Api 570 Close Book
Api 570 Close Book
Api 570 Close Book
1. A piping system has changed to a service with which the owner/user has no prior experience. No published data are available
for corrosion rates. When must initial thickness measurements be made? (B / API 570 7.1.2 C)
A. After no more than 1000 hours of service
B. After no more than 3 months of service
C. within 6 months
D. within 1 year
2. According to API Standard 570, which of the following is responsible for maintaining the records of qualified welding
procedure specifications (WPSs) and procedure qualification records (PQRs) used in conducting repairs and alterations?
(D / API 570 8.2.2)
A. The owner/operator
B. The constructor
C. The authorized inspector
D. The repair organization
3. The fluid in a process is changed, which results in the piping system being reclassified as a Class 1 piping system. Given the
following; (A / API570 6.3.3)
Measured thickness: 0.240 inch Remain life = T last - T min/CR = 0.24-
Required thickness: 0.192 inch 0.192/0.008= 6 years
Anticipated corrosion rate based on similar service: 0.008 inch per year
If RBI is NOT considered, what should the new thickness measurement interval be? Do not exceed the lesser of one half the
A. 3 years remain life or minimum remain life.
B. 5 years
C. 6 years
6 x 1/2=3 years
D. 10 years
5. A pressure test on a repaired piping system must be performed if; (D / API 570 8.2.7)
A. it is in service above 500
B. the repairs are in a Class 1 piping system.
C. the repairs are classified as major repairs.
D. the inspector deems it to be practical and necessary.
6. Positive material identification (PMI) testing of welding consumables should include; (B / API 578 4.2.6)
A. a representative sample as specified by the piping inspector.
B. one electrode of wire sample from each lot or package of alloy weld rod.
C. a representative sample of electrodes taken at random from the container.
D. a representative sample as specified by the piping engineer.
7. Which of the following is NOT a required marking on a B-16.5 flange or flanged fitting? (B / ASME B16.5 4.2.5)
A. ANSI class rating
B. Temperature range
C. Material specification
D. Manufacturers name or marking
9. After each inspection or significant change in operating condition, the; (D / API 570 6.3.3)
A. authorized piping inspector must be notified.
B. corrosion engineer must be notified.
C. inspection intervals must be adjusted.
D. inspection intervals must be reviewed and adjusted as necessary.
10. Which inspection method is MOST APPROPRIATE for detecting external chloride stress corrosion cracking in austenitic
stainless-steel piping systems? (B / API 571
A. Dry magnetic-particle
B. Liquid-penetrant
C. Longitudinal ultrasonic
D. Radiography.
11. Condition monitoring location (CML) readings on a piping system indicate that the corrosion rate has increased. The
inspectors MOST APPROPRIATE response is to; (A / API 570 5.6.2)
A. recalculate the inspection interval of the system.
B. recalculate the piping circuit average corrosion rate.
C. schedule the next inspection within 6 months.
D. report this change in condition to maintenance.
12. A Class 3 circuit has recent thickness readings that give a remaining life of 25 years. The next thickness inspection would
be in; (C / API 570 Table 2)
