Coupling PDF
Coupling PDF
Coupling PDF
We move the world: KTR
As a leading manufacturer of high-quality drive and brake during the planning stage, providing drawings and proto
components, as well as hydraulic components, KTR supplies types or arranging for local discussions, and, if required,
mechanical couplings, clamping sets, torque limiters, measu- perform individual tests. Every year KTR produces more than
ring systems, hydraulic components and high-power brakes 10,000 new products ordered by customers. This trend
all over the world. With more than 50 years of experience in increases year on year leading to many special products
power transmission we are trendsetters in the development becoming standard items: were constantly giving vital ideas
of coupling technology and offer customized solutions to to the Power Transmission industry in cooperationwith
all industries. The KTR trademark characterises quality and our customers.
innovation, speed, reliability, flexibility and a close working
relationship with customers.
Accuracy meets speed
KTR are evidence of well-designed quality components and for orders placed by 2:00 PM we guarantee dispatch
resulting in improved characteristics of the drive or brake system the same day! In the KTR Logistics Centre the overall flow of
and, as a consequence, a longer service life of machines. goods is supervised by radio-controlled barcode scanning.
It is our aim to continually improve the quality of our products Leading distribution partners ensure your deliverys on time
and services. In our in-house Research and Development while our tracking and tracing system allows you to follow
Centre we test our products on accurate test benches in the progress of your order at all times. KTR supplies to every
realistic operating conditions. We also analyse the stiffness location in the world.
of components by utilizing the FEM (Finite Element Method)
system and are capable of performing torsional vibration For further details about us and our products go to:
calculations for entire drive systems. Our main objective is
your complete satisfaction.
Ask somebody who knows all about it
Pumps are the main energy users in the industry, while almost every pump drive requires a coupling compensating
for shaft misalignment and reducing vibrations causing problems. The coupling can have a major influence both
on the operating expenses and the service life of the pump. This is why KTR have extended their product range,
specifically for pump drives, in recent times, so that they now offer the pump industry a full portfolio of torsionally
flexible and torsionally rigid shaft couplings, covering very high torque ranges.
Use approved products only!
Our quality management system has been certified since KTR is actively associated with governing associations, for
1993 to DIN EN ISO 9001 now DIN EN ISO 9000-2000 example with the introduction of the ATEX product standard
our environmental management is in accordance with DIN 94/9/EC, well-known as ATEX 95. The standard defines
EN ISO 14001. This means that our couplings have not on- the use of products in flame-proof areas. We are here to
lybeen tested for quality, safety and environmental compa- support you, to make sure that you adhere to every safety
tability, but also satisfy the requirements for all preparations standard and to advise you of the necessary markings. The
starting with the correct selection of the products and the ATEX certification of KTR couplings for pumps and com-
reliable handling of orders. In addition, we have approvals pressors are listed at
from most of the main classification approval companies.
Please read through our leaflet about explosion protection
In our Research and Development Centre we are testing and consult with our technical sales engineers or your local
new products to determine their technical parameters. KTR office. See our web site for your nearest location.
Based on such parameters we reproduce simulations of
torsional vibrations that are particularly important for pumps
and compressors. Our inhouse software ensures a safe se-
lection of the couplings. It goes without saying that the KTR
couplings correspond to the special requirements of the
pump industry, in particular API 610, 671 and 685.
Full range for all media
KTR offers you an extensive product range of flexible and ROTEX and ROTEX FNN with fan, in addition BoWex,
torsionally stiff couplings, with or without a spacer, both POLY-NORM, MINEX or DATAFLEX
for universal applications and particularly difficult ambient
conditions. zz Innovations and special designs
Pump drives often require compensation for large shaft
zz For Pumps: displacements, particularly when delivering hot media. This
The torsionally flexible jaw coupling ROTEX, the short, compensation cannot be guaranteed by single- cardanic
axial plug-in, torsionally flexible, failsafe jaw coupling
couplings, but only by double-cardanic couplings like
POLY-NORM and the non-failsafe POLY coupling as well ROTEX ZS-DKM-H which was specifically developed for
as the torsionally rigid, backlash-free steel lamina couplings pump drives. This coup ling, which can be disassembled,
RADEX-N and RIGIFLEX-N. The double-cardanic design is able to compensate for high shaft displacements, whilst
was developed particularly for pump drives. It corresponds at the same time transmitting the torque safely and in this
to API 610 or 671 and accepts temperatures between way increasing the overall service life of all adjacent compo-
-30C and 280 C thanks to its all-steel design. For a non- nents and reducing the life cycle costs (LCC) considerably.
contact torque transmission in pumps for aggressive and Since the shell hubs can be assembled -and disassembled
toxic media the permanent magnetic coupling MINEX is by m eans of 4 screws, ROTEX ZS-DKM-H in addition
used. DATAFLEX has proven its worth as an accurate facilitates the service.
measuring device for development and quality assurance.
Thanks to our wide range of spider elastomers, the jaw
zz For mobile compressors: couplings ROTEX and POLY-NORM meet with numerous
The highly flexible flange coupling BoWex-ELASTIC or different demands. The latest materials are characterised by
DATAFLEX highest temperature resistance and excellent resistance to
wear. They are resistant to hydrolysis and chemicals and
zz For stationary compressors have excellent emergency running properties.
DATAFLEX Another specific type is ROTEX FNN with a fan either
injectionmoulded or screwed on. The compact system
zz For vacuum pumps: solution makes a separate fan superfluous even with high
temperatures. This solution facilitates the assembly, saves is extremely short so that it is able to meet very short shaft
space and cost. distance dimensions. REVOLEX KX compensates for axial,
radial and angular shaft misalignment. Its elastomer rings
The use of new technologies allows us to offer special types are resistant to petrol and oils and can be replaced whilst
of steel lamina couplings RADEX-N and RIGIFLEX-N with still assembled.
highly stiff GFK or CFK spacers. This allows us to bridge
large shaft distances without causing any weight problems
they are ideal for use on large pumps in irrigation systems.
Faster, stronger, better
Drive systems are becoming more and more challenging. In order to provide our customers with an optimum
solution, we have extended our product portfolio by a high-performance coupling: RIGIFLEX-HP.
Fresh breeze for compressor drives
the new RIGIFLEX-HP High-Performance Coupling
1,000 cubic metres air per second, 10,000 revolutions With standing the pressure up to 500 bar
per minute, 500 bar pressure some machines degrade
operating at such figures unless they are equipped with High-power compressors often operate at up to several
the right drive components, e. g. the new RIGIFLEX-HP hundred bar compressed air. In particular, start shocks can
high-performance coupling by KTR. Specifically developed result in extreme loads and high fluctuations in torque which
for use in high-speed drive trains, RIGIFLEX-HP con must be handled competently without damaging the overall
fidently takes on the biggest of challenges your demand! system. This is where the new RIGIFLEX-HP proves its
worth: offering stability and flexibility at the same time. No
matter whether its oil-free pistons, screw or pendular piston
Brute forces acting reasonably compressors, industrial gas or processed air compressors,
plunger or turbo compressors: RIGIFLEX-HP confidently
... means that the new RIGIFLEX-HP high-performance handles and excels under pressure!
coupling operates as a backlash-free component. As a
torsionally stiff, low-maintenance all-steel coupling this
High-Performance Coupling
For further details and product data please have a look at our latest
leaflet RIGIFLEX-HP High-Performance Coupling which you
can either order from us or download on our homepage.
KTR couplings for
pumps and compressors
Rotary/centrifugal pumps
Roots vacuum pumps
Couplings Performance parameters
zz Steel laminae coupling
zz Spacers up to a shaft distance dimension of 6 m
zz Temperature range up to 280 C
zz Max. shaft diameter up to 400 mm
zz Torque range up to TKN = 280.000 Nm
zz Steel laminae coupling
zz Spacers up to a shaft distance dimension of 6 m
zz Temperature range up to 280 C
zz Max. shaft diameter up to 330 mm
zz Torque range up to TKN = 280.000 Nm
zz Highly flexible curved-tooth flange coupling
zz Elastomer made from natural rubber
zz Flange dimensions according to SAE 6 . to 21
zz Max. shaft diameter up to 150 Nm
zz Torque range up to TKN = 9.000 Nm
zz Maintenance-free
zz Temperature range up to 300 C
zz Torque range up to TKN = 1000 Nm
10 For continuously updated data please have a look at our online catalogue at
KTR couplings for
pumps and compressors
Coupling description 14
Coupling selection steel laminae coupling 12
Technical data 15
Type A 17
Other types 18
Coupling description 19
Coupling selection steel laminae coupling 12
Technical data 20
Generale information 22
Standard line NANA3 for pump drives acc. to API 610 23
Coupling description 24
Properties of our standard spiders 25
Coupling selection 26
Technical data of our standard spiders 28
Shaft couplings casted materials 29
Shaft couplings material steel 30
Drop-out center design coupling type A-H 31
Double cardanic type ZS-DKM-H 32
Double cardanic type DKM-H 33
Coupling description 34
Coupling selection 35
Technical data 36
Type AR 37
Type ADR (3-part design) 38
Type AZR 39
Coupling description 40
Technical data 41
Coupling selection 42
Type KX-D casted materialsl 44
Type KX-D material steel 45
Coupling description 46
Displacements Elstomer elements Screws 47
Type PKZ (2-part design) and PKD (3-part design) 48
Type PKA (dismountable coupling) 49
BoWex Bogenzahn-Kupplung
Operating description 50
Technical data 51
Coupling selection 52
Type M, Type I and Type M...C 53
Coupling description 59
Technical description 60
Sizes SA 22/4 to SB 60/8 61
Sizes SA 75/10 to SF 250/38 62
Sizes SA 75/10 to SE 165/24 with Containment shroud made from PEEK 64
Sizes SA 110/16 to SE 200/30 with Containment shroud made from oxide ceramics 65
For continuously updated data please have a look at our online catalogue at 11
Steel laminae coupling
12 For continuously updated data please have a look at our online catalogue at
Steel laminae coupling
Coupling selection steel laminae coupling
Selection of the coupling size Selection of the coupling size
2. Drives without periodic torsional vibrations 3. Drives with periodic torsional vibrations
For example centrifugal pumps, fans, screw compressors, etc. The For drives subject to dangerous torsional vibrations (e. g. diesel
coupling selection requires that the rated torque TKN and the maxi- engines, piston compressors, piston pumps, generators, etc.) it is
mum torque TKmax are reviewed. necessary to perform a torsional vibration calculation (please con-
sult with our Engineering Department).
2.1 Loading by rated torque 3.1 Loading by rated torque
Taking into account the operating factor SB, directional factor SR Taking into account the operating factor SB, directional factor SR
and temperature factor St, the permissible rated speed must be at and temperature factor St, the permissible rated speed must be at
least as large as the rated torque TN of the machine. least as large as the rated torque TN of the machine.
The nominal torque TKN of the coupling is:
The nominal torque TKN of the coupling is:
TN = Torque of the machine
TN = Torque of the machine SB = Operating factor (see table page 12)
SB = Operating factor (see table page 12) S R= Factor of direction (1,00=same torque direction;
S R= Factor of direction (1,00=same torque direction; 1,70=changing torque direction)
1,70=changing torque direction) St = Operating temperature Temperature factor
St = Operating temperature Temperature factor
C -30 0 +150 +200 +230 +270
C -30 0 +150 +200 +230 +270 Factor 1,00 1,00 1,00 1,10 1,25 1,43
Factor 1,00 1,00 1,00 1,10 1,25 1,43
que TN of the machine taking into account the operating factor
SB, temperature factor St and directional factor SR. This is valid in
case that the rated torque of the machine is super-imposed by a 3.3 Loading by vibratory torque
shock (e. g. starting of the engine). For drives with A. C. motors and The permissible vibratory torque of the coupling TKW must not
large masses on the load side we would recommend calculations be exceeded by the maximum periodic vibratory torque of the
by our simulation programme (please consult with our Engineering machineTW.
TS = Peak torque
For continuously updated data please have a look at our online catalogue at 13
Steel laminae coupling
Description of coupling
RIGIFLEX-N couplings are used on such applications which require a
reliable and maintenance-free torque transmission with shaft displace-
ment at the same time.
RIGIFLEX-N was developped for pump drives in particular. This cou-
pling system corresponds to the regulations of API 610 and may be
supplied in accordance with API 671 optionally.
(API = American Petroleum Institute)
Torques from 240 Nm to 280.000 Nm are available in 15 sizes for
an optimum adjustment to the different applications.
ply with the standards of API 610 and API 671, the spacer is secured
by a safety catch, too.
In case that the laminae break the spacer remains within the coupling.
In general the removable part is supplied along with a laminae set pre-
assembled by the manufacturer.
