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The magazine discusses various alternative theories and controversial topics related to history, science, and archaeology.

The magazine seems focused on exploring mysteries and anomalies related to topics like Atlantis, ancient civilizations, forbidden archaeology and suppressed technologies.

Some of the article titles mentioned include pieces on Lake Vostok in Antarctica, California geoglyphs, the Dogon people of Mali and their possible knowledge of physics, evidence of early humans in Morocco, and theories about the purpose of chambers in the Great Pyramid.


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Number 29


September/October, 2001


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U.S. $ 95 Canada $5 95

RELIEF for the

Christopher Dunn

What Were the Real Reasons

for Five Mysterious Chambers?

Len Kasten
Talks to Stephen Greer on
the Fight for Full Disclosure

Frank Joseph
on the Strange Case
of Atlanthropis

Did Our Ancestors

Know Something We Dont?
Beverly Jaegers Investigates

Visit Our
Web Site
or call 800-228-8381


74470 88964

Whats Really Going on Under the Ice at Lake Vostok?

William P. Eigles on the Chilling Developments at the South Pole





J. Douglas Kenyon
John Chambers
Michael Cremo
William P. Eigles
Julie Gillentine
Beverly Jaegers
Frank Joseph
Len Kasten
John Kettler
Cynthia Logan
Dr. Eugene Mallove
Richard McNulty
Dr. Joseph Ray
Rob Resetar
Laird Scranton
Lalchimiste David
Teniers the Younger
published bi-monthly
Write PO Box 441,
Livingston, MT 59047
No part of this
publication may be
reproduced without
written permission from
the publisher.

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or 800-228-8381. Direct all
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Number 29 September/October



Infinite Energy Editor Eugene Mallove Watches
for the Dawn of a New Energy Revolution 17


A New Column from the author of
Forbidden Archaeology: Michael Cremo 19


Strange Developments at the South Pole? 23


Whats the Meaning in Giant Figures
Visible Only from the Sky? 24


Do Ancient Symbols Show
Knowledge of Advanced Physics? 26


What to Make of Evidence from Morocco? 30


Two Unsung Technologies for Cleaning Up Nuclear Waste 32

Why Are Those Strange Chambers Really There? 39
Did Our Ancestors Know Something We Dont? 42
A Crusading M.D. Exposes Heart Fraud 45
The Great Poets Prescription for Finding Our Origins 46
See Our Catalog
Page 74
Steven Greers Latest Challenge to UFO Secrecy


ighteen years ago, with the support and

assistance of Tom Miller, I completed the
first draft of a screenplay called The
Atlantis Dimension and registered it with
the Screen Writers Guild.
I was living in Los Angeles, and I thought I had
written the next Raiders of the Lost Ark. Not only
did my story break through the planetary amnesia
and paint a vivid picture of a great but forgotten
chapter in Earths history, but it was full of
colorful adventure as well. There was a quest to
find Atlantean ruins (in the Caribbean in our story)
inspired by a maverick archaeologist ridiculed by
the academic establishment. There was a
submarine search and a dramatic undersea sub
battle. There was a trek through an underwater
passageway, a mysterious ancient air pocket, and
magnificent ruins illuminated by a strange ancient
light. There was a great central pyramid, small
glowing jewels and a great crystal which focused
the life energies of the civilization, threatening
cataclysm when disturbed. In the crystals
presence, there were physical ascensions into
light. And there were the last moments of Atlantis,
as a mighty tidal wave engulfed the city.
We just needed to sell it to a studio.
Over the next few years and several drafts of
from The Atlantis Dimension,
our script, Tom and I pitched it to whomever
as illustrated by Robert Rath
would listen. More than a few would-be producers
saw great potential, but all the pieces never quite came together. And so,
after a few years, we moved on to other things. Ultimately, in 1994, I
would launch Atlantis Rising magazine and, for the first 18 issues, serialize
in graphic novel form the entire Atlantis Dimension. For me it seemed the
last chance to get out a story which had been a major part of my life. The
tale, however, was, by no means, fully told.
Within days after finishing the first draft in 1983, for instance, a piece
appeared in Newsweek suggesting that the source of Bermuda triangle
phenomena might be a 400-foot underwater pyramid in the Bahamas.
Incidentally, the villain in our script lived in a fictitious area of Miami
called Paradise Island and was developing a giant Bahamas tourist
destination called Atland. In the mid 90s a major tourist destination
called Atlantis was indeed opened on Paradise Island in the Bahamas. I
assure you I had never previously heard of the place.
Now in the summer of 2001 comes Disneys movie Atlantis: The Lost
Empire with more than a few noticeable similarities to our story. Just how
these came about remains a mystery to me. Must be something in the
In the meantime, recent reports from Cuba describe a newly discovered
underwater city in an area inaccessible to American archaeologists (page
And by the way, on June 13, the A.P. report on Disneys movie began,
Atlantis has risen!
Stay tuned...




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Number 29 ATLANTIS



Zero and Other Points

o get your comments into
this space, write: Atlantis
Rising, P.O. Box 441, Livingston, MT 59047, or e-mail us
Writing a brief and clear letter remains
the best way to get your views to our

Gravity Reconsidered
Alfred Maske may be
interested to know that
there is a basis in
physics for the gravity
rays he postulates as
coming from all directions and having an infinite energy content. It
is known as the zeropoint energy field (ZPE
or ZPF), which for
many decades was
treated as an obscure
by-product of quantum
electrodynamic theory.
The main reason for the
neglect was that its energy density is in theory infinite (or at
least astronomically dense), and it was
simpler to remove the ZPF when considering conventional electrodynanic
problems. The other reason was that
this field, if real, resembled the ether of
space which Einstein had supposedly
banished from the vacuum with Special Relativity.
This background of randomly
oriented electromagnetic radiation is a
direct corollary of the uncertainty (indeterminacy) principle of Heisenberg.
According to that principle, every electron in the universe is in a constant
state of unpredictable, random jittering. Since any vibration by a charged
particle creates electromagnetic waves
(this is the basis of the radio transmitter), the random vibration of all
electrons creates a virtual sea of
random radiation. This is known as the
zero-point field, since it is found even
in the lowest energy state of space, a
vacuum at absolute zero. The spectrum
of this field is such that the energy density approaches infinity as the wavelength approaches zero.
Although the ZPF came out of the
quantum theory, it was found that the
old classical (continuous) electrodynamic theory could be rehabilitated by
the addition of the ZPF. The original
reason Max Planck had reluctantly pro6


posed quanta (smallest possible units

of energy) was the problem of the
blackbody (heat) spectrum; now that
problem and others could be solved
without the quantum assumption. See
Timothy H. Boyers piece, The Classical Vacuum (Scientific American,
August 1985, pp.
7078) for a lucid presentation of the new/
old approach, called
stochastic electrodynamics.
Andrei Sakharov,
best known as the father of the Soviet Hbomb and later as a political dissident, speculated that the ZPF
might provide the key
to a unified field
theory for the gravitational and electromagnetic forces. About
twelve years ago,
Harold E. Puthoff of
the Institute for Advanced Studies in Austin was able to
express that speculation rigorously, deriving Newtons law from the ZPFmatter interaction ("Gravity as a zeropoint fluctuation force, Physical Review A, Vol. 39, No. 5 [Mar. 1991, pp.
A few years later Puthoff coauthored a paper with Bernhard Haisch
of Lockheed Palo Alto Labs and Alfonso
Rueda of California State at Long
Beach, deriving inertia from the zeropoint field ("Inertia as a zero-point-field
Lorentz force, Physical Review A, Vol.
49, No. 2 [Feb. 1994], pp. 678-694).
The origin of inertial mass and gravitational mass was resolved to one source,
the interaction of matter with background radiation.
It is not news that radiation exerts
pressure on matter. Multiple lasers
have been used to levitate and entrap a
dust-sized speck, damping its vibrations to near absolute zero. In the Casimir experiment, two metal plates are
pushed together by the vacuum radiation field, even at temperatures approaching absolute zero. The plates
have a slight shielding effect against
the ZPF, so that the radiation pressure
is greater outside than between the
plates. One might consider this phenomenon as gravity writ small, with
the geometry of the parallel plates am-

plifying the effect so that it can be detected easily.

In the ZPF inertia theory, the zeropoint radiation field exerts a resistive
force against acceleration, creating inertial g-force which is indistinguishable
from that of a gravity field. This seems
more satisfactory than Machs notion
that inertia results from the gravitational pull of all matter in the universe.
It is a small leap from that insight to
the question of how one might engineer the ZPF around an object to
cancel gravity and inertiaa possibility
Arthur C. Clarke had in mind when he
named the space drive in his novel
3001 SHARP (an acronym for Sakharov, Haisch, Alfonso Rueda, and
Puthoff). A casual web search will reveal continuing interest in ZPF theory
at think tanks under government contract. The logistical problems of space
travel largely hinge on the massive fuel
requirements when one has to overcome gravity and inertia by brute
force, as we have been doing with
Alfred Maskes intuitive solution to
the riddle of gravitation is in the tradition of pushing or ether-pressure theories going back to an eighteenthcentury Swiss natural philosopher
named LeSage. An American physicist,
Charles Francis Brush, had his speculations on an ether-pressure theory of
gravity published in the journals Science and Nature early in the last century. Brush considered the ether as a
random radiation field, for which the
blackbody (heat) field was at the time a
known model. More recently a group
based in Austin, Texas, called the Association for Pushing Gravity Research,
has published many papers, often by
engineers like Maske but occasionally
by a maverick physicist such as ether
theorist Harold Aspden.
The ZPF-based theory of gravitation
fits into this broad physical model of
ether pressure, while bringing a rigorous mathematical foundation and
quantum electrodynamics. It is also intuitively satisfying, and so it is no surprise that so many speculations including Dr. Maskes have pointed in
the same direction.
Selby Anderson
Helotes, TX

Continued on Page 9



How Would You Like To Learn Mental Photography?


Are you happy with

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by Thornton Massie Tice

My son came to me one night while I was working

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like to learn it. Sure I replied, and within a few seconds I had a page of speed reading courses that were offered. One particular one caught my eye. It read,
25,000 words per minute minimum! I chose that one
and clicked on it and up popped a presentation by a
company named Subliminal Dynamics and Brain Management. I read through their web page at and discovered that they dont actually teach speed-reading. They teach Mental Photography.
Photographic Memory
I became very excited because they seem to offer a
lost piece of my life experience that I thought that I
would be able to have from the time that I was a child.
When I was a youngster my father was a newspaper
editor. At night he would sit down and literally flip
through the pages of a book and sometimes hand the
book to me and say, Here Son, read me a sentence
from anywhere in the book. I thought that it was some
kind of trick, but he could do it even if I went around
the corner into the hallway. Dad explained to me that he
had a photographic memory.
My Mother recently told me, Dad would bring a
stack of books to bed each night and read them all in
just a few minutes. She asked, Thornton, what are you
doing? He stopped flipping the pages, looked at her
and said, Reading. No one can read that fast. she
replied. Its impossible! He assured her that he could
read that fast and offered her the stack of books that he
had just devoured and asked her to choose a book and
he would tell her about it. I thought Dad would always
be there for me and never asked him to teach me how
this was done. I definitely intended to though. My father died when I was twenty years old. I have lamented
my not having gotten an understanding of his photographic memory.
So when I read the information on Subliminal Dynamics and their course on Mental Photography I
shouted, Eureka! This is something that I want to
make sure that all of my children have.
A NEW way to Learn How to Learn
Richard Welch, CEO and Founder says that everyone is born with the ability to learn by Mental Photography and in fact everyone uses it to learn everything
- until we are about five years old. That is when we
enter the public school system and learn the RoteMemory System of reading. I believe that is when the
brakes are put on our learning process and we move
from potential genius into slow thinkers that store most
educational matter into our short-term memory rather
than our long-term memory. Learning by Mental Photography places matter into our long-term memory.
Thats why my father could remember every word in
the dictionary without memorizing the words. He
simply set them to memory by Mentally Photographing them a page at a time. Excitedly, I e-mailed
Subliminal Dynamics and Brain Management and
told them I wanted to take my whole family to America
to learn this wonderful ability that my father had.
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My father stacked degrees during his lifetime. He
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Kids that relearn this ability are able to graduate
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few days or weeks.
There are several languages that I want for my children and myself to know. By Mentally Photographing
the cross language dictionaries of any desired language
into the long-term memory, it is possible to know the
whole vocabulary of a language in as much time as it
takes to flip the pages of the book. Then by Mentally
Photographing a study book for that language, the
only thing youre short, is knowing the sound of the language. For that you could listen to tapes or speak with
someone who speaks that particular language.
Limitless Brainpower
The possibilities are limitless with this kind of brainpower. For years scientists have told us that we use less
than ten percent of our brains capacity. Now I have
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this command of powerful intelligence that is naturally
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Number 29 ATLANTIS



uring a late summer weekend during the first year of

the millennium some of todays most provocative
scientists, writers and researchers gathered in splendid
natural surroundings on the banks of the Yellowstone river
to consider the evidence for and against impending Earth
Changesfrom pole shifts to eco-disasters, from cosmic
collisions to interplanetary magnetic storms. During the
conference, the gathered experts weighed carefully
whether such events may have interrupted human history
in the past and whether our ancient forebears, indeed,
attempted to warn us of what we might have to fear if we
are not able to learn from prior experience. The weekend
also made news on Egypt and other fronts. If you were
unable to attend, dont despair, because you can now own
the tapes.

Now Available on
Tape 1 Keynote address by Atlantis Rising Editor and publisher J.
Douglas Kenyon. Researcher Michael Mandeville, The Return of the
Phoenix Trilogy reexamining the prophecies of Edgar Cayce in Light
of modern research.
Audio $10.95 Video $22.95
Tape 2 Rocket Scientist John Brandenburg and science writer Monica
Rix Paxson, Dead Mars Dying Earth, present evidence for the catastrophic destruction of an ancient Martian civilization and the posibility
that Earth might experience a similar fate.
Audio $10.95 Video $22.95
Tape 3 Comparative mythologist Dave Talbott, The Saturn Myth,
and physicist Wallace Thornhill The Electric Universe use computer
animation to argue that the ancients witnessed the catastrophic collision of planetary bodies including Earth and left the record in myths
and legends.
Audio $10.95 Video $22.95
Tape 4 Dr. Paul LaViolette scientist and author
("Earth Under Fire, Beyond the Big Bang)
presents evidence from astronomy, geology, and
ancient starlore pointing to a Galactic cosmic ray /
solar flare catastrophe behind legends of a global
Audio $10.95 Video $22.95
Tape 5 Dr. Robert Schoch geologist, tenured professor at Boston University and author ("Voices of
the Rocks), presents evidence in support of the
newly reconsidered theories of catastrophism
and previews arguments prepared for the Geological Society of America supporting the great age of
the Sphinx of Egypt.
Audio $10.95 Video $22.95

Tape 6 John Anthony West noted Egyptologist and

author ("Serpent in the Sky), offers his unique insight into the hopeful meaning of ancient myths of
death and resurrection as expressed in the symbolist
school of egyptology. West also takes on the establishment on his case for a much more ancient Egyptian order.
Audio $10.95 Video $22.95
Tape 7 Frank Joseph editor of The Ancient American and author of
several books ("The Pyramids of Rock Lake), provides dramatic new
evidence for the catastrophic destruction of forgotten civilizations in
the Pacific.
Audio $10.95 Video $22.95
Tape 8 Moira Timms author ("Beyond Prophecies and Predictions)
and expert on the wisdom teachings of the ancient Egyptians and the
Mayans, offers a new approach to ancient prophecy.
Audio $10.95 Video $22.95
Tape 9 Panel Discussion Part 1. Michael Mandeville, Monica Rix
Paxson, Frank Joseph, Dr. Paul LaViolette, Dr. Robert Schoch, John Anthony West, David Talbott, Wallace Thornhille, and Moira Timms.
Audio $10.95 Video $22.95
Tape 10 Panel Discussion Part 2. Michael Mandeville, Monica Rix
Paxson, Frank Joseph, Dr. Paul LaViolette, Dr. Robert Schoch, John Anthony West, David Talbott, Wallace Thornhille, and Moira Timms.
Audio $10.95 Video $22.95

ENTIRE TEN-TAPE SET Audio $95 Video $199

S&H $4.95 for one tape or set. Add $2 for each additional

Send Check or M.O. to ATLANTIS RISING P.O. Box 441 LIVINGSTON, MT 59047 or call 800-228-8381



Continued from page 6
Nazis in Antarctica
Please let me say a few words about
your very entertaining article about the
UFOs of the Third Reich in Number
27, page 34.
The area in the Antarctic about
which Len Kasten writes was named
1959. In that year the international Antarctic Treaty was signed, eliminating
all territorial claims (7 nations did so),
and opening the continent for international scientific use only.
Today the area of the former Neu
Schwabenland has five permanent research bases. Two are German, and
one each are British, South African,
and Indian. I wonder if the people in
these bases ever heard about the above
Because the entertaining value of
this story is really great, Hollywood
should make a movie from it. But first
two errors must be corrected. They
are: The Tempelhof Airfield is not outside of Berlin, but almost in the center.
And the runways are way too short for
jets (Thats why the airport in Tegel
was build.). German-Sherman Panzer
is nonsense! The U.S. had Sherman
Tanks in WW2; the Germans had Panther, Tiger, and King Tiger tanks.
And of course, such a movie should
be classified Science Fiction because
thats what the story is.
Alfred A. Maske
Anderson, CA
Precessional Issues
Persias Royal Stars (#27) gives us a
fair lesson about precession. I authored
a book back in 1998, Ancient Signs of
Deception, that handles this in greater
depth. This shifting of the starry nights
background by I degree of arc in 70
years converts to about 30 degrees or
1/12 of the zodiac in just a little over
2,000 years. This axis wobble of the
earth causes the spring equinox for instance to occur earlier each year by approximately .014 degrees or 22,700
miles or 20 minutes 23 seconds. This
places the entire zodiac one whole
complete sign off from where all the
astrologers would have you imagine
them to be. Check it out in any almanac. Since the new moon is in conjunction with the sun, look at the sign
it is in and at every new moons place
it indicates the true current sun sign
for that date. Notice that they are all
off, in back of or retrograde to the traditional sun signs. Whatever sign you
think you were born in, think again.
Kelly Don Ford
Duncanville, TX

The precession business is not technical, and in fact should be right up a

reporters alley.
Let me quote from (John Anthony)
Wests Travelers Key which reflects
every one: Due to a very gradual
wobble of the earth around its own
polar axis, the earth gradually changes
its relationship to the signs of the zodiac.
The first part of the sentence excludes the second part.
Wobble is Newtons concept and
its a north south motion.
The change in the relationship to
the signs of the zodiac is a preNewtonian concept created when it was
thought the sun traveled around the
When it was found that the earth
went around the sun, it was realized
that there was no movement with respect to the signs of the zodiac, that
this movement was apparent, just as
the movement of the sun around the
earth had been.
Its not a question of technical interpretation. It is either wobble or a
gradual change with respect to the zodiac, but it cant be both. If you want
to believe in wobble, you believe the
earth travels around the sun. If you
want to believe a relationship to the zodiac, then you believe the sun goes
around the earth.
Mixing up the two as is being done
pretty universally is deadly because astronomers laugh off the zodiac relationship and snort at including both in the
same argument.
Peter Bros
Springfield, VA
Life on Mars
Your editorial in issue 27 is excellent! Id like to have written it.
Arthur C. Clarke has come a long
way! He surprised many of us recently
in stating that he is certain of sizable
life on Mars.
For many years, I have know it does
Some few of the E.T. visitants who
have come in space-craft in the past
half century are our genetic cousins,
whose base is Mars.
Ive met three of those contacted by
a few of the Martians. One is an eminent astronomer, one a well-known
aero-space engineer, and the third a
dear friend of many years. All three
have kept their contacts to themselves,
except for a few trusted friends. Quite
Rosemary Decker
Fallbrook, CA





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Number 29 ATLANTIS




uddenly the Caribbean is a hot spot

again for potential Atlantean explorations. New discoveries near Cuba are
reviving interest in the area as a location for prediluvian civilization.
Since the 1969 discovery of the socalled Bimini Road by University of
Miami professor Manson Valentine, Atlantis seekers from all over the world
have swarmed the region looking for
more clues to ancient civilization. Valentines Bahamas discovery created a
temporary sensation, appearing, as it
did, to corroborate Edgar Cayces
prophecy that the beginning of the rise
of Atlantis in the area could be expected to begin around 1968 or 69.
When, as some would have it, no more
major discoveries were immediately
forthcoming, interest died down.
While researchers such as William Danato have continued to invest considerable time and energy in the region, and
have turned up many anomalies, others
have thrown up their hands. It now appears they may have been premature.
According to geologist William
Hutton, after the Bimini discoveries,
Cayce predicted new discoveries in the
adjacent land to the southwest. Cayces
actual words: For this [remains of Atlantis at Bimini] is of the first highest
civilization that will be uncovered in
some of the adjacent lands to the west
and south of the isles, see? Many have
assumed Cayce meant Yucatan, but he
could have been speaking of Cuba.
Reuters in Havana reports that researchers using sonar equipment have
discovered at 2,200 feet a huge land
plateau with clear images of sandcovered urban development. The spot
is located west of Cuba on a former
land bridge to Yucatan, where scientists have been examining a string of
underwater volcanoes. Clear shapes of
pyramids, roads and buildings can be
seen from above, says Paulina Zalitsky,



Soviet-born Canadian
Ocean Engineer of the
British Columbia-based
Advanced Digital Communications. Using undersea robots, ADC has
Paulina Zalitsky on her research ship
been producing video
images of hitherto unand buildings, Zelitsky told
seen sea floor. Most offiReuters.
cials knowledgeable
Much of the talk conEdgar Cayce
about the discoveries
cerning the new underwater
are reluctant to speculate publicly, but
archaeology is about the possible rethe site is set to be investigated in Aucovery of lost treasure ships, and it is
gust by the Cuban Academy of Sciences
clear that the opportunity for financial
and the U.S. National Geographic.
reward is driving much of the activity.
It is stunning. What we see in our
However, alongside the possible dishigh-resolution sonar images are limitcovery of proof for the existence of civless, rolling, white sand plains and, in
ilization before the oceans found their
the middle of this beautiful white sand,
current levels, mere treasure hunting
there are clear manmade, large-size arpales to insignificance.
chitectural designs. It looks like when
At present U.S. companies are
you fly over an urban development in a
banned by the U.S. Cuban embargo
plane and you see highways, tunnels
from participating in the exploration.


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Christopher Columbus


may have
sailed the
ocean blue
in 1492, but
not necessarily for
the first time. New research indicates
that the Italian explorer may have secretly made the voyage seven years earlier.
Writer and historian Ruggero Marino
told reporter Richard Owen he has
found evidence that the 1492 trip for
Ferdinand and Isabella of Spain was in
fact a return visit. The first trip was in
1485 for Pope Innocent VIII. This is Marinos interpretation of a notation on
the celebrated Piri Reis map named for
Piri Ibn Hadji Mehmed, admiral of the
Ottoman fleet. The map, dated 1513,
was lost for centuries; it is now in the
Topkapi Museum in Istanbul. The same
map shows accurate detail of the Antarctic coast beneath the ice and is usu-

ally believed
to been
largely from
much older
sources, possibly from
the library at
The note
says, referring to the
land mass,
shores were
in the year
890 of the
Arab era by
the infidel
Genoa was
and 890
to 1485-86.
For corroboration Marino refers
to an inscription on
the tomb of
Pope Innocent VIII, in
St. Peters
The inscription
reads Novi
orbis suo
aevo inventi
gloria, meaning that during his pontificate the glory of the discovery of the
New World took place. Innocent VIII
died at the end of July 1492, before Columbus set sail and three months before
he landed at the Bahamas. The inscription either anticipates Columbuss success or else refers to an earlier
Marinos thesis buttresses the claim
by some that Columbuss voyage was in
furtherance of a secret agenda by powerful figures in Europe who had long
been aware of the existence of the
New World and were simply waiting
for the appropriate time to make it


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f building a monument like Stonehenge were an easy thing, someone

would have done it more recently.
That, at least, could be the talk in
British pubs these days.
Not only must one move about
some very sizable stonesand without
a truck for that matterbut there is also

the problem of insurance. Such is the

bitter lesson learned by a group of
Welsh scholars in the latest ill-fated attempt to demonstrate how Stonehenges ancient builders could have,
thousands of years ago, moved the requisite bluestones from Wales to Wiltshire. It had been assumed in some

quarters that modern manif he were

just to put his mind and his back to it
could quite handily match the achievement of his neolithic ancestors.
In the recent scheme, the Welsh cultural group Menter Preseli was backed
with 100,000 from the Heritage Lottery fund. The idea was to transport a
three-ton stonenot many, mind you,
just onefor 240 miles by land and sea.
And forget that some of Stonehenges
largest stones weigh at least 40 tons.
Maybe things would have gone differently this spring if, last winter the
raft carrying the first one had notfour
miles off the Welsh coastgone to the
bottom. Volunteers could not wear furs
and had to don protective clothes to
avoid injuries, but, nonetheless, they
had painfully dragged a sledge with the
stone from Mynachlogddu, near Haverfordwest, to the coast, only to watch in
horror as it came to its ignominious
end. The final humiliation, however,
was reserved till spring when this latest
exercise in modern conceit was
brought to an appropriateif undignifiedconclusion. Insurers announced
thatwhatever the stone might weigh
they, at least, found the projects risk
too heavy for their shoulders.
Just how the original builders
created Stonehenge will remain a mystery, but we can, nevertheless, safely
assume that they were uninsured.



he case for technical advancement

in prehistoric man may
have gotten a little
stronger. But then
again, the argument
for their barbarity
may have gotten a
boost. It all depends
on how you feel about
Archaeologists examining skulls found at
Mehrgarh, Baluchistan,
part of modern Pakistan,
have found tiny but perfect holes in teeth dating
to around 8,000 to 9,000
years ago. The holes
were found in the teeth
of two different men.
Professor Andrea Cucina
of the University of MissouriColumbia made the discovery
while cleaning one set of teeth. Cucina says the people
of that time period were extremely sophisticated, and
that the holes are indeed evidence of dentistry, definitely not mere tooth sharpening or decoration.
So far, no record has been found for what the bill
may have been.


hey are mad as heckAfrican medicine men that isand they are not
going to take it any more. And if Western
doctors know whats good for them they
will need to watch their step. Were not
talking spells and evil potions here, mind
you. Much worse. Were talking law suits.
It seems that the medicine men have
had it up to here with European doctors coming in, stealing their
cures, and then going home and
cashing in without so much as
a by your leave. So now
healers from Zimbabwe,
Ghana, Nigeria and Rwanda
are going to court in Switzerland to stop big drug companies from ripping off their traditional cures. The medicine
men want to protect as many
as 10,000 native treatments, including
toad secretions, from misappropriation
by the medical establishment. In other
words, if Western doctors are so smart,
let them develop their own cures, or else pay up.
The last straw, apparently, was the recent announcement by Lausanne University that it plans to market
snake tree bean bark lotion as a cure for athletes foot.
The university now says it will take another look at the
Number 29 ATLANTIS








pace scientists
havent given
up their search for
life on Marsthe
microscopic kind,
anyway. Regarding
Catbox image
more advanced life
forms, they continue to push skepticism with a
straight face.
Even as the
Malin Space Lab
and NASA were releasing a newer
high resolution
version of the Face
on Mars, which
they assert puts
the issue of artificiality to rest, Swiss
scientists have
turned up another
Martian Rock in
the desert of
Cydonia from May 2001
Oman. The new
discovery, they
hope, will corroborate the findings
made in 1996 in
Martian rocks located near Earths
south pole.
The Oman researchers from the
University of Bern
in Switzerland say
that under X-ray
the new find has
revealed a number
of intriguing
hollow pockets in
which they hope
to find more evidence of ancient
microbial life.
In the meantime, new images
from the Mars
Mars Rock from Oman Desert
Global Surveyor
satellite camera
are claimed to
may reveal about the artificial nature of
show definitively that the Face on Mars
the Face, one thing is made painfully
is not artificial but, indeed, only a hill.
clear the widely disseminated
However, given the distinct differences
catbox image was, in fact, virtually
between the latest image and the 1998
bogus. It follows that NASA is left with
MGS Catbox image also released by
unresolved questions of credibility
NASA with the stated intent of putting
which could be taken as undermining
the artificiality issue to rest, observers
the authority of all of its pronounceare left with the uncomfortable impresment.
sion that something is amiss in NASA
reporting. Whatever the latest image

From the 1978 MGM movie Coma


ill terminal patients someday opt to be put on ice

pending development of a cure
for their ailment? Will future
space travelers be put to sleep for
years of interstellar travel? Science fiction has always suggested
that the answer to both questions
is yes. Now it looks like actual science may be getting close to
achieving such actual suspended
In February the case of a Canadian toddler who nearly froze to
death, yet made a full recovery,
excited many, indicating that it is
possible for a highly evolved
being to survive freezing. Now
Seattles Fred Hutchinson Cancer
Research Center has announced
successful suspended animation
of a zebrafish, a specimen of vertebrate biology.
The experiment was announced in the June issue of the
Proceedings of the National
Academy of Sciences. According
to Mark Roth, Ph.D., the techniques discoverer, the achievement ultimately could lead to new
ways of treating cancer, and other
As for the possibility of Rip
Van Winkle-like experiences, we
may have to sleep on it for a
while yet.
Number 29 ATLANTIS





