Three-Dimensional Crane Modelling and Control
Three-Dimensional Crane Modelling and Control
Three-Dimensional Crane Modelling and Control
Abstract The mathematical model of the three-dimensional system engineering. The main problems still remain in the
crane using the Euler-Lagrange approach is derived. A state- three-dimensional crane accurate positioning and in the load
space representation of the derived model is proposed and
explored in the Simulink environment and on the laboratory
swing elimination during the motion.
stand. The obtained control design was simulated, analyzed and To control the crane speed and positioning, many different
compared with existing encoder-based system provided by the controllers have been offered, including the classical
three-dimensional (3D) Crane manufacturer Inteco . As well, an proportional-integral (PI), proportional-differential (PD), and
anti-swing fuzzy logic control has been developed, simulated, and proportional-integral-differential (PID) controllers, linear-
analyzed. Obtained control algorithm is compared with the quadratic regulators, model predictive control systems,
existing anti-swing proportional-integral controller designed by
intelligent fuzzy logic controllers (FLC), and many others. All
the 3D crane manufacturer Inteco . 5-degree of freedom (5DOF)
control schemes are designed, examined and compared with the the controllers have their own advantages and disadvantages.
various load masses. The topicality of the problem is due to the At present, the intelligent control schemes built on the fuzzy
wide usage of gantry cranes in industry. The solution is proposed logic are widely distributed in automation control engineering.
for the future research in sensorless and intelligent control of Mainly, they are the most suitable and beneficial in both
complex motor driven application. multi-input, multi-output (MIMO) and multi-input, single-
output (MISO) systems. They have approved their success in
Keywords Control systems, Lagrangian functions,
multidimensional systems, fuzzy control, variable speed drives. process control in many areas such as flight, engine, position
and process controls, control of vehicle, navigation, load
I. INTRODUCTION estimation and many others.
Substantially, some interesting ideas were proposed to
Nowadays, the three-dimensional (3D) cranes also known replace the encoders with the model-based controllers making
as overhead gantry cranes are widely used in industry. the control safer, cheaper and more accurate due to the fact
Particularly, for vessel loading and unloading, to handle the that encoders provide and accumulate errors. Furthermore, it is
various masses and dimensions, lift containers, etc. They are important to design the control logic stable and adaptive to
applied in power industry, automotive lines, ship and airplane various masses of the load.
building and other heavy manufacturing. The modeling of the control systems is one of the most
Contemporary cranes are operated mostly manually. This important parts in control engineering. It helps to understand
makes the system dangerous because of the numerous both physical and theoretical behaviour of the system. Finally,
accidents and accuracy loss. The acceleration or deceleration it helps to choose and design the appropriate control algorithm
of the crane may result in undesirable load swing causing based on the needs. In this context, researchers from different
human accidents or damage the crane or the load. To control universities around the world have shown their solutions in
the swing, the operators need to be experienced in the crane modeling and building algorithms for three-dimensional crane
maneuvering. New algorithms used in automated systems may system described in [1] - [4]. In [2] is also used the Lagrange
help the operator to control the load swing or can even replace theory. The Cartesian coordinate robot is described in [5]. As
the operator. well as Inteco proposed in [6] original mathematical model
Today, the cranes are being built with semi- or full- derivation. However, none of the researchers were found
automation capability. Many studies have been conducted in where the state-space approach is applied to build the control
order to find the best, cheapest, and optimal solution to control system for the overhead crane.
cranes. Researches in the area are intended to improve the In [7] and [8] the fuzzy logic was used to design the control
accuracy and to minimize the system human interface system and in [9] the same approach was applied to provide an
resulting in the increasing work efficiency provided by the anti-swing control. Fuzzy logic control for load swing
cranes, avoiding accidents, and minimizing dependence on the elimination performance in [10] guarantees both accurate
system operator by involving automation control. positioning and prompt damping of load swing. Moreover, the
Thanks to diminishing of the human factor risk, the system author provides the 3D Crane system modelling as well.
may achieve precise control and improve load positioning. Authors of [11] presented the separate fuzzy logic
Thus, the control problem plays an important role in crane controllers for the 3D Crane trolley and hoisting. The anti-
DOI: 10.1515/ecce-2015-0006
swing FLC has been also offered and combined with the
trolley control. Mathematical modeling of the overhead gantry
crane based on the single pendulum system, along with the
digital simulation of the fuzzy logic was shown in [12] and
[13]. In the latter, the fuzzy logic control has been compared
with the Linear Quadratic controller. In [14] another
proportional-derivative (PD)-type fuzzy controller has been
designed as an anti-swing algorithm. Nevertheless, the results
show only the horizontal position of the cart.