Saftey catch
14 For continuously updated data please have a look at our online catalogue at
Steel laminae coupling
Technical data
The following laminae types are distinguished for RIGIFLEX-N:
Size 35 65 Size 75 160 Size 166 406 Size 168 408
(4 hole laminae) (6 hole laminae) (6 hole laminae) (8 hole laminae)
Torques and displacements
Torque [Nm] Permissible displacements
Size Laminae typ Angular Axial Radial Kr [mm]
Kw 1) [] Ka [mm] E=100 E=140 E=180 E=200 E=250
35 120 240 60 0,7 1,2 0,90 1,40
50 4 laminae hole 240 480 120 0,7 1,4 0,77 1,26
65 450 900 225 0,7 1,5 0,75 1,23 1,72
75 940 1880 470 0,7 1,8 0,73 1,22 1,71
85 1700 3400 850 0,7 2,1 1,14 1,62 1,87 2,48
110 2700 5400 1350 0,7 2,4 1,05 1,54 1,78 2,39
120 4500 9000 2250 0,7 2,6 1,00 1,49 1,73 2,35
140 9000 18000 4500 0,7 3,3 1,55 2,16
160 13000 26000 6500 0,7 3,8 1,99
6 laminae
166 17500 35000 8750 0,7 3,7
196 22500 45000 11250 0,7 4,2
216 32000 64000 16000 0,7 4,5
256 52500 105000 26250 0,7 5,2
306 86000 172000 43000 0,7 6,0
346 135000 270000 67500 0,7 6,7
406 210000 420000 105000 0,7 7,5 Mounting dimension E as indicated by the customer
168 23000 46000 11500 0,5 2,6
198 30000 60000 15000 0,5 2,8
218 42500 85000 21500 0,5 3,0
258 8 laminae hole 70000 140000 35000 0,5 3,5
308 115000 230000 57500 0,5 4,0
348 180000 360000 90000 0,5 4,5
408 280000 560000 140000 0,5 5,0
Angular displacement each lamniae
If axial, angular and radial shaft displacement arises in parallel please note the following table:
Permissible angular displacement
Size 0 0,1 0,2 0,3 0,4 0,5 0,6 0,7
Permissible axial displacement
35 1,20 1,00 0,85 0,74 0,60 0,40 0,20 0,00
50 1,40 1,20 1,00 0,80 0,60 0,40 0,20 0,00
65 1,50 1,29 1,07 0,86 0,64 0,43 0,22 0,00
75 1,80 1,54 1,29 1,03 0,77 0,52 0,26 0,00
For continuously updated data please have a look at our online catalogue at 15
Steel laminae coupling
Technical data
Permissible speed and stiffness
max. speed Complete coupling Each laminae set ct [Nm/rad] for complete coupling with mounting lenght E
[rpm] ca [N/mm] cw [Nm/rad] ct [Nm/rad] E=100 E=140 E=180 E=200 E=250
35 23000 30 107 170000 65020 56700
50 18000 75 470 198000 73953 63990
65 13600 136 860 360000 146022 129938 117046
75 12400 340 1500 720000 306145 278381 255234
85 11000 385 2300 1062000 406641 369429 353265 318433
110 9000 390 2800 1460000 664284 637587 625028 595693
120 8000 600 4100 4500000 1798018 1637553 1567602 1416348
140 6400 580 6400 5600000 2363340 2226630
160 5600 620 9800 6850000 2654894
166 5600 670 10200 7640000
196 5200 1020 17130 9200000
216 4600 1280 32300 13800000
256 3900 1640 47060 23800000
306 3300 1910 64700 28400000
346 2900 2050 85300 41400000
406 2500 2140 161000 48500000 Mounting dimension E as indicated by the customer
168 5600 1230 34000 13200000
198 5200 1800 58000 18300000
218 4600 2300 110000 26200000
258 3900 2950 160000 52000000
308 3300 3400 220000 71000000
348 2900 3700 290000 108000000
408 2500 3800 550000 156000000
16 For continuously updated data please have a look at our online catalogue at
Steel laminae coupling
Type A
zz Series for pump drives
zz Coupling in accordance with API 610, API 671 optionally.
zz Available with large hub for bigger bore diameters
zz Spacers are supplied assembled by the manufacturer
zz Finish bore according to ISO fit H7, feather key according to
DIN 6885 sheet 1 - JS9
zz High balancing quality due to accurate machining (AGMA
Class 9)
zz Approved according to EC Standard 94/9/EC (Explosion
Certificate ATEX 95)
Size 35 Size 50 - 408
max. finish bore
Torque [Nm] Dimensions [mm] Screws DINENISO4762
Size [mm]
TKN TK max. TKW d1/d2 D DA l1/l2 l3 G t1 t2 E1 E 1) Mxl TA [Nm]
35 120 240 60 50 75 38,5 8,5 M6 15 6 100 140 M4x45 4,1
50 240 480 120 50 70 95 50 12 M6 10 9 100 140 M6x22 14
65 450 900 225 65 100 126 63 12 M8 20 11 100 140 180 M6x25 14
75 940 1880 470 75 105 138 62,5 12 M8 20 11 100 140 180 M8x30 35
85 1700 3400 850 85 120 156 72,5 15 M10 20 12 140 180 200 250 M8x30 35
110 2700 5400 1350 110 152 191 87 18 M10 25 12 140 180 200 250 M10x35 69
120 4500 9000 2250 120 165 213 102 20 M12 25 12 180 200 250 M12x40 120
140 9000 18000 4500 140 200 265 126 25 M12 30 15 200 250 M16x50 295
160 13000 26000 6500 160 230 305 145 31 M12 30 15 250 M16x55 295
166 17500 35000 8750 160 230 305 155 31 M16 30 70 17 M20x50 560
196 22500 45000 11250 190 260 330 185 32 M16 40 90 24 M20x50 560
216 32000 64000 16000 210 285 370 205 32 M20 50 110 26 M20x65 560
256 52500 105000 26250 250 350 440 245 38 M20 70 130 31 M24x80 970
306 86000 172000 43000 300 400 515 295 43 M24 70 130 36 M27x100 1450
346 135000 270000 67500 340 460 590 335 55 M24 95 175 45 M30x110 1950
406 210000 420000 105000 400 530 675 395 58,5 M24 95 175 50 acc. to customers request M36x130 3900
168 23000 46000 11500 160 230 305 155 31 M16 30 70 17 M20x50 560
198 30000 60000 15000 190 260 330 185 32 M16 40 90 24 M20x50 560
218 42500 85000 21500 210 285 370 205 32 M20 50 110 26 M20x65 560
258 70000 140000 35000 250 350 440 245 38 M20 70 130 31 M24x80 970
308 115000 230000 57500 300 400 515 295 43 M24 70 130 36 M27x100 1450
348 180000 360000 90000 340 460 590 335 55 M24 95 175 45 M30x110 1950
408 280000 560000 140000 400 530 675 395 58,5 M24 95 175 50 M36x130 3900
Other shaft distances available on request
For selection of coupling see pages 12/13. Mounting instructions no. 47410 under
Shaft distance
For continuously updated data please have a look at our online catalogue at 17
Steel laminae coupling
Other types
The spacers of RIGIFLEXR-N have with drawing screws, serving for
disassembly and assembly. The screws make sure that the adapter
flanges are drawn in the direction of the spacer and consequently slip
off the centering in order to assure a radial disassembly of the spacer
including the laminae sets.
the shaft with the sliding sleeve. The shaft is not damaged; the sleeve Clmaping ring
serves as wearing part that must be exchanged if necessary. Sliding sleeve
The slipping torque can be adjusted through the tightening torque of
the clamping screws.
18 For continuously updated data please have a look at our online catalogue at
Steel laminae coupling
Description of coupling
The RADEX-N is a backlash-free, torsionally rigid and maintenance-
free all-steel coupling. The laminae that are extremely rigid in sense of
rotation are made from high-strength, stainless spring steel and enable
a compensation for high displacements with low restoring forces. By
reason of the all-steel design the RADEX-N can be used in drives with
temperatures of up to 280 C.
FEM-optimized laminae form
The steel laminae packings from stainless spring steel were developed
on the basis of FEM calculations. Under consideration of the necessary
possibilities of displacements of the coupling the optimal form regarding
torque transmission and torsional rigidity was aimed for. The fitted form
of the steel laminae at the outside diameter is the result of this optimi-
zation calculation.
Laminae packings with dowel screws Dowel screw (combination of frictional Laminae packing
engagement and positive locking) with screws
The heart of the steel laminae coupling are the laminae packings and
their connection to the hubs or spacers. High-strength, special dowel
screw that are alternately screwed with hubs and spacer enable a com-
bination of frictional engagement and positive locking. Thus a high power
density with simultaneous easy displacement and low restoring forces
is guaranteed. Due to the special constructive design of the RADEX-N
components the laminae packings are artificially prestressed. Hereby
the torsional rigidity of approx. 30 % is enabled and at the same time the
known problem regarding the axial vibrations of the spacer is avoided. Spacer
ring hubs (clamping hub without dowel screw only for category 3) used
in hazardous areas must be selected in a way that there is a safety of
s = 2 from the peak torque of the unit including all operating parame-
ters to the torque of frictional engagement and to the nominal torque of
the coupling. Examination Certificate and the operating and mounting
instructions at
For continuously updated data please have a look at our online catalogue at 19
Steel laminae coupling
Technical data
The following laminae types are distinguished for RADEX-:
Size 20 50 Size 60 135 Size 136 336 Size 138 338
(4 hole laminae) (6 hole laminae) (6 hole laminae) (8 hole laminae)
The permissible displacement figures mentioned are maximum figuers which must not arise at the same time. If radial, axial and angular displacements arise at teh same time the figures need to
be reduced.
20 For continuously updated data please have a look at our online catalogue at
Steel laminae coupling
Technical data
Weights and mass moments of inertia
Hub 1) Laminae set NN 1) complete NANA 1 1) complete. NANA 2 1) complete NNZ 1) complete
[kg] / [kgm2] [kg] / [kgm2] [kg] / [kgm2] [kg] / [kgm2] [kg] / [kgm2] [kg] / [kgm2]
20 0,13 / 0,000043 0,04 / 0,00002 0,3 / 0,00011 0,6 / 0,000204 0,4 / 0,000166
25 0,2 / 0,000116 0,08 / 0,00005 0,56 / 0,00028 0,9 / 0,000522 0,8 / 0,000414
35 0,6 / 0,00042 0,10 / 0,00010 1,2 / 0,00094 1,9 / 0,00158 1,6 / 0,00129
38 0,8 / 0,00073 0,20 / 0,00026 1,8 / 0,0017 2,8 / 0,00303 2,4 / 0,00247
42 1,1 / 0,00123 0,25 / 0,00040 2,4 / 0,0029 3,6 / 0,00482 3,1 / 0,00409
50 1,7 / 0,00291 0,46 / 0,0010 4,0 / 0,0068 6,2 / 0,0118 5,1 / 0,00932
60 1,9 / 0,00378 0,40 / 0,0012 4,2 / 0,0087 6,0 / 0,0141 5,8 / 0,0138 5,3 / 0,0120
70 2,8 / 0,00714 0,42 / 0,0016 6,0 / 0,016 8,6 / 0,0253 8,2 / 0,0242 7,5 / 0,0214
80 4,1 / 0,0134 0,72 / 0,0037 9,0 / 0,031 12,6 / 0,0476 12,0 / 0,0458 11,1 / 0,0410
85 5,1 / 0,0195 1,0 / 0,0065 11,2 / 0,046 16,2 / 0,0734 15,5 / 0,0711 14,8 / 0,0650
90 6,2 / 0,0282 2,3 / 0,0162 14,7 / 0,073 22,0 / 0,121 21,3 / 0,119 20,1 / 0,108
105 7,6 / 0,0414 2,2 / 0,0180 17,4 / 0,101 25,8 / 0,165 24,6 / 0,159 23,1 / 0,145
115 12,0 / 0,0899 4,0 / 0,0433 27,9 / 0,223 42,8 / 0,381 41,2 / 0,372 38,3 / 0,333
135 19,0 / 0,187 7,3 / 0,105 45,1 / 0,478 71,3 / 0,835
136 16,8 / 0,153 7,9 / 0,113 41,4 / 0,419
156 20,2 / 0,217 11,9 / 0,200 52,2 / 0,634
166 30,0 / 0,373 12,3 / 0,255 72,3 / 1,001
186 42,0 / 0,629 12,7 / 0,318 96,7/ 1,576
206 55,1 / 1,004 18,2 / 0,548 128,3 / 2,556
246 85,9 / 2,229 31,2 / 1,304 203,1 / 5,762
286 145,1 / 4,977 44,4 / 2,495 334,4 / 12,449
336 223,9 / 10,486 64,2 / 4,74 512,0 / 25,712 Mounting dimension E as Mounting dimension E as
138 16,2 / 0,145 9,9 / 0,143 42,3 / 0,433 indicated by the customer indicated by the customer
158 19,5 / 0,205 14,9 / 0,252 54,0 / 0,662
168 29,4 / 0,360 15,2 / 0,318 74,0 / 1,038
188 41,7/ 0,611 15,6 / 0,396 99,0 / 1,618
208 54,1 / 0,971 22,4 / 0,680 130,5 / 2,622
248 84,0 / 2,144 38,2 / 1,605 206,2 / 5,893
288 142,5 / 4,823 53,8 / 3,056 338,8 / 12,702
338 220,1 / 10,18 78,0 / 5,817 518,2 / 26,177
Hub with max. bore
Cylindrical bore
70 70 M10 20 17,0 206 / 208 200
80 80 M10 20 17,0 246 / 248 240
85 85 M10 25 17,0 286 / 288 280
90 90 M12 25 40,0 336 / 338 330
between the peak torque (including all operating parameters) and the nominal torque and frictional torque of engagement of the coupling.
Clamping ring hub type 6.5 Clamping ring hub type 6.0 Design with CLAMPEX elemente type 603
(clamping screws from the outside) (clamping screws from the inside)
For continuously updated data please have a look at our online catalogue at 21
Steel laminae coupling
General information
Assembly and operating advice
(Please see our mounting instructions KTR standard 47110 see www. For the assembly it is important to make sure that the laminae
sets are assembled free from distortion in axial direction.
If the finish bore is machined by the customer, the concentric and axial
running tolerances have to be observed (see sketch below).
RADEX-N couplings are designed for horizontal installation. For
vertical installation the spacer has to be supported (see sketch below).
Please contact.