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The New


Dr. Eugene F. Mallove


here is little point in making predictions

about when a New Energy Age will break
out. That is a very chancy thing to do; I admit to
having been wrong before about the timing of
this or that achievement in new energy. Nonetheless, my hands-on experience in science
and technology over the past dozen years,
since Drs. Fleischmann and Pons made their
dramatic announcement of cold fusion at the
University of Utah, have convinced me that a
New Energy Age is now inevitable. There is no
question that several forms of free energy exist
in prototype laboratory demonstration form and
are in the process of being developed commercially.
To be sure, the New Energy Age has been experiencing a very difficult birth. The delivery problems include technical difficulty, human shortcomings and disagreements, and inadequate levels of financial support for R&D.
Still, it is quite possible that at any moment a New Energy
Age will break out in a big way. Heralding it will be the arrival of incontrovertible public demonstrations and sales of
prototype devices, which good science journalists in the
news mediayes, there are a handful of thesewill not hesitate to cover. The rest will be history. Within days or weeks
of such inevitable, definitive coverage, portfolios of oil
stocks will plunge to unheard of lows.
I cannot imagine that the breakout of the New Energy
Age is further than five years away, and it is likely to be
much nearer than that. But please remember, I could be
wrong. Though the science is as solid as can be, the financial
support and business direction may not be. Contrary to popular opinion and the views of conspiracy theorists, new energy development is not being suppressed by oil companies
or other sinister power structures. It is being quite openly
suppressed by academicians with vested intellectual interests, that is, by those who say they have had fifty years of
experience in physics and know what is or is not possible.
In the lexicon of this legion of the blind, free energy
especially cold fusionis bunk. But it is the bigoted academicians who are purveying misinformation. The house of cards
that is modern Physics (Fizzix?), not new energy, is about to
fizzle and bubble off into oblivion.
As Editor-in-Chief of Infinite Energy, I have not hesitated
to stir up controversy. Some colleagues in cold fusion, as an
example, may consider that only one generic source of free
energy may exist low-energy nuclear reactions (LENR/
cold fusion) or hydrino energy (shrunken hydrogen, a la
the science and technology that BlackLight Power Corporation is pioneering). Fair enough. There is little doubt that either or both of these generic sources, which seem to stem
from anomalous behavior of hydrogen with catalytic agents,
could power an advanced Solar System-wide civilization for

millions of years. These sources do have behind them the

largest body of published, replicated scientific supporting evidence, but I have learned in recent years that these are most
certainly not the only free energy sources.
Let us expand our horizons a bit more. First, some definitions. The heretical concept of Free Energy needs to be
clarified. It bears some relation to Free Information, which
only a few decades ago might have been considered impossible or unlikely to emerge in the near term. Yet we find ourselves in what could rightly be called the Free Information
Once upon a time, scribes created scrolls and later illuminated books. Information was precious, expensive, and the
privilege of an elite. The 15th century saw the advent of the
printing press, and information became more widely
disseminated, but it was still relatively expensive to
obtainexcept much later on trips to the public library. If you bought the Encyclopedia Britannica
as recently as in the mid-1980s, youd have had to
pay about $1,500. Now you can get it virtually
free from the internet or on a CD.
Free energy will be that way. If one had to
pay the former cost of all the physical documents, images, videos, audio records, and much
else that can be accessed today on the internet
for a nominal monthly fee, it would cost many
millions of dollars. Some of this information
would not have been obtainable at any price, and
todays access speed would have been impossible. Free Energy will be energy on demand
with effectively zero recurring cost, i.e., no fuel
cost, once the capital equipment has been purchased.
The free energy of advanced hydrogen catalysiscold
fusion/LENR/hydrinoswill be extracted from oceans of
water. At bare minimum, the 1/6,700th part of ordinary
water that is heavy water means that the cold fusion transformation of heavy hydrogen to helium in only one gallon of
ordinary waterfrom your nearby brook or oceanwill release the energy equivalent of 300 gallons of gasoline! One
cubic kilometer of oceanan invisible fraction of the worlds
waterhas enough heavy hydrogen in it to equal in cold fusion energy all the known oil reserves on Earth. Impressive
and that does not even take into consideration the other
LENR energy that could be obtained from the light hydrogen
too. But there are at least two other oceans from which
other forms of free energy will come, and these oceans are
much, much bigger.
Ocean #1: Empty space itself and Ocean #2: The
thermal energy of the environment, which is the kinetic energy of speeding and vibrating atoms and molecules. (For discussion purposes, exclude such well-understood free energy
sources as wind energy and solar energy.)
Access to Ocean #1 by any mechanism, electromagnetic
or otherwise, would require, according to todays establishment physics, creating a Perpetual Motion Machine of the
First Kind (a PMM-1). Inventors of various claimed overunity electromagnetic machines and theorists who support
the possibility of such devices would disagree. Whether
Ocean #1 be called space energy, zero point energy
(ZPE), or aetheric energy, the energy would have to come
from somewhere, a radically new plenumor an old plenum,
the aether, which Einstein and his followers supposedly
abolished with Special Relativity. (Infinite Energy has just
published the first of two hard-hitting Einstein Reconsidered issues.) The conservation of energy, though apparently
violated by a PMM-1, would be rescued by postulating this
new ocean of free energy. Mainstream cosmologists who
blithely discuss cosmic dark matter and quintessence en-

Continued on Page 58

Dr. Eugene F. Mallove is the Editor-in-Chief of Infinite Energy


Number 29 ATLANTIS





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worth following

Notes from

Michael A. Cremo
Bear Foot in the Park at Vrtesszls,
Hungary: Some Mysterious Footprints

Evidence of life after

Scientists investigating
near-death experiences
say they have found
evidence to suggest that
consciousness can continue
to exist after the brain has
ceased to function.

ve had some interesting times during

my visits to Hungary.
The Hungarian edition
of my book, The
Hidden History of the
Human Race, was a
bestseller there when
it first came out. Ive
appeared numerous
times on national television and radio,
and have debated
the nations leading
anthropologists and
archaeologists in
packed university auditoriums. Once, after
I gave a very wellreceived lecture to a
The Forbidden Archeologist debating leading Hungarian
alarge and enthuanthropologist Laszlo Kordos in Budapest.
siastic audience of
university students, many of whom purchased copies of my book, orthodox
scientists hunted down the professor who had arranged for me to speak
and tried, without success, to get him removed from his position. This professor later told me that scientists at a conference in Budapest were so disturbed by my activities they decided I should not be allowed to speak any
more at Hungarian universities.
But my latest visit was not marked by such public controversy. I was on a
bit of a spiritual retreat. I stayed in an ashram owned by the Hungarian
branch of the International Society for Krishna Consciousness, of which I
have been a member since I became a disciple of the Societys founder
Shrila A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami about thirty years ago. Actually it was his
teachings from the ancient Sanskrit writings of India that first got me interested in investigating evidence for extreme human antiquity. So, during my
Hungarian retreat I could not help doing a little archaeological sightseeing.
Around noon on April 15, I walked on to the Vrtesszls archaeological
site in Hungary. The weather was perfectwarm and sunny. The site, in the
countryside west of Budapest, has been turned into an outdoor museum
park, with some of the original excavations preserved in glass-windowed
buildings for viewing by visitors. Amusingly, restrooms for men and women
are identified not by printed signs but by the sculpted heads of an imaginary Vertesszls apeman and apewoman respectively.
I briefly discuss the Vrtesszls site in my book Forbidden Archaeology
Continued on Page 20

A human figure with the head of an animal

(Image: Alberto Broglio)

Cave paintings may be

oldest yet
What may be the worlds
oldest known cave
paintings have been
discovered in northern
Italy. They are between
32,000 and 36,500 years

Ancient remains
found near Miami
Archaeologists say they
have found human remains
up to 2,500 years old in a
Miami park, not far from
the Miami stone circle
found in 1998.

Judge closes debate on

kennewick bones
Continued on Page 20
Number 29 ATLANTIS


Meditation good
Researchers at The Royal
Hospital for Women in
Randwick have found
meditation successful in
treating migraine, asthma,
hot flushes and
occupational stress.

Brigitte Boisselier of Clonaid (CNN)

Group says it will

move human cloning
work offshore
The Food and Drug
Administration is cracking
down on a religous groups
attempts to clone a human

Couples order babies

sex at US clinic
An American fertility clinic
is using a sex-sorting
machine on the fathers
sperm to give couples
babies with the gender
theyve ordered.

Scientists claim they

can grow organs
Indian scientists are
reported to have patented a
method of growing human
organs from stem cells
taken from patients.

(p. 474). The site was excavated by the Hungarian

archaeologist Lszl Vrtes in the 1960s. The most
important discovery made at Vrtesszls was a
human occipital bone (from the rear part of the
skull). The exact spot of the find is today marked
by a bronze plaque on a hillside. Some childrens
teeth were also found.
There is some debate about the exact nature of this skull fragment. Some wish to identify it with the apeman Homo erectus. But
others have identified it as modern. In his book The Ascent of Man,
David Pilbeam said: The occipital bone does not resemble that of H.
erectus, or even archaic man, but instead that of earliest modern man.
Such forms are dated elsewhere no older than 100,000 years.
Andor Thoma, in Vrtesszls Site, Man, and Culture, edited by V. Dobosi
and M. Kretzoi (1990), said the capacity of the Vrtesszls skull was fairly
close to the modern average and that it considerably surpassed its presently known contemporaries in this respect. He concluded: In terms of
anatomy and metrical proportions Vrtesszls man is modern. In a detailed statistical study of shape, he found the Vrtesszls skull was closest to
the Skhul V skull from a cave in Israel. The Skhul V skull is considered by most
physical anthropologists to be about 90,000 years old and anatomically
modern. It is considered to be among the earliest anatomically modern
human skeletal remains. One hundred thousand years is the age currently
favored for the very first anatomically modern humans ( Homo sapiens sapiens). Thomas measurements showed the Vrtesszls skull to be very, very
different from those of Homo erectus.
My judgment, in line with Pilbeams, is that the skull fragment is probably
that of an anatomically modern human. This is unusual because the age of
the site, given in literature that I picked up at the site, is 500,000 years. I believe it is principally because of the age of the site that the Vrtesszls
hominid is generally attributed to Homo erectus, rather than Homo sapiens
Another sign that the Vrtesszls hominid was probably Homo sapiens
rather that Homo erectus is the presence of evidence for campfires. The deliberate building of camp fires is an activity that most researchers do not attribute to Homo erectus. Many stone tools and broken animal bones were
also found at Vrtesszls.
At the site, the original discoverer, Vrtes, found, in addition to
the skull fragment, stone tools,
broken animal bones, and signs of
fire, some human footprints. A
large stretch of rock containing
the human footprints, along with
over a hundred animal tracks, is
now preserved within a building.
The human tracks can be seen
Stone tools found at the site
through viewing windows, but only
at a distance. A guide to the site
written by Vrtes and Dobosi says about the tracks, Among the animals
passing by (bison, bear, rhinoceros, stag), man must also have been a visitor; his crusted footprints to be seen here are the earliest in the world.
Vrtes considered the footprints to be modern in appearance. Of
course, if, as the skull fragment indicates, Vrtesszls man was fully human,
footprints like those of modern man are to be expected. But if he is to be
called Homo erectus, as most scientists do call him, fully modern feet might
not be expected. Of course, it is somewhat difficult to tell what Homo
erectus feet should be like, because we dont have any complete Homo
erectus foot skeletons for comparison. The footbones from the almost complete skeleton of the famous KNM-WT 15000 Homo erectus boy were
missing. We do have some Neanderthal foot skeletons. They differ from
modern feet in having very wide, flat toes, according to Eric Trinkaus. So
one might expect that Homo erectus feet would differ to an even greater
extent. Perhaps this is why scientists such as M. Kretzoi have recently started
to say that the Vrtesszls footprints are not human (Dobosi and Kretzoi
1990). Instead, they say they are the footprints of a bear.

Continued on Facing Page




Although it is difficult to see, a thread leads

from this cast of a modern footprint to a footprint,
identified as human, in a rock surface housed in a
viewing building. Now some scientists want to say
the footprint is that of a bear.

Of course, there are bear

footprints at the human footprint
site. There are 21 such prints, but
they are of a fairly big species of
bear, Ursus deningeri. The three
human footprints are smaller
and not as broad. Those who
did not want to see them as
human, therefore, had to attribute them to another kind of
bear, Ursus stehlini, which is
smaller than Ursus deningeri.
Kretzoi had to comment on the
mysterious rarity of the small
bear species at the site. Bears
get blamed for lots of mysteries.
Many Bigfoot tracks and sightings
are blamed on bears.

Real-life Frankenstein?
An 18th century cleric who
blinded bats and cut up
snails may have been
prototype for science

But even Kretzkoi admits that one of the bear footprints bears an especially close similarity to a human footprint, and he also admits, despite
his own conclusion that the prints are bear prints, that the possibility of
human footprints cannot totally be excluded. Furthermore, at the site itself, the footprints are still identified as human, and have been identified as
human ever since Lszl Vrtes found them in the 1960s. Indeed, one of the
justifications that Vrtes had for spending money to construct the building
protecting the footprint locality is that among the animal footprints were
human footprints. Today, one can see, in a window of the building covering
the tracks, a cast of a modern human footprint, with a piece of colored
string leading from this cast down about ten yards to one of the apparently
human footprints on the rock.
My visit to the Vrtesszls site was
a preliminary one. In the future, I
would like to get permission to enter
the building and look more closely at
the footprints identified by Vrtes as
human. Ideally, I would like to obtain
photographs and casts of the prints,
for comparison with other known footprints, such as the anatomically
modern footprints found in South Africa in 1998 in sandstone by a beach
60 miles north of Cape Town. They
were judged to be 117,000 years old. I
would also like to compare them to
the footprint found at the Terra Amata
site in France, where there is good evidence that anatomically modern humans were existing around 400,000
years ago (although the site is generally attributed to Homo erectus). Actually, there are even more sites in Europe that are assigned to Homo
The bronze plaque marking the spot where
the occipital was found
erectus, even though the actual evidence suggests the presence of
Homo sapiens sapiens. Among them is the Schningen site in northern Germany, where advanced throwing spears, shaped exactly like modern javelins, were found in layers of brown coal about 430,000 years old. Normally,
such spears are attributed only to anatomically modern humans, but because of the age of the site, they have been attributed to a variety of
Homo erectus.
Strolling around the Vrtesszls site on a beautiful spring day, I got the
impression that here was one more case of the knowledge filtration process
in operation. Evidence for the extreme antiquity of the modern human species was being presented to the public as evidence for Homo erectus.
Michael A. Cremo is author, with Richard Thompson, of the underground
classic Forbidden Archaeology: The Hidden History of the Human Race.

Carnegie Mellon students and Hyperion

Hyperion, the robot in

sync with the sun
Researchers are testing a
concept called sunsynchronous navigation that
may enable autonomous robots to run on solar power
and maintain self-sufficiency
for long-term exploration of
distant planets and moons.

Hubble Detects
Long-Sought Comet
Population Beyond

Oldiana Jones
Harrison Ford is set to make
a fourth Indiana Jones
adventure movieat the age
of 59. The movie, is likely to
be about Indi searching for
Atlantis or his long-lost
Number 29 ATLANTIS


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n a report by an official representative of the Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL), NASA and the JPL announced on January 24, 2001 that
they have terminated all further
study of Lake Vostok in Antarctica. In
an apparent slip of confidentiality,
spokeswoman Debra Shingteller alluded to national security issues allowing the National Security Agency to
assume full control of what had been
an international effort to explore the
huge, under-ice lake near the Russian
Vostok research station. Ms. Shingteller
was immediately led away from the lectern, and an aide responded to the
many further questions with the same
answer: The project has been
halted due to environmental issues, and indicated that no
further releases were
pending. The large
crowd of press-corps
members was left
clamoring for more as
the officials left the
podium. According
to reports, Ms. Shingteller has not responded to repeated
subsequent attempts
to contact her.
According to an
anonymous letter
written to Scientific
American magazine,
Lake Vostok is a very large
subterranean lake situated
over three-quarters of a mile beneath the Continental Ice Sheet, approximately 300 miles from the South
Pole in East Antarctica. Discerned best
from space, by remote-sensing satellite,
Lake Vostoks outline is clearly visible.
(Satellite images of Lake Vostok can be
seen at http://www.cyberspaceorbit.
com/antmag.html.) Current ice-penetrating radar studies indicate that the
lakes water is up to 2000 feet deep in
places, and has an overarching dome
that is up to one-half mile in height. Estimates of the amount of filtered light at
the lakes surface indicate something
akin to continuous first-morning light
during Antarcticas summer months.
Moreover, thermographic imaging suggests an astounding 50-degree Fahrenheit average water temperature, with
hot spots approaching 65 degrees,
temperature levels that can only be attributed to subsurface geothermal heat
sources. At 300 miles long and 50 miles
wide, the encapsulated atmosphere
should have the ability to cleanse itself
through interaction with the lake, and
just possibly . . . . plant life.


Amidst Talk of Cover-up,

Many Wonder What Is
Going On Under the Ice
at Antarcticas Giant Lake
boils have also
been proposed as a possible mechanism for atmospheric interaction with the lakes environment.
These are thousands of bubbles in the
ice sheet that are located in the almost
200 square miles of ice dunes discovered by the late Russian scientist Ivan
Toskovoi, who was stationed at the
Vostok research base until his disappearance in March 2000; the surveyed
bubbles range from a few feet to several hundred feet in diameter. Possibly
even more exciting is the discovery
through magnetic imaging of an extremely powerful source of magnetic
energy located at the north end of the
lakes shoreline. Significantly, no explanation for this magnetic anomaly has
been offered thus far.
As recently as February 2000, at
least two international teams were planning to launch separate probes of the
lake. Both consisted of fairly similar robotic sensors that would have been
lowered through shafts drilled in the
ice sheet. The team based at Cambridge
University in London was sponsored by
the governments of Britain and the U.S.,
and backed by NASA technology.


According to Roger Highfield, reporting in Britains The Electronic Telegraph of September 21, 1999, Lake
Vostok especially fascinates scientists
because it appears to have been isolated for millions of years, providing an
opportunity for life to develop along a
separate, and perhaps different, evolutionary path. It is conjectured that microorganisms isolated for perhaps many
millions of years from known terrestrial
influences might be found in its sediments and waters, which could potentially yield promising new enzymes or
antibiotics. Seminal insights into how
ancient and contemporary microbes
differ could develop as well, as a result.
Certainly, if the lake has truly been isolated for such a long epochal period,
there would have been enough time for
unique creatures to evolve, as opposed
to lifeforms that had merely adapted to
a new environment. The entry of any
modern scientific probe would thus require extraordinary precautions to ensure that both the vehicle and its instruments were clean, so as not to
contaminate the pristine character of
the primordial lake. In any event, for
reasons not clear, both exploratory pro-

Continued on Page 59

Number 29 ATLANTIS


Does the
Support a

he incessant and seemingly

endless linear patterns interspersed with a menagerie of
plant and animal effigies all
incised into the bleak and
barren plain of Nazca, in Southern
Peru, are known throughout the world.
meaning from a ground perspective,
they were first encountered in the
1920s, observed from aircraft in the
1930s and finally investigated, starting
in the 1940s.
The anomalistic nature of these
giant figures quickly aroused the curiosity of academics and imaginative
speculators alike. Many fabulous and
fantastic explanations have since been
expounded as to how, why and who
could have created these artistic
graphic expressions with such gigantic
proportions. The ultimate solution to
the enigma, however, seems to still
evade even the most dedicated of
Four thousand miles to the north of
the widely photographed and thoroughly studied geoglyphs at Nazca,
there lies another, almost unnoticed
and certainly neglected, identical unsolved mystery of gigantic proportions,
and in the most unlikely of places
Southern California. Although our information is still sparse and fragmented,
preliminary findings indicate that the
total number of colossal human and animal effigies, abstract designs and



graphic symbols may

number in excess of 200
and encompass a contiguous area over 150 miles
in length. Resembling
Nazca in several ways,
these mystical earth drawings are so large as to not
be discernible from the
surrounding flat desert
terrain. Archaeologists
have estimated their ages
to be roughly from 1000
to 3000 years old by applying the desert varnish
(Top) Giant figures, Blythe, CA. (Bottom) Fisherman, Bouse, AZ.
oxidation dating technique.
of Needles. Double linked spirals, sun
The great Southwest Desert, which
symbols and even a large 6-pointed star
begins its western boundary a mere
have been discovered thus far. All of
100 miles east of Los Angeles, has prothese enormous figures exist along the
vided a grand canvas for these artistic
same great river that created the Grand
endeavors which were incised into the
Canyon and may have provided an anparched mesas along the lower Colocient Southwest Corridor for migrants,
rado River centuries ago. Huge geomerchants and travelers to the once
metric designs and acres of outlined
populous Four Corners area.
patterns were created, like Nazca, by
The best known of the Southern
scraping away the darker oxidized surCalifornia geoglyphs are the Blythe Inface patina to expose lines and spaces
taglios, located about 230 road miles
of a much lighter hue. Many giant
east of Los Angeles. Although discovhuman effigies are depicted, most in
ered in the 1920s from an old WW I
excess of 100 feet tall and some have
vintage aircraft, they were not photocompanion animals plus cryptic symgraphed until 1932. There are three
bols. The ubiquitous spiral, a stylized
groupings here, each having a giant
Maltese Cross, groupings of large cirhuman figure, the largest 170 feet tall
cles, quarter moons, the 18-acre Towith outstretched arms extending 158
pock Maze with two human effigies
feet. Another is stepping out of a large
(now devastated) and another even
disfigured circle 140 feet across, while
larger maze, round this time, lies outtwo have long-tailed 50 ft. horse-like
lined in an inaccessible area to the east
animals alongside. There is a spiral

glyph clearly etched above the rump of

one and a double-linked spiral near the
other (snakes?). These enormous effigies, impossible to comprehend from
the flat desert surface they are imprinted upon, are estimated to be
about 1100 years old (900 AD). The experts conclude, therefore, that the two
longlegged animals must be mountain
lions, since only the Spanish usurpers

Monkey on the Nazca Plain, Peru

had horses and they would not be on

the scene for another six centuries.
Any earlier horses or pack animals
would therefore have had to be of foreign origin. Strangely, a geomagnetic
anomaly was also detected within these
figures, according to Salvator Trento,
author of Mysterious Places of the Pacific Coast.
At Bouse near Parker, Arizona,
about fifty miles
up-river from
Blythe, a 200 ft.
tall human figure
lies engraved into
the flat dry desert
surface as if
standing poised,
with spear in
hand, taking
careful aim at stylized fish swimming just below
the implied surface of an incised
ripple. Over one
shoulder the universal sun symbol
seems to shine
brightly while a
lone bird, as if in
flight, glides over
the other. An almost idyllic scene
in simplistic art

style, as if it were intended to be a

travel poster for the local imaginary
Riverside Sportsman Club of long
ago. A powerful message, but for
whom was it intended and is it also ancient? Still the same enigma, this giant
graphic expression cannot be seen
from the surrounding area unless the
observer can levitate to about 1000 ft.
above the image. This Fisherman effigy [there may be another] was found
only recently in 1984, and many more
images could still exist, isolated and undiscovered in the vast reaches of this
inhospitable desert. Some could, however, remain inaccessible by being located on restricted Government lands.
The Yuha geoglyph grouping near
the Mexican border was discovered by
a Border Patrol pilot in the 1960s and
originally included large geometric patterns and glyphlike symbols. Like the
Blythe site, however, many were vandalized by off-road recreation vehicles
during the 1970s. Contrary to some expert opinions, it was not General
Blood n Guts Patton while training
his Desert Tank Corps during WW II.
Efforts are now under way to use
fencing to enclose certain geoglyphs
and prevent further damage. Another
collection at Mule Canyon, southwest
of Blythe, has large circles grouped in a

Continued on Page 60

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Number 29 ATLANTIS



Do the
of This
People Show
Knowledge of

The Dogon villages are located along the Bandiagara cliff in the Sangha
region of Mali. (Photo by Galen R. Frysinger)

n the decades since the appearance of Robert K.G.

Temples book The Sirius Mystery there has been ongoing debate about the cosmology of the Dogon tribe
of Mali. The key question has centered around the
primitive tribes seemingly anomalous knowledge of
details relating to the star system of Siriusknowledge that
some use to support the claim of an alien contact, and that
others see as, at best, information implanted with the tribe
by some enlightened outsider. Attempts to refute the alien
contact claim have gone so far as to call into question the
methods used during the 1940s by French anthropologists
Marcel Griaule and Germaine Dieterlen in their decades-long
study of the tribethe study that sparked Temples initial interest in the subject.
There are other attributes of the Dogon tribe that contribute to the enduring popularity of the Sirius question. For
one thing, Dogon mythology includes a host of symbols and
stories that bear strong resemblance to the ancient Egyptian
religion, as has been noted by scholars such as Nicholas
Grimal. At the same time, Dogon religious rituals share many
of the trappings of early Judaism, such as the practice of circumcision and the traditional celebration of a jubilee year
every 50 years. These similarities cause some to ask whether
Dogon knowledge should be interpreted as a remnant of a
very ancient tradition of knowledge, or merely as an intrusion of more modern knowledge.



At this point in time, the answers to Temples mysteries

can no longer be reasonably found in the Sirius question itself, because the debate has succeeded in casting doubt on
so many of Temples assertions. However, there are many
other fascinating aspects of the Dogon religion and cosmology not entangled in this debate which, due to the continuing glare of the star Sirius,
seem to have been overlooked
for study. Some of the most
promising of these are the
Dogon symbols relating
to the structure of
Dogon mythology,
like many of the most
ancient mythologies,
describes the formation
of the universe from an
egg containing all of the
seeds or signs of
matter. This description
is not unlike the typical
scientific description of
the unformed universe
prior to the Big Bang.
The Dogon say that a
spiraling force within this
egg caused it to open, releasing a whirlwind which ultiThe sene
mately gave rise to the spiraling
galaxies of stars and planets. The
wind itself was said to be the Dogons one true god Amma.
The first finished creation of Amma was a tiny seed called
the po. The Dogon describe this seed in terms quite reminiscent of the atomthey say that Amma creates all things from
the cumulative addition of like elements, beginning with the
According to the Dogon, the po is itself comprised of
components called sene seeds. The sene are described by the
Dogon in terms that bring to mind protons, electrons and
neutrons. The sene combine together at the center of the
po, much like protons and neutrons in the nucleus of an
atom, and then surround it and give it form and visibility by
crossing in all directions, much like electrons orbiting a nucleus. The Dogon represent the sene with a drawing that
looks like four oval petals of a flower arranged together to
form the shape of an X. An intriguing aspect of this drawing
is that it closely matches one of the most common shapes
that electrons form when they orbit an atom.
The Dogon discuss the formation of the sene seeds themselvesthe germination of the sene a process which the
Dogon represent with yet another drawing. This drawing

Continued on Page 28
Editors Note: Atlantis Rising frequently receives firstperson reports and essays from readers which describe original research and discoveries. Previously (before issue #25) it
had been our policy not to publish such material. The reasons
had to do with limited space and the intention to maintain
our own credibility by sticking with third-party objective reporting of material which is making news. Also, it is important to remember that this is not a professional journal devoted to pure research and we cannot become overly
technical. However, much of the material we receive, despite
the subjective bias of the writers, is quite interesting and we
feel that at least some of it should be passed on to our readers.
We are now devoting regular space to the original research of
our readersone discovery per issue. We hasten to add that
the appearance of such material in Atlantis Rising does not
constitute an endorsement from the publisher. Please form
your own opinion and let us know what you think.


Number 29 ATLANTIS


reflects a more precise understanding

it defines 266 elementary seeds or
In order to understand the
Continued from Page 26
component structure of
consists essentially of four circles
quantum particles, we must
with varying numturn to the science of string
bers of spines
theory. String theory
sticking out. One
came to the forecircle has four
of scientific
spines, one has
thought in the early
three spines, an1980s. It proposes
other twoall symthat the smallest commetrically arranged.
ponents of matter consist
The last circle includes a hapof tiny one-dimensional loops of
hazard assemblage of spines in
string that vibrate like rubber
no particular arrangement. To
bands at varying rates. These vimake sense of this drawing, it is
brations, in turn, give rise to the
necessary to understand a little
types of quantum forces and
about quantum particlesthe buildingparticles. At this time, string theory reblocks of electrons, protons and neumains unproven, primarily because the
tronsand how they are categorized by
component strings are
modern science. Each
many times smaller
quantum particle has a
than the smallest parproperty called spin,
ticle scientific techwhich essentially tells
can image.
us what the particle
According to string
looks like from different
theory, one function of
directions. Scientists
quantum strings is to
group quantum partigive rise to the four
cles into four categories
quantum forcesthe
based on this spin
gravitational force, the
property. Particles in
electromagnetic force,
the first category look
the strong nuclear
the same from all anforce,
and the weak nugles, like a globe. Particlear force. Under
cles in the second catesome circumstances,
gory are like an arrow
these one-dimensional
they must be turned
loops are also able to
360 degrees in order to
join together to form
look the same. Particles
memin the third group are
like a double-headed
Annually the Dogon
arrow. They must be
perform the ritual
turned 180 degrees to
drawing of a figure on
look the same. Particles
the ground to reprein the last group are the
sent the 266 seeds or
hardest to conceptusigns of Amma. This
alize. Contrary to logic,
drawing consists of a
they must be turned
small circle within a
around twice in order
circle. The space
to look the same. Rebetween the circles is
markably, the figures in
filled with a series of
the Dogon drawing of
zigzag lines. When the
the germination of the
figure is complete, the
sene closely resemble
Dogon say that the
and describe these four
have been drawn.
quantum spin categoThe
completed figure
bears a strong resemSince much of
blance to the scientific
modern quantum scidiagram of one of the
ence is still theoretical
vibrational patElectron
and is only in the proterns of a quantum string.
& Orbital Shapes
cess of being experimenFor the Dogon, these 266
tally proven, no one can
elemental signs are the work
Image used with
definitively state the exact
permission from
of the spider of the sene
number of quantum particles
threadmuch like the
that might exist. However, a
Corporation as
quantum stringis said to
good estimate is that there
made available
weave the words of the
are more than 200 fundathrough Microsof
signs. Unlike the theoretical
mental particles. Dogon my(r) Encarta(r)


thology, on the other hand,




Continued on Page 61


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Tracking the
First Atlanteans
To the Many Mysteries About Its Ending Can
Now Be Added: How Might Atlantis Have Begun?

