Manten 66 Half
Manten 66 Half
Manten 66 Half
This paper will, thus, concentrate on a short historical survey of the devel-
opment of palynology. It should be pointed out that the purpose of such a survey
is to show how palynology after half a century has reached its present position.
This paper is certainly not a complete review article. Not only would there not
be sufficient space for such an attempt, but also the general historical picture
would tend to be obscured if too many examples and data were presented. I am
sure that every specialist will find that much important work is omitted from
this survey and what is mentioned is partly a personal, call it arbitrary, selection.
I admit this and, where required, I do apologize. Nevertheless, I hope that the
paper will serve to show the various stages of gestation, youth and puberty that
this branch of science has undergone to reach the early maturity it has today.
For the convenience of describing the history of palynology, the boundaries
between the successive stages are set at the years 1916 (first pollen diagrams)
and 1944 (coining of the name palynology).
Pollen morphology
The first studies on pollen were evidently done by botanists. These started in
the middle of the seventeenth century, as a result of an improvement in the
construction of microscopes. Soon after, the Englishman Nehemiah Grew made
the significant discovery that pollen grains in different plant species are of different
size and form, but that the pollen grains of flowers belonging to the same species
are all alike.
In the seventeen-sixties, notable contributions to pollen morphology were
made by J. G. KiSlreuter, who, despite the fact that his microscopes were
only very imperfect, discovered that the outer covering of pollen grains consists
of two distinct coats. In some species, he also noted the spines and sculpturing
on the outer coat of the pollen grain and the elasticity of that coat.
In the years 1790-1840, Francis Bauer, working in the Royal Botanic Gar-
dens at Kew, Great Britain, made very accurate drawings of many pollen grains.
However, the majority of his work was never published and consequently, he
had only very little influence on the development of pollen science.
The first successful use of pollen characters in classification appears to
have been that of John Lindley, in 1830, in genera and species of orchidaceous
Hugo YON MOHL, of German descent, but professor of physiology at Bern,
Switzerland, published in 1834 a work entitled Ober den Bau und die Formen
yon Pollenk6rner, which was a major contribution to knowledge of the structure
of pollen grains and the terminology needed to describe it. The greater part of
the work gives a detailed descriptive classification of pollen forms.
Other significant contributions came at about that time and also later
from Carl Julius FRITZSCHE, who in his later years, however, left botany to
become one of the great chemists of his time. Fritzsche's pollen observations
and drawings were often more accurate than those by Von Mohl, but he was
less interested in drawing conclusions from his work.
In 1889, Carl Albert Hugo FISCHER obtained his doctor degree with a
thesis entitled Beitrdge zur vergleichenden Morphologie der Pollenkrrner. This
thesis was based on two questions: (1) how is the outer layer of a pollen grain
formed? and (2) in what way do plants which are related in their outward form
agree in their pollen-grain structures? To find answers to these questions, he
studied thoroughly pollen grains of over 2,000 plant species from 158 families.
His studies were the first to greatly benefit from the introduction, in 1884, of the
apochromatic lens. Fischer's thesis could have been a most promising start to
a pollen-morphological career, but unfortunately it was also the end of it, as he
was later more interested in colloid chemistry, plant nutrition, soil chemistry and
applied botany.
Fossil pollen grains were only observed for the first time in February 1836. This
was by H. R. G/3ppert, who studied the Miocene browncoal of Salzhausen in
Hessen, Germany (G6PPERT, 1836). The specific identification of seeds and other
small fossils found in the browncoal required some strong magnification, and
the use of a microscope naturally led to the discovery of even smaller fossils,
including pollen grains.
The conservation of pollen grains is due to the resistant properties of the
outer coat of the grains, when the pollen is deposited out of reach of the oxydizing
action of the air. This condition is particularly fulfilled in peat bogs, with the
result that pollen grains are found most abundantly in peats, browncoals and
lignites, and coals.
In the half a century following G6ppert's first observation of fossil pollen
grains, such microfossils were also studied by, among others, the famous C. G.
Ehrenberg, an early pioneer of micropalaeontology, and by the Swiss workers
F. E. Geinitz and J. Friih.
A very notable early contribution to the study of ancient microfloras is
the two-volume work of Paulus REINSCH, Micro-Palaeophytologia Formationis
Carboniferae, published in 1884. Most of the illustrations in this work were made
in black crayon and are so clear that they are only bettered by the best modern
photographs (Fig.l).
When TRXBOM (1888) encountered pollen grains of pine and spruce in a
Quaternary lake deposit in Sweden, he considered these to be useful index fossils.
Further important contributions were made by C. A. Weber, a German peat
stratigrapher, and his school (WEBER, 1893, and later). It is in his work that a
quantitative presentation of pollen-analytical data is found for the first time,
and already in relative figures.
U. Steusloff, while studying certain terraces, peats and lake deposits in
northwestern Mecklenburg, Germany, in the first few years of this century,
took a particular interest in microfossils occurring in certain deposits of lake
lime. He found that staining with Magdala red made pollen grains stand out
in a brilliant red colour. He studied samples from seven strata of alternating
light and dark lake marl, and counted from each sample between five hundred
and seven hundred pollen grains. Steusloff believed that the banding was of
seasonal origin with spring layers, poorer in lime, alternating with autumn layers,
richer in lime; but the pollen content of both was nearly the same, despite the
fact that he noted that the pollen grains shed during spring and early summer are
entirely different from those shed later. Steusloff, therefore, suggested that pollen
grains deposited in lake waters may float in the water some time before sinking
down to the bottom (see further ERDTMAN, 1943, pp.6-7).
Fig. I. Plate XXII from Paulus Reinsch, Micro-Palaeophytologia Formationis Carboniferae (1884).
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In Finland, at about the same time, H. Lindberg found that the percentages
of certain pollen forms can differ in successive layers.
Another important investigator of fossil pollen was the Swede Gustav
Lagerheim. Although he himself did not publish anything on pollen analysis,
his contribution to this branch of science should not be underestimated. Results
of analyses made by Lagerheim were published by WITTE (1905), HOLST (1909),
SAMUELSSON (1910), SERNANDER (1911), VON POST (1918) and the Swedish Geo-
logical Survey. It was through Lagerheim that Von Post learnt to see the strati-
graphical value of plant microfossils.
