GMI3 Plague Lords

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Games Master International Issue 3

Plague Lords Preview

Joe Dever is the creator of the bestselling Lone Wolf adventure books and novels.
This is a reproduction of an article that originally appeared in the October 1990 edition of
Games Master International magazine regarding the forthcoming publication of Joe Devers The
Plague Lords of Ruel.
Also included in the issue and reproduced herein is a competition to win a copy of Peter Andrew
Jones gorgeous cover artwork for the book.

Contributors for Project Aon Editions

This project would have been impossible without the helpful contributions of:
Simon Osborne scans of the original article, creator and maintainer of this document.
Jonathan Blake some graphical manipulation of the artwork.

Internet Edition published by Project Aon. This edition is intended to reflect the complete text of
the original version. Changes made, such as to correct incorrect or inconsistent spelling,
punctuation and grammar have been noted in the Errata section.
Publication Date: 13 September 2006
Text copyright 1990 Joe Dever
Illustrations copyright 1990 Peter Andrew Jones
Distribution of this Internet Edition is restricted under the terms of the Project Aon License.
Effort has been made to display the information as close to the originals as possible. Although
this has not been possible for all thingsfor example, the actual fonts usedthe result is as close
to the originals as they could be.

chronicle will tell of the adventures Series, published this October by Red
you undertook during your Kai Fox Books. Here, for the first time,
Grand Mastership. Until the time we publish an extract giving the
comes for their telling, may the Gods background to the new series, and
Ishir and Kai watch over you, Grand details of the perilous quest which
Master Lone Wolf, hero and saviour of awaits you.
The Story So Far . . .
So ended The Masters of Darkness,

the twelfth book in Joe Devers
acclaimed Lone Wolf adventure game-
book series in which you, intrepid ou are Grand
reader, became Lone Wolfthe last Master Lone Wolf,
Kai Master of Sommerlund. last of the Kai
In the course of the first twelve Lords of Somm-
books, your ongoing quest was to erlund and sole
restore the warrior Order of the Kai survivor of a mas-
and avenge their massacre by sacre that wiped
Your victory is total. At last you destroying their murderersthe out the First
Order of your lite warrior caste.
have fulfilled your destiny to avenge mega-bad Darklords of Helgedad.
It is the year MS 5075 and twen-
the Kai and rid your world of an evil This quest was finally completed in
ty-five years have passed since your
which has threatened it for thousands Book 12. But ever since Masters was
brave kinsmen perished at the
of years. You return to Sommerlund published, back in April 1988, Joe
hands of the Darklords of
a conquering hero and, as Kai Grand Dever has been inundated with Helgedad. These champions of evil,
Master, you begin the task of literally thousands of letters from who were sent forth by Naar, the
restoring the Kai to their former Lone Wolf fans all over the world, King of the Darkness, to destroy the
glory. The chronicle of your struggle urging him to keep his promise to fertile world of Magnamund, have
against the Darklords of Helgedad continue the saga of the Kai. Well, themselves since been destroyed.
will pass into legend, inspiring future this is exactly what hes done and You vowed to avenge the murder of
generations of Kai warriors to keep GamesMaster International is proud to the Kai and you kept your pledge,
alive your ideals of bravery, skill bring you this Lone Wolf for it was you who brought about
and selfless courage. Yet the saga exclusive. their downfall when alone you infil-
that is the story of your life does not The Plague Lords of Ruel is the first trated their foul domainthe
end here. In future times the of the Lone Wolf Grand Master Darklandsand caused the
Illustration: Peter Andrew Jones Copyright: Solar Wind Library
destruction of their leader, Archlord generation of Kai recruits, all of In the name of your creator, the
Gnaag, and the core of their cancer- whom were born during the era of God Kai, and for the greater glory
ous power that was the infernal war against the Darklords, pos- of Sommerlund and the Goddess
city of Helgedad. sess latent Kai skills and show Ishir, you have vowed to reach the
In the wake of their destruction, exceptional promise. These skills very pinnacle of Kai perfection
chaos befell the Darkland armies will be nurtured and honed to per- to attain all of the Grand
who, until then, had been poised to fection during their time at the Master Disciplines and become the
co n qu er all of N ort h ern monastery so that they may teach first Kai Supreme Master.
Magnamund. Some factions which
comprised this huge army, most
notably the barbaric Drakkarim,
and inspire future generations,
thereby ensuring the continued
security of your homeland in
W ith diligence and determina-
tion you set about the
restoration of the Kai Monastery
began to fight with the others for future. and organized the training of the
control. This disorder quickly Your attainment of the rank of S e con d O rde r re cru i ts . Y ou r
escalated into an all-out civil war, Kai Grand Master brought with it efforts were soon rewarded and,
which allowed the Freeland armies great rewards. Some, such as the within the space of two short years,
of Magnamund time in which to restoration of the Kai and the undying the first raw recruits had graduat-
recover and launch a counter-offen- gratitude of your fellow ed to become a cadre of gifted Kai
sive. Skilfully their commanders Sommlending, could have been Masters who, in turn, were able to
exploited the chaos and secured a anticipated. Yet there have also commence the teaching of their
swift and total victory over an been rewards which you could not skills to subsequent intakes of Kai
enemy far superior in numbers. possibly have foreseen. The discov- novices. Readily the Kai Masters

