RTU560-RTU211 - Solutions Overview - Brochure

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Solutions overview

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Your benefits at a glance

Strong partnership Life cycle costs

ABB is working for more than 40 years with continued Todays investment in ABB RTUs can be considered as an in-
success in the area of remote control applications and vestment into the future. Your investment is secured through:
offers the security of a strong and experienced partner. Future-proof technology by incorporating modern internatio-
Worldwide presence with local partners in almost all regions nal standards such as IEC 61850
allows quick access to support and service. Open and scalable system architecture
Retrofit concepts
World-proven technology
With more than 50.000 installed Remote Terminal Units Cost advantages
(RTUs) at around 2.000 customers in more than 100 coun- ABB RTUs offer significant cost saving benefits:
tries, ABB is world market leader for medium and large RTU Reduced operating and maintenance costs through advan-
applications. ced diagnostic tools
Small number of configurable hardware components for all
One solution suitable for various applications applications reduces spare part costs
The open architecture of the RTU supports adaptation to Integrated Human Machine Interface (HMI) functionality,
different applications. Future functional and quantitative PLC functions and network components in one RTU system
extensions are easy to realize at anytime through hardware or Reduced engineering hours through efficient engineering
software upgrade for various applications: tools
Transmission/sub transmission One engineering tool for the complete RTU family
Distribution automation One solution, from pole top RTUs to large complex trans-
Smart grids mission RTUs, with consistent system functionality
Feeder automation

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Our RTU family

Functional elements Rack

The flexible and modular designed RTU provides a complete RTU solution for huge and medium applications for trans-
solution with many integrated functions. The scalability of the mission/sub transmission and distribution
system allows perfect adaptation for station reinforcement, The swing frame and mounting plate rack expand the flexi-
retrofit and upgrades. bility of the RTU560 rack based solution
Flexible footprint: 19 rack, half size rack or DIN rail design, Fully flexible sub racks for communication units (CMUs)
in combination with different communication modules, pro- and I/Os with redundancy support
vide the perfect fit for your application 19 and short versions
Advanced communication: Communication racks with multi- Sub racks for cost efficient solutions
processor architecture, integrated modems and network Wide abilities to interface with host systems and sub de-
modules vices
Scalable in- and outputs: Solutions for small feeder RTUs
up to complex and large substation RTUs DIN rail
Integrated cyber security features Excellent solution for smart grid applications and feeder
Superior redundancy concept adaptable to different availa- RTUs
bility requirements Compact RTU560 DIN rail or remarkable cost-effective
Efficient data engineering: Easy use of MS-Excel sheets for RTU211 DIN rail solution
data engineering and for data import and export Minimized installation efforts
Time synchronization Directional fault current detection (optional)
Rugged design for substations and harsh environmental Extendable with different I/O modules
Applicable for electrical applications from medium to extra-
high voltage
Including support of non electrical application like gas, oil,
water, waste water and district heating
Supports many modern international and third party tele-
control communication protocols
Solution using IEC 61850 station bus for new business,
retrofit and/or partial upgrades

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Scalable for various applications
Transmission/sub transmission

Requirements This ensures the highest flexibility of adaptation to the custo-

High number of data points mers requests for different applications: The on-board PLC
Communication to several hosts function according to IEC 61131-3 ensures that customer
Multi-line host communication specific applications can be easily integrated into our system.
Interfaces to IEDs The I/O compatibility to RTU232 and RTU200 allows cost
Communication to sub systems optimized upgrades of existing ABB installations.
Redundancy and high reliability
Support of IEC 61850 Substation automation/hybrid solution
Integrated HMI In substation automation systems, the RTU has interfaces to-
Local archive wards protection and control equipment, as well as metering
Cyber security devices and other automation products.
Expandability Local and remote monitoring and control can easily be
achieved via the integrated Human Machine Interface of the
RTU560 rack solution RTU560.
In order to achieve a cost efficient solution for requirements The IEC 61850 client and server functionality of the RTU
of different applications, swing frame or mounting plate rack opens up an additional application area. It allows the combi-
solutions can be used. They can be realized as pure commu- nation of traditional protocols, parallel wiring and the
nication racks, pure I/O racks or a combination of both. IEC 61850 station bus. The hybrid solution provides the
Higher system availability can be achieved by using redun- possibility to gradually upgrade the station to an IEC 61850
dant power supply, redundant communication and redundant architecture.
CMUs for each rack.
Communication gateway
Classic RTU The scalable hardware platform of the RTU560 fulfills the re-
The gathering of direct-wired process information and its quirements of communication gateways. The RTU uses multi-
transfer to a higher level control system is one of the primary processor technology to achieve high performance in data
tasks of the remote control application. processing. The RTU560 simplifies complex communication
The RTU560 rack based solution with its scalable platform structures through decentralized communication gateways.
and its highly advanced communication capabilities allows Together with the flexible redundancy concept various levels
ABBs RTU to communicate to various sub RTUs, IEDs and of availability can be achieved according to the operational
control centers at the same time. requirements.