Delivery condition
RADEX-N are delivered as individual parts (can be delivered assem-
bled on request). The hubs can be supplied unbored or with finish bore
and keyway or with a frictionally engaged shaft-hub-connection.
The shaft-hub-connection needs to be inspected by the customer
(consult with KTR, if necessary).
On request of the customer the RADEX-N couplings can be balanced.
For most applications this is not necessary due to the accurate machi-
ning of the coupling. Please consult with KTR for any further questions.
Safety regulations:
The coupling must be selected in a way that the permissible coupling
load is not exceeded in any operating condition. For that purpose a
comparison between the actual loads with the permissible coupling cha-
racteristics has to be performed.
The customer must protect rotating parts against unintended touch (Sa-
fety of Machines DIN EN 292 part 2). Please take precautions that there
is a sufficient coupling protection in case of a fracture of the coupling
caused by overload.
22 For continuously updated data please have a look at our online catalogue at
Steel laminae coupling
zz Device to secure the spacer if the laminae breaks
(see detail X)
zz Finish bore according to ISO fit H7, feather keyway according
to DIN 6885 sheet 1 - JS9
zz Approved according to EC Standard 94/9/EC (Explosion
Certificate ATEX 95)
zz From size 136 screwing of laminas by means of clamping nut
(see assembly instructions KTR-N 47112)
Dimensions [mm] Perm. displacements
max. d D DA EStandard l1/l2 Angular [] each laminae Axial [mm]
42 42 68 104 100 45 1,0 2,8
50 50 78 126 140/180 55 1,0 3,2
60 60 88 138 100/140/180/250 55 1,0 2,0
70 70 102 156 100/140/180 65 1,0 2,2
80 80 117 179 100/140/180/250 75 1,0 2,6
85 85 123 191 100/140/180/250 80 1,0 2,3
90 90 132 210 140/180/250 80 1,0 2,0
105 105 147 225 250 90 1,0 2,4
115 115 163 265 250 100 1,0 2,8
135 135 184 305 250 135 1,0 3,5
136 135 180 300 135 0,7 3,7
156 150 195 325 150 0,7 4,2
166 165 225 350 165 0,7 4,5
186 180 250 380 185 0,7 4,8
206 200 275 420 200 0,7 5,2
246 240 320 500 240 0,7 6,0
286 280 383 567 280 0,7 6,7
336 330 445 660 Indicated by 330 0,7 7,5
138 135 180 300 the customer 135 0,5 2,6
158 150 195 325 150 0,5 2,8
168 165 225 350 165 0,5 3,0
Detail X
Shaft distance
For continuously updated data please have a look at our online catalogue at 23
Torsionally flexible coupling
Description of coupling
ROTEX - couplings are characterized by small dimensions, low weight and low mass mo-
ments of inertia yet transmit high torques. Running quality and service life of the c
are improved by accurate all-over machining.
Their application is ideal for transmitting torque while damping torsional vibrations and
absorbing shocks produced by the uneven operation of certain prime movers.
General description
ROTEX - couplings are torsionally flexible and designed for positive torque transmis-
sion. They are fail-safe. Operational vibrations and shocks are efficiently dampened and
reduced. The two congruent coupling halves with concave claws on the inside are
Load on spider
periphally offset in relation to one another by half a pitch. In addition, they are designed in
such a way as to enable an involute spider to be located between them.
The teeth of the spider are crowned to avoid edge pressure if the shafts are misaligned.
ROTEX couplings are capable of compensating for axial, radial and angular
displacements of the shafts to be connected.
In contrast to other flexible couplings, the intermediate members of which are subject to
bending stress and are therefore prone to earlier wear, the flexible teeth of ROTEX cou- Deformation with load
plings are subject to pressure only. This gives the additional advantage of the individual
teeth being able to accept considerably higher loads.The elastomer parts show deforma-
tion with load and excessive speeds. Sufficient space for expansion should be ensured
(see drawing deformation with load).
The maximum torsion angle with ROTEX couplings of any size amounts to 5. They can
be fitted both horizontally and vertically. requested mounting space. DH x 0,05
Explosion-proof use
ROTEX couplings are suitable for power transmission in drives in hazardous areas. The
couplings are certified and confirmed according to EC standard 94/9/EC (ATEX 95) as
units of category 2G/2D and thus suitable for the use in hazardous areas of zone 1, 2, 21
and 22. Please read through our information included in the respective Type Examination
Certificate and the operating and mounting instructions at
operation CTstat.
w/o damping
Dyn. charac.
Torque T
Torque T
Twist angle
operating point
24 For continuously updated data please have a look at our online catalogue at
Torsionally flexible coupling
Innovation T-PUR
Size 14 to 90 100 to 180 14 to 90
Material T-PUR Polyurethan (PUR)
Perm. temperature range
Continuous temperature -50 C to +120 C -40 C to +90 C
Max. temperature short term -50 C to +150 C -50 C to +120 C
significantly longer service life
very good temperature resistance
good damping, average elasticicty
Properties improved damping of vibrations
suitable for all hub materials
good damping, average elasticity
suitable for all hub materials
Innovation T-PUR
Size 14 to 90 100 to 180 14 to 90
Material T-PUR Polyurethan (PUR)
Perm. temperature range
Continuous temperature -50 C to +120 C -30 C to +90 C
Max. temperature short term -50 C to +150 C -40 C to +120 C
Innovation T-PUR
ROTEX 14 ROTEX 19 ROTEX 24 - 65 ROTEX 75 - 160 ROTEX 180 ROTEX DZ 100 - 160 ROTEX DZ 180
For continuously updated data please have a look at our online catalogue at 25
Torsionally flexible coupling
Coupling selection
The ROTEX coupling is selected in accordance with DIN 740 part 2. The coupling has to be dimensioned in a way that the permissible coupling
load is not exceeded in any operating condition. For this purpose the actual loads have to be compared to the permissible parameters of the
coupling. The torques TKN/TKmax mentioned refer to the spider. The shaft-hub-connection has to be investigated by the customer.
1 Drives without periodical torsional vibrations 2.Drives with periodical torsional vibrations. For drives subject to
e. g. centrifugal pumps, fans, screw compressors, etc. The coupling high torsional vibrations, e. g. diesel engines, piston compressors,
is selected taking into account the rated torques TKN and maximum piston pumps, generators, etc., it is necessary to perform a torsional
torque TK max. vibration calculation to ensure a safe operation. If requested, we
perform the torsional vibration calculation and the coupling selection
1.1 Load produced by rated torque in our company. For necessary details please see KTR standard
Taking into consideration the ambient TN [Nm] = 9550 P [kW] / n [rpm] 20004.
temperature, the permissible rated
torque TKN of the coupling has to cor- TKN TN St 2.1 Load produced by rated torque
respond at least to the rated torque TN Taking into account the ambient tem- TKN TN St
of the machine. perature, the permissible rated torque
TKN of the coupling has to correspond at least to the rated torque
1.3 Load produced by torque shocks TN of the machine.
The permissible maximum torque of the TK max TS Sz St + TN St
coupling has to correspond at least to 2.2 Passing through the resonance
Antriebsseitiger Sto
the total of peak torque TS and the TS = TAS MA SA
range TK max. TS St
rated torque TN of the machine, taking Taking into account the temperature,
Lastseitiger Sto
into account the shock frequency Z TS = TLS ML SL
the peak torque TS arising when the resonance range is run through
and the ambient temperature. must not exceed the maximum torque TKmax of the coupling.
This applies in case if the rated torque MA = JL / (JA+JL) MA = JL / (JA+JL)
TN of the machine is at the same time 2.3 Load produced by vibratory torque shocks
subject to shocks. Taking into account the ambient tem-
Knowing the mass distribution, shock direction and shock mode, the perature, the permissible vibratory tor-
peak torque TS can be calculated. que TKW of the coupling must not be PKW PW
For drives with A. C.-motors with high masses on the load side we exceeded by the highest periodical
would recommend to calculate the peak driving torque with the help vibratory torque TW with operating speed.
of our simulation programme. For higher operating frequencies f > 10, the heat produced by dam-
ping in the elastomer part is considered as damping power PW.
The permissible damping power PKW of the coupling depends on
the ambient temperature and must not be exceeded by the damping
power produced.
26 For continuously updated data please have a look at our online catalogue at
Torsionally flexible coupling
Coupling selection
Service factor temperature St
-30 C
-50 C +40 C +50 C +60 C +70 C +80 C +90 C +100 C +110 C +120 C
+30 C
T-PUR 1,0 1,0 1,1 1,2 1,3 1,45 1,6 1,8 2,1 2,5 3,0
PUR 1,0 1,2 1,3 1,4 1,55 1,8 2,2
For the selection with PEEK and spiders from wire a temperature factor is not necessary.
For temperature factors for PA spiders see page 26.
Given: Details of driving side
A. C. motor type 315 L SA =1,8
Motor output P = 160 kW
Speed n = 1485 rpm
Moment of inertia driven side JA = 2,9 kgm2
Start-up frequency z = 6 1/h SZ =1,0
Ambient temperature = + 70 C St =1,45 using T-PUR
Moment of inertia of load side JL = 6,8 kgm2
l Rated driving torque PAN[kW]
T [Nm] = 9550
AN nAN [rpm]
160 kW
TAN = 9550 = 1029 Nm
1485 rpm
Coupling selection:
l Load produced by rated torque TKN TLN St
TKN 930Nm 1,45 = 1348,5 Nm
Drive-sided shock
MA = ________ =________________________
= 0,7
(JA + JL) (2,9kgm+0,0673kgm + 6,8kgm+0,0673kgm)
For continuously updated data please have a look at our online catalogue at 27
Torsionally flexible coupling
Temperatur factor St
-30 C
-50 C +40 C +50 C +60 C +70 C +80 C +90 C +100 C +110 C +120 C
+30 C
1,0 1,0 1,1 1,2 1,3 1,45 1,6 1,8 2,1 2,5 3,0
PUR 1,0 1,2 1,3 1,4 1,55 1,8 2,2
Unless explicitly specified in your order, we will supply spiders with Shore hardness 92 Sh-A T-PUR. For circumferential speeds exceeding V = 30 m/s dynamic balancing is necessary. For
circumferential speeds exceeding V = 35 m/s only steel or nodular iron.
with +30 C
28 For continuously updated data please have a look at our online catalogue at
Torsionally flexible coupling
zz Compact design/small flywheel effect
zz Finish bore according to ISO fit H7,
feather keyway according to DIN 6885 sheet 1 - JS9
zz Stock programme/basic programme see pages 28 and 29
zz Approved according to EC Standard 94/9/EC
(without aluminium AL-D)
zz Mounting instructions under
1 2 1a 1 2 1a 1b Spider
as hardness 92 Sh-A and
95/98 Sh-A
standard from size
14 - 90 and 64 Sh-D size
14 - 180
elements DZ (double
tooth elements)
as hardness 92 Sh-A and
95 Sh-A
standard from size
AL-D (thread opposite the keyway) GJL / GJS (thread on the keyway)
Spider (part 2) 1) Dimensions[mm]
Compo- Torque [Nm]
Size Finish bore d Generaln Thread for set screw
92 Sh-A 98 Sh-A 64 Sh-D (min-max) L l1; l2 E b s DH DZ dH D; D1 N G t TA [Nm]
14 2) 1a 7,5 12,5 6-16 35 11 13 10 1,5 30 10 30 M4 5 1,5
1 6-19 32
19 10 17 66 25 16 12 2 41 18 20 M5 10 2
1a 19-24 41
1 9-24 40
24 35 60 78 30 18 14 2 56 27 24 M5 10 2
1a 22-28 56
1 10-28 48
28 95 160 90 35 20 15 2,5 66 30 28 M8 15 10
1a 28-38 66
38 1a 190 325 405 38-48 24 18 3 80 38 78 M8 15 10
1b 12-48 164 70 62
1 14-45 75
126 50 40
42 1a 265 450 560 42-55 26 20 3 95 46 94 M8 20 10
1b 14-55 176 75 65
1 15-52 85
140 56 45
48 1a 310 525 655 48-62 28 21 3,5 105 51 104 M8 20 10
1b 15-62 188 80 69
1 20-60 98
55 410 685 825 160 65 30 22 4 120 60 52 M10 20 17
1a 55-74 118
160 1 12800 19200 24000 80-185 425 175 75 57 9 370 400 190 290 140 M20 50 140
180 1 18650 28000 35000 85-200 475 195 85 64 10,5 420 450 220 325 156 M20 50 140
= If no material is mentioned in the order, the calculation/order is based on the material marked with
1) Maximum torque of the coupling TKmax. = rated torque of the coupling TK Nenn. x 2. Selection see page 20/21 2) Material Al-H.
