Pure Change Program Guide

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Pure Change Program

21-day detoxification and weight loss program

Program structure
Congratulations on your purchase The Pure Change Program works in three interconnected ways:
of the Pure Change Program!
1 Detoxification
Developed by Dr. Charles Passler, the Pure Change Program
helps you look and feel your best through the effective removal 2 Food sensitivity discovery
of harmful toxins coupled with a nutritional program that
3 Improved weight loss
super-charges health and performance.

In Phase 1 of the program youll detoxify your body by using the Detox Support Packets.
You will also follow a strict diet to facilitate the removal of the most common foods
related to allergies. The support packets will help increase the detox pathways of the
liver and improve kidney function. Both are keys to the success of the program.
It is a fact that we are surrounded by toxins and other compounds that are harmful
In Phase 2, as your health continues to improve and you continue to lose weight, you
to us. Not only in the air we breathe, the soil our food is grown in and the water we
will systematically reintroduce proteins into your diet while continuing to be conscious of
drink, but also in the products we apply to our skin and the processed foods we eat.
portion control. This step-by-step approach will help promote weight loss as well as help
Accumulated over time, these toxins can begin to have a negative effect on our
you recognize if any of the added proteins are problematic for your health.

Cleansing with the Pure Change Program helps you increase your ability to detoxify
and resets your daily relationship with your food choices. When you adjust your focus
to accept only whats good for your body, the condition of your skin, hair, eyes, nails
and even your mental attitude will improve. Youll wake up in the morning feeling more
refreshed without having to rely on caffeine to get your day going.

subscribe before you begin your program

What does Detox mean?
The toxins and chemicals that work against your physical, mental and emotional well-
Subscribe to our informational Pure Change Program emails
being are removed from your system. Youll feel more energetic with improved body
chemistry, better sleep patterns and decreased food cravings. At the end of the 21-day
when you are ready to start.
program youll have improved body composition with decreased body fat and a better
balance of water and muscle. And youll be better positioned to sustain your new level of Visit my.purechange.co to subscribe.
systemic purity by following through on the cleaner, long-term eating habits you will have
learned about in this program.

1 2
The Pure Change Program provides everything you need to consume for the next 21 12-hour micro-fast
days with the exception of water, lunch and dinner.
To maximize the benefits of detoxification, weight loss and overall health it is essential
you get enough sleep at night. A combination of eight hours of sleep and a 12-hour
Whats in the Box? micro-fast between dinner and breakfast are ideal. For example, if you finish dinner at 7
p.m. have breakfast the following morning no earlier than 7 a.m.
Lean Body Protein Shake (14 servings)
re Change Pro
Detox Support Packets (14 servings) ow Pu gram
Daily Wellness Shake (14 servings)
Daily Wellness Support Packets (14 servings)

7:00 am

Protein Bars (21 bars)

Wake Up Dinner

6:00 am 7:00 pm
Probiotic (21 servings)

Magnesium (21 servings)
ou Bedtime
Shaker Cup rs o 10:00 pm
f sleep
12-hour micro-fast
nutrition phases

Phase 1 // Days 1-7

Consume 2 shakes, 2 snacks and 2 vegetable servings daily. Have a shake, half a bar or
a vegetable serving every +/- 2.5 hours. Vegetables may be consumed cooked or raw. The shakes are effective, tasty and mix well on the go with the included shaker cup. Just
Steamed is best for the first week, when possible. You may also make a soup using low add 2 level scoops into the shaker bottle and add as much water as you like, then shake
sodium, organic vegetable or chicken broth. Drink 8 cups of water daily, not including and enjoy. If you prefer, the shake can also be made with up to one cup of unsweetened
the water that is contained in the shakes. You may also drink herbal tea. The order in almond milk at no detriment to the results of the program.
which you consume the shakes, bars and vegetables is important.

Phase 2 // Days 8-21

In Phase 2 you will begin to reintroduce protein and additional oils into your daily diet
while maintaining the 12-hour micro-fast described in this manual. You will still consume
a breakfast shake to begin your day; however, you will begin adding protein and
additional oils to your lunch and dinner.

3 4
PHASE 1 Detoxification Phase // (Days 1-7) PHASE 2 Re-introduction of Food // (Days 8-21)

In Phase 1 youll create an internal environment to improve detoxification. This will help PHASE 2: FOOD
you reset your relationship with food and reset your body to build a more balanced body
Your digestive system has had a chance to rest and recover in Phase 1. Proteins such
chemistry. It is VERY IMPORTANT that you have a vegetable meal, half a bar, or a shake
as eggs, poultry, fish and lean red meat are reintroduced to your diet. Please see page
every 2.5 hours. We recommend that you model your day similar to the sample day below.
10 for proteins and portion size.