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Scalable for various applications
Distribution automation

Requirements The demand for small RTUs is satisfied by the extension of

Small/medium number of data points the product portfolio with the RTU560 short rack and DIN rail
Host communication flexibility RTUs.
Interfaces to sub devices The RTU560 short rack together with a wide range of com-
Wide range of communication media munication interfaces e.g. fiber and copper solutions as
Cyber security well as radio, GPRS/UMTS etc., meets the requirements for
Distribution substation RTUs in the following configura- distribution applications. The compact dimension makes it
tions: an adequate solution for applications with space restrictions.
Conventional substation RTUs As a member of the RTU560 family, this RTU provides full
Decentralized bay RTUs using IEC 60870-5-104 or functionality.
IEC 61850 station bus The RTU560 short rack provides 9 slots which can be equip-
Decentralized I/Os ped with communication units or I/O modules.
The RTU560 DIN rail is a single processor solution and
RTU560 rack and DIN rail solution provides similar functionality as the rack solution. Various I/O
The automation or refurbishment of distribution substations is modules are available as DIN rail which can also be used for
a corner stone in most utilities programs over the next years. the rack solution.
Small to medium number of data points and various commu- The direct CT/VT interfaces (1A/5A; 110400 VAC) of the
nication structures are common in these applications. RTU560 makes measurement transducers obsolete and broa-
The availability of a wide variety of standard protocols to dens the application areas of the RTU560 even more.
control centers, sub devices and IEDs including the possibility
of easy implementation of propriety protocols results in a high
flexible unit.

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Scalable for various applications
Smart grids

Requirements The very powerful PLC capabilities allow the integration of

Increased grid complexity requires measures for automated sophisticated automatic functions as used for load shedding
grid stability procedures and other applications.
More real-time information Algorithms, switching sequences and logics can be imple-
Remote monitoring and control of decentralized generation mented as logic building blocks. Libraries are used to make
e.g. wind, solar etc. these building blocks available throughout the product family.
Management of decentralized energy storages Another enabler for smart grid is seen in the use of open
Grid operation with distributed generation standard protocols. The IEC 61850 standard is seen as a key
Load management and demand response towards the smarter grid.
Real-time pricing Those standard protocols in combination with wireless com-
Control load shedding for grid islanding purposes munication and PLC capabilities are enable to provide fault
Directional fault detection, isolation and restoration detection isolation and restoration functionality.
Automatic switching sequences Maintenance and service costs are kept low since RTU560
DIN rail solution is remote configurable and maintainable.
RTU560 DIN rail solution The high product quality and user friendly service capability
The RTU560 DIN rail provides advanced functionality and reduce life cycle costs.
makes it the perfect fit for current and future smart grid appli- The available human machine interface functions complete the
cations. The compact housing with the possibility to integrate well-designed product.
hardwired information fulfills complex requirements and space
restrictions at the same time.

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Scalable for various applications
Feeder automation

Requirements or GSM/GPRS. The integrated PPP capabilities of the RTU

Compact solution due to space restrictions allows to use low cost modems. Direct CT/VT interfaces can
Harsh environmental conditions be used to collect measurement values without the use of
Direct measurement of voltage and current transducers.
Energy and power calculation The RTU211 is integrated into the engineering environment of
Measurement functions for fault detection the RTU560 and presents the most cost efficient solution of
Wireless communication the RTU560/211 product family.
Suitable for ring main units and pole-top

RTU211 DIN rail solution

The RTU211 DIN rail is suitable for small solutions with space
restrictions such as pole-top RTU, capacitor banks and ring
main units. With its scalable housing depending on the ne-
cessity of the I/O amount it is a solution with flexible integra-
ted I/Os. This compact solution provides serial and Ethernet
interfaces for communication with control centers and IEDs.
The RTU211 provides interfaces to various communication
concepts. Wireless communication can be achieved via radio

