIMENSION At 14,410 feet, Mount Rainier re-
mains the tallest mountain in Wash-
ington state. Located near Tacoma,
Washington, Mount Rainier is more
than just a mountain. As climber Dee
Molenaar put it, Mount Rainier is
many things to many people. For
some it represents a vast wealth of nat-
ural resources. For others, it represents
the ultimate challenge. For others, the
road to destruction and death. Its
beauty and majesty has garnered it a
unique position in the culture of the
America. And its history reveals a mys-
tical and supernatural side that has
awed and puzzled countless genera-

Native American Legends

For the early native Americans,
Mount Rainier was definitely more than
Mount Rainier just a mountain. They held it in such
reverence and awe, their name for it
was Takoma, the Mountain or the
mountain that was God. They refused
to disgrace the mountain by attempting
to climb it and gave it a wide berth.
Early European explorers discovered
that the Native Americans were actu-
ally afraid of the mountain; it was one
of the few areas they were unable to
guide the early explorers. And so the
area remained totally unexplored.
In 1870, the first group to ascend to
the summit, Stevens and Van Trump
hired a Yakima Indian by the name of
Sluiskin to guide them. When Sluiskin
discovered the explorers plan to climb
the mountain, he begged them to stop
their plans. When they refused, Slui-
skin actually misled them onto a long
winding trail in an attempt to tire them
Mount Shasta out and discourage them from climbing
the mountain.
As we now know, the climb was

MOUNTAINS successful. However, both Stevens and

Van Trump were nearly killed several
times by large boulders that came
crashing down through their camp-
sites. It took them two months to re-

of MYSTERY cover from their injuries sustained

during the climb.
Native American legends also claim
that the mountain was once an active
volcano, with a lake of fire at the
Are Shasta and Rainier the Preferred summit. For decades, scientists ridi-
culed the idea that Mount Rainier was
Destinations for Other Worldly Visitors? an active volcano, and called the Indian
legends pure nonsense. That the moun-

tain was actually volcanic was verified
mong the two tallest moun- tures, mystical legends, UFO sightings
when Van Trump and Stevens made
tains in the United States and other bizarre occurrences.
the first ascent. At the top they discov-
are Mount Rainier and The question is, why are two of the
ered that not only was Mount Rainier a
Mount Shasta. And for greatest mountains in the United States
volcano, it was still active. They found
some unknown reason, it is the focus of so much bizarre activity?
numerous steam vents and even a lake
these two towering and majestic moun- What is it about them that causes or at-
formed by melting snows. Since then,
tains that have a long and mysterious tracts such a wide variety of the para-
geologists have verified the Indian leg-
history of unexplained events. Both are normal?
ends, dating the eruption to about
plagued with stories of strange crea- In both cases, the mysteries began
5800 years ago.
more than a hundred years ago and
BY PRESTON DENNETT continue today.
Incredible Tales Of Survival foot ice cliff at the bottom. S. Ingraham, founder of the Wash-
Mount Rainier has already claimed The guides raced down as quickly ington Alpine club, and one of the pio-
the lives of hundreds of people who as they could. The climb down took neering explorers of the region. He
have dared to challenge its peaks. twenty minutes, and the guides ex- made several ascents to the summit in
Climbers have fallen into crevasses, pected to find a corpse. Instead they the 1890s, and several geological fea-
been hit by boulders, gotten lost in found Dr. Hamley badly injured, with tures of the mountain have been
snowstorms, wandered off cliffs, be- multiple broken bones and a punc- named in his honor.
come buried by avalanches. The many tured lung, but very much alive. In 1895, Major Ingraham stunned
dangers make the Native American leg- the world when he published his ac-
ends sound tame. Bigfoot On Mount Rainier count of The Old Man in the Crater,
Despite these and countless other One of the most persistent myths which detailed his fantastic encounter
hazards, hundreds of people success- about Mount Rainier is the presence of with what appears to be Bigfoot.
fully climb the mountain every year. strange creatures high on its slopes,
The climbers come from all walks of well above the tree-line, where no crea- UFOs over Mount Rainier
life, the oldest being an eighty-year-old ture should be able to survive. Often On June 24, 1947, the modern age
man, and the youngesta seven-year- climbers had found the frozen bodies of UFOs began over Mount Rainier. Pri-
old girl. of rodents, birds and insects on the vate pilot and businessman Kenneth Ar-
However, because so many people upper slopes, but rarely have any been nold had joined a search mission to lo-
are climbing the mountain, tragedy is found alive. As all climbers know, this cate a Marine Curtis C-46 Transport
inevitable. Where so many people area is called the death zone, and is vir- plane that had crashed somewhere in
have died, a lucky few have had es- tually free of life. the Cascade mountain range. While
capes that border on the miraculous For the most part, however, the flying at 9000 feet, Arnold was stunned
On July 12, 1976, a large party of upper slopes and summit are devoid of to see nine silver disk-like objects
climbers had reached 11,300 feet and any kind of life whatsoever. Except Big- moving in formation directly in front of
were making camp. One of the foot. his flight path. The objects appeared to
climbers, Dr. Frederick Hamley, was Stories of Bigfoot encounters in and be about 25 miles distant and moving
cooking when a gust of wind blew off around Mount Rainier have abounded at incredible speeds. Arnold decided to
the lid of the pot. Hamley instinctively for decades. In fact, the area is the one time the objects and estimate their
lunged for the lid. He instantly began of the worlds leading producer of such speeds. He checked his watch as they
to slide uncontrolled down the steep stories. passed Mount Rainier, and again when
slope. Because he wasnt holding his One of the earliest and most inter- they passed nearby Mount Adams. It
ice-axe, he was unable to arrest his de- esting accounts may the only one in took them one minute to traverse the
scent and he rapidly gained speed. In which a Bigfoot-like creature was seen distance which Arnold later discovered
seconds, he slid more than 2000 feet on the summit of Mount Rainier.
down the slope and hurtled over a 75- The sighting was made by Major E. Continued on page 72

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Dealing with Lunar


aster your moods! How? falls: dissipates energy in too many di- musical ability. Needs times of solitude,
By mastering the Moon! rections; superficial, mischievous, ner- needs to feel in control. Pitfalls:
Easier said than done? vous, envious. Key: prioritize tasks, jealous, intensely emotional, extreme
Perhaps, but here are Calm the mind by working with the mood swings, self-destructive, blinded
some beginning steps to- hands. by desire, manipulative. Key: Seek not
ward recalling an ancient art often ig- Cancer emotionally sensitive, do- a human perfection but an inner
nored by beginning modern astrology mestic, loving and kind, adaptable. peace! Let go of the past!
students, but indispensable if youre to Emotionally needs to nurture and be Sagittarius independent, opti-
rise above the magnetic pull of lunar nurtured. Pitfalls: overly sensitive and mistic, candid; concerned with the so-
energies rather than be at the mercy of reactive, potential for self-pity, smoth- cial welfare of others, a born traveler,
the changing tide of human emotions ering love, vacillating, Key by attending religious and/or idealistic. Pitfalls: over-
they evoke. to the needs of your own Inner child extended through too many projects:
First and foremost, you must iden- you can better attend to the needs of tells it like it is regardless of circum-
tify the position of the Moon within others. stance: fanatically zealous: misjudg-
your own astrological chart. The Moon Leo dignified, kindhearted and gen- ment leads to resentment; rebels
is the astrologers main reference point erous, creative, fun-loving, leadership against perceived limitations; wander-
of emotional needs and responses. The ability. Emotionally needs to receive lust. Emotional security comes from
Moon has to do with our interaction recognition from others to feel happy. the search for inner meaning. Needs to
with the environment, with everyday Pitfalls: unappreciative: likes giving, explore new horizons. Often a love of
affairs and with habit patterns whose but not taking orders: ego easily horses and the outdoors. Key: practice
subconscious source lies mostly in wounded, bossy. Key: Count your placing attention on details, refining
childhood conditioning. blessings daily. speech, pulling in the reins of the mind
All positive change is based on con- Virgo discriminate, industrious, pre- (and the mouth!).
scious awareness of that which once cise, modest. Often interested in health Capricorn dependable, hard
was unknown or hidden. What follows field, herbs, nutrition, etc. Emotionally working, organizing ability, sense of
is a thumbnail sketch of the positive needs to serve others. Needs to analyze (often public) responsibility. Pitfalls:
expressions, the pitfalls, and a few experience and find practical applica- emotional depression, status seeking,
keys to working with the different ex- tions. Pitfalls: fussy, fault-finding and materialistic, extremely negative reac-
pressions of the Moon as she passes unreasonably perfectionistic, inclined tions, condemnatory of self/others.
through the 12 zodiacal signs. to worry: overly fastidious (or con- Needs to express authority; often
Aries energetic, courageous, com- versely, disorderly), sense of injustice. needs to take charge in some area of
petitive, self-reliant. Emotionally needs Key: Practice looking for whats good life. Key: Maintain a humble and rev-
to assert the ego and initiate action to in yourself and others. erent attitude. Be vigilant in replacing
feel secure, Pitfalls: pride, anger, impa- Libra sociable, gracious diplomatic, negative thoughts with positive affirma-
tience, a me first attitude. Key: con- love of beauty, impartial judgment; tions! Especially if affection was
sider the feelings of others first. puts the needs of others first. Needs in- missing during childhood years, by
Taurus common sense, patience, volvement with others to feel fulfilled. caring for the child within, youll
love of beauty, attracts wealth, emo- Pitfalls: seeks peace at any price, emo- find the balance you seek between ca-
tionally needs to feel financially and tionally unbalanced, seeks self- reer and domestic responsibilities.
materially secure. Pitfalls: stubborn, affirmation in others, dishonesty. Key: Aquarius inventive, mentally ad-
possessive, slow to change habits. Key: Be willing to stand up for truth, even if vanced or prophetic, friendly; lover of
learning to let go of outworn material itll rock the boat. Seek balance within. freedom, often politically oriented, dip-
attachments, habits /or relationships. Scorpio extremely sensitive, coura- lomatic. Pitfalls: irritability, radical non-
Gemini perceptive, witty, versatile, geous, decisive, resourceful, executive conformity, intolerance of others, un-
flexible. Emotional need to verbalize ability, penetrating insight into motives cooperative, aloof. Needs to feel
feelings. Needs diverse interests. Pit- of others; often natural healing and/or intellectually independent; needs phys-
ical space to invent, think. Key: allow balize feelings), I can almost guarantee Nevertheless, I propose to you that if
for the opinions of others; get involved life will improve for both of them! you would take the time to note the
on a personal level. Ever since ancient times the effect current phase of the moon as it affects
Pisces compassionate, willing to of lunar energies on human behavior your natal chart, you will be amazed by
sacrifice for others; highly devotional, and feelings has been noted. Hence the the discovery of a predictable re-
occasionally clairvoyant or mystically word lunatic from the Latin luna sponse. After awhile youll note highs
inclined, imaginative. Pitfalls: escapism (moon) came about as a result of the and lows that occur with predictable
through daydreaming, alcoholism, psy- belief that lunacy fluctuated with the regularity. Once you can name them
chicism; constantly in need of reassu- phases of the moon. Modern-day med- you can change themfor the better, of
rance, easily misled. Key: dispel the ical doctors, psychologists, and crimi- course.
clouds of foggy thinking by channeling nologists have documented and pub- What follows is a brief description
your imagination into works; affirm lished their observations regarding of the four major moon phases. More
your self-worth daily with positive affir- the moons effect on patients and crimi- advanced students should also note any
mations! nals. significant aspects to the transiting or
While periodicals have popularized Lets look to the moon as a means of natal moon.
compatibility between two persons understanding subconscious habit pat- The cycling time concerning us
based on comparative Sun signs, my terns and feelings, for the most part here is that from one New Moon to the
experience has shown Moon signs are based on past emotional conditions next, a period lasting about 29 1/2
equal, if not more crucial in human (whether from childhood or even other days. This cycle is called a lunation.
harmony. I believe this is both because lifetimes) which dictate our response During one years time we will experi-
of the obviously important role feel- to our environment and to everyday af- ence 13 lunations. One complete
ings play in any relationship and be- fairs. moon cycle consists of four major
cause emotional response tends to be The moon (emotion) should be a phases or quarters. We mark the
automatic. Harmonious contacts point pure reflector of Spirit will (Sun), but phases from the time of greatest dark-
to mutual emotional understanding, in the great majority of cases this is ness of the New Moon to when the
whereas stressful contacts may show simply not so. Achieving harmony be- waxing moon appears fully illumined
up as conflicting feelings or divergent tween feelings and conscious purpose by the sun during the Full Moon to its
domestic habit patterns. Spouses ben- is a lifelong endeavor for most people return (waning) once again to apparent
efit by understanding each others and all of us hold unto, in varying de- darkness. We understand, of course,
Moon placement. A woman with an grees, habits which are detrimental to that the moon is not, in reality,
earth Moon may be more concerned us but which weve adapted to through changing, but appearing to do so be-
with the practical necessities of the long timefamiliarity. cause of the moons changing relation-
day, but if shell take the time to lend How many of us, wrapped up in the ship to the sun as seen from the earth.
an ear to her husband, with his Moon events of the day, take note of any out-
in Gemini (emotionally needs to ver- side Lunar influences? Few indeed. Continued on page 73