Coupling size Material Spider hardness Components Finish bore Components Finish bore
For continuously updated data please have a look at our online catalogue at 29
Torsionally flexible coupling
1 2 1 1 2 1a 1b
Coupling size Material Spider hardness Components Finish bore Components Finish bore
30 For continuously updated data please have a look at our online catalogue at
Torsionally flexible coupling
to be assembled radially (dimension E1 of design
AFN = dimension E1 of A-H)
Finish bore according to ISO tolerance H7, feather key
according to DIN 6885 sheet 1 - JS9
Please order our separate dimension sheet (M425460)
Approved according to EC Standard 94/9/EC
(type 7.8 shell clamping hub without feather key according to
category 3)
7.8/7.9 2 7.8/7.9
Type A-H
max. finish bore Dimensions [mm] Cyl. Screw DIN EN ISO 4762
d [mm] L l1; l2 E b s DH D DK1 DK2 x1/x2 E1 Mxl Tigheting torque TA [Nm]
19 20 66 25 16 12 2,0 40 46 17,5 31 M6x16 14
24 28 78 30 18 14 2,0 55 57,5 22,5 33 M6x20 14
28 38 90 35 20 15 2,5 65 73 25,5 39 M8x25 35
38 45 114 45 24 18 3,0 80 83,5 35,5 43 M8x30 35
50 85 93,5 M10x30
42 126 50 26 20 3,0 95 39 48 69
55 97 M10x35
55 95 105 M12x35
48 140 56 28 21 3,5 105 45 50 120
60 108,5 M12x40
65 110 119,5 M12x40
55 160 65 30 22 4,0 120 50 60 120
70 122 M12x45
70 115 123,5 M12x40
65 185 75 35 26 4,5 135 60 65 120
80 132,5 M12x45
80 135 147,5
75 210 85 40 30 5,0 160 67,5 75 M16x50 295
90 158
90 160 176
90 245 100 45 34 5,5 200 81,5 82 M20x60 580
110 197
100 1)
110 270 110 50 38 6,0 225 180 185,5 84 102 M16x50 295
1101) 120 295 120 55 42 6,5 255 200 208 90 115 M20x60 580
1251) 140 340 140 60 46 7,0 290 230 242,5 105 130 M24x70 1000
Please note:
With maximum bore the feather keys are offset to each other by approx. 5!
Hub materials: up to size 90 Steel
from size 100 GJS
From size 100: 4 clamping screws for each clamping hub.
Coupling size Type Spider hardness Hub design Finish bore Hub design Finish bore
For continuously updated data please have a look at our online catalogue at 31
Torsionally flexible coupling
Dismoun- Max. finish Cap screw Max. displacements
table Spider Dimensions [mm]
bore DIN EN ISO 4762 Weight
Size lenght L (part 2) 1) 12.9 Axial at n = 1500 rpm at n = 3000 rpm
d1/d2 [kg]
[mm] T [Nm] DH dH l1; l2 x1; x2 l11 E LZS-DKM-H M TA [Nm] [mm] Radial [mm] Angular [] Radial [mm] Angular []
[mm] KN
Maximum torque of coupling TKmax. = nominal torque of coupling TKN x 2
Size 24 to 90 spider type 95/98 Sh-A-GS
ZS-DKM-H: transmittable torque according to 92 Sh-A-GS
Refer to max. bore
Finish bore according to ISO fit H7, feather keyway according to DIN 6885 sheet 1 - JS9
7.5= Shell clamping hub without feather key for a double-cardanic connection
7.6= Shell clamping hub with feather key for a double-cardanic connection
ATtENTIOn: The standard line is only for the horizontal assembly. Vertical assembly on request.
Order form: ROTEX 38 ZS-DKM-H 140 98 Sh-A-GS 7.5 38 7.5 30
Sahft distance Spider
Coupling size Type Hub design Finish bore Hub design Finish bore
dimension L hardness
32 For continuously updated data please have a look at our online catalogue at
Torsionally flexible coupling
zz Low restoring forces Increase of the total lifetime of all
zz adjacent components (bearings, seals etc.)
zz Finish bore according to ISO fit H7, feather keyway according
to DIN 6885 sheet 1 - JS9
zz Approved according to EC Standard 94/9/EC
zz Mounting instructions under
7.5/7.6 2 6 2 7.5/7.6
Finish Spider part 2 TKN max. displacemnts
Dimensions [mm]
bore [Nm] 1) n=1500 rpm
max. d1/ 92 98 Axial Radial Angular
DH D DK1 DK2 dH l1; l2 x1; x2 l11 E2 E s b LDKM
d2 [mm] Sh-A Sh-A [mm] [mm] []
24 28 35 60 55 57,5 27 30 22,5 16 67 18 2,0 14 112 +1,4/-1,0 0,53 0,90
28 38 95 160 65 73 30 35 25,5 18 77 20 2,5 15 128 +1,5/-1,4 0,60 0,90
38 45 190 80 83,5 38 45 35,5 20 87 24 3,0 18 158 +1,8/-1,4 0,77 1,00
50 85 93,5
42 265 450 95 46 50 39,0 22 96 26 3,0 20 174 +2,0/-2,0 0,84 1,00
55 97
55 95 105
48 310 525 105 51 56 45,0 24 102 28 3,5 21 192 +2,1/-2,0 1,00 1,10
60 108,5
65 110 119,5
55 410 685 120 60 65 50,0 28 118 30 4,0 22 218 +2,2/-2,0 1,11 1,10
70 122
70 115 123,5
65 625 940 135 68 75 60,0 32 132 35 4,5 26 252 +2,6/-2,0 1,40 1,20
80 132,5
80 135 147,5
75 1280 1920 160 80 85 67,5 36 151 40 5,0 30 286 +3,0/-3,0 1,59 1,20
90 158
90 160 176
90 2400 3600 200 100 100 81,5 40 167 45 5,5 34 330 +3,4/-3,0 1,78 1,20
110 197
Maximum torque of coupling TK max. = nominal torque of coupling TKN x 2
7.5= Shell clamping hub without feather key for a double-cardanic connection
7.6= Shell clamping hub with feather key for a double-cardanic connection
Coupling size Type Hub design Finish bore Hub design Finish bore
dimension L hardness
For continuously updated data please have a look at our online catalogue at 33
Torsionally flexible coupling
Coupling description
General description
The POLY-NORM coupling is a torsionally flexible, shear type shaft coupling.
It has an axial plug-in design with a unique short over all length. The POLY-
NORM can be used in nearly all types of machinery and is ideal for the pump
The POLY-NORM coupling compensates for shaft misalignment of all kinds
and safely transmits the torque.
The coupling consists of two hubs, with fingers separated by elastomeric
elements. The hubs are assembled blindly plugging the hub fingers into each
other axially and the elastomer ring is trapped in a groove between both cou-
pling hubs. The compact POLY-NORM coupling transmits torque with the
elastomer in compression.
Shaft misalignments, vibrations and shock loads are effectively absorbed by the
The coupling is maintenance-free and used in general machinery, the pump
industry and in compressors. Torques of up to 26,800 Nm are stocked in 17
different sizes and 7 designs. In addition to the standard coupling models, flange
drop out center and spacer options are available in many variations.
Explosion-proof use
POLY-NORM couplings are suitable for the use in drives in hazardous areas.
The couplings are certified according to EC Standard 94/9/EC (ATEX 95)
and belong to category 2G/2D, are confirmed and thus suitable for the use in
hazardous areas of zone 1, 2, 21 and 22. Please read our information in the
respective Type Examination Certificate and the operating and mounting
instructions under
Variety of Options
The coupling can be adapted to many applications due to the many options that
are possible with the building block arrangement. The POLY-NORM compo-
nents of a given model can be mixed and matched with each other to obtain
different shaft distances using the same basic component.
On request, we can provide customized variations of the POLY-NORM to fit
your needs for example, our POLY-NORM overload coupling with RUFLEX
torque limiter. Just ask us!
34 For continuously updated data please have a look at our online catalogue at
Torsionally flexible coupling
Coupling selection
Selection of the POLY-NORM coupling meets the DIN 740 part 2 specification. The coupling must be sized such that the coupling
rated nominal torque is not exceeded in any operating condition. A comparison must be made between the application torque vs. the
rating of the coupling. The selection process for torsionally flexible shaft couplings is described in detail in the ROTEX catalogue
which can be used for POLY-NORM couplings as well. The torques TKN/TKmax mentioned refer to the elastomer ring. The shaft-hub-
connection has to be investigated by the customer.
Temperature factor St Service factor for starting frequenz SZ Service factor for shocks SA/SL
-30 C SA/SL
+40 C +60 C +80 C starting frequency/h 100 200 400 800
+30 C gentle shocks 1,5
avrage shocks 1,8
St 1,0 1,2 1,4 1,8 SZ 1,0 1,2 1,4 1,6
heavy shocks 2,5
Example of calculation Pump drive with three-phase motor
Mass moment of inertia : JA = 1,06 kgm
Starting frequenzy: z = 6 1/ SZ =1,0h
Mass moment of inertia : JL = 2,3 kgm2 SL =1,5
TKN = 850 Nm
TK max. = 1700 Nm
For continuously updated data please have a look at our online catalogue at 35
Torsionally flexible coupling
Technical data
POLY-NORM Technical data
Torque [Nm] max. speed Twisting angle with Torsion spring stiffness Cdyn. [Nm/rad] Max. perm. displacements [mm] 1)
Size Alternating [rpm] bei
Nominal TKN Maximal TKmax. V=35 m/s TKN TKmax. 1,0 TKN 0,75 TKN 0,5 TKN 0,25 TKN Axial Ka Radial Kr Angular Kw
28 40 80 16 9650 5200 3318 1867 897 1,0 0,20 1,2
32 60 120 24 8550 7820 4989 2821 1349 1,0 0,25 1,4
4,5 6,0
38 90 180 36 7650 13540 8639 4885 2336 1,0 0,25 1,5
42 150 300 60 6950 26250 16748 9471 4528 1,0 0,25 1,7
48 220 440 88 6300 29896 19074 10786 5157 1,5 0,30 1,8
55 300 600 120 5650 38500 24563 13891 6641 1,5 0,30 2,0
60 410 820 164 5150 67600 43129 23200 11661 1,5 0,30 2,2
4,0 5,5
65 550 1100 220 4750 81800 52188 26994 14111 1,5 0,35 2,4
75 850 1700 340 4200 122900 78410 40557 21200 1,5 0,40 2,7
85 1350 2700 540 3650 243045 155063 74858 41925 1,5 0,40 3,0
90 2000 4000 800 3300 361571 230682 111364 62371 1,5 0,45 3,4
100 2900 5800 1160 2950 548200 349752 168846 94565 3,0 0,50 3,9
110 3900 7800 1560 2650 792300 505487 244028 136672 3,0 0,60 4,3
125 5500 11000 2200 2350 2,5 3,5 1023240 652827 315158 176509 3,0 0,60 4,8
140 7200 14400 2880 2100 1640430 1046594 508533 282974 3,0 0,60 5,5
160 10000 20000 4000 1900 2090930 1334013 648188 360685 3,0 0,65 6,1
180 13400 26800 5360 1650 2670700 1703907 827917 460696 3,0 0,65 6,0
Displacement at n = 1500 rpm.
Angular and radial displacement can occur at the same time. The sum of all displacements must not exceed the figures set forth in the table. Couplings may be dynamically balanced on request.
(Semi-wedge balancing G 6,3 with 1500 rpm). For circumferential speeds exceeding V = 20 m/s we would recommend dynamic balancing.
Lmax./min = L + Ka [mm] Kw = Smax. Smin. [mm]
Assembly Guidelines
During assembly, the coupling halves must be mounted in a way that the coupling hub faces are flush to the end of the shafts. The
alignment of the shafts must be adjusted that radial and the angular displacements are minimal. The life of the coupling and bearings is
extended by precise alignment. Steps must be taken to ensure that the alignment will not change during all operating conditions. Shaft
displacements which cannot be avoided must not exceed the figures indicated in the table. Angular and radial displacements can occur
at the same time but the sum of these displacements must not exceed the figures set forth in the table above. See the KTR mounting
instructions, KTR standard 49510 at our homepage
36 For continuously updated data please have a look at our online catalogue at
Torsionally flexible coupling
Type AR
zz Torsionally flexible, reduces vibrations
zz Failsafe
zz Maintenance-free
zz Very short design
zz Axial plug-in
zz According to DIN 740
zz Approved according to EC Standard 94/9/EC (Explosion
Certificate ATEX 95)
zz Detailed mounting instructions and further information available
1 2 1
Size 28-125 Size 140-180
Type AR
1 = Standard hub GJL)
2 = Elastomer ring NBR 78 Sh-A)
Elastomer ring (part 2) 1) Dimensions [mm] Mass moment AR 3)
Torque [Nm] Max. Finish
Size General Thread for set screw 2) of inertia Weight
bore d 2)
TKN TKmax. LAR l1 s DH D dH N G t [kgm] 3) [kg]
28 40 80 30 59 28 3 69 46 36,5 12 M5 7 0,0004 0,9
32 60 120 35 68 32 4 78 53 41,5 14 M8 7 0,0008 1,4
38 90 180 40 80 38 4 87 62 50 19,5 M8 10 0,0016 2,0
42 150 300 45 88 42 4 96 69 55,5 20 M8 10 0,0026 2,7
48 220 440 50 101 48 5 106 78 64 24 M8 15 0,0042 3,7
55 300 600 60 115 55 5 118 90 73 29 M8 14 0,0070 5,5
60 410 820 65 125 60 5 129 97 81 33 M8 15 0,0112 6,9
65 550 1100 70 135 65 5 140 105 86 36 M10 20 0,0174 8,8
75 850 1700 80 155 75 5 158 123 100 42,5 M10 20 0,028 13,5
85 1350 2700 90 175 85 5 182 139 116 48,5 M10 25 0,052 19,5
90 2000 4000 95 185 90 5 200 148 128 49 M12 25 0,090 23,2
100 2900 5800 110 206 100 6 224 165 143 55 M12 25 0,160 31,9
110 3900 7800 50-120 226 110 6 250 185 158 60 M16 30 0,317 38,0
125 5500 11000 55-140 256 125 6 280 210 178 70 M16 35 0,570 55,2
140 7200 14400 65-155 286 140 6 315 235 216 76,5 M20 35 1,030 92,6
160 10000 20000 75-175 326 160 6 350 265 246 94,5 M20 45 1,746 126,9
180 13400 26800 75-200 366 180 6 400 300 290 111,5 M20 50 3,239 181,8
Standard material perbunane (NBR) 78 Shore A, size 140 - 180 double tooth elastomers, selection see page 35
Bore H7 with keyway DIN6885 sheet 1 [JS9] and threads for setscrews on the feather keyway
Refer to medium bore
1615 40 42,5 3
/ 16 5 20 90 3020 75 52,0 / 32 8 92
60 2012 50 38,5 / 22 6 31 100 3535 90 98,0 1
/ 38 10 115
NEW 65 2517 60 62,5 1
/ 25 6 49 125 4040 100 111,5 / 45 12 172
2 fixing screws except for 3535/4040 3fixing screws
Coupling design - TB 1 Cam-sided screwing - TB 2 Collar-sided screwing - Combination possible
Please ask for our seperate data sheet M407045
For continuously updated data please have a look at our online catalogue at 37
Torsionally flexible coupling
1 2 4D 3D
Type ADR (3-teilig)
1 = Standard hub* (GJL)
= displacement of hub
2 = Elastomer ring (NBR 78 Sh-A)
3D =Flange hub (GJS)
4D =Cam ring (GJL)
* to be preferably used drive-sided
Standard material perbunane (NBR) 78 Shore A, size 140 - 180 double tooth elastomers, selection see page 35
Bore H7 with keyway DIN6885 sheet 1 [JS9] and threads for setscrews on the feather keyway
Svrew tigheting torque 8.8
38 For continuously updated data please have a look at our online catalogue at
Torsionally flexible coupling
Type AZR
zz Connection of long shaft gaps with spacers
zz Enables a change of the elastomer without disassembly of the
drive and the driven components.
