Goldfinch: A Bto Garden Birdwatch Factsheet
Goldfinch: A Bto Garden Birdwatch Factsheet
Goldfinch: A Bto Garden Birdwatch Factsheet
An adult Goldfinch should be unmistakable, with its red, white and black head, gold
wing-bars and black and white wings. Although males and females look similar,
the red mask of the male extends back behind the eye, whereas that of the female
doesnt. Recently fledged birds do not acquire the red face until late in the summer
or during early autumn.
A GOLDFINCH NEST is a neat and
compact structure, with a deep cup. The
egg-laying period extends from late April
through into August, with some young still In addition to bird feeding, other forms of
in the nest into September. wildlife gardening can give Goldfinches a boost.
The nestlings are fed a mixture of Here are some ideas:
regurgitated seeds and insects, with
those of early broods receiving a greater
proportion of insects (presumably because
Like other common finches, Goldfinches
seem to favour gardens that have large
there are more available). Late fledging trees nearby. Planting a Silver Birch or
young can be spotted in autumn gardens, Rowan can provide some much needed
their plain heads height and will help to attract birds.
(pictured) being
Plant Teasels for their seeds, which are
much favoured by Goldfinches. If you are
worried about the invasive habits of this
plant then why not grow them in a pot.
Goldfinches are very mobile birds, a habit that
enables them to exploit favoured foods as the seasons
turn. Goldfinches are partial migrants, meaning that a
proportion of the UK breeding population migrates each
autumn to more favourable wintering grounds, typically
in France or Spain.
These travellers do not appear to have set wintering
grounds, their opportunistic feeding behaviour
promoting a more nomadic lifestyle.
There is some evidence that female Goldfinches are
more likely to depart for warmer, southerly wintering
grounds than are males. Although this means a tougher
winter for the males, they are closer to their breeding
grounds when spring arrives, which could help them to
claim a good territory.
The attractive plumage and voice of the Goldfinch meant that it was very popular as a caged bird
during the 19th Century, a fashion that put great strain on their numbers. Live-trapping of Goldfinches is
now banned in Britain & Ireland. In some parts of Europe Goldfinches are still caught in automatic traps
known as Chardonnerets, Chardonneret also being the French word for Goldfinch.
The Anglo Saxon name for the Goldfinch was thistle-tweaker, underlining the preference of feeding
Goldfinches for the seeds of Teasel and thistle. The Goldfinch is the only one of our birds to be able to
extract teasel seeds from their narrow seed heads; mind you, even female Goldfinches find this difficult
because their bills, while narrow, are not quite long enough to do the job without a struggle.
Images by John Harding, Amy Lewis, Jill Pakenham and Mike Toms. Map from Time to Fly by Jim Flegg, published by BTO
Bird Facts
Population: 300 thousand pairs
Conservation Status: Green-listed
Diet: small seeds (esp. daisies) often
half-ripe, some invertebrates.
Typical lifespan 1 year
Max recorded 8 years, 8 months
Breeding Ecology
Clutch size 5 eggs
No. broods 2 (3)
Incubation 1315 days
Young in nest 1417 days
BTO Garden BirdWatch is the only nationwide survey of garden birds to run weekly throughout the year,
providing important information on how birds use gardens, and how this use changes over time. The project
is funded by participants contributions and is the largest year-round survey of garden birds in the World.
Participants receive the quarterly magazine Bird Table, have access to GBW Online and the expertise of the BTOs
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