Palm Fatty Acid Distillate Biodiesel

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Palm fatty acid distillate biodiesel: Next-

generation palm biodiesel

K.Y. Cheah, T.S.Toh, and P.M. Koh

May 2010

Two years ago we looked at the challenges faced by the biodiesel industry (Building
plants for biodiesel and co-products, inform 19:302305, 2008) and also examined the
co-products that could improve the economic viability of the industry. In the interval, the
situation for the biodiesel industry has not improved, with the high cost of feedstocks
continuing to be the bane of biodiesel producers. The promise of alternative low-cost
non-food feedstocks such as jatropha has yet to materialize, and there seems to be, at
the current moment, no light at the end of the tunnel in the search for low-cost feedstock

Most biodiesel plants use the conventional sodium hydroxide/sodium methoxide-based

transesterification process, which requires highly priced refined oil feedstock. Although
palm oil is one of the more competitive feedstocks for biodiesel production, it can be
expensive because its price is linked to that of crude petroleum (Fry, 2010). However,
during the refining of palm oil, a lower-value by-product known as palm fatty acid
distillate (PFAD) is generated in the fatty acid stripping and deodorization stages. PFAD
is potentially a valuable, low-cost feedstock for the production of biodiesel. It also makes
the much-debated food vs. fuel argument a non-issue as PFAD is generally sold as a
source of industrial fatty acids for non-food applications. It has also been used as a fuel
in power plants and industrial boilers.

Malaysia and Indonesia are the largest producers of palm oil. In 2009, Malaysia and
Indonesia produced about 17.5 and 20.9 million metric tons of crude palm oil,
respectively (Mielke, 2010). In Malaysia, most of the crude palm oil is refined locally for
export to overseas markets, mainly for food applications. Almost 700,000 metric tons
(MT) of PFAD were produced in Malaysia as a by-product of the refining process
(MPOB, 2010).


The amount of readily available PFAD is not insignificant, and it presents biodiesel
producers with excellent access to a low-cost, non-food source of feedstock. PFAD is
always traded at a discount to crude or refined, bleached, and deodorized (RBD) palm
oil (Fig.1). Before October 2009, the discount typically exceeded $200/MT, and it was as
high as $680/MT in May 2008. However, since November 2009, the price differential
between PFAD and RBD palm oil has narrowed. In early 2010 the discount of PFAD
over RBD palm oil was less than $100 per ton (Fig. 2).

Although the basic process for the conversion of high-acid oil feedstock to biodiesel is
well known, it has been carried out mainly in small-scale batch-type processes. A
breakthrough came in October 2009 with the successful operation of the worlds first
continuous large-scale 200 MT/day PFAD biodiesel plant (in Sumatra, Indonesia). In
this plant, owned by a large Asianbased multinational palm oil group, fresh PFAD from
the refineries is sent directly to the PFAD biodiesel plant for conversion to biodiesel.

The benefits of a continuous PFAD biodiesel process include single person control room
operations and a fully automated and tightly controlled management of all process
parameters for consistent biodiesel product quality. The biodiesel yield from this plant
approaches 100%, and it fully meets EN (European Standards) specifications. After
distillation, the PFAD biodiesel also passes the ASTM Cold Soak Filtration Test,
introduced in 2008.

Two more PFAD biodiesel plants using the above process technology will be operational
in Pasir Gudang, Malaysia, and Kalimantan, Indonesia by May 2010. These plants can
also operate using refined oil feedstocks.


By incorporating a continuous esterification section, a biodiesel producer with a

conventional sodium hydroxide/sodium methoxide-based transesterification process
now has the opportunity to possess a new, truly multiple feedstock plant able to handle
different raw materials including PFAD. By using the above processes, combined with
pretreatment and other processes, the variety of feedstock can be further expanded to
include low-quality and high free-fatty-acid (FFA) oils, thereby ensuring that a very wide
range of low-cost feedstocks are available to the biodiesel processor, thus ensuring the
profitability of the plant.


PFAD also provides a source of value-added co-products for the biodiesel producer.
PFAD contains 72.792.6% FFA, with a small amount of unsaponifiable components
(12.5%) and the remainder neutral oil. The general characteristics of Malaysian PFAD
are shown in Table 1. Modern palm oil refineries consistently produce PFAD with FFA
content higher than 88%, and crude palm oil also contains non-glyceride minor
components that have been associated with health benefits, some of which are distilled
off together with the FFA as unsaponifiable components.

The unsaponifiable materials of PFAD have long been considered a potential source of
highly valuable phytochemicals (Gapor, 2000). Vitamin E, phytosterols, and squalene
are of particular interest, and their beneficial effects are well documented.

In fact, tocotrienol from PFAD is being produced commercially. The vitamin E profile of
Malaysian PFAD is 10.3 wt% -tocopherol, 18.7 wt% -tocotrienol, 49.8 wt% -
tocotrienol, and 14.6 wt% -tocotrienol (Bonnie and Mohtar, 2009). Depending on the
feedstock and processing conditions, some samples of PFAD can have as much as
0.5% vitamin E, 0.4% phytosterols, and 0.8% squalene. These high-value co-products
further improve the profitability of PFAD biodiesel plants.
The initial step in the extraction of phytochemicals from PFAD is conversion of the fatty
acids into a methyl ester, that is, biodiesel. The methyl ester is then distilled in a short-
path evaporator where the phytochemicals are concentrated in the residues. The
residues are further processed to produce the high-value added phytochemicals. The
distilled methyl ester is a high-quality biodiesel that will meet all biodiesel EN and ASTM
specifications, including the Cold Soak Filtration Test. Furthermore, other parameters
such as mono-, di-, and triglycerides content are reduced significantly, further enhancing
the fuel properties of the biodiesel.


The challenge for biodiesel producers is to remain profitable, and one solution is to
operate a new-generation biodiesel plant that is truly multiple-feedstock capable. PFAD
is one alternative low-cost feedstock that is available today. PFAD also gives a producer
the ability to produce high-value co-products. Going one step further, these new-
generation truly multiple-feedstock biodiesel plants can be designed to accept low-
quality and high-FFA oil feedstocks using proven process technologies that are already
operational in several plants today.


For further reading:

Fry, J., Is it smooth sailing or choppywaters ahead? Paper presented at the Palm and
Lauric Oils Conference & Exhibition Price Outlook (POC), Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia,
March 810, 2010.

Mielke, T., The price outlook of palm and lauric oils and impacts from the global
vegetable oil marketsA fundamental approach, Paper presented at the Palm and
Lauric Oils Conference & Exhibition Price Outlook (POC), Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia,
March 810, 2010.

Malaysian Palm Oil Board, 2010. Website:

Gapor, A.M.T., A study on the utilization of PFAD as a source of squalene, Proceedings

of the 2000 National Seminar on Palm Oil Milling, Refining Technology, Quality and
Environment, Malaysian Palm Oil Board, Selangor, 2000, pp. 146151.

Bonnie, T.Y.B., and Y. Mohtar, Characteristics and properties of fatty acid distillates from
palm oil, Oil Palm Bulletin 59:511 (2009).

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