Forensic reconstruction of Atlanthropis

remains. Field Museum of Natural History,
Chicago, IL.

We cannot escape the fact that we

are the product of propitious circumstances molded by the laws of natural
Richard E. Leakey, Origins

hile many researchers

Problem have come
to the conclusion that
civilization first arose
on the ocean-island beyond the Pillars
of Heracles, none, so far as this investigator has been able to determine,
ventured even further to postulate a far
more ancient prehistory for Atlantis.
Even though it is impossible to be
certain just how long ago men first
crossed the land-bridges from North Africa into the Atlantic land-mass, the accumulating evidence of human evolution gathered at an accelerated pace
from the 1930s and particularly the
late 1960s may show that the step
from primitive to modern man was
taken in the same Blessed Isle which
gave birth to his first civilization.
Appropriately, Atlanthropis was
the name originally applied to an advanced example of homo erectus,
whose cranial remains were discovered on the shores of Morocco,
fronting the sunken land-bridges to the



Atlantis island. In 1933, part of a skull

was found in the vicinity of Rabat, and
twenty one years later, at Sidi Abd arRahman, researchers uncovered jaws
and teeth belonging to what appeared
to be an intermediate stage between
homo erectus and homo sapiens.
Though similar to homo erectus, Atlanthropis was a discernibly advanced
type possessing more features in
common with European homo sapiens
than homo erectus contemporaries in
Africa or Asia.
Moroccan Atlanthropis appeared
identical to late homo erectusearly
homo sapiens remains of an adult and a
child with milk teeth discovered in
1965 at Vrtesszls, in Hungary, 30
miles east of Budapest. The Vrtesszls site was dated to a warm
phase within the second Mindel, glaciation, which means these early humans
were on the move, having relatively recently come up from North Africa on
the trail of migrating herds of game.
The Vrtesszls remains were classified homo (erectus seu sapiens) palaeohungaricus, reflecting the same,
mixed homo erectus and homo sapiens
characteristics displayed by Atlanthropis.
The date for Atlanthropis, MiddleLate Pleistocene, about 400,000 years
ago, also made sense the oldest known
homo erectus (from Swartkrans, South
Africa) migrated northwest to Morocco
(Atlanthropis) and into Western Europe
(Atlanthropis and homo [erectus seu sapiens] palaeohungaricus), and northeastward, across Asia, to become the
latest examples of homo erectus in LanTien, China, at Sangiran and Modjokerto, Java and at the Djetis fossil beds.
Atlanthropis did not show the thick
cranial vault lines, large brow and occipital ridges, nor the over-sized teeth
typical of early homo erectus. In addition to his more advanced physical features, and as revealed at Moroccos Ternifine site, Atlanthropis had progressed
from a primitive tool-pebble industry
worker to the producer of hand axes,
the same step achieved successively
and separately by homo erectus in

South Africa during the Late Developed

Oldowan Phase.
But as more finds came to light in
the 1960s, it was apparent that Atlanthropisthough perhaps the most advanced form of homo erectus, embodying many characteristics of homo
sapienswas not different enough from
homo erectus to warrant its own generic name. Evolutionary scientists
learned that a variable type of homo
erectus appeared in Mid-Pleistocene,
combined with homo habilis and other
pre-sapiens in a mingling of genes to
create various sub-species; homo
erectus-erectus, erectus pekinesis and
mauritanicus, the old atlanthropis. It
was this homo erectus mauritanicus
which somehow got to Europe as the
homo (erectus seu sapiens) palaeohungaricus immediately preceding the evolution of homo sapiens.
Prehistorians speculate the trek was
made from North Africa into Iberia via
a land-bridge then connecting Morocco
to southwestern Europe across the
Straits of Gibraltar, a theory no less improbable than land-bridges from Morocco to the Atlantic island and extending to modern Portugal. The
likelihood of an Atlantic island fronting
the shores of North Africa and
southern Europe, both connected by
land-bridges some 400,000 years ago,
has been confidently ascertained in several of the geologic sources listed in
the bibliography.
For purposes of our limited discussion here, we may assume the island
did indeed lie in the near-ocean when
homo erectus crossed to it from North
Africa. In any case, proof of an Atlanthropis connection between the Atlantic isles and Central Europe during
the Mid-Pleistocene is demonstrated in
four jadeite hand-axes from the French
Alps found in the Canary Islands Gran
Canaria of the Canary Islands, off the
Atlantic shores of Morocco (Mercer,
pages 59 & 60). Temperate climate
created by a prolonged warm phase in
the second Mindel glaciation, together
with the challenging abundance of the
surrounding sea, was a stimulating


factor for evolutionary change at the

Atlantic island, where mankind conceivably took the penultimate step toward becoming homo sapiens.
Although prehistorians seem to
have missed the connection, the Oranian stone tool industry created by the
Mechta-el-Arbi race, a North African
branch of Cro-Magnon man, about
16,000 years ago, during the Late
Wurm Glaciation, appears to have been
a direct descendant of homo erectus
mauritanicus hand-axes. If, as seems
likely, homo erectus mauritanicus was
the local ancestor of the Mechta-el-Arbi
Cro-Magnons, then we may postulate
an origin for proto-civilized cultures in
the region of the Atlantic island. Even
today, some of the native inhabitants of
the Canary Islands display muted CroMagnon features which were more pronounced in the Guanche aboriginals of
Gran Canaria.
As Lemesurier pointed out (page
277), It is Charpentiers thesis (Louis
Charpentier, Le Mystere Basque)
and a convincingly argued onethat
the Basques represent an almost pure
survival of Cro-Magnon man; that the
ancient distribution of Cro-Magnon
man correlates strongly with surviving
dolemenic remains; and that it also correlates strongly with high percentages
of blood-group 0' in todays population. The Basques, it will be recalled,

not only speak a language totally unrelated to any other European language,
but also exhibit a uniquely high percentage of the Rhesus-negative gene,
and an unusually high percentage of
0'-group blood (up to 75%).
Apart from Iceland, the northwestern British Isles and the Cotentin
peninsula, only Crete, Sardinia and a
small area of Tunisia around what used
to be ancient Carthage exhibit comparable percentages of O-group blood. In
fact, the area where this group is most
prevalent may be summed up as comprising the more mountainous Atlantic
coasts of Europe and Africa, and the
shores and islands of the Mediterranean basinwithin which its distribution corresponds to an uncanny degree
with the areas listed by Plato as having
been specially colonized by the Atlanteans. Lemesurier goes on (page 278)
to show that the percentage of Ogroup blood has been found to be as
high as 94% among exhumed mummies of the Canary Islands. The high
percentage of 0-type blood among the
ancient Guanche is seconded by
Mercer (page 17).
A Western beginning for early man
may have found echo in the Titanomachy, that primeval conflict between
Olympians and giants, perhaps a
mythic recollection of some very ancient struggle between proto-Indo-

Europeans versus Cro-Magnons. The

story is by no means exclusively Greek.
Genesis reports there were giants in
the earth before the Flood. The Norse
Aesir battled frost-giants of Joertunheim, and the Hittite Teshub fought Ulliyankas, a giant.
The renowned Abbe Breuil wrote,
the Aurignacian (Cro-Magnon) colonies appear to surround the entire periphery of the Mediterranean, being
found in North Africa, Sicily and the
Italian and Iberian peninsulas, from
which they extended over the larger
part of southern France. Even far to the
east, in the cave of Antelias in Syria, as
well as certain sites in Phoenicia, culture deposits are found which are characteristically Aurignacian (Spence,
page 174).
The proto-Indo-European peoples of
Greece and the Near East were apparently surrounded by numerically superior Aurignacians. It is not unlikely
that wide-ranging wars raged between
not merely two different races, but between two different levels of human
development: between Cro-Magnon
man and homo sapiens-sapiens, in
which the beginnings of Neolithic
technology in the latter overcame the
Paleolithic limitations of the former.
Cro-Magnon height averaged in excess

Continued on Page 63

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Number 29 ATLANTIS



Ending the Nuclear Nightmare

Two Promising Technologies Tackle the Threat of Atomic Waste

he recently announced Bush

administration energy policy, with its emphasis on expanding coal and nuclear
power, the Russian Dumas
decision Wednesday June 6, 2001 to
allow large scale importation of spent
nuclear fuel, and the widely publicized
protest and civil disobedience in Germany last year in an attempt to block
the movement of spent fuel rods for reprocessing there have all served to put
the twin issues of nuclear storage and
remediation into sharp focus.
This has been reinforced by EPA administrator Christie Whitmans announcement of stringent ground water
contamination standards for the yet to
be licensed, approximately $35 billion
Yucca Mountain, Nevada nuclear
waste storage site. Her announcement
was made the same day as the Dumas
decision was announced. The standards call for no more than 15 millirems exposure per year through air,
soil and water contamination, of which
ground water contamination may only
go as high as 4 millirems. As Elizabeth
Shogren, staff writer for the Los Angeles Times, in her June 7, 2001 article,
EPA Sets Tough Ground-Water Standard for Nuclear Waste Site, writes,
The average person receives about
450 millirems a year from natural
sources. She goes on to note that the
15 millirem standard corresponds to
about twice the exposure a person
gets from simply living in a brick
From the above, it is clear that it is
time to look for new solutions to the
ever growing problems of cleaning up
nuclear contamination and safely
storing nuclear wastes. Two heretofore
unpublicized breakthroughs appear to
be worth attention.
One was developed in Europe as a
direct response to the Chernobyl disaster. The other is an aspect of cold fusion research being conducted all over
the world. Together, they offer real
progress now and the hope of a
brighter tomorrow.
EKOR, an acronym for ecologically safe in Russian, is a revolutionary
approach to the containment and
storage of nuclear and hazardous waste



and was developed by a team

under the directorship of Academic Spartak Belyaev, Director of
the Kurchatov Institute for General
and Nuclear
Physics. His laboratory complex
comprises one of
the four making
up the sprawling
Kurchatov Institute near Moscow,
the Russian equivalent of Americas
Los Alamos National Laboratories. Academic
Belyaevs team
worked in total
coordination with
the Euro-Asian
Physical Society
(EAPS), which
holds the Russian,
foreign and U.S.
patent rights. Eurotech, Ltd.
( of Fairfax, Virginia has worldwide manufacturing
and distribution rights.
Nuclear specialists from the Kurchatov Institute were on site at Chernobyl from the first day of the nuclear
disaster there, in a crash effort to contain some 180 tons of molten fuel, prevent the spread of radioactive dust and
keep water from migrating radioactive
materials into the soil and water table.
Unfortunately, the available method
used, spraying organic encapsulants,
only made the problem worse when
the 1000 tons of organics themselves
became radioactive. Worse, the scientists knew that thousands of tons of
water were entering myriad cracks and
gaps over and around the ruined Reactor Number 4, but they could account only for the disposition of a
small portion of it. They estimated that
they had been unable to locate 1000
square meters of holes through which
the water was escaping. The likely conclusion was that the missing water was
seeping into the ground.
The Ukrainian government, alarmed
by the specter of an even greater envi-

The aftermath of Chernobyls nuclear meltdown

ronmental disaster than the initial

Chernobyl meltdown, contacted the
Kurchatov Institute and asked it to
come up with a radiation resistant encapsulant which wouldnt itself become radioactive. Urgent development
work began in the late 1980s, and by
the end of 1996, EKOR Sealer was
fully developed and fully tested. Lab
manufacturing of small batches began
in the Kurchatov Institute in 1997,
small scale commercial manufacturing
here in 1998, and in March 2000,
EKOR Sealer was applied at Chernobyl with the specific goal of isolating the nuclear fuel containing
mass at Reactor Number 4.
Prior to its use there, EKOR was
subjected to rigorous independent
testing at several labs. One report
showed that the material was so radiation resistant that it withstood a dose
of 10 gigarads (10 billion rads) with no
breakdown whatsoever. To put that
into perspective, the fuel pile at Reactor Number 4 emits a contact dose
of 1000 Roentgens/hr., and a lethal
dose for an unprotected human is 600

Continued on Page 64



receding every great
advance and many of
the setbacks in our history,
the geniuses of both light
and darkness, have battled
for the hearts and minds of
the rest of us. But, despite
the stubborn resistance of
those committed to the
primitive notions of earlier
ages, the outrageous
impossibilities of one
generation continue to
become the revolutionary
breakthroughs of the next
and the basic necessities of
the future.
Still... in the 20th
century, while the
Marconi's...the Henry
Ford's...the Thomas Edison's
have succeeded in capturing
most of the attention,
others with technological
prowess bordering on the
miraculous, strangely, have
gone unnoticed. Men with
names like Tesla, Moray,
Rife, Russell and
Schauberger, laboring in
almost complete obscurity,
and achieving almost
miracles--free energy,
anti-gravity, transmutation
of the elements, physical
rejuvenation and more--were yet largely rejected, ridiculed and despised by the
scientific establishment of their day. But now, a few decades later, a new breed
of inventors, scientists and researchers is making rapid, if yet unpublicised,
strides toward unraveling the astonishing secrets of those unsung giants who
preceded them. Today, many of these new technological magicians find
themselves on the threshold of breakthroughs, still believed, by many, to be the
stuff of hallucination.

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Number 29 ATLANTIS



UFO Disclosure Crusader Dr.
Steven Greer Challenges Media
Establishment on Its Home Turf

Steven Greer. M.D.

he momentum for full disclosure of the truth from the

government about the UFO
phenomenon seems to fluctuate almost like the stock
market. It goes through periods of intense enthusiasm usually initiated by
one or more dedicated individuals or
groups, followed by times of relative
discouragement and disinterest after it
has become abundantly clear that a
solid stone wall has been encountered,
and it is an exercise in futility. Generations of courageous truth-fighters
come and go. They heroically hurl
themselves against the great stone
wall, but it remains implacable,
yielding not even a tiny crack. There
are times when a breakthrough seems
imminent and there is a real feeling
abroad that the wall will break wide
open, and the dammed-up revelations
will come flooding throughbut alas, it
just never happens. Presidential candidates make promises, but when the
time comes to deliver, they become
mute. In 1993, five-term congressman
Steve Schiff from New Mexico, under
pressure from constituents, came to
believe that there was something to
the Roswell story and asked the Government Accounting Office to thoroughly review every piece of evidence
old and new. For awhile, it seemed
that at last a pronouncement from an
official government agency might be
forthcoming. But the GAO report, issued on July 28, 1995, said that all the
important government documents



about the Roswell incident were inexplicably destroyed over forty years previously. Schiff, however, kept up the
pressure and became the congressional
point man for continued probes. He
personally investigated the Santilli alien
autopsy film about which he said, It
looked real to me. Less than three
years after the GAO inquiry, on March
25, 1998, Schiff died of a particularly
aggressive form of skin cancer after a
one-year battle. He was 51. So ended
another promising crusade.
Without doubt, the biggest thorn in
the side of the government, and the
most persistent gadfly seeking disclosure of UFO secrets, is Arizona attorney
Peter Gersten, founder and director of
CAUS, or Citizens Against UFO Secrecy. Since 1998, Gersten has
mounted a multi-pronged one-man
campaign to force various government
agencies to release everything they
have on UFO related information. Using
the Freedom of Information Act as his
primary weapon, and relying on his
legal skills, Gersten has sued the U.S.
government, the Attorney General, the
Secretary of Defense, the Department
of the Army, the Department of Defense and the Joint Chiefs of Staff in the
Federal District Court in Phoenix, Arizona to force them to release their secret UFO documents. Naturally he
hasnt had much success since the federal courts tend to side with the government, and as a last resort the government takes refuge under the
national security umbrella. But he has
enjoyed an occasional psychological

victory, and his efforts are slowly

gaining wider attention. More importantly, his organization is starting to attract financial assistance from many
sources. But the wall remains intact.
The Crusading Physician
But now, in these early days of the
21st century, a major new force has entered the fray, and threatens to blast a
huge breach in the wall, if not to bring
it down entirely. It comes from an unexpected place. A previously obscure
emergency room physician from Charlottesville, Virginia has stepped upon
the world stage and has taken the reins
in hand to lead the charge to finally
wrest a public admission of the history
of extraterrestrial contact with the
human race, from the deep, shadowy
recesses of the top secret world. Dr.
Steven Greer has become so inflamed
with this crusade that he has put his
promising medical career on hold,
thereby forfeiting his considerable income, and putting at risk the welfare of
his wife and four young daughters.
Greers efforts have been highly organized, and carefully orchestrated
right from the beginning of his involvement, over eleven years ago, when he
founded CSETI, or the Center for the
Study of Extraterrestrial Intelligence.
After recruiting a corps of top UFO researchers all over the world to affiliation with CSETI, he formed them into
an Initiative Working Group designated
as CE-5 in order to produce a compre-

Continued on Page 36



Number 29 ATLANTIS


hensive working document about the
extraterrestrial presence on the planet,
i.e., who they are, their characteristics,
and why they are here. That document, published in 1991, is a comprehensive and complete analysis of the
situation, utilizing virtually every piece
of information available outside of the
secret government world, but including the statements of some courageous ex-government insiders. The discoveries described are not surprising to
anyone who has been investigating the
UFO phenomenon, but it is remarkable
for Greer to have arrived at such explicit and far-reaching conclusions
about the alien presence so early in the
game. The working paper claims that
there are several ET groups visiting
earth, all of whom have bases within
the solar system, and some located on
(or under) the earth itself. Greer says that the
technologies used in their
propulsion systems include: a) gravity/antigravity and electromagnetic/gravity technology,
b) space energy and socalled hyperdimensional
energy systems, c)
matter-energy interchangeable technologies
d) possible Consciousness Assisted Technology
(CAT) and Technology
Assisted Consciousness
Interestingly, this document concludes that it is
the aliens themselves who choose to
keep their presence relatively secret.
On this subject, Greer says, Sudden
and fully open contact with human civilization has been avoided because of a
number of interrelated factors, including: a) the need to avoid an untimely disruption of Earth civilization
including military, political, geopolitical, cultural, economic, technological
and religious upheaval; b) risks to their
own civilization and people, as well
as overall mission, given human xenophobia and tendencies towards violent
armed reactions; c) up to this time,
such massive and open contact has not
been necessary, and has not been consonant with their overall long-term mission and purpose...since their purpose
is not acquisition-oriented or disruptive. But he goes on to say that they
do have a plan in place for gradually
broader and deeper contact with
human society and individuals.
The paper then discusses the government cover-up, claiming high-level
knowledge since at least 1947. Surprisingly, this document then appears


to excuse, or at least to understand the

reasons for, government secrecy.
Those reasons are: a) fear of public
panic and social disruption; b) security
issues surrounding possible military
and technology applications of ET technology, especially in the setting of a
world beset with Cold War tensions
and competing interests; c) uncertainty
and mistrust regarding ET motives and
ultimate intentions; d) embarrassment
and consternation over human military
inability to secure world air space from
repeated penetrations by ETs; e) embarrassment and loss of face resulting
from disclosures concerning how this
matter has been handled, such as the
harassment and ridicule of innocent civilians and military personnel, the withholding of information from the public
and congress, etc. More surprising is
the conclusion concerning ET technology, as follows: ETI (Extraterrestrial Intelligence) technology is strictly
guarded by both ETI and
human governmental
agencies because of its
potential for military applications which would
greatly threaten world security. It is imperative
that this technology not
find significant human
applications until such
time as the Earth attains
international peace and
an effective world government. This early position about secrecy would
change drastically as the
CSETI investigation continued.
Project Starlight
By 1993, Greer had come to realize,
presumably through ET contacts, that
the ETs were open to complete revelation and welcomed the opportunity to
interact with the human race. In his
newsletter of May, 1994, he says, I believe ETI is waiting for us to educate
our own people, and soon. Based on
this, he launched Project Starlight,
which was designed to educate world
leaders, leaders in society, and the
worlds population to the fact that the
earth is being visited by advanced extraterrestrial civilizations. A comprehensive and world encompassing
strategy has been designed to achieve
these educational goals, which will culminate in a world announcement regarding the existence of extraterrestrial
life forms.
He cited many new worldwide developments that supported a move to
complete openness, especially the end
of Cold War tensions, the declassification of many secret documents, and increased worldwide UFO sightings, im-

Continued on Page 66



Number 29 ATLANTIS



Ed Skillings

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As I mentioned, we purchased a machine and
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I find the photon sound beam indispensable in
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Fredrick W. Pirk, D.D.S., M.S.
Director Dental Research, WNHO


How Did the Pyramid

Builders Spell Relief?
Do We Really Know Why
the Ancients Used Such
Giant Stones in the Pyramids
So-Called Relieving Chambers?

To construct
these five
chambers, the
Egyptians found
it necessary to
use 43 pieces of
weighing up to
70 tons each

hile conducting explorations in the Great

Pyramid in 1836,
British military man,
Colonel William
Richard Howard-Vyse, was in a
crouched space above the Kings
Chamber examining a mysterious layer of granite beams
that were similar to the
granite beams that formed
the ceiling of the Kings
Chamber beneath him. The
crouched space is named
Davisons Chamber, after
Nathaniel Davison who had
discovered it in 1765. HowFigure 1. Kings Chamber and Relieving Chambers
ard-Vyse, who reportedly had
received 10,000 from his
Colonel Howard-Vyse
ceiling of monolithic
esis on the Great Pyramid, was all of
family for this exploration and,
granite beams spanned the newly disthis work really necessary?
more importantly, to liberate themcovered chamber, indicating to HowBy todays standards, quarrying and
selves from his presence, was intent on
ard-Vyse the possible existence of yet
hauling just one of the 43 granite
making a significant discovery and, so
another chamber above. After blasting
beams that are placed above the Kings
far, was not having any luck. The
upwards for three and a half months
Chamber 500 miles would not be a
granite layer over his head posed a tanand to a height of 40 feet, they discovsimple task. Yet the ancient Egyptians
talizing clue that something may lay beered three more chambers, making a
accomplished this task not just once,
yond. Noticing a crack between the
total of five. The topmost chamber had
but many times. The 70-ton weight,
beams of the ceiling, Howard-Vyse
a gabled ceiling made of giant limehowever, is not the limit of what the
mused over the possibility of yet anstone blocks. To construct these five
ancient Egyptians were capable. Large
other chamber existing above. Being
chambers, the ancient Egyptians found
obelisks up to 400 tons were also quarable to push a 3-foot-long reed into the
it necessary to use 43 pieces of granite
ried, hauled and erected.
crack without obstruction seemed a
weighing up to 70 tons each. The red
Howard-Vyse surmised that the
clear indication that there must be
granite beams are cut square and parreason for the five superimposed
some other space beyond. Howardallel on three sides but were left seemchambers was to relieve the flat ceiling
Vyse and his helpers made an attempt
ingly untouched on the top surface,
of the Kings Chamber from the weight
to cut through the granite to find out if
which was rough and uneven. Some of
of thousands of tons of masonry above
there was another chamber above.
them even had holes gouged into their
(figure 1). Although most researchers
Finding out in short order that their
who have followed have generally achammers and hardened steel chisels
In this article we will look at the evicepted this speculation, there are
were no match for the red granite, they
dence and attempt to explore reasons
others, including the worlds first Egypresorted to using gunpowder. A local
for this phenomenal expenditure of retologist, Sir William Flinders Petrie,
worker, his senses dulled by a supply
sources from both the conventional
who have not. Important consideraof alcohol and hashish, set the charges
perspective and the alternative pertions cast doubt on this theory and
and blasted away the rock until another
spective. Considering the enormous efprove it to be incorrect.
chamber was revealed.
fort that must have gone into delivering
What needs to be considered is that
Similar to Davisons Chamber, a
to the Giza Plateau these enormous
there is a more efficient and less commonoliths, we will ask, within the
Continued on Page 41
framework of the established hypothSEE OUR GREAT 8-PAGE CATALOG SECTION BEGINNING ON PAGE 74

J. Douglas Kenyon



John Anthony West

Machu Picchu

Robert Bauval


ccording to the view of mainstream historians, primitive

civilization in Mesopotamia,
Egypt, and in India emerged from the
stone age just over five thousand
years ago.
Just a few centuries after what the
experts say was the first great labor
saving invention of the ancient world,
the wheel, society crossed a major divide and headed inexorably toward
the modern world. The wheel, we are
told, revolutionized primitive society
and set the stage for the great achievements which were to follow.
Such is the conventional scenario
for the dawn of civilization on Earth.
The assumption is, that the rise of
highly organized society was unprecedented. If there had been an earlier
advanced civilization, we would have
discovered unmistakable evidence
highways, and bridges and electrical
wiring; plastic bottles, city dumps,
and CD Roms. Those, after all, are
the things which we will leave to
puzzle future archeologists.
But could an ancient civilization
have risen to heights similar to our
own and, perhaps, have traveled a different road? Would we understand a
world which might have employed
fundamentally differentthough no
less effectivetechniques to harness
the forces of nature? Would we understand, for example, the transmission of energy by means other than a power grid, rapid transit without internal combustion engines, or highly complex calculations involving earth science and astronomy
without electronic computers? Have we been surrounded by evidence of such ancient
advancements, but not yet, advanced enough ourselves to grasp the astounding implications.
Now a breakthrough video from the creators of Atlantis Rising magazine takes a
look at real evidencelargely ignored by the academic establishmentwhich shatters
the orthodox scenario for the dawn of civilization on Earth. Now assembled in a devastating one-hour documentary, hosted by Atlantis Rising Editor and Publisher J. Douglas
Kenyon, are the comments and evidence of breakthrough researchers such as John
Anthony West, Robert Bauval, Richard Noone, Colin Wilson, John Michell, Patrick Flanagan, Christopher Dunn, Zecharia Sitchin, David Hatcher Childress,
Edgar Evans Cayce and others.