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Books for the Gift Season

This Year, Make Your Giving with the Mind in Mind

hristmas soon will be upon Yet, are not these mat- A Swedish author,
us and good books are still ters important to those Bjorn Hammarskog, has
long-term gifts in this fast- in power? written a book that also
paced, short-term-thinking In The Monkey and... will interest A.R. readers.
world. So, with that in Mr. Jinks presents evi- This book, World Ages
mind, in this issue more books than dence on various sub- (1997 Pentland Press, Ra-
usual are mentioned. Each title is, to jects that A.R. readers leigh, North Carolina),
my mind, worth the time necessary to probably know some- considering its short
read or study it. thing about. Extensive length (230 pages), in-
discussions of Cydonia, cludes more information
The Monkey and the Tetrahedron its geometry and possible per page than the great
by David M. Jinks, published by Glass message, new hydrogen majority of books avail-
Moon Press of Seattle, Washington energy, crop circles, able today. In that re-
(1999), will broaden your perspective. UFOs, lunar artifacts and spect it can be very
It represents a serious, diligent, inclu- other subjects derive useful to any student of
sive, and, I think, successful effort at from his careful and gen- ancient world history
integrating most of the scientific litera- erally prudent analysis of and prehistory.
ture pertaining to those topics main- the best available sources Mr. Hammerskog
stream scientists refuse to admit or (all identified in the refer- writes tersely, in a
consider. This Mr. Jinks does in such a ences). For example, if matter-of-fact, direct,
fashion that an open-minded scientist you know just a bit about sometimes disconnected
reader, still working within an estab- new hydrogen energy, manner, perhaps the ef-
lished paradigm of a discipline, would his chapter will add to fect of an engineeering
be forced, at least, to acknowledge the your knowledge. Addi- education and life work.
possibilities suggested. The book is tionally, youll read spe- However, his perspec-
reasonable in its approach and will cifically how some scien- tive is comprehensive
provoke scientific bigotry on that ac- tists reacted years ago in and his approach thor-
count. rejecting this phenom- ough. He examines a
For one thing, Mr. Jinks suggests enon, now confirmed re- broad array of sources,
sensibly, that everyone outside govern- peatedly in numerous scientific, mythological
ments has been the object of carefully carefully performed ex- and sacred in an effort to
developed lies, mis- and disinformation periments. (The in- distill from them the es-
and restricted information flow; we, creased specialization in sential truth of earths
the broad range of humanity, cannot education of scientists early life. This quest in-
cope, said the Brookings Institute has produced now a high cludes determining the
thinkers, with new, paradigm- degree of narrow- presence, role and fate
shattering information and phe- mindedness and scien- of humanity or other be-
nomena. It and similar intellectual tific bigotry). ings possibly present in
think tanks hired by the government It is no small task to that era.
seem always to conclude that secrecy relate these fields of The 41 chapters, all
is best, status quo information prefer- study, to integrate them, along with of- of which are short, include such inter-
able, whether valid or not, and that so- ficial, governmental activities and reac- esting topics as The Flood, Origin of
ciety cannot absorb new discoveries. tions into a coherent whole. Mr. Jinks Civilization, Nordic Mythology,
This may be true for governments in- has done that and from analysis of this Egyptian Mysteries, and Cosmic Ca-
tent on retaining power over the gov- body, suggested that certain conclu- tastrophies. Further, every ancient civ-
erned. But could it be trueeven if we sions must be drawn. These conclu- ilization known, from every continent
wished itfor society? Not likely. In- sions relate to those few but enduring is considered, as are their myths, leg-
deed, the overwhelming mass of so- questions that thoughtful humans from ends and sacred writings. Where fea-
ciety throughout the world primarily is ages past to the present have raised. sible (as in the flood myths) compar-
concerned with food for the day, Answers to these (for example, the fun- ison is possible and interesting.
shelter and some comfort. Could it damental oneWhat is the true nature Numerous quotations from many an-
possibly matter to billions of ordinary of reality? and the very personal one, cient sources ground the discussion
people that there may have been life Is there a purpose to my life?) will and provide a flavor of the subject not
on Mars, that UFOs are real, that crop not arise directly. On the other hand, otherwise available.
circles are no hoax and the moon has The Monkey and... can push back Personally, I would like to have
non-natural artifacts on it? So what if mental horizons, provide the reader seen an index section in addition to
accepted history needs to be rectified? with thought-provoking information the bibliography, which contains over
and, by that, participate in the readers 400 references. Despite that, this book
BY DR. JOSEPH RAY quest for answers.
daily life. This is intrinsically rewarding energy imbalances in particular organs
BOOKS but requires new patterns of thought as well as in the body generally.
by the reader. Dr. Le gives excellent advice for
is a concentrated discussion of a period In a word, everything is a matter of those with weight problems (pay atten-
of earth and human history of interest balance. It is our task, so often fulfilled tion to all sensory aspects of the meal,
to A.R. readers. poorly in American society, to provide not just its taste and eat only until the
the body with all that is essential for it stomach is about 75% full). She points
For someone whose health causes to maintain this balance. The body, as out, correctly, I think, that many eat
problems or who finds oriental does any self-regulating system, con- out of nervousness, anxiety or
thought of interest, The Simple Path to veys clear feedback as to its state: many boredom and strongly advises against
Health: a guide to oriental nutrition need to learn to listen to this to regain the common tendency to use food as
and well-being can be commended. health and well-being, which, she says, a means of feeding your emotions or
Its former publisher, Rudra Press of appropriately, are the natural state.
Portland, Oregon has sold the rights to She discusses concepts many may
Sterling Press of NYC. This excellent have heard of (e.g., Qi of Chi, the
book, first published in 1997, is still ineffable vital force identified by other
available and is a potentially useful terms in various philosophical sys-
book for many readers. tems). But many others are introduced
The author, Dr. Kim Le, came to that are less known, as, for example,
this country in 1979 from south wei qi (a defensive form of Qi), the
Vietnam as a boat person and in rela- law of five elements and the triple
tively few years established herself, burner (the oriental differentiation
even in that she earned a Ph.D. in Tra- among three distinct yet integrated
ditional Chinese Medicine. What partic- physiological functions). How the
ularly struck me about her book were oriental practitioner utilizes these con-
its uncomplicated approach and its cepts in diagnosis and treatment consti-
practical value. tutes a great deal of the books re-
Dr. Le examines oriental philosophy mainder. The reader, by learning how
and Chinese medicine in sufficient de- to think in these unfamiliar dynamics
gree to satisfy most readerscertainly and not merely material terms, can in-
all those focusing on nutrition as it re- troduce into his or her life many bene-
lates to overall well-being and spiritual ficial, yet easily enacted practices. One
pursuit. She conveys the principles of may learn what foods nurture which
oriental nutrition and describes how organs, how to apply the law of five
these principles need to be applied in elements to food and how to correct

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unfulfilled desires. Torchlight Publishing of L.A., CA
The unbalancing (thus negative) ef- (1999). The author revised and edited
fects of juiced vegatables and fruits is this most ancient poetic manuscript,
examined as is the western tendency shortening it but retaining the flavor
to drink too much liquid, especially at and quality of the original to the best of
mealtime. Proper food preparation, his ability. This version is gripping,
cooking methods, the importance of complex, dynamic, joyful, pathetic,
enzymes in food (virtually all factory- ironic, fateful and through it all, wise
made food is dead with no enzymes re- and profound.
maining, only empty calories), even Let me now bring to your attention
cookware, and a special clorox bath two compiled books. Easy to read,
for vegetables and meatsall these these books present wise thoughts
topics are considered by Dr. Le. gleaned from the writings of the orig-
Additionally, the reader is given inal authors.
meal systems, food-treatment re- The first book, Way of Wisdom:
gimes for a variety of conditions as well meditations on love and service/
as a host of recipes that incorporate Emanuel Swedenborg, was edited by
oriental principles for well-being. Grant Schnarr and Erik Buss (Chrysalis
There is, however, a caveat. The books, 1999). Way of Wisdom consists
book asks the reader to think in new, of 100 brief statements culled from
unfamiliar terms. In the beginning,
doing that, no matter what the subject,
is difficult. One needs to suspend judg-
ment, maintain an open mind and at-
tempt to feel whats being taught,
however different.

Swedenborgs voluminous writings.

These are presented, one per page, in
modern language. Following this often
profound advice and secret knowl-
edge, the editors identify the origin of
each one and offer a brief comment,
which they liberally term a medita-
tion. These comments, for the most
part, are a satisfactory doorway into the
statement as one initiates ones own
pondering process. Thats right
Swedenborgs profound and guiding in-
sights, delivered to him over a period
of nearly 30 years, need to be looked at
periodically and pondered. Writing one
out on a 3X5 card and placing it some-
where frequently seen is a useful
Two exceptional books reviewed in method of facilitating development of
earlier issues are worthy of note. The ones own understanding. If, eventu-
first, The Temple of Man by R.A. ally, you find an enhanced appreciation
Schwaller de Lubicz, (see A.R. #19) for Swedenborgs teaching, you can
published by Inner Traditions (1998), read any of the several books recom-
is, to my mind, the most important mended here over the years (especially
book on the subject of ancient Egyp- Heaven and Hell, which recently has
tian philosophy and science ever pub- appeared in a new edition).
lished. It will provide the casual reader Hell and heaven are near to
with hours of pleasure perusing the people, in fact, within people. (#40)
over 400 plates and figures. Students of ...thought united to feelings is what
Ancient Egyptian thought will find makes a human being. (#56); Love
years of fruitful endeavor in this truly and wisdom, without action, are only
remarkable work. The Temple... is im- imaginary concepts. (#17); We are
posing, and one might feel intimidated born without factual knowledge, so
by it. This will dissolve with diligent that we may come into all knowledge
study. and progress into intelligence, and
The second work, The Mahab- through this into wisdom. (#83); We
harata, (A.R. #22) is the novelized can be in doubt before we deny, and
form of this great epic. Its author is we can be in doubt before we affirm.
Krishna Dharma and publisher is When we doubt before we deny, we in-
cline toward a life of evil. (#97)
These fragments convey some of
Rock gently in thy stanchions
the food for thought available in
and tug at thy tethers this little book: it is potentially
my shining ship. far more beneficial than most
popular new age spiritual
Even as you wait books. It can assist a sincere
in your silent cell seeker in progressing on any
path, for As one tone does not
in cavern deep. produce a harmony, neither is a
truth that stands alone com-
The hour is near plete. (#60): youll want to learn
when you shall come to me the melody and the harmony that
when you shall seek me out accompanies it.
The second book arises from
when we shall be in bondage no longer. the mind and writings of His Ho-
liness, the Dalai Lama, a wise
For we are bound and bonded together. man still with us and committed
loving mind to living metal to the betterment of all of hu-
field to field manity. The Path to Tranquility:
No one shall bring thee forth but thy captain. Daily Wisdom by the Dalai
Lama is compiled and edited by
Remka Singh and published by
It is my thoughts that guide thee. Viking Arkana (the Penguin
Your might is my instrument. Group, 1999).
Test you chains and rejoice. Mr. Singh has selected a quo-
Our God calls. tation for each day of the year. During thinking, and meditation. Inner de-
his years as exiled spiritual leader of velopment is not easy and will take
Tibet, the Dalai Lama has written at time. Elsewhere the Dalai Lama notes
Curt Nyberg least seven books and been the subject the American habit of wanting the
or an influential force of nearly a dozen most for the least. We need to appre-
others. It is from these that the quota- ciate that payment is a principle
tions have come, as well as from inter- without exception or compromise in
views. (The Dalai Lama is an enter- spiritual matters.
taining as well as enlightened speaker On Feb. 25 we are told, Conscious-
KHEMET TOURS and I recommend attending a talk of ness is a nonobstructing phenomenon,
his if the opportunity should arise). is nonmaterial, and has the quality of
The quotations cover a surprising luminosity; that is, it reflects any object
array of topics, some of which may sur- by arising in the aspect of that object.
prise you. These are treated practically, Tape this up and ponder it for a time.
in a down-to-earth fashion even though Even advertising does not escape
the subject may be esoteric and, ordi- keen observation: If advertising is for
narily at least, impossible to experi- a good cause, it is worthwhile. ...but if
ence. For example, In the case of the it is only for profit, cheating, and ex-
Enjoy the splendors of ANCIENT EGYPT, death of a person who has been en-
and absorb its lasting message, which was ploitation, or is misleading, then it is
gaging in nonvirtuous practices, the wrong. (from Aug. 24). His Holiness is
meant for all of us to behold. Share in ad- consciousness would start dissolving
dition the multi-cultural experience of ever sensitive to the ends and the
from the upper part of the body and means used to gain them.
Islam, Nubia, and the Copts. Partake in a
journey, that offers a well balanced blend withdraw within the heart. (Aug. 20). The similarity between these ideas
of life-learning, exploration, and many This process differs in a more virtuous and teachings from other traditions
other enjoyable activities. person. strikes the reader repeatedly. Suf-
About population growth His Holi- fering increases your inner strength.
March 16 - April 1, ness said, the growth of population is (from Feb. 6); this is the price of con-
May 18 - June 3, 2001 very much bound up with poverty, and
at a cost of $2940 (dbl.occ.) sciousness expansion, according to An-
in turn poverty plunders the earth. cient Egyptian thought. Anything that
Included are the transatlantic and four When human groups... (Sept. 10):
flights in Egypt, five-star hotel acommoda- contradicts experience and logic
poverty is undesirable for the earth as should be abandoned. (Sept. 25). This
tions, two meals daily, introductory litera-
ture and lectures, guided sight-seeing on well as humanity. is a prime teaching in yogic systems
and off the beaten track, all transporta- Many of the quotations contain two, and in the Gurdjieff Work. You can be
tion, luggage handling, and much more. three or more thoughts worthy of pon- sure that a man who says this would
For a free brochure contact: dering. They frequently appear to never make a statement that he, him-
Dr. Herta Jogland / Khemet Tours focus upon what many today take no self, has not confirmed in his own ex-
(304) 346-2240, FAX (304) 346-3530 time to notice as Some smiles are sar-
Registration ends four weeks before perience.
castic. Some smiles are artificial Mr. Singh has selected his excerpts
departure diplomatic smiles. A genuine smile well: the Dalai Lama appears realistic,
gives us hope, freshness. (from Jan. yet up-beat. His thinking is clear, con-
Giza, Cairo, Memphis, Sakkara, Aswan, Abu 1). From June 2 we read, It is neces-
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Reality Check
Digital Technology Is No Match for Spontaneity

