Learning Agreement-Mechanic 6 Months

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Name of the participants: Kostantinos Papadimas

Field of vocational education: Mechanical Engineering
Sending institution: 1 (1st Evening Vocational high School of Egaleo)
Address: Petrou Ralli & Thivon, 12241, Egaleo (Greece)
Contact person: Jennie Kallergi
Function: Project Coordinator
E-mail: jkallergi@hotmail.com
tel: +302109644279


Host organisation/company
Name: APLICAPROPOSTA LDA, Braga Mobility Open
Address: Travessa de S. Jos N 41 1, So Victor, 4710-438 Braga, Portugal
Contact person: Tiago Costa
Function: Manager
E-mail: info@bragamobilityopen.com
Tel: +351 929 442 549

Planned dates of start and end of the placement period : 6th March 2017 6th September 2017

Knowledge, skills and competence to be acquired:

According to the terms agreed upon for the Erasmus+ Programme, the Participant will be prepared for a
future career through a training placement abroad, which will serve to broaden his/her knowledge and
language skills and enable him/her to gain experience in real-life situations with the Receiving
organisation, the host company and the host country.
In addition, the Participant will get to know and experience the work and living conditions in another
country, which will increase his/her individual mobility and personal competence and also make it easier
for him/her to fit into a labour market which is becoming more and more globalised.
Detailed programme of the training period:
The training programme was organized in order to improve the students employability; to obtain and
improve entrepreneurship skills within this professional sector; to adapt to the new work team and
environment; to acquire new professional, language and intercultural skills; to develop team work spirit;
and to raise his/her self-confidence and awareness of European citizenship. Additional points established:
Introduction and acquaintanceship with the Institution in the host country, as well as the culture
and ways of working
Become acquainted with the requirements for the assignment with the host company
Fitting in with a team
Willingness to learn in respect of the tasks and business processes
Motivating students to learn foreign languages and expand horizons by acquiring knowledge of
other countries and cultures
Encouraging students for learning

Putting theory into practice

Tasks of the trainee:

Loading machine with work pieces
Program mills and lathes by entering instructions, including zero and reference points
Setting-up mills and lathes by installing and adjusting annexes
Reading blueprints, schematics, and diagrams to determine the method and sequence of
assembly of a part, machine, or piece of equipment
Verifying dimensions of parts, using precision measuring instruments, to ensure that specifications
are met
Operating metalworking machines to make housings, fittings, and fixtures

Troubleshooting, repairing and calibrating hydraulic and pneumatic assemblies

Monitoring and Mentoring of the participant:

Monitoring process will be carried out through the adoption of three different measures:
1. In situ monitoring visit, to be carried out in the middle of the training period
2. Compiling Participant Report Form: the participant will have to fill in monitoring-related forms in
relation to the referred period. The participant will then send these forms directly to the promoter
organization (whose responsibility it is to monitor) so that the promoter itself will have a clear idea
of the evaluation of each and the participant throughout the progression of the project.
3. The adoption of a two way communication procedure between the participant and the promoter
organization, carried out trough web instruments such as email, instant messaging and social

Moreover for the whole duration of the placement, the participant will also be monitored and checked by
his own Receiving organisation tutor. The latter will have to refer to the promoter organisation, so as to
ensure the correct carrying out of the agreed work programme whilst simultaneously ensuring a good
socialisation and integration on both the inside and outside of the work context.

Evaluation and Validation of the training placement:

First and foremost the project will be evaluated throughout its duration by its same actuators, and more
specifically, by the Receiving organisation internal tutor who will be in direct contact with the participant on
a daily basis.
Moreover, at the end of the work placement, the following output will be released:
- A final evaluation, edited by the intermediary organization;
- A final evaluation, edited by the participants
- A final evaluation, edited by the promoter organization;

The evaluation process is driven by the promoter organization that will collect the documents indicated
above and the other documents (monitoring form, in situ visits reports etc.) to cover the entire period and
different aspects of the mobility experience and to edit a final evaluation documents that can give a global
and detailed evaluation of the project and the different mobility experiences.


By signing this document, the participant, the sending institution and the receiving organisation (and
the intermediary organisation if applicable)* confirm that they will abide by the principles of the Quality
Commitment for VET Mobility projects attached below.
*please add a box below for the signature of the intermediary organisation if applicable


Kostantinos Papadimas
Participants signature

........................................................................ Date: 14/10/2017


We confirm that this proposed training programme agreement is approved.

On completion of the training programme the institution will issue a Europass Mobility to the participant.

Coordinators signature

........................................................................ Date: 14/10/2017


We confirm that this proposed training programme is approved.

On completion of the training programme the organisation will issue an Attendance Certificate to the

Coordinator/placement tutors signature

....................................................................... Date: 14/10/2017

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