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Zecharia Sitchin



Continued from Page 39
plicated technique in chamber construction elsewhere inside the Great
Pyramid. The Queens Chamber negates the argument that the Kings
Chamber overlying chambers of construction were designed to allow a flat
ceiling. The load of masonry bearing
down on the Queens Chamber is
greater than that above the Kings
Chamber, due to the fact that the
chamber is situated below the Kings
Chamber. If a flat ceiling had been
needed for the
Chamber, it
would have
been quite safe
to span this
room with the
kind of beams
that are above
the Kings
Chamber. The
Chamber construction employed cantilevered limestone blocks
that transferred the
weight of the
above masonry to the outside of the
walls. A ceiling similar to the one in
the Kings Chamber could have been
added to this design and, as with the
beams above the Kings Chamber, the
beams would be holding up nothing
more than their own weight.
When the builders of the Great Pyramid built the Kings Chamber, they
were obviously aware of a simpler
method of constructing a flat ceiling.
The design of the Kings Chamber
complex, therefore, must have been
prompted by other considerations.
What were these considerations? Why
are there five superimposed layers of
monolithic 70-ton granite beams? Imagine the sheer will and energy that
went into bringing just one of the 43
granite blocks a distance of 500 miles
and raising it 175 feet in the air! There
must have been a far greater purpose
for investing so much time and energy.
I made the above argument in my
book, The Giza Power Plant: Technologies of Ancient Egypt. Since its publication, the contrary opinion that I had
articulated had evidently become a
point of discussion on a message board
because I received an e-mail from
Egyptology student, Mikey Brass,
within which was a link to a translation of a German magazine article. The
question posed to Frank Drnenburg a

participant in the discussion was why

so many layers? He writes:
I have been debating elsewhere,
the Kings Chamber and the question of
why five Relieving Chambers were
needed to be used to spread the massive weight above the Kings Chamber.
My answer to this was I simply did not
A good answer to this question can
be found in Gttinger Miszellen 173/
1999, p. 139 ff: Ludwig, Daniela; Offene Fragestellungen in Zusammenhang mit der Cheopspyramide in
Giza aus baukonstruktiver Sicht.
The old method of corbelling channeled the weight force directly to the
walls of a
chamber. The
Figure 2
new, and here
for the first
time used,
gable-roof redirects the force
down AND
sideways. If the
Egyptians had
put the gable
roof in the
Chamber directly on the
ceiling like in
the Queens
Chamber, the
sideways force
would have
damaged the Great Gallery. So they had
to put the gable above the upper layer
of the Galleries construction. The easiest way to do this is to stack small
chambers. And if you look at a cross
section you will see, that now the sideways force of the roof goes well over
the roof of the gallery.
Superficially, what is proposed in
the above hypothesis may seem plausible. It is, however, a construct
founded on flawed assumptions and an
incomplete analysis of the entire Kings
Chamber complex. Before accepting it
as factual, we need to consider the following.
The hypothesis assumes that dynamic lateral forces would follow the
direction of the angled blocks and that
these lateral forces would accumulate
as more stone was piled on top of the
gabled blocks. According to the hypothesis, the consequence of each
block added above the Kings Chamber
causes additional lateral thrust to push
against the southern end of the Grand
The drawing in figure 2 represents a
mechanical set-up of which many manufacturing technologists are intimately
familiar. It is a steel plate resting in a VBlock. If we allow that the above hypothesis is correct, the plate would

Continued on Page 67



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Number 29 ATLANTIS



Did Our Ancestors Know

Something We Dont?
The Four-Leaf Clover by Winslow Homer

f you drop a spoon, will you have

an unexpected visitor? Is it true
that four-leaved clovers bring
luck, or that wearing a penny in
your shoe attracts wealth? Why
do you knock on wood to keep misfortune at bay, or kiss under a piece of
It is not until the middle ages in Europe that we find both the stereotypical figure of the medieval alchemist as
he is viewed today in his role as dispenser of magic and mystical knowledge, and the first recorded observations of folk remedies and lore which
are today seen as silly superstitions.
In fact, it was the typical alchemist
in his real role of natural scientist,
chemist, often physician, and keen observer of the world around him who
not only took notice of these folkways,
but attempted to put them to the test
in whichever ways he could. Their
wise teachings and knowledge were
courted by the crowned heads of Europe for hundreds of years, and their
ranks included such well-known figures
as Roger Bacon, Newton, Dr. John Dee,
and even Paracelsus. It was John Dee
who was commanded by Elizabeth I to
transmute mercury into gold. The
legend of Rumpelstiltskin may be a folk



memory of this misperception of alchemical prowess although the tale itself may be much older. It was the
transmutation of the human spirit that
was the actual goal of the alchemist,
though many of them were excellent
Many of these practices known to
the ancient cultures of the world have
come down to us through these
means, although the natural truths behind them may have been forgotten.
Most of us recognize instantly Leonardo Da Vincis masterpiece, The Last
Supper, yet how many of us notice that
the master included in his great
painting the harbinger of death and disasterspilled salt on the table before
the Divine figure?
Leonardo, like many of his Renaissance contemporaries, was perhaps an
amateur alchemist himself, and also
knew many such knowledge-seekers.
He may well have included this tiny detail as a sign of the struggle between
the wisdom of the ancients and the
burgeoning battle with the Church.
There are other such hidden messages not only in his works, but those
of other Renaissance writers and artists.
Popes such as Innocent Vlll, in 1488
went so far as to issue Papal Decrees
designed to put down any vestige of
folklore or wisdom, as did other

princes of the Church. These included

prohibition of healing practices, all
items seen as magical and even fulminated against the common black alley
cat. This, of course, did nothing to remove the practice of the alchemist, the
village healer or the herbalist, but it did
point up the attempt by organized religion to remove all vestiges of knowledge in common usage by the populace.
By prohibiting and demeaning all
older points of knowledge into figures
of fun or the realm of fantasy, it was
thought that the populace would then
realize that the Church contained the
only truth.
Since for the most part the priest
was the only one in a town or village
who could read, the common people
had only one way to preserve their
older ways of doing, and that was to
take them underground and pass
them on by word of mouth.
Superstition, by definition, is an irrational belief. To call something superstition was to call it irrational, and thus
unworthy of belief. Nevertheless superstition persisted. Folkways and
wisdom, then, came down to us
through either the writings of the alchemical community, or they simply
crossed the ocean into the new world
by means of simple memorization.
Superstition is not confined to Eu-


ropean traditions alone, but come from

China, Africa, India, Australia, and in
many cases from the native American as
well. There are striking similarities in
many of these beliefs and practices, including that of using salt as a defense
against perceived evil, to remove
ghosts and spirits, and even repel gypsies from camping near your village. A
vampire, werewolf, witch or unquiet
spirit could be kept in his grave by a
Bible and/or a cross woven of Easter
palm fiber and a small bag of rock salt,
and kept out of your home by more
salt, buried at each corner of the house.
A huge percentage of the ancient beliefs were designed to ward off witches
and their evil eye, which could dry up
milk, bring wizard weather to ruin the
crops, and cause murrain and disease
among cattle and hogs. Into this category fall the wearing of amulets (often
scribed in cabbalistic symbols by an alchemist) which
were worn on the
body, charms and
spells of all types
and hand gestures
which would foil
the evildoer.
When the
index and little
fingers of the
right hand are extended and the
middle two held
below, the horns
are createdsaid
to be an infallible
protection against
the witch, the
devil, or any type
of bad luck.
Although few understand the practice, as recently as last evening during
the Larry King CNN television show, a
guest was seen to knock on the interview table three times when discussing
the death of four members of her family
from cancer.
Thought of as a Druidic practice,
from their adherence to living trees as
sacred, the three knocks are seen by
some researchers to be Father, Son and
Holy Ghost. The number three, however, has always been featured as one
of the power numbers from all the
lands of the world. Three, four, nine,
eleven and forty are among these numbers which hold power in tradition and
superstition. Knocking on wood was
also thought to awaken the protective
power of the tree.
At Christmas time, buildings under
construction are seen to be topped by
an evergreen Christmas tree, often decorated with lights. This is very common
among building contractors, although
they seem to be mostly unaware of the
roots of the practice. In most areas of
Europe, a house, when finished, had an

evergreen tree affixed to the chimney,

calling the blessings of the tree which
lived long and remained green in
winter upon the dwelling beneath.
A common practice in Germany, the
evergreen on the chimney is often accompanied by the belief that some part
of a new house should be left unfinished; supposedly if it is completed to
the last detail, the homeowner will
have to move.
Amerindians in the Navajo culture
always build their hogans with the
door to the east, as well as burying a
small fetish object or charm somewhere in the walls along with a pinch
of sacred corn pollen. Both are protection for the home.
In some cultures, the doorway of a
home is given a blessing of some
kind, such as the mezzuzah on a Jewish
home. Signs and symbols were also
common in rural areas of Pennsylvania,

Younger people more
superstitious than older people

Leonardo Da Vincis Last Supper

where immigrants from Holland settled, and were carved or painted onto
round pieces of wood and mounted on
house, barn and stable. These traditional designs protected against
witches and bad luck, and are vestiges
of pre-Christian belief.
A maze of bushes, flowers or trees
outside a castle or stately home was
not just a floral fancy or a place for
lovers to hide, but was originally a
means of confusing witches who
would be so confused by the mazes
twisting pathways and blind alleys that
they would not be able to find their
way to the house itself!
A horseshoe should be nailed upon
a front door, rounded part down, to
hold luck inside the house. Nailed upside down, it might confuse an evilwisher who would get trapped in the
round section and be diverted from the
doorknob by its shape.
The planting of certain trees and
plants served the same purpose for the
less exalted, and rowan trees, olive

Continued on Page 70


ccording to a September
1996 Gallup poll, 25% of
Americans are very (1%) or
somewhat (24%) superstitious,
up from 18% who said that in
1990. The poll also shows that
younger people tend to be more
superstitious than older people.
Over a third (35%) of those under
the age of 30 said they were superstitious, but the percentage declines as people get older, so that
only 17% of those 65 and older
were superstitious.
More than a quarter 27%
said they were superstitious about
knocking on wood, with 13%
superstitious about a black cat
crossing ones path, 12% about
walking under a ladder, 11%
about breaking a mirror, 9% about
speaking ill of a person (that it
will come true), and 9% about the
number 13. Again, younger
people (under 30) were more
likely than older people (65 and
older) to be superstitious about a
black cat (19% vs. 12%), breaking
a mirror (21% vs. 10%), speaking
ill of a person (15% vs. 5%), and
knocking on wood (38% to 18%).
There was little difference in superstition by age on the other two
itemswalking under a ladder and
the number 13.
Number 29 ATLANTIS


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The Malady
in Heart
A Doctor Shatters the Myths
Behind Popular Treatments
for Heart Disease

r. Charles T. McGee may

be soft-spoken, but his
book Heart Frauds gives
voice to a powerful challenge that, so far, has yet
to be answered. Subtitled Uncovering
the Biggest Health Scam in History, it
exposes what McGee claims are unnecessary procedures that thousands of
Americans undergo each year, often
under a doctors threat that, without
such a procedure, death may be imminent.
Though it contains numerous cartoons (drawn by a political satirist who
is a former patient), and though
McGees innate humor creeps in on
most pages, the book is far from funny.
Gynecologist, McGee now finds himself delivering a potent message that
may help birth a new movement in
healthcare. Admitting he is an outsider
when it comes to cardiac medicine,
the research is nonetheless impeccable
and remains unrefuted. The way he
sees it, coronary specialists simply
havent done their homework or are ignoring the facts.
Having read studies published in
medical journals which physicians consider their Bible, as well as having analyzed results from low-cost, alternative methods, McGee is confident in
and passionate about his accusations.
Recommending expensive, high-risk
procedures over cheaper, more effective ones amounts to nothing more
than fraud, he states, adding that for
most people, angiograms, coronary bypass surgery, balloon angioplasty or
cholesterol-lowering drugs are completely unnecessary; if your doctor


these, your best
course of action
may be to run out
the door.
A military
brat, McGee
grew up in San
Francisco during
WW II, then moved to Seattle where he
went to the University of Washington,
school, completing his internship and
residency in 1965 in Oakland, California. Married by then, he and his
wife, Carole, took vacations to Mexico,
which eventually led to a year in
Ecuador with Project Hope, a Navy
Hospital ship which would dock in a
country for a year and train local doctors before moving on. It was in the
Andes that he observed a culture
without the diseases rampant in more
civilized societies. Of 330,000 Indians, he notes, only 40-50 would be
in the hospital at one time, and then
only for complications in pregnancy or
as a result of traumatic accidents.
The experience piqued his interest;
later, working with the CDC (Center
for Disease Control) in Atlanta as an Epidemic Intelligence Officer, McGee became aware of biostatistics and the
work of British epidemiologist T. L.
Cleave, M.D. Cleave studied data from
hundreds of locations around the world
and did not find a single exception to
this pattern: More primitive people
eat fresh, whole foods and little or no
refined sugars, refined carbohydrates
or processed foods. As soon as such
foods enter a cultural diet, degenerative
diseases are introduced.
After practicing OB/GYN at Kaiser


Charles McGee, M.D.

hospital in Walnut Creek, California for

a number of years, McGee began to
study Chinese medicine. By 1978, his
practice had become completely alternative and included homeopathy, nutrition, acupuncture, and chelation
therapy. In the meantime, his father
had died of a heart attack just when
McGee had finished his residency, and
he began a personal crusade to understand why.
One of the most interesting findings
McGee reports is that cholesterol isnt
the huge heart disease determinant
weve been told it is. In fact, he
states, the theory has developed a life
of its own and has risen to the level of
a religious dogma. He cites early animal studies that launched the theory
as having been flawed, and says that
reports of later studies in humans
have been slanted, and that statistics
have been misinterpreted to support
the theory since 1970.
According to McGee, cholesterollowering drugs dont lower levels of
lipoprotein, which may turn out to be
the most important blood test factor in
determining risk of a heart attack. Furthermore, he claims that blood cholesterol levels are ineffective in determining heart attack risk and that more
accurate measurements exist but are
seldom used.
Now highly interested in food as

Continued on Page 71

Number 29 ATLANTIS


Must Mankind
Awaken from Its
its Origins?

The Cycle of the Life of Man by William Blake

hose of us who know anything at all about the great

Blake (1757-1827) usually
only know that he produced a number
of short lyric poems that rank among
the greatest in the language, including
the famous lines: Tyger! Tyger!
burning bright/ In the forests of the
night, / What immortal hand or eye, /
Could frame thy fearful symmetry?
If we know more, it is usually
and only vaguelythat Blake saw angels and that, in middle age (and possibly demented) he engraved a huge
mass of clanking and largely incomprehensible epic poetry. Some even
think consumption of the English romantic poets drug of preference, laudanum, seriously affected his execution of that poetry.
Certainly, as a child Blake had hal-



lucinations of biblical proportions.

When he was four years old, the appearance of Gods face at the window
set him screaming. He observed the
prophet Ezekiel sitting placidly beneath
a tree. He only saw ghosts once, but it
was a scaly, speckled, very awful
creature that came down the staircase
after him. All his life, which he spent in
London, he lived in the apparent company of divine apparitions that made it
seem as if he were already halfway to
heaven. This wasnt a boy who was
easily moldable by society: In William
Blake: The Politics of Vision (1957),
Mark Schorer writes, because as a
child he could not brook discipline,
and especially the indignity of whippings, William was not sent to
school. At an early age, and at his
own desire, he was given instruction in
drawing, apprenticed to an engraver,
and allowed to educate himself as he
wished. His attitude toward churches
was identical with his attitude toward

schools. Except for a brief attachment

to a Swedenborgian community, he
seems in his youth, as in his age, to
have kept himself free from all the
claims of all the current dogma: a sectarian without a sect.
But if the epic poems of this poets
mature years sometimes seem to clank
and are often over-long, theres been
no shortage of literary scholars, not
only Schorer but such as Northrop
Frye, to come to the defense of these
mostly unread master works. They all
agree that Blakes poetry in general
contains a whole new, brilliantly mystical-modern way of looking at the
world. The poems reveal a multilevel
reality, and in so doing have much of a
startling nature to say to the serious
New Age scholar seeking to understand the truths of Atlantis and other
Blake was preoccupied by the
same giant theme that preoccupied his
fellow poet from an earlier age, John
Milton: how it came to be that man
fell from grace, was banished from
the Garden of Eden, and eventually,
through the birth and death of Jesus
Christ, came to be placed back on the
path to reclaiming that garden. In fact,
Blake was so obsessed by Milton he
even believed he was the reincarnation
of the great English Puritan/epic poet
who lived from 1608 to 1674 (reincarnation is perhaps not quite the right
word; Blakes thinking on this subject
was complex, and included the notion
that a great artists work acquired an
immortality or supra-reality all its
own, which work of Milton passed into
Blake at his birth, to be elaborated
upon and completed by Blake as he
himself pursued his life as an artist).
But if, like Milton, Blake devoted
much of his creative energy to the description and explanation of the fall
and redemption of humankind, he did
it in a strangely different way than did
the more conventionally Christian
Milton. Blake, after all, lived at the
dawn of the nineteenth century, when
technology was beginning to supplant
religion; and he was decisively influenced by a group of writers who were
falling through the cracks left by the
schism between religion and science:
the esotericists Boehme, Swedenborg,
Paracelsus, Agrippa and the collective
figure of Hermes Trismegistus.
The notion of the fall of man and
the banishment from the garden seems
quaint and old-fashioned today; but for
nearly two millennia its power was
such as to keep Christian men and
women subjugated by a sense of their
own sinfulness. To oversimplify this
concept: The idea of the fall says that
man was once perfect but that,
through the sin which the theologians
call pride but which seems somehow


to be also bound up with the dawning

of self-consciousness, mankind fell
from Gods grace and ever since has
been struggling to survive in a world of
pain and sorrow. The coming of
Christ, who according to the theologians died on the cross to save us
from our sins, gave man a second
chance, a sort of moral clean slate
upon which to prove himself worthy
of re-entering Eden. When the Apocalypse comes and time itself is wiped
out, those without sin will regain the
Edenic garden of heaven.
These are the stories John Milton
told in Paradise Lost (1667) and Paradise Regained (1671), the former
work being particularly memorable for
its description of a fall from grace
which included the descent into imperfection of every aspect of planetary
life: The angels tilted the earth 23 degrees on its axis to cause the seasons;
roses developed thorns; animals grew
claws; and so on, until everything was
barbed. Man, who was once one with
Godas Jesus Christ would bewas
now formidably cut off from his
Particularly in the later poems
such as The Four Zoas and Milton,
Blake, influenced by esotericists like
Jacob Boehme and driven by his own
demanding genius, gave to this prodigious scenario a strange and startling

twist. He tells us that not only man fell,

but God fell too. In fact, there was no
physical universe at all until God-man
fell; it was this very fall itself that gave
rise to physical reality as we know it.
Such differences of metaphysical
opinionMilton believing man fell
away from God in an already-created
universe, Blake holding that man/God
fell together and this was the creation
of the universemay look like quibbling to those not already hooked on
such ethereal debates. But by saying
that God and man were one from the
beginning, Blake compelled some
thought-provoking questions, such as:
What was God/man like before the fall?
What exactly was that state of existence that preceded the creation of the
physical universe (and which continued, since one of its attributes was
that it was eternal)?
Since Blake believed God and man
were one, he envisioned that preexisting heaven in the shape of a
man, whom he called Albion (a name
attributed in ancient times to Britain).
Blake also called this perfect God-man,
in his pre-fallen state, Atlantis. The
poet believed that the myth of Atlantis
was a remembering of mans first,
primordial state in a perfection of godhood that took the form of a single
giant man. Explains Northrop Frye in
Fearful Symmetry (1947): In the


Golden Age before the Fall, humanity

or Albion dwelt at peace in its Paradise
or Atlantis. The Fall produced a chaotic
world and the central symbol of chaos
is water. The Platonic story that Atlantis was overwhelmed by a flood gets
the meaning of this clearer. The Atlantic Ocean, then, symbolizes the
fallen world in Blake; he calls it the
Sea of Time and Space.
For those who believe that Atlantis, however lost it might now be,
was once a hard and fast reality, such
statements may seem like the letdown
of the ages. But they are far from that
though grasping Blakes full meaning
isnt easy in todays world, dominated
as it is by technology-enhanced physical reality. For Blake, the unfallen
God/man Albion/Atlantis was sizzlingly
more real than our puny constructions
woven from time and space. In our
time we are fighting against racism and
sexism; Blake might have said we have
a long way to go in fighting against
something called matterism, or
physicalismthe mistaken belief that
physical reality is somehow harder,
more real, more nuts-and-bolts, than
what weve been calling the spirit.
To understand Blakes meaning
more fully, lets continue to follow the
God-man Albion as he plummets down-

Continued on page 72

Number 29 ATLANTIS


combined with a planets archetypal

energy to reveal new insights.



A Star Is Born
When did I create the morning stars, and all the angels
shouted for joy?
Job: 38:7
The Hubble Space Telescope catches massive infant stars rocking their cradle

n western Astrology the Sun is

the centerpiece, looming large
in symbolic significance. The
Sun is said to govern our individuality, our emerging nature, and
the major lessons we were born to
learn. Astronomy describes what can
be observed and measured. Astrology
interprets correspondences. For thousands of years sky watchers in India,
China and Mesopotamia observed parallels between what happened above
and what occurred below. The legacy
of these observations forms the body
of knowledge we call astrology.
In earlier times the influence of
other bright stars, suns in their own
right, were thought to have enormous
impact. The rising, culminating, or setting of a star at the birth of a child, and
its fortunate or ominous nature, would
bode well or ill for the destiny of the
newborn. Through the ages the myth
and lore of bright stars, often associated with their color, has endured.
The Sun is our very own star, just
one in a galaxy of billions. Our solar
system inhabits a spiral arm toward the
outer limits of the Milky Way galaxy,
slowly tracing a circle around the galactic center. Billions of other galaxies,
as well as Jupiter-like planets orbiting
other suns, have been discovered as
new telescope technology opens wide
the window to our universe. Clearly,
we are not at the hub of the wheel.
Stars spend their lives on fire from
within, casting life-giving radiance in
the darkness of space. They exist
within a spectrum of diversity, ranging
in size from a hundred times the mass
of our Sun to one-tenth its mass, and
are newborn to vastly old. Stars are
classified by brightness, magnitude,
and surface temperatures. Most stars
are main sequence stars, steadily
burning fuel in the middle of their
lives. Massive stars, much larger than
our Sun, burn hotter, shine brighter,
and live shorter lives. Less massive
stars emit dimmer light, burn their fuel



at a conservative rate, and shine longer.

The brightness of stars or other objects, as they appear from Earth, is a
number called Apparent Magnitude and
is a function of distance from Earth and
intrinsic brightness. First magnitude
stars are brighter and fifth magnitude
stars are dimmer. Absolute Magnitude
is designated as M, and is defined as if
the star were viewed from 32.6 light
years from Earth.
Although the Sun is often described
as typical, our yellow-white star is in
the top five percent in our galaxy in
terms of size and brightness. The Sun is
estimated to be 4.6 billion years old,
roughly half-way through its main sequence stage, and each second converts five million tons of matter into energy. Our Sun is also distinguished as a
single star. Nearly two-thirds of the
stars in our sector of the Milky Way are
multiple: binary, triple, and quadruple
star systems, entwined in reciprocal orbits by the compelling force of gravity.
Celestial longitude, similar to terrestrial longitude, is a vertical division of
the ecliptic (apparent path of the sun).
In astrological terms, these are the 360
degrees of the zodiac. One aspect of
Deep Sky Astrology analyzes conjunctions between planets and objects in
space at the same longitudinal degree.
Although billions of times longer
than a human life, stars also have definable stages to their lives. The stages of a
stars life, as outlined below, when
joined at birth with a planet by celestial
longitude, are said to deepen and intensify life experiences and soul lessons.
These lessons manifest in a horoscope
where an alignment occurs.
Imagine that a profound teacher appears in your life. The teacher may take
the form of an infant, a wise old seer,
or a young woman. Each teaches from
the perspective of their age and experience, and each brings a different
lesson. Similarly, the life stages of a star
can be said to influence our lives from
the perspective of their cycle of expression. The suggested keywords below,
and the examples of each stage, can be

Life Cycle of a Star

Interstellar dust cloudKeyword: Attraction
A star begins its existence in a sea of
potential as an interstellar dust cloud in
motion in space. Perhaps triggered by
collisions of deep space objects in the
vicinity, the raw material in the dust
cloud moves and shifts, gravitating toward the center.
Example: M42, The Great Nebula in
Zodiac degree: 22 Gemini
Interpretation: What ingredients or
experiences do I need to attract to
create my destiny?
Protosolar NebulaConception
Over a vast period of time the enigmatic force of attraction causes the
cloud to compress, responding to the
force of its own gravitational pull. A
center forms, drawing large amounts of
dust and gas to itself. The atoms move
faster, heating up until the center
reaches a point termed critical density.
The center then separates from the rest
of the material and becomes a Protostar.
Example: M8, The Lagoon Nebula
Zodiac degree: 01 Capricorn
Interpretation: What do I need to
eliminate from my life to focus on my
souls lessons?
Star BirthEmergence
When the temperature becomes hot
enough nuclear fusion occurs, fusing
four hydrogen atoms into one helium
atom, transmuting a tiny portion of the
mass in each atom into energy. Flash
point is achieved, and a star is born.
Young stars gather in hot clusters like
stellar nurseries.
Example: Pleiades cluster
Zodiac degree: 29 Taurus
Interpretation: What needs to be
nurtured in my life to facilitate my
souls purpose?
Main Sequence StarsAdulthood
Although brightness, color, and
length of life are functions of a stars
original mass, all stars shine for the
same reason. Star light is burning hydrogen, which converts to helium and
releases energy from nuclear fusion. A
stars life is a dynamic tension between
the expanding energy of the nuclear
furnace at its core and the pull of
gravity created by its mass. Main sequence stars like our Sun burn with
constant light for billions of years. Astronomers expect that the Sun will
shine for another five billion years.
Example: Sirius, alpha Canis Major
Zodiac degree: 14 Cancer
Interpretation: Where is the one


area in my life where I shine like a star?

Red GiantMid-life
When the fuel at the stars core is
exhausted, thermonuclear reactions
shift to a shell around the core where a
supply of hydrogen remains. At this
stage, the core becomes hot enough to
burn helium, causing its matter to further expand. The star becomes a Red
Giant, swelling to thousands of times
its original size, as both hydrogen and
helium are transmuted into heavier elements and energy. In the short term
the aging star burns brighter. The Red
Giant stage can be quiet and prolonged, or sudden and violent, depending on the stars initial mass. Toward the end of its life, when the Sun
has exhausted its fuel, our star will become a Red Giant.
Example: Betelgeuse, Alpha Orion
Zodiac degree: 28 Gemini
Interpretation: What is my unique
talent, which comes without effort,
and how can this be used for the good
of all?
Planetary NebulaSwan Song
After swelling to many times its
original size and consuming its supply
of helium, the stars interior begins to
shrink even further and the Red Giant
jettisons its outer envelope. Material
drifts into space as the colored matter

of planetary nebulae. The name is inappropriate, originating from early descriptions of planetary nebulae as
round and planet-like. These spectacular objects look like colored jewels on
black velvet and are among the most
beautiful objects viewed through a telescope.
Example: M57 Ring Nebula
Zodiac degree: 20 Capricorn
Interpretation: In what area of my
life can I give a virtuoso performance?
White DwarfOld Age
After all the fuel is exhausted,
gravity takes over and the star begins to
contract. The last breath of a dying,
low-mass star, lasting billions of years,
is called a White Dwarf. The star collapses into a shadow of its former self,
the surface of the remaining interior
heats to white hot, and radiates brilliant light which results from the energy of compression. A White Dwarf is
a very dense star; the mass of the Sun
compressed to the size of Earth. When
our Sun consumes its nuclear fuel, it
too will shrink and heat up, becoming
a White Dwarf. Although sparkling like
a diamond in the darkness, no life
could be supported on any cinder-like
planets remaining in the vicinity.
Example: unnamed star
Zodiac degree: 11 Aries
Interpretation: Where can I fulfill


the role of wise elder?

Black DwarfDeath
Eventually the White Dwarf star will
cool and emit no energy, and its planetary nebula will dissipate. The final
corpse of a star like our Sun is a cinder,
a burnt-out stellar corpse, perhaps the
size of Earth, no longer giving light to
the dark space in which it resides, but
still marking its course in the heavens
due to the force of gravity. These stars
are invisible and detected from their effects.
Small Stars
Red DwarfA Slow Burn
Red Dwarfs are small, dim, main sequence stars, constituting over half the
stellar citizenship of the Milky Way. Astronomers call these truly average stars
Red Dwarfs because of their color and
size and have counted over one hundred billion, none of which can be
seen without a telescope. Red Dwarfs
live long lives because they simmer
their fuel at low temperatures. The furnace at the heart of Red Dwarf,
Proxima Centauri, the closest star to
our Sun, will likely radiate at its present
output for another two hundred billion
years, living twenty times longer than
our Sun. Although one-tenth the diam-

Continued on Page 73

Number 29 ATLANTIS


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Wisdom: Ancient & Otherwise


Good Reading Awaits Along Charted and Uncharted Byways

n the fall of 1994, Doug Kenyon

explained the concept of his
new magazine to me. Assured
complete freedom (with a minor
exception), did I want to write
book reviews for it? I accepted, and,
despite sometimes unappealing selections or negative reviews of acclaimed
titles, he upheld his agreement. Now,
current circumstances preclude my
regular reviews for Atlantis Rising
magazine: this must be my last submission.
Firstly, we shall consider an interesting and difficult new book. Then,
particularly memorable titles from past
years, some possibly out of print.
Over my years of involvement with
esoteric thought, I became increasingly sensitive to that phenomenon
Carl Jung named synchronicity.
Thus, upon reading of such an incident in a publishers note about their
newly published book, my curiosity
was piqued. Today, many publishers
will do practically anything to sell
some bookseven concoct synchronistic stories. But, the flyer commended itself beyond my skepticism,
and rightly so. The Secret Teachings:
unveiling the luminous sun within,
by Gene Kieffer, published by Bethel
Publishers in 2000, is a serious contribution to esoteric literature. It is a
book of extraordinary scope, significant endeavor and serious scholarship.
Also, it is difficult, occasionally tiring,
yet filled with information, knowledge
and true insights.
The Secret Teachings is based upon
the great works of a 19th-century
British poet, Gerald Massey, born of ignorant parents in 1828, had memorized most of the bible by age 15 when
he left home. Since the Bible is our
premiere allegorical work, and its
hidden knowledge influenced his keen
intelligence before this had been narrowed and otherwise distorted by preconceptions, Massey became adept in
the realm of myth. Mr. Kieffer says he,
was a master of the Oral Law. the
hidden wisdom necessary to uncovering the true meaning of the Bible allegories and to correctly understand
the Bibles actual teaching.
Massey treats mythology as the


mirror of prehistoric sociology, beginning with the Motherhood. (pg. xxi)

In tracing the natural genesis of mythology, Massey succeeded in writing a
history of mental evolution in accordance with the physical. (pg. xxi) Mr.
Kieffer, who accepted the assignment
of broadening Masseys audience, has
included, by way of confirmation or explanation, the work of numerous
scholars and writers, both ancient and
modern. The result is a rich and pregnant work that must be read slowly,
even though ideas on nearly every page
excite the reader.
It may be said that Secret... advances
several parallel theses. One of these is
that mythology, the unrealistic, often
extreme and incomprehensible stories
involving gods, demi-gods, superhumans, animals and always incorporating a host of natural phenomena,
when decoded properly, presents an
accurate picture of the evolution of humanitys mental life. And mythology,
which regularly utilizes symbols and
numbers which, all three, are language, arose from gesture, the movement and position, especially of the
hands, arms and legs. (This clarifies the
repetitive positions seen in ancient
Egyptian drawings and suggests that
they were intended to convey an idea,
as does any language.) Mr. Kieffer states


that Mythology is a mode of representing certain elemental powers by

means of living types that were superhuman like the natural phenomena.
(pg. 17) These were the neters. It was
by means of myth-making that esoteric
truths were hidden from the uninitiated; symbols and allegories represented the truth to those with the key
and effectively obscured it from those
A second theme that arises
throughout the book holds that correct
understanding of the Bible depends
upon interpreting biblical symbols in
the light of the Oral Teachings. These
were (are) the inner Torah, so-tospeak, the knowledge transmitted
orally only to a few rabbis. Mr. Kieffer
states that without the Hebrew writings (correctly understood) it would
be virtually impossible to get to the
roots of mythology in the Western
world. (pg. 13)
Special attention is focused upon St.
John and his book of Revelation. Literalists will be aggravated upon reading
that John made a futile attempt to
turn the hidden wisdom into
prophecy (pg. 79) and that the book
has nothing to do with a prophecy of
the end of the world, nor indeed any
prophecy. (pg. 75) The actual subject
of Revelation, unbeknownst to St.
John, is Egyptian astronomical mythology. Ancient Egyptian mythology,
the oldest in the world, did not begin
as an explanation of natural phenomena but as a means of representing
nature. (pg. 175) It was at least
50,000 years old.
A third thesis to which many chapters are devoted emerges: Christianity,
its myths, characters, miracles, was
preceded in Egypt by thousands of
years. A comparative glossary is included in the end material and numerous stories from the two sources
are compared in the text. There were
an Egyptian Adam and Eve in their
own Eden. Jesus, we read, was a
modern version of the ancient Egyptian god, Horus. The Cross of Christ
was predated by millennia and is but
the application of a later faith to imagery and customs that were of immense antiquity. (pg. 36) Indeed,
copper crosses were manufactured in
central Africa well before the ancient
Number 29 ATLANTIS


Egyptians migrated north to the Nile
Mr. Kieffer suggests that misinterpreted mythology produces misery. It
certainly yields an ever-growing collection of bickering sects, of every religion, each convinced it alone believes the true teachings. Ironically, as
Carl Jung observed, God is not to be
believed in but, rather, known. The
ancient Egyptian priests understood
that fully and had developed methods
to bring this knowing about. That is esoteric Christianity according to G. I.
Gurdjieff, who also had discovered that
it originated in ancient Egypt.
According to Kieffer mythology was
the earliest record of natural facts.
Religion arose from it because, the religious feeling originated in awe and admiration of powers superior to those
possessed by human beings. (pg. 171)
A plausible argument, is it not?
One natural fact of great significance in mythology concerns the
heavens, i.e., constellations, planets
and their movement. Over a long period of time, the prudent and intelligent astronomical observers discovered the phenomenon of precession, in
which the pole star slowly moved
away from the center point of the sky.