hrough the miracles of tech- expected harmonies and rippling ar-
nology composers can now peggios all performed with a playful
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own home with the aid of a few little whispers intimately to your heart. In
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delivered. But theres good news and
bad news in all of this. The good news FEATHER ON THE WIND
is that thanks to computers, practically Golana
anyone can be a composer. The bad The simple, plaintive sounds of a
news is that it becomes all too easy to Native American flute bring an instanta-
lose the unique inspiration that comes neous feeling of quiet reflection and re-
from two or more real people inter- pose. Flutist Scott Cunningham (Go-
acting, exchanging ideas and sharing in lana) had no idea that his great, great
the creative process. Regardless of how grandmother was a full-blooded Cher- sciousness of warring factions of pow-
advanced technology becomes, okee. He was born and raised in erful beings who migrated from a
nothing can take the place of real musi- southern California to an Anglo- sinking Atlantis to form secret brother-
cians making real music...together. Protestant family. But he soon discov- hoods in key areas around the planet.
Which brings me to Open Window by ered that life was taking him on a spiri- Throughout history these secret socie-
Marcy Russ and Steven Gore. tual quest for meaning which eventu- ties have been (and some say, still are)
ally led him to the American responsible for the rise and fall of na-
Southwest, reading the books of Black tions, economies and many political
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make and play wooden flutes and stud- formation in these videos and much of
ying the traditions of the native peo- it traces the history of these secret soci-
ples. Inspired by the beauty of nature eties throughout time to the present. I
and the wisdom of an ancient culture especially enjoyed video #5 The Battle
that coursed through his veins, Golana of Armageddon which deals with the
(Raven), as Scott was named by a Cher- network of underground tunnels and
okee elder, began to perform his flute the Nazis expeditions to the South
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sounds with a touch of jazz. Never cinating. The first two volumes begin to have your CD or video reviewed in
boring, Open Window is filled with un- with the extraterrestrial origins of man, Atlantis Rising please send it to: Atlantis
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tech wars and a split into the dual con- MN 55123.
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as seen on the NBC Special

Wayne May
Conferees listen to comparative mythologist David Talbott
throughout the solar system, such as
EARTH CHANGES 2000 the rope-like patterns on Europa, are
the workings of electromagnetic forces
Continued from Page 23 which were originally theorized by Vel- I AM AMERICA Full Color 24" x 28"
of the time. In Mandevilles view, most ikovsky.
S & H Included
of the well-known arguments against
Cayce are based on misunderstandings
of his actual statements and various
Dr. Paul LaViolette, scientist and au-
thor of Earth Under Fire, took the po-
dium to show evidence that an explo-
21 00
other errors. As for Cayces prophecy sion at the center of the galactic core
of a catastrophic pole shift, Mandeville could have produced a super wave You heard Lori Toye tell
which in turn could have resulted in
looks for it to occur sometime before
the catastrophic events surrounding how sheunder the
the end of 2001.
Rocket scientist John Brandenburg the end of the last ice age. In the star guidance of the ascended
and science writer Monica Rix Paxson lore of the ancients, including the very master Saint
co-authors of Dead Mars, Dying Earth, structure of the zodiac, LaViolette sees
presented their case that the history of clues to that ancient event and warn- Germaincreated
Mars could well be the future of Earth. ings of its possible recurrence. More re- prophetic maps of
cently he has made the case that pul-
In the course of discussing the catas-
sars cannot be explained as natural America and the world.
trophic history of Mars, Brandenburg
showed recent photos of the so-called phenomena but must be considered to NOW YOU CAN TAKE
Face on Mars and explained that evi- be of artificial origin, perhaps naviga-
dence that the structure is deeply tion beacons left by a galactic civiliza- A CLOSER LOOK.
weathered by no means rules out the tion intent on providingamong other
notion that it is of artificial origin. That thingsa fledgling civilization on Earth
with crucial understandings of the chal-
an ancient civilization on Mars was de-
stroyed by the loss of its atmosphere
led to Paxsons argument that global
warming on earth could lead to a sim-
lenges which lie before it.
The scene changed to ancient Egypt
as geologist Dr. Robert Schoch took up
S & H Included
FREEDOM STAR Full Color 36" x 52"
ilar fate here. Brandenburg also showed the case for the extreme antiquity of
off a form of fusion technology which civilization. Schoch, author of Voices of
he believes could solve our energy the Rocks, has now joined forces with
problems and help lead to the end of the catastrophist camp in believing that
global warming. the evidence clearly shows that natural
The controversial views of Im- history and human evolution on planet
manual Velikovsky were defended by Earth has not been an entirely gradual
comparative mythologist David Talbott process as the uniformitarian (the
and Australian physicist Wallace Thorn- ruling academic consensus) view main-
hill. The two believe the ancient sky tains. Schoch says he came kicking
was much different than it is today. and screaming to the catastrophist per-
The planets, they say, were much spective. He described how in his own
closer, and ancient legends and art de-
pict a world in which lightning flashed
between planets and the appearance of
academic training he had once joined
in the derision for catastrophist
thinking, but how his subsequent per-
Order NOW!
conjunctions between planets and sonal investigations throughout the
comets in the sky was the source of im- world have convinced him that cata-
agery found in artifacts around the clysmic interruptions in our history,
world. With the aid of sophisticated
computer animation, Thornhill showed
how many anomalous discoveries
such as asteroid hits, are the rule, not
the exception.
Schoch and John Anthony West,
prime movers arguing for antediluvian
EARTH CHANGES 2000 civilization, both have gone on record ALEXANDRIA
as rejecting the authenticity of the un-
who followed him, announced that derwater discoveries near Japan, and in Continued from Page 25
they will be revisiting the Geological particular the site near Yoniguni off Sea levels had risen in the inter-
Society of America in November to Okinawa. The unusual formations pub- vening two thousand years. It was
present new evidence in support of licized in Atlantis Rising and Ancient known that much of the early city was
their arguments for the great antiquity American are believed by both Schoch indeed submerged, yet few records re-
of ancient civilization in Egypt. It was and West to result entirely from natural mained of what had been in the area.
at a meeting of the society in 1991 that causes. Even the two major bisecting roads of
Schoch first showed how water weath- Speaking later, Ancient American the ancient city had lost their defini-
ering of the Sphinx proved it was much editor Frank Joseph produced evidence tion under deep layers of effluvia and
older than previously believed, an argu- for a previously undocumented civiliza- silt. A tidal wave of 1600 years ago had
ment which, though largely accepted tion in the waters of Rock Lake in Wis- thrown down many of the monuments
by the geologists, stunned the or- consin (see his article elsewhere in this and buildings and the gradual submer-
thodox Egyptological establishment. In issue), but drew sparks by continuing gence of the entire northern coast of
the years that fol- Africa, which was slipping under the
lowed, the chief weight of the continental plate posi-
counter argument tioned just north of the coast. Sites
has been that there once existing in the Eastern harbor
is no archaeological area would be under six to eight me-
context for such a ters of water and accumulated detritus.
claim. In other There were a large number of sites
words, if there was indicated which were still on land, but
an advanced civili- an even greater number were far out
zation over 3000 into the water of the harbor. The chal-
years before that lenge would be great....but the rewards
currently theor- could be greater!
ized, then where With all thisit was already known
are the artifacts? At that the human mind might prove even
the November more able to discern what lay beneath
meeting Schoch in- this muck and water than the most sen-
tends to introduce sitive electronic instrument known to
considerable evi- manthe sidescan sonar. And so it
dence in answer to proved.
his detractors. At Getting permission to dig in Egypt is
Earth Changes always a chancy proposition, de-
2000 it fell to West pending largely on the whims and
to enumerate sev-
Tom Miller

goodwill of the government officials.