Pollen in honey
A fourth line of pollen studies began in 1895, when the German PFISTER showed
that the geographical and botanical origin of honey can be determined by means
of the pollen grains which are found in the honey. When a bee visits a flower, it
also comes in contact with the anthers. As a result, some ripe pollen usually
drops on the nectar, and is taken together with this nectar to the honey combs
in the hive, from where the apiarist collects the honey to market it.
Initially Pfister's discovery stood more or less by itself. It was more than
a decade before his work was followed up by studies of other researchers. These
were YOUNG (1908) and FEHLMANN (1911), who worked on American and Swiss
honey, respectively. After their publications, a hiatus again occurred in melitto-
logical pollen studies, which lasted until the early nineteen-thirties.
One of the scientists, who decidedly influenced the life of Lennart yon Post,
was the colourful and stimulating Rutger Sernander. It was he, in 1902, who gave
the geology student Von Post the first scientific assignment: to prepare a report
about the historical development of the M~istermyr, one of the main marshes
of the Baltic island of Gotland, for which a reclamation plan had been designed.
Afterwards, Von Post kept his sincere interest in peat studies. The thesis
for his master degree which was presented at the University of Uppsala, in 1907,
dealt with peat swamps in Norrland. In 1908, he joined the staff of the Swedish
Geological Survey and began to work on swamps in the province of N~irke (west
of Stockholm). In this investigation he began to use pollen grains as stratigraphical
indicators, and he introduced a "spruce-pollen boundary" as a basis for local
correlations. This boundary, however, did not help him in later work on peat
swamps in Scania, and finally the only way out appeared to study the strati-
graphical distribution of all arboreal pollen. The results were so stimulating
that Von Post decided also to revise his material from N~irke, identifying and
counting all arboreal pollen grains found therein 1.
Von Post arranged his results in graphs, extending the depths of his samples
along the vertical axis and the percentages of the various pollen species found
in these samples along the horizontal axis. (In a later stage, the plotted points
were indicated by means of standard signs, each sign always indicating the same
species.) Lines were drawn to connect the successive points. The course of each
line thus was a reflection of variations in abundance of a particular tree in the
course of time of peat formation. Such a graph was called a pollen diagram.
The first demonstration of pollen diagrams to a large scientific public took
place in a lecture at the Sixteenth Scandinavian Meeting of Natural Scientists,
in Christiania (now Oslo), in 1916.
It was not entirely coincidental that pollen analysis was developed in Scan-
dinavia, in an area which had been glaciated during the Pleistocene and which did
not exhibit topographical height differences of much importance. In that area,
the forests are composed of only a limited number of tree species, each of which
produces much pollen. The smooth topography meant that alterations in the
composition of the forests could be recorded almost unhindered in the fossil-
pollen spectra. In a mountain area, and with a much richer and more varied
vegetation cover, the picture presented by fossil pollen is much more complicated.
The fact that, later, successful studies have also been made of such areas is another
matter entirely, as then the principles of the method were known.
Von Post's method of pollen analysis was not received immediately with
general appreciation. It seemed doubtful to several people that pollen grains
1 F o r a more detailed review of the development of the peat studies of Von Post, see MANTEN
which had often been transported over long distances, could be used as a trust-
worthy basis for establishing a stratigraphy of the bogs in wihch they finally had
been deposited and preserved.
It was mainly for other reasons that Von Post was asked to continue his
peat studies. World War I was going on and Sweden was facing a difficult fuel-
supply situation, since it had neither coal nor petroleum of its own. This focused
attention on the peat resources of the country and Von Post had to make a survey
of the peat bogs in southern Sweden, as a basis for calculations of the amount and
value of the nation's peat resources (VoN Posx and GAVELIN, 1917). The results of
pollen-analytical studies carried out in connection with this inventory and later
investigations, as well as early studies by other scientists helped significantly
to overcome much of the initial mistrust of the reliability of the pollen-analytical
A stimulating discovery in the early days of pollen analysis was that the various
periods of the Blytt-Sernander chronology of the Postglacial and Holocene
showed up very well in pollen diagrams. Thus, the following periods could be
distinguished, starting from the retreat of the last glaciation: a Subarctic period,
a Late Glacial period, a Preboreal period, a Boreal period, an Atlantic period,
a Subboreal period, a Subatlantic period, and the present time, which is often
thought to be part of the Subatlantic period still. It was gradually realized,however,
that no great value could be attached to the climatological importance which
Blytt and Sernander awarded to their periods.
Following the example of Blytt and Sernander, several other subdivisions
of the Holocene have been published, based upon standard pollen diagrams of
a certain area. A well-known one is that by RtJDOLPH (1931), who subdivided the
forest history in central Europe into, successively: (1) Betula-Pinus period, (2)
Corylus period, (3) Quercetum mixtum period, (4) Fagus period. In more re-
stricted areas local variations may occur such as the intercalation of a Picea period.
Other subdivisions of the Holocene are arranged with numbered zones, such as
those proposed by JESSEN(1934, 1938), OVERBECKand SCHNEIDER(1938), SCHUT-
RUMPE (1943), and FIRBAS (1949). As far as the subdivision of the Early Holocene
is concerned, these later chronological subdivisions present no essential improve-
ment over the classical chronology. However, the subdivision of the Late Holocene
is better in these later chronologies than in that of Blytt and Sernander.
Von Post lived long enough to see the results of pollen-statistical studies
extend knowledge about Quaternary plant geography in a revolutionary way
and the method become an indispensable stratigraphical aid. On several occasions,
he presented reviews about Quaternary pollen analysis (VON POST, 1924, 1930).
In the latter contribution, he demonstrated how pollen diagrams can be used
to correlate deposits from all over Europe.
In the first two decades, pollen analysts mainly followed the classical lines
set out by Von Post, gradually expanding the area of investigation, especially
in those parts of the world where the problems were essentially similar to those
in Scandinavia. The investigators were principally engaged in solving primary
problems of forest history, shore-line movements, etc.
An important improvement of the method was the suggestion by FIRBAS
(1935) to pay attention also to the values of the percentages for the herbaceous
pollen grains, particularly that of the Cyperaceae, Ericales and Poaceae (Gra-
mineae). In this way it became possible to recognise, palynologically, forest-less
periods with tundras and periods with a vegetation with scattered small occur-
rences of trees and bushes in a forest-less territory (for the latter kind of vege-
tation Iversen later introduced the name of park tundra), and also to study
the history of the moorlands.
