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21h8a1b3 - RTU50 SCADA RTU Architecture

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Product Specifications

PSS 21H-8A1 B3
I/A Series® Remote Terminal Unit (RTU)
RTU50 SCADA RTU Architecture

RTU50 OVERVIEW  Intelligent I/O modules for high performance

The RTU50 architecture is designed with a flexibility processing
that allows users to configure Remote Terminal Units  High speed peer-to-peer distributed automation
(RTUs) into many different configurations, solving over a dual-ring optical network
many control system requirements. The same
 Global database for the RTU network
equipment, software and networks are used as
building blocks to produce a fully integrated system  “Check-before-operate” security on all controls
based on the following concepts:  Applications Software Library for a wide range of
 Flexible I/O expansion from a single RTU50 to control system applications
multiple chassis’ using user configuration utilities
 Analog, digital, or fiber-optic communications via
multiple communications ports, each using
different communications protocols (refer to
PSS 21H-8C5 B4)
PSS 21H-8A1 B3
Page 2

The RTU50’s architectural design allows users to RTU50 DISTRIBUTED BUILDING BLOCK
mix-and-match any of these features, to produce a OPTIONS
control solution reflecting the specific needs of plant The RTU50 architecture can be considered as a
operation, resource availability and security series of building blocks that can be tailored to suit
requirements. The same RTU equipment is your control needs. This section gives a brief
configurable to accommodate a wide range of overview of the various ways these building blocks
situations, including: can be inter-connected to obtain the optimum
 Small I/O RTUs solution for your needs. These options are:

 Larger sites using a “monolithic” RTU, requiring • ElectroBus Expansion

centralized field cabling and control logic • OptoNet Expansion
 Distributed I/O performing logic for the total I/O • DCIU Integration
• IED Integration.
 Distributed automation across several RTUs, via
In addition to these, the RTU50 included two other
a high speed optical network
architecture options that are no longer available due
 Control strategies from a central RTU, to their obsolescence and replacement with more
coordinating several other RTUs, over a variety of advanced techniques: These options were a
communications protocols Condensed Package (called C50 CP) single-module
 Data concentration by a central RTU, via local form factor, and the OptoBus distributed I/O
communications channels for transfer to other capability. The CP has now been replaced by the
networks SCD5200 with one I/O module. OptoBus expansion
to add multiple I/O modules to a single RTU has
 Communications interface of local IEDs, PLC or
been superseded by the use of OptoNet, which
DCS networks into a total RTU data network
distributes the I/O across multiple RTUs instead of
 Communications interface to multiple master clustering a large I/O count in a single RTU. This
stations using multiple protocols provides greater I/O data diversity.
All these features are user-configurable using the While no longer available for use in system extension,
utilities and tools supplied with the RTU. For security these earlier options continue to be supported in the
and convenience, the Master Processor Module (see RTU software and in the RTU configuration and
PSS 21H-8C1 B4) firmware is stored in a file system diagnostic tools.
in flash memory. It is loaded into dynamic RAM
allowing the hardware to be “personalized” to the RTU50 MAIN FILE
user’s requirements. User Control Logic and The RTU50 can be configured as an independent
programs are also stored in the files in the flash RTU, monitoring and controlling a remote plant via a
memory. These files automatically reload the RTU variety of communication interfaces. The RTU can be
and its logic functions after a power outage or during as simple as a main file of electronics, or include
commissioning of a new control strategy. extended I/O modules using ElectroBus for a
maximum of up to four chassis; or can be configured
as part of an OptoNet network.
PSS 21H-8A1 B3
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The RTU50 Main File (see Figure 1) is a modular unit, ElectroBus EXPANSION
consisting of the following subsystems: To expand the RTU50 main file to include additional
 Power Supply Module I/O cards, expansion files are added to the main file
 Master Processor Module using ElectroBus. This extends the back plane of the
 Communications module RTU up to a maximum of four chassis. Each
additional unit is electrically connected to the RTU50
The Main File, which is the first chassis of the RTU, is
Main File through an ElectroBus Extender
the module that contains the configuration data for all
(see Figure 2).
individual I/O slots, includes the database and logic
definition for the extended RTU.
This basic chassis is expandable through the addition
of I/O modules located in any available slot.
The RTU’s real time clock is synchronized to either a
local GPS clock or from the master station as part of
the protocols synchronizing the master station’s
clock. Time synchronization is extended across the
ElectroBus as additional signals to the Industry
Standard Architecture (ISA) bus. The intelligent input
modules use the real-time clock to time stamp the
changes of all status inputs.