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Flexible system concept

Network interfaces Additional third party/country specific protocols are available (e.g.
The RTU supports integrated serial and Ethernet communica- Telegyr TG800, Sinaut 8FW, Conitel 300, Estel,
tion interfaces. The number of communication interfaces can Harris5000/6000, Hitachi etc.).
be adapted according to the project requirements by using
appropriate type and number of CMUs. Sub device communication
Up to 150 IEDs can be connected to one RTU. Each connected
Communication modules device is supervised by the system diagnosis of the RTU.
In order to achieve the flexibility for communication with the The standard protocols which are supported by the RTU are:
variety of devices, the RTU560 has an available spectrum IEC 60870-5-101/-102/-103/-104
of communication modules for integrated RTU rack or DIN IEC 61850-8-1
rail solution. These are CCITT/V.23 and 9600 baud analogue DNP 3.0 serial and TCP/IP
modems, Fiber optic converters, managed and unmanaged Modbus serial and TCP/IP
Ethernet Switches, DSL modems and fiber optical converters Meter interfaces
(Mono- and Multi-mode). Other specific protocols as RP570/71, SPA bus, etc.
Stations with up to 20km distance can be interconnected via
the SDSL ports. Additional country or supplier specific protocols are available
With the 2 DSL interfaces the managed switch is able to pro- on request.
vide redundant topologies (loop configuration) which makes
an electrical ring connection of IEDs/RTUs achievable. This IEC 61850 station bus applications
network can be used for other services e.g. voice of IP, main- IEC 61850 client (gateway)
tenance/diagnosis. enables the communication between the IEC 61850 station bus
Wireless and wired communication can additionally be and network control centers.
realized via third party communication devices e.g. radio
modems, multiplexers, dial-up modems and GSM/GPRS IEC 61850 server (IED)
modems via PPP. is used to integrate existing I/Os and/or non IEC 61850 sub
devices to the IEC 61850 station bus. The RTU560 can be used
Host communication as field device since it supports GOOSE. Therefore data exchange
The RTU allows communication with up to 16 host systems via with other IEC 61850 devices is possible.
different protocols. System events are used for supervision of host
The standard protocols which are supported from the RTU are:
IEC 60870-5-101/-104
DNP3, serial and TCP/IP
Modbus serial and TCP/IP
Other specific protocols such as Indactic 33/35, RP570/71

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Flexible system concept
Redundancy and time management

Control center

Redundant Links

(S)NTP server
Radio clock

Minute pulse

Redundant power Redundant CMUs

supply Sub devices (S)NTP client

Flexible redundancy concepts Time management concept

For energy transmission and distribution networks it is impor- The accuracy and resolution of the time stamp for a process
tant to maintain access to the stations. The RTU560 manages event is important for analysing network disturbance,
this requirement by providing a sophisticated redundancy especially when analyzing events from and between different
concept offering the following features: stations. The RTU560 internal time management is controlled
by the CMU communication boards. The time resolution of the
Redundant power supply RTU560 is 1 ms for events. The RTU560 supports different
With the enhancement of the rack portfolio, redundant power synchronization modes:
supply modules are possible for all kinds of racks. Serial protocols (e.g. DNP3, IEC 60870-5-101)
The power supply modules are supervised by the watchdog of TCP/IP based (S)NTP network, DNP3.0 or IEC 60870-5-104
the RTU560. In case of a failure, they can be replaced during Real-time clock (GPS, DCF77 and IRIG-B)
operation. DIN rail power supply units can be used in parallel External minute pulse
The RTU560 can synchronize additional sub devices like
Redundant communication links RTUs and IEDs via:
The communication via two communication lines and net- Serial protocols (e.g. DNP3, IEC 60870-5-101)
works in parallel is available as multi-master communication TCP/IP based (S)NTP network, DNP3.0 or IEC 60870-5-104
for all protocols. External minute pulse
Redundant serial communication is possible for IEC 60870-5-
101. Redundant network communication is available for IEC The RTU560 supports different time zones and several redun-
60870-5-104. dant timer servers.

Redundant communication units

The redundant CMU pairs supervise each other. In case of a
failure the switch over is initialized automatically.
In one RTU system redundant and non-redundant CMUs can
be combined. For fire protection the redundant CMUs could
be spread out across separate racks in different rooms.
The modular architecture of the RTU560 make it possible to
use parts or combination of all three redundancy elements.

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Technical highlights of the RTU family

Integrated Human Machine Interface RTUtil61850.

