Duplex World 2016 Advance Seminar Program

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Duplex World

Seminar & Summit 2016

12th & 13th October, 2016
Congress Centre Dsseldorf, Germany

Take part in the leading knowledge, networking and
business event for the global duplex community

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Duplex World Seminar & Summit 2016

The Duplex World Seminar & Summit 2016 will be held on October 12 & 13, 2016 in the city of Dsseldorf,
Germany. As a very targeted and niche event, Duplex World is an international platform for materials and
corrosion professionals from a variety of industries specialising in the development and use of duplex
stainless steels. Duplex World facilitates the exchange of knowledge and experience of materials, applications,
innovations and market trends with a clear goal to optimize the application of duplexes in terms of safety,
performance, reliability and cost within the global market.

A word from The world of duplex Duplex World

the Chairman comes to Dusseldorf Steering Committee
The diverse industry knowledge
Dear duplex friends, brought together in one place at - Seminar Chairman:
Duplex World is a great one time from visitors, exhibitors, Babak Bahar, Material Specialist,
international event for the related speakers and our international Kvrner, Norway
industries to meet, discuss Steering Committee will provide a
and share knowledge. Sharing wide spectrum of duplex informa-
knowledge and networking tion. Its the ideal opportunity to - Jacko Aerts, DSM - GMCC
between professionals is further advance your knowledge - Svein Prestrud Astad, Statoil ASA
essential to gain benefits from on the application of duplex - Jan Baas, CB & I Lummus (Knowledge
the latest news within materials stainless steels within the global Center)
development and new applications market.
area. The Duplex World Seminar - Marcello Colnaghi, Fomas Group
& Summit is an excellent arena The ongoing goal of Duplex World - Raymond Cordewener, Brck Group
to provide an overview of the is to be an international platform - Bruce Cowe, Maersk Oil Qatar
latest scientific advances taking for the technical and commercial
place while maintaining a strong - Jean Michel Damasse, Aperam
exchange of information. This is
application focus. I look forward to an open source event where - Dr. Dirk Engelberg, University of
seeing you in Dsseldorf. both suppliers and vendors meet Manchester
to discuss innovation and new - Beth Gardner, Raccortubi
applications. Moreover, they can - Barinder Ghai, Sandvik Materials
Babak Bahar, then update each other on the Technology
Material Specialist, requirements from the end-user
Kvrner Engineering, industry and the availability of - Joelle Greenwood, Salzgitter
Norway grades and products and discuss Mannesmann Stainless Tubes
Chairman of the manufacturing and fabrication/ - John Houben, Exxon Mobil Chemical
Duplex World welding issues of duplex stainless Company
Seminar 2016 steels. - Gazmend Hoxha, ENI Upstream
and Technical Services
- Dietlinde Jakobi, Schmidt + Clemens
- Thomas Ladwein, Hochschule Aalen
THE ORGANIZERS - Jan Links, Dow Benelux
Conference Co-ordinator Venue: - Dr. Mitsuru Yoshizawa, Nippon Steel
Mrs Joanne McIntyre CCD Sd - Congress Center Dsseldorf
& Sumitomo Metal Corp
Tel : + 31 575 585 298 Messe Dsseldorf
Email: j.mcintyre@kci-world.com Stockumer Kirchstrae 61 - Sami Packaln, Stalatube
40474 Dsseldorf, Germany - Iris Rommerskirchen, Wilh. Schulz
For Exhibition Stands & www.ccd.de
Networking Lounges - Thomas Schller, H. BUTTING GmbH
Mrs Nicole Nagel Organization: - Lena Wegrelius, Outokumpu
Tel: +49 2821 71145 55 Stainless Steel World, KCI GmbH Stainless AB - R & D
Email: n.nagel@kci-world.com www.kci-world.com
- Elin M. Westin, voestalpine Bhler
For regularly updated information see:
Mrs Elisa Hannan www.duplexworld.com/duplex2016 Welding Austria
Tel: + 31 575 585 291 - Marc Wilms, Shell Global Solutions
Fax: +31 575 511 099 International
E-Mail: e.hannan@kci-world.com


Duplex World Seminar & Summit 2016

Listen, learn, participate!

