BYAP Magazine Issue3 PDF
BYAP Magazine Issue3 PDF
BYAP Magazine Issue3 PDF
Keeping Trout
Oncorhynchus mykiss
W elcome to the third edition
of the Backyard Aquaponics
Magazine. Interest in aquaponics
website .
Neville was so impressed with the
concept of aquaponics that he
incorporated into the magazine over
the next few issues and if you have
any suggestions or comments then
continues to increase and since wanted his garden pond converted please feel free to contact us.
the last edition there have been into an aquaponics system, and his
numerous mentions of aquaponics new aquaponic system has created a Joel Malcolm, Editor
in the media. Here in Australia the lot of interest.
Garden Gurus came down to the
Backyard Aquaponics shop and filmed We recently employed the services
a segment all about aquaponics. The of a professional magazine designer.
segment created an enormous amount This has improved the look and
of interest with many people visiting layout of the magazine immensely,
their website and downloading and is helping to create a far more
the fact sheet on aquaponics. The enjoyable reading experience within
segment featuring Neville Passmore the magazine. We look forward to the
can be viewed on the Garden Gurus ongoing improvements that will be
Conversion table
Metric length imperial USA volume metric
1 millimetre [mm] 0.03937 in fluid ounce 1.0408 UK fl oz 29.574 ml
1 centimetre [cm] 10 mm 0.3937 in 1 pint (16 fl oz) 0.8327 UK pt 0.4731 l
1 metre [m] 100 cm 1.0936 yd 1 gallon 0.8327 UK gal 3.7854 l
1 kilometre [km] 1000 m 0.6214 mile
Metric Mass imperial
Imperial length metric 1 milligram [mg] 0.0154 grain
1 inch [in] 2.54 cm 1 gram [g] 1,000 mg 0.0353 oz
1 foot [ft] 12 in 0.3048 m 1 kilogram [kg] 1,000 g 2.2046 lb
1 yard [yd] 3 ft 0.9144 m 1 tonne [t] 1,000 kg 0.9842 ton
Imperial Mass metric
Metric volume imperial
ounce [oz] 437.5 grain 28.35 g
1 cu cm [cm 3] 0.0610 in 3
1 pound [lb] 16 oz 0.4536 kg
1 cu decimetre [dm 3] 1,000 cm 3 0.0353 ft 3
1 stone 14 lb 6.3503 kg
1 cu metre [m ] 1,000 dm 3 1.3080 yd 3
1 hundredweight [cwt] 112 lb 50.802 kg
1 litre [l] 1 dm 3 1.76 pt
1 long ton (UK) 20 cwt 1.016 t
1 hectolitre [hl] 100 l 21.997 gal
Temperature Celcius Fahrenheit
Imperial volume metric 0 C 32 F
1 cu inch [in3 ] 16.387 cm 3 5 C 41 F
1 cu foot [ft3 ] 1,728 in 3 0.0283 m 3 10 C 50 F
1 fluid ounce [fl oz] 28.413 ml 15 C 59 F
1 pint [pt] 20 fl oz 0.5683 l 20 C 68 F
1 gallon [gal] 8 pt 4.5461 l 25 C 77 F
2 Issue 3 2008
Backyard Aquaponics
Issue 3 Third quarter 2008
is a quarterly publication which aims
to promote the ideas of Aquaponics
and home food production coupled
with healthy and sustainable living.
Joel Malcolm, Faye Arcaro, Carl Schmidt,
Friend or Foe
Max Antuar, John Burgess
Ironing out the bugs...................................... 04
Magazine Enquiries
Editor: Joel Malcolm
Our Favourite Tanks
Featured Aquaponic Systems
Who are We?
Backyard Aquaponics Magazine is produced Fayes turnkey system ................................... 06
in-house at Backyard Aquaponics.
PO Box 3350
Success, WA 6964
Ph: (08) 9414 9334 Our favourite stories
Proofed and edited by: The road to Aquaponics
Adrian Doesburg
Member of the Society of Editors
A personal account by Carl Schmidt.......... 10
Editors - Copywriters - Proofreaders
08 9498 1555
By the Barbeque
Design & Lay-out
David Kyslinger - Moonshine Graphics
Aquaponically Inspired Recipes
Aquaponic Omelette A complete meal.......13
We are currently looking for advertisers who
wish to promote products and services related
to aquaponics and home food production.