eral of the points Mobius ran into severe problems
which Schoch will with permissions for on-land investiga-
briefly make to the tions, but similar exploration in the
Conferees take a break from intellectual activity with a friendly massage.
geologists. Eastern Harbor permission was even
Among the anomalous locations more difficult, as some of the Alexan-
to defend the Japanese sites as of artifi-
which are to be cited will be what drian harbor was occupied by defense
cial origin. In the concluding panel dis-
West now refers to as Kenyons installations which seemed to be at the
cussion, Schoch defended his conclu-
Cavern, the so-called burial chamber exact area to be pinpointed by the re-
sions and Joseph defended his and
in the Red Pyramid at Dashur. In an off- there the matter was left, but not mote viewers.
hand comment made while visiting the Harold Edgerton, famed marine ar-
without some passion on both sides.
spot in 1999, Atlantis Rising editor chaeology expert and his sidescan
Just before the panel discussion
Doug Kenyon had mentioned that the sonar, a relatively new concept at the
which brought the conference to an
jumble of stones beneath old-kingdom timewould be applied in these areas.
end, independent Egyptologist and au-
masonry appeared to be water weath- Only conclusive proof of his track
thor Moira Timms (Beyond Prophecies
ered and part of a much older site, over record with other governments and
and Predictions) provided an examina-
which the very ancient pyramid had projects convinced authorities to grant
tion of the Egyptian and Mayan per-
been built, perhaps as an attempt to the permissions.
spectives on evolving consciousness
memorialize it. West immediately Very little hard information was
and the guidance they have left to us
seized on the remark as explaining the available about the Eastern harbor in
for interpreting omens and signs in the
site in a way which previous theory 1979 other than the records which
sky. For Timms the key message from
had not. Schoch has since visited the placed the Pharos Lighthouse, the
the ancients to our time is of the impor-
spot and agrees with West. Other Royal palaces and island along with the
tance of following the spiritual path.
anomalous locations cited by West as other target sites in the area. The main
All lectures and presentations at
evidence of a much more ancient Egypt peninsula which separates the two
Earth Changes 2000 were preserved
include the tomb of Khentkhaus near harbor areas remains, but more of this
on video- and audiotape. Anyone who
the Khafre pyramid, the paving stones had to lie underwater, as it had been
missed the conference, and indeed
beneath the Khafre pyramid and the spotlighted by most of the RV team as a
those who attended, can order tapes
Osirion at Abydos. West is optimistic hot spot.
for either individual programs or for
that the November gathering could pro- One viewer, Brando Crespi, an
the entire conference from Atlantis
vide a major breakthrough in his chal- Italian Count and media consultant,
Rising. For details, see the ad on page
lenge to the establishment. However, had concentrated on the sunken area
while West and Schoch have been almost exclusively. Another, Gary L,
had pinpointed one area as holding the cording to Strabo, writing six years bius diver, and within a short distance
Tomb of Alexander himself. Neither after Cleopatras suicide, the now a complex of pillars and sphinxes ar-
was among the go-team, however, sunken area had included stunningly ranged as would be the ruins of a
which included only George McMullen beautiful public precincts and royal pal- temple of Isis, known to be close
and Hella Hamid. McMullen, a Cana- aces which occupied as much as one against the Pharos Lighthouse, an enor-
dian natural psychic, had functioned third of the entire circuit of the city. mous structure that must be the cause
as archaeological consultant to Prof. Much of this lay under later build- of a looming pile of debris only yards
Norman Emerson in uncovering major ings such as the famed Neb Daniel away.
finds in Canadas Iroquois history. Mosque, but a huge amount of it had to Schwartz himself had been able to
Many of his Alexandrian sites were also lie under a fathom or more of harbor see and to swim through, at last, what
in harbor waters. water and was completely unexplored. would prove to be Marc Antonys
George, who says I prefer to work On May 8, 1979, Mobius was in house by the sea. He would be able to
on the area (site) as I can see what it place and the sonar survey of the see and touch stones which belonged
looked like in the time past, and I can harbor sites by Edgerton had begun. to the long sunken temple of the God-
follow the developments in its future. I Sound waves sent out hit the seafloor dess Isis, probably built by and for the
just seem to know what the answers and reflected back, apparently great Queen. Not far away lay the bulk
are to their questions. I can of a fifteen-foot-high statue
go back to the time in ques- which seemed to have a
tion and I can see, hear and crowned head.
smell the environment I am In only a few days, the re-
in. Hella Hamid, a photogra- mote viewers work had been
pher, had undergone testing able to guide divers to sites of
and training at SRI in the re- not only great antiquity, but
mote viewing project. Her ac- which would also extend for-
curacy was acute and her ever what was known about
sketches fascinatingly pre- ancient Alexandria, its
cise. harbor, the island Antirhodos
On a huge light table, Ste- and the royal seaside com-
phan Schwartzs layout of plex. After such a climax the
maps from each respondent team had to leave Egypt, due
were laid, and seemed to for a return in November.
show a large number of re- On this trip Brando Crespi
mote-viewed and circled hot- and other viewers whod
spotswhich when trans- missed the first, were able to
ferred to a master map accompany Stephan

M. Larrinaga
clustered and overlapped in Schwartz, while additional in-
several placesall under the vestigation and filming of the
harbor. The only good point findings were completed.
would be that they should be Artist M. Larrinagas conception of the Lighthouse of Alexandria On the final day, the team
relatively undisturbed by modern con- molding themselves to the hard phys- was harassed by sewage in the water
struction piled on top, and so it ical shapes they touched. This pro- near the ruins of the Pharos, and
proved. duced a red and white silhouette moved back to the area of the Timo-
Alexandria is known to be one of layout on a continuous strip chart. nium.
the most sizeable unexplored areas of Divers would explore areas where the Here, an odd sea phenomenon had
ancient civilization, and one whose remote viewers had pinpointed targets cleared the water considerably and the
submergence has swallowed most of with the aid of this technological re- team could see many huge round stone
the known Royal areas described by source. spheres lying on the sea bottom. Each
writers such as Strabo. Alexander had Almost immediately, discoveries of of these was pierced by a hole, and
seen the coastal village where Nile wa- worked stone blocks, partial walls, looked exactly like enormous stone
ters entered a huge lake and then the sunken sphinxes and what looked like beads. George McMullens previous re-
sea itself as a key to Egypt. The huge statues were found; showing that the mote views had mentioned these as
city named after the young conqueror areas pinpointed in California months adornments of the Pharos when hed
was never seen by him again after he before were to yield results. French ar- seen them before the first Mobius
took the time to personally lay out a chaeological divers later confirmed just probe and again at a later time. No au-
four-mile parallelogram with two wide how important the work of the remote thority has yet explained what they
avenues and sixteen lesser thorough- viewers had been. are, but it is clear that they were where
fares as the future city; plus a causeway McMullen had specified they would be
leading to the Pharos. Construction A Day of Discovery foundalthough at the time hed seen
began during his short over winter stay On May 14, Schwartz, himself an in- them theyd been covered by several
in the area. Upon his death, Ptolemy experienced diver, on his first dive was feet of silt and debris. It was the sea
Soter, his Chief of Staff, took charge of able to see the mass of pillars, plinths change in currents and visibility that
Egypt, founding a dynasty of Grecian and pedestals that lay across the width uncovered them at last. Such finds are
Pharaohs, which culminated in the sev- of a small peninsula. Just such a penin- the solid proof of the value of remote
enth Cleopatra, the only Cleopatra re- sula had long been known to have viewing in archaeology.
membered by history. been built to hold Antonys summer The expedition in 1979 was the first
Her famous liaisons with Julius lodge the Timonium. The placement of its kind. Applied remote viewing,
Caesar, and later his Roman cohort was too acute to be anything else and combined with and complemented by
Marc Antony led to the building of was confirmed by the master map. more traditional science, had proven
more great palaces, a temple of Isis, Later in the same day, the diving its true promise on its very first trial, in
and a palatial summer house Antony team discovered a paved floor that had Alexandrias harbor.
had built known as the Timonium. Ac- been seen only once before by a Mo- Almost as an anticlimax, the
sion of Dell Publishing
be re-issued in up-
Oceanex, bearing dated form, will stand Continued from Page 28
Franck Goddio, forever as a pioneer points of contact in this close-packed
world-famed subma- effort as important as cluster of 40 spheres. I also realized
rine explorer, his mankinds first step that the sizes and positions of the
diving and filming onto the Moon; for as spheres in the inner shells must be
teams, along with a one represents a step modified in size and position and that a
sophisticated array of into one aspect of the specific position of the camera was
nuclear magnetic res- future through tech- crucial to the construction of the face
onance magnetomers nological meansthe image. The image below-left shows
and computers (along second outlines a step the concentric shells of 10 spheres
with a much im- into a different aspect each, with some removed to view the
proved sonar array) of the futureone in interior of the cluster.
arrived in that same which technology can The image in figure 9 shows the
harbor in 1996, and only be an adjunct or camera position, its viewing angle, and
began a thorough support to important the modifications of the sizes and posi-
survey. abilities which are yet tions of the spheres in the lower por-
Apparently totally to be fully explored
A copy of actual question form from tion of the inner shell of 10 spheres.
unaware of the earlier the abilities of the
second probe from George McMullen. The variations in the sizes and posi-
pinpointing of sites by trained and directed tions of the spheres, the movement of
remote views and human mind! the camera and the variations in the in-
divers, Goddio was nevertheless able
tensity and color of the light sources is
to rediscover the Timonium ruins, the Beverly C. Jaegers is author of the the subject of the animations that I
limestone-paved area, sphinxes, statues Berkley book The Psychic Paradigm, have made in this study. A more com-
and sites they felt were the palaces and and others; she is leader of the U. S. plete description of this work which
Isis temple. This confirmed the accu- Psi Squad, first cooperative team of includes animations and more still im-
racy of the Mobius probe. police and trained remote viewers. ages is presented on my website: http:/
Goddios exploration was fully cov- The Squads recent RV sequence of / .
ered by the Discovery Channel which downed nuclear submarine Kursk The image shown on page 26 at the
had not existed in 1979. are to be seen on their website at beginning of this article (figure 2) is
In essence, the Mobius probe that www.uspsi . perhaps the most convincing image of
led to Stephan Schwartzs book, The To visit Stephan Swartzs website the human form made from this sacred
Alexandria Project, published by a Divi- go to: geometry to date. It was made with 40

