Barnett Complaint
Barnett Complaint
Barnett Complaint
I, the complainant in this case, state that the following is true to the best of my knowledge and belief.
On or aboJt the date(s) of February 9, 2017 in the county of Marion in the
Middle District of Florida , the defendant(s) violated:
Complainant's signature
I Dewane L. Krueger, Special Agent - ATF
Printed name and title
City and st~te: Ocala, Florida Philip R. Lammens, U.S. Magistrate Judge
Printed name and title
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Firearms and Explosives {ATF), United States Department of Justice, and have been
so erployed for more than sixteen years. I have conducted numerous federal
Agent with the ATF, I was employed for two years with the Office of Inspector
am aware that it is a violation of Title 18, United States Code, Section 922(g)(l),
for lny person who previously has been convicted of a felony offense to possess a
fireL which has affected interstate or foreign commerce. As related to this
offelse, Title 18, United States Code, Section 92l(d)(3)(D) and (4)(A)(i) defines a
criniinal complaint for the arrest of the defendant, Mark Charles Barnett (Barnett),
whd resides in Ocala, Florida. Because this affidavit is intended only to show that
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there is probable cause for the arrest of Barnett on this criminal charge, it does not
about February 9, 2017, in Marion County, within the Middle District of Florida.
I 6. The CS has not been promised anything in return for cooperation with
by the CS has been independently corroborated by law enforcement and has been
deeihed reliable.
7. On February 13, 2017, the CS's probation officer contacted the Florida
Dep,ent of Law Enforcement (FDLE). The probation officer explained that the
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address. This address is also listed as Barnett's permanent residence for his State of
offi4er, FDLE Special Agent Jeff'Vash and I conducted a sworn interview of the CS
abobt Barnett. The CS explained to us that the CS has lmown Barnett since July
201! and occasionally has worked for him. The CS correctly identified Barnett from
a pJotographic lineup.
10. In January 2017, Barnett had asked whether the CS "wanted to make
soje easy money." Barnett then had offered the CS $10,000 to "deliver packages"
drug activity, the CS had dismissed the offer, telling Barnett that the CS would not
CS rerheard Barnett talking about the Stock Market. Specifically, Barnett stated
thatlhe had made some investments and had a plan to make money related to Target
Corporation stocks from the Stock Market. At that time, Barnett again broached the
subjict of"making some easy money" with the CS by "delivering some packages."
residence and explained that he had a way "to make Target Corporation stock drop."
BJett told the CS that this drop in stock value could be accomplished by the CS
deli~ering the packages for him. .
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13. Within a few days of this exchange, the CS met Barnett at Barnett's
cariboard box in the back of his vehicle. Inside of the box were 10 separate food-
ite, boxes (stuffing mix, breakfast bars, and pasta). Barnett told the CS not to let the
boxr bounce around or they would explode. When the cs asked whether the boxes
wojd kill the CS, Barnett responded, "No, they'll just take your hand off." Barnett
thel placed the boxes into a work trailer on the CS 's property.
15. Barnett told the CS that he originally had made 12 of the explosive
boxr, but that he had "messed up on two of them." He instructed the CS to place
these boxes on the shelves inside Target stores in Florida, New York and Virginia.
He ~lained that the CS would need to remove a rubber band on the exterior of
eac~ of the boxes in order to activate a triggering device that was inside. Once the
boxls had detonated inside of Target stores, Barnett theorized that the company's
stoi value would plunge allowing him to cheaply acquire shares before an eventual
16. Barnett provided the CS with a bag of gloves, a mask, and a license
plate cover to make it more difficult for law enforcement to identify the CS. He
rurttler instructed the CS to get rid of the CS's cellular telephone so that law
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17. On February 10, 2017, Barnett provided the CS with $280 as travel
money to cover the expenses associated with placing the devices at Target locations
along the East Coast. The CS, however, did not leave on the trip.
18. Instead, on February 13, 2017, the CS surrendered the ten explosive
de,ces to ATF and FDLE. These devices subsequently were examined by Kevin
derelmed that the ten devices mechanically are consistent with each other. Each
had reen constructed using a small food box and contained a battery-powered power
source. This power source connected via a switch to an approximately one and one
half inch diameter aerial shell and model rocket motor igniter. The chemical
composition of the powder in the aerial shell is physically consistent with flash
19. EEO Miner determined that, once the switch had been triggered on a
device, an electrical current would flow causing the rocket motor to ignite the
explrsive powders contained within the shell. This act would result in a violent
I 20. All of these devices were rendered safe (detonated) by the Marion
Couhty Sheriff's Office bomb squad on the evening of February 13, 2017. An
anJ sis of the components from these explosive devices by EEO Miner confirmed
that they had been manufactured outside of the State of Florida. As a consequence,
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they have traveled in and/ or affected interstate of foreign commerce prior to their
pro,ation officer provided investigators with GPS data from Barnett's GPS ankle
moitor. This data confirmed that Barnett had traveled to the CS's residence on
Febi.ary 9, 2017, and had stayed there for a period ofapproximately 14 minutes.
Thi8i information is consistent with the CS's description of Barnett dropping off the
22. On February 14, 2017, at the direction of investigators, the CS met with
B,ett at a local restaurant to discuss the placement of the devices in Target stores
along the East Coast. The CS wore a covert recording device for the meeting that
had been provided by law enforcement. This device allowed the entire conversation
23. The CS told Barnett that the CS already had placed four of the original
ten devices in Target stores in two states immediately north of Florida. Barnett
respbnded by telling the CS to "get as far north as you can go" because "we didn't
want to make it a localized thing." The CS assured Barnett that he planned to go as
far al Syracuse, New York, for that purpose. When discussing the remaining six
devifes, Barnett suggested that the CS "start at Syracuse and work your way back
down [to Florida]." He added, "Put one in each state, I guess." As Barnett spoke of
I .
thesJ devices, he correctly referenced the type of food-item packaging that had been
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used to conceal the explosives. Barnett also commented that he was monitoring that
24. Following this recorded meeting, agents from ATF, FDLE and the
CS and Barnett from February 14, 2017. Taking into consideration Barnett's
,essed purpose for the devices, the recovered evidence from Barnett's residence,
and ~e components of the ten devices surrendered by the CS (from Barnett), EEO
Min~r has determined that the devices were designed as improvised explosive
weaions and were capable of causing property damage or serious injury to anyone in
pro~ty to them when detonated. As such, these ten devices properly are classified
as irtlprovised "explosive bombs" under Title 18, United States Code, Section
92l(d)(3)(D) and (4)(A)(i).
26. Using Barnett's unique identifiers (name, date of birth, social security
number, etc.), agents have confirmed that Barnett previously has been convicted of
the 1tate felony offenses referenced above. In addition, the Florida Office of
Exertive Clemency has confirmed that Barnett never has had his civil right to keep
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Based on the information contained in this affidavit, I respectfully submit that
there is probable cause to believe that Barnett, a convicted felon, has committed a
violltion of Title 18, United States Code, Section 922(g)(l), by his possession ofa
Dewane L. Krueger
Senior Special Agent, ATF
Subscribed and sworn to before me
on this Lk day ofFebruary, 2017.