Contact: magazine@backyardaquaponics.
On the Deckchairs
com for information.
Questions and Answers....................................15
Contributions: The articles in Backyard Aquaponics READ
Fish Anatomy . .............................................. 24
Magazine are submitted by members of the aquapon-
ics community. The editor of Backyard Aquaponics
Magazine reserves the right to determine what is pub-
lished and has the right to modify submitted material
where necessary.
In the Garage
Content Disclaimer: Backyard Aquaponics Magazine
is published under the explicit understanding that
content contained in the magazine is based on the This issues Road Test
knowledge and understanding of the contributors at
the time of writing. Any statements, advice or opinions
expressed herein are made for the benefit of the read- Trial by Media . .................................................17
er only. Therefore Backyard Aquaponics Magazine, or
its contributors, will not accept responsibility for any
damage or loss which has occurred or may occur as a
result of a persons action (or inaction) related to said
statements or advice. Backyard Aquaponics Magazine
accepts no responsibility for the reliability or accuracy By the Pool
of articles or advertising. Backyard Aquaponics Maga-
zine does not necessarily agree with or accept the
Fish Species for Aquaponics
views expressed or implied by the contributors.
any of the 4000 species during the larval stage many consume
of ladybug, lady beetle or up to 400 aphids in its short life. Food
ladybird are beneficial to supplies for ladybirds include mites and if
our systems, devouring aphids are scarce they will also eat small
many of our insect pests which seek to insects and eggs of moths or beetles. Eyed Ladybird
destroy our crops. They are classified as Their size can range from one to ten
a beetle and belong to the class insecta. millimetres depending on the species. skeletonise the leaves causing them to
They have 3 body parts consisting These bugs may be purchased and used wither and die. The host plants that leaf
of thorax, abdomen and head. Their as a biological control for infestations eating lady birds eat include plants such
antennae are clubbed and they have across the world and are often freed as deadly nightshade as well as other
6 legs. Ladybirds are orange to red in in glasshouses as a natural method of solanum species like tomatoes, potatoes,
colour and this indicates that they do not integrated pest management (IPM). and cucurbits (rock melon, cucumber,
taste very nice and may be poisonous, marrow, pumpkins and zucchini). The
deterring many predators. Being a There are ladybirds which eat plant control method for this type of pest in a
winged insect they have the ability matter and these are the leaf eating home garden or aquaponic situation is
to fly away if they feel threatened or ladybirds, easily recognisable by their to hand pick and squash both adult and
they may just retract and close down, 26-28 spots on a yellow/ orange mustard larva. Destroy infested crop as soon as
tucking in their wings and feet. An adult coloured background. These pests are not possible after harvesting fruit to minimize
ladybird can eat 50 aphids per day and welcome in an aquaponic system as they spread.
4 Issue 3 2008
Friend or Foe
hen we decided that widow makers.) We had a revelation at to grow well and I wanted to be able to
we wanted to house an that point, the gum tree could go and harvest even when it was pouring with
aquaponics system a that would leave us with a maximum area rain, I also wanted to be able to garden
great deal of thought of 5 X 7.5 metres so we went shopping all year round so we chose clear laser
went into the decision making process.
For example, we had to consider the
best location so that we didnt have to I walk out the door on my way to work and throw a
walk a long way to pick our herbs and handful or two of food at the fish in the morning and
vegetables at the end of the day. A few
ideas that came to mind were that it about the same when I come home at night
should be close to the kitchen or back
door, as well as accessible to our outdoor
entertaining area, bbq and future pizza and found a patio kit measuring 4.5 X light roofing. We didnt want to block out
oven (Eddys new project). 7.5m, just perfect. Things started to fall the light and if it got too hot in summer
into place. we could always cover it with shade
While sitting at our kitchen table one day cloth. A hard cover would allow us to
the twenty metre gum tree dropped a We had to keep in mind that we need collect rainwater in the winter, minimize
massive branch (thats why they call them maximum sunlight in order for the plants evaporation and provide protection from
6 Issue 3 2008
Our favourite tanks
aquaponic system.