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which the forces of nature are defined
in ten dimensions mathematically, the ENERGY MEDICINE
other six dimensions are hidden from
our normal senses. There are obviously Continued from Page 31
more than three dimensions and time originate from asking the brain to per-
in the universe and that is what drives form a task that is really meant for the
my curiosities about the worlds be- body... Anger and love, as action and
yond the physical. connection, are feelings of the body,
I feel that I have rediscovered some she states. Fear and pain, as percep-
of what was a highly developed under- tion and understanding, are feelings of
standing of mankinds relationship to the brain. Emotions are the energies
Figure 9 the Multidimensional Universe and this that run both our lives and the uni-
spheres and approximately 112 light knowledge was utilized and docu- verse. The more emotional blocks you
points, most of which are located at mented in the geometry of ancient move out, the more energy you have.
the points of contact between the structures. Sacred Geometry, the study Its not having emotions that drains our
close-packed reflective spheres. of the unity of the cosmos, demon- energy, its suppressing them. That re-
The Tree of Life (Figure 10), which strates relationships between Number, quires a lot of energy.
is a graphic representation of the inter- Time, Space and the Human Form and Her own exuberant energy is fueled
action between cosmic forces, is other natural forms. It was used in the by the macrobiotic diet she has fol-
shown in figure 10. These 10 Sephirot, construction of ancient glyphs and lowed for many years, and by what she
the 10 transformers of energy and the monuments, thereby preserving the calls a habitual reaction to resistance
22 connecting lines (letters), are found knowledge of these principles of Nat- which is, when something is denied
in many ancient texts of the Kabbalah. ural Law for future generations. It de- me, to press even harder for something
Most of these ancient Hebrew texts are scribes the way nature limits groups of even more difficult and out of reach.
commentaries on The Sepher Yetsira units in three dimensional space and it Such persistence may have helped
(Spheres of Formation), Genesis and defines the numerical, temporal and save her life; Motz fought bulimia and
The Song of Songs, and the very na- geometrical relationships between attempted suicide before she was intro-
ture of the gematria (the numer- these units. The Platonic Solids duced to the world of feelings through
ical/alphabetical equivalence) ex- are manifestations of groupings of the Gilligans, with whom she had
pands the possible interpretations unit-size spheres in three dimen- formed a film company after earning
and meanings of the texts. sions. This 10 sphere within 10 her Master of Fine Arts in cinematog-
I found many of these interpre- sphere concentric shell close- raphy. At the time, their films featured
tations confusing. I realized that packing structure is organized to American history and culture. Today,
this Tree of Life diagram can also rep- permit movement and therefore it she muses about buying a video
resent the 10-sphere cluster made includes Time in its range of ordered camera and incorporating it into
with 2 5-ball pyramids shown in Fig. 10 interactions, and the reflection pat- healing.
figure 11 and it may well be worth terns record forms in Space that can Meanwhile, her Healths Angels
the thousands of words used to also exist in dimensions beyond program teaches energy healing to
describe its meaning. Making a the physical three dimensions. inner city teenagers, and she is cur-
cluster of metal reflective spheres Im not quite sure how the rently working with pregnant teens.
(offering bowls) is well within the physical human form fits into the Pregnancy is an opportunity to heal,
capability of many ancient cul- hierarchy of multidimensions ex- says Motz, who does not have children
tures; and by adding a few glass cept that it does seem to be a nat- herself. She has come to the conclu-
lenses, the images that I have found ural result of the resonant extra- sion that most trauma begins in the
could be projected onto walls or into dimensional patterns generated by a womb, and notes that prenatal life is
smoke. Perhaps there is some truth Fig. 11
space-filling, spherical, close-packing where depression, addiction and over-
behind the mystical smoke and mir- geometric system and it is indeed eating begin.
rors of ancient religion ... perhaps that governed by Sacred Geometry by The idea that children are a burden
Truth is geometry ... Sacred Geometry. virtue of the definition God gave to is not a truth of the universe; its some-
There are numerous references to three dimensions. The human form thing thats passed on from mother to
the construction of the prototypical seems to embody a region that inte- child, she says emphatically. Its not
human in ancient texts. The body of grates aspects of the physical world a sacrifice to carry a child; its an ener-
Adam, the Golem, Osiris and others are with forces that operate beyond the gizing adventure, a collaboration. What
the main characters in the ancient relig- physical space-time that we normally happens during pregnancy is that you
ious mythology that we know today. experience. relive your own gestation. And, if it
The multiplicity of idealized beings in I dont think this 10 sphere within was not a happy time for your mother,
this reflective cluster geometry sug- 10 sphere concentric shell close- it wont be a happy time for you.
gests The Company of the Gods as de- packing geometric system is the matrix The best thing we can do to help
scribed in many ancient Egyptian texts. for all living systems, but I do think it our children is to do our own healing,
There seem to be faces facing faces and can serve as a model for the interac- she asserts. She points out that re-
faces within faces throughout this envi- tions between the various dimensional peated emotional distress and abuse,
ronment. realities in which we are immersed. It starting very early on in life and usually
This construction of reflective may also guide us in our attempt to de- ignored or denied by the patient, are a
spheres may embody the technology velop new sciences and technologies key factor in weakening the body and
that produced the animated images of that utilize the forces that operate in making it vulnerable to chronic dis-
the deities in the temples of antiquity. the regions that we now call para- ease. You have to open the wound in
My guess is that the sacred part of what normal. order to heal, or any work you do is
I have discovered is a result of the way Charles Henry is a professor in the just going to bounce off the scar.
God put physical life-forms in three di- sculpture department at the Univer- Since rediscovering and processing
mensions and time. According to the sity of Richmond in Virginia. buried trauma are not skills widely em-
contemporary Superstring Theory in braced by our society, Motz suggests
Moore, found that his model of Be-
ENERGY MEDICINE MAGNETISM dinis G-Field Generator increased
speed as its load increased. He also wit-
simple steps rather than a radical tech- Continued from Page 32 nessed a Bedini prototype successfully
nique such as Rebirthing, which she operating.
feels can be unnecessarily violent. power lines and if his system were to The same year, radio KABC talk
Start by observing things that bother backfeed, it could extinguish the lights show host Bill Jenkins used his guest
you in life that dont go away and find in the neighborhood. He disagreed. As speakers spot at a March 12 Town Hall
out what happens in your body; how he tells it, the officials final word was forum at the Biltmore Hotel in Los An-
does it feel, what age does that feeling we think youre stealing power and geles to announce a free energy de-
come from and try to bring up a scene they took their meter off the building. vice, with Bedini and Steven Werth.
from that age... As people find the cou- However, his lights were still on at The two demonstrated what was de-
rage to confront the things their par- night, because of his energy inven- scribed as a Kromrey gravity-field gen-
ents did to them, the more courage tions, he tells me. Finally they struck a erator with 180% efficiency, powered
theyre finding to stand up to the dealhe would have his power meter by a battery bank which required no
things doctors are doing to them. back but would pay a high fee for the recharging from an outside source.
While she bemoans the general lack service. A newspaper account said the audi-
of awareness and sensitivity among The power company almost took ence included public utility representa-
many surgeons, anesthesiologists and away their hookup to his shop, but it tives and investment brokers. Bedini,
attending personnel in the operating was in an industrial area and they then 37, told the forum that he
room, Motz has great admiration and would have had to remove a three-
respect for the dedication and talent of phase transformer
most, and the brilliant genius of a few. and therefore de-
She observes that different surgeons prive the other
doing the same operation are like dif- businesses of
ferent musicians playing the same power. They
piece; they start and finish at the same found that when
place, but thats all. they switched off
Motz sees the trend towards com- all the power in
plementary healing and self-care in- the shop nothing
creasing: A year ago I drove across the (electrical) was
country and stayed in small bed and being drawn, but
breakfasts; I was amazed at the people the machines kept
using herbal remedies and acupunc- running.
ture; there seems to be a general in- He published
terest in alternative therapies. As Dr. instructions for an
Christiane Northrup asserts, Motz feels energy device
that medicine is largely a parental prac- which Jim Watson
tice and notes that the patient and the of Colorado
medical team create a mutual experi- Springs then
ence that allows everyone involved to builtlarge-scale
heal emotional traumas. The impor- with a heavy fly-
tance of a persons emotional history to wheel. Watson
his physical well-being has long been demonstrated it at
acknowledged in medical circles, but the 1984 Bicenten-
once that person passes through the nial symposium
doors of the medical institution, it is celebrating Nikola
largely ignored. Teslas arrival in
What is the investment in contin- the USA.
uing to act as if feelings have so little At the same
Toy-sized version of Bedini motor intended for commercial production.
impact on the internal actions of the meeting, Bedini
body? To help educate patients and displayed a circuit which charges bat- planned to make his generator univer-
professionals, Motz plans to conduct teries. Only one engineer out of the au- sally available to the public at a nom-
both an East coast and a West coast dienceEike Mueller of the European inal cost, instead of selling to the
training in the near future. Im inter- space agencygot up and measured Be- highest bidder. He described his
ested in creating healing communities dinis apparatus. He affirmed that it working model as using stressed,
and Id like to have people on both was charging the batteries. pulsed scalar waves out of phase, to
ends of the country that can discuss Dr. Hans Niepers book Revolution tap zero-point energy of the vacuum of
and develop this work, she says. Her in Technology, Medicine and Society space. The concept was not found in
book succinctly summarizes the mind/ states that Bedinis converter was 800% physics books, but is perfectly natural
body split that so many people feel efficient in initial tests, and that 26 in- and it works, he said.
modern medicine has helped to create: dependent researchers successfully du- Jenkins had publicly introduced
Perhaps our technological failure to plicated the device about which Bedini concepts such as scalar interferometry
deal adequately with chronic disease reported. through one of his radio guests, physi-
on every level of society may be a great However, the staff of the no-longer- cist Bearden.
gift. In our desire to end this violence published magazine Energy Unlimited How did the civic officials at the
to our bodies, we may at last extend to was unable to replicate the device, and Biltmore forum react to a free energy
each other the love that gives us the consulting engineer George Hathaway demonstrationlight bulbs strung
courage to feel and to know ourselves criticized Muellers measurements. across their luncheon plates? Bedini re-
completely. This is what it means to On the other hand, a presenter at calls the growled demands to remove
put ourselves in the hands of life. the 1985 USPA conference, Ken the d___ bulbs so they could eat. Free
energy was not a part of their reality.
Within a few weeks, Bedini was vis- for specifics such as where to buy the
ited by two thugs who were definitely magnets. Just go get them. Dont ROCK LAKE
unfriendly toward his efforts to unhook bother me. He said the devices only
from todays power structures. They need to be tuned, and exact materials Continued from Page 36
had the appearance of body-builders are not crucial. Use the type of mag- fessionally surveyed the ruins during
who had just stepped out of a gymna- nets that fit your wheel. If you dont the early 19th century. His field notes
sium, and pushed him against his shop get enough output from the coils, add describe the remains of a stone canal
wall while saying in a threatening more windings. Or change the geom- that led westward from the northern
manner that they expect he will con- etry. end of Aztalan in the direction of Rock
tinue to use gasoline. He laughs shortly Ill visit the little girl and see if it is Lake, three miles away. Conventional
while recalling the incident, but evi- that easy. scholars dismiss any discussion of such
dently knew they were serious. Earlier this year Shawnee Baughman a large-scale public works project as
Now that he has moved to Idaho, wanted a science fair project. She Laphams misinterpretation of some
the reason they dont bother Bedini found a book with plans for a motor, natural outcropping. They point to lack
any more, he figures, is that he limits but it looked boringcorks and match of evidence for extensive irrigation
his models to toy-size. His model col- boxes. Her father promised the parts among pre-Columbian native Wisconsi-
lection only demonstrates a principle for a better one. He works near John nites, and are particularly vexed by any
that he believes could power a house if Bedini, who instructed Shawnee for a suggestions of overseas impact on pre-
scaled up in size. The principle in- couple of hours a day for a few days. historic America. After all, the exis-
volves storing discharged pulses of en- She finished building it the day before tence of a three-mile-long stone canal
ergy that are created while doing work the fair. could not be admitted without recog-
with previously stored energy. The se- We only tested it for like a day, left nizing possible extra-Indian influences
quence is do the work, discharge, do it running overnight sometimes, but at work in ancient times. Such consid-
the work, discharge and so on. sometimes wed leave it running for an erations amount to damnable heresy
The devices operate in a manner hour or two hours or something. for scholars with careers invested in
contrary to conventional motors and The other kids liked it; thats how it No-Visitors-Before-Columbus interpre-
generators, I am told. You want the was voted best of show. Adult judges tations of the past.
thing to do work. The more work it gave her the other top prizes.
does, the more energy it gathers, Be- She flicks the wheel into motion
dini says. and it runs.
A recent model, incorporating a bi- This is the electromagnet coil. It
cycle wheel with magnets glued on the has the power wire and the trigger
inside of the perimeter, has a large- wire...The power wire carries the
bladed fanangled to slow the rota- voltage around the electromagnet coil
tionas the work load. Bedini un- and it goes through to the transistor
hooked part of his circuit to demon- that little black thingthen it goes
strate the spark. He was showing how through the resistor and the diode and
much energy is sent back to the bat- the trigger wire follows it and then the
tery, continually in step. Repeatedly voltage flow comes out again and re-
the setup runs the motor for a certain turns back to the negative side of the
length of time, shuts it off and then dis- battery. ..The electromagnet generates
charges. the power, then it spins the wheel; the Underwater formation at Rock Lake
Bedini is scornful of experts who electricity goes through the generator
have visited him and cant understand coil which lights up the light-emitting
why a small motor could be charging a diode. Then it starts all over again. What Lapham saw and recorded
battery yet the motor does not slow Weve been using this battery for a vanished in the mid-1800s, when Az-
down. month or so now. Its supposed to talan was privately purchased and con-
We understand what the energy is. have only 900 spins per nine volts, and verted into a farm for the next 80
Tesla knew exactly what it was. And thats a nine-volt battery, so if it were years. In the last decade of the 20th
its the furthest thing from what they to run out then it would have run out a century, Lloyd Hornbostel detected
want to measure with their electron- long time ago! faint traces of a land scar extending
pushers. She has only changed the battery from the northwestern end of Aztalan,
Todays instruments all measure three times since building it six months vanishing at the town of Lake Mills. He
electron flow, he said, but no meters ago. believes this linear feature running to-
are available to measure what is in- Schools involvement in the new- ward Rock Lake represents the stone
volved in his models. What, then, is Be- energy field adds impetus. Andreas canal Lapham found about 170 years
dini dealing with? Its electrostatic in Manthey is an instructor who orga- ago. Indeed, the land scar Hornbostel
nature, he replies, and must be con- nized a Study Group for Free Energy at found between Aztalan and Lake Mills
verted into standard electricity. the Technical University of Berlin, Ger- precisely matches the underwater band
The rhythmic pop, pop, pop sound many. He says the German version of we photographed from the air last
of a Bedini device comes from a blue my book impelled him back into new- May.
spark which he describes as an ultra- energy research. Final verification of the sub-surface
violet type of arcsimilar to radio- Jim Watson disappeared from the target must be made by scuba divers
frequencies but not RF. It can be accu- public new-energy scene a couple of when water clarity returns early next
mulated and discharged in pulses years after the 1984 demonstration, but spring. But at least for now, the sunken
which then can be converted into elec- John Bedini and colleagues are sharing line appears to be part of a massive irri-
trons. as much information as they believe gation work built by the pre-
If scientists want to build a big elec- that they can share. Bedini views chil- Columbian civilizers of Wisconsin. It
tron-pusher, the answers are on his dren such as Shawnee as our hope for extends farther out into the lake than
website, he said. However, Bedini has the future. seems necessary, a sure sign of its an-
no patience with researchers who ask tiquity, because water levels were sub-
throughout its construction. The sites
ROCK LAKE three walls enclosed a trio of pyramids BIG BANG
and a triangular pool, among other,
stantially lower in prehistory than they lesser instances of what seemed to be a Continued from Page 41
are today. In other words, the ancient sacred number. taurusA (CenA for short), have jets
irrigationists led their monumental Although its significance to the orig- which stretch thousands of light-years.
canal to the shore-line of Rock Lake inal inhabitants has not come down to And from the end of these spectacular
(presently beneath the surface) as it ex- us, triune symbolism among many, jets, these galaxies are spraying quasars
isted in the past. The very existence of even apparently otherwise unrelated across the sky.
this monumental project bespeaks a cultures is remarkably similar. To the What does this mean? It means that
non-Indian people at work in prehis- Indus Valley civilizers of the 3rd Millen- quasars are neither stars nor super-
toric America. nium B.C., Bronze Age Greeks, early luminous galaxy cores. Arp explains,
But what of the no-less-impressive Christians, and Buddhists, Three signi- Astronomers have replaced one
delta formation, also at the bottom of fied godhood. Before the Christian wrong idea with another wrong idea.
Rock Lake? Its flanks are composed of trinity, a trident scepter was wielded When restored to their rightful dis-
large, apparently undressed stones by Vishnu and Poseidon. Buddhas tance, alongside the galaxies they are
(even boulders) surrounding and con- mudra of three fingers of the right ejected from, they become brighter
taining an earthen mound. Some of the hand touching the ground was his ho- than stars, but fainter than most gal-
soil they embrace has leeched out over liest oath: I swear by the Earth, the axies. Arp thinks of them as newly
the top of its southern retaining wall, Mother of us all, that what I have created matter which will eventually
but the original triangular configura- spoken is true. become a full-sized galaxy.
tion is otherwise intact. Archie More specifically, the ancient Arps discovery was that quasars
Eschborn, President of the Aztalaners may have chosen and active galaxies belong together. In
Rock Lake Research So- Three as a sacred number spite of their different redshifts, the dis-
ciety (Chicago, IL), be- for their ceremonial tance is the same. This implies that the
lieves the delta was orig- center to metaphysically yardstick of redshift equals distance
inally a European-style connect themselves is mistaken. If the yardstick is wrong,
harbor facility for with the powers of the whole chain of theories based on it
ships substantially heaven. Indeed, the is wrong, including the Big Bang and
larger than mere sites many celestial or- Expanding Universe. That means its
birch-bark canoes. He ientations identify it time to look for another cause of red-
cites several Mediterra- (at least in part) as an shift in quasars. Its time to weed out
nean examples used astronomical observa- the distortions caused by arranging the
by the Etruscans, tory. Professor James universe according to this faulty yard-
Phoenicians and other P. Scherz (Professor stick.
early Classical Period emeritus, University of Once he recognized that these
sea-faring peoples, who Wisconsin, Madison), as- galaxy-quasar families contradicted the
designed their docks in tri- certained through his stan- redshift yardstick, Arp turned his tele-
angular form. dard surveying techniques scope to other objects whose distance
The deltas top area lies that the Pyramid of the Sun was was determined by redshift. He discov-
under less than twenty feet of water, aligned with sunrise of the winter sol- ered that the distances of galaxies and
which means the delta stood partially stice. Its opposite Pyramid of the Moon clusters of galaxies were also warped,
above the surface of Rock Lake during not only marked the most northerly in specific quantized jumps, by the
Aztalans hey-day, in the 13th century, lunar rise (when the Moon appears faulty yardstick. Even the stars in our
although its base was dry land more largest at the horizon), but its ten bu- Milky Way show small non-velocity red-
than 2,000 years ago, and very possibly rials of both men and women were shifts.
as long ago as the early 2nd Millennium oriented to the appearance of the How will these observations affect
B.C. That would place the delta (along Morning Star, Venus. our image of the universe? The Big
with other pyramidal structures found For all its undoubted potential to Bang theory predicts when the uni-
at depth in the lake) in the Late Euro- help unlock the prehistory of our conti- verse was born, its size and shape, how
pean Bronze Age. The sacred power of nent, Rock Lake is a microcosm of that galaxies evolve, how the universe will
the area lingered in subsequent genera- world-class mystery investigated at end. All these characteristics will
tions, even among later peoples, as late some future time with the methods change in Arps universe.
as the establishment of Aztalan. and technology we currently employ in Lets compare the two cosmologies:
Dempseys infra-red photographs of Wisconsin. The discovery of under-
Rock Lake revealed many curious for- water structures there may foreshadow Halton Arps Universe
mations both above and below the a far greater one to come, when we at In Arps cosmology, a large compo-
water. They are still under investiga- last turn our investigation into the sea, nent of redshift means age, not ve-
tion by geologists and photography ex- and probe its depths for the lost foun- locity. The higher the redshift, the
perts. Great care is being taken to une- tainhead of earthly civilization- younger the galaxy or quasar. Galaxies