zz No movement of driver and driven components is necessary
for disassembly of pump thrust bearing.
zz Custom designs are available (AZVR))
zz Approved acc. to EC Standard 94/9/EC (Explosion Certifi-
cate ATEX 95)
zz Detail mounting instruction and further information available at
4N 3N 2 3N 4N
Type AZR
2 = Elastomer ring (NBR 78 Sh-A)
3N = Driving flange (GJS)
4N= Coupling flange (Steel)
Drop out Elastomerring (part Dimensions [mm]
Mass moment AZR
center 2)1) Torque [Nm] Thread for set
Size Max. Finish General of inertia 3) Weight 3)
length* L screw
bore 2) d1 [kgm] [kg]
[mm] TKN TKmax LAZR l2 l3 s l4 DH DF M Mxl TA [Nm] G t
100 170 49,5 0,0020 2,4
28 40 80 30 35 3 1 69 46 26 M6x18 14 M5 7
140 210 69,5 0,0030 2,9
100 170 49 0,0042 3,2
32 60 120 35 35 4 1 78 53 26 M6x18 14 M8 7
140 210 69 0,0062 3,9
100 184 49 0,0048 4,3
38 90 180 40 42 4 1 87 62 33 M6x20 14 M8 10
140 224 69 0,0068 5,1
100 190 49 0,0094 5,1
42 150 300 45 45 4 1 96 69 35 M6x20 14 M8 10
140 230 69 0,0128 6,0
100 204 49 0,0170 6,6
48 220 440 50 52 5 1,5 106 78 41,5 M6x20 14 M8 15
140 244 69 0,0216 7,5
100 210 49 0,0188 9,4
55 140 300 600 60 250 55 69 5 1,5 118 88 43,5 M8x25 35 M8 14 0,0240 10,8
180 290 89 0,0232 12,2
100 220 49 0,0326 11,2
60 140 410 820 65 260 60 69 5 1,5 129 97 47,5 M8x25 35 M8 15 0,0414 13,0
180 300 89 0,0504 14,6
100 230 49 0,0564 14,0
65 140 550 1100 70 270 65 69 5 1,5 140 105 51,5 M8x25 35 M10 20 0,0730 15,8
180 310 89 0,0894 17,5
100 180 2900 5800 110 380 100 89 6 2 224 165 83 M12x35 120 M12 25 0,4450 54,8
250 450 124 0,5465 63,2
Standard material Perbunan (NBR) 78 Shore-A, selection page 35
Bore H7 with keyway DIN6885 sheet 1 [JS9] and threads for setscrews on the feather keyway.
Refer to medium bore
*For other extendable lengthes (L=120/160/195/215) it is possible to combine two driving flanges 3N with various lengthes (as an example: driving flanges POLY-NORM 85 for extendable
length 140 and 250 result in an extendable length of 195 mm (140 mm + 250 mm = 390 mm 390 mm/2 = 195 mm).
Coupling Size Type Drop out center length L Finish bore Finish bore
For continuously updated data please have a look at our online catalogue at 39
Torsionally flexible pin & bush coupling
Coupling description
General description
REVOLEX KX is a torsionally flexible, failsafe pin & bush coupling. It can
be plugged in axially and is characterized by its short design. In addition,
REVOLEX KX allows for an easy disassembly of the elastomer rings including
the pins while being assembly. Taking into account the transmittable torque,
REVOLEX KX is based on the POLY-NORM coupling.
The REVOLEX KX coupling compensates for every kind of shaft misalignment
while transmitting the torque safely.
The coupling consists of two hubs. The torque is transmitted via the steel pins
with their taper elastomer rings.
As a result all kinds of shaft misalignment, for example caused by inaccurate
alignment of the driving or driven elements, is compensated for reliably and
vibrations and shocks are compensated for excellently.
The coupling is maintenance-free and is used in general engineering and the
pump industry, conveyor technology, etc. For an optimum adjustment to the
different applications, 21-off sizes are available covering torques up to
1.220.000 Nm. Apart from the standard programme customized solutions are
Explosion-proof use
REVOLEX KX couplings are suitable for use in drives in hazardous areas. The
couplings are certified according to EC Standard 94/9/EC (ATEX 95) and be-
long to category 2G/2D, are confirmed and thus suitable for use in hazardous
areas of zones 1, 2, 21 and 22. Please read our information in the respective
Type Examination Certificate and the operating and mounting instructions under
40 For continuously updated data please have a look at our online catalogue at
Torsionally flexible pin & bush coupling
Technical data
REVOLEX KX Technical data
Torque [Nm] NBR 80 Sh-A Casted material Steel Dyn. Torsion spring stiffness
V=35m/s V=35m/s
KX 105 6485 12970 2594 2000 110/125 3475 120/135 1,053x106 1,545x106 2,225x106 3,060x106
KX 120 10080 20160 4032 1800 125/145 3100 140/155 1,242x106 1,675x106 2,350x106 3,167x106
KX 135 14030 28060 5612 1600 140/150 2725 160/165 1,728x106 2,331x106 3,270x106 4,407x106
KX 150 17960 35920 7184 1450 160 2500 185 2,213x106 2,985x106 4,187x106 5,643x106
KX 170 26360 52720 10544 1250 180 2150 220 3,250x106 4,480x106 7,500x106 9,970x106
KX 190 36160 72320 14464 1100 205 1900 245 4,458x106 6,145x106 1,029x107 1,367x107
KX 215 48160 96320 19264 1000 230 1725 275 5,938x106 8,185x106 1,370x107 1,822x107
KX 240 65740 131480 26296 900 250 1550 310 7,850x106 1,675x107 2,575x107 3,465x107
KX 265 91480 182960 36592 800 285 1375 350 1,092x107 2,331x107 3,583x107 4,822x107
KX 280 123530 247060 49412 720 315 1225 385 1,475x107 3,147x107 4,838x107 6,511x107
KX 305 152840 305680 61136 675 330 1150 405 1,830x107 3,904x107 6,002x107 8,076x107
KX 330 188470 376940 75388 625 355 1075 435 2,250x107 4,802x107 7,382x107 9,934x107
KX 355 230110 460220 92044 975 465 2,748x107 5,863x107 9,013x107 1,213x108
KX 370 302500 605000 121000 900 550 3,614x107 7,712x107 1,186x108 1,595x108
Nominal TKN max. TKmax. Alternating TKW [rpm] at max. Bore [mm] [rpm] at max. Bore [mm] [Nm/rad] [Nm/rad] [Nm/rad] [Nm/rad]
V=35m/s V=35m/s
NEW KX-D 75 3800 7600 1520 4500 90 0,641x106 0,941x106 1,355x106 1,864x106
NEW KX-D 85 5000 10000 2000 4175 100 0,834x106 1,224x106 1,763x106 2,425x106
NEW KX-D 95 6600 13200 2640 3845 110 1,077x106 1,580x106 2,277x106 3,131x106
KX-D 105 8650 17300 3460 2000 110 3475 120 1,404x106 2,060x106 2,967x106 4,081x106
KX-D 120 14110 28220 5640 1800 125 3100 140 1,742x106 2,350x106 3,297x106 4,443x106
KX-D 135 18690 37380 7476 1600 140 2725 160 2,304x106 3,108x106 4,360x106 5,876x106
KX-D 150 23100 46200 9240 1450 160 2500 185 2,880x106 3,885x106 5,450x106 7,345x106
KX-D 170 36900 73800 14760 1250 180 2150 220 4,550x106 6,272x106 1,050x107 1,396x107
KX-D 190 48210 96420 19284 1100 205 1900 245 5,980x106 8,243x106 1,380x107 1,834x107
KX-D 215 61900 123800 24760 1000 230 1725 275 7,634x106 1,052x107 1,762x107 2,342x107
KX-D 240 92030 184060 36812 900 250 1550 310 1,101x107 2,350x107 3,613x107 4,861x107
KX-D 265 121900 243800 48760 800 285 1375 350 1,456x107 3,108x107 4,778x107 6,429x107
KX-D 280 158800 317600 63520 720 315 1225 385 1,896x107 4,047x107 6,221x107 8,371x107
KX-D 305 191060 382120 76424 675 330 1150 405 2,287x107 4,880x107 7,502x107 1,009x108
KX-D 330 251200 502400 100480 625 355 1075 435 3,001x107 6,403x107 9,843x107 1,324x108
KX-D 355 299100 598200 119640 575 380 975 465 3,572x107 7,622x107 1,172x108 1,577x108
KX-D 370 377800 755600 151120 535 450 900 550 4,518x107 9,640x107 1,482x108 1,994x108
KX-D 470 510000 1020000 204000 855 6,325x107 1,350x108 2,075x108 2,208x108
KX-D 520 715000 1430000 286000 740 nach 8,832x107 1,885x108 2,897x108 3,083x108
KX-D 590 950000 1900000 380000 660 Kundenvorgabe 1,177x108 2,5107x108 3,859x108 4,107x108
KX-D 650 1220000 2440000 488000 590 1,512x108 3,226x108 4,959x108 5,277x108
Couplings may be dynamically balanced on request (semi-spline balancing G 6,3 with speed acc. customers specifications). For peripheral speeds exceeding V = 30 m/sec., we would recom-
mend dynamically balancing.
Size (KX und KX-D) 75 85 95 105 120 135 150 170 190 215 240 265 280 305 330 355 370 470 520 590 650
max. Axial displacements Ka [mm] 1,5 1,5 1,5 2 2 2 2 2,5 2,5 2,5 2,5 2,5 2,5 2,5 4 4 4 4 4 4 4
250 rpm 0,95 1,1 1,1 1,2 1,3 1,4 1,5 1,7 1,9 2,0 2,2 2,5 2,7 2,9 3,1 3,3 3,5 3,8 4,4 4,9 5,4
500 rpm 0,70 0,80 0,80 0,9 0,9 1,0 1,1 1,2 1,3 1,4 1,6 1,7 1,9 2,0 2,2 2,3 2,5 2,8 3,1 3,5 3,8
Max. radial displacement Kr [mm] or 750 rpm 0,60 0,65 0,65 0,7 0,8 0,8 0,9 1,0 1,1 1,2 1,3 1,4 1,6 1,7 1,8 1,9 2,0 2,2 2,4
max. angualr displacement Kw [mm] at 1000 rpm 0,50 0,55 0,55 0,6 0,7 0,7 0,8 0,9 0,9 1,0 1,1 1,2 1,4 1,4 1,5 1,7 1,8
speed n 1500 rpm 0,40 0,45 0,45 0,5 0,5 0,6 0,6 0,7 0,8 0,8 0,9 1,0
2000 rpm 0,35 0,40 0,40 0,4 0,5 0,5 0,5 0,6 0,7
3000 rpm 0,30 0,35 0,35 0,4 0,4
Assembly instructions
The permissible misalignment figures of the flexible REVOLEX KX couplings mentioned are general standard values, taking into account the coupling load up to the rated torque TKN of the
coupling and as well as an ambient temperature of + 30 C. The displacement figures may only be used separately - if various kinds of displacement arise in parallel, the displacement figures
may only be used proportionately. For the assembly of the coupling please make sure that the distance dimension E is adhered to accurately to make sure that the coupling remains flexible during
operation. See KTR assembly instructions, KTR standard 49410 at our homepage
For continuously updated data please have a look at our online catalogue at 41
Torsionally flexible pin & bush coupling
Coupling selection
The selection of the REVOLEX KX coupling has to be dimensioned in a way that the permissible coupling load is not exceeded with
any operating condition. For this purpose a comparison between the loads that arise and the permissible coupling parameters has to be
performed. The torques TKN/TKmax mentioned refer to the connection of pins. The shaft-hub-connection needs to be investigated from the
part of the customer.
1 Drives without periodical torsional vibrations e. g. centrifugal 2. Drives with periodical torsional vibrations.
pumps, fans, screw compressors, etc. The coupling is selected ta- For drives subject to high torsional vibrations, e. g. diesel engines,
king into account the rated torques TKN and maximum torque TKmax. piston compressors, piston pumps, generators, etc., it is necessary
to perform a torsional vibration calculation to ensure a safe opera-
1.1 Load by rated torque tion. If requested, we perform the torsional vibration calculation and
Determination of the actual rated tor- TN [Nm] = 9550 P [kW] / n [rpm] the coupling selection in our company. For necessary details please
que TN of the machine. see KTR standard 20004.