Duplex World Seminar & Summit is a specialized event focusing solely on the specification, manufacturer,
and use of duplex stainless steels. The conference brings together end users, fabricators, manufacturers and
researchers to share their knowledge, experience and passion for duplexes.

Superb networking

Duplex World provides the perfect busi-

ness opportunity to network with materi-
als specialists, scientists, engineers, end
users, decision makers AND the produc-
ers, suppliers, traders, manufacturers and
fabricators of the industry. A carefully
constructed Seminar program of interac-
tive workshops, technical sessions and
invited keynote, plus exhibitors from
around the world all benefit from the
relaxed atmosphere and targeted attend-
ance at Duplex World.

Fun networking dinner

Informal networking is one of the audience. Is there a particular problem
unique features of Duplex World, and Extra learning opportunities! or issue youd like Raymond to address?
the Networking dinner on the evening If so email j.mcintyre@kci-world.com to
of Wednesday 12 October will be the Speakers Corner on the expo floor allow Raymond to prepare a response.
perfect opportunity Throughout the two day event invited No question is too big or too small!
for this. Sponsored by guest speakers will give technical presen-
Goodwin Steel Cast- tations which are open to all delegates,
ings, its going to be visitors and exhibitors on the exhibi- Join the plant tour!
a night to remember! tion floor. The presentations from expert
Book your ticket online. speakers will be a valuable learning Schmidt + Clemens, producer of special
experience for all. steels and Sponsor of the Duplex
World Seminar & Summit 2016, invite
Short course Duplex For visitors to an exclusive plant tour at their
Beginners open to all!
headquarters in Lindlar-Kaiserau on
Hosted by renowned duplex expert
Raymond Cordewener, this short course Friday, 14th October 2016. Participation
aims at both relative newcomers and is limited and registration is required.
those wishing to boost their knowledge Participants will travel by bus from the
of duplex stainless steels. The course is Duplex World venue (CCD) in Dsseldorft
open to all exhibition staff, visitors, and 10:00. The two hour guided tour will take
delegates at no charge. It will provide an visitors through the precision casting
understanding of the characteristics and facilities at Schmidt + Clemens.
applications for duplexes and address After the tour participants will be offered
problems and questions posed by the refreshments before returning by bus to
Extended breaks Schmidt + Clemens is a leading
Generous lunch breaks in the Seminar
manufacturer of centrifugally cast
program, sponsored by Stellar, allow
plenty of opportunities to expand your tubes. The companys headquarters is
networks. the location of its largest R&D division.
Pre-Seminar For registration please send an email to:
coffee, and net- planttour@schmidt-clemens.de
working drinks
on the
exhibition floor.

LOUNGE DELEGATE VISITOR! www.duplexworld.com/duplex2016 3

Duplex World Seminar & Summit 2016

Program Wednesday 12 October


9:30 Opening by Conference Chairman Babak Bahar, Material Specialist, Kvaerner, Norway
10:00 Plenary: Welding duplex piping - challenges and experiences. Dr Lars Haldorsen, Leading Advisor, Metallic Materials and Welding
R&T FT MMT, Statoil ASA, Norway
10:30 Plenary: The development of Chinese duplex stainless steel in recent years. Professor Song Zhigang, Director Professor of the Iron & Steel
Research Institute, China


11:30 Plenary: Developments in the consumption and demand of duplex stainless steels both during and after the lifting of the UN sanctions in Iran.
Professor Ali Davoodi, Metallurgical and Materials Engineering Department, Faculty of Engineering, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, Iran
12:00 Plenary: Application of super duplex stainless steel in umbilical systems and its compatibility with operation fluids. Dr Xiaoxue An, Principal
Engineer (Metals), Materials /Corrosion Lead, Technip Umbilical, UK