In [15] and [16] an adaptive fuzzy controller for 3D Crane
was designed. The results were simulated with varying length
of flexible-wire of the load as well with different masses.
Unfortunately, the results were guided for the only motion
between the two points: initial and final. No information has
been provided for the behavior of the overhead gantry crane Fig. 1. Laboratory 3D Crane setup.
system with constantly varying length of the lift-line and
motion between positions. In this case the oscillation of the
payload may not be able to dissolve before the next position
motion and the oscillation will remain constant or accumulate
the amplitude.
Other anti-swing solutions based on fuzzy logic regulator
were proposed in [17] - [20]. The last paper also showed the
PID regulator simulations for the 2-position displacement.
Finally, the author in [21] theoretically described the
difference between PID and fuzzy controllers.
The current paper represents the results obtained by the
authors in the mathematical modelling using Euler-Lagrange
equation and state-space approach. An anti-swing fuzzy logic
control design of the 3D Crane is proposed. Different masses
are given to the overhead gantry crane laboratory setup while (a) (b)
the FLC experiments conducted. The results are analyzed and Fig. 2. 3D Crane: (a) workspace (b) schematic drawing.
compared in the similar experimental conditions tested on the
existing PI controller provided by the 3D Crane manufacturer
The main tasks of the presented work are as follows: Symbol Description
to derive the mathematical model for the 3D crane mc Mass of the cart; mc =1.16 kg
ml Mass of the payload; ml =0.58 kg
to simulate the system using Simulink environment and
mr Mass of the moving rail; mr =2.2 kg
to compare it with the existing encoder-based system provided
xp X-axis position of the payload
by the crane manufacturer
yp Y-axis position of the payload
to tune the derived controller as close as possible to the zp Z-axis position of the payload
existing one in order to be able to replace the encoder-based g Gravitational constant
system with the model-based unit Fx Force driving the rail with the cart
to design a fuzzy logic payload anti-swing 5DOF control Fy Force driving the cart along the rail
for 3D Crane accurate positioning l Length of the lifted load; l(max)=820 mm
to simulate and compare the results for FLC and PI Tx X-axis tension force
controllers with different payload masses and varying length Ty Y-axis tension force
of the lifted load. S Reaction force acting while lift the load
The paper is organized in the following way. First, the 3D xw X-axis position of the cart in workspace; x w(max)=920 mm
yw Y-axis position of the cart in workspace yw(max)=920 mm
Crane experimental setup is described. Second, the model
Angle between the lift- line and its projection on XY
derivation is explained. Then, the major experimental results
Angle between the negative direction of the Z-axis and
are discussed and solutions are drawn. Fourth, the anti-swing
projection of the lift- line on XY plane
5DOF fuzzy control is designed. Next, the anti-swing 5DOF
PI and FLC regulators are simulated at various payload masses
and changing load lifting-line. Finally, the simulation and
experimental results are compared. The research was conducted on the computer-controlled
three-dimensional crane setup 3D Crane from the
DOI: 10.1515/ecce-2015-0006
manufacturer Inteco (Fig. 1) representing the small copy of The variable q relates to a generalized coordinate for each
an industrial crane [6]. output. The final result of the dynamic system for the 3D
3D Crane control system is suitable for testing complex Crane is represented by 5 nonlinear second-order differential
nonlinear MIMO control algorithms. The crane is driven by equations.
three direct current (DC) variable-speed drives. It consists of a B. State-Space Representation
payload hanging on a pendulum-like lift-line with a motor The dynamic model obtained is highly nonlinear
mounted on a cart [6]. The crane operation feedback is multivariable system. In order to design the control for the 3D
fulfilled by the Hall-effect switches used as the encoders. Crane, the state-space representation is used as the best
Switches measure the positions and the angles of the payload instrument to highly study complicated physical systems.
in real-time condition. However, before the control design, the system dynamical
The software operates under MS Windows NT using equations may be subjected to the approximations. Assuming
MATLAB /Simulink environment and Real-Time Window the small deviation of the payload along the z-axis executed by
Target (RTWT) toolbox package [6]. The control aims to the fast controller, the dynamic model can be simplified as
provide the signals to adjust three DC motors, moving along follows:
the X, Y and Z-axes. sin (9)
The mounting frame makes a support and a flexible cos 1
construction of the system. The construction is rigid due to the
reason it is fixed on the floor. The input forces for the 3D Crane are stated as the
The schematic drawing of the 3D Crane and an appropriate following vector:
workspace are presented in Fig. 2. All the presented dynamic
parameters in the Fig. 2 are described in Table 1. There are 5
u u xu yu z T
parameters measured by the encoders: xw, yw, l, and . These The state-space operational point is stated as follows:
parameters serve also as the outputs of the control system.