F or five years now peace has

reigned in Sommerlund.
Under your direction, the once-
ery that within you lay the poten-
tial to develop Kai Disciplines
beyond those of the Magnakai,
rose to their newfound responsi-
bilities, leaving you free to devote
more of your time to the pursuit
ruined Monastery of the Kai has which, until now, were thought to and perfection of the Grand Master
been thoroughly rebuilt and restored be the ultimate that a Kai Master Disciplines. During this period you
to its former glory, and you have could aspire to, was truly a revela- also received expert tutelage in the
begun the task of training a Second tion. Your discovery has inspired ways of magic from two of your
Order of Kai warriors so that the you to set out upon a new and pre- most trusted friends and advisors:
skills and proud traditions of your viously unknown path in search of Guildmaster Banedon, leader of the
ancestors will be carried forward the wisdom and power that no Kai Brotherhood of the Crystal Star,
in the centuries to come. The new Lord before you has ever possessed. and Lord Rimoah, speaker from the
GMI October 1990 39
High Council of the Elder Magi. to the northeast of Magador and Darklords of Helgedad, the Giaks,
In the deepest subterranean level the Maakengorge, the Elder Magi the most prolific in number of all of
of the monastery, one hundred feet of Dessi and the Herbwardens of Gnaag's troops, fled into the
below the Tower of the Sun, you Bautar were working together in Darklands and sought refuge in
ordered the excavation and con- an effort to restore the dusty waste- the gigantic city-fortresses of
struction of a special vault. In this land to its former fertile state. It Nadgazad, Aarnak, Gournen and
magnificent chamber wrought of was the first tentative step towards Kaag. Within each of these hellish
granite and gold, you placed the the reclamation of all the Darklands. strongholds there exists now a
seven Lorestones of Nyxator, the However, although they had had state of frenzied civil war as the
gems of Kai power that you had notable successes in these regions, remnants of the Xaghash (lesser
recovered during your quest for the generally their progress was Darklords) and the Nadziranim
Magnakai. It was here, bathed in ( ev i l p ract i ti on e rs of Ri gh t-
the golden light of those radiant handed magic who once aided indi-
gems, that you spent countless The liquid was vidual Darklord masters) fight for
hours in pursuit of perfection. discovered to be a control. By virtue of their geo-
Sometimes alone, sometimes in the powerful vaccine graphic locations, and the struggles
company of your two able advisors taking place within them, each of
against a new and
Banedon and Rimoahyou these city-fortresses is isolated
worked hard to develop your innate complex plague virus. from the next and poses no immedi-
Grand Master Disciplines and ate threat to the peoples of the Free
grasp the fundamental secrets of painfully slow and both parties Kingdoms. It is widely believed
Left-handed and Old Kingdom were resigned to the fact that their that by the time the Elder Magi
magic. During this time you efforts to undo the damage caused and the Herbalish reach the walls
noticed many remarkable changes by the Darklords would take not of these strongholds the occupants
taking place within your body: you years but centuries to complete. will have long since brought about
became physically and mentally In the far west, the Drakkarim their own extinction.
stronger, your five primary senses
sharpened beyond all that you had
experienced before, and, perhaps
had retreated to their homelands
and were engaged in a bloody war
against the Lencians. Much of
E lsewhere, throughout
Northern Magnamund, peace
reigns victorious and the peoples of