Firbas initially had the idea that during the last, the Wiirm Glaciation,
the northern ice cover was surrounded by a tundra, around this a park tundra,
next a subarctic forest with birches and firs, and finally around this the forests
with broad-leaved trees. All these kinds of vegetation would thus have existed
simultaneously, but at different places, depending on the geographical distance
to the ice cap. It was also assumed that with the retreat of the land ice, in one
area these kinds of vegetation succeeded each other in time.
It was shown in Denmark that this idea of a gradual improvement in climate,
reflected by the succession in time of the named vegetations, was incorrect. Pollen-
analytical studies made it clear that during the kate Glacial a warmer stage inter-
rupted a period which was on the average still rather cold. This interruption was
called the Allerod oscillation. Continued research showed that this oscillation
had also occurred elsewhere in Europe, thereby influencing plant growth. As
a result, JESSEN (1935) published a new subdivision of the Late Glacial in which
the Allerod oscillation was officially included.
It should be said here that even before this, in Denmark the idea had been
launched that the improvement of climate since the retreat of the land ice had
not been as gradual as one might be inclined to think. HARTZ and MILTHE~S
(1901) had found in Late Glacial deposits an alternation in the nature of sedimen-
tation which they believed must have been caused by a climatic fluctuation.
Probably because they published their conclusion in Danish and because it
came from another field of study, palynologists did not pay much attention to
the article of Hartz and Milthers until they found the oscillation themselves
in the pollen diagrams. Then, however, they honoured the pioneering work of
Hartz and Milthers by naming the oscillation after the site from which the type
deposits were first described.
In addition to making relative datings of peat horizons, pollen analysis can also be
used to determine the age of prehistoric objects found in such deposits. This
made the method also of great value to archaeology. On several occasions Von
Post helped to make relative-age determinations of archaeological findings by
means of pollen analysis. The most well-known of these is the dating of a bronze-
age mantle found at Gerumsberg, in V~isterg6tland (VON POST, 1925).
In 1937, FIRBAS, by recognizing the pollen of cultivated cereals, showed
that pollen analysis could be applied to the study of the prehistorical development
of agriculture. A year later, FROMM, through a study of material collected by
Lid6n, succeeded in correlating the results to known geochronology.
New impulses were brought into palaeopalynology when it was shown that it
could be used for the identification and correlation of coal seams and coal-
bearing rocks as well. In 1920, the American geologist TmESSEN assumed that
spores from Pennsylvanian coals might be used for stratigraphical correlation.
Proceeding with this idea through a study of thin sections of the "Thick Free-
port" coal, THIESSEN and VOORHEES (1922) found that, where the spore content
is concerned, "there is a variation in the composition of the bed vertically, but
none horizontally". They also noted that several of the spores found in the
Freeport coal bed were different from the spores which they had observed in
other coals. Identification of various coal deposits by means of characteristic
spores and plant structures was, consequently, elaborated in later papers (THIESSEN
and STAUD, 1923; TmESSEN and WILSON, 1924).
Once it had been found possible to correlate coal beds in this way, similar
investigations were also carried out in other countries, and the technique was
especially expanded and refined in central Europe. LAN6E (1928) examined and
plotted the stratigraphical distribution of Carboniferous megaspores, small
spores, and fungal remains found in German and Polish coals, using thin sections
and isolated-spore preparations. He obtained isolated spores by crushing the
coal to about 1.5 mm, mixing it with a mixture of CC14 and xylol with a of
1.5; centrifugation of this mixture resulted in the float containing the lighter
spores which were freed from the coal when it was crushed. Another pioneer
was ZERNDT, who in the nineteen-thirties investigated Carboniferous megaspores
from Polish coals using the maceration method.
It was also particularly in central Europe that the application of palynology
to the study of browncoal and lignite deposits was developed. Closely connected
with this field is the name of R. Potoni&
Probably as a result of the fact that coal, browncoal and lignite represent
ancient peats, and peat was the preferred deposit of pollen analysts in the first
few decades after Von Post, little attention was paid to the spores-and-pollen
content of the sediments underlying or overlying the coal. Once they were also
included in the studies, mainly after World War II, these, particularly the clays,
were often found to contain a richer and more varied microflora than the coal
HECK (1927) seems to have been one of the first to undertake a study of Tertiary
pollen in this century (el. KmCHHEIMER, 1940). Several others soon followed.
As we shall see in later pages, it was the application of palynology in petroleum
exploration that has given Tertiary palynology its greatest impetus. This began
slowly in the nineteen-thirties, but the real "boom" only came after World War II.
Whereas Quaternary palynologists could identify all pollen grains which
they found in terms of present-day taxa and Palaeophytic palynologists had to
work throughout with organ taxa, Tertiary palynologists had to deal with an inter-
mediate situation. As the sediments under investigation are progressively older,
less and less of the pollen can be correlated, with certainty or with approximation,
with modern botanical genera.
In this situation, a series of publications by Potoni6 and co-workers has
greatly influenced Tertiary palynology (C. A. BROWN, 1957). These show many
developmental changes in concepts as well as in nomenclature.
In 1931, POTONII~started by placing fossil spores and pollen grains in the
form genera Sporites and Pollenites. Since the chances of finding fossil pollen
grains or spores of a plant are at least as great as that of finding any other fossilized
organ, it soon became evident, however, that two form genera were definitely
insufficient and that a much higher number of form genera was required, even
though pollen or spores of many species and sometimes also higher taxa are not
sufficiently distinct to be kept apart. Consequently, Potoni6 dropped the two-
form-genera system after only a few years. Instead he then began to classify
fossil pollen grains and spores within the framework of a botanical classification
(PoTONII~, 1934). He initiated the system of adding "pollenites" or "sporites"
as a hyphenated suffix to the generic name, as in Alni-pollenites verus. However,
this system was not satisfactory in all respects, for in many cases he could not
give a positive generic identification. He indicated the uncertainty with a question
mark, as in Coryli?-pollenites coryphaeus.
WODEHOUSE (1933) suggested contracting the suffix "pollenites" to "pites"
and to add this to the specific designation if the genus of the pollen species is
known with the normal degree of accuracy, otherwise to its generic designation
(e.g., Pinus strobipites, Ericipites longisulcatus).
THIERGART (1940), being faced with the same problem as Potoni6, simply
used existing generic names for the fossil spores and pollen grains which he
felt able to correlate positively to present-day genera and used the form genera
Sporites and Pollenites for the others.
