Final11 Ncsu

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ECE 464 / ECE 520

Final 2011

Each question is worth 2 points. The correct answer earns 2 points, the incorrect 0. You
have up to three hours to take this test. Answer all of the questions. Off-campus
students, please return this test completed as specified in the syllabus.

The exam is open book, open notes. No computers, PDAs, or cell-phones are allowed.
Please do NOT have cell phones on your desk.

Note that sometimes the answer is INTENTIONALLY E.

Clearly indicate your answers in the matrix below, except for those questions that are
answered on the page. For the multiple choice questions if you feel further explanation is
needed, please do so next to the actual question.

Name : _________________

Student Number : __________________

Question A B C D E

Question 1
What is wrong with the following code fragment?

D = A & C;
if (E) D = D | F;

A. Unintentional latches are being built.

B. A timing loop (or arc) is present.
C. D should not be assigned like this. Unbuildable wired-or logic is implied.
D. E is missing from the second sensitivity list.
E. Nothing is wrong with this code fragment.

Question 2
What is wrong with the following code fragment?

if (A) A = E ^ D;
else A = ~A;

A. Unintentional latches are being built.

B. A should not be assigned like this. Unbuildable wired-or logic is implied.
C. There is combinational logic feedback, i.e. a timing loop or arc.
D. The sensitivity list is incomplete.
E. Nothing is wrong with this code fragment.

Question 3
What logic function does the following code fragment describe? Sketch the logic.

wire [3:0] A;
wire [7:0] B;
wire [2:0] C;
wire [1:0] D;
assign A = {3b0, B[C]} << D ;

Question 4
Is === (3 = signs) synthesizable ?
A. No, as z and x cant appear in the actual logic.
B. Yes, as z or x are optimized out.
C. No, as neither == nor === are synthesizable.
D. Yes, as long as the variables being compared never take on the values of z or
E. None of the above are valid

Question 5
What is the main key to achieving fast designs in FPGAs? Why?

A. Try to map the entire design to fit into 18 bit multipliers.

B. Floorplan the design to maximize nearest neighbor data flow.
C. Use tri-state drivers as muxes
D. Use the Verilog templates for the clock to configure it to be fast.
E. None of the above.

Question 6
Are FPGAs commonly used in mobile, battery driven applications? Why?

A. Yes, often the volume in a mobile applications can not support the high NRE cost
of an ASIC.
B. Yes, the low per unit cost of FPGAs is appropriate to mobile applications.
C. No, the power consumption of an FPGA is generally too high when compared
with the other implementation styles.
D. No, FPGAs do not include RF parts and that is most of the chip area in a typical
mobile application.
E. None of the above apply.

Question 7
Sketch the logic being described by the following statement group.

wire signed [3:0] A, B, C;

wire [1:0] D;

assign C = {A,B} >>> D;

Question 8
What style of state encoding is used in the following FSM code fragment?

always@(posedge clock) state <= next_state;

always@(state or A)
case (state)
2b01 : if (A) next_state = 2b10;
2b10 : next_state = 2b01;
default : next_state = 2b01;
out = state[0];

A. Minimal sequential
B. Gray scale
C. One-hot encoding
D. No state encoding is specified.
E. Other.

Question 9
The code fragment in Question 8 is likely to implement unintended latches?
A. True
B. False

Question 10
Are User Defined Primitives synthesizable?
A. True
B. False

Question 11
Sketch the design described by the following code fragment.

task foo (input A, B; output C);

C = A ^ B;

always@(posedge clock) foo (D, E, D);

Question 12
If enable is high only 1% of the time, and the code below is synthesized, which of the
following will have the lowest power consumption.
wire [31:0] A, B, D;
reg [31:0] E;
always@(posedge clock)
if (enable) E <= A * B;

wire [31:0] A, B;
reg [31:0] AA, BB, E;
always@(posedge clock)
AA <= A;
BB <= B
if (enable) E <= AA * BB;


wire [31:0] A, B, AA, BB;
reg [31:0] E;
always@(posedge clock)
E <= AA * BB;
assign AA = enable ? A : 0;
assign BB = enable ? B : 0;

wire [31:0] A, B;
reg [31:0] E, AA, BB;
always@(posedge clock)
if (enable)
AA <= A;
BB <= B;
AA <= 0;
BB <= 0;
E <= AA * BB;

E. These all consume the same power.

Question 13
If the following logic is built exactly as described, which test vector sensitizes a stuck-at-
1 fault at g and propagates it to the output h.

wire a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h;

assign f = a ? b : c;
assign g = d | f;
assign h = e & g;

A. {a, b, c, d, e} = 5b10100;
B. {a, b, c, d, e} = 5b10101;
C. {a, b, c, d, e} = 5b11001;
D. {a, b, c, d, e} = 5b11000;
E. None of the above

Question 14
What does the following primitive describe:

primitive PlanetX (A, B, F);

output F;
reg F;
input A, B;
0 0 : 0
0 1 : 1
1 1 : 0
1 0 : 1

A. An XOR gate.
B. An OR gate.
C. An AND gate
D. A D flip-flop
E. None of the above

Question 15
Sketch the logic described by the following code fragment:

always@(posedge clock)
C = A | B;
D = C;

Question 16
If you accidently put glue logic high in the hierarchy what is the best way to fix it (short
of rewriting the code from scratch) with the least compromise?

A. Place the glue logic into a module by itself and group it with a neighboring
B. Flatten the entire design.
C. Work out the timing for the glue logic and specify it by hand to synthesis without
placing it in its own module.
D. Uniquify the glue logic so it can be synthesized.
E. None of the above would fix the problem.

Question 17
What does characterize constraints do?

A. Determines the clock frequency for the specified instance.

B. Determines the clock frequency for all modules of the same name as the specified
C. Determines the input and output delays for all instances that match the module
whose instance is specified here.
D. Determines the input and output delays for the specified instance.
E. None of the above.

Question 18
What best describes the main purpose of assertions?

A. To assert a specific property to Synopsys to ensure correct synthesis.

B. To place self-checking logic into the design.
C. To ensure that a specparam block is properly applied to the design.
D. To check that a specific behavior expected in the logic behaves as expected
during simulation.
E. None of the above apply

Question 19, 20

Both of these questions apply to the following code implemented exactly as described.

always@(posedge clock)
A <= C;
B <= F;
E <= H;
assign C = A;
assign F = B | E;
assign G = F & C;
assign H = G | A;

Each gate has a delay from its input to output as given as {1 : 2 : 3}, t_Cp_Q
is {1 : 2 : 3} the clock skew is 1 ns, the flip-flop setup time is 1 ns and the hold
time 1 ns. Format above is {min : typical : max}.

Question 19
The fastest possible viable clock period is:
A. 3 ns B. 5 ns
C. 14 ns D. 17 ns
E. None of the above

Question 20
Is there potential for a hold violation in this logic?
A. No, with a margin of 1 ns
B. No, with no margin
C. Yes, with a margin of 1 ns
D. Yes, with a margin of 2 ns
E. None of the above apply


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