Mention that the positions of the cart and the payload are
x 0 x 0 x 0 y 0 y 00 0 0 0l 0l0
DOI: 10.1515/ecce-2015-0006
2 1 3
3 Inference
r(t) mechanism
u(t) y(t)
(a) (b)
1 2
Fig. 4. Fuzzy logic controller block diagram: FLC fuzzy logic controller, r(t)
3 reference input, u(t) process inputs, y(t) process.
gex ux
(c) FLC gux
d/dt gax
2 1
ey x
uy 3D y
1 d/dt gay FLC guy
(d) (e)
Fig. 3. The 3D Crane state-space representation and Inteco model simulation ez gez uz
results: (a) X-axis output, (b) Y-axis output, (c) Z-axis output, (d) angle of FLC guz
payload output, (e) angle of payload output. In (a) (c): 1 input force, 2 d/dt gaz Z
state-space representation and 3 Inteco model. In (d) and (e): 1 the output
of Inteco model and 2 the state-space output.
Fig. 5. 3D Crane fuzzy logic control system: rx, r y and rz reference X, Y and
Z-axes positions; x, y and z real X, Y and Z-axes positions, X-axis angle;
C. Simulation Y-axis angle; e x, ey and ez X, Y and Z position errors; a x, ay and az
change in X, Y and Z position errors; u x, u y and uz X, Y and Z process inputs;
Both the designed state-space and Inteco models were g scaling gain for appropriate term; FLC X, FLC Y and FLC Z X, Y and Z
located in the same Simulink workspace window and the fuzzy logic controllers.
same input signals were applied to both models. Three traces
are added to view the input, the Inteco output of the model NL NS Z PS PL
and the output of the state-space representation. Therewith, the
additional traces are placed to observe and study the outputs of
the payload angles what cause the payload oscillation
As the experimental results did not completely match the
state-space representation output, the correction gain has been
-1 -0,8 -0,6 -0,4 -0,2 0 0,2 0,4 0,6 0,8 1
found to scale axes positions for the state-space approach. The
output position respond is easy to tune by simple dividing the (a)
output steady-state value to the input force value. The gain =
[1.33 0.8 0.5] T was chosen. NL NS Z PS PL
The simulation results are presented in Fig. 3. The positions
along the X, Y and Z-axes were designed to follow the cart and
the payload lift-line according to the input force. The control
logic has been also tuned according to the design.
Analysis shows that there exist some error between the
encoder outputs and the state-space representation of the
-1 -0,8 -0,6 -0,4 -0,2 0 0,2 0,4 0,6 0,8 1
model derived using the Euler-Lagrange approach.
Particularly, the amplitudes are not the same comparing to the (b)
3D Crane model and state-space representation, though the
Fig. 6. Membership function plot for the fuzzy logic controller inputs: NS
frequencies of the oscillation for both and angels are very negative small, NL negative large, Z zero, PS positive small, PL
close to each other. positive large: (a) input triangular membership function, (b) output Gaussian
membership function.
DOI: 10.1515/ecce-2015-0006
In general, there can be several reasons explaining, why the the tables, only few linguistic sentences are presented here,
encoders and the state-space representation do not match each because the 3D Crane system requires more complex logic
other in amplitude. rules with 3 inputs and 1 output.
One of the reasons is that many dynamics such as viscose In total, there are 125 modus ponens (If-Then) form rules
friction coefficient, motors and encoder dynamics have been for both X and Y-axes. For Z-axis there are 25 modus ponens
neglected while modeling the system. Moreover, the form rules due to excluded angle oscillation output. The
disturbances that present in real-world environment are not examples of the linguistic rules are as follows:
considered. Also, some other components may influence the If error is NL and change-in-error NS and angle PS
system. Then force is NL
Next reason is that the 3D Crane frame can be tilted. Finally If error is Z and change-in-error Z and angle PS
not trivial, the encoder errors may appear. Of course, many Then force is PS
other features can trouble the correct dynamics. If error is NS and change-in-error ZE and angle PL
Then force is PS
IV. FUZZY LOGIC CONTROLLER The logic is as follows: if the motion force is very high in
A block diagram of fuzzy logic controller is presented in positive direction and the angle deviation is very large in
Fig. 4. The fuzzy system is static nonlinear mapping between negative direction, then apply force in opposite direction.