Still not satisfied with the attempts then made in the classification and
nomenclature of fossil spores and pollen grains, Potoni6 proposed in 1950, to-
gether with Thomson and Thiergart (POTONI~ et al., 1950), the system of adding
the suffixes "-oidites" to generic names and "-oides" to specific names (e.g.,
Quercoidites, Fagus silvaticoides), in this way showing to what taxonomic rank
they felt reasonably certain about the identification of fossil pollen. This system
has been designated the "half-natural system". In 1951 and 1959, Potoni6 again
altered the nomenclature by altering names such as Quercoidites to Quercoi-
pollenites; these categories he apparently considered as organ genera.
The changing of the system of classification from a form genus, Pollenites,
to one with suggested botanical relationships, and then from a half-natural sys-
tem to one using organ genera, caused much confusion. THOMSON and PFLUG
(1953) recognized this, so they established a system of nomenclature based on
the morphology of pollen, which is a system of form genera. But they did not
preserve their type specimens. Part of their system is based on the system of
classifying modern pollen into artificial sections, as proposed by IVERSEN and
TROi~Ls-SMITH (1950; see also FAEGRI and IVERSEN, 1950).
INGWERSEN (1954) on the other hand, used present-day botanical genera
to classify many of the pollen grains which he found in Danish lignites.
All these nomenclature systems together are still in use at the present day.
The haphazard application of artificial names, "half-natural" names and
botanical names to fossil pollen is deplored by several palynologists. For the time
being the best practical solution seems to be to use one artificial system for all
Tertiary and older pollen, so that each kind of fossil pollen has only one name
(MANTEN, 1958, 1965). However, such a system conflicts in some respects with
the existing International Rules of Botanical Nomenclature. Under these rules
we can, for instance, have no organ taxon which is synonymous with a taxonomic
unit. A fossil pollen grain referable to, e.g., Alnus, is an Alnus pollen grain and
not Alnipollenites; should the identification not be quite certain, the pollen grain
may be called a cf. Alnus pollen grain.
teen-thirties. It did not become very apparent, however, until after World War II,
and particularly in the nineteen-fifties.
The first attempts to find out whether palynology could be useful to the
geological activities of petroleum companies seem to have started in 1934, in
the U.S.A. In some areas, petroleum geologists were hampered in their work
on pre-Quaternary, particularly Tertiary, series of strata, because existing palaeon-
tological methods of determining age and correlation could not be used and also
lithological methods could not be employed with sufficient results. Thus, they
began to look for some other way to obtain the desired information. The suggestion
was made that perhaps pollen analysis could solve the problems. The question
was tackled mainly by expert consultant advice and some preliminary investi-
gations by palaeontologists in the companies' own service. Thus, in 1938 and
subsequent years, the Royal Dutch/Shell Group invited such specialists as Potoni6,
Florschfitz, Stiitzer and Bode to undertake a study of Tertiary material from
Mexico, Venezuela, Trinidad, the Far East and Columbia, on a consultant basis,
and also had their own palaeontologist T. F. Grimsdale do some pioneering
palynological work. The main problem was that knowledge of Tertiary pollen
had at that time not yet reached the same stage as that of Quaternary pollen.
Nevertheless, the first results were promising enough to lead the Royal Dutch/
Shell Group to decide to establish a palynological section within its stratigraphical
department. Because of World War II, however, this could not take place until
The same treatment as is used in the preparation of samples of fossil spores and
pollen grains, can also be used for other groups of microfossils, such as micro-
plankton of botanical affinity, chitinozoans and other types of algal and protistan
entities. Gradually, study of these objects also became part of palynology. The
procedure used is then taken as the boundary with older branches of micro-
palaeontology, which make use of the techniques of alkaline washing of disinte-
grated rock, such as in the study of Foraminifera or Ostracoda, or of sectioning
of hard rocks.
Fossil microplankton organisms of botanical affinity were first described by
C. G. Ehrenberg, the father of micropalaeontology, in the eighteen-thirties (cf.
EHRENBERG, 1836, 1854). During the half century following his pioneering studies,
such microfossils were the subject of only rather casual mention in a limited
number of scientific publications. In the early decades of the twentieth century,
fossil phytoplankton assemblages were recorded from several countries.
This situation only really effectively changed in the first half of the nineteen-
The discovery of the group of microfossils known as Chitinozoa is linked to
the studies of Eisenack, which aimed at tracing glacial erratics found in northern
Germany back to their sources. In this connection, he investigated the acid-
resistant microfossils found in the erratics and in Silurian deposits of the Baltic
a r e a (EISENACK, 1931, 1932, 1934, 1938). Among these fossils, he noted a group
of small (ca. 0.15-1.5 mm), thin-walled, flask-shaped vesicles, which had not been
described earlier in the literature. Because of the resemblance of their wall to
chitin, Eisenack named this group of fossils Chitinozoa. He also developed a
systematic nomenclature, which remained in use essentially unaltered until in the
nineteen-sixties. His classification was based on overall morphographical char-
acteristics of silhouette and ornamentation, and ratios of measurements. His
diagnoses did not contain information on internal structures and wall construction,
for his material consisted mainly of opaque specimens. Until 1940, he recognized
some twelve different genera of Chitinozoa. The systematic position of the order
Chitinozoa is uncertain, but it is generally assumed that they represent remains of
apparatus have been devised for this purpose. Most aerobiologists, however,
went on trapping pollen on horizontal slides.
The aerobiological studies have given much more insight into which pollen
cause inhalent allergies. Any pollen, qualifying as a probable cause of epidemic
hay fever and hay asthma, must answer certain requirements: (1) it must be anti-
genic; (2) is must be produced in large quantities per plant by a species which
is widely and abundantly distributed and is anemophilous in habit; (3) the pollen
of such a species must be sufficiently buoyant (in practice its grains must be small
enough) to become easily airborne. To these requirements must be added that
for any type of pollen to be regarded as the causitive agent in a particular case
of hay fever or hay asthma, its period of occurrence in the air must coincide
with or include that in which the patient's symptoms are experienced, or at least
are exacerbated ("time postulate") (HYDE, 1954).
The "palynological" problem presented by hay fever was to determine what
kinds of pollen answering the above requirements were likely to be encountered
in the air at a given place in the course of the year, during what period and in what
concentration(s), and how such incidence varies from place to place.