most remarkably, your body began Nyras had been reclaimed by the the Free Kingdoms rejoice in the
to age at a much slower rate. Now, armies of King Sarnac, the Lencian knowledge that the age of the
for every five years that elapse you commander, and his flag now flew Darklords has finally come to an
age but one year. over a land which, two thousand end. Readily men have exchanged

A t this time many changes were

also occurring beyond the bor-
ders of Sommerlund. In the regions
years ago, had once been part of
Following the destruction of the
their swords for hoes and their
shields for ploughs, and now the
marching they do is along the ruts

Grand Master gamebooks entitled Doctor Who, Tom Baker, and has
LONE WOLF The Captives of Kaag (No. 14) and been produced using new telecom-
The Darke Crusade (No. 15), which munications hardware designed
MASTERFILE will be in the shops in December specifically to eradicate the prob-
1990 and March 1991 respectively. lems which plagued the first
Publication of The Plague Lords of The four novels which so far com- PhoneQuest release The Fortress of
Ruel (336pgs, 3.99) spearheads a prise the Legends of Lone Wolf set, Doom. A completely new rules sys-
veritable invasion of Lone Wolf by Joe Dever and John Grant, tem, prizes, limited time duration
related material to hit the streets based on the gamebook saga, have to keep costs down, and a new
this winter. proved something of a commercial game each month will make the
success. Joe and John have now PhoneQuest line very interesting.
been signed up to write a further Theres even Lone Wolf knitwear
four titles in the series. The first of now available from a company
these, entitled The Claws of called Fa nt a sy K nitw e a r. A
Helgedad, will be published in June colour brochure is available if you
1991, alongside reprints of the first send a stamped, self-addressed
four titles, by Arrow Books. envelope to Fantasy Knitwear c/o
Going online early this month C&EG, PO Box 120, Henley-on-
are five new telephone adventure Thames, Oxon RG9 1PB.
games on the PhoneQuest line And finally, theres a new range of
Joe Dever (0898 555 525), all written by Joe Lone Wolf miniatures shortly to be
Dever. Four of the gamesNinja, available from Alternative
Red Fox Books, the teenage Tomb of the Sphinx, Vampire Armies. The first release is
imprint of Arrow Books, is reprint- Hunter and Alien Intruder planned for November with regular
ing the entire Lone Wolf series encompass popular role-playing releases to follow. For a brochure,
(Books 112), all featuring new themes, while the fifthThe send an SSAE to Alternative
cover artwork by Peter Jones. Forbidden Toweris a completely Armies, Unit 6, Parkway Court,
Prolific as ever, Joe Dever has new Lone Wolf adventure. The Glaisdale Parkway, Bilborough,
a l re ad y fi n i s he d a fu rth e r tw o game features the voice of former Notts, NG8 4GN.