12:30 LUNCH Be sure to visit SPEAKERS CORNER in the exhibition area

14:15 SHORT COURSE: Duplex for Beginners Held in the auditorium - OPEN TO ALL
14:15 Workshop: Application limits for Welding challenges, innovations and Manufacture of the duplex stainless steel family
duplex stainless steels at elevated technologies Moderators: Dr. Iris Rommerskirchen, W. Schulz & Joelle
temperatures in the process industries Moderator: Rob Spelt, Spelt Greenwood, Salzgitter Mannesmann Stainless Tubes
Moderators: Jan Baas, CB & I & John Engineering & Contracting
Houben, Exon Mobil This session consists of six very interesting papers from
Presenters: material experts around the world covering diverse
This workshop addresses issues that Weldability and weld properties manufacturing aspects of lean-, standard- and super duplex
arise when using duplex stainless steels of Aperam DX2202. Jerome Bridel, stainless steels. These include practical examples of the hot
above 250C, including successful Aperam isostatic pressing technology of certain complex shapes by
applications and failures. Maximum Corrosion of welded stainless steel maintaining homogeneous material properties. Additionally
allowable design conditions (use of experience, failures and solutions. the HISC sensitivity of 25% Cr Superduplex as a function of
dual design conditions), effect of aging Elin Westin, voestalpine Bhler deformation is characterized. Further the influence of hot
and use of TTT curves and the quality Welding Austria deformation on the microstructure and the (intermetallic)
testing required will be discussed. The Application of microstructure phase precipitation pattern of different Superduplex grades
upper temperature limits and exposure characterisation techniques to will be outlined. The session will be rounded up with
times for lean duplex, 2205 DSS and reveal corrosion and EAC Propensity presentations about the cold finishing of duplex and super
SDSS will also be addressed. in a grade 2205 Multi-Pass Weld. duplex stainless steels in order to achieve higher strength
Prof. Dirk. Engelberg, University of values and the effect of work hardening of lean duplex
Presenters: Manchester stainless steel. The deep drawability and springback behavior
The phenomena of spinodal Formation mechanisms of weld root of lean duplex stainless steels will be compared to a low-
decomposition. Jan Jonson, laws in duplex stainless steels and nickel austenitic stainless steel 304 by studying the plasticity
Outokumpu effect on corrosion resistance. Dr and phase transformation behavior of Lean Duplex Stainless
Effect of ageing on lean duplex UR Usani Ofem, TWI Ltd Cambridge, UK Steels.
2202 properties for plates and welds. Ferrite content in the Heat Affected
Sarata Ciss, Arcelor Mittal Zone of duplex stainless steels. Presenters:
Elevated Temperature Phase Stability Vincent Villaret, ArcelorMittal Impact on mechanical properties included HISC resistance
of ATI 2003 Mo-containing lean Microstructural Changes in Heating on cold straightened HIPed 25% Cr duplex pipes. Daniel
duplex alloy. David Bergstrom, ATI Process for Super Duplex Stainless Gonzalez, Bodycote
Allegheny Ludlum Steel and its Thermal Deformation Ways to improve operational properties of duplex seamless
Behavior. Zhou Candong, Baosteel steel tubes. Andrey Balyev, Centravis
Effect of work hardening on forming properties of the lean
duplex stainless steel sheet. Eiichiro Ishimaru, Nippon Steel
& Sumikin Stainless Steel Corp.


15:45 Workshop discussion continues... Heavy-wall duplex welding: a study Delayed cracking in deep-drawn lean duplex stainless steels.
on ferrite content and hardness Dongchul Chae, POSCO
of 22% Cr duplex stainless steel Hot deformation of super duplex stainless steels.
welds in air-cooled heat exchanger Clara Herrera, Deutsche Edelstahlwerke
header boxes. Mikihiro Sakata, EN
Technology Center, JGC Japan





Duplex World Seminar & Summit 2016

Program Thursday 13 October


9:00 Plenary: Duplex and super duplex piping and valves applications in the offshore industry. Karan Sotoodeh, Senior Piping & Valve Engineer, Aker
Solutions, Norway
9:30 Plenary: New and up-dated experiences of duplex stainless steels in a broad range of applications; development of standards and their
importance to the continued expansion of duplexes. Poul-Erik Arnvig, Vice President Global Market Development, Outokumpu, Sweden
10:00 Plenary: The development and application of duplex stainless steels in the urea and fertilizer industry. Alex Scheerder, Head of Inspection &
Materials Engineering, Stamicarbon, the Netherlands