The study of the pollen found in honey began to flourish again in the early nine-
teen-thirties. The microscopic examination of honey was then developed mainly
in Germany, by Armbruster and co-workers (ARMSRUSTER and OEN~KE, 1929;
Pollen morphology
of the specialists most interested in the results of pollen analysis have not had a
direct professional interest in pollen morphology or the fundamental theory of
pollen analysis" (ERDTMAN, 1943). For this reason, in his introductory textbook,
he devoted much attention to pollen morphology. The system of terms which
Erdtman used was partly based on the terminologies of Fritzsche and Wodehouse,
but many new terms were also introduced. For the first time all pollen grains were
given consistent chemical treatment according to the acetolysis method of the
brothers Erdtman. The pollen-grain wall, in particular, could thus be studied
better than ever before. Recent pollen treated in this way closely resembles fossil
pollen; much more so than fresh material.
Because World War II caused the suspension of many scientific meetings and
handicapped travelling, P. B. Sears felt the need for a medium to exchange
information among U.S. workers in pollen analysis. On May 5, 1943, in col-
laboration with some others (L. R. Wilson, J. E. Potzger), he started the publi-
cation of a mimeographed Pollen Analysis Circular. This was the first periodical
entirely devoted to pollen analysis.
In the sixth issue of this Circular, ANTEVS (1944) queried whether "pollen
analysis" is the proper name for the study of pollen, and its applications. The
word, he said, was used in Sweden from the beginning to signify the identification
and percentage determination of the pollen grains of the principal forest trees
in peat bogs and lake beds. However, its inadequacy soon became obvious.
Erdtman spoke about "pollen statistics", and, after 1932, about "pollen statistics
and related topics". Even the combination "statistical pollen analysis" was rejected
by Antevs, since it "refers only to the method of getting certain data which in
itself has little purpose and which does not apply to or cover all the branches
of the pollen studies, much less the application of the direct results to climatic
conclusions, etc. It is the knowledge gained from the pollen studies, be those
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1935 1 9I4 0 I
1945 19 I5 0 19155 I
Fig.2. Rate at which new species and emendations have been added to thepalynological literature
in the years 1931-1956. (After KREMPet al., 1957.)
In the ninth issue, which appeared on January 15, 1945, Sears, Editor of
the Circular, professed to be "intrigued with the suggestion of Professors Hyde
and Williams that the term palynology be used to designate the whole science
which deals with strewn or scattered organic particles". Recipients of the periodical
seemed to be more hesitant in accepting the new name and the majority suggested
calling it Pollen and Spore Circular, a name which it bore from the ninth to the
eighteenth, and last issue.
The discussion ended in the tenth issue, when HYDE (1945) wrote that
Dr. Williams and he did not intend the word palynology to have so wide an
application as Sears had given it. He admitted that he could not object on logical
grounds to the inclusion of fungus and bacterial spores, but would certainly
not wish to include, e.g., virus particles or dead organic dusts.
It has already been pointed out that in the decade preceding World War II fossil
botanical microplankton, chitinozoans and similar entities began also to be used
in palynological studies, in addition to the expanding amounts of work on spores
and pollen grains. For the entire group of palynological study objects, Tschudy
introduced the collective name of palynomorphs.
Attempts to clarify the systematic nomenclature of fossil microplankton,
that had grown into a confused mass of uncorrelated data, revealed that it is
possible to recognize fossil chorate cysts of dinoflagellates and to separate them
from other microplanktonic bodies incertae sedis. These cysts had been de-
scribed at various times by different names, such as "Xanthidia", "Spiriferites",
"Palinospheres", "Ova hispida", "Hystrichospheres" and "Hystrix". The first
to realize that these were dinoflagellate cysts was REINSCH (1905). Four decades
later, DEFLANDRE(1947a, b) also gave evidence in favour of this interpretation;
he established beyond any doubt their truly planktonic character. The matter
was definitely solved by EVITT, in papers published between 1961 and 1963. It is
very ironic that both the genera Hystriehosphaera and Hystrichosphaeridium,
from which the group name of the hystrichosphaerids was derived, happened
to be based on fossil dinoflagellates. A short historical review of the study of
fossil dinoflagellates is given by SARJEANT (1967) and a bibliography of papers
published on this subject up to 1963 is given by DOWNm and SARJEANT(1964).
In order to eliminate future confusion between fossil dinoflagellates, hvs-
Quaternary palynology
could show that the Allerod oscillation was characterized by a time in which
the forest temporarily closed without an immigration of thermophilous trees.
The oscillation (now preferably called an interstadial) was followed by a time with
a rather open park tundra, until in the Preboreal the forest definitely closed and
the Holocene Period began.
The concept of a park tundra or park landscape was introduced by Iversen
to denote a grass-sedge tundra with scattered stands of dwarf birches. Alongside
dwarf species of Salix and the arctic genera Dryas, Oxyria, Armeria, Empetrum
and Selaginella, there were also the genera Artemisia, Rumex, Thalictrum, Hip-
pophae and Helianthemum. The latter suggest a comparison with the central
European alpine, rather than with northern arctic, conditions.
From his pollen diagrams, IVERSEn (1947) also came to the conclusion
that once before in the Late Glacial, a temporary improvement in climate must
have taken place. He called this the Bolling oscillation. This interstadial repre-
sented a time with a park landscape, which was preceded and followed by a time
with a tundra vegetation. The following subdivision of the Late Glacial was thus
established: Oldest Dryas Time--Boiling Interstadial--Older Dryas Time--Allerod
lnterstadial--Younger Dryas Time. The latter is succeeded by the first stage of
the Holocene, the Preboreal, in which the first thermophilous trees appear.
This definitely meant the end of the earlier belief that the Late Glacial in
northwestern Europe was characterized by the simple succession of times with a
tundra vegetation, a park landscape and a subarctic forest. Later palynological
studies of Late Glacial material from the Mediterranean area, such as by MEN~N-
DEZ AMOR and FLORSCrtt)tZ (1962) on samples from Spain, revealed that a simul-
taneous plant-geographical zonation during the Pleniglacial did not exist either.
The most recent development in palynological studies of the Late Glacial
is the evidence presented by VAN OER HAmr~EN and VO6~L (1966), from Colombia,
Kenya, Spain and France, for an interstadial which is still older than the Bolling
Interstadial, and which they named the Susac/l lnterstadial. DREIMANIS (1966)
showed that this interstadial is of world-wide significance, being contemporaneous
with an interstadial described earlier from the Great Lakes region of North America,
with the Raunis Interstadial in the eastern Baltic area and the Plyusna Inter-
stadial in northwestern Russia.