The HMI, which is integrated in the RTU, provides easy station Data point mapping of IEC 61850 and RTU signals can be
monitoring and control based on web server technology. This achieved with these tools. Additionally, GOOSE can be
solution simplifies the data engineering. engineered for horizontal communication.
The HMI functions supported by the RTU560 for station visu-
alization and control provide static and dynamic components, Data archive and diagnostics
events and alarm list, system events and trend charts. The RTU provides archive functions on non-volatile compact
Own symbols can be defined in order to visualize the station flash for events, measurements, counter values, security
in a flexible way. events, disturbance files of protection relays and load profiles
of metering devices.
Engineering Disturbance files can be uploaded via IEC 60870-5-103,
The data engineering of the RTU can easily be carried out SPA bus and IEC 61850 and stored in the RTU.
with the Windows based tool RTUtil560. RTUtil560 supports The information of the archives are accessible via web server
the complete RTU560/211 platform. The engineering principle functionality and file transfer (e.g. with IEC 60870-5-101 and
complies with IEC 61346-1 standard. MS-Excel is used for DNP3).
process signal engineering and mapping as well as for data All information accessible via web server are protected by the
import and export to and from other systems. Debugging user required access rights.
functions like consistency checks are integrated into
RTUtil560. Cyber security
Configuration data can be transferred to the RTU via network ABB anticipates the security challenges and adapts its
or protocol transfer functions (e.g. IEC 60870-5-101/-104 and systems constantly to the latest developments in security. Our
DNP3). RTUs respond to the need of the power industries and assure
MULTIPROG wt is used to create PLC programs and is a high level of cyber security. The RTU supports various
based on Windows technology. The PLC function fully com- security features like: User access control, security logging/
plies with IEC 61131-3 standard and supports 5 programming audit trail, https access, customer specific password policies
languages. Online debugging is supported locally or remotely and support of external syslog and arcsight systems. Each
via TCP/IP network. RTU product is exposed to extensive robustness tests before
IEC 61850 engineering for client and server as well as for release. The security functions are implemented according to
station bus configuration is made with RTUtil560 and NERC/CIP and IEEE 1686.

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Trends in remote control

Transmission and distribution networks are subject to con- Process bus IEC 61850
stant change resulting in complex structures for grid systems. The wide acceptance of the IEC 61850 station bus in the in-
Grids of the future will be different. They will accommodate dustry points the direction towards the future. IEC 61850 will
all types and sizes of decentralized generation technologies be deployed towards the process bus. Primary equipment will
(particularly renewable) and also be automatically responsive be enabled with even more intelligent technology and provide
to changes in supply and demand. The beginning was done TCP/IP based process information. Secondary equipment will
by todays deregulated market. Its requirements put extreme be interfaced directly to the IEC 61850 process bus.
economical pressure on network operations expecting the
monitoring and controlling of the grid down to the lowest E-mobility
level. E-mobility projects are constantly announced throughout the
The smart grid will minimize the environmental footprint, be world. Consequently the impact towards grid operation is
self-monitoring and provide real-time information to help inescapable. The management of the charging stations, the
manage distribution and power generation. The need for more demand management and the energy storage will be a future
information from the grid in the lower voltage levels requires task of the grid operation. Providing technology for monito-
a higher deployment of intelligent technologies to gather this ring and control of the charging stations poses technical and
information. Remote control meets these requirements with a economical challenges to the grid operators and technology
wide range of functions as well as flexible and modern com- provider.
munication technologies.
All of these elements, from the economical to the environmen- Automated grid balancing
tal, are amplifying the necessity for the grid itself to evolve. In the future the grid needs to be operated closer to its limits
A solution based on remote control still represents the most since decentralized generation creates local bottle necks in
economical alternative. It offers the possibility of station auto- the distribution. Grid enforcements will not be possible due to
mation, modernization and extension with highest functionality environmental and economic reasons.
and availability. Grid automation is inevitable as operators and service techni-
cians have larger areas to deal with. Therefore a higher
Constant change of technology degree of automated actions is required to ensure grid stabili-
Smart meters ty. The automation of these actions in a peer to peer
The large deployment of smart meters and its required com- architecture is necessary to unburden the operators and
munication infrastructure open the possibility to apply smart unload communication networks.
meters for the operation of the grid. Traditionally energy mete-
ring and network control have been separated. Its integration
provides several opportunities of optimization, e.g. the usage
of the same communication infrastructure to use meter data
for grid optimization and control.

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ABB AG Note:

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E-Mail: rtu-sales-support@de.abb.com
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Copyright 2010 ABB

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