11:00 Workshop: Low temperature Recent developments of using duplex Corrosion & performance characterisation
applications of duplex stainless steels in structural applications Moderators: Lena Wegrelius, Outokumpu & Prof. Dirk
Moderator: Guri Nustad, Aker Solutions Moderator: Claes Tigerstrand, Engelberg, University of Manchester
This workshop will focus on the use Outokumpu This workshop focuses on the corrosion and stress corrosion
of duplex grades in low temperature This session will focus on critical cracking propensity of duplex stainless steel with exposure
applications (30C). We will discuss factors to facilitate further growth of to demanding environments. A broad range of aspects to
how material properties change with duplex in structural applications: how characterise and optimise microstructure performance will
decreasing temperature and the to enable efficient use according to be discussed, including mechanical effects, surface film
reasoning behind this. Delegates are prevailing design standards, where properties, and environmental factors.
invited to send questions to the panel important developments have taken
ahead of the conference, so these can place recently and evidence from Presenters:
be addressed during the workshop. existing structures to justify the duplex Stress corrosion cracking and atmospheric corrosion
value proposition of higher structural resistance of duplex stainless steels for architecture, building
Presenters: efficiency, durability and lower life and construction. Sandra Le Manchet, ArcelorMittal
Raymond Cordewener, Bruck Group cycle costing. Influence of surface grinding on residual stresses and
Experiences during gained technical chloride-induced stress corrosion cracking of Forta DX 2304
qualification of manufacturing routes Presenters: duplex stainless steel. Nian Zhoua, Dalarna University
to supply seamless pipes, butt weld The experience of stainless steel as Corrosion behavior deteriorated by the residual surface
fittings and forged API weld neck construction material in bridges. defect of duplex stainless steel 2205. Laizhu Jiang, Tsingtuo
and swivel ring flanges constructed Sukanya Hgg Mameng, Outokumpu Group
from ZERON 100 AFP super duplex Advances in the design of duplex Determination of corrosion limit of super duplex 2507. Saghi
stainless steel. Dr Glenn Byrne, Rolled stainless steel structures in the Saedlou, Aperam R&D
Alloys Eurocodes. Nancy Baddoo, Steel Erosion-resistance of the 1.4062 lean duplex for mining
Root cause of DSS embrittlement at Construction Institute UK industries. Jamila Adem, Ugitech Research Center
sub-zero temperatures. Dr Marina Inspection of existing duplex bridges Investigation on the composition and semi-conductive
Knyazeva, Ruhr-Universitat Bochum Graham Gedge, Arup UK property of the passive films on UNS S32101 duplex and UNS
Experience with Duplex in structural S30403 stainless steel. H. Feng, Central Iron & Steel Research
applications after 10 to 20 years of Institute
service. Didier Paul, Industeel