Taking into account the operating fac- TKN TN St SB
Details of machine on driving side: TN [Nm] = 9550 1000 [kW] / 991 [rpm] = 9636,7 Nm
42 For continuously updated data please have a look at our online catalogue at
Torsionally flexible pin & bush coupling
Coupling selection
The operating factors listed are based on experiences estimating the operating behaviour of driving and driven combinations. For a periodic
impulse of the machine or driving or braking of big masses it is necessary to perform a selection in accordance with DIN 740.
Operating factor SB Operating factor SB
Agitator Machine tools
Light liquid 1,00 Levelling machines 1,75
Viscous liquid 1,25 Hammers 1,75
Liquid with constant density 1,25 Presses 1,75
Liquid with variable density 1,50 Forging presses 1,75
Liquid mixed with solids 1,75 Metal industry
Compressors Plate tilters 1,25
Rotary compressors 1,00 Wire pulls 1,25
Rotary compressors 1,25 Winders 1,25
Construction machines Crawlersr 1,25
Manoeuvre winches 1,25 Roller levellers 1,25
Swing gears 1,25 Winding drums 1,50
Miscellaneous winches 1,50 Wire drawing machines 1,75
Filters, cable winches 1,75 Roller tables (light) 1,75
Multi-bucket excavators 1,75 Plate shears 1,75
Running gears (caterpillars) 1,75 Block pushers 1,75
Impellers 1,75 Blooming and slabbing 1,75
Cutter heads 1,75 De-scalers 1,75
Cutter drives 2,00 Cold rolling mills 1,75
Construction lifts 1,25 Billet shears 1,75
Concrete mixers 1,25 Plugging machines 1,75
Road machines 1,25 Continuous casting machines 1,75
Conveyors Shifting devices 1,75
Bucket elevators 1,50 Roller tables (heavy) 2,00
Freight lifts 1,75 Mills
Hauling winches 1,25 Centrifugal mills 1,75
Apron conveyors 1,25 Beater mills 1,75
Rubber belt conveyors (bulk) 1,25 Autogenous mills 1,75
Boom plate bucket conveyors 1,25 Hammer and ball mills 2,00
Rotary conveyors 1,25 Mixers
Steel plate conveyors 1,25 Constant density 1,50
Worm conveyors 1,25 Variable density 1,75
Steel belt conveyors 1,25 Oil industry
Conveyors 1,75 Filter presses for paraffin 1,50
Rubber belt conveyor (piece goods) 1,75 Rotary furnaces 1,75
Inclined lifts 1,75 Paper machines
Shaking slides 2,00 Couch rolls 1,75
Fans, ventilators and blowers Calenders 1,75
Centrifugal fans 1,75 Wet presses 1,75
Industrial fans 1,75 Pumps
Rotary blowers 1,75 Rotary pumps (light liquid) 1,00
Fans (axial / radial) 1,75 Rotary pumps (viscous liquid) 1,25
Fans for cooling towers 1,75 Gear and vane pumps 1,25
Induced draught ventilators 1,75 Screw type pumps 1,50
Filters Piston pumps, plunger pumps and press pumps 2,00
Screening drums 1,50 Rubber & nylon
Food-processing industry Rubber calenders and rolling mills 1,75
Sugarcane harvesters 1,25 Mixers 1,75
Sugar-beet harvesters 1,25 Extruders 1,75
Sugar-beet washing 1,25 Kneading machines 1,75
Kneading machines 1,75 Sewage plants
Sugarcane breakers 1,75 Rakes 1,00
For continuously updated data please have a look at our online catalogue at 43
Torsionally flexible pin & bush coupling
5 6 3 5
Type KX-D
5 = Hub part 5
3 = Complete pint
6 = KX-D sleeve (hardened and corrosion-resitant)
Finish bore [min. Mass moment
Torque 1) [Nm] max. speed 2) Dimensions [mm]
Size - max.] of inertia 3) Weight 3) [kg]
TKN TKmax. d1; d2 L l1; l2 E DH D1; D2 N1; N2 M* [kgm]
KX-D 105 8650 17300 2000 34-110 237 117 3 330 180 56 76 0,907 68
KX-D 120 14110 28220 1800 50-125 270 132 6 370 206 76 100 1,867 108
KX-D 135 18690 37380 1600 70-140 300 147 6 419 230 76 100 3,144 145
KX-D 150 23100 46200 1450 82-160 336 165 6 457 256 76 100 4,573 180
KX-D 170 36900 73800 1250 95-180 382 188 6 533 292 92 130 10,259 291
KX-D 190 48210 96420 1100 110-205 428 211 6 597 330 92 130 16,601 385
KX-D 215 61900 123800 1000 125-230 480 237 6 660 368 92 130 25,495 498
KX-D 240 92030 184060 900 140-250 534 264 6 737 407 122 170 50,147 760
KX-D 265 121900 243800 800 160-285 590 292 6 826 457 122 170 80,796 997
KX-D 280 158800 317600 720 180-315 628 311 6 927 508 122 170 129,979 1301
KX-D 305 191060 382120 675 180-330 654 324 6 991 533 122 170 170,016 1509
KX-D 330 251200 502400 625 200-355 666 330 6 1067 572 122 170 227,451 1755
KX-D 355 299100 598200 575 225-380 718 356 6 1156 610 122 170 338,145 2275
KX-D 370 377800 755600 535 225-450 770 382 6 1250 720 122 170 492,353 2853
44 For continuously updated data please have a look at our online catalogue at
Torsionally flexible pin & bush coupling
to high loads or high circumferential speeds
zz Particularly suitable for drive components with high loads and
high speeds due to hub material steel
zz Pins are arranged alternately
zz Increase of transmittable torque by up to 40 % compared to
zz Approved acc. to EC Standard 94/9/EC (Explosion Certifi-
cate ATEX 95)
5 6 3 5
Type KX-D
5 = Hub part 5
3 = Complete pint
6 = KX-D sleeve (hardened and corrosion-resitant)
Finish bore [min. Mass moment
Torque 1) [Nm] max. speed 2) Dimensions [mm]
Size - max.] of inertia 3) Weight 3) [kg]
TKN TKmax. d1; d2 L l1; l2 E DH D1; D2 N1; N2 M* [kgm]
NEW KX-D 75 3800 7600 4500 0-90 193 95 3 225 136 56 76 0,325 39
NEW KX-D 85 5000 10000 4175 0-100 213 105 3 274 152 56 76 0,440 46
NEW KX-D 95 6600 13200 3825 0-110 227 112 3 298 168 56 76 0,624 56
KX-D 105 8650 17300 3475 0-120 237 117 3 330 180 56 76 0,907 80
KX-D 120 14110 28220 3100 0-140 270 132 6 370 206 76 100 1,867 124
KX-D 135 18690 37380 2725 70-160 300 147 6 419 230 76 100 3,144 165
KX-D 150 23100 46200 2500 82-185 336 165 6 457 256 76 100 4,573 205
KX-D 170 36900 73800 2150 95-220 382 188 6 533 292 92 130 10,259 322
KX-D 190 48210 96420 1900 110-245 428 211 6 597 330 92 130 16,601 431
KX-D 215 61900 123800 1725 125-275 480 237 6 660 368 92 130 25,495 559
KX-D 240 92030 184060 1550 140-310 534 264 6 737 407 122 170 50,147 833
KX-D 265 121900 243800 1375 160-350 590 292 6 826 457 122 170 80,796 1099
KX-D 280 158800 317600 1225 180-385 628 311 6 927 508 122 170 129,979 1436
KX-D 305 191060 382120 1150 180-405 654 324 6 991 533 122 170 170,016 1669
KX-D 330 251200 502400 1075 200-435 666 330 6 1067 572 122 170 227,451 1954
KX-D 355 299100 598200 975 225-465 718 356 6 1156 610 122 170 338,145 1967
KX-D 370 377800 755600 900 225-550 770 382 6 1250 720 122 170 492,353 2367
KX-D 470 510000 1020000 870 240-470 4) 969 4) 480 4) 9 1340 705 4) 164 220 734,260 3775
KX-D 520 715000 1430000 760 240-520 4) 1089 4) 540 4) 9 1540 780 4) 164 220 1264,725 5155
KX-D 590 950000 1900000 680 260-590 4) 1212 4) 600 4) 12 1735 885 4) 164 220 2081,885 6895
KX-D 650 1220000 2440000 610 280-650 4) 1332 4) 660 4) 12 1935 975 4) 164 220 3228,297 8893
For continuously updated data please have a look at our online catalogue at 45
Torsionally flexible, shear type coupling
Coupling description
General description:
The POLY coupling is a torsionally flexible, not failsafe coupling for general machinery.
It is assembled by axially pluging the hubs into each other and has excellent dampening
characteristics. Its unique features are the flexible elastomeric elements that are located
in both coupling halves.
The POLY advantage A much greater number of flexible elements and thus a larger
effective mass of the elastomer to accept vibration and to dissipate the heat caused by
torsional vibrations when compared to similar competitive couplings with elements only
in one half.
Coupling selection
The coupling selection must be done on the base POLY-NORM or ROTEX.
The coupling consists of 2 hubs with fingers that are separated by elastomeric ele-
ments which are assembled by axial blind plug-in to each other. Elastomer elements are
placed into the slots of both coupling hubs. Torque is transmitted in a compact design.
Shaft misalignments, vibrations and shock loads are effectively absorbed by the POLY
The coupling is maintenance-free and used in general machinery, the pump industry
and in compressors. The Poly coupling handles torque ranges of up to 9000 Nm and
is stocked in 15 different sizes and 3 designs for immediate availability. In addition to
our standard coupling models, a variety of flange, drop out center and spacer options
are available.
Explosion-proof use
POLY couplings are suitable for the use in drives in hazardous areas. The cou-
plings are certified according to EC Standard 94/9/EC (ATEX 95) and belong
to category 2G/2D, are confirmed and thus suitable for the use in hazardous
areas of zone 1, 2, 21 and 22. Please read our information in the respective Type
Examination Certificate and the operating and mounting instructions under
Variation of components
The coupling can be adapted to many applications due to the many options that are
possible with the building block arrangement. The POLY components of a given model
can be mixed and matched with each other to obtain different shaft distances using the
same basic component.
Variation of components
46 For continuously updated data please have a look at our online catalogue at
Torsionally flexible, shear type coupling
Axial displacement Radial displacement Angular displacement
Displacements [mm]
Coupling Size 8 9 10 12 14 15 17 19 20 22 25 28 30 35 40
max. axial displacement Ka [mm] 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 3
max. Radial displacement Kr oder n = 750 rpm 0,8 0,8 0,8 0,8 0,8 1,0 1,0 1,0 1,0 1,0 1,0 1,0 1,2 1,2 1,2
max. Angular displacement Kw n = 1000 rpm 0,7 0,7 0,7 0,7 0,7 0,9 0,9 0,9 0,9 0,9 0,9 0,9 1,1 1,1 1,1
or sum V n = 1500 rpm 0,5 0,5 0,5 0,5 0,5 0,7 0,7 0,7 0,7 0,7 0,7 0,7 0,7 0,9 0,9
Elastomer elements NBR (cuboid)
Coupling size 8 9 10 12 14 15 17 19 20 22 25 28 30 35 40
Element size 1 2 3 3a 4 3b 4 5 6 7 8
Number of elements 8 10 10 10 10 12 12 12 12 16 16 16 16 20 20
b 18,4 24,9 27,2 27,7 34,9 26,9 34,9 40 43,3 45,7 52,1
Dimensions of elastomer
t 10 15,3 16,1 18,4 19,6 18,4 19,6 22,2 28,6 25,0 28,6
elements b x t x h [mm]
h 18,9 23,9 24,6 26,8 34,6 29,6 34,6 40,6 41,1 60,0 59,7
M M8 M8 M8 M10 M8 M10 M10 M12 M12 M16
Screw size
l 30 25 25 30 30 30 40 40 55 55
Number 6 6 6 6 8 8 8 8 10 10
Tigheting torque TA [Nm] 25 25 25 25 25 49 49 86 86 295
Type PKA Dimensions cyl. screws DIN EN ISO 4762
M M6 M6 M6 M8 M8 M10 M10 M10 M10
l 16 18 18 20 20 25 25 30 30
number 4 5 5 5 5 6 6 6 8
AnziehTorque TA [Nm] 10 10 10 25 25 49 49 49 49
Standard bore H7 with keyway DIN6885 sheet 1 [JS9] and threads for setscrews on the feather keyway.
Please see our detailed mounting instructions at our website
For continuously updated data please have a look at our online catalogue at 47
Torsionally flexible, shear type coupling
1 2Z 1 3D 2D
Maximal torque TKmax = TKN x 2; Standard material Perbunan (NBR) 92 Shore-A; Standard hub material: GJL
For v = 30 m/sec. For peripheral speeds exceeding v = 30 m/sec. we recommend a dynamical balancing;
Refer to medium bore
1 3D 2D
48 For continuously updated data please have a look at our online catalogue at
Torsionally flexible, shear type coupling
zz Short design / low shaft distance dimension
zz In the PKD the elastomer packages can be exchanged in ex-
embled state
zz Approved acc. to EC Standard 94/9/EC (Explosion Certifi-
cate ATEX 95)
zz Mounting instruction and futher information avaiable under
1A 1B 2B 2A
Components: Type PKA
1A/2A =Coupling flange (Steel)
1B = Spacer (GJL)
2B = Driving flange (GJL)
1A and 1B to be preferably used drive-sided.