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It is to this periodic event that the Biblical deluge refers, i.e., a break in
time, not a catastrophic event. It was
the ending of a cycle. To describe precession, the ancient Egyptians invented Atlanteans and their Lost Continent. There was never such a
civilization nor such a place as Atlantis. (pg. 134) No doubt that assertion will raise some eyebrows. Yet, it
could be so.
As one might imagine, the origin of
babies mystified humanity for an extended period. Early mythology therefore was founded on the mother, for
the males role in procreation had yet
to be uncovered. Inasmuch as Motherhood was known and sexual activity
never was associated with birth, the
first gods were feminine. Many notions, rituals, practices or taboos
sprang up around the feminine deity.
Originally, Jehova was a female divinity. And clothes arose from a feminine impulse, modesty.
The discovery of paternity produced a revolution. It led to the incest
taboo to prevent the mother from
sexual contact with her sons (eldest
first) as previously had been done. It
made uttering the name Jehova (still
a female) a crime. And it gave rise to
the concept of original sin, which, says
Kieffer, is nothing more, nothing less,
than having sexual relations at the time




of menstrual flow. (pg. 108) The female, long the object of veneration,
now, because she did not from her
own blood produce offspring as had
been inferred, was removed from her
special status.
Some of the latter chapters (all of
which are called lessons) may incur disbelief or outright rejection of the ideas
therein. But one, The Hated Religion of
Akhenaten and Nefertiti, contains ideas
and facts that struck me as particularly
interesting, and in one instance, relevant to an ongoing controversy.
Modern Egyptologists attribute the
construction of the Sphinx to Khufu.
However, for reasons related to their
mythology, and in light of the controversial stone in the Cairo Museum (indicating that Khufu restored the deteriorating Sphinx), Kieffer suggests that
the Sphinx may have been constructed
about 13,000 years ago. This date accords well with current geologically
based conjecture and Schwaller de Lubiczs original estimate of its age.
Elsewhere in the chapter a few related facts are mentioned and some
conjectures drawn.
It is suggested that Amenhotep III
and his wife, Tiye, had been well
aware of the tremendous fluorescence
of spiritual and philosophical knowledge emanating from India. Additionally, their son, Akhenaten was tutored

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in spiritual matters by his mother who

appears to have been deeply interested
in the subject. No doubt, Amenhotep
IIIs closest advisor, a sage (eventually
deified and worshiped) also named
Amenhotep, influenced Akhenaten.
This person is none other than the individual to whom we attribute design of
the Temple of Luxor. That, of course,
is just the temple studied by the de Lubicz for so many years, at once a work
of art and a pedagogical device capable
of transmitting the most sublime
knowledge to the serious and diligent
student who gains the key.
Akhenaten, taught by his mother, attempted to modify exoteric ancient
Egyptian religion and today is identified (imprecisely) as an early, if not the
first monotheist. His father, in the
name of his own mother, gave to the
world a temple, incorporating in its
construction all the knowledge as the
enlightened sage Amenhotep could accomplish. Such a concentration of truly
remarkable people in so short a period
of time is rare indeed.
A feature of Secret... is the authors
appreciation for the value of related information. Throughout the book, new
ideas are presented after the reader has
been provided with relevant
details surrounding them that
allow a perspective: some history, the circumstances, etc.
Digressions result but
helpful and educational ones.
That the ancient Egyptians
attained knowledge that we
cannot now imagine is for
many an impossible thought
to entertain. To them, modern
society appears to have advanced far beyond theirs. But
this assessment depends upon what
and how one measures. Jet planes and
automobiles appear to be significant
advances in terms of travel: but in
terms of the earths health (as measured by global temperature, ozone depletion, violent storms), they are not.
Chemical companies have invented
over 70,000 (!) poisonous compounds
yielding a plethora of persistent organic pollutants found virtually everywhere. In terms of reduced insect
pests and of noxious weeds, we
count these beneficial. But tens of
thousands of plant species already have
died off as have many thousands of
both insect and animal species. Humanity itself has become besieged by
an array of new, virulent conditions
and diseases. The fact is that every species, plant or animal, fulfills a niche
and performs a function not done as
well by any other.
The biosphere is an inconceivably
complex, remarkably interconnected
and integrated self-regulating system.
The ancient Egyptians understood and

appreciated this emotionally. Only the

smallest proportion of modern humanity comprehend this fact intellectually, and yet a smaller fraction feel its
truth. So who is advanced?
Gerald Massey is among the very
few individuals who have appreciated
that the concept of evolution as promulgated by Darwin and most modern
scientists since (shallow thinkers, all) is
ridiculous. It has abetted a destructive
attitude toward Great Nature and the
dynamic energy exchanges upon all life
depends. Mr. Keiffer includes this
quote: creative cause is evolutionary
everywhere and for ever. Not mindless
evolution;...evolution without the fulfillment of purpose as the result of all,
is simply inconceivable. (pg. xvii)
This, too, the ancient Egyptians understood. If we do not gain that understanding soon, it will not be gained at
The books identified below offer
readers something beyond the usual.
Most can be read repeatedly yet will
still provide digestible food for thought
or, at the very least, a reminder that the
purpose of human life is an evolutionary one.
Serpent in the Sky (J. A.
West, AR #1). This is an excellent introduction to the
work of R. A. Schwaller de
Lubicz and his wife, Isha. Additionally, in the margins
throughout, are printed
dozens of quotations, some
examples of the narrowminded, often arrogant attitude of so-called scholars and
The Boy Who Saw True
(anon., AR #2), will charm you with its
naive candor. The young boy, whose
diary this is, saw spirits from early
childhood. With his tutor, an openminded man, he engages in conversations with a spiritual being, reports the
answers but, not surprisingly, understands little. This is a wonderful little
Heaven and Hell (E. Swedenborg,
AR #2). Here, in this book from the
18th century, one may find many statements made by Swedenborg now confirmed in modern science. Their source
was his conversations with spiritual beings. Swedenborg himself had been a
scientist of the highest caliber, and he
brought this attitude of impartial observation and focus upon the experience
with him as he describes the spiritual
realm and conveys angelic wisdom to
the reader.
The Conscious Ear (A. Tomatis, AR
#4), might never have been written had
not Tomatis grandmother retrieved
him from the basket into which hed
been placed when born, assumed too


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Number 29 ATLANTIS


weak to live. This autobiography demonstrates the uncommon process of
open-minded, scientific inquiry and
how that procedure, even in the 20th
century, can uncover spiritually significant mysteries and secrets.
The book is entertaining as
well as educational.
Views from the Real
World (G. I. Gurdjieff, AR
#5), was compiled by dedicated students from his talks.
He did not allow note-taking,
forcing students to learn
how to pay attention fully.
Penetrating insights pervade
these talks and demonstrate,
in my opinion, Gurdjieffs extraordinary understanding of
human nature. A means to
confront or to transcend itthat is the
Gurdjieff Work which, he said, came
largely from ancient Egyptian teachings.
Opening of the Way (Isha Schwaller
de Lubicz, AR #7), ranks as one of the
most practical, i.e., useful books ever
written about the spiritual methods of
the ancient Egyptians. It is a clear and
well-written dissertation on this subject
which by repeated readings can be a
guide in ones own spiritual pursuit.
Structure of Scientific Revolutions
(T. Kuhn, AR #10), is included here because science is an extension of humanitys intellect. As such, the manner
in which it advances is nearly identical
to how an individuals brain reorganizes to accommodate new knowledge
and ideas. This is a battle waged by an
unprincipled entity, the ego, against
newer, more encompassing truth.
Narrow-mindedness is natural.
Maps of the Ancient Sea Kings (C.
Hapgood, AR #11), has been ignored
by the academic community since it
was first published. But the methodology was prudent and the eventual
findings a surprise to the investigators.
Hapgood, aware of academic snobbery, asked Albert Einstein to review

his work, which Einstein did, most favorably.

The Temple of Man (R. A. Schwaller
de Lubicz, AR #19), presents the authors work in its entirety, on the
Temple of Luxor. This folio-sized, twovolume magnum opus offers the serious student of ancient Egyptian philosophy, science and religion
rich and rewarding months of
reading and years of study
and pondering.
The Mahabharata
(Krishna Dharma, AR #22), is
a novelized version of ancient
Hindu mythology. As such,
one finds many similarities to
western allegories, some
nearly identical incidents and
stories. This version is much
shorter than the original but
still long. It is sacred writing
and the re-writer did not destroy that, which is easily done.
The books above do not comprise a
list of best books. They do represent,
from my viewpoint, exceptional books
reviewed in Atlantis Rising. Mentionable also are To Live Within, The
Screwtape Letters, Fingerprints of the
Gods, and Diet for a Poisoned Planet.
I wish to thank readers for their
comments, calls, letters and e-mails
over the years. It has been my goal to
aid those already on a path and to induce others to consider making that
commitment. For the teachings of the
ancients tell us that human life involves
a higher purpose, which we, ourselves,
must freely undertake. This is so because, in Gurdjieffs words, consciousness cannot evolve unconsciously.
The wonderful poet, E.E. cummings,
appreciated how much courage was
necessary to embark on this venture in
his poem Jehova buried, Satan dead.
Its last lines read:
King Christ, this world is all aleak;
and life preservers there are none:
and waves which only He may walk
Who dares to call Himself a man.
Thank you, all, and bon voyage.


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Listening for the Song


What Do You Do When the Music Doesnt Sing?

hen it comes to performing with passion

and precision, virtually all of the new
breed Flamenco guitar
recording artists out there do just fine.
Whether its Ottmar Liebert, Jesse
Cook or any one of a dozen guitarists,
they all play extremely well and have
their own sound and musical personality. The unfortunate part of the story
is that very few of them have the right
stuff when it comes to writing a good
song. So they release CDs of tunes
theyve composed that wind up
sounding more like a bunch of
grooves in search of a melody. It all
sounds very catchy at first but when
its over it leaves you with that same
unsatisfied feeling you get after
watching a Saturday Night Live sketch.
Even great performers can only go so
far with poor writing. By the law of averages, most guitarist/songwriters have
an occasional moment where passion
and melody all come together. But
those moments are all too rare. If they
would only try a little harder, success
could be theirs...for a song.
Then came Lara & Reyes.

WORLD JAZZ by Lara & Reyes

Higher Octave
baaack!!! Sizzling Flamenco
guitarists, Lara
& Reyes have an
exciting new
CD release
called World
Jazz. Their last
recording, Riverwalk, you may recall was my pick for
best Flamenco CD of last year. True to
form, Sergio Lara & Joe Reyes of San
Antonio have produced yet another
collection of ten diverse instrumentals
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Number 29 ATLANTIS


Continued from Page 17
ergy should actually be very comfortable, in a theoretical sense, with the
possibility of a PMM-1.
I am now convinced that Ocean #1
is not so-called ZPE but the energy
from an energetic aether, whose presence was detected in various experiments in the mid-20th century by the
controversial figure Dr. Wilhelm Reich.
Reich spent the first half of his career
as a pioneering psychoanalyst. Dr.
Paulo and Alexandra Correa of Canada,
whose earlier work with patented
Pulsed Abnormal Glow Discharge
(PAGDT M) electrical energy generating
devices we covered in Infinite Energy
beginning in 1996, appear to be well
on their way to understanding the
properties of the energetic aether that
Reich explored. Moreover, I am
equally convinced that this aether energy is biophysically active and will
become extremely important in understanding many aspects of life and
health. This summer the Correas will
make break-through announcements
about their investigation of the aether.
This science bears on definitive technology. If your passion is free energy,
by all means, stay tuned!
Now for the second Ocean. Ac-

cess to Ocean #2, environmental

principle they appear to violate. This
thermal energy, would require a Perwas long before the cold fusion furor
petual Motion Machine of the Second
of March 1989. Is that a prelude to
Kind (a PMM-2)one that could extract
more robust power systems? It is
useful work from an environment of essimply too early to tell.
sentially uniform temperature. (We exThe most important message in this
clude the known technologies of taplisting of free energy oceans is to reping
main open-minded about what the fuenvironmental reservoirs.) Far fewer inture may hold. Recall that prior to
vestigators have had the
1989, almost no one could
audacity to consider trying
have imagined that someto create a PMM-2. The
thing as radical as solidSecond Law of Thermodystate cold fusion would be
namics in its explicitly
discovered. Now that the
stated forms would be viodata supporting cold fulated by a PMM-2. The
sion has been handed to
Second Law is a harsh taskestablishment physicists
master: it is supposedly imon a silver platter, they
possible to get useful encontinue to ignore this reergy from a reservoir of
markable condensed
uniform temperature. The
matter phenomenon. If I
energy is there as high
could magically query
speed molecules; you just
physicists of 2010, I
Bust of Wilhelm Reich
cant get at it, or so physiwould ask them which of
the three Free Energy oceans have
cists have thought for over a century.
been tapped and reduced to practical
Yet some experimenters and theodevices? A prediction: all three. Of
reticians have had apparent success in
course, Ill settle for just one and be
finding chinks in the Second Laws
very happy when that comes about.
armor. We recently published the exPerhaps some creative reader will inperimental results of several of those
form me of another generic Free Enwho have come to our attention. For
ergy ocean that I may have omitted.
example, Dr. Xu Yelin of China apNow back to cold fusion, the first
pears to have created extremely lowpower demonstrations that are still
verifiable scientific anomaly that
opened my eyes to the world of free
astounding, in view of the sacrosanct

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energy. Dr. Francesco Scaramuzzi, of

the official Italian cold fusion program,
summarized the Eighth International
Conference on Cold Fusion (ICCF8) as
the May 2000 gathering ended:
...Strong confirmation that we have
the production of excess heat and helium and their correlation. Yes, there is
excess heat and, yes, it is of nuclear origin. He went further: The work on
transmutation presented at the conference was an indication of the nuclear
character of the phenomenon. Others
followed with similar conclusions at
the conference which was held in
Italy. (The next conference, ICCF9,
will be in Beijing, China, May 19-24,
2002). For the first time at an international cold fusion meeting, a relatively
conservative scientist stated publicly
what has been obvious to most of us
since the early to mid-1990s: cold fusion is real.
When an experimental or observational anomaly, such as low-energy nuclear reactions, appears to be completely orthogonal to the accepted
theoretical framework, it often suffers
a period of rejection until it can prove
itself in combat. Vested intellectual interests in academic funding set up a
minefield that the anomaly must pass
through. If the phenomenon should
have difficulty being scaled up or even
in being made repeatable on demand,
so much the worse for the anomaly.
That has been the unfortunate fate of
cold fusion so far.
Some anomalies get lucky and have
striking, immediate effects on science,
such as the serendipitous discovery of
x-rays in 1895 and radioactivity in
1896. In geophysics, the anomalies
noted by Alfred Wegener, which implied continental drift, were ridiculed
and rejected until the 1960s, when
new evidence and theory came together in modern plate tectonics. In
the field of medicine, anomalies whose
acceptance and life-giving has been
held back are so numerous that they
are more the rule than the exception.
Attention to anomalies will play an
increasingly important role in the new
energy field, as cold fusion has already
proved. The New Energy Age might
have come very much earlier had Albert Einstein paid serious attention to
the observations of a thermal anomaly
at the surface of a metallic box, which
was brought to his attention in January
1941 by Wilhelm Reich. We have recounted that incredible episode in recent publications. Einstein called that
thermal anomaly a potential bombshell in physics. The bombshell did
not detonate in the 1940s as it well
could have, but it is about to explode
in the coming several years. Prepare
for interesting times.

Continued from Page 23


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Lake Vostoks magnetic anomaly region (NASA)

grams have been shelved indefinitely

by their sponsors, with NASA going so
far as to deny any involvement and
both the British and American governments citing environmental concerns
as justification for their disengagement.
In support of this last vein, one scientist, Professor Thomas Gold of Cornell University, has opined that the atmosphere above Lake Vostok could
contain large amounts of methane
under pressure and that drilling into it
might represent a hazardous operation.
Indeed, the quantity of methane under
the ice dome could be so large, believes Professor Gold, that its release
could engender a severe change in atmospheric chemistry and hence global
climate. As evidence of the possibility
of such an exigency, he cites the bubbles in the ice, the large dome, and the
magnetic anomaly, noting that most
permafrost regions have methane underneath them, and Lake Vostok would
be by far the largest of them. Nevertheless, intriguingly, an independent
source that visited Norways Antarctic
research base some 150 miles to the
east has stated that a large amount of
new equipment and personnel has
been arriving at Russias Vostok Station
over the last six months. What this may
portend for the future exploration of
Lake Vostok, however, is as yet unknown.
The writer of the anonymous letter
to Scientific American made reference
to a possibly relevant verified dispatch
out of Australias Casey Station in Antarctica. A pair of women adventurers,
who were attempting to ski across the
continent earlier this year, were allegedly extracted by plane during the last
leg of their trip, despite the fact that
they did not request the intervention.
Over the protests of the Australian
crew at Casey, the two were airlifted
via an extraordinary 48-hour flight by a
U.S. Navy Special Forces team deployed
out of American Samoa. According to
the claimed dispatch, the women were
insistent on reporting something unusual that they had seen. News reports


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Number 29 ATLANTIS



able alternative to conventional geologic models. This is in opposition to

the current (but retreating) geological
model, called gradualismthe concept that geologic changes only
happen slowly, over eons. However,
more and more evidence has mounted
(from the Vostok ice cores, for example) that climatological changes can
happen rapidly. Some attribute these
catastrophic changes in the record to
sudden polar shifts. Many researchers,
from a variety of evidence, have put
the last such sudden shift at around
13,000 years ago (i.e., Rand Flem-Ath
and his Charles Hapgood-based theory
that Antarctica was Atlantis before the
last pole shift).
Under this catastrophic model,
portions of Antarctica might well have
been a temperate continent, as recently as that 11,000 B.C. time frame. A
sudden change in the Earths alignment

have the pair resting in seclusion, for

reasons unstated. Whether this reputed
episode has any nexus to the deferred
exploration of Lake Vostok is thus also
According to researcher Richard
Hoaglands website (http://www.enterprisemission. com/antarctica.htm) a
team of scientists from Columbia University, working under the auspices of
the National Science Foundation, early
in 2001 began a series of unprecedented low-altitude aerial surveys over
Lake Vostok, designed to chart gravitational, magnetic and thermal activity
under the ice. In the course of doing
so, they discovered a huge magnetic
anomaly covering the entire Southeast
portion of the shore of the lake. The
anomaly, which is discrepant from the
background by
over 1,000 nanoteslas (a significant
variance, compared to daily variations in the
Earths magnetic
field), could of
course be caused
by natural processes.
One possibility,
voiced by Columbias Michael
Studinger, is that
the Earths crust in
the vicinity of the
lake is simply
Strange dunes in the vicinity of Vostoks magnetic anomaly (NASA)
thinner under this
section of Antarctica, having been
relative to the sun would have plunged
stretched during the formation of the
this once hospitable land into a perlake bed itself. This, according to Stupetual freezing hell, as cold as Mars in
dinger, would result in a local magsome places. Indeed, it is easy to see
netic anomaly. Others, like Enterprise
Antarctica as Hitler did, as the source
(Hoaglands group) consulting geoloof worldwide Atlantis legends we
gist Ron Nicks, have serious difficulty
have all heard and read. According to
with this theory. Nicks explains that
at least one source, Dr. Werner Von
such a thinning would heat the underBraun of NASA was convinced that
lying rock and thus diminish (rather
Hitlers belief in an Atlantis below the
than increaseas observed) the crusts
ice was correct.
ability to locally amplify the Earths
This admittedly far-fetched notion,
magnetic field.
however, Hoagland believes, begins to
Hoagland thinks there is an equally
take on an air of viability when viewed
viable alternative explanation. An
in the extraordinary context of recent
anomaly like this could also be caused
by an accumulation of metals the
It was almost immediately after the
kind you would get if you found the
discovery of the Columbia Vostok
ruins of an ancient, buried city!
magnetic anomaly, that word began to
An ancient city under the ice?
leak out that JPL was inexplicably
Such a discovery would send shockpulling back from its Vostok explorawaves through our world as profound
tion program.
as the discovery of artifacts on Mars
In the meantime rumors of busted
or ruins on the Moon. And, Hoagland
black ops, giant UFO bases, secret
insists, the notion is not as improbable
drilling, strange diseases and more conas you may think.
tinue to swirl about the internet. At
He points out that there is a
this point, though, it remains difficult,
growing trend toward the acceptance
if not impossible, to separate fact from
of the notion of catastrophism as a vifantasy.


Continued from Page 25
pattern that resembles early cropcircles from the air. Near Ft. Mojave,
the Twins lie mute in their desert setting. Similar and each about 60 ft. tall,
these human effigies have rather large
heads rendered in a style quite unlike
those at Blythe. Any facial features that
once may have existed are no longer
The now widely known Blythe Intaglios caused a stir of interest in 1943
when General George C. Marshall,
along with General Hap Arnold flew
over the site in a WW 11 bomber. As a
consequence, General Marshall persuaded the National Geographic Society to do a cursory ground and flyover survey of the area nearly 9 years
later. While studying the Blythe site,
the survey team went searching for
one of their disabled vehicles by aircraft and accidentally discovered the
Ripley Site, not far from Cibola. Here
they a found their huge Maltese
Cross among other abstract designs
and reflected, it may indicate European influence in Indian Art style. But
who would know and how long ago
was it created? The National Geographic ground crew expressed it best
when they radioed their hovering helicopter guiding them from above;
Maybe so, but we wont know it till
we stub our toes on em. This story,
with several colored photographs, appeared in the September 1952 issue of
the National Geographic magazine.
Speculations regarding the meaning
and mission of giant earth drawings include some rather far-out explanations
utilizing hot air balloons, giant passenger kites and, of course, Ancient Astronauts in their UFOs. Ethnologists
have found however, that certain River
Yuman tribes did utilize portions of geoglyph patterns as part of their dance
rings and ritual paths. These lighter colored outlines eventually came to represent ancient ancestors, legendary characters and even god figures, although
they are incomprehensible from
ground level. Some archaeologists have
suggested a possible altered state of
American rock art, perhaps a communal out-of-body vision quest in the
case of geoglyphs. Speculation, but
made more feasible by local customs
which do include the ritual use of psychedelics available in the area such as
Datura, Peyote and Mescal. A more
simple scenario proposes that some ancient existing, lighter stone-outlined
paths were found by Yuma warriors
during their many wide-ranging forays,
then adapted into their ritual dance
patterns and purification ceremonies.


Continued from Page 28

A U.S. Navy pilot photographed this structure near China Lake, California

It is also known that the Mojave, Halchidhoma and Quechan of the prehistoric River Yuman speaking tribes
arrived in this region more recently,
long after the more ancient geoglyphs
were created. The exact origin of the
prehistoric California geoglyphs, however, like Nazca in South America, still
remains an enigma. Some images, like
the large humanoid figure with the
lost-limbs at the Ripley site, reveal
their ancient age by having had a portion of the design eradicated by many
centuries of seasonal flash flooding.
This same annual inundation cycle
along the lower Colorado, similar to
the Nile, had made it possible for these
River Yuman to become the only true
farming Native Americans in California
and at the same time, reputedly the
most warlike.
In her impressive opus on epigraphy, in Plain Sight, Gloria Farley
writes that 200 of these giant effigies
and graphic patterns were discovered
on both sides of the lower Colorado
River. Time Life documentary sources
state that more than 270 have been
seen along the 160-mile stretch between Bullhead City and Yuma, Arizona. Many studies were conducted by
archaeologist Jay Von Werlhof, with
help from pilotphotographer Harry
Casey, and B.L.M. researcher Boma
Johnson has reported on Earth Figures
Along the Lower Colorado and Gila
River Deserts. It is a disappointment,
however, to find that the California
State Library in Sacramento, with its
extensive California History and Archeology archives, does not list the word
geoglyph in its catalog and has no information or references to any earth
drawings or ground intaglios existing within the state.
The Native American Heritage Commission, part of the California Governors Office, likewise has no files or
references on geoglyphs or earth drawings relating to any California tribes.
Further, the Smithsonian Handbook of
North American Indians with the 800page Volume 8 exclusively on Cali-

fornia tribes, makes no mention of geoglyphs. Fortunately, however,the dedicated volunteers and research staff associated with the Imperial Valley
College Museum in El Centro, California have recorded many of the
known geoglyphs as well as the extensive and far older more primitive rock
alignment sites. Much of this material is
as yet unpublished, but the limited data
already available indicate that the
number and diversity of the gigantic
Southwest geoglyphs exceeds the
thirty odd effigies at Nazca (sans lines)
and could thereby constitute the
largest gathering of mega-geoglyph images in one contiguous area in the
world. Except for the absence of all
those straight lines, Southern California
may just have its own Nazca of the
Surely these work intensive masterpieces had to have a more pragmatic
purpose than mere Neolithic graffiti.
Who were these ancient Americans
who left behind their impressive imprint so long ago, perhaps to bedazzle
and bewilder us . . but certainly to inform us that they were here and we
should take notice? An alternate theory
to explain the meaning and intent of
some of these giant cryptic messages is
being studied by this writer and may be
the subject for a follow-up article. This
less-explored concept involves the recently popularized principle of out-ofbody Remote Viewing. But more details and support for this conjecture
later, hopefully with additional help in
the field from an experienced S.R.V.
Now would be an excellent time for
a comprehensive and detailed study to
be completed of the entire 160-mile
plus geoglyph complex, before any
more of these puzzling portrayals are
destroyed by natural forces or manmade devices. The results may astound
us and these ancient archaeological
treasures lie right in our own back
yard, how much longer can they be
overlooked, ignored and neglected?


quantum loop, the Dogon say that this

thread is coiled, much like a spiraling
galaxy. The thread of the Dogon also
has the capability of forming a thin skin
or membraneone compared by the
Dogon to the thin covering on the outside of the brain. The thread also gives
birth to four seeds, similar to the four
quantum forces, whose names in the
Dogon language mean to draw together (gravitational force), bumpy
(strong nuclear force), and that bows
its head (weak nuclear force).
In essence, Dogon religious mythology appears to accurately describe
the true underlying structure of matter,
organizes it in the proper sequence, diagrams it correctly, and ascribes to it
the correct attributes of each component. Since the symbols belong to the
mythology of an outwardly primitive
African tribe, there would be no reason
for an anthropologist to compare what
seem to be simple tribal drawings to esoteric scientific diagrams. But when
the comparison is made, we see that
the result is a very close match.