40 October 1990 GMI

of their freshly furrowed fields. Few dare launch an invasion. One such phial of pale green liquid, a liquid
are the watchful eyes that scan the attempt has already ended in disas- that was proof-positive that the
distant horizon in fear of what may ter. Six months ago an allied force Cenerese were indeed preparing to
appear, although there are still numbering seven thousand men enact Naar's revenge upon the Free
those who maintain their vigilance, entered the Forest of Ruel, intent Kingdoms of Magnamund.
for the agents of Naar come in on storming the Cenerese fortress The phial had been found among
many guises and there are those of Mogaruith and razing it to the the possessions of a Cener Druid
who wait quietly in the shadows for ground. Seven thousand men went who had been caught in the city of
the chance to do his evil bidding. into the forest: only seventy Ragadorn after having been fol-
Often, over the past two years, returned alive. l ow ed th e re by a wat ch f ul
Lord Rimoah has warned you to be Despite the vigilance of these Herbwarden from Bautar. Under
wary of one such group. They are interrogation, the Cener revealed
known as the Cener Druids and that he had been sent to Ragadorn
they occupy a small, forested realm
The Cenerese are by Arch Druid Cadak, the ruler of
to the south of the Stornlands getting ready to unleash Ruel, to distribute the phials of this
called Ruel, which they have made an airborne plague virus liquid to agents sympathetic to the
virtually impregnable to invasion that could kill all the Cenerese cause. The Herbwarden
through the use of evil herbcraft. had sent the phial to Dessi where
Once, long ago, after the defeat of
living creatures of the Elder Magi, upon analysing the
N a ar's gre at e st ch am p io n Magnamund. liquid, discovered it to be a power-
Agarash the Damnedthey were ful vaccine against a new and com-
used by Naar as agents of revenge. three Freeland armies, the contain- plex plague virus. Judging by the
Then they formulated and released ment of the Cenerese threat within composition of the vaccine, this
a plague that decimated the Elder Ruel has not been entirely success- plague virus would prove to be sev-
Magi and left the way open for ful. To the south, the Cenerese can eral times more lethal than the
their conquest of Magnamund. Now enter and leave their realm by Great Plague which had so devas-
the Elder Magi fear that, as before, means of tunnels which honeycomb tated their race thousands of years
Naar will use them again to enact the Skardos Mountains. These ago. The Cener succeeded in taking
revenge for the defeat of his cham- secret passages emerge in the free his own life before he revealed fur-
pions. They fear that they will seek state of Caron, at the northern edge ther details, but, judging from the
to destroy the Second Order of the of the Rootstrangle Swamp which, in evidence in their possession, the
Kai before it becomes too strong, for d ue cou rs e, d rai n s i n to t he Elder Magi were convinced that the
y ou r q ue s t f o r m as te ry o f th e Tentarias (the great waterway Cenerese are getting ready to
Grand Master Disciplines has which divides the northern and unleash an airborne plague virus
opened a door to such goodly power southern continents of that could kill all the living crea-
that even Naar himself may be Magnamund). Once access to the tures of Magnamund, save those
unable to counter it. Unless he clos- Tentarias has been achieved, the that had ingested the vaccine.
es that door, others of your kind Cenerese are virtually free to sail Rimoah informs you that the
could soon be following in your foot- to any port or country of their Elder Magi are unable to replicate
steps. choosing. Caron is helpless to pre- the vaccine in huge quantities, and

