Rotary Screw Compressors: Online Condition Monitoring of

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Online Condition Monitoring

of Rotary

Screw Compressors

Increased system availability

Predictive maintenance
Service programs with remote monitoring

Process assurance and availability increase in rotar

Rotary screw compressors
In rotary screw compressors, the
medium is compressed by means
of two rotors. Due to their cyclical
operation, screw compressors are
grouped between reciprocating
compressors and turbo compressors. Their vibration behavior is
dominated by the discharge frequency of the charge output.

VDI 3836 differentiates screw

compressors into four machine
Group 1
Screw compressors with plain
bearings and synchromesh
gears (usually for compressing
process gases)
Group 2
Screw compressors with roller
bearings, or roller and plain
bearings, and synchromesh
gears (usually oil-free compressors for generating compressed air)
Group 3
Screw compressors without
synchromesh gears (usually oilflooded screw compressors)
Group 4
Roots-type superchargers with
roller bearings and synchromesh gears (usually for generating compressed air at high

Screw compressor in a plastics plant

Secondary rotor



Shaft seal
Radial bearing

Main rotor
Synchromesh gear

Axial bearing

Step-up gear
Cooling fan

Dry-running screw compressor (Group 2 as per VDI 3836)

High availability requirements

The availability demands placed on
screw compressors are extremely
high for many production processes. Failure of non-redundant machines can result in the standstill of
an entire production line, with lossof-production costs quickly reaching six-digit figures per hour.
Screw compressors are frequently
used for compressing air and refrigerant. Another major field of

application is process gas compression in refineries and in oil and gas

production. Machine protection
also plays an important role. Unrecognized unallowably high machine vibrations, bearing damage
and lubrication problems can lead
to catastrophic failure of compressor units.
Condition monitoring during operation helps prevent faults, enables

the early detection of wear processes and lets operators take full
advantage of the component service life.
VIBNODE provides reliable and
cost-effective online condition
monitoring for screw compressors.

ry screw compressors
Reliable monitoring with the
VIBNODE online monitoring system
For the following components,
condition monitoring is performed
using frequency-selective monitoring of the specific machine vibrations and of structure-borne sound
in roller bearings. These values are
tracked in combination with operating parameters such as operating
pressure, speed, output and temperatures:
Main rotor / secondary rotor with rotor mesh
Step-up and synchromesh
Roller bearings
Compression of charge
Drive machine with coupling / belt drive
The condition information is automatically transmitted to the higher
level system of the operator or to a
service partner via a network connection or via eMail.

Monitoring with the VIBNODE online monitoring system

Vibration sensor on bearing of main and secondary rotors

OMNITREND diagnosis software

Step-up gear

Synchromesh gear


Level 1

Overall value monitoring

VIBNODE tracks the trend of
the characteristic vibration values along with the operating
parameters. On the basis of a
rise in the trend, predictions
can be made on how other
condition parameters will develop. An alarm is output if a
limit value is exceeded.

Frequency-selected monitoring with 8 alarm bands.

Monitoring band of rotational frequencies of the main and secondary rotors

Level 2

In-depth diagnosis
The possible causes for condition deterioration are narrowed down using in-depth diagnosis functions. This permits
condition-based and cost-optimized planning of maintenance measures.

Monitoring band of discharge


Monitoring band of main rotor roller bearing


Waterfall diagram

LUDECA, INC. (305) 591-8935

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