13:00 LUNCH Be sure to visit SPEAKERS CORNER in the exhibition area

14:30 Corrosion Metallurgy

Moderator: Jacko Aerts, DSM Moderator: Jean Denis Mithieux, Aperam
This paper session focusses on understanding and applying the corrosion Phase transformation during thermomechanical treatments is a
resistance capabilities of duplex, which typically fill in the gap between key issue for the performance of duplex stainless steel, considering
standard austenitic stainless steels and Ni-base alloys. Papers cover crevice both the optimisation of austenite fraction and the minimization
corrosion and stress corrosion cracking mechanisms which are important of intermetallic phase precipitation. This session highlights
failure modes for DSS. Other papers present how this affects real world important technical topics for industry such as characterization
applications of tubes and pipes, and what the available corrosion tests can methods, description of metallurgical mechanisms and prediction of
tell you (or not) about the quality of the duplex stainless steels you have. transformation kinetics.
Presenters: Presenters:
A consideration on crevice corrosion of Duplex stainless steel. Junichi Quantification of intermetallic phases and centerline stringers of
Sakai, Waseda University super duplex stainless steel. Florent Krajcarz, Aperam
Solution for sea water cooled heat exchangers- Sandvik grades SAF 2507 Precipitation of sigma and chi phases in cast super duplex
& 2707 HD. Barinder Ghai, Sandvik Materials Technology stainless steels. Ricardo Sousa, FERESPE, University of Texas at
Cathodic and Anodic Micromechanisms. Dr M. Knyazeva, Ruhr- Austin and University of Porto - Department of Metallurgical and
Universitt Bochum Materials Engineering
Seamless Superduplex Pipes for OCTG applications in accordance with Recent advances in dissolution kinetics of sigma phase in duplex
API 5 CRA. Dr Iris Rommerskirchen, W. Schulz stainless steels. Paolo Ferro, University of Padua
Corrosion tests on super duplex stainless steels significance and Effects of solution annealing temperature and quenching transfer
informational value. H. Schlerkmann, Salzgitter Mannesmann Stainless time on austenite spacing of duplex stainless steels forgings.
Tubes Giordano Camicia, Siderforgerossi Group
Improving the low temperature impact properties & corrosion
resistance in super duplex stainless steel weld metal and castings.
Steve Roberts, Goodwin Steel Castings


Duplex World Seminar & Summit 2016

Buying exhibition space

Speakers To book an exhibition stand or networking
lounge visit
S15 L05
S14 TUBACEX S.A. L04 Chandan Steel
Stands & lounges are offered as a complete
L17 Goodwin package.
0 Steel Castings Ltd. L0
L1 3 Stand 6m2 (S01-S11) = 3,900 Euro
Room 7b c co
b i
Room 7a Sta
ub Stand 9m2 (S12-S15) = 4,900 Euro
Ra SIJ Slovenian Steel
L16 Group d.d. Lounge 9m2 (L01 - L21) = 5,900 Euro
L11 Aperam
Contact us for more details
Sold L02
Stainless France
Media AreaAG
L15 Montanstahl

a r Ce See the live exhibition floorplan and
Option L1 is exhibitor list at
f 2 NS

FA07 L14 1 www.duplexworld.com/duplex2016 and
Metals &
FB08 FB12Tubes Ltd
follow the links Floorplan and Exhibitor List
FB06 Sandvik
Catering FB11 Salzgitter Mannesmann Contacts for exhibition stands
Workshops FA05 L18 N
Stainless Tubes
and networking lounges:
1-3 Area FB04Zhejiang FB10
Stellar Pipe
Industry Co., Ltd.
L20 L19
Schmidt +
Clemens GmbH
+ Co KG Mrs Elisa Hannan
Ortmans SA L21
Email: e.hannan@kci-world.com
FA04 Tel: +31-575-585-291

FA02 Outokumpu Mrs Nicole Nagel
FB01 S12
Email: n.nagel@kci-world.com
Tel: + 49-2821-7114-555
voestalpine Bhler
Welding GmbH S11 Sponsored by:

Zhejiang Jiuli Hi-Tech

Metals Co., Ltd S10

Room 3

S05 LoungeS09 26.03.2014
Show Management/

Information Entr

c00 m95 y100 k50

pantone 1795c

KCI c60 m00 y00 k60

pantone 5405c


S04 27.03.2014
S03 Speakers Supported by:
Lounge POW

S02 S01
Poeetin Sp
int g g ea
4 n
eeti ke
Exhibitor List
Company Country Lounge/ Company Country Lounge/
Stand Stand
Aperam Stainless France France L11 Salzgitter Mannesmann Stainless Tubes GmbH Germany L18
BUMAX AB Sweden S06 Sandvik Materials Technology Sweden L13
Centravis Sales (Switzerland) S.A. Switzerland L12 Schmidt + Clemens GmbH + Co KG Germany L19
Goodwin Steel Castings Ltd. United Kingdom L17 Schoeller-Bleckmann Edelstahlrohr GmbH Germany S14
Industeel - Arcelor Mittal Group France L02 SIJ Slovenian Steel Group d.d. Slovenia L16
Montanstahl AG Switzerland L15 Stalatube Oy Finland L03
Nippon Steel & Sumikin Stainless Steel TUBACEX S.A. Spain S14
Corporation - NSSC Japan L01 voestalpine Bhler Welding GmbH Austria S11
Ortmans SA Belgium L21 W.B. Alloy Welding Products United Kingdom L17
Outokumpu Oyj Finland S12/S13 Zhejiang Jiuli Hi-Tech Metals Co., Ltd China S10
Raccortubi S.P.A. Italy L10 Zhejiang Stellar Pipe Industry Co., Ltd China L20
Ratnamani Metals & Tubes Ltd India L14
Duplex World Seminar & Summit 2016

