RTU560-RTU211 - Solutions Overview - Brochure
RTU560-RTU211 - Solutions Overview - Brochure
RTU560-RTU211 - Solutions Overview - Brochure
Solutions overview
RTU560 / RTU211 | 2
3 | RTU560/RTU211
RTU560 / RTU211 | 4
5 | RTU560/RTU211
RTU560 / RTU211 | 6
7 | RTU560/RTU211
Network interfaces Additional third party/country specific protocols are available (e.g.
The RTU supports integrated serial and Ethernet communica- Telegyr TG800, Sinaut 8FW, Conitel 300, Estel,
tion interfaces. The number of communication interfaces can Harris5000/6000, Hitachi etc.).
be adapted according to the project requirements by using
appropriate type and number of CMUs. Sub device communication
Up to 150 IEDs can be connected to one RTU. Each connected
Communication modules device is supervised by the system diagnosis of the RTU.
In order to achieve the flexibility for communication with the The standard protocols which are supported by the RTU are:
variety of devices, the RTU560 has an available spectrum IEC 60870-5-101/-102/-103/-104
of communication modules for integrated RTU rack or DIN IEC 61850-8-1
rail solution. These are CCITT/V.23 and 9600 baud analogue DNP 3.0 serial and TCP/IP
modems, Fiber optic converters, managed and unmanaged Modbus serial and TCP/IP
Ethernet Switches, DSL modems and fiber optical converters Meter interfaces
(Mono- and Multi-mode). Other specific protocols as RP570/71, SPA bus, etc.
Stations with up to 20km distance can be interconnected via
the SDSL ports. Additional country or supplier specific protocols are available
With the 2 DSL interfaces the managed switch is able to pro- on request.
vide redundant topologies (loop configuration) which makes
an electrical ring connection of IEDs/RTUs achievable. This IEC 61850 station bus applications
network can be used for other services e.g. voice of IP, main- IEC 61850 client (gateway)
tenance/diagnosis. enables the communication between the IEC 61850 station bus
Wireless and wired communication can additionally be and network control centers.
realized via third party communication devices e.g. radio
modems, multiplexers, dial-up modems and GSM/GPRS IEC 61850 server (IED)
modems via PPP. is used to integrate existing I/Os and/or non IEC 61850 sub
devices to the IEC 61850 station bus. The RTU560 can be used
Host communication as field device since it supports GOOSE. Therefore data exchange
The RTU allows communication with up to 16 host systems via with other IEC 61850 devices is possible.
different protocols. System events are used for supervision of host
The standard protocols which are supported from the RTU are:
IEC 60870-5-101/-104
DNP3, serial and TCP/IP
Modbus serial and TCP/IP
Other specific protocols such as Indactic 33/35, RP570/71
RTU560 / RTU211 | 8
Control center
Redundant Links
(S)NTP server
Radio clock
Minute pulse
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RTU560 / RTU211 | 10
Transmission and distribution networks are subject to con- Process bus IEC 61850
stant change resulting in complex structures for grid systems. The wide acceptance of the IEC 61850 station bus in the in-
Grids of the future will be different. They will accommodate dustry points the direction towards the future. IEC 61850 will
all types and sizes of decentralized generation technologies be deployed towards the process bus. Primary equipment will
(particularly renewable) and also be automatically responsive be enabled with even more intelligent technology and provide
to changes in supply and demand. The beginning was done TCP/IP based process information. Secondary equipment will
by todays deregulated market. Its requirements put extreme be interfaced directly to the IEC 61850 process bus.
economical pressure on network operations expecting the
monitoring and controlling of the grid down to the lowest E-mobility
level. E-mobility projects are constantly announced throughout the
The smart grid will minimize the environmental footprint, be world. Consequently the impact towards grid operation is
self-monitoring and provide real-time information to help inescapable. The management of the charging stations, the
manage distribution and power generation. The need for more demand management and the energy storage will be a future
information from the grid in the lower voltage levels requires task of the grid operation. Providing technology for monito-
a higher deployment of intelligent technologies to gather this ring and control of the charging stations poses technical and
information. Remote control meets these requirements with a economical challenges to the grid operators and technology
wide range of functions as well as flexible and modern com- provider.
munication technologies.
All of these elements, from the economical to the environmen- Automated grid balancing
tal, are amplifying the necessity for the grid itself to evolve. In the future the grid needs to be operated closer to its limits
A solution based on remote control still represents the most since decentralized generation creates local bottle necks in
economical alternative. It offers the possibility of station auto- the distribution. Grid enforcements will not be possible due to
mation, modernization and extension with highest functionality environmental and economic reasons.
and availability. Grid automation is inevitable as operators and service techni-
cians have larger areas to deal with. Therefore a higher
Constant change of technology degree of automated actions is required to ensure grid stabili-
Smart meters ty. The automation of these actions in a peer to peer
The large deployment of smart meters and its required com- architecture is necessary to unburden the operators and
munication infrastructure open the possibility to apply smart unload communication networks.
meters for the operation of the grid. Traditionally energy mete-
ring and network control have been separated. Its integration
provides several opportunities of optimization, e.g. the usage
of the same communication infrastructure to use meter data
for grid optimization and control.
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