A. 3 years.
Class 3 : 10 years
B. 5 years.
C. 10 years.
Remain life 25 years x = 12.5 years
D. 12.5 years.
13. Internal visual inspection of piping is; (D / API 570 5.5.1)
A. always done using a remote visual technique.
B. the only reason for conducting inspections during outages.
C. an important part of piping inspection.
D. not normally performed.
14. The approval of a piping engineer is NOT required when; (C / API 570 8.2.7)
A. repairing a damaged area with a full-encirclement, welded split sleeve.
B. rerating a piping system.
C. pressure-testing after repairs to a piping system.
D. using preheat in lieu of postweld heat treatment.
15. Temporary repairs to piping systems with localized pitting may be performed using weld patch if; (B / API 570
A. non-destructive testing is performed after postweld heat treatment (PWHT).
B. the specified minimum yield strength of the pipe material is 40,000 psi
C. the patch size is 100 square inches (645 square cm) or less.
D. the pitting has penetrated less than 50% of the pipe wall.
16. Non-stress relieved carbon-steel piping systems in amine service should be in (A / API 574
A. stress corrosion cracking.
B. caustic embrittlement.
C. corrosion fatigue cracking.
D. accelerated galvanic corrosion.
18. For flush patches on a class 1 or class 2 piping system, the weld shall be radiographed; (B / API570
A. and magnetic particle examined.
B. or ultrasonically examined.
C. and ultrasonically examined.
D. or magnetic particle examined.
19. In evaluating radiographic results, if the light image of the letter B appear radiograph of a darker background, protection
from scatter radiation is considered; (B / ASME Sec V Article 2 T-284)
A. sufficient, but the radiograph may be considered unacceptable.
B. insufficient, and the radiograph is considered unacceptable.
C. insufficient, and the radiograph is considered acceptable.
D. insufficient, but the radiograph may be considered acceptable.
20. Which of the following should always be included in an ultrasonic test procedure? (A / API577
A. Calibration of equipment
B. Testing of the units primary voltage
C. Transducer orientation (vertical, horizontal, etc.)
D. The name of the technician who qualified the procedure.
ST or
23. When a hole type IQI (penetrameter) is used on a radiograph, what hole size must beLT
(B Sec V T232)
A. 1T
B. 2T
C. 4T
D. All the holes
24. When checking thicknesses at CMLs on elbows, what are the areas of special attention ? (D / API570 5.6.2)
A. In the HAZ of both welds.
B. Outside radius only
C. At all four quadrants
D. Inside and outside radii.
26. Which of the following is NOT considered part of an external visual inspection? (D / API574 10.1)
A. Looking for indications of corrosion under insulation
B. Checking for signs of misalignment
C. inspecting pipe supports, guides, and anchors
D. Obtaining measurements at condition monitoring location (CMLs)
27. Materials used in repairing or altering carbon steel piping systems must be; (D / API570 8.2.5)
A. the original construction materials.
B. weldable with 7018 electordes.
C. verified with positive materials identification.
D. of known weldable quality.
28. The number of condition monitoring locations (CMLs) selected to monitor a circuit will be higher when the circuit is;
(C / API570 5.6.3)
A. subject to creep damage.
B. a long, straight-run piping system.
C. subject to localized metal loss.
D. insulated.
29. allowable working pressure is recalculated for the continued use of a piping system, the wall thickness used is the: (C /
API570 7.2)
A. actual thickness. t=actual thikness 2 x CR x year
B. actual thickness minus the estimated corrosion loss before the next inspection.
C. actual thickness minus two times the estimated corrosion loss before the next inspection.
D. actual thickness plus two times the corrosion loss experienced since the previous inspection.
30. Which of the following describes the type of temporary repair that can be made to a damaged or corroded area of piping in
accordance with API 570? (A / API 570
A. A full encirclement welded split sleeve installed over the damaged or corroded area
B. Wire wrapping installed by a qualified contractor
C. Lap patches, with rounded corners, that are less than two-thirds the circumference of the pipe.
D. No temporary repairs can be made on in-service piping systems over ANSI Class 600.
31. Gate valves suspected of being exposed to corrosion/erosion should have Thickness readings taken:
(A / API574 / API570 5.10)
A. between the seats.
B. on each flange or end connection.
C. on the downstream side of the seat.
D. at the gate.
32. Which of the following valves would make pigging impossible? (B / API574
A. Gate
B. Globe
C. Check
D. Ball
33. During radiographic examination of a weld, the wire type IQI shall be placed: (C / ASME Sec V Article 2 T-277.1 (d) )
A. adjacent to the weld to that the length of the wire is perpendicular to the weld.
B. adjacent to the weld to that the length of the wire is parallel to the weld.
C. on the weld to that the length of the wire is perpendicular to the weld.
D. on the weld to that the length of the wire is parallel to the weld.
34. A rerate is being performed to lower the minimum design temperature on a piping system. Which of the following is
required? (A / API 570 8.3)
A. Verify that system piping materials meet code minimum temperature requirements.
B. Calculate the test pressure using the radio of allowable stresses.
C. Review the inspection reports to ensure that the piping system is adequately supported.
D. Perform BriXX hardness tests on representative samples.
35. For other than newly installed piping systems, remaining life shall be calculated based on: (A / API570 7.1.2)
A. the actual corrosion rates.
B. data collected by the owner inspector of systems in similar service.
C. information gathered from published data on system in similar service.
D. an estimate provided by knowledgeable corrosion engineer.
36. Unless otherwise specified in API 570, the type and amount of NDE required for welds during an alteration or repair shall be
in accordance with: (A / API570 8.2.6)