8 Issue 3 2008
Our favourite tanks
Tomatoes ripening-up
The Road to
A Personal
By Carl Schmidt
he following story is a personal
account as to how and why I
managed to become involved
with Aquaponics. For many of
you reading this magazine, aquaponics
may be regarded as a new area of
interest, while for others something
that has been experimented with for
some time. Whatever the case may be,
this amazing method of growing food is
strongly gaining popularity worldwide
and I think its pretty clear to see why.
10 Issue 3 2008
Our favourite stories
Carls 8 bed flood and drain system built behind the Backyard Aquaponics shop. Carls first 6 bed system.
bug again, but this time I decided I would vegetable gardens. Thus
try and see a little more of my own combining both my
backyard and stay a little closer to home. I theoretical knowledge
accepted a hatchery position in Tasmania and practical experience
at a bluewater recirculation facility in in growing fish with
Wayatinah working for Salmon Enterprises my personal interest in
of Tasmania (SALTAS). The Wayatinah growing vegetables, it
hatchery, which raises Atlantic Salmon, is was perhaps inevitable
a highly intensive operation with all the that I was led to
bells and whistles and quite different from investigate the field of
the Neets Bay facility. The fish are raised aquaponics. I have not
in freshwater on site until they are classed been disappointed with
as smolts. Once the smolts are able to this shift in career focus,
handle saltwater they are then transported as it has certainly proved
on trucks to various locations around to be an area worth
the state and are grown out in net pens investigating.
before being harvested. After spending
18 months in the hatchery and having From an aquaculturists
worked with salmon, again it was time to point of view pumping,
move back to WA and sunnier climes. filtering, aerating and
exchanging water in
You are probably wondering by now a recirculation system
how and why I have become involved in on a daily basis to grow
Aquaponics and more recently as part fish can be a relatively
of the Backyard Aquaponics team here expensive undertaking
in Jandakot. Growing things in general and one that requires
has been a long time interest of mine, careful management and Catching Halibut in Alaska.
stemming back to my earlier childhood monitoring. Most large
working on my grandfathers farm aquaculture recirculation systems require operation and maintenance of larger
near Boddington. I was also exposed a minimum 10% water exchange every scale systems.
to hydroponics during my high school day and all of the attendant pumping
years and subsequently have had several costs and effluent disposal issues this As everybody is aware, food prices are
entails. Thus to be able to grow fish and escalating in Australia and there are
plants in a small area using a minimal now severe food shortages in many
amount of water and to utilize fish waste countries around the globe due primarily
as a natural fertilizer makes so much to climate change, increasing fuel and
sense (or dollars and cents as the case transport costs and the increased use
may be). of arable farm land to grow bio-fuels.
Locally, sourcing suitable fresh water
Earlier this year, I erected a large resources for horticultural and other
hothouse behind the Backyard intensive farming operations is also a
Aquaponics shop and have recently major concern in many parts of Australia.
installed my second aquaponics system, Then there is the issue of being able to
an 8 bed flood and drain facility to source high quality fruit and vegetables
augment my 6 bed system that I had and our increasing reliance on imported
installed earlier. With the support and produce. It is in this context that I believe
guidance of Joel Malcolm and the aquaponics has a very bright future
other Backyard Aquaponics staff, I am ahead, as it offers farmers and backyard
currently using this facility to conduct enthusiasts with a far more cost effective
research into the commercial potential and environmentally sustainable way of
of aquaponics and in the process gain a growing high quality food.
greater understanding as to some of the
key issues associated with the installation, Some things are best left to nature!
12 Issue 3 2008
By the Barbeque
a complete meal
Interesting facts!
Have you ever wondered what the it can be served as a
difference is between a quiche a savoury main course or
souffl and an omelette? sweetened as a dessert. The
name comes from the French
The name quiche is derived from the verb souffl which means to
French word kuche which means puff up.
cake. Made primarily with eggs
and the addition of milk or cream Omelettes are prepared with
it is baked in an oven and made beaten eggs and cooked in a
with a pastry crust. Often savoury fry pan using butter or oil and
flavourings are added such as bacon, folded around a filling such as
vegetables, herbs and cheese. cheese and vegetables. They have
been described as soft cooked
A souffl is a light fluffy dish scrambled eggs wrapped
resulting from beating the egg in an envelope of firmly
whites before adding to the custard, cooked scrambled eggs.