PHASE 1: FOOD Your vegetables may now be consumed raw or COOKED (roasted, grilled, baked,
sauted) or in soup, and you should use 1 serving of HEALTHY OILS at lunch and dinner
For the first week (detoxification phase) ONLY consume the shakes, bar, extra virgin olive
(see page 10). In addition to the lemon juice, apple cider vinegar and mustard, you may
oil and vegetables. We recommend that you limit yourself to approximately 100 calories
also use balsamic vinegar, all herbs and spices and any condiments with low sodium
of vegetables per meal. It is very important that you consume a variety of vegetables
and no added sugar. Please follow the food list on pages 9-10 for the best results.
to avoid food boredom. If you know a vegetable on the list has caused any digestive
These vegetables are chosen because they are less likely to cause inflammation, which
problems in the past, please do not consume it.
is important to avoidwhile detoxing.
Vegetables may be consumed cooked or raw; however, steamed or in a soup is
recommended in Phase 1. When steaming the vegetables or making soup, add the
extra virgin olive oil afterwards. You may also use lemon juice, apple cider vinegar and
PHASE 2: sample day
mustard on the vegetables. If you have a known allergy to any of the listed items, do not Breakfast
consume them. 7:00 am 1 Daily Wellness Shake
+ 1 Daily Wellness Support Pack
10:00 am Protein Bar
7:00 am
1 Lean Body Protein Shake Lunch
100 cal. of raw or steamed vegetables
9:30 am Protein Bar 1:00 pm (food list on pp. 9-10)
3-6 oz. of protein (food list on p. 10)
1 serving of healthy oils (food list on p. 10)
100 cal. of raw or steamed vegetables, or soup
12:00 pm (food list on pp. 9-10)
4:00 pm Protein Bar
1 tablespoon of extra virgin olive oil
1 Detox Support Pack Dinner
2:30 pm 1 Lean Body Protein Shake 100 cal. of raw or steamed vegetables
7:00 pm (food list pp. 9-10)
5:00 pm Protein Bar 3-6 oz. of protein (food list on p. 10)
1 serving of healthy oils (food list on p. 10)
100 cal. of raw or steamed vegetables, or soup Bedtime: 3 Magnesium tables
7:00 pm (food list on pp. 9-10) 10:00 pm
+ 2 Probiotic capsules
1 tablespoon of extra virgin olive oil
1 Detox Support Pack