A lready the Elder Magi have

petitioned the courts of all the
Freeland rulers, beseeching them
vent the Cenerese from using this
route through their land. They are
a poor nation with few resources,
even if they were so able, to dis-
tribute it to every living creature
on Magnamund would be an impos-
to act immediately and destroy the and the Rootstrangle Swamp is one of sible task.
Cenerese before it is too late. Many the most difficult places to patrol. The Herbwardens are sure that
of the kingdoms they have visited It comprises a constantly shifting the Cener they found in Ragadorn
unwittingly harboured secret sects morass of mud flats and rotting was one of the first of those sent
of Cener Druids who practised vegetation, inhabited by Tzargs out of Mogaruith to distribute this
their vile herbcraft, often in remote a carnivorous race of frog-like ani- vaccine, said Rimoah, his voice un-
areas. Sommerlund was one such mals originally bred by the characteristically sombre. Therefore
land. Only a year ago, a sect of Cenerese for the sole purpose of we must act quickly if we are to
Cenerese was found in the foothills guiding them through the swamp's destroy the virus before Cadak is
of the Durncrags engaging in blood ever-shifting channels. ready to release it into the atmos-
rituals at a site less than a day's
ride from the Kai Monastery. News
of this prompted action which
O n midsummers day, Lord
Ri m oa h arri v ed at th e
monastery without, as customary
p he re . So m eo ne m u st e n te r
Mogaruith. They must find and
destroy the plague virus, and they
brought about a scourge of the on such occasions, any forewarning must ensure that this evil work can
L a st la n ds an d fo rce d m a ny of his visit. His unexpected never again be resumed.
Cenerese sects to flee to the safety
of Ruel. The regular armies of three
n a ti on s P al m y ri on , Lo u rden ,
appearance surprised the other Kai
and caused them to speculate in
whispers about the reasons for his
F or a long moment you stood in
silence staring into Rimoah's
unblinking eyes. Then, with a nod
and Sloviaare now encamped journey. Yet his coming was of no of your head, you acknowledge
around its border in an attempt to surprise to you. For days you had what had to be done. Only a Kai
contain the Cener threat. They experienced a feeling of unease, a Grand Master possesses the skills
remain watchful, but that is all presentiment that your orderly life at and experience that would be
they can hope to do. The Cenerese the monastery was about to essential to the success of this vital
are too powerful within their own undergo a dramatic change. mission . . . and there is only one Kai
domain for the Freeland armies to Rimoah brought with him a glass Grand Master.
GMI October 1990 41


A strictly limited-edition of 10 full-colour prints of the Lone Wolf
The Plague Lords of Ruel cover art are up for grabs.
Each of these superb prints will be signed by the author Joe Dever and artist Peter Jones,
and will come with a number certificate of authenticity.
Ten runners-up will each receive copies of the Lone Wolf The Plague Lords of Ruel gamebook,
personalized and signed by Joe Dever.
To enter, all you have to do is answer the following questions based on this months
exclusive Lone Wolf GamesMaster International book extract.
1. How many years have passed since the
massacre of the Kai took place?
2. Who is the leader of the Brotherhood of the Age.......................................................................................................
Crystal Star?
Answer Address................................................................................................
3. Who is your creator?
Answer ......................................... Postcode....................................................
4. What is the name given to the lesser Darklords?
5. Who is the ruler of Ruel?
6. Name the great waterway which divides
northern and southern Magnamund? Send your answers to Newsfield, Lone Wolf Competition,
Answer GamesMaster International, Ludlow, Shropshire, SY8 1JW.
7. How many soldiers of the Freeland armies The closing date is 18th October 1990.
survived the ill-fated invasion of Ruel?
Page 38:
Replaced Sommerlund with Sommerlund., italicised The Masters of Darkness, replaced game book with
gamebook, and on-going with ongoing, italicised Masters, replaced Plague-Lords with Plague Lords, and
replaced MS with MS.

Page 39:
Replaced monastery of the Kai with Monastery of the Kai, and Kai monastery with Kai Monastery.

Page 40:
Replaced left-handed with Left-handed, twoards with towards, north-east with northeast, and right-
handed with Right-handed.

Page 40 (Lone Wolf Masterfile):

Replaced Plague-Lords with Plague Lords, both occurrences of No with No., and roleplaying with role-

Page 41:
Replaced able , with able,, Kai monastery with Kai Monastery, Cener druid with Cener Druid, and
vaccine, Rimoah with vaccine, said Rimoah.

Competition (Page 46):

Replaced LIMITED- EDITION with LIMITED-EDITION, full colour with full-colour, GamesMaster
International with GamesMaster International, and all three occurrences of Plague-Lords with The Plague

