CV For Website
CV For Website
CV For Website
Name David M. Gichoya
Place of Birth Kirinyaga County
Nationality Kenyan
Marital status Married
Hobbies Reading, travelling & swimming
Current employer: Moi University
Responsibility: Head, Department of Information Technology - April 2008- present.
Senior Lecturer, Dept. of Information Technology, School of Information Sciences.
University Teacher - Department of Information Science, Loughborough University.
Taught and examined undergraduate and post graduate students.
Moi University Senate May 2008 – present. Also between March 1999 – December 2002
Computer Society of Kenya
Maseno University
Dedan Kimathi University of Science and Technology
Muranga University College
Formally a member of:
- Subject panel for developing a curriculum for Diploma in Information Technology at
Kenya Institute of Education.
- Information science panel at the National Council for Science and Technology
Book published
Gichoya, D. 2011. Government Informatics: towards successful implementation of ICT
projects in developing countries. Lambert Academic Publishing GmbH & Co. KG,
Duweiler Landstr Saarbrucken, Germany.
Journal Papers
1. Gudu, J., Gichoya, D. 2013 An Opportunity to Achieve the 5th Millennium
Development Goal in Kenya Using E-Medical Consultation in the Diagnosis and
Treatment of Hypertension in Pregnancy. International Journal of Electronics
Communication and Computer Engineering. Volume 4, Issue 1, 2278–4209.
2. Mwai, N., Kiplang'at, J & Gichoya, D (2013). Application of Resource Dependency
Theory and Transaction Cost Theory in analysing outsourcing Information
Communication and Technology Services in selected public universities in Kenya.
Emerald Electronic Library, vol:32, Iss:6 May 2013.
3. Gudu J., Gichoya. D., Nyongesa, P., and Muumbo, A. 2012. Development of a Medical
Expert System as an Expert Knowledge Sharing Tool on Diagnosis and Treatment of
Hypertension in Pregnancy. International Journal of Bioscience, Biochemistry and
Bioinformatics, Vol. 2, No. 5, pp. 297-300
4. Gichoya, D., 2006. Factors affecting the successful implementation of ICT projects in
Government. Electronic Journal of E-government, 3 (4), pp. 175-184
5. Bii, H. and Gichoya, D., 2006. Challenges of establishing and managing an IRM centre
in a Kenyan Public University: A critical review of papers by Moi University’s IRM
centre Staff. Electronic Journal of Information Systems in Developing Countries 26
(4), pp 1-11.
Other Contributions
1. Gichoya, D, 2006, Government Informatics: Challenges of ICT Implementation
in Government. Governance in The Commonwealth: Civic Engagement and
Democratic Accountability. Commonwealth Scholarship Commission, London
2. Gichoya, D., 2006, Challenges of ICT implementation is the government of Kenya:
A perspective. Knowledge Management Group, Loughborough University.
3. Gichoya, D., 2000, Information Technology (IT) Training in Kenya: A Critical
Study, Kenya Library Association Annual Conference, Nairobi.
4. Gichoya, D., 1997, Towards Skilling the Human Resources Personnel through
Computerisation, Institute of Personnel Management Seminar, Panafric Hotel, Nairobi.
Gichoya, D. M. Government Informatics: Towards successful implementation of
ICT projects’. Unpublished PhD thesis. 2007. Loughborough University
Gichoya, D. M., A Genetic Algorithm for solving the Travelling Salesman Problem.
Unpublished MSc thesis. 1996. Shanghai University.
Thesis supervised:
1. Towards Adoption and Implementation of Open Source Software in Kenyan
University Information Resource centers
2. An Assessment of Outsourcing Information Communication Technology Services
in Selected Public University Libraries in Kenya.
3. The Role of Mobile Phone Technology in Information Empowerment of Rural
1. Enterprise resource planning systems (ERP): characteristics of the selection
criteria and implementation processes in SMEs.
2. A medical expert system for antenatal service delivery by the Moi Teaching and
Referral Hospital
3. Artificial Neural network model for evaluating and selecting IT investments
4. Managing web-based records as a business tool.
5. Artificial neural network based expert system for loan application evaluation
6. Use of ICT in the management of pension’s scheme
7. Adoption of E-Learning to support teaching and learning in Kenyan Public
8. Developing ICT-enabled services in local authorities in Kenya.
9. The utilization of ICTs in small and medium enterprises (SMEs) in selected
firms in Westlands constituency, Nairobi.
10. An intelligent agent for estimating human capacity in ICTs service support at
Kenya revenue authority
11. An investigation into security of information within the network of MMUST.
12. Information Management and e-governance in Kenya.
13. An Intelligent Decision Support System for Human Resource Management.
14. A web-based health information system for residents of Kibera slum in Nairobi