A. the applicable code and the owner/users specification.
B. ASME B31.3, K341.3
C. ASME Code, Section V
37. When corrosion product buildup is noted at pipe support contact areas, lifting off each supports may be required for
inspection. When this is done? (A / API570 5.5.4)
A. care should be exercised if the piping is in service.
B. a full lift plan should be written
C. the pipe must not be lifted more than 3 inches (76mm).
D. the affected area should be
38. The concrete-to-air interface of a buried pipe without cathodic protection appears to have deteriorated and allowed water
ingress. The piping system is 12 years old. What is the MOST APPROPRIATE action? (D / API574 7.4.5)
A. Inspect the joint at grade and check pit depth measurements.
B. Reseal the joint.
C. Take thickness measurements.
D. Remove concrete to inspect for corrosion beneath the surface.
39. Micorbiologically induced corrosion (MIC) is usually observed as: (D / API571
A. localized thining under deposits or tubercles that shield the organisms.
B. general thining under deposits or slime.
C. corrosion cracking under deposits or slime.
D. localized pitting under deposits or tubercles that shield the organisms.
41. When unexpected movement of a piping system is observed, what should the inspector to evaluate the problem?
(D / API570 7.5)
A. Increse the frequency of inspection
B. Check the piping stress analysis
C. Develop an inspection plan
D. Discuss these observations with a piping engineer
43. On a Class 2 piping system where RBI is not being used. If the minimum calculated remaining life is 8 years, the maximum
interval for thickness measurements is: (A / API570 6.3.3)
A. 4 years
B. 5 years
Recommend interval : 10 years
C. 8 years
D. 10 years
Remain life 8 years x : 4 years
44. The extent of verification of materials used for repairs or alterations of alloy systems is determined by the:
(C / API570 5.9)
A. API RP 578
B. repair organization
C. owner/user
D. piping engineer
45. Low-strength bolting can only be used in which of the following classes of joints? (B / ASME B31.3 309.2.1)
A. Class 150 only
B. Class 150 and 300
C. Class 150 through 600
D. Class 400 or below
46. Seal welds on threaded piping are permitted only if: (A / ASME B31.3 328.5.3)
A. the seal welds cover all exposed threads.
B. seal welding is performed using low hydrogen electrodes.
C. all threads are mechanically removed.
D. seal welding is performed using a gas tungsten arc welding process.
47. A fillet-welded external patch installed over a piping system defect: (C / API570
A. is considered a permanent repair.
B. does not require rounded corners.
C. must be designed by a piping engineer.
D. is designed without using joint efficiency.
49. When selecting corrosion monitoring locations (CMLs) for piping, which of the following is the most important factor to
consider? (A / API570 5.6.3)
A. patterns of corrosion that would be expected.
B. Places where corrosion is most likely to occur circumferentially.
C. Places where axial corrosion is most likely to occur
D. Accessibility of the CMLs
51. A pressure test is to be performed on a piping system where the test pressure exceeds the set pressure of the pressure
relief valve. What is the best course of action? (C / API570 5.8.4)
A. The test pressure should be reduced.
B. Additional load should be applied to the valve spring.
C. The pressure relief valve should be removed.
D. No action required if the safety valve is rated for a value no more than 10% below the test pressure.
52. A welders performance qualification may expire when the welder has not welded with a particular process for more than:
(B / ASME Sec IX QW 322.1)
A. 3 months
B. 6 months
C. 9 months
D. 12 months
53. Evaluation of the record of the previous inspection reveals that thickness readings and the resulting calculation of the
corrosion rate were inaccurate. The rate to be used for the next period shall: (D / API570 7.1.3)