Project Aon License Gary Chalk is mentioned singly, they will be referred to by
certain text and illustrations by the Authors and Illustrators
respectively as listed hereafter.
30 June 2006 The following are the works written by Joe Dever which
are being offered under the terms of this license:
0. Preamble 'Illustrators' shall hereafter refer to Rob Adams, copyright
Joe Dever, author of the Lone Wolf game books, and Ian holder of portions of The Magnamund Companion; Paul Flight from the Dark;
Bonner, holder of the copyrights for the illustrations of the Copyright 1984 Joe Dever and Gary Chalk.
Page, author of the World of Lone Wolf books are
providing certain of their works for free (gratis) download World of Lone Wolf books; Gary Chalk, holder of the Fire on the Water;
from the internet. Rob Adams, Paul Bonner, Gary Chalk, copyrights for the illustrations of Lone Wolf books one Copyright 1984 Joe Dever and Gary Chalk.
Melvyn Grant, Richard Hook, Peter Andrew Jones, Cyril through eight counted inclusively, holder of the copyrights The Caverns of Kalte;
Julien, Peter Lyon, Peter Parr, Graham Round, and Brian of portions of The Magnamund Companion, and holder of Copyright 1984 Joe Dever and Gary Chalk.
the copyrights for The Lone Wolf Poster Painting Book;
Williams are similarly offering the illustrations that they did
Melvyn Grant, holder of the copyrights for the illustrations
The Chasm of Doom;
for these books. This license is intended to protect the Copyright 1985 Joe Dever and Gary Chalk.
rights of the authors and the illustrators, grant rights to of Freeway Warrior 1: Highway Holocaust; Richard Hook,
copyright holder of portions of The Magnamund Shadow on the Sand;
their readers, and preserve the quality of the books Copyright 1985 Joe Dever and Gary Chalk.
distributed in this way. Companion; Peter Andrew Jones, copyright holder of the
illustrations used in the Lone Wolf 10th Anniversary The Kingdoms of Terror;
By viewing or downloading the books or the illustrations, Calendar; Cyril Julien, copyright holder of portions of The Copyright 1985 Joe Dever and Gary Chalk.
you agree to refrain from redistributing them in any format Skull of Agarash; Peter Lyon, copyright holder of portions Castle Death;
for any reason. This is intended to protect readers from of The Magnamund Companion; Peter Parr, copyright Copyright 1986 Joe Dever and Gary Chalk.
getting poor quality, unofficial versions or from being asked holder of the illustrations of Black Baron and White The Jungle of Horrors;
for payment in exchange for the books by someone who is Warlord, Emerald Enchanter and Scarlet Sorcerer; Copyright 1987 Joe Dever and Gary Chalk.
redistributing them unofficially. Graham Round, copyright holder of portions of The
Magnamund Companion; and Brian Williams, holder of the
The Cauldron of Fear;
Anyone who wishes to simply view or download the Copyright 1987 Joe Dever.
copyrights for the illustrations of Lone Wolf books nine
Internet Editions for their own personal use need not worry through twenty-eight counted inclusively with the The Dungeons of Torgar;
about running afoul of the terms of this License. These exception of the illustrations for book twenty-one, The Copyright 1987 Joe Dever.
activities are within acceptable behaviour as defined by Voyage of the Moonstone, holder of the copyrights of The Prisoners of Time;
this License. portions of The Skull of Agarash, and holder of the Copyright 1987 Joe Dever.
This section does not contain the legally binding terms of copyrights for the illustrations of books two through four, The Masters of Darkness;
this license. Please read the precise terms and conditions counted inclusively, of the Freeway Warrior series. Where Copyright 1988 Joe Dever.
of this license that follow. Paul Bonner, Gary Chalk, Melvyn Grant, Richard Hook, The Plague Lords of Ruel;
Peter Andrew Jones, Cyril Julien, Peter Lyon, Peter Parr, Copyright 1990, 1992 Joe Dever.
The current version of this license can be found at the Graham Round, or Brian Williams is mentioned singly,
following URL: they will be referred to by name.
The Captives of Kaag;
Copyright 1991 Joe Dever. 1.3 The Darke Crusade;
Internet shall hereafter refer to any means of transferring Copyright 1991, 1993 Joe Dever.
1. Definitions information electronically between two or more The Legacy of Vashna;
Licensees. (The term Licensee is defined in Section 1.5 Copyright 1991, 1993 Joe Dever.
1.0 of the License.) The Deathlord of Ixia;
License shall hereafter refer to this document. 1.4 Copyright 1992, 1994 Joe Dever.

