Painting Schedule
Painting Schedule
Painting Schedule
Method Of
Surface Surface Paint System Coats
Gates, stoplogs, hydraulic SSPC-SP 10, Near- SSPC-Paint 22 Three coats of epoxy
cylinders, cylinder white blast cleaning Epoxy paint zinc rich primer for a
supports and accessories total of 120 microns
and all other ferrous metal Sa 2.5 minimum dry film
subject to continuous or thickness and three
intermittent immersion coats of High build
except Penstocks. epoxy paint for a total
of 450 microns
minimum dry film
Interior surface SSPC-SP 05, SSPC-PS 11 One coat of epoxy
White metal blast zinc rich primer, 80
cleaning microns dry film
thickness, and three
Sa 3-75 m coats of High build
epoxy paint, each
coat minimum 150
microns dry film
Exterior surface SSPC-SP3, Clean SSPC-Paint 9 The exterior surface
loose, flaky rust, of the Penstock shall
scale and any other be approved 4 coats
foreign substance. of vinyl paint SSPC-
SSPC-SP-10 or Paint 9, for total of 5
picking SSPC-SP-8 mils dry film thickness
Ferrous metal (other than SSPC-SP 10, near- SSPC-Paint 22 One coat epoxy
hydraulic cylinders and white metal blast Epoxy- polyamide polyamide primer 65
other gate equipment cleaning paint microns dry film
accessories) subject to thickness and 2 coats
intermittent immersion and of epoxy finish, each
splash, unfavorable coat 60 microns dry
atmospheric exposure or film thickness.
humid environment.
Outside surfaces of
protective covers and
Painted Surfaces:
Surfaces of protective SSPC-SP 2, Hand SSPC-SP 1.07 or 3 coats , primer,
covers enclosures; tool cleaning, or with the intermediate and
Method Of
Surface Surface Paint System Coats
components located inside SSPC-SP 3, Power manufacture’s finish coat. Finish
of such enclosures. tool cleaning, as standard paint coat shall be same as
elected by the intermediate coat.
Contractor Minimum dry
thickness: primer, 50
microns; intermediate
coat, 40 microns;
finish coat, 25
Galvanized surfaces:
Ladders, ladder cages, ASTM-A123 and
None None
gratings and similar parts. A 153
Uninsulated interior SSPC-SP 2, Hand SSPC-PS 1.04 One coat zinc dust-
galvanized conduit, piping tool cleaning, or zinc oxide primer, 25
and ductwork SSPC-SP 3, Power micron dry film
tool cleaning, as thickness, and 2
elected by the coats of alkyd
Contractor eggshell enamel,
each coat 40 microns
dry film thickness.
Repair of galvanized As specified in
surfaces damaged by Section 14,
welding, cutting or rough Metalwork None None
Equipment in enclosures:
Concrete and plaster Removal of all Water-borne vinyl A prime coat of alkali
surface efflorescence, emulsion paint resistant masonry
cleaning and based on vinyl sealer,
degreasing acetate emulsion 15 microns thick, and
polymer two coats of vinyl
emulsion paint, each
coat at least 25
microns thick
Wood surfaces Removal of dirt, oil Long oil modified An aluminium based
and other foreign synthetic alkyd primer coat, 15
substances resin type enamel microns thick, and
paint two coats of enamel
paint, each at least 20
microns thick