A. not be changed to the actual rate found until the rate is confirmed at the next inspection.
B. be the average of the short-term and long-term corrosion rates from the record.
C. be the short-term corrosion rate from the record.
D. be changed to the actual rate found.
53. Class 1 piping has recommended maximum inspection intervals of: (B / API570 Table 2)
A. 3 years for thickness measurements and 3 years for external visual inspection.
B. 5 years for thickness measurements and 5 years for external visual inspection.
C. 10 years for thickness measurements and 5 years for external visual inspection.
D. 5 years for thickness measurements and 10 years for external visual inspection.
54. The preferred method for inspecting piping injection points includes: (D / API 570 5.5.9)
A. visual inspection and ultrasonics.
B. ultrasonics and/or eddy-current techniques.
C. eddy-current techniques and/or ACFM.
D. radiograghy and/or ultrasonics.
55. For systems that will undergo a change in service, the corrosion rate may be determined using: (B / API570 7.1.2)
A. the two most recent thickness readings.
B. data from equipment in the same or similar service as the new piping.
C. thickness readings taken after 6 months of service.
D. the difference between the norminal thickness and the actual measured thickness.
56. Class 4 piping systems are essentially only for what services? (A / API570
A. Non-flammable and non-toxic
B. Tank farm piping
C. Non-corrosive
D. No probability of failure
57. When a pressure-relieving device is found to be heavily fouled or stuck, the inspection and testing interval:
(B / API 570
A. shall be reduced to one-half the previous interval.
B. shall be reduced unless a review shows that the device will perform reliably at the current interval.
C. must be performed at one-fourth the remaining life of the inlet piping or outlet piping, whichever is less.
D. must never exceed the inspection interval for any piece of equipment that that the device protects.
58. When long-term and short-term corrosion rates are compared, the rate to be used in the remaining life calculation is:
(C / API570 7.1.1)
A. the one that represents the average corrosion rate for the pipe.
B. always the short-term rate.
C. the one that best reflects the current process.
D. the lowest rate.
59. Which of the following would be MOST SUSCEPTIBLE to severe metal loss under high-velocity conditions?
( B/ API 571 Table 4-5/page 4-67 )
A. Monel
B. Aluminum
C. 316 SS
D. Titatium
60. A piping system installed in January 1998 had and initial thickness of 0.320 inch. In January 2009, the service of the
system was changed. A thickness of 0.200 inch was recorded just prior to the service change. The thickness measurement in
January 2014 was 0.180 inch. The retirement thickness of 0.150 inch is reached in: ( C )
A. January 2017
CR LT LT=0.32-0.18/2014.01-1998.01=0.14/16=0.00875
B. June 2019
C. June 2021
1998.01 2009.01 2014.01 ? ST=0.2-0.18/2014.01-2009.01=0.02/5=0.004
D. January 2025
0.32 0.2 0.18 0.15 Remain Life: 0.18-0.15/0.004=7.5 years
2014.1by +the:
61. Inspection hold points to be implemented during a repair or alteration are designated (B / API570 8.1.2)
A. piping engineer
B. inspector
C. welding foreman
D. welding engineer
62. Which of the following can make repairs and alterations to a piping system? (A / API570 8.1.1)
A. Owner-users who make repairs and alterations in accordance with API 570
B. Any repair organization that possesses a code stamp
C. Owners-users who make repairs and alterations in accordance with ASME B31.3
D. Only those contractors holding a NBIC R stamp
63. Piping systems are classified according to API 570 primarily so that: (C / API570
A. piping with higher probability of corrosion can give more condition monitoring locations (CMLs).
B. small-bore piping can receive more extensive inspections.
C. higher-consequence piping systems receive more extensive inspections at shorter intervals.
D. lower-consequence piping systems can be eliminated from the inspection program.
64. All of the following conditions require reevaluating an existing API 570 piping classification except: ( C )
A. decreasing the process pH.
B. altering the hydrocarbon chemistry
C. relocating an injection point
D. revising the operating conditions.
65. Which of the following is LEAST likely to contribute to the possibility of corrosion under insulation?
(D / API574 & / API571 4.3.3)
A. Proximity to a cooling tower
B. Personnel protection insulation extends from grade up to 10 feet
C. Penetrations in piping such as vents and drains
D. Operating temperatures well below freezing
66. A run of piping has a longitudinal crack. Under which conditions may this flaw be temporarily repaired by the use of a full