Bedtime: 3 Magnesium tables

10:00 pm
+ 2 Probiotic capsules

5 6
Eliminate Temptation Hydration Will I lose weight? It may take your system 5-7 days to
Eliminate any unhealthy food such as, Drink at least eight 8 oz. cups (64 oz. / If you follow the program it is highly adjust to the program.
cookies, candy, chips, ice cream, and 2 quarts) of water a day. Begin your day probable you will lose weight. Also, recognize whether you are
soda from your household. Out of sight with a cup of water. It will help you feel experiencing emotional or physical
out of mind. fuller longer as well as support healthy Can I drink alcohol? hunger:
bowel movements.
Avoid alcohol. Emotional hunger is the desire to
Food Shopping
Sleep distract ones self from situations and or
Plan your meals in advance and stickto How will I feel? feelings through eating or drinking. Try the
foods listed in this manual. If eating a A good nights sleep is essential to following to avoid it:
In the first couple of days you may feel
healthy lunch at work is a problem, make maximize overall health and well-being
you dont have as much energy as Drink an 8-16 oz. water. Then wait 20
or purchase your lunch and bring it with as well as weight loss. Try to go to bed
normal. This is likely due to the caffeine minutes.
you to work. It is important to TAKE at night and wake in the morning at the
(and sugar) withdrawal. By days 3-5 you
CONTROL of your food intake and make same time every day, even on weekends.
should begin feeling normal if not better Go for a walk, read, change your
your goals a priority. Eight hours of sleep between 10 p.m.-6
than before. environment, or contact your
a.m. is ideal. To prepare for sleep avoid
support people.
Exercise electronics within one hour before bedtime
and sleep in a room thats dark and cool. What if I take medication? Physical hunger can indicate that the
Avoid high intensity exercise in Phase 1.
Please consult with your doctor before body is not getting enough fuel. Try the
You want your system to have the energy
Breathing/Meditation doing the Pure Change Program. following to avoid it:
to heal, repair and recover. Brisk walks,
light yoga, stretching, or light exercise for Healthy breathing increases energy, Check that you are properly following
up to 30 min. a day are beneficial. Please improves stress management, deepens Should I take my normal
the timing and portions outlined in
see our recommended workout routine at sleep and improves overall health. Go vitamins and supplements?
the program.
www.purechange.co/workout. to www.purechange.co/breathing for You may suspend other natural vitamins
an easy and simple breathing program. and supplements during the Pure Change If in Phase 1, consume additional
Breathe well to be well. Program under the guidance of your vegetables.
Healthy Eating Habits
health care provider. If in Phase 2, consult the protein
Eat a variety of foods using the food
list weve provided as your guide. Also After the Program calculator at www.purechange.
use portion control, dont overeat. If you First, congratulate yourself for In the event of a caffeine co/protein to make sure you are
arent hungry dont force yourself to eat. completing the program! The Daily withdrawal headache, what getting enough protein. If so, consume
Wellness Shake combined with the Daily should I do? additional vegetables.
Family and Friends Wellness Support Packets will provide Try drinking a cup of green tea. If that Who do I contact if I have more
you with your daily dose of vitamins, doesnt work, try a cup of black coffee questions?
Tell your family and friends that you are
phytonutrients, fish oil and anti-aging (half regular, half decaf). Once your
following the Pure Change Program
benefits.What better way to headache recedes, switch to decaf coffee Visit www.purechange.co for additional
and invite them to join you. It is always
start your day. and begin to eliminate coffee from your diet. information.
easier to follow the program when family
members and friends are involved. Join Now you have the option to add more
the Pure Change Program community: How do I manage hunger?
foods into your diet!
www.purechange.co/community It is important to be aware that at the
When you decide to add more foods onset of the program you may go through
into your diet please go to www. an adjustment period.
7 8
VEGETABLES: Phases 1 & 2 // Days 1-21 VEGETABLES (continued) Calories Calories
1 cup (8 oz.) (Cooked) (Raw)
Remember: approximately 100 calories of vegetables per meal (lunch and dinner). We
have provided both the cooked and uncooked calorie values. Salsa (sugar-free) n/a 67
Snow peas (whole) n/a 26
VEGETABLES Calories Calories
1 cup (8 oz.) (Cooked) (Raw) Spinach 41 7
Arugula n/a 6 Swiss chard (chopped) 35 7
Asparagus 40 27 Tomatoes n/a 32
Bean sprouts n/a 62 Zucchini 29 20
Bell peppers (chopped) n/a 39
PROTEIN: Phase 2 // Days 8-21
Bok choy (shredded) 20 9
Broccoflower n/a 47 The general protein sources are poultry, meat and fish. Typically, 3 oz. for women and
6 oz. for men is a good portion size. To find out how much protein is ideal for you go
Broccoli 54 31 to our protein calculator at www.purechange.co/protein. The foods below represent
Brussels sprouts 56 38 good protein choices. You may substitute with equivalent protein sources.

Cabbages (shredded) 34 22
Calories Calories Protein Protein
Cauliflower 28 25 PROTEIN in 3 oz. in 6 oz. in 3 oz. in 6 oz.
Celery 28 15 Beef (95% lean) 164 328 24.8 g 49.6 g
Collard greens (chopped) 49 11 Lamb 172 344 22.6 g 45.2 g
Cucumber n/a 16 Chicken (breast meat) 139 278 27.3 g 54.6 g
Eggplant 35 21 Turkey (breast meat) 145 290 24.9 g 49.8 g
Endive n/a 8 Salmon 155 310 21.6 g 43.3 g
Escarole n/a 8 Tilapia 109 218 22.2 g 44.4 g
Green Beans 44 34
Shrimp 101 202 19.4 g 38.8 g
Green Leaf Lettuce n/a 5
Eggs (2 whole) 144 n/a 12.6 g n/a
Kale 36 33
Egg Whites (6) 104 n/a 21.6 g n/a
Leeks 38 54
Tofu 59 119 7.0 g 13.9 g
Mushrooms 44 15
Okra 36 40 HEALTHY OILS: Phase 2 // Days 8-21
Onions (chopped) 88 67
1 tablespoon of extra virgin olive oil
Radish n/a 13 1 tablespoon of coconut oil
Romaine n/a 10 of an avocado

9 10
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Visit my.purechange.co to subscribe.

888.872.0244 | www.purechange.co | support@purechange.co

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