Precise explanation of how do the decisions in membership
inputs and outputs [22].
functions are made is described in [21] and [22].
The inputs and outputs of the system are crisp meaning
that they are real number. The fuzzification block converts the
B. Tuning the FLC via Scaling Universes of Discourse
crisp inputs to fuzzy sets. The inference mechanism uses the
fuzzy rules in the rule-base to produce fuzzy conclusion. The In order to scale the universes of discourse, the classical
defuzzification block converts these fuzzy conclusions into control engineering method is used. The tuning gains are
crisp outputs [22]. added to all the inputs and outputs of the fuzzy logic
controller. However, it is important to remember that tuning
A. Controller Design
the scaling gains is not the only solution for fuzzy logic
The MATLAB Fuzzy logic Toolbox is used to design the controller. The system can be also tuned via membership
FLC. First of all, it is important to define the crisp inputs. As it function shapes, positioning and number and type of rules
has been mentioned before, the system has three input forces [22].
to drive the crane along the X, Y and Z-axes. There are five As shown in the control logic system (Fig. 5), the scaling
output parameters: x, y, z, and . gains gex, gey, gez, gax, gay and gaz are added to both the
According to the scheme in Fig. 4 the outputs of the process proportional and the derivative terms of each of the controlled
are used as the controller inputs. We will therefore have axis X, Y and Z. The gains gux , guy and guz are also placed
MIMO system with 8 inputs and 3 outputs. For simplicity, the between the FLC and the 3D Crane. Further as we are
regulation of the X, Y and Z-axes will be divided separately considering the information about and angles of oscillation
onto MISO system. as another crisp input and their universes of discourse are not
It is important to note, that only one MIMO controller for known, the gains g and g are also introduced.
all the axes may be designed. At that, the system becomes All the mentioned gains are found during the experiment
more complex without any performance improvement. simulation. For the accurate positioning the standard solution
To develop the anti-swing regulator, the FLC also needs the was used: decrease the change-in-error term gain and barely
feedback from the angles and oscillation. X and Y-axes increase the error loop gain. On the whole, the scaling gains
therefore require three inputs and one driving force output for are chosen as follows: gex = 2, gey = 2, gez = 0.1, gax = 0.002,
the 3D Crane motors. gay = 0.04, gaz = 5, gux = 2, guy = 5, guz = 40, g = 2 and g = 2.
As soon as all the inputs and outputs are defined, the control
system can be specified. The block diagram of the designed V. EXPERIMENTATION R ESULTS
FLC is presented in Fig. 5. The simulation positioning results for various payload
The next step is to plot the membership functions of the masses of the PI anti-swing 5DOF control designed by the 3D
controller. The membership function quantifies the meaning of Crane manufacturer Inteco are provided in Fig. 7 Fig. 9.
the inputs and outputs. It can be seen in Fig. 6 that for the The payload oscillation results for both and angles are
crisp inputs the triangular membership function is used, shown in Fig. 10 and Fig. 11.
whereas the Gaussian membership functions are used for the The simulation positioning results for various payload
outputs. The universes of discourse L for inputs and outputs masses of the anti-swing 5DOF fuzzy logic control designed
are normalized on the range [1, 1]. The system is thus tuned in this paper are provided in Fig. 12 Fig. 14. The payload
via the scaling universes of discourse with the gains obtained oscillation results for both and angles are shown in Fig. 15
in experiments. and Fig. 16.
Finally, the design is concluded with the fuzzy linguistic For the fare comparison the same input forces have been
rules. Here it is important to imagine the behavior of the 3D given to the X, Y and Z-axes during the simulations. In
Crane system. Despite that the rules are usually presented in addition, before every simulation the object have been placed
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Fig. 11. Anti-swing 5DOF PI regulator angle of the payload oscillation Fig. 14. Anti-swing 5DOF fuzzy logic regulator Z-axis position simulation
simulation results.
Fig. 15. Anti-swing 5DOF fuzzy logic regulator angle of the payload
Fig. 12. Anti-swing 5DOF fuzzy logic regulator X-axis position simulation oscillation simulation results.
DOI: 10.1515/ecce-2015-0006
DOI: 10.1515/ecce-2015-0006
DOI: 10.1515/ecce-2015-0006