encirclement welded split sleeve or box-type enclosure? (C / API 570
A. Fillet welds on enclosures shall be examined by an appropriate NDE technique.
B. Longitudinal cracks should have the crack ends drilled prior to applying the full encirclement sleeve or box.
C. A piping engineer has determined that the crack would not be expected to propagate from under the sleeve.
D. The full encirclement welded split sleeve or box bust be designed by a leak clamp manufacturer.
67. Maximum inspection intervals for Class 4 piping systems are: (C / API570 6.3.3)
A. 10 years maximum
B. half the remaining life
C. determined by the owner-user
D. same as those of Class 3 piping systems.
68. An inspector suspects that significant corrosion is occurring on the inside surface of an in-service 3-inch, schedule 40
carbon steel pipe in sulphuric acid service. If ultrasonic readings are inconclusive, the inspector should consider which of the
following supplemental inspection techniques? (A / API 570 5.7.1 Page 29 )
A. Radiography
B. Thermography
C. Acoustic emission
D. Borescope
69. Which of the following statements is correct regarding pressure testing a portion of a piping system replaced during an
outage? (B / API570 8.2.7 Table 2)
A. Welds must be 100% visually examined when it is impractical to perform a pressure test.
B. NDE can be substituted for pressure tests after consultation with the inspector and engineer.
C. The replaced portion of the piping system must be pressure tested.
D. The inspector may exempt welds in this service from NDE and pressure testing.
70. Without a valid RBI analysis, the recommended maximum inspection interval for thickness measurement for an injection
point circuit is: (A / API570 Table 2 3 years / 6.3.3 one half)
A. 3 years or one-half the remaining life, whichever is less.
B. 5 years or one-half the remaining life, whichever is less.
C. determined by class.
D. 10 years or one-half the remaining life, whichever is less.
71. Vibrating and swaying piping, liquid hammer, liquid slugging in vapour lines or abnormal thermal expansion, can lead to
which type of deterioration mechanism? (A / API570 5.5.7)
A. Fatigue cracking
B. Creep cracking
C. Stress-corrosion cracking
D. Brittle fracture
73. The accuracy of ultrasonic measurements is affected by all of the following except: (D / API570 5.7.1)
A. a temperature above 150 (65)
B. instrument calibration
C. external coatings
D. a specimen thickness greater than 1/8 inch.
74. Which of the following should be checked when rerating piping to a higher pressure? (B / API570 8.3)
A. Flexibility of the piping system
B. Proper setting for pressure-relief devices
C. Potential creep damage
D. Potential brittle fracture
75. Repairs and alterations to piping systems should be made in accordance with the principles of: (D / API570 8.1.1)
A. the repair organization
B. good maintenance practice
C. API Standard 574
D. B31.3 or the construction code
76. One of the considerations for determining the amount of inspection for valves in piping system is (A / API570 5.10)
A. unusual corrosion of thinning noted during servicing or repairs.
B. the number of condition monitoring locations (CMLs) on each valve.
C. the inspection requirement specified by the piping class.
D. random selection to ensure a representative sample.
77. Inspection record notes regarding future inspection and repair should include data on areas that have:
(C / API574 12.5)
A. higher stresses.
B. been operating at higher temperatures.
C. pervious high corrosion rates.
D. been in service for longer than 10 years.
78. Temporary repairs to piping systems with localized pitting may be performed using a fillet weld patch if:
( B / API 570 Page 52) )
A. non-destructive testing is performed after postweld heat treatment (PWHT)
B. the specified minimum yield strength of the pipe material is 40,000 psi (275.8 Mpa or less)
C. the patch size is 100 square inches (645 square cm) or less
D. the pitting has penetrated less than 50% of the pipe wall.
79. A metal thickness reading of 0.220 inches (5.6 mm) is obtained during inspection on June, 2012.
The baseline reading for that same condition monitoring location (CML) was 0.250 inches (6.4 mm) on May 31, 2006. The
corrosion rate is: ( B )
0.220 0.250
80. A 16-inch (DN 400) piping circuit originally 0.500 inch (12.7 mm) thick has a corrosion rate of 0.025 inch per year (0.625
mm/yr) and a maximum allowable working pressure of 500 psig (3.45 MPa). If the circuits current thickness is 0.375 inch
(9.5 mm), how thick is it expected to be at the next planned inspection in 3.5 years? ( B)
81. Evaluation of a thinned area should be done by methods such as those documented in: ( B / API 570 3.1.83 Page 13 )
A. API 571
B. API 574
C. ASME B31.3
D. ASME Section VIII, Div.1
82. What is the term used to describe a condition that will designate rejectabiity of a weld? ( A / API 570 3.1.17 Page 5 )
A. Defect
B. Blemish
C. Flaw
D. Discontinuity
83. Of the following fluid services, for which one can the requirements of API 570 be considered optional?
( C / API 570 1.2.2 a-(2) Page 2 )