quivocally identify the images before Atlantis. that have no excess redshift are the
any pronouncements can be issued. At- same age as the Milky Way. The seven
lantis Rising readers will be the first to For further information: The Lost galaxies (out of millions) which are
learn of any pertinent discoveries they Pyramids of Rock Lake, Wisconsins blueshifted are older than the Milky
may disclose. But something of the an- Sunken Civilization, or Atlantis in Wis- Way. Six of these blueshifted galaxies
cient Wisconsin mystery begins to re- consin, New Revelations About Sunken are in the Virgo Cluster and the sev-
veal itself in the internal evidence of City, by Frank Joseph, Galde Press, enth is M31 (also known as the Great
the Rock Lake/Aztalan parallel itself. Inc., PO Box 460, Lakeville, MN 55044 Nebula of Andromeda), our nearest
Early investigators at the ceremonial (800) 777-3454. Rock Lake Research neighbor in space and the dominant
center were struck by the obvious rep- Societys web site-http://www.rock galaxy of our local group of 20-30 gal-
etition of the Numeral Three
Continued on page 68
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cording to the Big Bang, scraps of
BIG BANG matter from the initial explosion fall to- MAMUNS TUNNEL
gether under the influence of gravity to
Continued from Page 66 make a galaxy. In Arps universe, active Continued from page 43
axies. galaxies eject new matter in the form sage lies outside the pyramid, just to
1) How was the universe born? Ac- of high redshift quasars. The quasars the east of the base and to the north of
cording to the Big Bang theory, the uni- gain mass and lose redshift in even the causeway. Here, there lies what Pe-
verse exploded into existence from jumps as they grow into mature gal- trie called the trial passage, which is
nothing twelve to fifteen billion years axies. We can watch the process today. simply a foreshortened replica of the
ago. In Arps universe, the same data Of course, press releases on the 11:00 Khufu pyramids descending passage
points to a different event twelve to fif- oclock news wont mention Arps in- and the junction with the ascending
teen billion years ago the birth or terpretation, but if you know what to passage.
ejection of the Milky Way. look for, you can see it yourself. Gal- As everything on the plateau has a
In Arps universe, M31 is the parent axies dont blow bubblesthey eject purpose, why is it there? Petrie
galaxy of our Milky Way. Twelve to fif- quasars. Black holes dont come in stan- thought it was a test-bed on which the
teen billion years ago, M31 was an ac- dard sizesthey dont even exist. Arp architect could test out the procedures
tive galaxy and the Milky Way was a explains, Black holes, where every- for laying out the internal passageways
knot of plasma in M31's jet. Unlike the thing is supposed to be falling in, are a to the pyramid. This is a possibility.
slanted jet of CenA (see photo), M31's poor explanation for the cores of ac- However, we both think that the real
jet was aligned straight down answer is that it is not a trial passage,
the spin axis. How do we but a guide passage. Any interested
know this? M31 isnt active party looking into this short passage
today it no longer has a jet. system will clearly see the symmetry
But we can deduce the direc- with the real descending passage inside
tion of M31's jet from looking the pyramid, but a little further down
at M31's family, our local they will come across a junction with
group of galaxies. After bil- another ascending passage. The idea
lions of years, this family is might just dawn on someone that the
still lined up in a remarkably real pyramid passageways just might
straight line. have exactly the same configuration.
The Milky Way is a parent Thus the ascending passage was
as well. The Magellanic quite possibly found by Mamuns men
Clouds, visible from the entering the original entrance to the
Southern hemisphere, are two pyramid and tapping down the ceiling
of its offspring. of the descending passage, searching
At a recent workshop, I for that elusive passageway that was
asked Arp what happens hinted at by the guide passageways
when galaxies grow old. He outside. Success at last, the men found
replied, We dont have a concealed entrance! But as they were
enough information yet to M87 with jet. (Merlin) not able to penetrate the granite plugs
know what happens when galaxies tive galaxies, where everything appears that blocked this ascending shaft, a
grow old. Perhaps they exhaust them- to be falling out. small tunnel was dug through the
selves and fade away. 4) How does the universe end? Ac- softer limestone core-blocks, around
2) How big is the universe? Ac- cording to the Big Bang, there are the granite plugs, and up into the as-
cording to the Big Bang, the universe is three possibilities: It might continue to cending passage. Mamun was at last
a sphere about thirty billion light years expand forever. Or it might reach equi- able to enter the Queens and Kings
in radius. In Arps universe, we dont librium and remain stable forever. Or chambers and to plunder his expected
know the size or shape for sure, not the expansion might stop and all the booty.
today, and not billions of years ago. All galaxies would collapse back into a If all this is so, however, it may also
we can know is that it stretches out in black hole. None of these scenarios be an indication of another passageway
every direction farther than we can apply to Arps universe. We really have inside the Khufu pyramid. The only dif-
see. It is also older than we know, pos- no idea how it will end or if it ever ference between the guide passage-
sibly infinite and eternal. But for that will. Thats an open question, a mys- ways and the real passageways is that
part of the universe we see in our tele- tery for future researchers to solve. the guide system has a vertical shaft at-
scopes, high redshift objects are closer 5) When the distortions of the red- tached to the junction of the de-
than the redshift yardstick indicates. shift yardstick are removed, a big pic- scending and ascending passages. Mark
Many modern astronomical con- ture of the form of the universe comes believes this to be a sure sign that a
cepts, such as curved space-time, are into focus. The whole population of similar vertical shaft lies undiscovered
really only attempts to compensate for the sky becomes two enormous spiral within the Khufu pyramidit is a dis-
the distortion of measuring the uni- superclusters. Our local group lies be- tinct possibility.
verse with a broken ruler. Arp puts it tween them, possibly along the arms of
this way: The universe is flat and Eu- the brightest supercluster. These super- Excavation
clidean. Gone is the logic defying clusters are centered on the Virgo This is all very well as scenarios go,
curved space which so many people Cluster in one part of our sky and the you might say, but if this is the case,
have strained to imagine (not to men- Fornax Cluster on the other. Spirals of then why on Earth is that great forced
tion curved time). Gone are the hypo- spirals. Galaxies of galaxies. And who tunnel of Mamuns there? Surely the
thetical singularities [black holes] knows what lies beyond, waiting to be classical explanation is correct,
where physics just breaks down; and discovered? Halton Arp gives us a hint: Mamun came in via this crude excava-
gone, too, is a universe made up of It might be something very big. tion!Perhaps, but here is where
more than 90 percent invisible matter. Ralphs traditional lateral thinking
3) How do galaxies evolve? Ac- 2000, Amy Acheson. comes into play. Tunnels are not only
for getting in, but also for getting angry, but also elated. Although he had nificance of the moment struck him. He
out...... been briefed that the Kings chamber was standing inside the greatest of all
It is highly probable that the real was basically empty, what it did pos- the worlds ancient monuments, a
reason for the forced tunnel was not to sess was an untouched, enigmatic and structure rumored to have been con-
get into the pyramid, but rather to get completely sealed sarcophagus! This structed by the gods themselves. Here
something OUT. Whatever it was, was the prize that justified these priva- at the heart of this sacred monument
though, it must have been small tions. Mamun was going to be at the lay a simple, unadorned, solitary black-
enough to go down the first part of the opening of this sarcophagus at what- granite coffer, that had been sealed for
ascending passage, but it was too long ever costhe was not about to let his thousands of years; and he, Caliph Al
to go around the bend between the de- chief vizier run off with the treasure of Mamun, was going to be the first to
scending and ascending passageways. the ancient kings, or perhaps even the see inside. His hand began to tremble at
The only alternative for the thought and he quickly
the intrepid explorers was steadied it with his other,
to dig a tunnel directly lest the workers see him as
outwards from the junc- apprehensive.
tion of the two passage- The light flickered and
ways, bypassing the in- it was difficult to see, but
ternal passageway at last it steadied and he
constriction. saw for himself that the sar-
This explains both of cophagus was ....... empty!
the questions posed This is exactly what
above. The original en- happened to the archeolo-
trance had been known gist Zakaria Goneim a mil-
about and used, and the lennium later. He was ex-
accuracy of the forced cavating the pyramid of
tunnel is now obvious, be- Sekhemkhet at Saqqara,
cause it was started from when a sealed sarcophagus
inside and dug outwards. was found complete with
This may also explain why its funerary wreaths still
so much rubble was later on the top. With great diffi-
found in the bottom of culty the sliding end of the
the descending passage; it coffer was raised and it
came from the forced was ...... empty!
tunnels excavations. Whilst Zakaria Goneim
So what was the was greatly disappointed,
long thin booty that the Caliph Al Mamun was
Mamun had found and absolutely livid. Sus-
liberated? Had the Kings pecting, perhaps, that one
chamber been filled with of his workers had manu-
sacred and valuable arti- factured this little ruse, he
facts and the mummy of a flew into a violent rage and
great and ancient king? vented his anger on a few
Had Mamun discovered a unfortunate victims of sum-
kings ransom in bullion? mary justice. Mamun,
Perhaps, but personally however, was not about to
Ralph thinks that the real go back to his palace
answer is probably more empty-handed, after all he
prosaic and poignant than had been through. But the
this. chamber only contained
the sarcophagus and it was
The Caliphs tale quite obvious that it was
Mamun laboriously bigger than the entrance to
climbed his way up the An unhappy Mamun and his men in the kings chamber the chamber. As a consola-
41.2 cubits of swaying lad- tion prize, they found that
ders, to the original entrance of the secrets of the gods themselves! the lid of the sarcophagus could be
Khufu pyramid, a difficult task for a A disorganized rabble of workmen turned diagonally and just about
well-fed Caliph and a worrying moment arrived and pried at the coffer lid with squeeze through the Kings chambers
for his advisors. After a short slide crow-bars; they cursed, swore and tough granite entrance blocks. Mamun
down the descending passage, he en- shouted, but the lid just would not was going to have it as a memento at all
tered the small rough shaft that his men budge. Finally, in a state of ecstatic an- costs.
had dug around the granite plug blocks ticipation, Mamun pushed the rabble Unfortunately for the workers, how-
and scrambled into the ascending pas- aside and ordered the coffer to be ever, after sliding the great block of
sage. From there he struggled up the smashed with sledge-hammers. The stone down the Grand Gallery, they
Grand Gallery, his men cautiously chief gaffir aimed a few heavy blows found that the lid was not going to
pushing his bulk from behind. and with a great crash, one corner of squeeze around the plug blocks and
Sweating and cursing, he finally the sarcophagus flew offthe result into the descending passage. Besides,
crawled on hands and knees into the still being visible today. the lid must have weighed a ton, and if
Kings chamber, a degrading and ex- Mamun ordered the workers away, it ever got into the descending passage,
hausting experience that no Caliph had yelled for silence, grabbed a flickering nobody could think of a way of pre-
endured either before or since. lamp from a soldier and approached venting it from plunging all the way
Mamun was flustered, even the hole in trepidation. Then, the sig- down to the bottom of the pyramid. In
reputation as a brawler. He never
MAMUNS TUNNEL CELLINI stopped quarreling with the rich, the
powerful, and anyone who came
addition, the original entrance stone- Continued from Page 45 along, even committing (for good
flap was far too small to get the lid reason, he usually thought) the occa-
chastising his soul for wanting to leave
through. It was all becoming a bit of a sional murder. His defiant, hot-headed,
too early.
nightmare. self-righteous, and difficult nature led
This got him into reading his Bible.
Spurred on by an enraged Caliph, to his frequent banishment from city to
Cellini became captivated by what he
however, the chief of engineering city; throughout his life he crisscrossed
read. With profound astonishment,
came up with an answer. The only Italy (even spending some time in
he writes, I dwelt upon the force of
practical solution was to force a new France) as a sought-after and brilliantly
Gods Spirit in those men of great sim-
tunnel from the junction of the de- productive craftsman, creating objets
plicity, who believed so fervently that
scending and ascending passageways, dart, coinage, medals, medallions and
He would bring all their hearts desire
horizontally through the core blocks of the occasional sculpture for patrons in
to pass. The prisoner goldsmith de-
the pyramid and into the open air. This both the civil and religious arenas.
cided to imitate these men. Then,
is Mamuns forced tunnel. Always, the supernatural never
There flowed into my soul so pow-
seemed far off. In the deserted Roman
erful a delight from these reflections
Kaba Coliseum, one midnight in 1532, he ac-
upon God, that I took no further
So where did the lid eventually end tively solicited it. With a professional
thought for all the anguish I had suf-
up? Ralph and Mark have sometimes necromancer, two assistants, and a vir-
fered, but rather spent the day in
been accused by more orthodox ginal 12-year-old boy meant to seduce
singing psalms and divers other compo-
writers of layering speculation upon the deceased, the audacious goldsmith
sitions on the theme of His divinity.
speculation, but this one is too obvious tried to summon the spirits of the
Cellinis captivity in the Castle of
not to mention in passing. The Caliph dead. Cellini only wanted to ask if he
Sant Angelo was far from over. There
was, quite obviously, a Muslim. At the would see his girlfriend, the prostitute
would be other desperate situations
center of the sacred Islamic city of Angelina, again (he was told he would,
but, for each one, there would be an-
Mecca lies a plaza that draws the in one month, and this came true). For
other seemingly miraculous interven-
faithful from all over the world during their trouble the ghost-hunters were re-
tion. Finally, a frail but fiercely joyous
the Hajj. In the middle of this plaza lies warded with a vision of a million
Cellini would stand outside the prison,
a simple cubic building or chamber, howling demons and the Coliseum in
a free man as well as a celebrated
the Kaba. Inside the Kaba lies the ho- flames. Hallucination or not, the adven-
craftsman in the boisterous, brilliant
liest relic in the Muslim world. This turers ran home screamingor so Cel-
final decades of the great Italian Renais-
relic is simply a piece of black granite lini tells us in his Au-
of unknown origin...... tobiography. In
The presence of divine protection
1535, the
in his life seems to have been an-
P.S. Many people continue to be craftsman/author
nounced from the start to Benve-
critical of the strange notion that the became deathly ill,
nuto Cellini, who, born in Flor-
Khufu pyramid chambers were de- hovering between
ence and dying there, lived from
signed and constructed to be perfectly life and death for
1500 to 1571. At three he picked
empty; it seems to be counter intuitive. weeks. During this time
up a deadly scorpion and, una-
But all the evidence seems to point to- it seemed to him he was
ware of the danger, held it in
wards the Khufu tomb being empty wrestling every night with the actual
his hands. Only after his fa-
just like the tomb of Sekhemkhet was Charon, the boatman of Greek myth
ther declawed it in his
found to be in recent excavations. But said to ferry the souls of the dead
hands, would the little
this is not actually so strange as it may across the River Styx to the after-
boy, somehow un-
first seem. The truth of the matter is world. Cellini wrote: the terrible
harmed, let it go.
that a billion or so people today, old man used to come to my bedside,
Afterward the Perseus
known as Christians, base their entire and make as though he would drag
family took the oc- with the
philosophy on just this conceptthe me by force into a huge boat he had
currence for a good head of
empty tomb. Egyptologists will not with him. Even as Cellini described
augury. At five, his Medusa
rock the contemporary boat with such the apparition to a friend, the old
father spotted a sal-
symmetric symbolism, but perhaps the man took me by the arm and dragged
amander sporting
importance of the history of Egypt is me violently towards him. This made
in the intensest
slowly becoming apparent to some... me cry out for aid, because he was
coals in the fire-
going to fling me under hatches in
place, and called Cel-
For further reading please see: his hideous boat. Cellini finally
lini over to see it. It then was
Jesus, Last of the Pharaohs by Ralph began to recover, and it was only
thought that salamanders lived
Ellis, Thoth Architect of the Universe then that that old man ceased to
in fire, and considered a rare
by Ralph Ellis. give so much annoyance, yet
miracle to see one doing so.
2000. Ralph Ellis and Mark sometimes he appeared to me in
Its likely Cellini ever after re-
Foster have asserted their rights, in ac- dreams.
garded this encounter as sym-
cordance with the Copyright, Designs Cellini did not back away from
bolic of his own unique ability
and Patents Act 1988 to be identified quarreling with the most powerful man
to pass unscathed through the
as the authors of this work. All rights in Italy, and the goldsmiths boss for
fire of lifes disasters.
reserved. Without limiting the rights awhile, Pope Clement VII. This is
Apprenticed to the most il-
under copyright reserved above, no probably why, in 1538most
lustrious goldsmiths of the
part of this publication may be repro- likely on trumped-up
day, Cellini acquired a
duced by any means, without the chargeshe was imprisoned
reputation as a gifted
prior written permission of both the in the Castle of Sant An-
and original craftsman.
copyright owners and the publisher. gelo. His miraculous
The belligerent gold-
rescue from suicide by
smith also acquired a
the intercession of a Golden Saltcellar where he made Advertisement
guardian angel himself visible to
didnt mark the end my eyes in human
to his difficulties. form, appearing
The castellan, fu- like a young man
rious that Cellini whose beard is
should be more just growing, with
joyous than the cas- a face of indescrib-
tellan himself, or- able beauty, but aus-
dered that the prisoner tere, not wanton.
be flung into an even Cellini was led
deeper dungeon. So through a little low
roughly was Cellini door into a narrow
carted toward this dun- street and told to
geon (his broken leg climb up a huge spiral
having healed, he tells us, because he staircase. As he ascended, the gold-
had so often dreamed that angels smith found himself coming within
came and ministered to me), that he the region of the sunlight. until I dis-
feared he was going to be thrown into covered the whole sphere of the sun.
the infamous oubliette of Sammabo, The strength of his rays, as is their
where men plummeted to the bottom wont, first made me close my eyes; but
of a deep pit in the foundations of the becoming aware of my misdoing, I
castle. Ending up in just another dun- opened them wide, and gazing stead-
geon, Cellini became so joyous that fastly at the sun, exclaimed: Oh, my The Emerald Tablet is an an-
During the whole of that first day, I sun, for whom I have so passionately cient artifact brought to Egypt by
kept festival with God, my heart re- yearned! Albeit your rays may blind mysterious visitors over 12,000
joicing ever in the strength of hope me, I do not wish to look on anything years ago. Sealed with other writ-
and faith. again but this! The rays spread to one
The castellan was beside himself. side, and, as Cellini watched, a Christ
ings in a time capsule of wisdom
He had Cellini carted back to his old upon the cross formed itself out of the known as the Pillars of Hermes,
cell, and issued an order for Cellinis same substance as the sun. Next a Ma- the tablet survived the Great
executionmaking sure word got back donna appeared, holding a child and Flood and became the source of
to Cellini. Hearing this was too much escorted by two indescribably beau- pharaohic power. But when Akhe-
even for Cellinis mighty spirit; he de- tiful angels. The marvelous appari- naten attempted to apply its teach-
cided for a second time to kill himself. tion remained before me little more ings to Egyptian society, jealous
But, than half a quarter of an hour: then it priests murdered him and hid the
At this juncture the invisible being dissolved, and I was carried back to my tablet. After Alexander conquered
who had diverted me from my inten- dark lair, writes Cellini. He had Egypt, he retrieved the tablet and
tion of suicide, came to me, being still brought back with him a souvenir from
invisible, but with a clear voice, and this marvelous out-of-body journey to
actually put it on public display in
shook me, and made me rise, and said the sun: a permanent halo around his Heliopolis in 330 BC. Then, in
to me. Ah me! my Benvenuto, quick, head. This aureole of glory, Cellini 400 AD, the tablet was once again
quick, betake thyself to God with thy declared, is visible to every sort of hidden away to protect it from
accustomed prayers, and cry out men to whom I have chosen to point it Christian zealots burning libraries
loudly, loudly. In a sudden consterna- out; but those have been very few. around the world at that time. Ar-
tion, writes Cellini, I fell upon my Perhaps the castellan saw the halo, abic translations survived and sur-
knees, and recited several of my and was rebuked. Very soon afterward, faced in Europe, where they be-
prayers in a loud voice; after this I said Cellini was released. came the inspiration for a
Qui habitat in adjutorio; then I com- The goldsmith/author continued to thousand years of alchemy. Read
muned a space with God; and in an in- be borne up by the supernatural. But
stant the same clear and open voice his angelic guardians never showed
more about the amazing message
said to me: Go to rest, and have no fur- themselves to greater advantage than of the tablet in Dennis William
ther fear! when they rescued, not Cellini, but his Hauck's bestselling book The
The next day, inexplicably even to greatest work of art, from certain dis- Emerald Tablet: Alchemy for Per-
himself, the castellan cancelled the aster. sonal Transformation (Penguin
order for Cellinis execution. Cellinis finest artistic achievement 1999).
Cellini rejoiced with even greater is arguably his Perseus Holding the
fervor now, working himself into a Head of Medusa (1545-54), a larger- Join Dennis Hauck and other
most exalted state of altered conscious- than-life-sized bronze statue which still experts IN SEARCH OF THE
ness. The stage was set for another en- stands today in the Loggia dei Lanzi in EMERALD TABLET a
counter with the supernatural. He had Florence. No one thought that Cellini unique expedition to Egypt during
been begging his guardian angel, would be able to cast a bronze statue the millennial Spring Equinox in
whom he considered to be always of such enormous size (18 feet in 2001. Rediscover the spiritual al-
around, to give him just one last look height, including the pedestal); not chemy of the Egyptians, as you
at the sun. Waking up one morning to only did the technology for such a feat sail up the Nile River to an an-
a particularly dark dungeon, Cellini be- scarcely exist in sixteenth-century cient source of peace and power
seeched God Himself to grant him Italy, but Cellinis enemies were ac- that will transform you. For a de-
such a favor. tively scheming to somehow sabotage
Immediately, his invisible angel the work. In the final weeks of this tailed brochure and itinerary, call
like a whirlwind, caught me up and great endeavor, with the aid of ten as- (800)782-7389 or visit www. Al-
bore me away into a large room, sistants, Cellini constructed a huge and