140 250 95 10,15
100 220 54 11,46
14 210 4800 70 142 105 125 100 60 1,5 48,0 4 140 260 94 M8 25 10 12,23
180 300 134 13,01
140 270 93 15,63
15 320 4300 70 157 110 135 110 65 1,5 49,5 4 M8 25 10
180 310 133 16,50
100 240 53 18,79
17 400 3800 80 176 125 150 110 70 1,5 54,5 4 140 280 93 M8 25 10 19,60
180 320 133 20,41
140 300 81 30,96
For continuously updated data please have a look at our online catalogue at 49
Curved-tooth gear couplings
Operating description
BoWex Curved-tooth gear couplings are flexible shaft connec- The material combination of steel hubs and polyamide sleeves
tions for a positive torque transmission and specifically suitable to allows for maintenance-free continuous operation with very low
compensate for axial, radial and angular shaft misalignment. friction on the teeth.
According to the well-known effect of curved-tooth gear couplings Due to the double cardanic operation of BoWex couplings
any edge pressure in the spline in case of angular and radial dis- restoring forces may be neglected in case of angular and radial
placements is avoided so that BoWex couplings are almost free displacements and periodic fluctuations in angular velocity do
from wear. not arise.
Behaviour of friction and wear of the BoWex sleeve
The smooth and hard surface (crystalline structure) and the high
thermal stability and resistance to lubricants, fuels, hydraulic fluids,
dissolvents, etc. make polyamide an ideal material for components
Hub with curved toothing (BoWex)
stressed by sliding, particularly for the coupling production. While
any metallic materials tend to corrode in case of dry running, slide
The curved teeth avoid any edge pressure on the coupling in case combinations with polyamide and steel are operative without any
of angular and radial misalignment. lubrication and maintenance.
Explosion-proof use
BoWex couplings type M until size 65 including an electrically conductive nylon sleeve
(PA-CF) are suitable for power transmission in drives in hazardous areas. The couplings are
certified and confirmed according to EC standard 94/9/EC (ATEX 95) as units of category
2G/2D and thus suitable for the use in hazardous areas of zone 1, 2, 21 and 22. Please
read through our information included in the respective Type Examination Certificate and the
operating and mounting insructions at
50 For continuously updated data please have a look at our online catalogue at
Curved-tooth gear couplings
Technical data
Power, Torque and Speed
Power P [kW] / n [rpm] Torque TK [Nm]
Type and Size max. speed [rpm]
Rated Max. TKN TK max. TKW
Type junior 14 / M-14 0,0005 0,010 5 10 2,5 6000
junior plug-in coupling/ junior 19 / M-19 0,0008 0,0017 8 16 4 6000
junior M junior 24 / M-24 0,0013 0,0025 12 24 6 6000
Type 14 0,0010 0,003 10 30 5 14000
19 0,0017 0,005 16 48 8 11800
24 0,0021 0,006 20 60 10 10600
28 0,0047 0,014 45 135 23 8500
M 32 0,0063 0,019 60 180 30 7500
l 38 0,0084 0,025 80 240 40 6700
42 0,010 0,031 100 300 50 6000
SG 45 / 48 0,015 0,044 140 420 70 5600
SSR 65 0,040 0,119 380 1140 190 4000
80 0,073 0,22 700 2100 350 3150
100 0,13 0,38 1200 3600 600 3000
125 0,26 0,78 2500 7500 1250 2120
Type 14 0,0015 0,0047 15 45 7,5 14000
19 0,0025 0,0075 24 72 12 11800
24 0,003 0,009 30 90 15 10600
28 0,007 0,022 70 210 35 8500
32 0,009 0,028 90 270 45 7500
38 0,013 0,038 120 360 60 6700
48 0,021 0,063 200 600 100 5600
65 0,058 0,18 560 1680 280 4000
Type 28 0,0078 0,014 75 185 37,5 6000
48 0,025 0,050 240 600 120 5000
T 48 0,030 0,078 300 750 150 5000
T 55 0,047 0,012 450 1125 225 4500
65 0,068 0,140 650 1600 325 3600
T 65 0,084 0,210 800 2000 400 3600
T 70 0,105 0,262 1000 2500 500 3400
80 0,13 0,250 1200 3000 600 3000
T 80 0,16 0,039 1500 3750 750 3000
100 0,21 0,43 2050 5150 1025 2500
T 100 0,26 0,65 2500 6250 1250 2500
125 0,44 0,89 4250 10700 2125 2500
T 125 0,55 1,39 5300 13250 2650 2500
Type 40Sh 0,014 0,041 130 390 36
42 HE 50Sh 0,016 0,047 150 450 45 6200
65Sh 0,019 0,057 180 540 54
40Sh 0,021 0,063 200 600 60
48HE 50Sh 0,024 0,072 230 690 69 5600
65Sh 0,029 0,088 280 840 84
40Sh 0,037 0,110 350 1050 105
65 HE 50Sh 0,042 0,126 400 1200 120 4500
65Sh 0,052 0,157 500 1500 150
40Sh 0,045 0,135 430 1290 129
G 65 HE 50Sh 0,052 0,157 500 1500 150 4300
65Sh 0,065 0,195 620 1860 186
40Sh 0,089 0,267 750 2250 225
ELASTIC 80 HE 50Sh 0,096 0,298 950 2850 285 3600
HE 65Sh 0,126 0,372 1200 3600 360
40Sh 0,130 0,39 1250 3750 375
HE-ZS G 80 HE 50Sh 0,16 0,50 1600 4800 480 3000
For continuously updated data please have a look at our online catalogue at 51
Curved-tooth gear couplings
Coupling selection
The BoWex coupling is selected in accordance with DIN 740 part 2. The coupling has to be dimensioned in a way that the permissible coupling
load is not exceeded in any operating condition. For this purpose the actual loads have to be compared to the permissible parameters of the
52 For continuously updated data please have a look at our online catalogue at
Curved-tooth gear couplings
zz Axial plug-in - easy assembly
zz Available with finish bore to ISO fit H7, keyway to DIN 6885
sheet 1 - JS9 as well as taper and inch bores
zz Type M...C with carbon fiber reinforced PA, low
backlash, higher torques and approved according to
EC Standard 94/9/EC (Explosion Certificate ATEX 95)
zz For performance data see page 51
1 2 1 1 2 Ex 1 1 8 2a 1
Type M Type M...C Type I
M-32 M-32C - 32 40 4 84 48 18 13 50 75 63 55 0,09 0,43 0,95 1,14 2,17 5,48
M-38 M-38C - 38 40 4 84 48 18 13 58 83 69 60 0,13 0,55 1,23 1,58 3,55 8,68
M-42 - 42 42 4 88 50 19 13 65 92 78 60 0,14 0,68 1,50 2,32 5,98 14,28
M-48 M-48C - 48 50 4 104 50 27 13 68 95 78 60 0,23 0,79 1,81 3,90 7,22 18,34
M-65 M-65C 21 65 55 4 114 68 23 16 96 132 110 70 0,55 1,90 4,35 21,2 31,8 84,8
I-80 31 80 90 6 186 93 46,5 20 124 178 145 - 1,13 5,20 11,53 68,9 150,8 370,5
I-100 38 100 110 8 228 102 63 22 152 210 176 - 1,78 9,37 20,52 158,6 401,3 961,2
I-125 45 125 140 10 290 134 78 30 192 270 225 - 3,88 19,44 42,76 562,9 1362,3 3287,5
Coupling Type/-Size
sheet1(JS9) sheet1(JS9)
For continuously updated data please have a look at our online catalogue at 53
Curved-tooth gear couplings
1b 2b 1b 2 1b 1 2 1
Type junior plug-in coupling (2 parts) Type junior M-Kupplung (3 parts) Type M
BoWex Type M
Dimensions [mm]
Size max. finish bore d1/d2
DH D l1, l2 E LH L M, N
M-24 24 53 36 26 4 41 56 7,5
M-38 38 83 58 40 4 48 84 18
M-48 48 95 68 50 4 50 104 27
Application areas:
Food processing industry, print and paper, textile industry, sewage technology, wash-mobiles, chemical and pharmaceutic industry,
offshore units ...
For applications in aggressive atmospheres (air, water, chemicals etc.).
54 For continuously updated data please have a look at our online catalogue at
Curved-tooth gear couplings
BoWex couplings are double cardanic and in addition to transmitting the power compensate for axial, radial and angular shaft displace-
ments in a way to prevent damages from the driving or driven machine, respectively.
Axial displacement Radial displacement Angular displacement Radial- und Angular displacement
max. Radial displacement with n=1500 rpm.
0,1 0,1 0,1 0,3 0,3 0,4
Kr [mm]
max. Radial displacement with n=3000 rpm.
0,1 0,1 0,1 0,3 0,3 0,4
Kr [mm]
max. Angular displacement with n=1500
1,0 1,0 0,9 1,0 1,0 0,9
rpm. Kw []
max. Angular displacement withi n=3000
0,7 0,7 0,6 0,7 0,7 0,6
rpm. Kw [
max. Axial displacement Ka [mm] 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
max. Radial displacement with n=1500 rpm.
0,30 0,30 0,35 0,35 0,35 0,40 0,40 0,40 0,45 0,45 0,45 0,45
Kr [mm]
max. Radial displacement with n=3000 rpm.
0,20 0,20 0,23 0,23 0,23 0,25 0,25 0,25 0,28 0,28 0,28 0,28
Kr [mm]
max. Angular displacement with n=1500
1,0 1,0 0,9 0,9 0,9 0,9 0,9 0,9 0,7 0,6 0,6 0,4
rpm. Kw []
max. Angular displacement withi n=3000
0,7 0,7 0,6 0,6 0,6 0,6 0,6 0,6 0,5 0,4 0,4 0,3
rpm. Kw [
The above-mentioned figures of displacement of BoWex couplings are standard values taking into account the load of the coupling
up to the rated torque TKN. For different operating conditions please order our data sheet KTR-N 20140 regarding displacements for
The displacement figures may only be used one by one - if they appear simultaneously, they must be limited in proportion. Care should be
taken to maintain the distance dimension E accurately in order to allow for axial clearance of the coupling while in operation.
Detailed mounting instructions are shown on our homepage (
Hub length 55mm t=15mm; 70mm t=20mm
For continuously updated data please have a look at our online catalogue at 55
High flexible flange couplings
14 466,72 438,15 8 13
56 For continuously updated data please have a look at our online catalogue at
High flexible flange couplings
zz Use of coupling hubs from the BoWex standard programme
zz Finish bore according to ISO fit H7, keyway to DIN 6885,
sheet 1 (JS9) - inch bores, taper bores, spline clamping hub
zz Available in the hardness 40, 50 and 65 Shore A
zz Approved according to EC Standard 94/9/EC
(Explosion Certificate ATEX 95)
Design HE3 Design HE4 Flange dimension according SAE J 620
Size DA D3 z d1
6 215,90 200,02 6 9
7 241,30 222,25 8 9
8 263,52 244,47 6 11
10 314,32 295,27 8 11
11 352,42 333,37 8 11
z = number
z = number
14 466,72 438,15 8 13
16 517,50 489,00 8 13
18 571,50 542,90 6 18
BoWex-ELASTIC Type HE3 und HE4
Bore d [mm] Flange connection acc. SAE - J 620 Dimensions [mm] Weight bei Mass moment of inertia
Size vorg. Kupp- bei vorg. Kupplung [kgm]
Pilot. max. 6 7 8 10 11 14 16 18 l3 l2 D4 D l1 LHE1 LHE2 lung [kg] JA [kgm] JL [kgm]
42 HE - 42 2 33 145 65 42 55 40 1,7 0,0057 0,0014
1,8 0,0060 0,0020
48 HE - 48 2 37 163 68 50 68 42 2,0 0,0062 0,0020
2,2 0,0065 0,0020
5,3 0,0242 0,0076
G 65 HE 21 65 3 45 205 96 55 73 50
5,7 0,0372 0,0076
80 HE 31 80 4 56 265 124 90 112 60 11,4 0,0388 0,0305
G 80 HE 31 80 4 66 300 124 90 122 70 11,6 0,0702 0,0465
100 HE 38 100 4 80 350 152 110 150 82 24,1 0,1951 0,1019
- 186 103 45,8 0,3013 0,2861
125 HE 45 125 98 416 192 140
6 192 109 47,7 0,4123 0,2861
48,4 0,4781 0,2916
G 125 HE 45 125 6 89 440 192 140 179 91
For continuously updated data please have a look at our online catalogue at 57
High flexible flange couplings
For other operating speeds or higher operating tem-
peratures the permissible radial displacement is cal-
culated as follows:
Krperm. = Kr St
Size 42 HE 48 HE 65 HE/G 65 HE 80 HE/G 80 HE 100 HE 125 HE/G 125 HE 150 HE
Elastomer hardness [Shore A] 40 Sh 50 Sh 65 Sh 40 Sh 50 Sh 65 Sh 40 Sh 50 Sh 65 Sh 40 Sh 50 Sh 65 Sh 40 Sh 50 Sh 65 Sh 40 Sh 50 Sh 70 Sh 40 Sh 50 Sh 70 Sh
Perm. Radial displace-
n=1500 rpm. 1,1 1,0 0,5 1,2 1,1 0,5 1,6 1,5 0,7 1,8 1,7 0,8 2,2 2,0 1,0 2,5 2,3 1,1 2,8 2,5 1,3
Kr [mm] max.1) 3,6 3,3 1,5 3,8 3,5 1,7 5,1 4,7 2,2 5,7 5,3 2,4 6,5 6,0 3,0 7,5 6,9 3,3 8,0 7,5 4,0
Perm. Angular displace-
n=1500 rpm. 1,0 0,75 0,5 1,0 0,75 0,5 1,0 0,75 0,5 1,0 0,75 0,5 1,0 0,75 0,5 1,0 0,75 0,5 1,0 0,75 0,5
Kw [] n=1500 rpm. 0,5 0,4 0,25 0,5 0,4 0,25 0,5 0,4 0,25 0,5 0,4 0,25 0,5 0,4 0,25 0,5 0,4 0,25 0,5 0,4 0,25
Perm. Angular displace-
max. 1) 1,5 1,5 1,5 1,5 1,5 1,5 1,5
ment Kw [mm]
Perm. Axial displacement Ka [mm] 2 2 2 2 3 3 5
for short-term start
Process of assembly, screw type with quality, tightening torques according to KTR assembly instructions (see
58 For continuously updated data please have a look at our online catalogue at
Permanent magnetic coupling
Coupling description
General description
The MINEX-S is a permanent-magnetic synchronous coupling that transmits torque
through magnetic forces between the internal and the external rotor. It ensures a
hermetic separation of the drive and the driven side in its main function as sealing
element in pumps and agitators. For critical media like aggressive acids etc. it serves
as a reliable seal and prevents serious leakages occuring.