A. Liquid air
B. Sour water
C. Boiler feed water
D. Catalyst
84. On buried piping, generally, the lower the soil resistivity, the: ( D / API 570 9.2.4 Page 58 )
A. less the need for cathodic protection.
B. longer the potential inspection interval
C. lower the potential for soil moisture retention.
D. Higher the external corrosion rate
85. Which of the following measures can limit the effects of thermal expansion and contraction in piping runs? ( C )
A. Utilize a lower alloy steel
B. install longer straight pipe runs
C. Provide more changes in pipe direction
D. Change to a larger diameter pipe
86. When an area with metal loss (exceeding the corrosion allowance) is being evaluated for acceptability, the evaluation should be
in accordance with the principles of: ( B / API 570 7.4 (a) Page 46 )
A. ASME Code, Section VIII
B. API Recommended Practice 579
C. ASME Code, Section IX
D. ASME B31.3
87. Which of the following codes could be used to evaluate a locally thinned area in a piping elbow?
( D / API 570 7.4(a) Page 46 )
A. API 510
B. ASME B31.3
C. API 1104
D. API 579
88. Calculation of short-term corrosion rates for a Condition monitoring Location (CML) should be based on:
( C / API 570 7.1.1 Page 45 )
A. equations provided in the latest edition of ASME B31.3
B. comparing the thickness data from the most recent inspection with the original norminal thickness
C. comparing the thickness data from the two most recent inspections
D. comparing the thickness data from the most recent inspection, minus the corrosion allowance, to the original nominal
89. The type of corrosion generally caused by sulfidation is typically described as: ( A / API 570 Table 1 Page 21 )
A. general or uniform corrosion
B. high-temperature oxidation
C. pitting or localized corrosion
D. stress corrosion cracking
90. Pipe fabrication welding may not be performed if the weld area is: ( A / ASME B31.3 328.5.1(e) Page 62 )
A. frosted or wet
B. below 40 (5)
C. above 120 (50)
D. stress corrosion cracking
91. Local postweld heat treatment (PWHT) may be subsitituted for 360 Banding for piping repairs under all of the following
conditions except when the: ( B / API 570 Page 55 )
A. pipe wall thickness exceeds 1 / 2 inch (13 mm)
B. PWHT is for environmental cracking resistance
C. material has higher than 12% chrome content
D. pipe diameter exceeds NPS 12 (DN 300)
92. Material certification. Mill test reports, and certificates of compliance: ( B / API 578 7.2 Page 12 )
A. are not an important part of the overall quality assurance program
B. should not be considered as substitute for positive maternal identification (PMI)
C. should be reject as possibly fraudulent
D. may be considered a substitute for PMI
93. Class 4 piping systems are essentially only for what services? ( A / API 570 Page 40 )
A. Non-flammable and not-toxic
B. Tank farm piping
C. Non-corrosive
D. No probability of failure
94. For data analysis involving corrosion rates and remaining life calculations, statistical analysis employing point measurements
is not applicable to piping systems with: ( D / API 570 7.1.1 Page 45)
A. high temperature creep mechanisms
B. high temperature sulfidation mechanisms
C. fluid flow rates above 5 feet per second (1.5 m/sec)
D. significant localized unpredictable corrosion.
95. When an inspector checks for external corrosion at a soil-to-air interface, the areas checked are at grade and how far below the
soil surface? ( D / API 570 3.1.87 Page 13 Note )
A. 3 inches (76.0 mm)
B. 6 inches (152.4 mm)
C. 10 inches (254.0 mm)
D. 12 inches (304.8 mm)
96. Inspection of Class 2 and Class 3 secondary small-bore piping is: ( B / API 570 6.6.1 Page 41)
A. mandatory
B. optional
C. recommended only when a leak has been detected
D. required only where corrosion has been experienced or anticipated
97. Bolts in a piping system should receive special attention during visual inspection, since they have a greater potential for: (B /
API570 5.5.4 Page 24)
A. chloride stress corrosion cracking
B. replacement with improper components
C. brittle fracture of bolting materials
D. carburization
98. of four measurements taken, thicknesses of 0.180 inch (4.6 mm), 0200 inch (5.1 mm), 0.120 inch (5.3 mm), and 0.230 inch
(5.8 mm) are obtained within an area of a test point. The thicknesses that may be used to calculate the corrosion rate could be
either : ( B / API570 5.6.2 )
A. 0.180 inch (4.6 mm) or 0.200 inch (5.1 mm)
B. 0.180 inch (4.6 mm) or 0.205 inch (5.2 mm) Minimum Maximum / 4
C. 0.180 inch (4.6 mm) or 0.230 inch (5.8 mm)
D. 0.250 inch (5.2 mm) or 0.230 inch (5.8 mm) 0.180+0.200+0.210+0.230/4=0.180 (min), 0.205 (max)
99. Long-term and short-term corrosion rates should be compared in order to: ( D )
A. locate thin area
B. check calculation for accuracy
C. validate condition monitoring locations (CMLs)
D. determine the shortest remaining life
100. Sulfidation of iron-based alloys usually begins above what temperature? ( C / API 571 Page 4-159 )
A. 300(149)
B. 400(204)
C. 500(260)
D. 650(343)
101. A piping circuit containing hydrocarbons is located within the boundary limits of an operating unit. The hydrocarbons, if
release would evaporate slowly. According to API Standard 570, what classification should this piping receive?
