The URL of Their Website?: WWW - - Au

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Matthew John Pace ECDL Pg.

381 Year 9Y

1a: How do you get onto the Internet?

My answer: One must be connected to an ISP and a web


CD Answer:

1b: If you are connected at home: (i) who is your ISP (ii) what is
the URL of their website?

My answer: GO Malta;

CD Answer:

2. What do these URLs tell you about the organisation that run
them? (i) (ii) (iii)

My answer: Bristol is the name of the organisation, .ac stands

for academic (outside UK) and .uk is the country code. Treasury is
the name of the organization, .gov means that the website
belongs to the government and .au is the country code. Microsoft
is the name of the organization, .com stands for commercial.

CD Answer:

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