Studies like those by Iversen caused a revival of interest in Quaternary
palynology after World War II. Mikkelsen, stimulated by Iversen, dropped Von
Post's old idea that Corylus pollen should never be included in the pollen sum.
Iversen, in the first diagrams made according to his new method, had not included
Corylus in his total pollen sum either. Mikkelsen demonstrated that diagrams in
which Corylus had also been included in the pollen sum gave a more understandable
impression of forest history.
Ice Age
Palynology also proved to be of great value in extending existing knowledge
of the overall chronology of the Pleistocene.
Before the beginning of the Ice Age, large parts of the Northern Hemisphere,
including Europe, were covered with the famous Sino-American flora. In its
main composition, this flora is still present nowadays in Japan, China and North
During the Pleistocene, the advancing land ice forced this flora to move
southwards. This presented no serious problems in North America and Asia,
where after retreat of each glaciation the flora again recolonized the original areas
if the climatic conditions permitted it. In Europe, however, the situation was
different. The east-west orientated mountain ridges and the Mediterranean
presented barriers against which the southwards-moving thermophilous flora
was forced to halt. This meant that after each glacial the Sino-American element
was less well-represented in the European flora, and consequently made Europe
a very suitable continent for the palynological identification of deposits from
the successive interglacials. A complicating factor, however, was that at no one
place is there a complete Pleistocene succession. In order to obtain a good picture,
one had to combine scraps of information from various localities, and, moreover,
the deposits found in these localities had, in many cases, been deformed by
the direct and indirect agents of the glaciations and had been eroded by melt
water, rivers or dust storms. It required a fair dose of acumen to collect the many
necessary pieces of information and to produce a general, cohesive picture out
of them. Someone who certainly has this gift is ZAGWIJN (1957, 1960). He has
contributed significantly to the present knowledge that in the Pleistocene there
have been six glacials, separated by five interglacials. WOLDSTEDT(1958) deserves
the credit for having made a representative selection from the many local names
for the glacials and interglacials which had gradually been introduced in the lit-
Palynology in archaeology
In Danish pollen diagrams, at about the transition from the Atlantic to the Sub-
boreal period, the pollen percentages of Quercus, Tilia, Fraxinus, and Ulmus
undergo a distinct, though only temporary, decline. A contemporaneous transitory
increase takes place in the Betula-pollen frequencies, a more lasting one in those
of Alnus, and the pollen of Corylus shows a pronounced maximum. IVERSEN
(1941) was the first to realize that these phenomena could be attributed to forest
clearance with the help of axe and fire and undertaken by Neolithic man, followed
by a characteristic regeneration of the cleared area through the invasion of pri-
marily Betula, Alnus, and Corylus. Iversen's pollen-analytical conclusion was
supported by the occurrence of Neolithic remains and charcoal layers with the
onset of the vegetational changes and the low but constant frequency of the
pollen grains of cultivated cereals.
IVE~SEN (1941) also pointed out that the pollen of Plantago major and
Plantago lanceolata act as landmarks in distinguishing the forest clearance by
European man from this Neolithic period onwards, and that the latter species prob-
ably came to Denmark with formal agriculture. GODWIN (1956) drew attention
to the fact that Plantago major, together with certain other heliophilous plants
which occurred in the open vegetation of the Late Glacial, reappear with the onset
of forest clearance as ruderals.
TROlLS-SMITH (1953, 1955, 1960) followed up an idea first launched by
FAEGRI (1944) that the decline of Hedera and Ulmus, which can also be observed
at the Atlantic-Subboreal transition might be attributed to their use as fodder
trees for stall-feeding of cattle, instead of to climatic changes, as IVERSEN (1941)
supposed. TroEls-Smith pointed out that in the Danish diagrams the pollen
of cultivated cereals, together with that of the ruderal Plantago, occurs in minute
traces before the forest clearance, but never before the Ulmus decline. The same
holds for Allium ursinum, which is also considered to be antropochorous. By suc-
ceeding in correlating the appearance of traces of cereal pollen in a pollen diagram
with the horizon of the A ceramics of BECKER (1948), which is considered to be
equivalent to the classical Ertebolle culture, TroEls-Smith and his associates
showed that the Ulmus decline did indeed take place at a time when prehistoric
man combined hunting and fishing with primitive agriculture. IVERSEN (1960)
Extraterrestrial life
In 1961, the Americans CLAUS and NAGY found remarkable particles in a carbon-
aceous meteorite. They called these "organized elements" and could find no
explanation for these, other than their being remains of once living micro-
Palynology became involved in this controversial subject, as it was felt
that this is the branch of science which should be able to throw some light on
the nature of the organized elements. Since the subject has recently been reviewed
in this periodical (MANTEN, 1966), readers are referred for further information
to that paper.
Pollen morphology
As we have seen, initially the interests of pollen analysts working with Quaternary
material was predominantly directed towards the arboreal pollen. For plant-
geographical and plant-sociological reasons, however, attention was gradually
being given also to the pollen grains of other plants, as these occurred in the samples.
In turn, this made it possible to draw conclusions, from the collected pollen-
analytical data, of a palaeoecological, palaeoclimatological and other nature.
The idea was to be able to identify all pollen types which were encountered in a
particular deposit. For this purpose, much larger collections of pollen of recent
plants were required to enable comparisons of fossil material with pollen of
known botanical origin. All these pollen grains had to be accurately described,
with emphasis, of course, on the structure of the pollen wall. In this respect,
important work was done especially in the palynological laboratory of the Danish
Geological Survey, in Charlottenlund. A descriptive system was developed, which
initially was only intended for internal use. When, however, it was planned to
write a handbook of pollen analysis, Iversen decided to publish the terminology
([VERSEN and TROlLS-SMITH, 1950). In the book itself (FAEGRI and ]VERSEN,
1950), pollen morphology only has a moderate part. Nevertheless, the system
has had great influence on pollen morphology. The system was based on the
terminologies of Fritzsche, Wodehouse, and Erdtman.
After the appearance of ERDTMAN'S An Introduction to Pollen Analysis
(1943), this author has not done further work on the subject of pollen analysis.