1.1 Internet Editions shall hereafter refer to the document or

Dawn of the Dragons;
Copyright 1992 Joe Dever.
documents, any parts thereof or derivative works thereof
Authors shall hereafter refer to Joe Dever, Ian Page, and Wolfs Bane;
(including translations) made available to the public under
Gary Chalk, copyright holders for the literary works Copyright 1993, 1995 Joe Dever.
the terms of this License via the Internet. The term
covered by this license. Where Joe Dever, Ian Page, or
Internet Editions is limited to the electronic transcription of
The Curse of Naar; The Caverns of Kalte; The Dungeons of Torgar;
Copyright 1993, 1996 Joe Dever. Illustrations copyright 1984 Joe Dever and Gary Illustrations Copyright 1987 Brian Williams.
Voyage of the Moonstone; Chalk. The Prisoners of Time;
Copyright 1994 Joe Dever. The Chasm of Doom; Illustrations Copyright 1987 Brian Williams.
The Buccaneers of Shadaki; Illustrations copyright 1985 Joe Dever and Gary
The Masters of Darkness;
Copyright 1994 Joe Dever. Illustrations Copyright 1988 Brian Williams.
Mydnights Hero;
Shadow on the Sand;
The Plague Lords of Ruel;
Illustrations copyright 1985 Joe Dever and Gary
Copyright 1995 Joe Dever. Illustrations Copyright 1990, 1992 Brian Williams.
Rune War;
The Kingdoms of Terror;
The Captives of Kaag;
Copyright 1995 Joe Dever. Illustrations Copyright 1990, 1992 Brian Williams.
Illustrations copyright 1985 Joe Dever and Gary
Trail of the Wolf; Chalk. The Darke Crusade;
Copyright 1997 Joe Dever. Castle Death; Illustrations Copyright 1991, 1993 Brian Williams.
The Fall of Blood Mountain; Illustrations copyright 1986 Joe Dever and Gary The Legacy of Vashna;
Copyright 1997 Joe Dever. Chalk. Illustrations Copyright 1991, 1993 Brian Williams.
Vampirium; The Jungle of Horrors; The Deathlord of Ixia;
Copyright 1998 Joe Dever. Illustrations copyright 1987 Joe Dever and Gary Illustrations Copyright 1992 Brian Williams.
The Hunger of Sejanoz; Dawn of the Dragons;
Copyright 1998 Joe Dever. The Magnamund Companion; Illustrations Copyright 1992 Brian Williams.
Some illustrations copyright 1986 Gary Chalk.
The Magnamund Companion; Wolfs Bane;
Copyright 1986 Joe Dever. The Lone Wolf Poster Painting Book; Illustrations Copyright 1993 Brian Williams.
Copyright 1987 Gary Chalk.
Freeway Warrior 1: Highway Holocaust; The Curse of Naar;
Copyright 1988 Joe Dever. The text written by Gary Chalk for the following book is Illustrations Copyright 1993 Brian Williams.
Freeway Warrior 2: Slaughter Mountain Run; being offered under the terms of this License: The Buccaneers of Shadaki;
Copyright 1988 Joe Dever. Illustrations Copyright 1994 Brian Williams.
The Lone Wolf Poster Painting Book;
Freeway Warrior 3: The Omega Zone; Copyright 1987 Gary Chalk. Mydnights Hero;
Copyright 1989 Joe Dever. Illustrations Copyright 1995 Brian Williams.
Freeway Warrior 4: California Countdown; The illustrations created by Melvyn Grant for the following Rune War;
Copyright 1989 Joe Dever. book are part of the illustrations being offered under the Illustrations Copyright 1995 Brian Williams.
Black Baron;
terms of this License: Trail of the Wolf;
1986 Joe Dever. Freeway Warrior 1: Highway Holocaust; Illustrations Copyright 1997 Brian Williams.
White Warlord; Illustrations copyright 1988 Melvyn Grant. The Fall of Blood Mountain;
1986 Joe Dever. Illustrations Copyright 1997 Brian Williams.
The illustrations created by Richard Hook for the following
Emerald Enchanter; book are part of the illustrations being offered under the Vampirium;
1986 Joe Dever. Illustrations Copyright 1998 Brian Williams.
terms of this License:
Scarlet Sorcerer; The Hunger of Sejanoz;
1986 Joe Dever. The Magnamund Companion; Illustrations Copyright 1998 Brian Williams.
Some illustrations copyright 1986 Richard Hook.
The following are the works written by Ian Page which are The Skull of Agarash;