Rite of Passage Ceremonial Site Near Songo

(Photo by Martin Gray.

Discussion of the Dogon symbols relating to the structure of matter turns

out to be a much simpler prospect
than that of the stars of Sirius. For one
thing, we can test the symbols against
a fixed standardeither they match the
scientific structure of matter or they
dont. Moreover, there is no question
of implanted knowledge, because
much of the deep science needed to
understand the Dogon descriptions did
not even enter the modern consciousness until after 1980, and so is not
likely to have been implanted with the
tribe decades earlier by Griaule or Dieterlen.
A careful study of the Dogon creation story and the anthropological
studies of Marcel Griaule and Germaine
Dieterlen offers a wealth of intriguing
insight into the possible underlying
wisdom of the Dogon, presented in
Number 29 ATLANTIS


terms that often seem to make complete scientific sense. As one becomes
more familiar with it, the Dogon creation story reveals itself as a carefully organized presentation of ideas and symbols relating to the creation of the
universe, the creation of life, and the
creation of civilization. One needs not
postulate an alien contact to perceive
it, nor can any speculation about implanted knowledge explain it. Furthermore, just as it has been possible to
show a correlation between Dogon
symbols and the components of
matter, it is equally possible to show a
similar relationship between Dogon
symbols and the components of genetics and human reproduction.
Most importantly, these Dogon symbols and stories may well contain gigantic hints about the origins and
meanings of some of the most ancient
religious symbols and stories, which
they so closely resemble. Parallels can
be drawn between many of the most
important Dogon concepts and their
clear counterparts in the Egyptian religion in its earliest form. For example,
the word pothe Dogon atomsounds
very like the Egyptian hieroglyphic
word Pau (the name of a self-created
god) and a related Egyptian word paut, which means matter or substance.
All of this supports the conclusion that
further study of the Dogon culture

Ritual Dogon drawing of a figure on the

ground to represent the 266 seeds or signs
of Amma.

might well provide an important template for our understanding of a wide

variety of modern anthropological, archaeological, scientific, and religious issues.
Taken from the authors copyrighted manuscript Hidden Meanings:
A Study of the Founding Symbols of
Civilization. Scientific diagrams are

One of the typical vibrational patterns of a

quantum string. (Reprinted from The Elegant
Universe by Brian Greene, Copyright @ 1999
by Brian R. Greene. With permission of the
publisher, W.W.Norton & Company, Inc.

taken from the Encarta Encyclopedia

and The Elegant Universe by Brian
Greene. Dogon tribal drawings are
taken from The Pale Fox by Marcel
Griaule and Germaine Dieterlen. Email:
Dogon tribal diagrams reprinted
by permission of Afrikan World
Books, PO Box 16447, Baltimore, MD

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Continued from Page 31
of six feet. Indo-European height in the
5th and 4th millennia B.C. was commonly under five feet, six inchesa difference in stature which could explain
the relatively giant appearance of the
enemies of the gods; namely, the
early chiefs and mortal heroes of the
old Indo-European tribes transformed
through centuries of oral tradition into
That the giants were regularly depicted in Greek and Norse myth
as physically powerful but decidedly dim-witted, while the
shorter gods were shown as
their intellectual superiors in
the possession of magic, might
have been a reflection of the
quite real mental Inferiority of
the robust though lower
evolved Cro-Magnons and the
superior technology of homo sapiens-sapiens.
While these early IndoEuropeans migrated out of the
Steppes of Central Russia, their
Cro-Magnon opponents originated in the distant West, reaffirming the Atlantean wellspring of early man and civilization. The Cro-Magnons could
not have come from the East because of the lake-and-marsh line
in Poland separating Western
Europe from Russia. Most of Poland, in fact, was a vast, virtually
impenetrable swamp until after
the fall of Rome. Abbe Breuil affirmed that Cro-Magnon beginnings took place along the Atlantic shores of Iberia (Spence,
174). An Aurignacian presence
in an area of ocean (the Canary
Islands) associated with the peaks of
the sunken Atlantic land-mass helps to
confirm a Western origin for the CroMagnon giants.
No less important to our argument
is the beginning of seamanship about
12,000 years ago among the CroMagnon Azilian-Tardenoisian cultures
along the Atlantic coasts of Iberia. Lionel Casson, in his authoritative Ships
and Seamanship of the Ancient
World, shows how the first boat design, a dug-out, appeared on Spanish
shores, specifically in the Atlantean
kingdom of Gades, along the Guadalquiver River.
The disappearance of Cro-Magnon
man still something of a mystery. Did
he evolve out of existence because
he was too specialized, like the Neanderthals which preceded him? Did he
inter-breed on a large scale with homo
sapiens-sapiens, thereby losing his evolutionary identity? Or was he driven to

the point of extermination by genocidal wars, as suggested by the Titanomachy? In Greek myth, the titans
were universally associated with the far
West. In the Temple of Jupiter Lapis,
on the Capitoline, Neolithic weapons
were enshrined for purposes of oathtaking. Known as the lapides silices,
they were revered as the actual thunderbolts Jupiter used to defeat the
giants. Perhaps they represented tangible links between the mythic Titanomachy and prehistoric struggles
homo sapiens-sapiens waged successfully against Cro-Magnon man.
Indeed, Roman gladiatorial contests

Magnon cultures and early IndoEuropean or pre-Indo-European peoples (such as the Caucasian Hurrians,
who preceded the Indo-European Hittites in Asia Minor) were intensive and
dramatic over many centuries previous
to the geologic disturbances in the Atlantic, which forced the migration of
western peoples across North Africa
and the European continent. It is important to stress this Western origin.
The Oranian industry in North Africa
bore a very close resemblance to the
Late Magdalenian culture in Spain, a
later parallel of the apparent relationship between homo erectus mauritanicus in Morocco and homo
(erectus seu sapiens) palaeohungaricus in Central Europe.
In fact, the Oranian is often
referred to as IberoMaurusian, reflecting its combined Iberian and Mauritanian
(Moroccan) features. This
Ibero-Maurusian, or Oranian
Culture was not some Paleolithic event confined to the
shores of Rabat. It dominated
the coasts of Morocco all along
the Atlantic and Mediterranean
littorals of North Africa to the
Cyrenaica region of Libya and,
around 17,000 B.C., into the
Nile Valley, where it was
known as the Halfan Culture.
This very ancient racial (homo
erectus mauritanicus) and cultural (Ibero-Maurusian) connection from the Atlantic shores of
Morocco, (including the Atlantean islands of the Canaries)
across Libya and into and from
the Atlantic through Iberia into
Central Europe, ties in vitally
with our story of Atlantis: It
An almost complete skeleton of Atlanthropis on display
at the Tangier City Museum of Anthropology,
shows an early, cultural comTangier, Morocco.
monality linking Europe and
North Africa through an Atlantic
were real life-and-death reenactments
of the primeval strife between gods and
It also renders more comprehengiants. The Titans were signified by the
sible the early migrations from civilized
retiarius, who fought with net and triAtlantis, around 3500 B.C., when the isdent, both symbols of the ocean and
land land-mass was wracked by serious
Neptune-Poseidon, the sea-god who
geologic violence which prompted its
created Atlantis and sired its first kings.
massThe Atlantean, Cro-Magnon retiarius
evacuation of its population. A final dewas opposed by the mirmillo, armed
struction was to follow, centuries after
with a short-sword with which he imthe Atlanteans rebuilt and prospered
personated the Indo-European tribal heonce again. But the mid-4th millennium
roes who were euhemerized into gods.
B.C. upheavals were nonetheless cataAs Cirlot explains (page 325), Anteclysmic. The inhabitants fled mostly
diluvian monsters and pre-Cro-Magnon
over the land-bridges to what is now
Man were intuited as fabulous animals,
Morocco and Iberia.
Titans, giants and Cyclops, who strugBut their trek across North Africa
gled initially with the gods, and eventuinto Egypt was not a prolonged wanally suffered defeat at the hands of the
dering from disaster in search of some
herothe representative of the true
unknown Promised Land. For more
man, not, that is, of the mass-man,
than 7,000 years before, the Mechta-elbut of the individual who stands out as
Arbi had formed a continuous, cultural
the mark of the progressive evolution
bond (the Oranian) from the Atlantic
of the species and the spirit.
shores of Morocco to the Nile Valley.
Clearly, interactions between Cro-


Number 29 ATLANTIS


The Atlantean immigrants and culturebearers followed the earlier blazed

trails eastward to finally settle at the
Nile Delta and in southern Mesopotamia to spark Egyptian and Sumerian
The story was much the same in
Western Europe, where the Atlantean
refugees were not pioneers, but followed the cultural trails opened up by
There was moreover a linguistic affinity between the Berbers (of which
the Guanches formed an ancient
(pre-IndoEuropean, Cro-Magnon related groups
in Spain and France) and Tamatschaq
(the language of the Tuaregs of the Sahara). The oldest line of the Guanches
displayed unmistakable Cro-Magnon
traits: the pentagonal form of the cranium when viewed from above caused
by the prominence of the parietals.
Both Guanche and Aurignacian caves
were similarly decorated in red ochre.
The evidence of human evolution in
North Africa and Europe during the pe-

Site in northwest coastal Morocco, where several Atlanthropis were most recently discovered in the
1980s. The landscape shows obvious evidence of having been under water in the fairly recent
geologic past (circa 30,000 to 12,000 years Before Present).

riod of our discussion is scanty, at best.

But what bits and pieces that can be
puzzled together suggest homo erectus
arrived about 400,000 years ago in the
Atlantic land-mass, where he found
conditions particularly stimulating for
his next genetic leap to modern man. If

Continued from Page 32
Roentgens. For our purposes Roentgens, rads and rems are interchangeable. Its also worth noting that the radiation at this reactor is so intense that
the collapse of the steel roof over the
sarcophagus and the concrete sarcophagus itself from radiation breakdown is
a matter of when, not if. The tests also
found the EKOR Sealer had immense
chemical resistance against acids and
caustics, was highly resistant to deterioration from aging, was an excellent
moisture barrier, charred but did not
ignite under test conditions with abnormally high oxygen content (31% vs.
18-20% normally), and effectively
blocked leaching of encapsulated solutions of radioactive salts. That is good
news for its first application. Even
better, the product had the best possible adhesive qualities (rusty, dirty,
wet, underwater), fully met the flame
spread criteria for indoor applications
and passed the salt spray corrosion test
with flying colors. Tests further
showed that the material generated no
heat while curing, outgassed no hydrogen, could be applied at room temperature and was fully cured in 24-48
And what constitutes this marvel?
Would you believe a polymer based on
silicone? This geopolymer, taking its
name from minerals added to the silicone, can be loaded with different substances to tailor its properties to the
desired application.


Pile of Lava-Produced Fuel-Containing Material

in Bubble Room Area at Chernobyl

Pile of FCM After Encapsulation by EKOR

In essence, EKOR consists of a

family of products usable not just for
encapsulation and storage of radioactive waste, but also for all kinds of hazardous material, with the mix tailored
to the particular use. While conducting
a lengthy phone interview with Eurotech, Ltd. company officials Paul C.
Childress, General Manager, Nuclear &
Environmental Technology Solutions
Division, and Peter Gulko, Senior Advisor to the Board, it occurred to the interviewer that the firms product might

our interpretation of the evidence is

valid, the story of Atlantis is as old as
the evolution of modern man himself.
And transition on the Blessed Isle from
his first Paleolithic scratchings to his
earliest civilization seems all the more

well be the answer to the terribly expensive and time-consuming asbestos

removal problem faced by so many
older schools throughout the nation.
The idea would be to first seal off the
contamination at its source, then cocoon it. The response was terse and
Said Mr. Childress, Were looking
at all kinds of applications.
Mr. Childress has since advised AR
that Eurotech Ltd. has a parallel
product which is similar to EKOR, is
suitable for asbestos containment and
similar tasks, but lacks the nuclear peculiar aspects of that product line.
Other EKOR applications
studied include space, medical and
Nuclear Transmutation
A fundamentally different approach
to cleaning up the nuclear mess is embodied in what must fairly be described as modern day alchemy. This is
achieved through a variety of low temperature, low energy reactions, as opposed to the giant atom smashers of
high energy physics used to briefly
transmute one element into another.
Discussions with Eugene F. Mallove,
Sc.D., Editor-in-Chief and Publisher of
Infinite Energy magazine (, and author of Fire
from Ice: Searching for the Truth Behind the Cold Fusion Furor, which
chronicles cold fusions appearance
and the reaction to it from an M.I.T. insiders perspective, were simultaneously encouraging and disheartening.
They were encouraging in that
there have been repeated demonstra-


well make parts of the planet uninhabfirms which created much of the mess
tions of the technology, demonstraitable and the water undrinkable?
in the first place. Its time new ways
tions promising enough and firmly
Maybe we need to listen to the adwere found to clean up the mess in
enough grounded in accepted science
vice of expensive management consulsuch a way that its no longer a time
to win a $100,000 government grant
tants who constantly urge their corpobomb which threatens not just our
under standard competitive grant prorate clients to reframe and think
lives and health, but those of untold
cedures. Dr. George H. Miley of the
outside of the box. Maybe the box,
generations to come. That is the
University of Illinois won the grant, inonce a framework which defined a
promise of nuclear transmutation via
tended to develop pilot production
small body of knowns, needs to be dracold fusion type reactions, the
methods for transmuting nuclear
matically enlarged. Maybe the box has
changing of extremely radioactive and
waste, fair and square, only to lose it
become an intellectual and technologunstable compounds into stable comlater after a completely rigged chalical straitjacket. Heres an
lenge was mounted. The
example of the potential
review panel assembled
environmental rewards of
after the challenge condaring to be different by
sisted solely of scientists
thinking outside the box.
adamantly opposed to cold
Researcher Hal Fox of
fusion. Dr. Miley lost his
Trenergy, Inc. of Salt Lake
City, Utah presented a
They were discouraging
paper jointly written with
in that the combination of
Shang Jian Jin to the June
rice bowl protection
1998 (note date) meeting
(vested economic interof the American Nuclear
ests, reputation protection,
Society titled Low-Energy
protection of grants), acaNuclear Reactions from
demic orthodoxy, not inCharge Clusters. Acvented here syndrome
cording to Infinite Energy,
and what Dr. Mallove calls
Volume 4, No. 20 1998,
scientism (see his
experiments have been
column in A.R. #28) have
conducted using radioacall combined to keep
tive thorium nitrate as an
funding minimal, margielectrolyte. The experinalize a highly promising
mental hypothesis is that
technology, and above all,
high-density charge cluskeep it out of mass awareResearcher Hal Fox sees low energy transmutation coping with nuclear waste
ters can be used to proness and the commercial
duce nuclear reactions in a
relatively low-energy enviScientism is not an onronment. In the course of
going open system of raa few dozen experiments,
tional inquiry which relentsimilar but not identical relessly follows the evidence
sults were obtained. More
wherever it may lead, as
than 95% of the thorium
true science does, but is inwas removed from the
stead a tightly proscribed,
electrolyte in 30 min. of
dogmatic, doctrinaire approcessing.
proach to understanding
The problem is that
the world, with severe
this kind of information is
penalties for heretics (debeing systematically kept
nial of career advancefrom the public via a comment, loss of grants, acabination of ignorance and
demic blacklisting, public
connivance. Physicists are
vilification, even loss of
not taught low energy nujob), yet which cloaks itclear reactions. To the conself in the guise of true scitrary, they are carefully
ence. In Dr. Malloves view
trained to systematically
and that of many others,
exclude even the notion
scientism is nothing less
Yucca Mountain is the governments answer to the problem
that such things might be
than a secular, materialist
pounds of either greatly reduced or no
possible. The chemists, who are far
better suited to understand the reacabound, and include the damning of
Sure, the very notion of doing sometions underlying the various transmutaImmanuel Velikovskys pioneering
thing like this flies in the face of what
tion processes, are scarcely reprework on catastrophism, Worlds in Colweve been taught. Its impossible, risented at or known by the enormously
lision, by eminent scientists who never
diculous or even insane, but what if
powerful Department of Energy (DOE),
read it and the same sort of treatment
that information is now obsolete? What
which is the seat of all forms of governaccorded Pons, Fleischmann and cold
if the great Antoine de Lavoisiers
ment-sponsored energy research in the
fusion by the high energy physicists so
dictum about the extreme difficulty of
U.S. That seat is zealously guarded by
well fed for decades by millions of dolchanging a substance into another subhigh energy physicists, their minions,
lars in government grants for their hot
stance has been simply overtaken by
DOE contractors, DOE suppliers and
fusion research.
new scientific approaches? Should we
politicians of every stripe, all of whom
The planet is awash in a growing
sit on our thumbs and ignore the
prefer the safe, known, status quo over
sea of nuclear waste, yet leading the
means to clean up a mess which may
the upstart impossible newcomer.
current cleanup charge are the same

Number 29 ATLANTIS


Continued from Page 36
plying an ET desire to be observed.
However, in the same newsletter,
Greer announced that in implementing
Project Starlight, he was surprised to
learn that most U.S. high government
officials including the president, the
Cabinet, and probably the Joint Chiefs
of Staff were out of the loop. He said
he had learned that the real information was controlled by a top secret,
quasi-governmental, quasi-private, international group, and therefore it was
necessary to convince that group that
the time had come to release the information.
Consonant with the goals of Project
Starlight, in the Fall of 1993, CSETI
began a series of briefings of top international figures to educate them as to
the real facts of the extraterrestrial
presence. This briefing process included senior Clinton administration
officials, sitting CIA Director James
Woolsey, former United Kingdom Ministry of Defense head and five-star Admiral Lord Hill-Norton, UN Secretary
General Boutros Boutros Ghali, other
senior UN officials, as well as numerous private briefings with members of congress and senior Pentagon
officials. James Woolsey, now a Washington lobbyist, recently publicly expressed indignation that Greer characterized his meeting on December 13,
1993 at the home of a mutual friend,
and including all their wives, as a
briefing, claiming that it was simply a
dinner party and nothing more. Greer
claims that Woolsey had no previous
knowledge of much of the information
he conveyed to him that night.
Government Ultimatum
In a dramatic briefing paper titled
National Security Implications of the
UFO/ETI Subject, dated August 30,
1995, Greer cited all the cogent and
compelling reasons why he believed
continued secrecy to be both dangerous and unconstitutional. He says in
part, The current covert management
of this issue appears to be operating independently and outside of the constitutional chain of command. The group
controlling these operations, which involves reconnaissance, extraterrestrial
space-based targeting of ETs (among
others) is non-responsive to congressional or Executive Branch oversight
and control. This constitutes a real and
grave threat to national security and to
Not shrinking from this challenge,
Greer, on November 15, 1996 under


Is the weaponization of space, as envisioned by Star Wars supporters, a threat to ETs?

the aegis of CSETI Project Starlight,

sent a letter to all of the top U.S. government officials, including the president, advising them that unless they
objected in writing, all security oaths
related to UFO activity taken by government officials, presumably including military and intelligence personnel, would be considered null and
void because such oaths existed outside of legal constitutional oversight
and control. The letter stated that,
assessment would be regarded as accurate and all such government witnesses
would be free to speak openly as of 1
January 1997. This was a bold and unprecedented act by a private citizen.
Remarkably, almost all of the recipients
of the letter sent an acknowledgment,
and the deadline date came and went
without receipt of a single objection,
warning or threat! Thus on that date,
January 1, 1997, Project Disclosure officially began.
Project Disclosure
At the commencement of Project
Starlight in 1993, Greer began identifying, seeking out and interviewing military and government witnesses to UFO
events who were willing to talk. He
also started gathering as much hard evidence as he could find. By the time
Project Disclosure began, he had
amassed an impressive cast of witnesses. In April of 1997, more than a
dozen such government and military
witnesses were assembled at the
Westin Hotel in Washington for briefings with congressmen, Pentagon officials and others in an attempt to persuade congress to hold open, secrecyfree
Extraterrestrial presence, advanced energy and propulsion systems that could
conceivably provide solutions to global

environmental challenges, and to enact

legislation to ban all space-based
weapons and to develop and explore
space peacefully. Congress wasnt interested. If they were impressed by the
witnesses, they didnt admit to it. At
that point Greer realized that he had to
take his case to the press and the
For the next four years, CSETI continued to identify and interview witnesses. By early 2001, they had an
army of several hundred such witnesses covering every branch of the
armed services, the NRO, DIA, CIA,
and NASA. Internationally, they included high officials of the former
USSR and other agencies and countries.
Over 100 interviews had been videotaped and 70 transcribed into edited
testimony. A four-hour videotape summary of testimony and an over 500page briefing document was produced.
Virtually all of these people are prepared to testify before congress.
Says Greer in his Project Disclosure
Description, The weight of this testimony, along with supporting government documents and other evidence,
establishes beyond any doubt the reality of extraterrestrial life forms,
UFOs, or extraterrestrial vehicles, and
advanced energy and propulsion technologies resulting from the study of
these vehicles... The testimony and evidence proves that these vehicles have
been tracked on radar on many occasions, have landed and/or crashed on
terra firma, and have been retrieved
and studied by specialized and compartmentalized projects. Advanced
technologies which have been identified from the study of these vehicles,
once disclosed, will replace currently
used forms of energy generation and
propulsion. These technologies will enable the Earth to attain a sustainable
civilization without pollution, energy


shortages, or global warming. And further, These numerous recorded witnesses constitute only a small portion
of a vast pool of identified present or
former military, intelligence, corporate, aviator, flight control, law enforcement officers, scientists and other
witnesses, who will come forward
when subpoenaed to testify at Congressional hearings.
Some of the witnesses were very
highly placed in government, and
much of the testimony confirms information previously considered wildeyed and highly speculative, thus salvaging the reputations of many investigators who had sometimes been ridiculed and under attack. All of the
verbatim witness
testimonies are
available at the
Project Disclosure web site,
www.disclosurep Be assuredeven the
most jaded UFO
researchers will
be astounded at
what they find in
this material.
The Press Club
In late March
of 2001, Dr.
Greer appeared
as a speaker at
the International
UFO Congress in
Laughlin, Nevada. In a rousing
speech, he revealed that a
landmark event
in the protracted,
bizarre struggle
between the government and the citizenry for the release of UFO information was about to take place. He announced that on May 9 at a public
meeting of the National Press Club in
Washington, D.C., about two dozen
high-ranking military personnel would
tell the world what they knew about
UFOs and secret government flying
disc development. He promised that
this would be the breakthrough event
that would end the secrecy once-andfor-all, and would put the information
out in the legitimate media marketplace at last. Greers fiery speech was
greeted by many rounds of enthusiastic
applause from the large audience as he
castigated the government for appropriating to itself for military purposes,
new technologies derived from ET contact that would end reliance on fossil
fuels, and would end poverty in the
third world by making new forms of
abundant energy freely available.

If it happened, this would definitely

be a landmark event. One had visions
of the press corps scurrying for their
cell phones and laptops after the presentation. It did happen right on
schedule on May 9, 2001. It was carried
by live radio and three TV networks,
and over 250,000 people were lined up
to view the simultaneous webcast,
which was hit by some very sophisticated jamming causing the connection
to be down about 15% of the time. But
it was recorded in its entirety, and is
available for viewing in the archives of
ConnectLive at
Somehow the Press Club event did
not have the impact that Greer had envisioned. There
was no scurrying
by the press
writers, and it
didnt make the
news the next
day anywhere in
America. It just
sort of disappeared into a
black hole testifying once again
to the power of
the media managers. As one
ponders this,
there is a realization that even if it
had made the
front pages the
next day, daily
life all over the
world would not
have changed a
bit. Everyone
would get up the
next morning and
go to work, still
beset with all
their financial, romantic, and health
concerns, and not able to give a
thought to our extraterrestrial friends.
Its a fact that most people already believe in aliens anyway. Thanks to years
of mass psychological preparation by
Hollywood, this news has already been
processed and discounted by the
public, and they just cant get excited
about it enough to start haranguing
congress for legislation. And yet many
believe that Dr. Greer is absolutely correct in his assessment that it is potentially the solution to all our energy
problems, and that it will open the
portal to travel to the stars and joining
the extraterrestrial community. The
public consciousness, it seems, has
been very cleverly put to sleep on this
issue. Lets hope that this courageous
visionary can eventually succeed in
waking us up again, and jolting us back
to reality.


Continued from Page 41
push on surface -A- causing lateral
Such is not the case. At rest, the
plate will put more pressure on the opposite surface due to the center of
gravity of the piece. Except for gravity,
there are no dynamic forces at work.
There is only dead weight, which is distributed according to each members
center of gravity. When an object is
placed on an inclined plane, it has the
potential to move down that plane by
gravitational forces acting upon it. This
movement continues until an obstruction is encountered, at which time the
kinetic energy that causes lateral motion ceases.
The gabled ceiling blocks above the
Kings Chamber are situated on an inclined plane cut into the core blocks.
Assuming that, like the Queens
Chamber, the center of gravity of these
blocks lies outside the chamber walls,
the blocks may be described as cantilevered, whereas there is no archthrust at the apex where two opposing
blocks meet. The entire weight of the
block is born by the blocks that form
the inclined plane, with some weight
being carried by the block that holds
the lower end.
Without knowing for sure what design features were employed, I can envision a design that would be sound
and not damage the Grand Gallery.
Please see the sketch in figure 3.
The rough measurement between
the ends of the gabled blocks and the
Grand Gallery south wall is about 9
feet. Considering the width of the Gallery (between 42 and 82 inches) it is
reasonable to assume that the blocks
that form the gallery south wall extend
outside the inside surfaceto what distance? I dont know. However, considering that the Kings Chambers
northern shaft bends around the Grand
Gallery, it gives rise to the speculation
that the blocks that form the gallery
walls are deeper than 4 feet. (This is a
significant point to make, and probably
worthy of a discussion in itself. The
Northern Shaft could have more easily
been a straight shot to the sky, without
the extra bends. It would have clearly
missed the inside wall of the Grand
Gallery by about 4 feet.)
With the Grand Gallery southern
wall blocks butted against the gallery
east and west wall blocks, any lateral
forces that may affect it from the
Kings Chamber gabled ceiling blocks
would give less cause for concern than,
say, the forces acting on the roof of the
Horizontal Passage from the pressure
of the Queens Chambers gabled
ceiling blocks. Or the pressure of the
Number 29 ATLANTIS


Figure 3

blocks bearing down on the roof of the
Grand Gallery.
Moreover, building on top of gabled
ceiling blocks does not necessarily
mean that they must bear a tremendous accumulation of weight. As described in the drawing above, the distribution of load does not necessarily
have to bear down on the gable.
Perhaps the most significant and
simplest to understand argument
against what has been proposed in
Gttinger Miszellen can be made by
pointing to a plan view of the Great
Pyramid. As we can see, the Kings
chamber is 34 feet in length. The
Grand Gallery is 42 to 82 inches wide
barely the width of one gabled ceiling
Therefore, when looking at a side
view of the chambers the hypothesis
may appear plausible, it falls apart
under scrutiny. For even if we allow
that there would be undue pressure on
the south wall of the Grand Gallery, it
would not necessitate five chambers
being built across the entire 34 feet
length of the Kings Chamber. Also,
why five layers of beams? Why not a
large open space with the gabled
ceiling above?
In cutting these giant monoliths,
the builders evidently found it necessary to craft the beams destined for the
uppermost chamber with the same respect as those intended for the ceiling
directly above the Kings Chamber.
Each beam was cut flat and square on
three sides, with the topside seemingly
untouched. This is significant, considering that those directly above the
Kings Chamber would be the only
ones visible to those entering the pyramid.
Moreover, it is remarkable that the
builders would exert the same amount
of effort in finishing the 34 beams,
which would not be seen once the pyramid was built, as they did nine beams
forming the ceiling of the Kings
Chamber which would be seen. Even if
these beams were imperative to the
strength of the complex, deviations in
accuracy would surely be allowed,
making the cutting of the blocks less
time consuming. Unless, of course,
they were either using these upper
beams for a specific purpose, and/or
were using standardized machinery
methods that produced these beams
with little variation in their shape.
Why five layers of these beams? To
include so many monolithic blocks of
granite when constructing the Kings
Chamber is obviously redundant. Especially when we consider the amount of
incredibly difficult work that must
have been invested in quarrying,


Plan View of Kings Chamber

cutting, transporting them 500 miles

from the Aswan quarries, and then
lifting them to the 175-foot level of the
pyramid. There is surely another
reason for such an enormous effort and
investment of time!
To get an idea of the enormity of
such a task today, my company, Danville Metal Stamping, recently acquired
a hydroform press. The main body of
the press weighed 100 tons and had to
be shipped over 100 miles to our plant.
Because of weight distribution considerations, the Department of Transportation dictated that it be hauled on a
special tractor-trailer with the weight
distributed between 19 axles. The
length of this trailer approached 200
feet long and it required two additional
drivers, positioned at key points along
its length to pivot it around corners.
The reason for describing this scenario
is to point out that even using todays
Hi Tech efficient methods, there
would have to be a damn good reason
to move even one heavy loadnever
mind 43 loads over a distance five time
greater with 34 loads being a waste of
The 43 giant beams above the