their last hour to men condemned to curtains. There was a sudden explosion
CELLINI die upon the scaffold, and spoke these and a tremendous burst of flame; the
words: O Benvenuto! Your statue is cap of the furnace had blown off and
highly innovative furnace around the spoiled, and there is no hope whatever the molten bronze was bubbling out.
baked-clay-and-wax prototype of the of saving it. All seemed lostuntil Cellini, in a fu-
Perseus. In the final hours of the Howling with rage at these words, rious burst of inspiration, had his assist-
casting, after the most strenuous exer- Cellini leapt out of bed, pulled on his ants throw every one of his 200 pewter
tions and just as the casting furnace clothes, and raced for the workshop. pots, pans and plates into the furnace.
was starting to liquefy the bronze, Cel- He found the assistants standing The stratagem worked; the bronze
lini felt himself seized by a around morosely; through some dis- began to liquefy perfectly, and soon
fever of the utmost possible aster, the molten bronze was begin- the entire statue had been cast to per-
intensity. Certain hed be ning to coagulate in the furnace. fection. Amazingly, every ounce of
dead by morning, he Cellini was certain one of the assist- bronze had been used, with nothing
dragged himself to ants was trying to sabotage his master- left, and the entire statue had been
bed, reluctantly piece. He seized formedall except the tip of Perseuss
gold cup by Cellini
leaving the control of right big toe.
hugely difficult events with Not only had Cellini not succumbed
final stage in Herculean to the fever, but he had never felt
the hands of his force. Loads better. Had the apparition of the S-
ten assistants. of highly com- shaped man been one more manifesta-
Cellini spent bustible oak- tion of his guardian angel? Had it been
the next two hours wood were rushed Cellinis endlessly powerful creative
battling with the fever, from across the street imagination? Oras his housekeeper
which steadily increased, and and tossed into the fur- suggested happily to Cellinihad the
calling out continually, I feel nace. The furnace kicks and blows he rained on his staff
that I am dying! while his de- started to blaze up while, in a towering rage, he raced
spairing housekeeper fought again and the bronze back to his workshop, frightened away
to hide her tears. Suddenly, began to melt. Icy rain the lethal fever? Whatever the explana-
Cellini writes, I beheld the from a storm outside tion, Cellini would write in commemo-
figure of a man enter my chamber, threatened to cool the furnace ration of that frenzied hour: I cannot
twisted in his body into the form of a again; Cellini had all the doors, win- remember a day in my whole life when
capital S. He raised a lamentable, dows, chinks and crannies in the I dined with greater gladness or a
doleful voice, like one who announces house blocked up with all his rugs and better appetite.