Figure 2. ElectroBus Expansion

Figure 1. RTU50 Main File

PSS 21H-8A1 B3
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OptoNet DISTRIBUTION OF CONTROL LOGIC  Performance – locating processing power where

Local logic within each processor can seamlessly it is needed
access data and controls from any node on the  Availability – no single point of failure affects the
OptoNet LAN (see Figure 3), through the use of a total plant performance
“global database”.
 Flexibility – full peer-to-peer access to database
OptoNet allows optimization of: and logic
 Logic – distributed to match the plant  Maintainability – all modules are maintained from
configuration one location.
 Distributed I/O – to minimize cabling

Figure 3. OptoNet Expansion

PSS 21H-8A1 B3
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OptoNet is a ring topology optical network. Each DCIU INTEGRATION

RTU on the network has a processor, power supply An optional implementation of the communications
and OptoNet Interface which completely supports capability for the RTU50 includes the Data and
peer-to-peer communications between all nodes on Control Interface Unit (DCIU). This function allows an
the network. The protocol ensures the very secure, RTU to scan and control other RTUs. The RTU is
time deterministic delivery of the data across the then able to use any of the communications
OptoNet for up to 63 nodes on the network. interfaces to link to other RTUs, or master stations
The ring network also supports the distribution of (for example, store, data concentrate, and forward
automation functions across the network, allowing operation).
control functions to be configured to match the plant The database of the DCIU RTU contains all the
topology for high availability solutions. In addition, the points resident in the scanned RTUs. Therefore State
protocol communication is maintained independent and Logic Language (SALL) logic can implement
to the processor in each node and is not affected by control strategies that include remote RTUs. This is
a single processor or network interface failure. useful for providing local control strategies
independent of the master station and
Communication interfaces are used to communicate
to multiple master stations, using multiple protocols. IED INTEGRATION
Each communications interface card is a dual ported Each processor in a RTU50 main file has an RS-232
card supporting two topologies. It is configurable as interface available for local Intelligent Electronic
either a primary and backup channel, or as two Device (IED). The SALL language supports a
independent channels connected to two master configurable protocol link via this port using the IED’s
stations. Communications interfaces can be located native protocol. The data acquired forms part of the
in any slot of any of the main files of an OptoNet RTU’s database and is available for all the RTU’s
configuration. Given that each node has access to functions. Several protocols are already implemented
the total database of the network, all data is available via this port as detailed in the SALL PSS 21S-4A1 B3
for transmission via any node with a communications (GEC, Schwitzer, and so forth). Optionally, additional
interface. ports are available with the Multi-channel Serial
Interface Module, which can be located in any I/O
PSS 21H-8A1 B3
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RT U5 0 P R O D U C T S P E C I F I C AT I O N S

The product specification sheets listed below give detailed information necessary to design RTU50
architecture to fit the users’ needs.
 Master Processor Module (PSS 21H-8C1 B4)  OptoNet Module (PSS 21H-8C1 B4) provides
explains the function of the AMD processor and logic for the “ring” network possible using RTU50
other associated features technology
 RTU50 3-Phase Digital Transducer Module  2/4 Channel Analog Output Module, 20 Channel
(PSS 21H-8C8 B4) explains the interface for Analog Input Module, and Twelve Relay Digital
voltage and current transformers Output Module (PSS 21H-8C6 B4) – each
specification explains a unique output control
 RTU50 Analog/Digital Input Module (PSS 21H-
solution offered by the RTU50 system
8C6 B4) explains this unit’s Analog/Digital data
collection and input monitoring capability  State and Logic Languages (SALL) (PSS 21S-
4A1 B3) explains the language used by the
 Magnetically Latched Relay Output Module
RTU50 system
(PSS 21H-8C6 B4) explains this module’s use as
a relay output  RTU50 TOOL – A Diagnostic Utility (PSS 21S-
4A2 B3) explains the RTU50 diagnostic utility
 Power Supply Module (PSS 21H-8A8 B4)
explains the power supply for the RTU50 units  SCD5200 Remote Terminal Viewer (RTV)
Diagnostic Utility (PSS 21S-2M4 B3) describes a
 V.11 Dual Communications Module and V.28
graphical diagnostic interface that can also be
Dual Communications Module (PSS 21H-8C5
used to monitor the operation of the RTU50
B4) explains different communications modules
and their unique capabilities  SCD5200 System Configurator (PSS 21S-2M6
B3) describes a graphical configuration tool that
can also be used to configure the RTU50