Since then, he has concentrated entirely on pollen morphology. All plant groups
were systematically subjected to detailed studies. This led to the publication of
a two-volume book, of which the first volume (ERDTMAN, 1952) deals with the
pollen morphology of the angiospermous plants, and the second volume (ERoT-
MAN, 1957) with the pollen morphology of the gymnospermous plants, the ferns
(Pteridophyta) and the mosses (Bryophyta). Both volumes have become pioneering
works for further pollen-morphological researches all over the world. Many
plant morphologists, particularly those with a botanical background, found in-
spiration in these books for their own original studies.
It was said earlier that there has always been a clear relationship between
the development of pollen morphology and improvements in microscopical
techniques. After the introduction of the apochromatic lens, the next major
improvement came from the application of electron optics. Two kinds of electron
microscopical studies are to be distinguished: first, those using medium magnifi-
cation (magnification about 5,000), in which pioneering studies were carried
out by FERN~NDEZ-MoR/INand DAHL (1952) and MiJHLETHALER(1953); secondly
those utilising the utmost magnification available, in which important contri-
butions were made particularly by Erdtman and his school.
Palynological literature
The books by Wodehouse, Bertsch and Erdtman, which have already been
mentioned, remained in use after World War II also. In addition to these, several
other important books have also appeared during the last two decades, including
the Textbook of Modern Pollen Analysis, by FAEGRI and IVERSEN (1950) and
Erdtman's two-volume work on pollen and spore morphology and plant taxonomy.
This work is especially valuable because of its great number of descriptions and
illustrations of pollen grains and spores from different families of plants, prepared
according to a very definite and exhaustive plan (ERDTMAN, 1952, 1957). In
between the two volumes, he also published a new edition of his introductory
book (ERDTMAY, 1954). In addition to various books devoted entirely to palynology,
there are several others in which a partial palynological content has been inte-
grated with other scientific information.
Mention has already been made of the Pollen Analys& Circular, of which 4 issues
were published in 1943 and an equal number in 1944. From 1945 onward, it
appeared under the name Pollen and Spore Circular, 3 issues being published in
1945, 2 in 1946, 1 in 1947, 2 in 1948, 1 in 1949 and the last one, no. 18, not until
1954. Then, the Circular became incorporated in the Micropaleontologist,
published by the American Museum of Natural History, New York. Soon there-
after, that journal was reorganized, to become, since 1955, the present Micro-
At present two international scientific journals are devoted solely to palynol-
ogy. These are Grana Palynologica, appearing since July 1954, under the eminent
editorship of Erdtman, and Pollen et Spores, issued since May 1959, under the
guidance of Madame Van Campo, by the Mus6um national d'Histoire naturelle
in Paris. A third periodical, Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology, which will
start publication early in 1967, includes in its scope not only the various fields
of palynological research, but also the study of plant macrofossils. In addition,
there are also some national journals and numerous other publications which
regularly or occasionally present palynological articles.
Palynology is rather unique in possessing an almost complete bibliography.
Since 1927, ERDTMANhas been publishing literature surveys in a series of papers
"Literature on pollen statistics", since 1932 with the addition "and related topics".
These appeared in Geologiska F6reningen i Stockholm F6rhandlingar. In Germany,
H. GAMS published bibliographies in the Zeitschrift fiir Gletseherkunde und
Glazialgeologie, also since 1927. When Word War II shut offthe Old World from
the New, the Pollen Analysis Circular took over this task for the North American
continent. The periodical went on publishing bibliographies throughout its exist-
ence. After the war, Erdtman resumed the work of compiling surveys of"literature
on palynology", in the years 1957-1959 for the subject of palaeopalynology
assisted by 3 issues of a Palynologie, bibliographie, issued by the Service d'lnfor-
mation g6ologique of the Bureau de Recherches g6ologiques, g6ophysiques et
mini6res, in Paris. Madame M. Van Campo deserves special mention by com-
piling a section "References bibliographiques" for Pollen et Spores, since 1959.
From 1960 onwards, she has been assisted in this by Madame N. Planchais,
from which year the section has been published as a bi-annual separate supplement
to that periodical.
Further meetings
The Paris congress remained the only one where palynology was represented with
its own special section at an international botanical congress.
7, 1964. The conference was held from August 29-September 3, 1966. A detailed
report of this meeting can be found elsewhere (MANTEN, 1967b).
ANTEVS, E., 1944. The right word? Pollen Analysis Circ., 6: 2-3.
ARMBRUSTER, L. und JACOBS, J., 1934-1935. Pollenformen und Honigherkunftsbestimmung.
Arch. Bienenk., 15(1934):277-308; 16(1935): 17-106.
ARMBRUSTER, L. und OE~rd~, G., 1929. Die Pollenformen alsMittelzurHonigherkunftsbestimmung.
Biicherei ftir Bienenkunde, Wachholz-Neumtinster, 116 pp.
BACr~EISTER,A., 1936. Pollenformen aus den obermiozanen Stisswasserkalken der "Ohninger
FundstS.tten" am Bodensee. Ber. Geobotan. Forschungsinst. Riibel (Ziirich), 1935(1936):
BECKER,C. J., 1948. Mosefundne Lerkarfra Yngre Stenalder. Thesis, Univ. of Copenhagen.
BERTSCH, K., 1942. Lehrbuch der Pollenanalyse. Enke, Stuttgart, 195 pp.
BLACKLEY, C. H. , 1873. Experimental Researches on the Causes andNature of Catarrhus Aestivus
(Hay-fever or Hay-asthma). Bailli6re, Tindall and Cox, London, 202 pp. Reprinted in
1959 by Dawson's of Pall Mall, London.
BLVTT,A., 1876. Essay on the Immigration of the Norwegian Flora during Alternating Rainy and
Dry Periods. Christiania, 89 pp.
BOSTOCK,J., 1819. Case of a periodical affection of the eyes and chest. Medico- Chir. Trans., 1O(1):
Bosxoc~, J., 1828. On catarrhus aestivus, or summer catarrh. Medico-Chir. Trans., 12: 437446.
BROWN,A., 1927. New plan for applying specific treatment of pollen hay fever (perennial
treatment); preliminary report. J. Immunol., 13: 273.
FAEGRI, K., 1944. On the introduction of agriculture in western Norway. Geol. F#ren. Stock-
holm F6rh., 66(3): 449-463.
FAEGRI, K. and 1VERSEN,J., 1950. Textbook of Modern Pollen Analysis. Munksgaard, Copen-
hagen, 168 pp.