( B / API 570 (a) Page 39 )
A. Class 1
B. Class 2
C. Class 3
D. Class 4
102. Which of the following is not part of external visual on stream inspection of a relief valves ? ( A )
A. Thickness measurement of the valve body to verify that there is no internal corrosion
B. No gags, blinds, closed valves, or piping obstructions would prevent the valves from functioning properly
C. Bellows vents are open and clear, and any connected piping is routed to a safe location
D. Upstream and downstream block valves are sealed or chained and locked in the proper position
103. A piping system installed in January 1993 had and initial thickness of 0.320 inch. In January 2004, the service of the system
was changed. A thickness of 0.200 inch was recorded just prior to the service change. The thickness measurement in January
2009 was 0.180 inch. The retirement thickness of 0.150 inch is reached in: ( C )
A. January 2012
B. June 2014
C. June 2016
CR LT LT=0.32-0.18/2009.1-1993.01=0.14/16=0.00875
D. January 2020
2009.1 + 7.5=2016.6
104. Which of the following statements is correct regarding pressure testing a portion of a piping system replaced during an
outage? (B / API570 8.2.7 Table 2)
A. Welds must be 100% visually examined when it is impractical to perform a pressure test
B. Welds must be accepted with either pressure testing or NDE at the discretion of the inspector
C. Welds may be accepted by leak testing when is impractical to perform a pressure test
D. The inspector may exempt welds in this service from NDE and pressure testing
105. What type of corrosion can result in significantly higher rates of metal loss? ( C / API 574 7.4.7 Page 43 )
A. Filiform corrosion
B. Atmospheric corrosion
C. Corrosion/erosion
D. Environmental corrosion
106. Measurements from an inspection of a Class 3 pipe reveal an actual metal thickness of 0.350 inch (8.89 mm). The
calculated minimum thickness is 0.250 inch (6.35 mm). If the corrosion rate/is 0.0025 inch (0.064 mm) per year, the next
thickness measurement inspection should be scheduled within: ( C / API 570 Table 2 Class 3 )
A. 3 years
B. 5 years Remain Life= 0.350-0.250/0.0025=0.1/0.0025=40x1/2=20 or 10
C. 10 years
D. 20 years
107. For corrosion rate determinations to be valid, it is important that : ( B / API 570 5.7.1 Page 30 )
A. An adequate statistical sample size sample size be measured and averaged
B. Measurements on the thinnest point repeated at the same location
C. Industry qualified UT examiners are utilized
D. Inspected every 3 years
109. The recommended maximum inspection interval for thickness measurement for an injection point circuit is:
( A / API 570 Table 2 Page 43 )
A. 3 years or one-half the remaining life, whichever is less
B. 5 years one-half the remaining life, whichever is less
C. determined by class
D. 10 years or one-half the remaining life, whichever is less
110. If the potential for environmental cracking is suspected when reviewing previous inspection reports, inspection of selected
spools should be scheduled. ( D / API 574 Page 44 )
A. within 1 year
B. within 3 years
C. within 5 years
D. before an upcoming turnaround
111. A hydrostatic pressure test on a piping system must be maintained for a minimum of :
( A / ASME B31.3 345.2.2 Page 82)
A. 10 minutes
B. 30 minutes
C. 1 hour
D. 2 hours
112. The recommended upstream limit of the injection point circuit is a : ( D / API 570 5.5.9 Page 26 )
A. minimum of 12 inches or 3 pipe diameters (whichever is less)
B. maximum of 12 inches or 3 pipe diameters (whichever is greater)
C. maximum of 12 inches or 3 pipe diameters (whichever is less)
D. minimum of 12 inches or 3 pipe diameters (whichever is greater)