Kings Chamber were not included in

the structure to relieve the Kings
Chamber from excessive pressure from
above, but were included to fulfill a
more advanced purpose. Without a
conventional explanation that makes
sense, we must look for other answers
to the mystery of these granite beams.
When these granite beams are analyzed
with a more utilitarian perspective,
one can discern a simple yet refined
technology operating at the heart of
the Great Pyramid that makes more
sense. The ancient Egyptians, or Khemitians, were brilliant in applying natural laws and natural materials to allow
this ancient power plant to function.
The granite beams above the Kings
Chamber were an essential and integral
part of making this pyramid machinehum.
Dunn, Christopher, The
Power Plant: Technologies of Ancient
Egypt (Santa Fe, NM 1998)
Petrie, William F., Pyramids and
Temples of Gizeh (London 1883)
Tompkins, Peter, Secrets of the
Great Pyramid (New York, 1971)



Number 29 ATLANTIS


Continued from Page 43
trees, such plants as monkshood and
wolfsbane repelled the unwanted. Foxglove is seen in most English gardens,
among other areas, and was known to
the herbalist or alchemist as a specific
against heart disease. It is now digitalis.
Garlic cleaned the blood, as did rhubarb: and a spring tonic which
thinned the blood often contained
most of the ingredients of root beer as
it is still drunk today. A cut onion
could repel witches and evil creatures
if placed in corners of a sick room, and
if six were cut in half, named for the
months of the next year, they could
tell what the weather of each month
would be. A pinch of salt was placed in
the center of each onion half. If the
salt melted, the month would be a wet
one. If not, the weather was likely to
be dry.
Four-leaved clovers are mutants, of
course, created by some malfunction
in the genetic strain, and a plant which
produces one such leaf will continue
to do so as evidence of that fact. They
are odd and relatively rare, however,
and were thus taken as symbols of
luck, which is also relatively rare.
Irish folklore revered the shamrock,
which has but three leaves, but also
made room for the four-leaved, which
when put into your shoe will bring
money, or dried and mounted on a
wall will attract luck to the home. Ireland also gave us the leprechaun, a
worthy specimen of the little people
which populate almost all areas of the
globe. They are seen as mischievous,
but not evil creatures, wear green to
prove it, and can be charmed out of
their gold if one is clever enough to
outwit them. Other such creatures are
categorized as good if they are
thought to live above the ground
(fairies or brownies) or evil if they live
beneath the ground (trolls, gnomes,
dwarfs or elves).
Tables or beds, symbolizing altars,
are common in folk beliefs, and it is
considered bad in Italy or the Philippine Islands to pass a baby over a
table, kiss across a table, or place certain items like hats and umbrellas on a
table or a bed. Doors, as a known
break in the strength of a wall, are
open to use by ghosts and witches as
well as the humans, unless they are
protected by rowan branches, garlic
flowers, a crucifix in Catholic homes,
or any one of the protective amulets
popular in the beliefs of the countryside. Bram Stoker used this superstition to good effect in his novel, Dracula, protecting the heroines necks
with a cross, and their windows with
festoons of garlic. Garlic was also


stuffed into the mouths of those dead

thought to be possible vampires,
which would keep them from closing
their mouths on someone elses neck.
Russian superstition tells us that allowing someone to sew up your
clothing while you are wearing it will
shrink your brain to the size of a
India and China have provided us
with the elephant, so beloved of Bingo
players. The common belief is that the
elephants trunk must be held up to
capture luck, but oriental belief is that
the truck which points down is
streaming luck and power from
its tip. Any small figurine
of an elephant confers
much luck on its owner,
and some collectors have
them by the hundreds.
The origin of the
wedding ring is one
of superstition
much older than the
pyramids. It is a representation of the
unbroken circle of
eternity, and must
be worn by a bride
on the fourth finger of
the left hand. The left hand
is considered the dominant one for the
female, and the ring is a symbol of
binding. It was once thought that a
large vein ran directly from that finger
to the heart, and the ring placed on
that finger ensured that the heart could
not be turned to someone else. By such
thinking the mans ring should be
worn on his right hand, but seldom is
so placed. A ring-bearer in a wedding is
always a young, unthreatening male,
who is the only one allowed to touch
the binding circlet.
Saying bread and butter or by
linking two persons little fingers often
follows their having said the same
thing at the same time. It is a charm
against losing your individuality to the
other. The word amen is said to agree
with someone, as it means so be it.
Simple handshakes are a charm as
well, showing not only that both persons are carrying no weapons, but that
by touching another a bond is created.
A bargain between two people may be
sealed by spitting into the hand.
Sneezing is a subject of complex superstition, and in oriental countries it is
thought that the soul leaves the body
during a sneeze and must be coaxed
back. In European tradition, the saying
of Gesundheit (God bless you) marks
the Dark Ages period of the great pandemics of the Black Death (bubonic
plague). Asking the blessing of God on
the sneezer not only brought him a
healing if he had the disease, but
brought you the benefit of having
blessed him, thus ensuring that you

would not get the disease.

Pointing with the index finger is
considered bad luck by many cultures
including the American Indian. It is
thought that much energy is projected
from this finger, and pointing at a
person may bring a curse upon him.
In many lands, the making of noise
either repels evil spirits or banishes
bad luck. It is from this belief that we
find the tradition of noisemakers, gunshots and fireworks on New Years
Eve. In past years, noisemakers were
also very popular on Halloween, the
eve of All Hallows (all saints) Day. On
that night, evil was said to roam and
could enter a home
unless noise was
On the same
night, a lighted
candle in the
window, or in
middle Europe,
a small candle in
a large turnip
would frighten away
the ghosts and witches
if a frightening face were
carved into the turnip. This is
one of the two reasons for the traditional Halloween pumpkin, the other
being the legend of Jack-0-Lantern,
whod lost his head to misfortune and
went about looking for another.
Sex and romance stand beside the
gaining of wealth and good luck as
some of the most prolific areas to require charms and superstitious practices. It is still thought that the taking
of powdered rhinoceros horn, or
sharks fin, can add to the erectile function of a man, especially in the Orient.
In southwestern areas of the U.S. ginseng is still sought and secretively dug
for shipment to the Orient, for the
same purpose. The elusive root brings
immense amounts of money per
pound, as does the man-shaped mandrake root taken whole. This root is
shaped so that it appears to have body,
head, arms and legs. It was once
thought that the root would scream
when torn whole from the ground.
Among food superstitions is also
found the idea of eating certain foods
on the night of New Years Eve. If you
are southern, this might include blackeyed peas, while Germanic families
may relish the pickled herring. Other
areas may replace these with corn
pone, johnnycakes or oysters as luckbringers for the year ahead. A companion superstition tells that you
should be careful what you do on this
night, as that is what you will be doing
for the entire period of the coming
year. A woman leaving her home on
the next morning will have a lucky
year if she meets a man on the street,
while meeting a woman brings dis-


aster. In colonial America, the tradition

remained that the first foot (the first
person to visit your home on New
Years Day) should be a man. Even educated individuals paid strict attention to
this rule and New Years Day was a day
of getting out early and rushing with
your carriage to the homes of your
friends, who then rewarded you with
eggnog or hot toddy. A tradition tells
that Abraham Lincoln followed this traditional superstition and paid the first
call at the home of Mary Todd on one
New Years morn.
A Hawaiian superstition is that lava
rocks should not be removed from
their home island or the island deities
will be angered.
Many beliefs involve the knife or
scissors, along with other sharp-edged
items. It is thought that if you receive
such a gift from another, you should
hand him a coin, a penny or a dime so
as not to cut the friendship.
There are many superstitions concerning mirrors in almost every country
of the world, including that they
should be covered in a home where
someone has died. Primitive cultures
thought that they in some way could
capture your soul, and feared looking
into a mirror. In Egypt and many neighboring countries, small mirrors are
sewn or glued onto clothing to repel

Continued from Page 45
medicine, McGee feels that were
eventually going to find that food has
energetic properties in addition to nutritive value. He points out that LDL,
or bad cholesterol, is perfectly
normal when not oxidized, and is native to the body in that state, whereas
oxidized LDL is highly toxic. An ordinary lab isnt set up to divide the LDL
into the two forms, which would be
the appropriate measurement to take.
Another myth, says McGee, is that
angiograms are the gold standard.
First of all, he explains, there are
two distinct tests, one of which is
highly inaccuratethats the one commonly administered and chances are
high that, should you need one, you
wont be advised of the difference.
The more effective quantitative angiogram uses two cameras to achieve a
three dimensional effect and views coronary arteries from two angles simultaneously. As of 1994, there were only
twenty of the new angiogram machines in the entire world, says
McGee; even now, probably less than
5% of doctors even know about it! Besides being invasive (during an angiogram, a catheter is passed up the aorta
to a point just above the heart; a dye-

the evil eye.

In some lands, cooking pots are not
hung on the wall, for they can store
bad luck. In China this translates to not
having the food to fill the pot if it is
hung up.
China also adds that a birthday cake
for a child should be swiped with a
finger through the childs name, and a
tiny bit put on his nose so that no harm
come to him. (This seems to be a much
more modern superstition.)
Caribbean countries are hotbeds of
superstition due to the prevalence of
the voudoo religion; many are not only
pre-Christian, they go back into the
mists of history. One of these is that if a
wasp flies near your face, someone you
know or love is about to die. Sailors
from the area drink lots of milk to increase semen production. The first fish
caught on a fishing expedition should
not be sold or given away or your luck
may go with it.
In Haiti, eating mangoes may reduce
sexual desire and performance, but
eating pork will enhance both.
Many of the most popular superstitions have traveled far through time
and across continents. They were most
usually folk beliefs passed on by
granny women to their children and
grandchildren. A goodly amount of
them are found in the average fairy tale,

which abounds with charms, little

people, witches, evil creatures and
mythical animals. Even the nursery
rhymes, such as Ring Around the Rosy
(which refers to the red spots of the
bubonic plague) bring back the beliefs
of the past into the light of todays
world. Weather superstitions seem to
have made the most successful transition from one land to another, depending on the native climate, of
So the writings of the alchemical recorders and the whispered lore and
wisdom of cottage and hearth still live
in the practices, understood or instinctive, in this time of computer and
space-station. It would not surprise us
if these modern items did not have or
develop their own superstitions as we
move into the future.

like material is then injected, which flows

through the arteries of the
heart and shows up on an
x-ray), interpretation of
the results can vary radically.
Something that does
appear to be a determinant is what is known as
the oxidation theory,
where various fats pass
from blood into arterial
walls; if levels of antioxidants are low enough, the
fats are oxidized, go
rancid and create rust
(oxygen molecules attached to fat molecules),
forming the familiar plaque. Then, according to the rupture theory (one of
the latest developments in cardiac medicine), a heart attack occurs when the
surface area over a plaque cracks. A
bump grows on the arterial wall,
stretches and breaks, splits open,
bleeds a little, forms a clot and causes
heart muscle cells to die. The oxidative
process begins with some sort of injury
to the inner lining of an artery. Cells in
the arterial wall immediately below this
damaged area begin to actively pick up
oxidized lipoprotein from the blood.
Other fatty materials become incorporated into the buildup and form ather-

omas, or fatty streaks.

Arterial walls contain a
layer of strong, circular muscles, leaving
the growing streaks
only one way to expandby protruding
into the opening of an
artery. Over many
years, the artery is
gradually obstructed.
According to McGees
research, most ruptures occur in small arteries and only affect
small areas of the heart
...these small arteries
dont show up even
on the 3D angiograms.
Physicians almost always look for obstructions in the larger
arteries, when the problem is down in
the smaller arteries.
Though certainly critical of the medical establishment, McGee is not radically anti-allopathic. As a physician himself, he acknowledges that medical
management of coronary artery disease
has its bright spots. He cites the development of CCUs (Coronary Care Units)
in hospitals as life-saving, and says that
if he were to have a heart attack he
would want to be rushed to one himself.
He also acknowledges the progress


Beverly Jaegers is a journalist and

a researcher in the worlds of antiques
and of PSI. Author of The Psychic Paradigm, The Write Stuff, and Remote
Viewing TomorrowToday; she also
leads the U. S. Psi Squad, a group of
police and civilians who lend their
learned remote viewing abilities to
law enforcement and science. She is a
frequent seminar leader at conferences nationwide.

Number 29 ATLANTIS


of modern medicine in the area of contagious disease control, congenital defects, infections and other acute medical conditions. His big argument is
that medicine fails when it attempts to
treat chronic degenerative diseases
with the same approaches it uses successfully in treating acute problems.
Hes particularly concerned because
of all modern maladies brought to the
attention of doctors, 80% are chronic.
And dont get him started on angioplasty balloon surgeries or the coronary artery bypass grafts (CABGs),
which he less-than-fondly terms, cabbages. He lambasts both procedures,
and cites Dr. Eugene Braunwald, Professor of Medicine at Harvard Universitys statement that doctors should
recommend surgery only when chest
pains cant be controlled through other
means, and who predicted that a financial empire would develop around surgical procedures on the heart.
In contrast, European surgeons are
paid a salary, taking the temptation to
overcut out of the equation; in
America, powerful vested interests
make it hard for the system to change.
According to McGee, modern medicine
has never learned to monitor itself adequately enough to protect the public.
He particularly questions this as it pertains to cardiac surgery. Insurance
companies already know which surgeons have high complication rates
and which ones dont, he points out.
When it comes to coronary artery
disease, writes McGee, treatments
would be almost laughable if many
were not so risky, costly, traumatic and
ineffective. Treatment decisions are
usually made on the basis of inaccurate
angiograms. Only three scientific
studies have been done to determine
the efficacy of bypass surgery; one,
known as the Veterans study, divided
cardiac patients into two groups: the
first group was treated with medication, the second with bypass surgery. A
follow up study found that after 10
years, the bypass group hadnt fared
any better. The other two studies
showed the same results.
The balloon angioplasty has become
a very popular procedure despite the
fact that no long-term survival studies
have been conducted. In a recent
short-term study, patients with coronary artery disease did just as well
taking an aspirin a day as having a balloon job. Heart disease victims
should insist on having either an echocardiogram or a nuclear medicine isotope scan to determine the ejection
fraction, a measurement of how well
the left ventricle of the heart is functioning as a pump, says McGee. If it
is pumping blood normally, there is no
evidence that a cabbage or balloon procedure is going to improve chances of


survival. If a patient does survive a

heart attack and still has chest pains
that cant be controlled with drugs, he
or she may be a candidate for surgery
to try to relieve the pain. But, says
McGee, there are other options. One
is to load up on antioxidants and
follow Dean Ornishs program, which
has been accepted by health experts as
proving the disease can be reversed in
a high percentage of heart patients.
He admits that the program isnt for
everyone, but feels adamant that patients have the right to know about it
and be offered a choice.
Another choice might be chelation
therapy, in which a solution of EDTA
(ethylene-diamine-tetra-acetic acid) is
administered intravenously, drawing
metabolic wastes from the bloodstream. Chelation therapy has been
used on more than five hundred thousand patients in the United States for
the past forty years, and has shown
great success in managing heart disease, but the FDA has yet to grant
EDTA full approval, giving mainstream
physicians fuel for their fierce criticism. McGee responds with his usual
factual humor: doctors who terrify potential EDTA chelation patients by
telling them they will die should be reminded of an interesting fact: When
donor hearts for transplant surgery are
moved from one city to another in little
coolers, they are immersed in a 100
percent solution of EDTA.
Its these kinds of facts that make
McGees book a real eye-opener. Originally published in 1994, the book has
been reissued this year by Healthwise
Publications. He is also the author of
How To Survive Modern Technology,
Miracle Healing From China...Qigong,
and Healing Energies. Like the late Dr.
Robert Mendelsohn, (Confessions of a
Medical Heretic), McGee has the courage of his convictions and isnt afraid
to put them out there, though he
doesnt plan to take on the medical
industryhes seen a number of alternative practitioners dragged into litigation and lose their licenses. His recently published book, Healing
Energies of Heat and Light, details his
current interest in what he terms a
quantum leap in health care. He applauds the small percentage of cardiologists who have replaced their surgical
practices with chelation therapy, and
advises patients of any doctor to research alternative therapies for themselves. You need to be informed that
there may be options in treating a
problem; however, you will need to educate yourself in this area because few
physicians know about other options
and therefore none will be offered.
Only by being informed of all your options can a truly informed consent be
granted for a procedure.

Continued from Page 47

The Dance of Albion by William Blake

ward from perfection and a nonphysical universe, through seven

stages, or Eyes (with this figure,
Blake is in the company of a number of
mystics), till at last he strikes rockbottom, or more accurately becomes
his own rock-bottom, reaching what
Blake called the Limit of Contractionconfinement in the time-space
universe that we know it today. Critical
to understanding this fall is Blakes
statement in The Marriage of Heaven
and Hell, that Man has no Body distinct from his Soul; for that calld Body
is a portion of Soul discernd by the
five Senses, the chief inlets of Soul in
this age. This means that, as Albion
fell, or contracted, his organs of perceptions contracted as well, so that his
perception of himself continually
changed and devolved, diminishing in
acuity and power. Closing up, he lost
the ability to see a World in a Grain of
Sand/ And a Heaven in a Wild Flower, /
Hold infinity in the palm of your hand/
And eternity in an hour, to quote
Blakes famous lines; today, we, the
shattered debris of Albion, see only
some sand and a wildflower, if were
lucky. As Northrop Frye describes it:
When we say that man has fallen, we
mean that his soul has collapsed into
the form of the body in which he now
exists[in accordance with] the interdependence of the universe we see
and the bodies which compel us to see
it in that way.
But Albion/Atlantis has not disappeared; it is all around usmore accurately, it is usif we could but perceive
it. Such arisen perception has been the
goal of seers and mystics through the


ages, whether through the use of meditation, or drugs, or austerities, or even,

in our modern age, relatively simple
psychotherapy. Such attainment isnt
easy; heres Northrop Frye again on
Blake: Now we cannot by taking
thought add a cubit to our statures; it
is a change of worlds that is necessary,
the lifting of the whole body to a fully
imaginative plane by getting rid of the
natural manThere is no soul within
the body evaporating at death, but a
living man armed with all the powers
of his present body, infinitely expanded. The relation of soul to body is
that of an oak to an acorn, not of a
genie to a bottle. And there are no natural laws which the risen body must
obey and no compulsory categories
which it must perceive. It is impossible
to picture this except in terms of what
we now see, and providing angels with
wings is about as far as we can get. As
Blake says, From a perception of only
3 senses or 3 elements none could deduce a fourth or fifth; and we have no
idea how many imaginative powers we
do not possess. because we perceive
on the level of this body we see an independent nature in a looming and sinister perspective.
Blake will still seem to us to be a
fantasist, a lunatic, unless we try hard
to understand that the seemingly ironclad reality in which we live is really
just a dream in comparison with the
brilliant, bursting, searing, nuts-andbolts reality in which the unfallen Godman Albion has his being. Lets try an
exercise: Imagine, as you are reading
this, that you, now, wherever you are,
are merely a thought, or that you are
merely dreaming; that you and everything surrounding you has no physical
reality at allthat everything that is
really real is for the moment completely hidden from you.
Now imagine that this dream youre
dreaming is becoming, creepingly, a
nightmare. Then do what we all do
when we realize, while we are
dreaming, that this dream we are
dreaming is not reality, but a nightmare: Struggle to wrench yourself out
of the nightmare.
Then imagine that you are lying in
your bed, breathing quickly, relieved it
was only a nightmare
For Blake, all of time-space reality is
in its essence merely a nightmare with
the occasional high point. The poet invites us to wrench ourselves out of
that nightmare, to begin the journey
up and out into our unfallen selvesa
journey which we cannot begin to imagine for, as we pursue it, our very organs of perceptions will expand,
which is the same as saying everything
will expand into something much
vaster, stranger, richer than we can
possibly imagine.

Continued from Page 49
eter of our Sun, and one-tenth the
mass, Proxima Centauri generates only
one twenty-thousandth of the light,
equivalent to dense twilight on Earth.
Example: Proxima Centauri
Zodiac degree: 29 Scorpio
Interpretation: Where should my life
be on auto-pilot?
Brown DwarfUnrealized
True stars produce energy and light
by fusing hydrogen into helium in the
nuclear furnaces burning at their cores.
Brown Dwarfs are unable to summon
the internal spark to ignite the thermonuclear furnace and therefore only emit
a dull glow. Some Brown Dwarfs waver
close to the dividing line between star
and planet. Because they are still difficult to detect, only a few Brown
Dwarfs are known. Recently a known
Brown Dwarf in the Fornax constellation exhibited a surprising solar flare,
startling astronomers.
Example: LP 944-20
Zodiac degree: +/- 15 Aries
Interpretation: What potential lies
A dying
star has alternatives
based on
its original
mass. Relatively lowmass stars
like our
Sun become Red Giants. Very massive stars become Supergiants (Rigel: 16 Gemini). A
few Supergiants may explode in the
process, going Supernova (Crab
Nebula: 23 Gemini), ending their life in
a blaze of glory. A Supernova may subsequently collapse upon itself and become either a Black Hole (Cygnus X-1:
13 Aquarius), or a neutron star, also
called a Pulsar (M1 in Crab Nebula: 23
Symbolic Significance
The sample interpretations are
meant as general indications only; an
accurate birth chart is required to identify actual conjunctions to deep space
objects or connections to famous
bright stars. If the degrees of the Sun,
Moon and planets are known, however, these generic descriptions can
provide stimulus for exploration.


Number 29 ATLANTIS


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stars. This is not just a story about UFOs, ETs and secret
projects: It is the story of how 50 years of human evolution have been deferred and how these secret projects contain the real solution to the world energy crisis, the environmental crisis and world poverty.
P/B, 6 x 9, 573 pp. $24.95


and Disappearance of the Worlds First Time
Machine Peter KrassaIn the mid 1900s, an Italian
Benedictine monk, Father Pellegrino Ernetti, was known
as a highly respected priest, scientist and musicologist.
But he claimed to have secretly created a time machine
the chronovisor, and asserted that he was able to go back
in time and witness specific events. His claims were hotly
disputed. But we see here, the first translation from Latin,
the text of Thyestes by Quintus Ennius, Rome 169
B.C., that Father Ernetti claimed to have brought back
with him using the chronovisor. It and other documents
make it impossible to dismiss his claims.
224 Pages 6X9 $16.95


with Peter lindemann,
DScThis book is the complete transcript of the technical lecture given by Peter
Lindemann, D.Sc. on September 12, 2000 in Irvine,
California. It explains exactly
how Edwin Gray, Sr. proNEW!
duced what he called Cold
Electricity. Included are all
the supporting diagrams and photos that were seen as
slides. Also, included in the book are copies of Grays
three patents and as well as other relevant documents.
Now you can understand one of the most powerful Free
Energy methods ever discovered.
Paperback 9x12 131 Pages. Illustrated. $29.95


Astonishing evidence pointing toward the existence of a
forgotten epoch in human historythat of a highly advanced, technologically proficient and civilized society
that flourished during the last Ice Age and was destroyed
12,000 years ago by global cataclysm. Hancock embarks
on a worldwide quest to put together all the pieces of the
vast and fascinating jigsaw of mankinds hidden past.
Paperback, 578 pgs. $17.00


Legacy of a Fallen Race Andrew CollinsCollins
reveals that the angels, demons and fallen angels of scripture were flesh-and-blood members of a race predating
our own. He offers evidence that they lived in Egypt (prior
to the ancient Egyptians), where they built the Sphinx and
other megaliths monuments, before leaving the region for
what is now Eastern Turkey following the cataclysms that
accompanied the last Ice Age.
Paperback, 464 pages, 6"X9", 20 B&W Illus. $20.00

Andrew Collins and
David RohiA historians
investigation that may have
solved one of humankinds
greatest and most enduring
mysteries: the location of
the Lost City of Atlantis.
More than 2,350 years ago
Plato wrote of the fabulous
island empire of Atlantis,
which ruled the ocean as
well as parts of the opposite continentwhat we
know today as the Americas-until the single terrible day and night that destroyed
it in a storm of earthquakes and floods. For two millennia
the fate of Atlantis has fascinated historians, philosophers
and explorers who have debated its reality and searched in
vain for a kingdom shrouded in myth and legend. And
now, after years of travel and research, Andrew Collins
has gathered convincing evidence that may establish not
only that Atlantis did indeed exist but also that remnants
of it survive today.
Hardcover, 6.38 x 9.30, 448 pages $40.00

GENESIS REVISITED Zecharia SitchinSpace travel,

genetic engineering, computer scienceastounding
achievements that stunning new evidence proves were
known to our forefathers millions of yesterdays ago, as
early as 3,000 years before the birth of Christ.
Paperback, 343 pgs., black & white illustrations $6.99
The Brave New World of Bad Science and Big
Business Dr. Mae-Wan HoThis book blows the lid


off genetic engineering,

from DNA to Dolly the
sheep and from genetically
modified food to the
alarming rise in antibioticresistant diseases. Dr. Ho
claims that this technology
is bad science working with
big business for quick
profit, against the public
good, which will spell the
end of humanity as we
know it.
277 pages, 7x10 paperback,
Illustrated, Index $15.95

GIZA POWER PLANT Christopher DunnDid a

highly advanced civilization exist in prehistory? Is the
Giza Pyramid a remnant of their technology? What was
the power source that fueled such a civilization? In a brilliant piece of reverse engineering, Christopher Dunn reveals that the Great Pyramid of Giza created a harmonic
resonance with the Earth and converted the planets vibrational energies into microwave radiation. This may be the
same technology discovered by Tesla and the solution to
our own energy needs.
Paperback, black & white illustrations, 6 x 9 $18.00


Discovery of the True
Mount Sinai Howard Blum
Award-winning journalist Howard
Blum tells the heart-pounding true
story of how Larry Williams, a
two-time Republican candidate for
the U.S. Senate from Montana and
self-made millionaire, and Bob
Cornuke, a retired policeman and
former SWAT-team member, daringly infiltrated a top-secret Saudi Arabian military base
to gain access to Jabal al Lawz, the mountain they discerned from the Old Testament to be the true Mount Sinai.
What they discovered will astonish the world. H/B, 6 x
9, 365 pp. $16.95

HEART FRAUD Dr. Charles T. McGeeIf your doctor


recommends getting an angiogram, coronary bypass

surgery, balloon angioplasty,
or taking cholesterollowering drugs your best
course of action may be to
run out the door. According
to the author these procedures/treatments, though
highly profitable for the
healthcare industry, are neither effective nor necessary.
P/B, 6" x 9", 190 pages, illustrated, indexed $16.00

HEAVENS MIRRORQuest for the Lost

Civilization Graham HancockHancock continues
the quest begun in his best-seller, Fingerprints of the
Gods; to rediscover the hidden legacy of mankind and to
reveal that ancient cultures were, in fact, the heirs to a
far older forgotten civilization and the inheritors of its archaic, mystical wisdom. Fully illustrated with hundreds
of dazzling color photos, Heavens Mirror, is a stunning
and illuminating tour of the spirituality of the ancientsa
search for a secret recorded in the very foundations of the
holiest sites of antiquity.
336 pages 8X10 Paperback Photographs & Illustrations

Cremo & Richard L. ThompsonGraham Hancock,
calls Hidden History Of The Human Race One of the
landmark intellectual achievements of the late twentieth
century. Condensed from Forbidden Archeology, this edition exposes a major scientific cover-up showing that
people like ourselves existed on earth millions of years
Paperback, 228 pgs.
black & white illustrations, 6 x 9 $15.95

A HISTORY OF THE URANTIA PAPERS Larry Mullins with Dr. Meredith Justin SprungerThe Urantia
Papers are perhaps the best kept secret of the twentieth
century. They were first published in
1955 as The Urantia Book. Nearly
500,000 copies are now in print, yet
The Urantia Book has never been
advertised or promoted, and has remained virtually unreviewed. It purports to unfold nothing less than the
evolutionary story of humankind and
the mysteries of the universe. The origin of the Urantia Papers has been
shrouded in superstition and mystery.
With the publication of this new history, for the first time
a serious reader can examine the complete, documented
story of the Urantia Papers and weigh the credibility of the
individuals who were somehow involved with the works
publication as a book.
436 pages, 6 x 9 H/B $24.95

Number 29 ATLANTIS



compilation of evidence that the
earth is hollow, and the inside is
populated. Chapters include: The
Subsurface World; Ancient Legends of the Hollow Void; The
Theory of Concentric Spheres;
The Strange Voyage of Olaf
Jansen; Hitler and the Phantom
Universe, The Secret Log of
Admiral Byrd; Holes In the Top
of the World; UFOs from the
Hollow Earth; A Universe of
Hollow Worlds?; more. 191

(See page 81)

GODS (Sequel to
Ralph EllisQuest of


pages, 6x9 Paperback,

Illustrated, Bibliography $12.95

HOLY BLOOD, HOLY GRAIL Baigent, Lincoln, Leigh

A detailed and meticulously researched insight into
the history of the Catholic Church, and how it distorted
the life of Jesus Christ in order to sell Catholicism to the
world, gain power and riches. Presents the argument that a
secret order with blood connections directly to Jesus has
worked behind the scenes of world history to perpetuate
its agenda. An excellent read for the open-minded.
Paperback, 8 X 4 $7.50

