Silicon Planar Zener Diodes 1N5223B To 1N5273B 2.7V To 120V DO-35 Glass Axial Package
Silicon Planar Zener Diodes 1N5223B To 1N5273B 2.7V To 120V DO-35 Glass Axial Package
Silicon Planar Zener Diodes 1N5223B To 1N5273B 2.7V To 120V DO-35 Glass Axial Package
DO- 35
Glass Axial Package
The zeners with glass passivated junction in the hermetically sealed glass package with double studs,
provides excellent stability, reliability and better power dissipation.
No Suffix +20% tolerance, Suffix 'A' +10% tolerance, and Suffix 'B' +5% tolerance
Device Nominal Test Max Zener Max Reverse Leakage Current Max Zener
(Note 1) Voltage Current Impedance Voltage
VZ at IZT IZT A & B Suffix only IR at VR Temp. Coeff.
(Note 2) Vz(Note 3)
ZZT at ZZK at
IZT IZK=0.25mA (A&B Suffix only)
V mA A V VZ (% /C)
1N5223B 2.7 20 30 1300 75 1.0 -0.080
1N5224B 2.8 20 30 1400 75 1.0 -0.080
1N5225B 3.0 20 29 1600 50 1.0 -0.075
1N5226B 3.3 20 28 1600 25 1.0 -0.070
1N5227B 3.6 20 24 1700 15 1.0 -0.065
1N5228B 3.9 20 23 1900 10 1.0 -0.060
1N5229B 4.3 20 22 2000 5.0 1.0 +0.055
1N5230B 4.7 20 19 1900 5.0 2.0 +0.030
1N5231B 5.1 20 17 1600 5.0 2.0 +0.030
1N5232B 5.6 20 11 1600 5.0 3.0 +0.038
1N5233B 6.0 20 7 1600 5.0 3.5 +0.038
1N5234B 6.2 20 7 1000 5.0 4.0 +0.045
1N5235B 6.8 20 5 750 3.0 5.0 +0.050
1N5236B 7.5 20 6 500 3.0 6.0 +0.058
1N5237B 8.2 20 8 500 3.0 6.5 +0.062
1N5238B 8.7 20 8 600 3.0 6.5 +0.065
1N5239B 9.1 20 10 600 3.0 7.0 +0.068
1N5240B 10 20 17 600 3.0 8.0 +0.075
1N5241B 11 20 22 600 2.0 8.4 +0.076
1N5242B 12 20 30 600 1.0 9.1 +0.077
1N5223B_5273B Rev_1 050303E
DO- 35
Glass Axial Package
No Suffix +20% tolerance, Suffix 'A' +10% tolerance, and Suffix 'B' +5% tolerance
Device Nominal Test Max Zener Max Reverse Leakage Current Max Zener
(Note 1) Voltage Current Impedance Voltage
VZ at IZT IZT A & B Suffix only IR at VR Temp. Coeff.
(Note 2) Vz(Note 3)
ZZT at ZZK at
IZT IZK=0.25mA (A&B Suffix only)
V mA A V VZ (% /C)
1N5243B 13 9.5 13 600 0.5 9.9 +0.079
1N5244B 14 9.0 15 600 0.1 10 +0.082
1N5245B 15 8.5 16 600 0.1 11 +0.082
1N5246B 16 7.8 17 600 0.1 12 +0.083
1N5247B 17 7.4 19 600 0.1 13 +0.084
1N5248B 18 7.0 21 600 0.1 14 +0.085
1N5249B 19 6.6 23 600 0.1 14 +0.086
1N5250B 20 6.2 25 600 0.1 15 +0.086
1N5251B 22 5.6 29 600 0.1 17 +0.087
1N5252B 24 5.2 33 600 0.1 18 +0.088
1N5253B 25 5.0 35 600 0.1 19 +0.089
1N5254B 27 4.6 41 600 0.1 21 +0.090
1N5255B 28 4.5 44 600 0.1 21 +0.091
1N5256B 30 4.2 49 600 0.1 23 +0.091
1N5257B 33 3.8 58 700 0.1 25 +0.092
1N5258B 36 3.4 70 700 0.1 27 +0.093
1N5259B 39 3.2 80 800 0.1 30 +0.094
1N5260B 43 3.0 93 900 0.1 33 +0.095
1N5261B 47 2.7 105 1000 0.1 36 +0.095
1N5262B 51 2.5 125 1100 0.1 39 +0.096
1N5263B 56 2.2 150 1300 0.1 43 +0.096
1N5264B 60 2.1 170 1400 0.1 46 +0.097
1N5265B 62 2.0 185 1400 0.1 47 +0.097
1N5266B 68 1.8 230 1600 0.1 52 +0.097
1N5267B 75 1.7 270 1700 0.1 56 +0.098
1N5268B 82 1.5 330 2000 0.1 62 +0.098
1N5269B 87 1.4 370 2200 0.1 68 +0.099
1N5223B_5273B Rev_1 050303E
DO- 35
Glass Axial Package
ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (Ta=25C unless specified otherwise)
No Suffix +20% tolerance, Suffix 'A' +10% tolerance, and Suffix 'B' +5% tolerance
Device Nominal Test Max Zener Max Reverse Leakage Current Max Zener
(Note 1) Voltage Current Impedance Voltage
VZ @ IZT IZT A & B Suffix only IR at VR Temp. Coeff.
(Note 2) Vz(Note 3)
IZT IZK=0.25mA (A&B Suffix only)
V mA A V VZ (% /C)
1N5270B 91 1.4 400 2300 0.1 69 +0.099
1N5271B 100 1.3 500 2600 0.1 76 +0.110
1N5272B 110 1.1 750 3000 0.1 84 +0.110
1N5273B 120 1.0 900 4000 0.1 91 +0.110
NOTE 1: The electrical characteristics are measured after allowing the device to stabilize for
20 seconds when mounted with a 9.525 mm (3/8") minimum lead length from the case.
NOTE 2: The zener impedance is derived from the 50 Hz AC voltage, which results when AC current
having an RMS value equal to 10% of the DC zener current (IZT or IZK) is superimposed
on IZT or IZK Zener impedance is measured at two points to insure a sharp knee on the
breakdown curve, thereby, eliminating unstable units.
NOTE 3: Vz).
Temperature coefficient (
Test conditions for temperature coefficient are as follows.
a. IZT=7.5mA, Tj=25C
T2=125C(1N5223A, B thru 1N5242A, B )
b. IZT=Rated IZT, TJ=25C
T2=125C(1N5243A, B thru 1N5273A, B )
Device to be temperature stabilized with current applied prior to reading brekdown voltage
at the specified ambient Rwmerature
DO- 35
Glass Axial Package
DO-35 Glass Axial Package
A 25.40
B 3.05 4.15
C 0.46 0.56
D D 1.70 2.29
NOTE: Cathode is marked by Band. All dimensions are in mm.
1.5 R MAX.
52 mm Taping Specification
1. T & A indicates Axial Tape and Ammo
Packing (52 mm Tape Spacing).
2. 300 mm (min) leader tape on every tape.
6.0 1.0
All dimensions are in mm.
52 2.
.0 0
255 DO-35:- 5000 pcs./Ammo Pack
DO-35 T&A 5K/ammo box 0.88 kg/5K pcs 10" x 3.2" x 3.2" 5K 12.7" x 12.7" x 20" 125K 25 kgs
DO- 35
Glass Axial Package
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