Aquaponics Help
All in the pan.
Joel, Dooley and his wife enjoying the Aquaponic Omelette.
14 Issue 3 2008
On the Deck Chairs
16 Issue 3 2008
In the Garage
Trial by
By Carl Schmidt
e often have
from aquaponic
regarding what type of grow bed
media should be used in an aquaponic
system. There are a number of materials which
may be used in aquaponic systems including
perlite, vermiculite and coco peat, along with
harder rock and clay media. The type of media
you use in a system may depend on your system
design. These lightweight media are acceptable
for supporting plant roots and sustaining plant
growth but are not particularly well suited to
flood and drain recirculation aquaponic systems,
where they can be inclined to float easily and are
likely to break down over time and clog pipes.
We set up a trial of different media types to
see if there are any significant differences in
performance. Described below are the four
types of media we tested in the systems.
Expanded Clay
clay pebbles or grow rocks. The pebbles Pea Gravel compared to some other media. Pea
are lightweight, chemically inert, durable, gravel is often available in bulk amounts
pH neutral, sterile, heat proof, reusable and Gravel is the term given such as by the cubic metre or trailer load
provide good insulation and surface area to any loose rock larger and its weight per volume will depend
for bacteria to colonise. They have been than 2mm in size but not on the particle size you are purchasing,
used for many years in the hydroponics larger than 63mm. Pea gravel is simply though as a rule of thumb its generally
industry (the purpose for which they were gravel which has been screened to a about 2.3 ton per cubic metre.
designed) and more recently aquaponics. certain size. It is most commonly used
as a decorative landscaping material Disease potential is a risk unless the
The pebbles have a dry weight density in garden design, where it assists with gravel has been supplied by an accredited
of between 300 to 500 kg/m3 and are surface drainage or acts as a surface supplier as it could contain Phytophthora
generally supplied in 45 or 50 litre bags mulch to reduce weed establishment. It cinnamomi commonly known as
depending on brand. LECA is produced is relatively cheap and readily available. dieback which poses a threat to many
in many countries around the world, However it is also significantly heavy horticultural crops.
made from local clay, an ecologically which can present a few problems if used
sustainable medium, which is kiln fired in a conventional aquaponic system, as Blue Metal
to a temperature of 1200 degrees Celsius the growbeds which holds the media
where they puff up like popcorn making must be engineered to hold the weight, Blue metal as it is
them lightweight and creating a porous and the supports themselves must also known in Australia is a
product which helps provide good be stable enough to support the total basalt derived aggregate
oxygen levels around the root system. weight of the bed when full of water. which, like pea gravel, is also commonly
used in landscaping as a drainage
Expanded clay is available in different This media may contain fine clay particles medium. It is also cheap and available
sizes such as 4-8mm, 8-16mm,10-20mm. and requires extensive washing when from most landscape garden suppliers
18 Issue 3 2008
In the Garage
20 Issue 3 2008
By the Pool
By Joel Malcolm mykiss
ainbow trout are a cool water 1.5:1 down to 1:1. This means that on As rainbow trout have been selectively
species of salmonid which average you can expect that for every bred for so many years, generally the
are widely distributed around 1.25 kg of feed you can expect to grow genetic makeup of modern rainbow
the world. They have been 1kg of trout. FCRs are dependent on a trout means that fish have a very rapid
cultured and stocked into dams and rivers number of factors such as water quality, and uniform growth rate, reducing the
in every continent except Antarctica, and
are possibly the best known fresh water
sporting fish in the world. Rainbow trout
prefer cooler water temperatures, with Rainbow trout are an ideal choice for aquaponic
optimum growing temperatures around systems due to their wide tolerance of pure freshwater
13C (56F) 17C (62F). They can tolerate
temperatures as low as 3C (38F) and
as high 24C (75F) but not for extended
periods of time. genetic factors, temperature and feed need for continual grading of fish sizes.