FAEGRI, K. and IVERSEN,J., 1964. Textbook of Pollen Analysis, 2 ed. Munksgaard, Copenhagen,
237 pp.
FEHLMANN, C., 1911. Beitr~ige zur mikroskopischen Untersuchung des Honigs. Mitt. Schweiz.
Gesundh. Amtes, Bern, 2: 179-211.
FERN.~.NDEZ-MOR.~N,H. and DAHL, A. O., 1952. Electron miscroscopy of ultra-thin frozen
sections of pollen grains. Science, 116: 465.
FIRBAS, F., 1935. Die Vegetationsentwicklung des mitteleurop~,ischen Sp~itglazials. Bibliotheca
Botanica, 112.
FIRBAS, F., 1937. Der pollenanalytische Nachweis des Getreidebaus. Z. Botan., 31:447-479.
FIRBAS, F., 1949. Spat- und nacheiszeitliche Waldgeschichte Mitteleuropas nordlich der Alpen,
1. Allgemeine Waldgeschichte. Fischer, Jena, 480 pp.
FISCHER, C. A. H., 1890. Beitriige zur Vergleichende Morphologie der Pollenk6rner. Inaug.
Diss., Breslau.
FRITZSCHE, K. J., 1837. Iber den Pollen. Memoires pr(sent(s h l'Acaddmie Imp(riale des Sciences
de Saint Petersbourg, 3.
FROMM, E., 1938. Geokronologisch datierte Pollendiagramme und Diatomeenanalysen aus
/~ngermanland. Geol. F6ren. Stockholm F6rh., 60.
GAMS, H., 1927 vv. Verzeichnis der pollenanalytischen Literatur mit Nachtr~igen. Z. Gletscherk.
Glazialgeol., 15(1927): 182 190; 17(1929): 244-248; 17(1929): 389-391; 19(1931)327-334;
21(1933): 188-196; 22(1935): 267-274; 25(1937): 283-299; 27(1940): 186-196.
GEtNI'rZ, F. E., 1887. Geologische Notizen aus der Liineburger Heide. Jahresh. Naturwiss. Vet.
Fiirstentum Liineburg, 10: 36.
GODWIN, H., 1956. The History of the British Flora. Cambridge Univ. Press, Cambridge, 384 pp.
G(iPPERT, H. R., 1836. De floribus in statu fossili commentatio. Novo Acta Acad. Leopoldina
Carol. Natur. Cur., 18(1): 547-572. Also issued as an independent publication, Breslau,
1837. Cf. also Neues Jahrb. Mineral. Geol. Paliiontol., 1836: 361; 1837: 725.
G6PPERT, H. R., 1841. Uber das Vorkommen von Pollen im fossilen Zustande. Neues Jahrb.
Mineral. Geol. Paliiontol., 1841: 338-340.
GOPPERT, FI. R., 1855. Die tertiiire Flora yon Schossnitz in Schlesien. G6rlitz.
GRIEBEL, C., 1930-1931. Zur mikroskopischen Pollenanalyse des Honigs. Z. Lebensm. Untersuch.
Forsch., 59(1930): 63, 197, 441; 61(1931):241.
HALLE, T. G. and SELLINg, O. H., 1948. Is it possible to found an International Paleobotanical
Society for the chief purpose of issuing a Journal of Paleobotany ? Pollen Spore Circ., 16: 5.
HARTZ, N. og MILTHERS,V., 1901. Det senglaciale ler i Allerod teglvaerksgrav. Dansk Geol.
Foren., 2.
HECK, H. L., 1927. Geologische Untersuchungen der Kieselgur und Braunkohle von Beuern und
ihre Mikroflora. Notizbl. Vet. Erdkunde und Hessischen Geol. Landesanstalt Darmstadt,
V. Folge, 10: 113-126.
HOLST, N. O., 1909. Postglaciale tidsbest~imningar. Sveriges Geol. Unders6kn., ~rsbok, Set. C,
Avhandl. Uppsat., 216.
HYDE, H. A., 1945. Palynology. Pollen Spore Circ., 10: 5.
HYDE, H. A., 1954. Palynology in the service of medicine. Congr. Intern. Botan., 8me, Paris,
1954, Rappt. Commun. Sections 2, 4, 5 et 6, pp. 277-278.
HYDE, H. A. and WILLIAMS,D. A., 1944. The right word. Pollen Analysis Circ., 8: 6.
IVERSEN, J., 1941. Landnam i Danmarks stenalder. En pollenanalytisk undersogelse over det
forste landbrugs indvirkning paa vegetationsudvikling. Danmarks Geol. Undersogelse, I1,
66:68 pp.
IVERSEN, J., 1946. Geologisk datering af en senglacial boplads ved Bromine. Aarboger Nordisk
Oldkyndighed Historie, 1946: 198.
IVERSEN, J., 1947. Plantevaekst, dyreliv og klima i det senglaciale Danmark. Geol. FOren. Stock-
holm FOrh., 69: 67-78.
|VERSEN, J., 1960. Problems in the Early Postglacial forest development in Denmark. Danmarks
Geol. Undersogelse, IV, 4(3): 5-32.
IVERSEN, J. og TROi~LS-SMtTH,J., 1950, Pollenmorfologiske definitioner og typer. Danmarks Geol.
Undersogelse, IV, 3(8): 1-53.
INGWERSEN, P., 1954. Some microfossils from Danish Late Tertiary lignites. Danmarks Geol.
Undersogelse, I1, 80: 32-64.
JANSSEN, C. R., 1960. On the Late Glacial and Postglacial vegetation of south Limburg (Nether-
lands). Wentia, 4:1-112.
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Iogica, 5: 185-214.
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Kgl. Danske Videnskab. Selskab Biol. Medd., 12(1).
JESSEN, K., 1938. Some west Baltic pollen diagrams. Quartiir, 1: 124-139.
KIRCHHEIMER, F., 1940. Hundert Jahre Pollenforschung im Dienste der Pal~iobotanik. Planta,
31: 414~-I 7.
KREMP, G. O. W., AMES, H. T. and GREBE, H., 1957. Catalog of Fossil Pollen and Spores.
College Mineral Industries, Pennsylvania State Univ., University Park, Pa., l: 182 pp.
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MANTEN, A. A., 1965b. Book review of A.T. Cross (Editor), Palynology in Oil Exploration.
Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatol., Palaeoecol., 1(4): 333-334.
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