RT U 5 0 M A S T E R M OD U L E S

Part Number Description

SY-0399145 RTU50 P3E Master Processor Module

SY-0399165 RTU50 P3OE Master Processor Module
SY-0399153 RTU50 P3E Master Processor Module (64 MB)
SY-0399166 RTU50 P3OE Master Processor Module (64 MB)
PSS 21H-8A1 B3
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Part Number Description

SY-1051002 Optical Cable Assembly Multimode two ST to two ST L meter


Part Number Description

SY-2003084 RTU50 Main Card File 2 slot

SY-2003085 RTU50 Main Card File 3 slot
SY-2003088 RTU50 Main Card File 6 slot 19in Rack Mount
SY-2003089 RTU50 Main Card File 7 slot
SY-2003097 RTU50 DCIU 3 x 2 SLOT CARD FILE
SY-2003099 RTU50 Two x Three Slot Card File


Part Number Description

SY-0702076 RTU50 100 W Wide Input Range Power Supply Module


Part Number Description

Multiple I/O Module

SY-0399075 RTU50 24 Digital Input/6 Analog Input/8 Relay Output Module 24 V

SY-0399076 RTU50 24 Digital Input/6 Analog Input/8 Relay Output Module 48 V
SY-0399077 RTU50 24 Digital Input/6 Analog Input/8 Relay Output Module 129 V

20 Channel Analog Input Module

SY-0399071 RTU50 20 Channel Analog Input Module Isolated

Analog/Digital Input Module

SY-0399161 RTU50 32 Digital Input/4 Analog Input Module (24V to 129V)

PSS 21H-8A1 B3
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Part Number Description

12 Channel Digital Output Modules

SY-0399008 RTU50 12 Relay Output Module

SY-0399009 RTU50 12 Magnetically Latched Relay Output Module
SY-0399010 RTU50 12 10 Amp Relay Output Module

4 Channel Analog Output Module

SY-0399012 RTU50 4 Channel Analog Output Module


Part Number Description

V.28 Dual Communications Module

SY-0399191 RTU50 Communications Module V.28 Conitel (C3000, C2025, C300)

SY-0399029 RTU50 Communications Module Harris 5000/5500, 6000
SY-0399034 RTU50 Communications Module V.28 LN57
SY-0399035 RTU50 Communications Module V.28 LN57 Dialup
SY-0399193 RTU50 Communications Module V.28 DNP3
SY-0399195 RTU50 Communications Module V.28 IEC 60870-5-101
SY-0399197 RTU50 Communications Module V.28 WISP

V.11 Dual Communications Module

SY-0399022 RTU50 Communications Module V.11 LN57 Sync

SY-0399032 RTU50 Communications Module V.11 LN57 Async
SY-0399157 RTU50 Communications Module V.11 IEC 60870-5-103
SY-0399162 RTU50 Communications Module V.11 DNP V3.00 Master/Slave

Glass Fiber Optic Dual Communications Module

SY-0399025 RTU50 Communications Module Glass Optical LN57

SY-0399063 RTU50 Communications Module Glass Optical DNP3
SY-0399073 RTU50 Communications Module Glass Optical IEC 60870-5-103
PSS 21H-8A1 B3
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Part Number Description

SY-0399135 RTU50 Eight Channel Serial Module


Part Number Description

SY-0399140 RTU50 3 Phase Digital Transducer Module (1 Amp, 0.5%

SY-0399142 RTU50 3 Phase Digital Transducer Module (5 Amps, 0.5%
SY-1014601 RTU50 ACT Cable for field upgrades of firmware
PSS 21H-8A1 B3
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PSS 21H-8A1 B3
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PSS 21H-8A1 B3
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