quality. Low protein feeds and poorly Rainbow trout have a high Dissolved
Rainbow trout kept in optimal conditions digestible diets can lead to an FCR as low Oxygen (DO) requirement in
can have extremely good Feed as 2:1 or worse (Bromage et al., 1990, comparison to many other fish species
Conversion Ratios (FCR) ranging from Gibsons, 1998). normally cultivated in aquaponic
22 Issue 3 2008
By the Pool
Fish Anatomy
By John Burgess
very hobbyist should try to cross-section is elliptical. of the gills, oxygen is absorbed - like
acquaint themselves with the lungs in land creatures.
external and internal anatomy The head is integral with the body. Also
of the fish they keep. The names the body is generally free of projections Nervous System
of various fins and parts of the body are that might offer resistance. The eyes are
constantly occurring in the description of smooth and do not extend beyond the In comparison with higher vertebrates a
the species. I will try to help with the contours of the head; the gill opening is fishs nervous system is poorly developed.
identification and definition of the covered by a smooth flap (operculum); The brain is extremely small in relation to
various fish parts in the following section. and the scales lie closely against the body size. The lack of grey matter is
body surface. particularly appalling in the bony fish
Body Shape (such as herring and perch) because in
Of course the fins protrude but these this group the cerebrum, traditional
Generally fish are torpedo shaped with stabilise the fish. They can be folded centre of thought and reason, is almost
rounded nose, a thicker middle and a along the body during rapid swimming totally lacking.
tapered tail. and act as brakes when erected.
Also fish have relatively few, poorly
The external structure offers little The head of the fish has its mouth, developed nerves. Therefore their ability
resistance to the water. The body is nostrils and gill cover. The gills (found to experience sensations such as pain
spindle shaped, somewhat heavier under the gill covers) allow the fish to would be diminished in comparison to
toward the front than the rear and the breath. As water moves over the surface higher vertebrates.
24 Issue 3 2008
On the Deck Chairs
Fin Functions
Scales Rings that are farther apart occur when Arches. On the Gill Arches are mounted
the fish grows well and there is lots of the actual Gills; a delicate system of blood
The deeper place dermis of the skin is food - in the summer season. vessels covered by a very thin Epithelium
made up of connective fibroblasts, through which the gaseous exchange
collagen and blood vessels. The scales of Rings that are close together occur when takes place.
a fish lie in pockets in the dermis and the fish does not get much food and
come out of the connective tissue. grows slowly. On the scale you can
identify the summer growth and the
Scales do not stick out of a fish but are winter growth. (There will be several
covered by the epithelial layer. The scales rings in each).
overlap and so form a protective flexible
armour capable of withstanding blows The core represents the fish when it
and bumping. was first born, as a fry. The rings near
the edge are the most recent periods
There are two main types of scales, both of growth.
are round, but in one the edges are
serrated and the other are completely Pigment (colour) Cells
smooth. In the Mailed Catfish the scales
are replaced by bony plates. In some The many colours and patterns seen
other species there are no scales at all. in many fish are produced by cells in
the dermis. These cells are named
Scales protect the fish from its environ- for the pigment they contain.
ment. They overlap like shingles on a roof
so that the skin of the fish is not exposed. Melanophores Brownish-Black
As a fish grows, their scales produce pigment called Melanin.
rings much like a tree - and that is one
way scientists can tell how old a fish is. Erythrophores Red pigment.
Most fish get extra protection from a layer Xanthophores- Yellow pigment.
of slime that covers their scales. This slime
helps them move through the water Iridophores Contain crystals
better, (which also forms a barrier to which refract and reflect light, given
bacterial infections) and keeps pests off many fish their metallic look.
of the fish skin.
Fish can change colour from one
Look at the image of the fish scale below, moment to the next. This is caused by
like a tree, scales show rings that indicate the movement of Melanin grains within Skin
periods of growth. each cell.
The skin of fish is divided into two layers,
When dispersed, they absorb more light the Epidermis (outer) layer and the Dermis.
and the area of the fish darkens, when The Epidermis is made up of epithelial
tightened the fish goes pale. cells, arranged one above the other. These
cells are constantly shed and replaced
Gills with new ones.