On request KTR can manufacture special customer-specific types of the MINEX-S
in connection with KTR hydraulic components. Thus existing pumps with a conven-
tional shaft seal can be easily retrofitted with the MINEX-S.
Torque transmission
The coupling consists of an external and an internal rotor. The external rotor has
high-quality, permanent magnets of changing polarity on the inner side and the in-
ternal rotor has them on the outside. The external rotor is normally fixed on the drive
side and the magnets are glued in the keyways. The magnets of the driven-sided
internal rotor are cylindrically ground to ensure a minimal air gap and encapsulated
through a magnetic cover that is impervious to fluids.
In their non-operative states the north and south poles of the rotors are opposite to
each other and the magnetic field is completely symmetric. It is only when the rotors Internal rotor External rotor
are twisted that the magnetic field lines are moved, hence the torque is transmitted
through the air gap. Then there is a synchronous operation under a constant torsion
If the maximum coupling torque and the maximum torsion angle are exceeded, the
power transmission is interrupted. Thus the MINEX-S offers an overload protection
function of the drive train. After removing the cause of the overload (e. g. damage
to the bearing, blocking of the internal rotor) both rotors can be synchronised again
and operation is resumed.
may require cooling measures. On applications with pumps the heat produced can Containment shroud
basically be dissipated by the medium to be pumped.
For continuously updated data please have a look at our online catalogue at 59
Permanent magnetic coupling
Technical description
Explosion-protection use
MINEX-S couplings are suitable for the power transmission in drives that are scheduled to be used
in explosive areas. According to the EU standards 94/9/EC (ATEX 95) the types with metallic con-
tainment shrouds are assessed and confirmed as components of the device class II and suitable for
the use in explosive areas of category 2G.
Please see our website for advice, copies of certification and operating/mounting
Technical data
External rotor Internal rotor Containment shroud
Stat. tear
torque Max. Max. Max. Max.opera-
Standard material Standard material StandardMaterial 2)
Size TK max. with operating Weight Mass moment of operating Weight Mass moment of pressure ting speed
20 C tempera- unbored inertia with min. tempera- unbored inertia with min. resistance [rpm]
[Nm] Hub Magnets ture tmax. [kg] bore- [kgm] Hub Magnets ture tmax. [kg] bore- [kgm] Flange Can pN/pmax. 1)
[C] [C] [bar]
SA 22/4 0,15 0,13 30,01 x 10 -6
0,04 1,912 x 10 -6
Stainless steel
NdFeB 150 1.4462 NdFeB 150
SA 34/10 1 0,26 117,4 x 10-6 0,09 12,1 x 10-6
SA 46/6 3 0,62 458,6 x 10-6 0,32 125 x 10-6
Samarium-cobalt (Sm2Co17) or
steel 1.4571
with 1.4571,
or Hastelloy
16/24 bar
bar with
150 C (NdFeB)
SC 135/20 145 4,90 29874 x 10-6 7,36 16768 x 10-6
SD 135/20 200 6,06 36870 x 10-6 9,50 22387 x 10-6
SC 165/24 210 5,31 45480 x 10-6 11,40 37917 x 10-6
SD 165/24 280 6,56 56170 x 10-6 14,67 50633 x 10-6
SE 165/24 370 7,81 66860 x 10-6 17,30 60855 x 10-6
SE 200/30 550 10,36 122342 x 10-6 26,11 126405 x 10-6
SD 250/38 670 10,93 202540 x 10-6 37,92 282795 x 10-6 16/24
SE 250/38 820 13,03 241273 x 10-6 45,22 340420 x 10-6
SF 250/38 1000 15,13 280000 x 10-6 52,50 397915 x 10-6
Resistances to higher pressures can be realized on request of the customer.
Alternative materials of stationary cans like oxide ceramics and PEEK are available on request.
105 %
Tmax. referred to nominal value
(see table) in percent [%]
100 %
90 %
Material combination SmCo/NdFeB
85 %
80 %
75 %
70 %
20 50 100 150 200 250 300
Temperaturw [C]
Temporary torque reduction with increased temperature for alternative material combinations [%]
Please note:
KTR recommends to use NdFeB magnets for the external rotor, provided that the operating temperature falls below 150 C.
60 For continuously updated data please have a look at our online catalogue at
Permanent magnetic coupling
Sizes SA 22/4 to SB 60/8 with Containment shroud made from stainless steel
zz Contactless torque transmission
zz Hermetic separation of drive and driven side
zz Containment shroud made of stainless steel 1.4571
zz Available from stock with pilot bored internal rotor and
unbored external rotor
zz Finish bore possible to ISO H7,
feather keyway to DIN 6885 sheet 1 - JS9
zz Approved acc. to EC Standard 94/9/EC (Explosion Certifi-
cate ATEX 95)
zz Mounting instructions available at
SA = Sl + S
SA 34/10 1 5 12 20 22 2,0 5,5 M3 34 46 55 4,5 4
SA 46/6 3 8 16 28 33 6,5 7,0 M4 46 78
SA 60/8 7 36 2,2 3,5
12 22 36 M5 59 75 89,5 5,5 8
SB 60/8 14 56 0,0 3,5
Bore H7 with feather keyway DIN 6885 sheet 1 [JS9]
Coupling size Finish bore (H7), keyway to DIN 6885 sheet 1 (JS9)
Sm2Co17 tmax. = 300 C
For continuously updated data please have a look at our online catalogue at 61
Permanent magnetic coupling
Sizes SA 75/10 to SF 250/38 with Containment shroud made from stainless steel or Hastelloy
zz Contactless torque transmission
zz Hermetic separation of drive and driven side
zz As an alternative containment shroud made of stainless steel
1.4571 or Hastelloy
zz Two-part external rotor with flange hub that must be separa-
tely screwed, customer-specific variations are possible
zz Available from stock with pilot bored internal rotor
zz Finish bore possible to ISO H7,
feather keyway to DIN 6885 sheet 1 - JS9
zz Approved according to EC Standard 94/9/EC
SA = Sl + S
62 For continuously updated data please have a look at our online catalogue at
Permanent magnetic coupling
min. max. DI1 LI1 min. max. GI DS1 DS2 DS3 DS4 ZS
SA 75/10 10 39,5 46,5
SB 75/10 24 12 28 45 58 4 26,5 M6 75 100 118 9 8
SC 75/10 40 80 6,0
SA 110/16 25 45 51,0
SB 110/16 60 14 55 72 65 4 31,0 M8 110 133 153 9 12
SC 110/16 95 85 11,0
SB 135/20 100 65 46,5
SC 135/20 145 20 70 90 85 4 26,5 M10 135 158 178 9 16
SD 135/20 200 110 7,0
SC 165/24 210 85 66,5
SD 165/24 280 24 90 110 110 6 41,0 M12 163,5 192 218 11 12
SE 165/24 370 130 22,0
SD 200/30 430 135
38 90 130 6 18,0 M16 200 252 278 11 12
SE 200/30 550
SD 250/38 670 115 7,0
SE 250/38 820 38 90 165 135 26,0 M16 255 285 315 13,5 12
SF 250/38 1000 155 46,0
Technical data External rotor and General
Dimensions [mm]
Size External rotor General
DA1 DA2 DA3 DA4 LA1 S DS6 DA5 Lges.
SA 75/10 41
SB 75/10 90 100 110 M6 61 74,6 76,4 102
SC 75/10 83,5 14,5
SA 110/16 41
SB 110/16 126 135 145 M6 61 19,0 111,5 113,1 115
SC 110/16 81
SB 135/20 70
SC 135/20 150 160 170 M6 90 136,5 138,5 139
SD 135/20 110 22,0
SC 165/24 90 18,5
SD 165/24 150 188 198 M6 110 167,0 169,2 170
SE 165/24 130
SD 200/30
212 222 232 M6 130 26,0 198,0 199,5 180
SE 200/30
SD 250/38 110
SE 250/38 267 277 287 M6 130 26,0 253,0 255,0 183
SF 250/38 150
Bore H7 with feather keyway DIN 6885 sheet 1 [JS9]
Futher sizes on request
For continuously updated data please have a look at our online catalogue at 63
Permanent magnetic coupling
64 For continuously updated data please have a look at our online catalogue at
Permanent magnetic coupling
Sizes SA 110/16 to SE 200/30 with Containment shroud made from oxide ceramics
zz No eddy current losses and consequently no generation of
heat in the coupling caused by the containment shroud
zz Suitable for higher demands on temperature and pressure re-
sistance (up to 25 bar and 300 C)
zz Internal cooling measures are not required
zz High energy efficiency and effectiveness
zz The selection torque may be reduced by 10 - 15 %
zz Suitable for dry-running drives like compressors and vacuum
pumps, but also mixers, polyurethane plants, etc.
zz Sizes SA 110/16 to SE 200/30 available from stock, other
sizes on request
zz Approved according to EC Standard 94/9/EC
Optional flange External Containment Internal rotor
hub with bore rotor shroud mit
da Klemmring
SA = Sl + S
SC 135/20 145 20 70 90 85 4,0 26,5 M10 145 173 187 5,5 12
SD 135/20 200 110 7,0
SC 165/24 210 85 3,5 28,0
SD 165/24 280 24 90 110 110 4,0 M12 188 210 226 6,6 12
SE 165/24 370 130 6,0 14,0
SD 200/30 430
38 90 130 135 6,0 14,0 M16 242 272 294 9,0 12
SE 200/30 550
Bore H7 with feather keyway DIN 6885 sheet 1 [JS9]
For continuously updated data please have a look at our online catalogue at 65
Standard IEC motors
KTR couplings for standard IEC motors, protection IP 54/IP 55 with motor output n = 3000 rpm., 2-polig
The arrangement of couplings is valid for an ambient temperature of up to + 30 C. For the selection there is a minimum safety factor of 2 of the max. coupling torque (TKmax.).
Drives with periodical torque curves must be selected according to DIN 740 part 2. If requested, KTR will make the selection.
Torque T = nominal torque according to Siemens catalogue M 11 1994/95.
For dimensions see ROTEX GS line
Motor hub from steel
dynamical balancing is necessary
66 For continuously updated data please have a look at our online catalogue at
Standard IEC motors
KTR couplings for standard IEC motors, protection IP 54/IP 55 with motor output n = 1500 rpm., 4-polig
A.C. motor 50Hz Motor output n= 1500 rpm Coupling size Coupling size Coupling size Coupling size
Coupling size POLY
Size shaft end dxl[mm] Power P [kW] Torque T [Nm] RIGIFLEX-N RADEX-N ROTEX (92 Sh-A) POLY-NORM
0,06 0,43
56 9 x 20 9 1)
0,09 0,64
0,12 0,88
63 11 x 23
0,18 1,3 20 8
0,25 1,8
71 14 x 30
0,37 2,5
35 28/32
0,55 3,7
80 19 x 40
0,75 5,1 19
90S 1,1 7,5
24 x 50 25
90L 1,5 10
2,2 15 9
100L 24
28 x 60 3,0 20 35
112M 4,0 27
132S 5,5 36
38 x 80 28 38 10
132M 7,5 49
160M 11,0 72
42 x 110 38 42 12
160L 15,0 98
180M 18,5 121
48 x 110 50 48 14
180L 22 144
200L 55 x 110 30 196 55 15
65 60
225S 37 240 48 17
60 x 140 60
225M 45 292
55 19
250M 65 x 140 55 356 70 65
280S 75 484 75 65 2)
75 x 140 75 20
280M 90 581
315S 110 707 75 2) 22
80 85
315M 132 849 85
80 x 170 25
160 1030
315L 200 1290 90
110 28
85 x 170 250 1600 85
315 100
315 2020
355 2280 120 100 30
355 95 x 170 400 2570 105
500 3210 110
560 3580 125 35
The arrangement of couplings is valid for an ambient temperature of up to + 30 C. For the selection there is a minimum safety factor of 2 of the max. coupling torque (TKmax.).
Drives with periodical torque curves must be selected according to DIN 740 part 2. If requested, KTR will make the selection.
Torque T = nominal torque according to Siemens catalogue M 11 1994/95.
For dimensions see ROTEX GS line
Motor hub from steel
dynamical balancing is necessary
For continuously updated data please have a look at our online catalogue at 67
05/12 We reserve the right for modifications
KTR worldwide:
KTR Kupplungstechnik GmbH
P.O. Box 1763
D-48407 Rheine
Phone: +49(0)5971 798-0
Fax: +49(0)5971 798-698 u. 798-450