Application Exhibition Package

Nicole Nagel
Tel.: +49-2821-71145-55 CCD Congress Center Dsseldorf
Fax: +49-2821-71145-69 Dsseldorf, Germany
E-Mail: n.nagel@kci-world.com 12-13 October 2016

1 Company and address 3 Packages incl. stand building, 2 days catering

and conference tickets for 2 members of the staff
Company Stand package 6m2 3,900 Euro
Stand package 9m2 4,900 Euro

______________________________________________________ Lounge 9m2 5,900 Euro


Stand / Lounge Number:

Post Code City

______________________________________________________ Media Fee: an obligatory payment for all exhibitors

Country 4
350 Euro which includes:
______________________________________________________ 3 basic entries in the event catalogue
VAT Company name with hyperlink on the
On Line Exhibitor list
______________________________________________________ Contact details on interactive floorplan

5 Duplex World Seminar & Summit Dinner 2016
Website Dinner on 12 October 2016
110,00 /Ticket
E-Mail Number of Tickets: _______

2 Organizational contact person Invoice

You will receive the invoice at time of booking.
Contact person

______________________________________________________ Cancellation is 100% of the original costs.


E-Mail _______________________________________________________
Place, Date

Legally binding signature/ stamp

Duplex World Seminar & Summit 2016

Duplex World Seminar & Summit 2016

Messe Dsseldorf Congress Center
12 - 13th October 2016, Dsseldorf, Germany

Conference Registration Form

2 Day Registration
Passepartout: 2 Conference days & social programme, 2 days expo visit, Lunch is included 950
Conference Power Point Presentations Online

1 Day Registration
Passepartout: 1 Conference day & social programme, 1 day expo visit, Lunch is included
Conference Power Point Presentations Online 590
Wednesday Thursday

Duplex World Seminar & Summit Dinner Ticket 110

(Wednesday, 12th October 2016)





City + Postal Code:

Country: E-mail:

Phone: Fax:

With this registration, you agree that your name is listed on the attendance list.
Delegate Registration (Prices are in euros excluding 19 % VAT); VAT can be reclaimed via your local tax authorities.

Payment Information
Payment via Credit Card Payment via Bank Transfer

All payments must be remitted in Euros by credit card or for payment via Bank Transfer: details will be provided upon receipt
of completed registration form.

American Express/MasterCard/Visaamount: + 19% VAT Total :

Credit card number: Expiration date:

Card Verification Code (CVC)*:

Cardholders Name: Cardholders Signature: ________________

In addition to the credit card number, a card verification code (CVC) is required. This has been introduced to provide more security for
both the customer and the mail order company. We will not be able to process credit card transactions without a verification code.

For Visa and Mastercard/Eurocard: you can find your CVC on the reverse side of your credit card, printed into the signature filed. It is a
three-digit number. The full credit card number is reprinted in the signature box and at the end of the number is the verification code number.

For American Express: the verification code number is a four-digit number on the front of the card above the credit card number on ether the
right or the left side of your American Express credit card.

Cancellation Policy-Cancellations in writing prior to October 1st 2016 will be subject to a Euro 50 processing fee per person. Refunds will not
be granted after October1st 2016. Refunds will not be given for no-shows after the conference start date.

Please send this form by fax: +49 2821 71145 69, attn: Irina Gast
by email: i.gast@kci-world.com or post to KCI GmbH: Tiergartenstr. 64, D - 47533 Kleve, Germany

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