Respiration is carried out by means of gills Inter-spaced between the epithelial cells are
located under the gill covers. The walls of slime cells, which produce mucoid secretions
the Pharynx is perforated by five slit-like that form the very important protective
openings. The tissue between the slits is covering, we know as the slime coat. The
called the Gill arch, so on each side of the dermis lies under the epidermis and many
fish there are five Gill Slits and Four Gill important functions happen there.
26 Issue 3 2008
On the Deck Chairs
28 Issue 3 2008
On the Deck Chairs
the rays). Eggs of the pelagic fish are obnoxious substances as turpentine Hearing
naturally small but in some sharks they and chloroform.
are bigger than ostrich eggs. In fish and other vertebrates the ear is an
Sight organ of equilibrium as well as hearing.
The testes of the male fish are in a similar The part concerned with hearing lacks
position in the body cavity to the ovaries General structure of a fishs eye is the intricate internal structure found in
of the female and like them have special similar to that of other higher vertebrates. This and supporting
ducts to take the sex products from the vertebrates. However there are experimental evidence suggest fish do
body. Males of viviparous species have certain modifications for seeing not hear at all in the ordinary sense.
special organs (developed from the under water. The outer wall of Their hearing probably consists of little
pelvic or anal fin) for internal fertilisation the eye is flatter in fish than in more than the detection of vibrations in
of the eggs. land vertebrates. The lens itself is the water. In many fish the ear is
much more rounded. connected to the swim bladder by a
Smell tubelike growth from the latter or by a
Fish focus their eyes not by series of small bones.
The olfactory organs consist of deep pits changing the shape of the lens
lined with special tissue. The size and (as terrestrial vertebrates do) but It is possible this intensifies the impulses
position on the head of these organs vary rather by shifting its position. from vibrations in the water. Another
widely. The use of this olfactory sense structure that might help is the lateral line
varies not only with the species but also There is evidence that fish are organ, which experiments indicate might
with the conditions. comparatively near-sighted but be capable of detecting low-frequency
experiments have proved they can vibrations (about six a second).
English experiments showed that distinguish colours. Eyes tend to be
Pollock that were not particularly small and inefficient in species that Taste
hungry usually smelt food before taking live regularly in turbid water and
it. However when ravenous the same may be lacking altogether in fish in Little is known about the sense of taste in
fish bolted down clams soaked in such underground waters. fish. In fact there is some question as to
whether this sense exists in most species.
Many of the taste functions are
performed by organs distributed over the
body, or on barbels.
30 Issue 3 2008
The Magazine Rack
FAST, or Faith And Sustainable Technologies is a website started and run by Travis Hughey.
Travis has been involved in aquaponics for many years now and he has been one of the pioneers
in using plastic barrels to build aquaponic systems. He wrote the barrelponics manual which
he released as a free download for everyone.
Travis spent some time in Kenya last year helping the locals to learn about aquaponics, and
in May 2008 an aquaponics workshop was held at his property in South Carolina, and he
plans to run workshops on a regular basis in the future. Theres a lively discussion group at the
barrelponics discussion forum, with people from all around the world involved in discussions.
We can supply
complete BYAP
Kit Systems fully
installed and
or a full range of
BYAP Products for
you own installation
We have access to a wide variety of aquaculture stock, stock feed, tanks, bio-filters, nets, scales, water
quality tests and meters, microscopes and laboratory equipment.
We also carry, or can supply, a vast range of hydroponic products to meet your every need.
NFT equipment, nutrients, grow media, trays, pots, lights and much more.
Visit us at or email us at
Bringing Food Production Home Bringing Food Production Home Bringing Food Production Home
Keeping Jade Perch
Road testing pumps Aquaponic recipes
Ladybirds the good, the bad or the ugly?
The Nitrogen Cycle A South African System
The road to Aquaponics A personal account
an in-depth look at another fish species suitable for use in
aquaponics systems. One of the new items to look forward
s u e
to in the next issue, is a question and answer section where
we will take some of the most commonly asked questions
about aquaponics and provide you with straightforward
answers from experienced aquaponic system operators.