MOUNTAINS and miraculous events. edly, those who came too close would
Since before the 19th century, there find themselves suddenly and tempo-
Continued from Page 47 rarily paralyzed; or they would be ac-
have been persistent rumors that a
meant that the disks were traveling at strange race of beings reside in the vi- costed by a heavily covered and con-
more than 1700 miles per hour. cinity ofor deep insideMount Shasta. cealed person of a large size who
Kenneth Arnold was not the only Some believe they are extraterrestrials. would lift him up and turn him away.
witness. On that same day, several Others speculate that they are the sur- There are a few accounts of campers
other reputable witnesses also reported viving remnants of the once great civili- who claim to have been visited at their
metallic disks. Because of Arnolds zation of Lemuria. These accounts have campsite by very tall, friendly people
credible reputation, the media printed survived for over a century, and have dressed in robes who would hold long
his story as front page news. For the been kept alive by such authors as philosophical conversations about
first time, UFOs were being taken seri- Billie Hershberger, Wishar Cerve and love, spirituality and the fate of our
ously. That single sighting was the first others. planet.
of an incredible wave of sightings that In any case, there are numerous re- Needless to say, these antics
spread across the nation, and started ports of tall robed strangers visiting brought more visitors to the area.
the UFO controversy. local towns and villages to exchange People attempted to chase down and
gold dust and gold nuggets for food, photograph the tall strangers, but in
Mount Shasta clothing and other products. The each case, the strangers would either
Located in Siskiyou county in strangers appear to be human, except run away or simply vanish. Their rare
Northern California, Mount Shasta rises for several peculiarities. They are al- appearances in local towns continued.
14,162 feet above sea level. Its beau- ways described the same. They are Those who have come to stores in
tiful snow-capped peak and easy gentle tall, graceful and agile, with distinctive nearby cities, especially at Weed, have
climbs attract more than 15,000 features such as large foreheads and spoken English in a perfect manner
climbers every year. However, like long curly hair; the strangers wore unu- with perhaps a tinge of the British ac-
Mount Rainier, Mount Shasta is more sual clothes, including headdresses cents, and have been reluctant to an-
than just a mountain. with a special decoration that came swer questions or give any information
The name of Mount Shasta itself is down from the forehead to the bridge about themselves. The goods they have
shrouded in mystery. Some believe it is of the nose. purchased have always been paid for in
named after a local Native American Visits from these strangers began to gold nuggets of far greater value than
tribe. Some believe it is a variation of cause considerable interest, and nu- the article purchased, and they have re-
the French word chaste, meaning merous local residents began to investi- fused to accept any change, indicating
pure. Others have pointed out that gate the area. Several investigators that to them gold was of no value and
Shasta is Sanskrit for One who lives ac- were surprised to come upon areas that they had no need for money of any
cording to divine law. which glowed with powerful illumina- kind.
Whatever its name, Mount Shasta tions with no known source. Others Other strange effects were noticed.
has been the location of many strange claimed to hear strange music. Report- Bright lights would flash causing cars
to stall along nearby roadways. Others fell asleep. When he woke up, he got
claimed to see bizarre-looking cattle, the shock of his life: his long hair had ASTROLOGY
unlike anything seen in America. The been mysteriously braided with small
cattle would reportedly run back to- crystals, various sticks and leaves and Continued from Page 49
wards the area inhabited by the flowers. It had all occurred while he
strangers. was asleep and totally without his New Moon All cycles begin with
Mount Shasta is also the location of knowledge. He had no idea who would the promise of somethingbe it an
some of the earliest known UFO sight- do this to him or why. He couldnt un- idea, an event, a change in a relation-
ings. There are hundreds of others derstand why he didnt wake up or ship- evolving at the New Moon, if
who have testified to having seen pecu- how it could have happened. were sensitive enough, we can take a
liarly shaped boats which have flown He was spooked by the whole inci- barometric reading of the entire cycle.
out of this region high in the air over dent and told only a few close friends. I believe most of us do take this
the hills and valleys of California and Incidentally, Jason is tall, fair and with reading, albeit subconsciously. So this
have been seen by others to come on long hair, somewhat like the descrip- first period, lasting seven days, is cru-
to the waters of the Pacific Ocean at tion of the alleged Lemurians. It is inter- cial because, in essence, it contains the
the shore and then continue out on the esting that the alleged Lemurians are seed potential (or as yet unmanifested
seas as vessels ... and others have seen known for wearing fancy head-dresses. blueprint) for the rest of the cycle.
these boats rise again in the air Could it be that they were respon- Full Moon (Days 14 to 17.5) The
and go upon the land of sible for his strange experi- Sun and Moon are opposite each other.
some of the islands of ence? We can only This is the phase of greatest tension;
the Pacific. speculate. Jason what was nascent during the New
Even today, admits that he Moon comes to a head. Rudyar argues
legends about an has no idea, but that if an individual maintains a nega-
underground city that, as strange tive attitude during the first quarter
beneath Mount as it sounds, it all phase, he is apt to face a serious con-
Shasta continue really happened. flict, clashes, or irreconcilable differ-
to circulate. Ac- Today, the ences at the time of the Full Moon.
cording to one community of Emotions are at a high, and emotional
source, the city Mount Shasta is conflicts reflect unresolved feelings or
is, in fact, popu- something of a issues during the New Moon. This
lated by descen- Mecca for spiri- phase poles with the initial one, and
dants of Lemuria tual enlighten- will reflect back and draw down the
and can be easily ment. There are original impulse.
recognized due several new-age Last Quarter Moon (21 to 24.5
to the fact that groups located in days) The ending of the cycle, a phase
they are quite the town of of completion and resolution. If youve
tallin the eight Mount Shasta. At been riding an emotional roller
and nine foot least two maga- coaster, itll show clearly now. The key
range. zines are pub- lies in conscious awareness.
The Lemurians lished there, Webster defines moods as a state
allegedly took each focusing on of mind in which an emotion or set of
refuge under such topics as emotions ascendancy. We talk about
Mount Shasta angels, chan- bad moods and good moods but
thousands of neling, UFOs, earth the sense we get is that the mood, not
years ago, during changes and spirituality. the man, is somehow in command.
the time of At- Not surprisingly, Mount When we label a person as moody
lantis. Today they Shasta is also the location (from moon) were describing
allegedly work to- of Bigfoot sightings and someone hampered by changing
wards the benefit considerable UFO activity. moods whos hard to be with since
of all humanity. one never knows what to expect from
They reportedly As can be seen, Mount Rainier him. If only so-and-so could master his
John Muirs Shasta is, in fact, many things to many people.
make use of crystals moods, how much fun hed be, or at
in their technology, and live in vast cav- Some see it as the abode of evil spirits. least how much more effective. In con-
erns deep inside the mountain. Some as a personal challenge. Others as trast, when we describe someone as
the home of unknown creatures. bright, radiant, brilliant, with a
Beyond Bizarre Others as the location of miraculous sunny disposition, we visualize a dy-
One of the strangest stories to come events. namic person who magnetizes others
out of Mount Shasta comes from a Mount Shasta also holds a unique to him.
young gentleman who prefers to re- fascination over its visitors. Whether or To express Solar Energy (conscious
main anonymous. And when you hear not you believe that the mountain is will/identity) purposefully, we must
his story, you will understand why. His really inhabited by tall golden-haired Le- separate out our conditioned response
story has never been published before murians, or if it is really a spiritual from the pull of changing Lunar (emo-
and he has no desire for any publicity. vortexthe magic and mystery of tions/moods) energies. The Moon
This young manlets call him Jason Mount Shasta is undeniable. should be a clear reflector of Spirit
often went hiking in the foothills of If you believe in all of the strange (Sun) and perhaps one day she shall,
Mount Shasta. He knew little about the stories of these mountains, some of the when earthly desires (Moon) are puri-
strange legends, but just enjoyed the stories, or none at allit makes no dif- fied, but at present, the Moon tends to
natural scenic beauty of the place. ference. Mount Rainier and Mount amplify the more negative emotions
One day while hiking in this area, Shasta have already cast their spell, and and habit patterns within the indi-
he stopped to rest, and to his surprise, their affects will continue to be felt for vidual and mass subconscious.
became unaccountably fatigued and times to come.

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Alford explains why re- last, is the story of a handful extraterrestrial origins
ligion as we know it is a of inventors battling to save and cosmic connec-
dumbed down form of a the world from industrial tions. Sitchin discusses
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WORLD AGES Bjorn H. Hammarskog A global in a devastating one-hour entists due to their unique
view of human development from the catastrophic end of documentary, hosted by qualities and ability to
the Ice Age to the Spanish conquest of the Americas. Atlantis Rising Editor and focus energy. Utilizing
Bjorn Hammarskog believes that the legendary Atlantis Publisher J. Douglas advances in optical tech-
will be found on the bottom of the Persian Gulf. He Kenyon, are the comments nology, a special set of
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war of the Gods lead to the sinking there is proof of a con- fuels, which could reverse ab-
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