Mark R. WilliamsThe
lost continent
of Lemuria, the
land of Mu, is a
place that history has nearly
forgotten. Yet
it lives on in
the mythology
of Hindus and
Australian Aborigines, Polynesians and
American Indians. Its place
is likewise secure beside Atlantis in the metaphysical speculations of Occult pioneers
Madame Blavatsky and Edgar Cayce, as well as New Age
channels and soothsayers. While Atlantis is well known,
Lemuria has remained a subject only discussed in elite esoteric circles. But did Lemuria really exist? And if so,
when? And where was it located? Was it home to a gentle
race of mystics and dreamers or an advanced society
whose technology helped bring it down? And what happened to Lemuria in the end? Can an entire continent sink
or vanish?
P/B 6 x 9, 32 pp. incl. 32 pp. of photos,
illustrations & maps $21.95


Behind the Mask Revealed Ralph EllisTraces
the history of the Egyptian royal family from the time of
Noah through to Jesus, comparing Biblical and Historical
records. Nearly all of the biblical characters can be identified in the historical recordall are pharaohs of Egypt or
pharaohs in exile. The Bible depicts them as being simple
shepherds, but in truth they were the Hyksos, the Shepherd Kings of Egypt. The familiar Biblical story is a history of one family, Abraham and his descendants. In the
historical record he is the pharaoh Maybrathe most
powerful man on Earth in his lifetime. By such simple
sleight-of-hand, the pharaohs of Egypt have hidden their
identity, but preserved their ancient history and bloodline.
These kings were born of the gods; they were not only
royal, they were also Sons of God. Hardcover, 6 X 9, 320
pages, Color Illustrated $24.95


10% Discount on
orders of over $100



Cosmology of the Bhagavata Purana Richard L.
ThompsonFrom the flat earth to the suns

the Gods explains the

design of the Great Pyramid in great detail and
it appears that its architect has specified a
structure that contains a
curious blend of technology, lateral thinking
and childish funyet
this design can also
point out the exact location of the legendary
Hall of Records to
within a few meters. Join the author on the most ancient
quest ever devised, a dramatic journey in the footsteps of
Alexander the Great and to the highest peaks at the very
heart of the Himalayas...
P/B with color plates $16.95


Chemtrails and the Secret of Alternative 4
Tim SwartzSensational data obtained from the inventors most private papers and kept under wraps by the
military and big business concerns. This book is for all
those who feel that the military industrial complex is attempting to control our lives, our financial affairs and our
belief structure. The evidence is overwhelming! Discredited in his time, Nikola Tesla was made out by business
competitors and the government to be nothing more than
a kook. Nonetheless, the same conspirators later duplicatedand possibly even stolemany of Teslas most
fabulous inventions which could soon change the course
of history as well as our lives!
155 pages, P/B, 7x10 $14.95
LOST REALMS Zecharia SitchinWith a visionarys
ardor and a scientists attention to detail, Zecharia Sitchin,
author of The Earth Chronicles, gives a stunning account
of human interaction with celestial travelers. He also provides further proof that prophetic dreams, visions, UFO
encounters, and other phenomena, are the hallmark of intervention by intergalactic emissaries who reach out from
other realms.
Paperback, 390 pgs., black & white illustrations $6.99


Fulcanell and the Cross Jay Weidner and Vincent
BridgesThis book reveals
the deepest secret of western
occultismthat the alchemical transformation of base
metal into gold is also the
transformation of time itself.
Using a wealth of multidisciplinary scholarship to
provide new insight on the ancient wisdom of alchemy, this
book also sheds new light on
the mystery of Fulcanelli, the
20th centurys most enigmatic
alchemist, and his message of an approaching cataclysm.
The source of these insights, the loose thread on the tapestry of history, is the Cyclic Cross at Hendaye, a small
Basque resort town on the southwest coast of France,
which, according to Fulcanelli, points to a fatal season
when a double catastrophe will try the northern hemisphere with fire. In other words, the Day of Judgment.
303 pages, 8 1/2 x 11 P/B, B&W Photos and Drawings


chariot...traditional spiritual texts seem wedded to outmoded cosmologies that show, at best, the scientific limitations of their authors. The Bhagavata Purana, one of
the classical scriptures of Hinduism, seems, at first glance,
to be no exception. However, a closer examination of this
text reveals unexpected depths of knowledge in ancient
cosmology. Mysteries of the Sacred Universe shows
that the cosmology of the Bhagavata Purana is a sophisticated system, with multiple levels of meaning that encode at least four different astronomical, geographical and
spiritual world models. By viewing the text in the light of
modern astronomy, the author shows how ancient scientists expressed exact knowledge in apparently mythological terms. Comparison with the ancient traditions of
Egypt and the Near East shows early cultural connections
between India and these regionsincluding a surprisingly
advanced science. However, quantitative science is only
part of the picture. Mysteries of the Sacred Universe
also offers a clear understanding of how the spiritual dimension was integrated into ancient Indian cosmology.
PB 6"x 9" 361 pgs. charts, b&w drawings
(CD with 260 full-color pictures and 24 animationsfor
Windows ONLY, version 95 or later)

Book: $15.95
CD: $14.95
Video: $14.95
CROP CIRCLES Linda Moulton
HoweA fascinating adventure
through the magical landscapes of
Wiltshire, England and beyond,
where beautiful swirled patterns appear from nowhere and luminesNEW!
cent globes dance in and out of existence in front of astonished observers. Emmy Awardwinning investigative reporter, Linda Moulton Howe, uses
level-headed science and analysis to back up the photographic and anecdotal evidence. P/B, 7 x 5, pp, wellillustrated $19.95


the Truth in the World Religions Steven Rosen
Is reincarnation the Gospel Truth? A recent Gallup Poll
showed that 72% of Americans believe in reincarnation.
Steven Rosen takes us on an exploratory journey through
the history of our own religions, revealing their teachings
as consistent with the concept of reincarnation. 144
pgs., 6 x 9 P/B $11.95


of the Twilight World Laurence GardnerBrings
together for the very first time in one arena the mysteries
of the legendary quests for the Ring and the Grail. From
Arthurian romance to the world of J. R. R. Tolkien, these
stories are enveloped within the magical lore of Elphamehowever, the myths are based on no mere fantasy, but on an engaging and continual history of real characters and events. Time-honored tales of fairies, elves and
dragons have long carried a particular fascination which
lingers in our collective psychea familiar but historical
allure which is rooted in the far-distant realm of the
Scythian Ring Lords. Dealing with numerous aspects,
from Sleeping Beauty to Robin Hood and Count Dracula,
the author reveals how a prestigious sovereign heritage
has been strategically suppressed by parliamentary and
church dictate, facilitated by a forged document which has
controlled all monarchical and governmental practices in
Western Europe for over 1,200 years.
405 pp. 6x9 HB. Illus. Index. $26.95


Photographs of Mars, some enhanced, with a commentary
outlining the authors theses that the planet was inhabited
by a civilization like our own and may even have been the
original home of Cro-Magnon manwith hints that Earth
is likewise doomed. Here we are shown annotated photos
of its ruined cities; its gigantic plants and towering fungi;
and its titanic sand whalesdetails of which have been
held back or obscured by a scared and cowardly NASA
Limited editionand a classic of its kind.
PB 5 x 7 scores of black and white pictures $9.95

SEARCH FOR LOST ORIGINS Contains Atlantis Risings

great interviews with the likes of
John Anthony West, Robert
Bauval, Graham Hancock, Zecharia
Sitchin, Rand Flem-Ath and many
more. Plus incisive articles by Joseph Jochmans, David Hatcher
Childress, David Lewis, J. Douglas
Kenyon and others. Scores of
photos and illustrations.
224 pages 51/2 x 81/2 Trade Paper
16 color photos $14.95

SECRET CHAMBER Robert BauvalExplores the

deeper layers of the Giza quest for a Hall of Records and
makes the linkage between the ancient magical knowledge and the Hermetic Tradition that carried it across the
ages and into the mainstream of our modern western intellectual and esoteric tradition.
Paperback, 5" x 7", 572 pages $32.95


Encyclopedic Outline of Masonic, Hermetic,
Qabbalistic & Rosicrucian Symbolical
Philosophy Manly Palmer HallSimply put, this is
the most beautiful and complete occult book ever published. It represents a lifetime of research into the mythology, symbolism, and magical practices of countless
cultures. From the secrets of Isis to the teachings of mystic
Christianity, nearly every occult dogma imaginable is represented here. Included is Halls case for Francis Bacon as
the author of the Shakespearian plays. The book is full of
giant illustrations, some of which fold out into magnificent
two-page splendor. This is the definitive guide to secret societies, famous figures, and more. A must for every personal library.
Paperback or Hardcover, 254 pages, Illustrated

PB $54.95, HC
Separates Fact
From Fiction
Gene Kieffer
The Egyptian
Mystery Teachers
knew the facts,
however. They
said: By this
book he shall
know the secrets
of that which happened in the beginning. That sacred book was deciphered a hundred years ago by the
British author and genius, Gerald Massey, but his works
could not be comprehended by the scholars of his day.
Now Masseys discoveries have been published in The
Secret Teachings, a unique book whose time has come at
622 pgs., 200 illustrations and 1200 references, indexed,
Casebound, cloth cover, gold-foil stamped. 7 x 10


SIGNS IN THE SKY Adrian Gilbert The prophets

of the ancient world, in their search for a fixed calendar on
which to inscribe the dates of events far into the future,
looked to the skies. In a world before electric light, the
fixed and immutable firmament shone down on the earth;
the revolution of the stars and progression of the constellations of the zodiac were means of measuring the passage
of time more accurate and lasting than any of mans invention. As great monuments and buildings of their era,
the astrologically aligned pyramids record the progress of
the years, counting down to the end of an age.
(NOTE: Acquired From Foreign Distributor.
Significant Delays Are Possible.)
Hardcover 345 pages, 10x13-1/2 $52.95
TempleSuperior beings from
Sirius visited earth between
7,000 and 10,000 years ago, the
extraterrestrial origin of human
civilization. This claim, and
Temples sophisticated case,
caused the worlds top secret intelligence agencies to wage a fifteen year persecution campaign
against the author. Draws on
Temples astounding knowledge
of ancient history, mythology, Pythagorean physics, chaos
theory, and the African Dogons belief that they were visited by beings from Sirius.
Paperback, 440 pgs., black & white illustrations, 6 x 9

Militia of
Heaven James
Wasserman Occult scholar and secret society member
James Wasserman
provides compelling
evidence that the interaction of the
Knights Templar
and the Assassins in
the Holy Land transformed the Templars from the
Popes private army into a true occult society, from which
they would sow the seeds of the Renaissance and the
Western Mystery Tradition. Both orders were destroyed
as heretical some 700 years ago, but Templar survivors
are believed to have carried the secret teachings of the
East into an occult underground, from which sprang both
Rosicrucianism and Masonry. Sects of the Assassins,
known as Nizari Ismailis, survive to this day under the
spiritual leadership of the Aga Khan. Wasserman strips
the myths from both groups and penetrates to the heart of
their enlightened beliefs and rigorous practices, delivering
the most probing picture yet of these holy warrirors.
336 pages, 6 x 9 P/B $16.95

STAIRWAY TO HEAVEN Zecharia SitchinAfter
years of painstaking researchcombining recent archaeological discoveries with ancient texts and artifacts
Sitchin has identified the legendary Land of the
Godsand provided astounding new revelations about the
Great Pyramids, the Sphinx, and other mysterious monuments whose true meanings and purposes have been lost
for eons.
327 pgs., illustrated, Paperback, $6.99 Cloth, $22.95


Clive Prince Exposes the most insidious and dangerous
plan of our time. Centered on the search for lost secrets of
the pyramid builders, this extraordinary true story reveals
the links between US scientific intelligence agencies,
Mars and ancient Egypt. For almost 50 years, like Frankensteins monster, this conspiracy has been put together
from cultishbut astonishingly powerfulbelief systems,
culminating in the emergence of a new fundamentalism
that is gathering strength by feeding on Millennium fever.
The authors claim to reveal the secret agenda that unites
apparently independent authors and researchers.
(NOTE: Acquired From Foreign Distributor.
Significant Delays Are Possible.)
Paperback 320 pages $29.95


Evidence from the Bibles Number Code,
Stonehenge & the Great Pyramid Bonnie
GauntResearcher Gaunts latest work confirms the authenticity of the Bibles Number Code (Gematria). New
evidence has been found linking its amazing pattern of
numbers and its time prophecies with the sacred geometry
of ancient stone structures such as Stonehenge and the
Great Pyramid. In this, her ninth book, Gaunt builds on
the research presented in her previous eight books, and
brings to light new evidence that a Master Plan involving
man and his future on planet earth has been in the process
from the beginning. She shows, through the Number
Code, that the Bibles ancient story of the scarlet thread
has been intricately woven through the history and future
of man. This exciting book will open new vistas of understanding and insight into the marvelous works of the
Master Designer. PB, 224 pgs., 5"x8", Illus. $14.95

EXODUS (Sequel
to Jesus
Last of the
Ralph Ellis
Describes the dramatic discovery of
large biblical quotation on an ancient
Egyptian stele.
When compared to
the biblical equivalent the text appears
to be two separate
accounts, from both
the Egyptian and
the Israelite perspective, of a conference in Egypt discussing the way in which the biblical
exodus should be organized. The quotation thus has fundamental implications for both history and theology because
it explains why the Tabernacle and the Ark of the Covenant were constructed, why the biblical exodus started,
where Mt. Sinai was located, who the god of the Israelites
wasindeed, it even explains exactly who the Israelites
really were and thus why the Torah, Bible and Koran were
P/B, color plates, 250 pages $16.95

THOTHArchitect of the Universe Ralph Ellis

A fascinating reevaluation of the ancient monuments of
Stonehenge, Avebury and Giza. These ancient monuments
are nothing less than ancient maps, maps of our world that
indicate the hidden location of the legendary Hall of
Records. And there is scientific proof of an ancient technical civilization...To be read with an open mind.
287 Pages 6X9 Hardcover Illustrated $29.95

TIME TRAVEL: A HOW-TO INSIDERS GUIDE Commander X with Tim Swartz A former military intelligence operative with ties to secret government time travel
experiments and an Emmy Award winning producer join
forces to show YOU how to cross dimensions, enter
vortex or window areas and experience stepping into the
past or the future. Paperback 141 pages, 7x10 $14.95

Number 29 ATLANTIS



McMoneagle, a former remote viewer with the United
States Armys top-secret STARGATE project, explores
questions philosophers have debated for centuries: Does
time really exist? Can we change the past? Do we slip between alternate realities? McMoneagle also delivers firsthand information about the origins of humanity, the
building of the pyramids, the crucifixion of Christ, and a
detailed picture of our immediate future through the year
Paperback, 275 pgs., 5.5 x 8 $12.95

BASES Surprising
Facts the
Government Does
Not Want You to
Know Richard
SauderAn explosive, eye-opening sequel to Sauders bestselling, Underground
Bases and Tunnels:
What is the Government Trying to Hide?
Dr. Sauder lays out the
amazing evidence and
government paper trail
for the construction of huge, manned bases offshore, in
mid-ocean, and deep beneath the sea floor. Bases big
enough to secretly dock submarines! Official United
States Navy documents, and other hard evidence, raise
many questions about what really lies 20,000 leagues beneath the sea. Hold on to your hats: Jules Verne may not
have been so far from the truth, after all!
264 pps. 6x9 PB. Illus. $16.95

WARS OF GODS & MEN Zecharia SitchinEons

ago, the Earth was a battlefield. Mighty armies clashed,
led by giant warriors meticulously skilled in the art of
combat. These wars would shape mans destiny and live
on for centuries in legend, song and religious lorebrutal
and terrible conflicts that began lifetimes earlier on another planet.
Paperback, 377 pgs., black & white illustrations $6.99
F. AlfordAlford
explains why religion
as we know it is a
dumbed down form
of a much older religious truth, which has
been carefully hidden
from the eyes of the
masses. Beginning
with 4,500-year-old
sacred texts, Alford
reveals that God was
originally conceived
as a celestial body,
which exploded and
seeded the Earth with
its meteorites. And
this discovery leads him to unravel the secret meaning of
the Flood and the creation of man.
480 pages 7X10 hardcover black & white illustrations

WHEN TIME BEGAN Zecharia SitchinThe architects of Stonehenge, says Sitchin, came to Earth thousands of years ago to usher in mankinds first New Age of
scientific growth and spiritual enlightenment.
Paperback, 410 pgs., black & white illustrations $6.99



10% Discount on
orders of over $100
(See page 81)

last, is the story of a handful
of inventors battling to save
the world from industrial
giants, like Ford, Morgan,
Edison and their ilk. From
Nikola Tesla to T. Henry
Moray, from John Keely to
Pons and Fleischman, the
struggle to break through
with world-saving technologies has gone on for generations, but now a new breed
of inventors threatens to succeed where others have
failed. Here is the story and the commentary of the geniuses behind many of todays amazing discoveries in free
energy, antigravity, rejuvenation, and much more.
One-Hour VHS $19.95

evidence linking Stonehenge, Avebury, Glastonbury and many other English locations with an
advanced ancient order
now lost to history. Written
and narrated by Atlantis
Rising editor Doug
Kenyon, the video is based
primarily upon the discoveries of Cambridge-trained
scholar and author John
Michell. The program demonstrates how a mysterious
network of perfectly
straight tracks, laid out for hundreds of miles across the
English landscape, proves the great advancement of prehistoric science.
Forty minutes VHS $19.95

Overwhelming evidence
of the existence of high
technology in prehistoric
times, this video shatters the
orthodox scenario for the
dawn of civilization on
Earth. Now assembled in a
devastating one-hour documentary, hosted by Atlantis
Rising Editor and Publisher
J. Douglas Kenyon, are the
comments and evidence of
breakthrough researchers
such as John Anthony West,
Robert Bauval, Richard
Noone, Colin Wilson, John
Michell, Patrick Flanagan, Christopher Dunn, Zecharia
Sitchin, David Hatcher Childress, Edgar Evans Cayce and
One-Hour VHS $19.95

(from the 1998 Egypt
In The New Millennium conference)
Christopher Dunn
Find out why researchers
from around the world
are praising Dunns theo(not video packaging)
ries. Explore how the
pyramids were really built, and how they were used.
Dunn, author of The Giza Power Plant, is a professional
engineer who understands how advanced technology operates in the modern world; and sees it clearly in the ancient
monuments of Egypt. Dunns research is stunning. VHS
240 min. $39.95


Itzhak BentovThis presentation is based on the Itzhak
Bentovs two books: Stalking the Wild Pendulum, on
the mechanics of consciousness and A Cosmic Book, on
the mechanics of creation. The late Itzhak Bentov, scientist and inventor, blended analytical knowledge with intuitive insight to develop a holographic view of reality.
90 minutes VHS $24.95

Laurence Gardner
at the NEXUS 98
Covering a wide
range of topics,
Gardner, author of
Bloodline of the Holy
Grail, portrays an alternate and yet amazingly accurate account of Western
history starting with
the hidden history of
Jesus and the Holy
Grail. He also covers
the mysteries of the
Pharaohs, sacred alchemy and legendary rituals from our
cultural past, the Royal Bloodline and the machinations of
political intrigues spanning centuries, and more. Based on
years of research in the great museums and archives of the
Western world, this video debunks much of the Biblical
and political dogma that has obscured the truth about our
civilization for centuries.
3 hours VHS $24.95

THE CODE 2000 - Part 4 Carl MunckCarls incisive observations essentially break the code that the ancients built into the geometry and locations (longitude and
latitude) of the worlds most enigmatic ancient structures.
A code that is like a message for all time. But dont let the
geometry or the astronomical implications scare you.
Carls dry sense of humor and numerous asides are sufficient to bring it all back down to comfort-zone level.
90 Min. VHS $30.00


Mythology as the
Science of the Past
Based on the book Earth
Under Fire by Dr. Paul
LaVioletteYou will learn


Part One

that myths passed down

through the ages are not just
simple stories or legends, but
perhaps windows into the fate
of our planet. What was the
cause of the sudden demise of
the ice age mammals? Are the
12 zodiacal constellations actually a
sophisticated astronomical system? Similar to the recent
Hollywood films, Deep Impact, and Armageddon,
this program tackles the idea that there may be disasters
from space that have shaped our past and will affect our
60 minutes VHS $19.95

Zecharia Sitchin, internationally acclaimed
author of The Twelfth
Planet, The Stairway To
Heaven and Genesis Revisited to name a few,
presents evidence for
mankinds extraterrestrial origins and cosmic
connections. Sitchin discusses some of the advanced knowledge possessed by the Sumerians
nearly 6,000 years ago.
Not only did they have
the wheel and detailed
writings on clay tablets
but also wrote of the planets in our solar system and knew
the accurate distances between them.
2-hours 2-videos $34.95

GEOMUSIC 2: The Next Generation The discovery

of an ancient advanced technology may be a new science of
the future. Breaking the barrier of
time, space, mind and matter,
artist and researcher James Paul
Furia introduces a new kind of science that may in fact be the foundation of a long-lost ancient, advanced technology. Furia
combines the art of music, mathematics, astronomy, the study of
the pyramids and ancient cultures
revealing stunning correlations between color, frequency, physics
and consciousness. In essence what this program reveals is a glimpse of the interconnectedness of
everything and a gateway within ourselves to a limitless
understanding of the cosmosreflected in our awareness,
our ideas and how we express ourselves and shape the
world around us.
85 minutes VHS $24.95
HOLES IN HEAVEN? Narrated By Martin Sheen A
Documentary on HAARP & Advances in Tesla Technology Starting with Nikola Teslas inventions, this video
features interviews with HAARP expert Robert Eastlund,
and shows how the military plans to use this giant facility
located at Gakona, Alaska to focus a billion-watt pulsed
radio beam into the ionosphere. This will give us various
capabilities, including seeing inside the earth, communicating with satellites and more.
51 minutes VHS Video $29.95

The legend tells how thousands of

years ago the Gods arrived on Earth
from the stars in order to instigate the
genesis of the human race. Human
civilization developed and reached its
peak at the time of Atlantis. A dark
era was initiated and a war of the
Gods lead to the sinking of Atlantis.
A secret brotherhood brought the Atlantean knowledge to safety in Egypt and elsewhere. The
secret Atlantean Brotherhood, together with inspiration
from extraterrestrial guardians, has used its educational
programs to influence all our political systems.
85 minutes VHS $24.95


Part Two
After the destruction of Atlantis
the nations were divided. Parts of the
Atlantean Brotherhood survived in
Egypt, India and in Tibet. The Freemasons, the Templars and the Illuminati Brotherhoods all emerged from
this original brotherhood. This is the
first documentation of its kind to reveal the true origins of the secret
brotherhoods and their belief
85 minutes VHS $24.95


The prophecies of Nostradamus,
the Mayan calendar, the writing in
the great pyramid of Giza, and the recent changes on the Earth indicate
that todays humanity has reached another cycle of evolution. This poignant documentary tells us about the
last warning of Elia the returned
prophet and his message for our
85 minutes VHS $24.95


Thousands of years have passed
since the high civilization of Atlantis. All the ancient people who
lived through the decline of this dark
era are being reborn today. This
thrilling documentation shows why
all the environmentalists, therapists,
artists, esoteric teachers and many
more are entering the Earth in order
to heal it.
85 minutes VHS $24.95


In this thrilling video documentation, the ancient secret of the pyramids, the Sphinx, the world network
of tunnels under the Earth, the expedition of the Nazis to the South Pole
and a lot more give the spectator an
overview of the lost secrets of the
past. It also discusses the great
changes which will come on Earth.
85 minutes VHS $24.95


Government Secrets
Former Military Personnel,
Frank Kaufman, Clifford Stone
and Robert Dean, break their
sworn oath of secrecy to expose
the truth about the greatest UFO
cover-up in history. After more
than half a century of suspense,
finally there is proof of a conspiracy at Roswell. Conclusive
evidence from first-hand eyewitnesses who are speaking out for the
record. This astonishing new documentary presents a
straightforward argument from those who were there. Not
hedged, not compromised, but simply what they believe
and why they believe it. Without a doubt, this is why and
how it really happened. The startling facts behind the legendary Roswell Incident.
1 hour VHS $19.95


Join an undercover team of investigative journalists as
they take on todays managed news in an explosive series
on the biggest cover-ups and conspiracies of our time.

Tape 1: Masters of the Universe - The Secret

Birth of the Federal Reserve
Was there a takeover of
the United States by international bankers? In this program you will visit the scene
of a crime so perfect that , for
thirty years, no one knew it
had even taken place. Join us
as we investigate the birth of
a criminal conspiracy to rob
each and every bank vault in
America, all at the same
time. This is the true, behindthe-scenes story of the birth
of the United States Federal
50 min. VHS $19.95

Tape 2: The Secret Heartbeat of America The C.I.A. & Drugs

150 Min. VHS $29.95
Tape 3: In Search of The American Drug Lords
50 Min. VHS $19.95
3 Pack Set260 Min. VHS $59.95
Tom ValoneAuthor of two
books on the subject, Valones
captivating style will astound
you with the truth about electrogravitics, inertial propulsion,
free energy, magnetic motors,
N-machines, the Searle effect,
the Hutchinson effect, nuclear
batteries and much more.
Learn what these 21st century
technologies will allow you to
do. See demonstrations of antigravity and inertial propulsion
that defies explanation. Become an expert on the new realities of free energy. 90
Min. VHS $24.95

Number 29 ATLANTIS


GODS with William
ShatnerThis amazing


gem, done in the early

1970s is a highly visual
excursion around the
world, from Easter Island
to Carnac to Baalbek and
more. This made-for-TV
documentary explores
many ancient mysteries
and the concept of gods
from outer space. Shatner
takes us around the world
to astounding archaeological sites and then shows
us impossible artifacts from the past. Finally, Shatner
tackles the UFO enigma, including government cover-ups
related to UFOs. Rare interviews with figures of the
1960s and 70s.
VHS 75 minutes $16.95

QI HEALING - Energy Medicine Techniques to

Heal Yourself and
Others Ken
CohenRenowned Qi-


LIFE ON MARS? New Scientific Evidence The

press conference with Tom Van Flandern, former Chief
Astronomer for the United States Naval Observatory and
Brian OLeary, former Apollo Astronaut trained for
Americas first manned mission to Mars. In this historic
press conference, scientists announce the discovery of
startling artifacts found among the 65,000 recently released NASA/JPL photos by Mars Global Surveyor. They
believe these artificial structures are proof that Mars was
once inhabited by an intelligent civilization.The
Crowned Headthe second face found on Mars;
Gigantic perpendicular T-shaped crater; Glass
Tubesa network of translucent underground tubes;
Giant Trees;Patterns of Arranged Triangles and
Approx. 1 hr. VHS $19.95

MONUMENTS TO LIFE: 2-PAK With Graham Hancock And Robert BauvalThe Hidden Secrets of Mankinds Past Revealed and Lost CivilizationsCovers the
mysteries of the alignments of the three pyramids in
Egypt with the constellation of Orion. Exciting and
150 minutes 2 tape set, VHS Video $29.95

Cosmic Connection
An impressive television-style documentary
tracing the history of
Crop Circles to the
present with credible
theories about their possible meaning, function
and origins. Featured
experts include Colin
Andrews, Prof. Michael
Hesemann and Richard
Hoagland, to name a
90 min. VHS $24.95



gong Master and teacher,

Ken Cohens likable persona and methodical
manner makes learning
this ancient Chinese
healing art easy and
simple. After a brief history of healing energy and
background of Qigong,
Ken takes you, step by
step, through the various
preparation exercises and
treatments for self-healing
and the healing of others.
2.5 hours VHS $49.95


HancockIn this acclaimed television mini-series Hancock traverses the
world eloquently
explaining his
theory that a
highly sophisticated ancient civilization sailed the
planet as early as
10,500 B.C.
spreading advanced astronomical knowledge
and building ancient monuments
and observatories.
Hancock points
out astounding
similarities in
giant stone structures in the Egyptian desert and
Cambodian junNEW!
gles, and on
Easter Island and
in Micronesia. Along the way he points out compelling
worldwide evidence of an ancient society of seafarers. All
three programs feature spectaular on-location footage
from many of the Earths most mysterious ancient
VHS 3-Tape boxed set.



Use your computer to dig for the truth about
UFOs. For the first time ever, several of the worlds
most prominent and respected UFO researchers have
come together to present this powerful, moving, compelling investigative exploration! Here is an interactive journey into the entire history of UFOs Crop
Circles Alien Abduction Government Coverup
Unexplained Animal Deaths. Also Included: An exclusive interview with Brig. General Thomas DuBose
USAF, admitting on the record that the Roswell UFO
crash balloon explanation was a cover-up!
Over 6 Hours On One CD-Rom!
(Windows or Mac). $24.95

TESLAThis is the
rare Yugoslav-made
feature film (in English) made 20 years
ago. With Orson Wells
as J.P. Morgan, the
movie tells the story of
the young genius as an
immigrant to New
York and his struggle
to bring his fantastic inventions to the public,
including his system of
towers that would
broadcast power into
the atmosphere. A
great movie on the suppression of technology
and free energy!
110 minutes VHS Video $29.95


Smoking Gun From space
shuttle cameras comes startling evidence that We Are
Not Alone... On March 11,
2000, in front of an assembled
audience of UFO enthusiasts
and the media, evidence was
presented that would appear to
indicate the existence of not
one, but two types of unknown
extraterrestrial life forms. Labeled Phenomena One and
Phenomena Two by a man
who spent several years recording and logging thousands of hours of NASA space
shuttle transmissions, this historic footage and the story
that lay behind its discovery can now be revealed... 90
Min. VHS $24.95



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