The illustrations created by Peter Andrew Jones for the Some illustrations copyright 1994 Brian Williams.
being offered under the terms of this license:
following book are part of the illustrations being offered Freeway Warrior: Slaughter Mountain Run;
Grey Star the Wizard; under the terms of this License: Illustrations Copyright 1988 Brian Williams.
Copyright 1985 Ian Page.
Lone Wolf 10th Anniversary Calendar; Freeway Warrior: The Omega Zone;
The Forbidden City;
Illustrations copyright 1994 Peter Andrew Jones. Illustrations Copyright 1989 Brian Williams.
Copyright 1986 Ian Page.
Freeway Warrior: California Countdown;
Beyond the Nightmare Gate; The illustrations created by Cyril Julien for the following Illustrations Copyright 1989 Brian Williams.
Copyright 1986 Ian Page. book are part of the illustrations being offered under the
War of the Wizards; terms of this License: The works distributed under the collective title Lone Wolf
Club Newsletterswhich are composed of, in part, the
Copyright 1986 Ian Page. The Skull of Agarash; above named workswill also be distributed under the
The illustrations created by Rob Adams for the following Some illustrations copyright 1994 Cyril Julien. terms of this License.
book are part of the illustrations being offered under the The illustrations created by Peter Lyon for the following Internet Editions shall not refer to any other works by the
terms of this License: book are part of the illustrations being offered under the Authors, nor any other illustrations by the Illustrators
The Magnamund Companion; terms of this License: unless the Authors or Illustrators amend this License.
Internet Editions shall refer solely to the text and
Some illustrations copyright 1986 Rob Adams. The Magnamund Companion;
Some illustrations copyright 1986 Peter Lyon. illustrations of the above works when made available
The illustrations created by Paul Bonner for the following through the Internet.
books are part of the illustrations being offered under the The illustrations created by Peter Parr for the following
terms of this License: books are part of the illustrations being offered under the 1.5
Grey Star the Wizard; terms of this License: Licensee shall hereafter refer to any person or electronic
Illustrations copyright 1985 Paul Bonner. Black Baron;
agent who receives some portion or all of the Internet
Editions. The Licensee shall hereinafter be referred to as
The Forbidden City; Illustrations 1986 Peter Parr.
Licensee or you.
Illustrations copyright 1986 Paul Bonner. White Warlord;
Illustrations 1986 Peter Parr.
Beyond the Nightmare Gate; 1.6
Illustrations copyright 1986 Paul Bonner.
Emerald Enchanter;
Illustrations 1986 Peter Parr. Distribution Point shall hereafter refer to the specific
War of the Wizards; Scarlet Sorcerer; Internet site or sites to which the Authors and Illustrators
Illustrations copyright 1986 Paul Bonner. Illustrations 1986 Peter Parr. have granted rights to distribute the Internet Editions.
The illustrations created by Gary Chalk for the following The illustrations created by Graham Round for the 1.7
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terms of this License: under the terms of this License: who are responsible for the maintenance of the
Flight from the Dark; The Magnamund Companion; Distribution Point.
Illustrations copyright 1984 Joe Dever and Gary Some illustrations copyright 1986 Graham Round.
Chalk. 2. Terms of Distribution
Fire on the Water; The illustrations created by Brian Williams for the following
Illustrations copyright 1984 Joe Dever and Gary books are part of the illustrations being offered under the
Chalk. terms of this License: The terms of this License are limited to the distribution of
the Internet Editions. No other form of distribution is
The Cauldron of Fear;
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Illustrations Copyright 1987 Brian Williams.
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