Cmo 15
Cmo 15
Cmo 15
x------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------x In accordance with pertinent provisions of Republic Act (RA) No. 7722, otherwise known as the Higher Education Act of 1994, and in view of keeping pace with the demands of global competitiveness and pursuant to Resolution No. 239-2002 this Commission hereby issues Amendments to CMO No. 19 series of 2000 entitled GENERAL GUIDELINES IN THE IMPLEMENTATION OF THE INTERNATIONAL PRACTICUM TRAINING PROGRAMS. Consequently, all concerned are hereby informed, enjoined and directed thus: Article I STATEMENT OF POLICY It is the policy of the Commission on Higher Education (CHED) to encourage and promote strong academic linkage with industries for cross-cultural training and skills enhancement to ensure attainment of knowledge, skills and desirable attitudes that will make Filipino students globally competitive. In the pursuit of this policy, CHED hereby establishes the International Practicum Training Program (IPTP) to make possible the practicum training of undergraduate students in various companies, training institutions and organizations in various parts of the world. The learning that the students get and their practicum training will develop new competencies and skills that will make them internationally competitive for employment here or abroad. Article II DEFINITION OF TERMS 1. INTERNATIONAL PRACTICUM TRAINING PROGRAM (IPTP) - is an academic program that provides undergraduate students enrolled in Practicum subjects in recognized Philippine Higher Education Institutions (HEIs), the on-the-job training in reputable companies, training institutions and organizations. 2. HIGHER EDUCATION INSTITUTIONS (HEIS) - refers to the duly recognized and authorized higher education institutions by the Commission on Higher Education. 3. Training Partner (TP) refers to reputable and licensed companies, training institutions and organizations located in a foreign country where the students are assigned for the IPTP.
Article III OBJECTIVES The International Practicum Training Program (IPTP) aims to: 1. Provide Filipino students the opportunity to acquire practical knowledge, skills and desirable attitudes in world-class establishments, companies, training institutions and organizations that observe international standards of service; 2. Develop and/or enhance the Filipino work values, competencies, discipline as they relate to a different culture and a foreign work environment; 3. Enhance the global competitiveness of students through their training, exposure, and acculturation in a foreign country; 4. Strengthen, enhance and update the schools curriculum to deliver levels of knowledge and skills necessary in a modern competitive world. Article IV IMPLEMENTING GUIDELINES The foregoing implementing guidelines are applicable to the IPTP. A. Qualifications of/Requirements for the Agencies/Parties Involved 1. Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) Only duly authorized higher education institutions with recognized programs are qualified to participate in the International Practicum Training Program and may deploy their qualified undergraduate students for the purpose. 2. Training Partner (TP) The Training Partner (TP) should be reputable companies, training institutions and organizations duly accredited by the government of the receiving country. 3. Student Considering the cross-cultural nature of this program, participants should be carefully selected. They should possess the following qualifications: a) b) c) d) e) f) g) h) Must be currently enrolled in practicum subject; Must be at least 18 years old; Must have passed pre-practicum requirements; Must be recommended by the Faculty Practicum Coordinator and the Dean of the College; Must be physically, mentally and emotionally fit; Must be articulate in English or the language spoken in the host country; Must possess the written approval or consent from parents/guardians; and Must have the right work attitude towards practicum/ training.
Obligations/Responsibilities of the Agencies/Parties Involved The specific obligations/responsibilities of the parties involved in the implementation of the IPTP are as follows: Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) a) Evaluate documents of applicants for IPTP; b) Select trainees in accordance with the qualification requirements as specified herein and from the receiving training partners; c) Assign a full-time academically qualified Faculty Practicum Coordinator responsible for all aspects of the IPTP including program implementation and evaluation; d) Require IPTP qualified students to undergo the necessary orientation/ training prior to departure; e) Provide CHED with e.1 addresses and telephone numbers of the Training Partner and dormitories e.2 regular report containing information specified by CHED e.3 list of students certified to have completed the international practicum training program with documentary evidence. 2. The Training Partner (a) Provide a favorable work experience or on-the-job training to the student trainees in accordance with the agreed training plan and schedule of activities; (b) Assign a competent Training Supervisor responsible for all phases of the work including the evaluation of performance of trainees; (c) Issue Certificate of Completion to the trainees prior to departure from training venue/country. 3. Student a) Enroll in practicum subject for the course; b) Secure complete travel documents such as passport, original certificate of grades! TR duly sealed and signed by the Registrar; c) Comply at all times with the rules and regulations of the host establishment or training partner and the school where enrolled; d) Must not accept any job (even part-time) aside from his/her on-the-job training; e) Must not divulge any confidential information about the host establishment; f) Stay in the dormitory provided by the Training Partner and not with a foster family abroad; g) Complete the agreed duration of his/her practicum training. h) Undergo the required orientation/training program conducted by the school; i) Maintain norms of behavior and conduct that will enhance his training and performance. 4. Parent/guardian a) Co-sign the traineeship contract to manifest approval or consent to the training abroad of their son/daughter even if he/she is over 18 years old; and b) Attend the pre-departure seminar or orientation together with the student. c) Abide by the guidelines set forth by this CMO, the school Training Partner.
d) Maintain constant communication with their son/daughter. 5. CHED The CHED shall monitor compliance of the HEIs with the provisions of IPTP through the report of the CHED and other appropriate mechanisms as CHED will institute. C. Operation of the International Practicum Training Program Implementation a. The HEI will conduct an initial visit/inspection of the facilities of the Training Partner; b. The HEI shall send one (1) Faculty Practicum Coordinator to coordinate with his counterpart - the Supervisor of the Training Partner - per batch of 15 student trainees at least once during the training period or as the need arises; c. The Supervisor of the Training Partner and the Faculty Practicum Coordinator should, as much as possible, follow the prescribed training plan per department specifying the knowledge and skills that the student should acquire in the training areas. 2. Monitoring and Evaluation a) The monitoring and evaluation of the performance of the student-trainees and the IPTP itself shall be done jointly by the Supervisor of the Training Partner and the Faculty Practicum Coordinator/ Dean of the HEI using standard procedures, instruments and methodologies such as observations, monthly reports, and interviews/conferences with the students; b) At the end of the training period, the Supervisor of the Training Partner shall provide the students with the following documents which the students, in turn, will submit to the Faculty Practicum Coordinator: 1. Certificate of Completion 2. Duly accomplished evaluation sheet 3. Other pertinent reports, information, and/or documents which may be required c) The Supervisors evaluation report will be one of the bases in giving the students final grade. A student whose contract was terminated due to resignation, or other causes shall be given a final grade on the basis of each individual schools grading system after considering the circumstances surrounding such termination. d) The monitoring and evaluation in the compliance of HEIs in this guidelines shall be done by CHED. 3. Duration of the Training The IPTP should not be less than three (3) months but not more than 18 months, as provided for by the Ministry/Department of Labor /Education of the cooperating country.
Contract/Memorandum of Agreement
The aforementioned responsibilities of the agencies/parties involved should be contained in a Contract or a Memorandum of Agreement: 1. Duly notarized Memorandum of Agreement between the Higher Education Institution and the Training Partner. 2. Contract between the Higher Education Institution, the student-trainee and the Training Partner Details of the establishment (including business addresses) nature of assignment, as well as any deviation from the standard terms and conditions in the Trainee Package shall be explicitly stated in writing.
Sanctions 1. Any IJEI found guilty of violating the provisions contained in the IPTP policies and guidelines shall be subjected to the revocation of its permit for the degree program; 2. Any violation of the IPTP policies and guidelines by a student trainee shall be subjected to any of the following sanctions; a) Subject to the rules and regulations of the HEl b) Invalidation of the training undertaken c) Disqualification from the IPTP Article V REPEALING CLAUSE
All provisions of CHED Memorandum Order which are inconsistent with the provisions of this CHED Memorandum Order are deemed repealed, revoked and/or rescinded accordingly. Article VI EFFECTIVITY These implementing guidelines shall take effect immediately. Issued this July 23, 2002, Pasig City, Philippines. (SGD.) ESTER A. GARCIA Chairman